Cyberpunk: Edgerunners (2022) s01e09 Episode Script


[upbeat music]
Eyes, burning a way through me ♪
Eyes, destroying so sweetly ♪
Now, there is a fire in me ♪
A fire that burns ♪
This fire is out of control ♪
I'll burn it, I'll burn it
I'll burn it, I'll burn it down ♪
I'll burn it, I'll burn it
I'll burn it, I'll burn it down ♪
[upbeat music]
[David] The cargo's rolling
into town from the East.
Got a whole truck to clap
before it hits city limits.
Haul's two and a half mill. Paid upfront.
To be divied as per usual.
[Falco] Holy moly.
This job's a bona fide
repmaker, that's for sure.
[Rebecca scoffs] Well,
target's a corp, ain't it?
- Convoy like that, think I know which one.
- [groans]
[Falco] Arasaka.
[Falco] Now, I ain't trying
to water down the pot.
Half a mill a head is nice and all,
but really think five of us is enough?
[Kiwi] Security footprint
on the convoy's peculiarly small.
'Saka probably posting a limited crew
to cast a short shadow.
Keep a low profile.
Let's strategize our revamp after today.
[Rebecca] I don't know about that, chooms.
[David] No need to overthink this.
Smash, grab, deliver. It's what we do.
Easy peasy.
Biz as usual.
[Rebecca] "Biz as usual", my ass.
[Faraday] The cyberskeleton. Do you
truly believe he can manage it?
[Kiwi] Well, Arasaka does, at least.
After seeing his chemistry
mesh so well with the Sandevistan.
It's why Tanaka wanted David back
at the Academy so badly.
To use him as a lab rat for test runs.
[Faraday] And the girl
shredded David's file.
She hoped Arasaka's plans for him
would simply disappear.
[Kiwi] That's how I see it.
Praying Tanaka tied up a loose end.
[Faraday] Hmm.
So, Maine and Dorio
were mere collateral damage in her scheme.
[Kiwi] Sure. In hindsight.
[Faraday] So much carnage
for one so petite.
I wonder.
How many has she killed
to save this one punk?
[water splashes]
[Kiwi] I dove a little deeper.
Learned she was once an Arasaka operative.
Corp groomed her as a kid
- to mine data in the Old Net.
- [shutter clicks]
[sighs] Explains her cutting through
Arasaka ICE as if it were soap.
[man laughs heartily]
Simply too perfect.
She will be the cherry we drop on top.
Our guarantee Arasaka
welcomes us with open arms.
This girl's a fast-lane ticket
up the corporate rungs!
[Kiwi scoffs] Didn't see you
as such a simp corpo climber.
What are fixers
if not glorified pet owners
who keep their mercenary hounds well fed?
There is but one true measure
of success in Night City.
One standing in the corporate world.
And to keep climbing, I shall need
your continued support.
[Kiwi] Don't think you dangled me
out there enough already?
[Faraday] You make it sound
as if I'm forcing you.
At the moment, only I have
corp immunity for the Tanaka incident.
[Kiwi] Slimy as ever.
[Faraday] Come on.
Let's play nice for old-time's sake.
Besides, aren't you thrilled
to take Arasaka money
while fucking Militech with the same hand?
I'm certain Arasaka won't object.
I'll personally negotiate
your commission and immunity.
[Kiwi] Never trust a soul in Night City.
[sighs] The fools
who make that mistake get burned.
[Kiwi] And David, a bargaining chip too?
[Faraday] Naturally.
I've the perfect plan in mind.
And I'm confident
Arasaka will be onboard too.
- [phone rings]
- [gasps]
[Farada] It's me.
And have I got a juicy job for you.
[Rebecca] Emergency meeting?
What gives, choomba?
[David] Faraday came through for us.
Scored us our biggest gig yet.
Huge risk, huge reward.
Tack out now if you do not
want to face that kind of heat.
- Hm-mmm.
- [scoffs]
- I'm counting on you too, Kiwi.
- Sure.
[Rebecca] Come on. Granny and Grampsy
are [indistinct] the bench this round.
[Falco] Think your little chicken legs
will reach the pedals?
[Rebecca] Yo! Fair
[Falco] What's the plan?
[David] Security detail. Small but elite.
Faraday's brought in a decoy crew to split
'Saka's attention and manpower.
[man laughs] Come on!
[Rebecca] Decoys?
[Kiwi] Diversion aimed
to give us an opening.
Though, I'm sure Faraday
didn't tell them that.
[Rebecca] Oh.
[Falco] Classic Faraday shenanigans.
Of course mother Anna's around
the bond too. Decoys for decoys.
You fucker! [shouts]
- [both shriek]
- [shots firing]
[man laughs]
[men laughing and shouting]
[man] Yeah. Yeah.
[Falco] Alright. Got 'em good
and split up.
What do we do?
[Kiwi] Target's gone off road.
We have a high ground.
Yo. Let's roll, Falco.
- [Falco] Yeehaw!
- Giddyup, partner!
[Rebecca] David! Engine's warm,
snacks are packed.
- [thud]
- [Rebecca gasps]
Wait. Are these Are these
all immunoblockers?
- [moans]
- [groans]
Help me out, will ya?
Grab my mom's jacket.
[Rebecca groans] I'm calling the gig off.
- We're going to Doc
- [David] Becca.
I got a favor to ask.
- You better knock it off.
- Becca.
[heavy breathig] I can't ask
any-anyone but you.
- [heavy breathing]
- [sighs]
- Rebecca?
- [shouts]
Puppy dog eyes? You know
I'm a sucker for 'em, didn't ya?
Whatever. Just don't use
your fucking Sandevistan.
- You hear me?
- Okay, okay.
[thrilling music]
[evil chuckling]
[Rebecca grunts]
[Rebecca shouts and chuckles]
That's one down and gone!
[Falco] Alright,
we're tailgating the son of a bitch!
[Kiwi] I'll hack into its braking system.
[Falco] Hold on. We got more on our ass.
[sighs] Too much. Can't get
a shot off on these guys.
- Just leave it to me!
- Huh?
Don't even think about
using your Sandevistan.
[word echoes]
Escort van out of commish!
Guess he's fucking deaf now.
- Huh?
- [David] Come on. Punch the tube.
Becca, cargo truck's exposed.
Plant the charge.
[heaves] This is what
listening looks like.
You fucking asshole!
[Falco groans]
[Falco] All appendixes in tact?
Turn around, 'stache.
Eyes on the damn road.
- [Kiwi] Hey, guys.
- Huh?
[Falco] Not a scratch on that thing.
[Kiwi] ICE is just as thick.
Can't crack it.
Then I'll fuckin'
hit 'em head-on if I got to.
Seriously. Quite showin'
You dick. Gettin' fucking tired
of being ignored.
- [David] Hey, no driver!
- What's that?
This thing's on autopilot!
[Faraday] Perfect ambush. Perfect.
It's going perfectly.
Exactly. Exactly as anticipated.
How I saw it.
[Kate] Very, very good work, Faraday.
[Douglas] All projections green. On track.
[Faraday] Tap's open.
Leaks out. Militech knows.
Knows about the convoy.
You're getting your field test.
Of course, assuming he
the boy, can wield the cyberskeleton.
[Kate] He'd better.
If he can't stomach it,
gets cold feet,
our recovery crew will face
a Militech battalion.
A stalemate.
Bloody, bloody. That's our aim.
[Faraday] No need to worry.
My pawns are in place, yes,
my opening all set.
So, please, please, sit back,
relax, enjoy the show.
[upbeat music]
[Kate] Not good. Better stop it quick.
Got a canyon up ahead.
- [Falco] What?
- [Rebecca] David!
[David] Yeah, I hear you.
[Rebecca] Drop back.
Gig's fucking chalked.
So. What now, Martinez?
You're right on the edge.
- Falco! Pull up closer now!
- Easier said than done.
[David] Hey! Launch the harpoon my way!
- [gasps]
- The hell?
And slam on the brakes on my sig!
- [Kiwi] What are you schemin' now?
- [David] Come on! Come on!
- What the fuck? He ain't right.
- [grunts]
I'll shoot it if you won't.
Choom, you got this. It's time
to cut lose. No holding back.
It's just you and the road.
No doubters to slow you down now.
So, show 'em who you are.
What you're made of.
You're special, remember?
- Brake!
- Hit it!
- [Falco shouts]
- [tires screech]
[alarm sounds]
[chuckles] So nova!
Well, that was fun.
- [Falco sighs]
- Bit my tongue off.
[scoffs] VIP treatment.
They send an executive-class AV
to collect one lone street girl.
You really must be
their precious lost toy.
[phone ringing]
No word? Lucy still quiet as a cricket?
So what? How's another runner supposed to
help us out of this mess anyway.
- Gonna pay her from your cut, I hope!
- [phone ringing]
Kiwi, progress?
[Kiwi] Gonna need another
couple of minutes to breach the lock.
[Falco] Didn't know about this.
Don't sit right with me
the way the truck was unmanned
We damn sure it's Arasaka?
[Kiwi] If you're so worried,
just grab the cargo and ghost. Hit it out.
That's assuming you can pop it open quick.
Your yapping is killing me literally.
Can we please go get our wheels?
[Falco sighs]
You know, didn't really occur to me
when we first took the gig,
but wide-open as it is out here,
why, we'd be fishing the barrel
if someone got the jump.
[Rebecca] Jesus, old man,
nervous fart like you
doesn't deserve that cowboy 'stache.
Acting like a little bitch.
[chuckles] Bet you'd go weak in the knees
if I shaved it off.
Ew! Gonna kick it off.
- [fighting sounds]
- [grunts]
Stop wrigging. I'm tryna get ya.
[Falco] Shit.
Decoys didn't hold out long.
We got company, folks.
[all gasp]
[tense music]
[Falco] A Basilisk?
And a missile carrier!
[Rebecca] You're shitting me.
[panicked groan]
What the fuck was that?
Why are we getting steamrolled
by Militech?
Faraday. That son-bitch
works for Militech, doesn't he?
Now, if this don't smell fishy,
I don't know what does.
All set. Open.
[Rebecca] What? Already?
Want cover? Get inside, quick.
[Falco] What in seven hells?
[David] So, this is the thing that Faraday
had Maine looking all over for?
Guess so, but anyone know
what the hell it is?
A cyberskeleton. Military grade implant.
[Rebecca] Military.
Wait. So, like David's Sandevistan?
[Kiwi] Several degrees more advanced.
But yeah, sure.
Hey, now.
That Sandevistan of his
is nothing to sneeze out either.
[David] Never ever
heard of tech like this.
[Kiwi] Believe me or don't.
Far as I know,
Arasaka thinks they can overtake
Militech's market share in the arms trade.
But this in mass production.
They kept its development hush-hush.
Like, very.
Most of the info they isolated
and concentrated under Tanaka.
I'd say that's how Faraday
got his Militech contract to begin with.
Promised to snatch the prototype,
setting Arasaka back years.
It's not every day you see the splendor
of Night City at your feet.
A welcome change of scenery
compared to ice baths
and austere rooms. Shame not to share it.
What do you say? Will you lend a hand?
Help me make your boy fly?
- [phone ringing]
- [gasps]
- [Falco] David.
- Lucy. She's calling.
[Rebecca] What! No, seriously,
not the time.
[Lucy] David!
Lucy! Where the hell have you
- [Lucy] The cyberskeleton. Step into it.
- Huh?
[Lucy] No time. Militech's incoming.
How could you know? Where are you?
- [Lucy] They're after me, too.
- Say what?
- [Lucy] Do it now or everyone dies.
- [gasps]
[Lucy] Use the cyberskeleton
if you want to survive.
Please, David. Before it's too late.
[gasps] Lucy I
- [Lucy] David, I believe in you.
- [gasps]
- Lucy!
- What'd she say?
The cyberskeleton. Gotta use it
or we're all gonna die.
- [David] Lucy wouldn't say that though.
- You sure about that?
[David] Someone's after her, too.
Got no choice. I'm gonna have to chip it.
This whole truck's
a mobile installation unit. Here.
Deck's got the install sequence
primed and ready.
No fucking way you're chipping
that fucking thing.
[David] Gotta get us out of this mess.
Are you whacked?
You don't even have the slightest idea
how the mystery chrome works
or what it could do to you.
[David] Don't see any other options.
Do you?
Besides me knocking you the fuck out?
I'm gonna go grab our ride.
- I'll go with you.
- Good luck!
Last time I went and installed something
that wasn't mine,
Maine kicked the shit out of me.
Didn't learn my lesson.
Don't do it! Stop it, stop it,
stop it, stop it!
[frustrated shout]
- You fucking gook! Told you not to!
- [David grunts]
[David shouts]
Militech's too quiet.
What are they plotting now?
Hey, Kiwi. Did you [groans]
[Kiwi] Made good on my end.
I'm outta here.
Excellent work. Militech's expecting you.
You're free to pass.
Meet me at the rendezvous point.
- How'd you
- [Lucy grunts]
[Lucy] David, cyberskeleton's a trap!
Don't install the soft.
Lucy? What happened? Are you okay?
[Lucy] That was Faraday.
Not me. He set us up.
[David] Faraday?
[Lucy] He turned caller to Arasaka.
They want you in their new toy.
Got you in that truck.
[David] Me? But why?
[Lucy] He's using you,
pitting you against Militech.
Then, a 'Saka squad's gonna grab you.
And the suit. Get out of there.
Do not use it.
[Faraday] Did you truly think
we had no failsafe in place?
[David] Lucy? What happened? Lucy?
[Lucy] Militech, the prototype,
all they want, not-not you.
Leave it. Go. Run.
[David] Lucy? Lucy?
[Faraday] Shall I open a second
neural port in the back of your skull?
Lucy? Answer me!
- I'm afraid she's currently indisposed.
- [David] Faraday?
I trust the job has been going well?
Fuck you. Put Lucy back on. Where is she?
At the moment, your Arasaka runaway
is kissing the ground
and should feel grateful for it.
I was worried
I might've overscrambled her brain
before delivering her back home.
Take your fucking foot off her right now!
[Faraday] Don't be so serious.
I'm just having a ball of a time.
Besides, I won't have to lift a finger
- when Arasaka's done with her.
- [groaning]
You're degenerating rapidly!
At this rate, you're gonna go psycho
any second!
Elite Militech forces are closing in
on your position as we speak.
Install the soft.
Use the cyberskeleton, David.
Lead your crew to safety.
If you ask me, I think it's beyond you.
Clearly, Arasaka sees something I don't.
- [groans]
- If you're truly as special
as they say you are, boy,
show me what you're capable of. Survive.
I'm gonna rip out his spine!
I'll kill him! I'll kill him.
You're dead.
Dead. Dead.
Fucking dead!
I'll fucking kill you!
- [thud]
- [grunts]
Back to normal?
Lucy. Gonna go save her.
No, guess not. Sounds like
your brain's fried.
Faraday's double-crossed the crew.
He's got Lucy with him now.
Lucy? What do you mean?
That motherfucker.
I'm gonna put him in the ground.
Tear his fucking guts out
and shove 'em down his throat!
Oh no.
- [groans]
- Falco! What happened?
Kiwi happened.
- Huh?
- She led us right into this trap.
[Rebecca] That old hag's
mixed up in this too?
She's a fucking flatline
when I see her next.
[all gasping]
[Rebecca] Dammit! Here we go again!
Shit, shit, shit!
Militech needs to fucking chil!
Never seen anything
this high-spec in my life.
[Falco] How do you even move around
in that thing?
[Kiwi] Comes with
two compact AV thrusters built in.
Same kind you get on an AV.
On top of that, Arasaka engineered
in a gravity modification prototype.
[Kiwi] It can generate unidirectional
grav fields, magnetic forces, too.
- [gasps]
- That there the mag field generator?
[Falco] Holy hell!
That's a whole squad he just mowed down.
Oh, geez. He's using his Sandy, too.
[grunting] Huh?
He's flying!
Is that thing the grav field?
[both gasp]
[Kiwi] Shown to be inconsistent
in field tests.
Those who are wielding it,
can't withstand the strain
on their nervous system.
It requires someone with an abnormally
high tolerance for cyberware integration.
[Falco] Sure fire way to go
cyberpsycho, you mean.
- No. They got our boy?
- [sighs]
[Rebecca] David.
[heavy breathing]
Kid's still going.
[Rebecca] Yeah, his body is, but
[Kiwi] The longer one uses it,
the higher the risk of bodily
cyberware capacity overload.
But being said,
the power it generates in the short-term
[Kiwi] is unlike anything
on this side of sanity.
- [gunshots firing]
- [both gasp]
[Rebecca] David?
[David] Faraday's gonna regret
playing us like dogs.
And we're getting Lucy out of there.
But David
Maine said everyone gets a fair shake.
That's the only way I operate too.
Sign me up, choomba.
Into the fire.
[chilled music]
They will finally feel the flames ♪
Flames that run down through my veins ♪
I will make this city burn ♪
We're not planning to return ♪
Trying so hard to be free ♪
To make you see what I see ♪
Hold on to your wishes ♪
If you can't hold on to me ♪
Forgive me for letting you down ♪
Forgive me for letting you down again ♪
I guess I'm not strong enough ♪
Right now ♪
Let you down ♪
Oh, let you down ♪
Let you down ♪
Oh, let you down ♪
[music stops]
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