Curses! (2023) s01e09 Episode Script

The Aztec Necklace

[Pandora] I've gone up against baboons,
stone lizard babies, Noppera-bõ,
a messenger, a selkie,
and our supervillain ancestor.
But I'm still not allowed
to use power tools?
Make it make sense.
[grunts] It helps me feel like I have
an iota of control over your safety.
Humor me, Pan.
I feel your pain, Pandora.
Years of swashbuckling experience,
and I'm not allowed to throw
a single dagger.
I simply suggested you choose a hobby
that is less dependent
on having limbs and muscles
-and decent aim.
It would be a hazard.
Russ. Do you have the flashlight?
It's too dark. I can't see the vault.
Oh, look at that.
What did you find? Anything interesting?
[Russ] The walls are covered with briar.
What about the red thorns?
I see them. I also see--
Wait, what is that?
See, no one's in there.
No one alive, at least.
-That's what I'm afraid of.
Is this what you saw, Russ?
Yes. Who is that?
That's Apollo. Alex's father.
Your grandfather.
He's not alone. Look.
[Sky] That's Apollo's twin, Artemis.
I don't recognize the rest.
Well, there's Xerxes, Alex's grandfather.
Freya, Cornelius's daughter, poor girl.
And this one needs no introduction.
[blows raspberry]
[Russ gasps] The vault.
I knew I'd need to remember that
combination from Cornelius's memory.
[strains, grunting]
[Pandora] This is the final boss artifact?
A bowling ball?
Look at the indentation.
[Sky] Huh.
The hourglass is the missing piece.
Indeed. We've come full circle.
The end of our journey is nigh.
[all gasping]
-Oh, no. Linda, don't!
[Pandora] Linda! Stop!
[gasps, grunts]
Oh, no. Linda.
-[Sky sighs]
-[Pandora whimpers]
So, Cornelius finally got the chest,
but when he touched the hourglass,
he turned to stone like Linda.
But Alex didn't touch the hourglass
and he still turned to stone.
My logical deduction is that
when you touch the artifact,
you get cursed, but if you steal it,
your family gets cursed, too.
That's why the briar's been leading us
to these artifacts.
To reverse the curse
Cornelius set in motion.
The briar led us to this chest,
but we can't touch it? I don't get it.
Hmm. We must be missing something.
[Sky] Hmm.
[gasps] Bingo. Hieroglyphs.
-We need to get these translated.
-[shutter clicks]
[Georgia] "Bring two pieces together
to unlock great power.
The third piece is a mighty shield."
Third piece?
Where did you say you saw this?
I'm helping Alex
with some research for his book.
I see.
Sky, do you have time to chat
in my office?
Sure. Um, I'm right behind you.
[cell phone chimes]
"The third piece"?
Does anyone see a third piece?
Maybe ol' barnacle hid it.
One of the first things you learn
as a pirate is "don't bury
all your treasure in one place."
I don't think Cornelius had time
to hide anything.
Looks like he turned to stone as soon
as he touched the hourglass.
Maybe it's like that puzzle box
that Russ was obsessed with.
[stammers] I wasn't obsessed.
You love the puzzle box.
You wanna marry the puzzle bo--
[screams, grunts]
Oh, no! Am I turning to stone?
-On the contrary, the outcome is positive.
[Russ] Huh.
[Georgia] I'm worried about you, Sky.
A few months ago, you seemed
ready to accept the job here,
and now you're working on Alex's book?
Oh, Georgia, I am so sorry
for not getting back to you.
I have big plans for you
here at the museum.
If you aren't interested anymore,
just tell me.
I am definitely interested.
I've been so busy with the kids,
and Alex is on a tight deadline, so--
so it's all hands on deck.
But we're almost done.
All right, dear.
In the meantime, let me know
if you need to talk about anything else.
Thank you. Everything's going to be fine.
I'll be in touch very soon.
-[door closes]
I did not locate a flower necklace,
but I did find this shoved behind a crate.
The map from Cornelius's memory.
This is where the chest came from.
We still need to find that necklace.
We looked everywhere. It's not here.
There's no mention of it in the journals,
Wait a minute.
I just remembered something.
Nobody move. [panting]
"The Creepy Chronicle"?
Pandora, where did you get these?
I've had a subscription since I was eight.
Dad said it was okay.
Of course he did.
Hmm. Here it is.
"The Bruja of the Yucatán jungle."
That means "witch" in Spanish.
-Uh, everyone knows that.
-[chuckles] Let me read it.
-You don't need to. Look at the picture.
Uh-- Huh?
That's the thing from the chest.
Since the chest is hopefully
the last artifact, enjoy your time off.
[both] Hmm.
Uh, actually, I have one favor to ask.
I-I know she's-- but could you--
We will take great care of her.
-All right, kids. Margie's waiting.
[Pandora panting]
Sky, I gotta ask, these artifacts
we've been transporting,
they're not illegal, are they?
We've been friends a long time,
so I'll tell you the truth.
[sighs] The artifacts--
there's no other way to say this--
they're cursed.
But not illegal? Phew! That's a relief.
Curses we can handle. The Feds?
That's a whole other kettle of fish.
Really? You're not freaked out?
Even I had a hard time believing it
at first, and it's my family.
When my friends tell me something,
I trust 'em.
Simple as that.
Thank you for understanding. [sighs]
I'm sorry I didn't clue you in sooner.
I get it. You're protecting your family.
But, Sky, you're my family,
and I gotta protect you.
For my next painting, I'm gonna
experiment with Renaissance style.
Hmm. Hmm.
I've also been curious about pottery.
You may not have time for so many
new hobbies, Larry.
The family might still need
our assistance from time to time.
Stan, you got to accept reality.
Once they break this blasted curse
and Alex comes back,
nobody's gonna want
to come down here anymore.
We're retiring whether we like it or not.
I do not like it.
I prefer my life to have purpose.
If I am not useful, what am I?
[gasps, groans]
-We have water, food…
-[Pandora] And a hiking map.
The shop guy said the local guides
don't work this route anymore
because they're scared
of the witch in the woods.
I guess we're on our own, then.
[groans, chuckles] Great.
[sniffing] Hmm.
Do you kids smell that? It's floral.
Looks like the flower on the necklace.
-And there's more.
I bet this trail ends at a candy house,
like Hansel and Gretel.
As in, the fairy tale where two kids are
trapped and almost eaten by a witch?
Yeah, but there's candy.
Well, speaking of endings.
What now, Mom?
I guess I'm going in.
You wait here for my signal, okay?
[Pandora] Mm-hmm. [grunts]
-[Sky gasps]
[both panting]
-Mmm. It's so beautiful.
Do you see any candy?
It seems like there should be candy.
-[person] Don't do that!
Greetings, travelers. I'm Ania.
You're-- I-I know you.
Oh, many people think they know me
due to my welcoming demeanor. [chuckles]
You must be hungry.
Uh, come, come, let's eat.
She's the archaeologist we saw
in Cornelius's memory.
-She's a witch?
-It does look like her,
but that took place a hundred years ago.
-[Pandora, Sky scream]
Everything all right?
Don't you want to join me for a snack?
I made extra for my daughter Dahlia,
but-- but she is running a bit late.
Have you and your daughter lived here
for a long time?
In Mexico, yes.
We moved around the country a lot at first
but have been in the Yucatán for years.
Ania, your necklace is beautiful.
Where is it from?
That is a long story. [chuckles]
Lucky for you,
I have plenty of time to tell it.
Once upon a time,
I was an archaeology student
with a zeal for Aztec artifacts.
It was hard to access information
about ancient civilizations back then.
Uh, back when?
A long time ago. Don't interrupt.
I was the only woman in my class.
No one took me seriously enough
to fund my expedition
until, one day,
I met a mysterious collector.
That was Cornelius!
Our great-times-three-grandpa.
-[clears throat]
You are the descendants
of Cornelius Vanderhouven?
Yes, but we wish we weren't.
We're cursed because of that monster.
And because of an artifact
you led him to, a chest.
Tlatoani's Defense? You have it?
I've spent years wondering
what happened to that chest.
What can you tell us about it?
I initially offered to guide Cornelius
to it because I was desperate
to advance my archaeology career.
[inhales sharply]
-But during the journey to Mexico…
…I began to regret my decision.
[Cornelius] With the protection
of Tlatoani's Defense,
I will be free from consequence.
My quest will never know failure!
[Ania] Tlatoani's Defense is supposed
to protect great leaders from defeat.
But I realized Cornelius deserved
whatever fate he wanted to avoid.
I knew I had to keep him from using it,
but how?
He was determined to have it.
Fortunately, through my research,
I knew the powers of the chest
could not be accessed without
the third piece, a shielding element.
But Cornelius did not.
[Cornelius] Light the fuse!
[Ania panting]
[Cornelius laughs]
[sighs] I made it my life's goal
to keep Tlatoani's Defense away
from Cornelius and others
who would abuse its protective powers.
So I disappeared into the jungle,
where I soon discovered this necklace
has the power of life.
And that is why I am still here.
The necklace makes you immortal?
I don't know about that, but it's
shielded me from all sorts of harm.
That's what we need to touch
the hourglass.
Ania, come back with us
so we can break the curse. Please.
Otherwise, Russ and Pandora
will be next to turn to stone.
Stone? Of course, I will come and help.
Families should be together.
Wonderful. Thank you.
Our plane is parked outside the jungle.
Not now. [chuckles] It's dark.
Let's get some sleep,
and we'll go in the morning.
It's not that late. The sun's out.
Dahlia will definitely have returned
by now.
I'll introduce you in the morning.
You'll adore her.
We gotta do something.
We can't stay here all night.
I hate to say it, but we could steal
her necklace when she's not looking.
That would make us no better
than Cornelius.
If Ania needs time,
we have to respect that.
[Sky breathing deeply]
[faint whispering in distance]
-Psst! Russ, you awake?
I hear someone talking. Do you?
[whispering continues]
Must be Ania or her daughter.
I've gotta go figure out what's going on.
Wait, I'm coming with you.
[faint whispering]
-Russ, listen. There's the voice.
It's Ania. See? Let's go back.
Hold on. She's talking to someone.
I wanna see who.
[Ania] My darling,
it hurts me to see you so lonely.
Yes-- Yes, I understand.
I know you're weary of strangers,
but these children are lovely.
-[grunts, sneezes]
-[Ania] The girl, she reminds me of you.
-Sorry. Allergies.
That was a close one. Let's go.
-[Russ yells]
-Can't sleep?
-Oh, uh, yeah. You know, jet lag.
Let me show you my garden.
The moonflowers are stunning tonight.
I think we'd rather just--
Come on, just a quick peek.
You've never seen anything like it.
[Russ, Pandora] Uh…
It's really pretty,
but we should get some sleep.
-[Russ, Pandora] No!
[panting, grunting]
What in the-- [sighs]
What did I tell you about
Hansel and Gretel?
-Hmm? [grunts]
Pandora? Russ? Where are you?
Russ? Pandora? Russ?
Ania? Is that you?
You must be Ania's daughter.
Dahlia, right?
Hi. I'm Sky, and I'm looking for my kids.
[gasps, panting]
[gasps] Sky. What are you doing up?
Where are my children?
Oh, they went to see my moonflowers.
They'll be back soon.
It's so nice having visitors.
Ania, we don't have time for games.
I'm not playing games.
Your family is responsible
for the curse that ruined my life.
-The least you can do
is keep us company for a while.
Russ, Pandora and I have nothing to do
with that curse.
We all hate what Cornelius did.
-We are fighting on the same side.
-Russ, listen. It's Mom.
[Sky] Tell me where my children are!
Mom! We're in here! Mom!
I've spent my life protecting the world
from Tlatoani's Defense,
and what thanks do I get?
Dahlia and I had to sneak around
from one jungle to another
because people fear me. Call me a bruja.
-And then, one day, I wake up,
and Dahlia, she was… [cries] …like that.
I'm so sorry, Ania.
If that happens to my kids,
I'll be devastated.
You see, the theft of that chest
set the curse in motion
for your family and ours.
And we have a chance to stop it if we--
How dare you call me a thief
after all I've been through?
-Mom! [grunts]
Enjoy your family time.
I'm sorry we left.
Oh, my babies.
I'm sorry you've had to go through this.
We'll come up with something.
I'm sure we will.
This is not okay.
We did not come this close
to breaking the curse to fail now!
Ania! Ania! [grunts]
[Pandora grunting]
Ugh, they're destroying my garden.
They're acting like I've locked them
in a dungeon. [chuckles]
This is paradise.
Better than the family of
Cornelius Vanderhouven deserves.
[inhales sharply] They'll calm down soon,
and the three of you will become
the best of friends.
I-- [inhales sharply] I just know it.
[Russ, Sky grunting]
Hmm? Oh, no, not my plumerias.
If you rip out one more plumeria,
I will make sure you regret it.
-Ania, please let us out.
No, I cannot let Cornelius Vanderhouven's
family walk free.
I want justice.
You may think you're a hero,
but you're not.
Cornelius would've never gotten that chest
if you hadn't led him to it.
I know that for a fact.
You know nothing, child.
I was young. I've more than made up
for that error in judgment.
But now you're making another one!
Sure, you protected the world
from Cornelius way back when.
But now he's gone.
The only thing we're gonna use
that chest for is to save our dad.
He didn't do anything wrong,
just like your daughter.
If you keep us here, you're the villain.
Who's gonna protect the world from you?
[inhales sharply, groans]
-[whimpering, sniffles]
Don't look at me like that.
I only meant to punish Cornelius.
I didn't know his family would be
cursed as well. [inhales sharply]
[exhales sharply]
I never would've kept the necklace
if I knew that this was going to happen.
What's the point of having this much time
if it's not with you?
[Sky sighs, groans]
[Pandora, Russ groan]
Hmm? Whoa.
-[grunts, sighs]
[strains, groans]
Take this.
You don't have to--
You-You can just come with us.
I don't want it anymore. You were right.
I was trying to keep Cornelius
from having too much power,
and it corrupted me instead.
After you rescue your father,
make sure Tlatoani's Defense is destroyed.
Either by your hands or by those
to whom it rightfully belongs.
Ania, thank you.
[Sky] Let's take advantage
of the full moon.
You two tell Alex to get ready.
I'll grab the hourglass.
-Roger that.
[Larry grunts]
Water is in. Now add the offerings.
[Pandora] Dad?
Where is he?
He should've answered by now.
Something's wrong.
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