Crash Course (2022) s01e09 Episode Script

Free Falling

You're not old enough to do as you please.
Papa, please trust me.
I know what I'm doing.
I want to study Physics
from A.K. sir of Batra Institute.
I've been told that
he is already teaching you
at his house,
alone at night!
Isn't he?
This is not how it sounds.
There are only a few toppers
like Vidhi Gupta in Kota,
and Batra Institute
is never their first choice.
Therefore, a temptation
is needed to pull them.
-Ashutosh Kumar is young,
handsome, expressive, dynamic.
Innocent girls are easily lured
No! That's untrue, sir.
A.K. sir isn't anything like that.
See how quick you are to defend him!
Sir, he is a good man.
He has helped me a lot!
He has brainwashed you.
He is a very good teacher, you can't say
Shut up!
You're misbehaving now, for that teacher?
Please. Why don't you understand?
L.C. sir is not a good teacher.
Papa, please listen to me.
-Listen to you?
-Please, Papa!
Please calm down.
Forget that she asked for a transfer,
Mr. Jindal.
I've already forgotten.
-You're not going anywhere!
No, she won't.
Don't hate me, Vidhi.
Why are you punishing me?
Why aren't you listening to me, Papa?
Don't shout!
I have to scream
because you're not listening to me!
I did not have an affair with him!
I'm done listening to you!
You're the first and the biggest failure
of my life, Vidhi.
Get it?
I want to speak to Grandma.
You can't treat me like this.
Only she understands me.
-The number you've dialed
-Why isn't she answering her phone?
Please call her, Mummy.
I want to speak to her.
-She is no more.
Sudden heart failure.
Even though we were under such stress,
we decided not to tell you about it
so that you could focus on your studies.
You decided this?
And to add to it, we had to come to Kota
only to hear Jindal complain about you.
You should be ashamed!
Akanksha, have you seen T.P.?
Yes, she has shifted to Room 303.
All okay?
Open the door, T.P.!
She's calling you
for the second time, Binny.
Must be for her stupid request.
"Binny, I want to shift
to Batra Institute."
We're trying to shut the institute down,
and she's hell-bent on joining it!
She's so stubborn.
The grant has just been sanctioned, so
One second, sorry.
Where are you? I've been calling!
Why aren't you picking up my calls?
Listen, your dad has finally calmed down.
Please join us for dinner. Okay?
Hi, Vidhi. Looking great.
Sathya, is Anil there?
Yeah, just a second. Hold on.
Have you suddenly become deaf?
Vidhi is screaming her lungs out. Go.
It's a stupid, fucking drama!
One slap, and she'll come to her senses.
Get up. Come on. Go.
What are you doing here?
Standing and screaming
in the middle of the road!
Do you want me thrown out of the hostel?
Anil, I'm sorry
I don't know where to begin.
Ratan Jindal is spreading
dirty rumors about me.
It's not true, it's a lie.
It's all lies.
And you know, Anil, my Grandma
I don't care, Vidhi!
Why are you reacting like this, Anil?
Because I'm fucking tired
of being treated like a fool.
Go to Ashutosh Kumar
and tell him about your troubles.
He'll advise you.
Where did you hear about this?
I wouldn't have believed it
if I heard about it,
but I saw you two together.
Finally, now that I've gotten rid of you,
I've managed to reach Section B.
I don't want to see you ever again.
Mr. Narendra Gupta.
Over there, table number nine.
Whatever we do
Whatever we're doing
is in your best interest.
Your father always says,
if there's anyone in the family
who can surpass him, it is you.
If there's anyone who can
become an IIT topper, it is you, Vidhi.
A lot is expected of you, Vidhi.
Stop wasting your time with this nonsense.
Say sorry to your father.
I love you, T.P.
Good morning, ma'am.
You're leaving early, Vidhi.
My classes start early today.
Okay, all the best.
Thank you, ma'am.
Vidhi is gone!
She is gone!
She is no more!
Where were we?
Where were you?
You said you loved her!
Why weren't you there for her?
Say something!
Speak up!
Was Vidhi herself lately?
I mean,
did you notice anything different?
Okay. Take care.
Okay. Yes, I will call you.
Yes, I'll call you.
You never told me
Vidhi was your cousin.
Sorry for your loss.
-I've asked so many times!
-Please calm down.
Where is Mr. Jindal?
-Call him.
-Why are you stopping us?
We want answers.
Ask him to come out
and speak to the media.
Why is he hiding?
Mr. Jindal, there was a furor
over suicides recently
which almost shut down your institute.
Now there's been another student suicide.
What do you have to say about this?
I'm not worried about myself.
I am not at all worried about myself.
But an innocent girl has lost her life.
It is important that she gets justice.
The truth behind Vidhi Gupta's
unfortunate demise must be uncovered soon.
Which truth are you talking about?
You are an eminent personality in Kota.
I'm sure everyone wants to know
your views on this.
See, I rarely deal
directly with the students.
Therefore, I don't have much information
about this incident
about Vidhi, unfortunately.
Mr. Dheeraj Khandelwal
from our institute
has been the strongest pillar
of R.J. Institute.
I'm sure he can shed some light
on this matter.
I still
can't believe that Vidhi is no more.
I'm ashamed of the fact
that she had to take such a step
despite all of us being there.
Vidhi was a brilliant student.
She was a student of Section A.
Section A, which is an important section
for our institute
and especially Mr. Jindal.
As Mr. Jindal said, he's not directly
involved with the students' progress,
but he does guide us from time to time.
Vidhi Gupta approached me
at the beginning of the term.
She she wanted my permission
to go and study Physics
with Ashutosh Kumar from Batra Institute.
I refused, and I thought
she wouldn't pursue the matter.
But Batra Institute continued
with their efforts to poach her.
Ashutosh Kumar and his institute
pressurized Vidhi so much
that she had to forge my signature.
Students do this often,
which is absolutely okay because
All I want to tell my competitor is
If you want to compete,
compete in ranks
in providing good education, in marks.
But using a young professor
to poach innocent girls
please don't resort to this.
Please don't do this!
Go away, Binny. I don't want to talk
Have you lost your mind?
Did you or did you not sleep
with Vidhi Gupta?
Fuck off!
Vidhi was my sister.
She was very sensitive.
Whenever she was upset,
she would come up here.
Is this the whole truth, Ashutosh?
The truth is
Vidhi has always reminded me of Rumi.
Our Rumi?
The same innocence.
The same potential.
I just wanted to help Vidhi
because I couldn't help Rumi.
Did you tell Vidhi about Rumi?
I don't tell my students
about my girlfriend and past affairs
You bastard, you questioned my morality!
Vidhi and I?
Fucking disgusting.
Did Vidhi ever tell you
that I was her brother?
You still think
I was a bad influence on Rumi?
What went wrong with Rumi and why
is something we've never agreed on.
But I just want you to know
that I'd never ever touch Vidhi.
She wanted to be a girl topper
and I wanted to see a girl as a topper!
I can't believe that
I have to tell you to believe me.
And what about Jindal
and K.D.'s press conference?
I'm not guilty of what
these guys are accusing me of!
I'm just guilty of the fact
that I tried to poach Vidhi.
I've also poached thousands
of students, Ashutosh.
But this is not how things turn out.
Are you sure?
Have the thousands of students
that you've poached become legends?
Did everything work out well for them?
Are you sure, Binny?
It wasn't easy, Vidya.
It wasn't easy for me.
You used to keep saying
we should do something.
I've always wanted to do it but
I was always conflicted.
After this, I don't need
to ask anyone for anything.
Vidya, we can do what we want to do.
You know, D
I'm happy for you.
You know, you've finally found yourself.
And whatever you've decided,
you must've put some thought
into it, isn't it?
Whatever I have done,
-I did it for both of us.
No. Only for you.
No, Vidya. Don't say that,
it was for both of us.
-What will I do without you?
-Don't back out now.
-And you shouldn't.
You have managed to set everything right.
Your home,
your money, security
your wife
No! Please!
and me as well.
No. Please don't say this!
What I've done, Vidya,
this is for both of us.
Grow up.
Grow up, D.
Grow up.
You know what? I can't
I can't even spit on your face!
Don't do this.
Vidya, please don't do this.
Vidya, please don't go!
Please don't do this.
Vidya, I did this for both of us!
For the both of us, Vidya!
I'm from Bharat News, ma'am.
Can we please sit and talk about this?
Vidya ma'am, we tried
to speak to Ashutosh Kumar,
but he refused to comment on the matter.
It takes time.
When is the last time you got
a straight answer to your questions?
The police are investigating the matter.
Till then, all activity
at Batra Institute will be closed.
But, ma'am, what about the students?
I can't go against the law, but I will
surely try and help the students.
I will speak to Mr. Ramprakash Meena
if he could request other institutes
to accommodate the Batra students.
They're saying Vidhi was
a psycho, she was depressed and whatnot.
What do I do?
Who do I hold responsible?
Who is responsible for turning
the education system into a business?
Jindal? Shashank?
Or was it me?
Yes me!
Vidhi isn't the first
and she won't be the last.
I have blood on my hands.
You always said
let's leave this city.
Let's leave.
Let's go.
You mean, run away?
This city means nothing to me now.
I have nothing left here anymore.
Students who look like corpses
with Jindal and Shashank
buzzing over them like flies.
Motherfucking bastards!
How do you do this, Mr. Jindal?
How do you do it?
A girl from your institute
has committed suicide
and here you are, having a drink!
Celebrating! How do you do it?
You give pills to your students
so that your institute stays number one.
You talk of the dreams of your father
and your grandfather.
What about the dreams of all the parents
whose children you have killed?
Say something!
Vidhi Gupta asked for your permission
to take extra classes.
If only you had informed me about it then,
this suicide wouldn't have happened.
Have you ever thought about it?
Yes, I have. Many times.
But what you're doing isn't right either.
Damn it
Open the door, T.P.!
T.P., open the door!
Open the door, T.P.!
I love you, T.P.
I will look after you,
but only if you let me call you T.P.
We heard about your roommate.
We are really sorry for your loss.
"Batra students, welcome to R.J."
"Hassle-free, cost-free transfer
in one hour."
I have another option, sir.
Course portability.
"You can now study the same course" No!
Now you can study all the same courses
with better teachers from R.J. Institute.
K.D., have a look!
Happy days are here again.
Already 3000 new admissions.
After this ad
Whether or not Batra Institute reopens
after three months
it's finished.
-Thank you, sir.
-Work on it.
Yes, sir.
-Mr. Jindal
Listen to me.
There's something
I want to share with you.
All our efforts for so many years
and finally, one suicide is all it took!
Please don't
No, we have We are the winners.
-Mr. Jindal, I
Sit down. Sit.
-Sit on this chair.
-Come on.
-No, Mr. Jindal.
-Come on. Have a seat.
-What are you
-Just sit.
Have a seat.
Have a seat. Come on.
We will accommodate the new Batra students
in that old HMI building I had bought.
You take charge.
You be the HOD of the faculty.
No, I won't
Mr. Jindal, I
And your package
will include a 10% stake in R.J.
Which makes you a de facto owner
of 10% of Kota city.
I told you
I like loyalty.
I admire loyalty.
Something has been troubling me
for the past few days, Ms. Vidya.
The plight of these children
brings tears to my eyes.
This job doesn't allow me
to have a conscience.
To hell with this job!
I don't want to do this dirty job.
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