Daily Dose of Sunshine (2023) s01e09 Episode Script

I'm a Nurse With Depression

[suspenseful music playing]
[groaning weakly]
[siren wailing]
[car horn blares]
[Da-eun] Mom?
What's going on?
[sighs softly]
[soft rattle]
[hospital staff speaking inaudibly]
"In accordance with the ideology
of making the whole world better,
we must respect and trust in one another."
"Father, when the son
of Hwanin arrived long ago,
he saw that there was good in men."
[voice fades away]
[ping-pong becomes muted]
[ping-pong echoing]
- [woman] Ms. Jung Da-eun!
- [music ends]
Ms. Jung, I oh No, you're bleeding!
We need to stanch this.
Nurse! Alcohol swab!
Let's head to your room.
It's okay.
Shall we go?
[door opens, closes]
Ms. Jung Da-eun,
you feeling any better now?
[Da-eun sighs] This is
the Closed Unit of the hospital, right?
Yes, I'm afraid it is.
[Da-eun breathes shakily, sighs]
I think there's been a mistake.
I shouldn't be in here.
Your mother gave her consent
for protective admission.
[sighs softly]
If it was a protective admission,
it means I won't be able to leave here
of my own free will.
Process my discharge. I'd like to go now.
If the doctor decides
that you need treatment and protection,
and your guardian gives consent,
that would make it
hard for you to leave, Ms. Oh.
[somber music playing]
[dawn chorus]
Ms. Jung? It's time for your testing now.
We'll start out
by giving you a special EEG test.
We'll give you visual stimuli
and observe your brain's reaction,
and we'll check for organic changes
in your brain with an MRI.
You'll also be taking
a psychological test.
[Da-eun] All I wanted was to get out
of this place. The sooner, the better.
[door closes]
But as for how
Uh, what were your friends like in school?
Well, I should know
better than anyone else.
Tell me about what your parents were like.
Well, Dad had passed away
when I was little.
I just have to answer quickly.
Since then,
Mom took care of me on her own.
[voice over] She had to leave me
with Grandma a lot because of her work.
It's not like she had a choice.
It was hard enough
for her to be the breadwinner.
[Mrs. Jung] I don't know
if I can even bring these for her.
When's she coming here anyways?
Tomorrow, actually.
[Da-eun] Really?
So don't worry about that. Here.
I don't wanna eat.
You'll end up hungry,
and you'll need to take your meds anyway.
I used to say that to my patients.
All right, then.
Let's start out with your medication.
it all sounds so foreign to me now.
I'm afraid I can't leave you
until I see you take these.
I know.
That's what nurses are supposed to do.
I'm sorry, but I have to watch.
To make sure you take them.
[chirpily] Okay,
let's make sure it's gone.
- Ahh.
- Good.
Taking the meds
would be admitting
that I'm a patient with a mental illness.
ROOM 302
[nurse] You've been assigned
to a four-person room.
At eight, we'll be taking
your belongings for screening,
please leave them out. Just a minute.
[squeaky voice] Hello there! Hello!
- [giggling]
- She seems restless and overly expressive.
- [chuckling]
- Typical symptoms of mania, perhaps.
What brings you in here, unni? Bipolar?
You have schizophrenia?!
[sighs] Definitely mania.
Let's not get involved.
You have anxiety. Did you slit your wrist?
Did your boyfriend cheat on you?
You take antidepressants?
Zoloft? Alprazolam? Lexapro?
How much longer do I have to stay in here?
[opening theme playing]
[music ends]
[tense music playing]
[Mr. Yoon] Huh, what is it?
That patient's not sleeping.
- [music fades out]
- I am done sharing a room with her!
I mean, she doesn't sleep and stands there
like a lamppost all night.
I was too scared
to even look in her direction!
For your peace of mind, you should know
she's never caused harm to anyone.
She smells horrible in there.
Ugh! Makes you wonder
the last time she showered.
Hey, at least you could help
by taking off the hat she's wearing.
Ugh! Whatever, just let me switch out!
[Soo-yeon] I'm afraid that won't
be possible, ma'am. Hospital policy.
If we put you in a new room,
then other patients will ask too.
I'm sure you already know we can't work
that way. I hope you understand.
Ha! You're kidding me, right?
- Just wait till I'm out of here.
- I'm sorry.
- I'm reporting this hospital.
- [glass tapping]
- [scoffs, tuts]
- [door lock beeps]
- [Soo-yeon] Gosh.
- [Cheol-woo] What?
You know Song Ae-sin?
The patient with schizophrenia?
Yes. Why?
This isn't her first time
being in the unit.
She's been doing a lot worse.
Uh, Amisulpride apparently
wasn't the right choice
because of the size of the pill.
They went to screen her backpack
and found them all in there.
So that's why she had gotten worse
so fast. Oh God.
I'm sure her parents have it rough too.
Managing medication
for someone with schizophrenia
while you're working must be hard.
If she took her medication,
it'd be way easier for her to function.
It's just that they need someone
who can watch her closely.
That's the hardest part
for their families.
If it becomes a chronic illness,
it gets so hard to manage.
[poignant music playing]
I made you
those dried radishes that you like.
This year, the chili powder
is nice and spicy.
And I made some braised eggs too.
I'll give them to the nurse, so maybe
ask for them when you're about to eat.
why'd you admit me to the Closed Unit?
[Mrs. Jung] Huh?
I hate that since getting here,
they're treating me
like every other patient.
What I eat, what pills I take,
they're monitoring my every move.
Mom, why do I have to go through this?
You know I don't belong here at all.
Oh, Da-eun.
You do belong.
I've been
just so terrified
that you might end up dead.
You [sighs]
I won't end up dead, okay?
I was just in bed for a little
'cause I didn't feel like eating
and didn't have any energy.
That's why I was feeling depressed.
Right, so it can't hurt
to work a little on those issues
while you're in here.
But work though.
And soon my sick days are gonna run out.
I made sure your sick leave was extended
and even checked with the head nurse.
She said not to worry about a thing
and to come back when you're ready.
What?! [gasps softly] Ma!
M Ma, did you really tell her
I was admitted to a psychiatric hospital?
Why would you tell them that?
That's not fair!
[shouting] I'm leaving here soon!
You're totally overreacting!
Da-eun, listen.
[Da-eun whimpering]
It's not been easy for me either.
[quavering] Ma if you let me leave,
I can recover at home. Hmm?
[Da-eun sobbing]
Da-eun, you need the treatment.
Just please listen to me, K?
I have to get out.
I need to get outta here!
[woman] Excuse me, ma'am.
I'm gonna talk to the nurse real quick,
so don't go anywhere.
[Da-eun sobbing]
- [woman] Let me help you with that, ma'am.
- [Mrs. Jung] Thank you.
[sobbing intensifies]
[Yu-chan] Th Then, what
what exactly should I do?
[Yeo-hwan] Don't try to help
for now, just
Don't make any kind of platitudes.
Trying to force someone to complete
a task they physically can't do,
is violence, right?
[woman] Hey.
Oh yeah, God, I'm at my daughter's house.
- [music ends]
- Yep.
Ugh! Yes. Of course. Oh yeah!
[sighing] Right, right, I get it.
Ugh, God.
She doesn't have any cash in here?
She works at a university hospital.
[mischievous music playing]
Oh, wow!
He's not just any doctor.
What a good catch. That little brat!
- [music ends]
- [cymbal crashes, echoes]
[gasps quietly]
[sweetly] Hi. Hello there.
How are you? Min Deul-re's my daughter.
She's a nurse here.
- Oh, would you like me to call her down?
- Ah! No, no.
There's a doctor, Hwang Yeo-hwan.
I'd like to see him, actually. [giggles]
[Yeo-hwan] Oh.
- Hello, ma'am.
- Oh.
Uh Hwang Yeo-hwan, nice to meet you.
I know! Deul-re's my daughter.
Sorry, I didn't get to introduce
myself properly last time we met.
You know Deul-re. Pretty shy girl!
Oh, right. Uh, did you get to see Ms. Min?
- You don't say her name?
- Oh no, I call her "Ms. Min."
Ah! Calling your girlfriend "Ms. this,
Ms. that, Ms. whatever" isn't awkward?
[Yeo-hwan scoffs]
Oh she is your girlfriend, right?
[chuckles nervously] Yes, ma'am.
I was worried that she'd never
find herself someone to take care of her.
She's so naive and pathetic.
So, when she found a doctor,
I was surprised to hear it.
How'd she get so lucky? [chuckling]
Oh Have you been to her house?
Uh Uh, yes.
You must know how she's been living.
Ugh It's been a while since I visited,
but her living arrangements are so sad!
What are your thoughts on this?
Well, I, of course
I mean, I feel terrible about it.
[doctor speaking]
[Mrs. Min] Maybe if your girlfriend
just had ten million won,
she'd live somewhere nicer.
Her boyfriend really ought to
help her live somewhere nicer.
You're a doctor. You must make a killing.
- So
- Ma?
Oh, it's Ms. Min!
- Come here.
- What are you doing?
- [Deul-re] I said, come with me!
- [Mrs. Min] Ugh, why?
- [Yeo-hwan] Wait I
- Later. We'll talk later.
[Mrs. Min] See you round!
Ow! Ow!
You're hurting me! [sighs]
- [both sigh]
- Why are you here talking to Dr. Hwang?
He's a doctor.
Why are you living like that?
Take the opportunity
and earn your fortune, girl.
What did you say?
I felt bad about your house.
So I asked him
to chip in ten million won for you.
My God!
Are you trying
to make my life more miserable than it is?
No. You're a nurse 'cause of me,
and that's why your boyfriend's a doctor.
So a mother has every right, doesn't she?
You have always made me feel
like I never even had a mother.
[Mrs. Min scoffs]
Do you have any idea how you raised me?
When someone likes me, I get so anxious.
I wonder how they could
'cause I'm worthless.
I start doubting who I am
or if I deserve love.
Do you know why?
'Cause I've never felt affection.
Being appreciated
is such a foreign concept
that I'm not even able
to love someone else back.
how is that my fault?
It's because you're a loser.
Could it be that hard
to care about your own daughter?
- [under breath] Idiot.
- [Deul-re] Why?
You're my mother. I'm your child.
You point out everything
that's bad instead of good.
Always finding the things
I didn't do right.
Just because I wasn't talented
or pretty enough, you at least
could have said I was once in a while.
[Mrs. Min sighs]
Okay, then
pay me money,
and then I'll tell you
that you're pretty all you want.
Don't ever talk to him again.
We're breaking up, anyway.
[Mrs. Min] Christ!
Temperamental little bitch!
[poignant music playing]
[breathing shakily]
[Da-eun] I'm so bored.
Nothing interesting ever happens in here.
The only thing there is to do in here
is think.
[staff talking indistinctly]
- Hmm. Hello there.
- It's been so long. Wow.
- [doctor] Here.
- [Go-yun] Oh, thank you.
- [fingers snapping]
- This time it's your hands, huh?
Before it used to be
that you pulled on your pockets.
That's why your pants
were always so tattered.
Seemed like I had gotten over it though.
- What does Dr. Hwang say?
- [bones cracking]
- OCD?
- Uh-huh.
- Caused by what, exactly?
- I'm not sure. Who can say?
- Is it because of that girl?
- Huh?
Jung Da-eun, that patient.
Well, um
How's she doin'?
We tested her, and she's being treated.
She's been struggling a little recently.
Take care of her.
What is she to you?
Don't pry right now.
[doctor] I have a fairly good idea. I was
just asking to make sure, but I guess
my imagination can run wild.
Don't be running wild, it's not like that.
I'm just here
because I had a question for you.
[dr. clicks tongue]
[clears throat]
If I saw her, do you think that
it would help with her recovery?
Most hospitals have a similar policy.
There's a good reason why
we only allow
immediate family to visit in psychiatry.
That's a "no," I'm guessing.
[doctor] I wouldn't want it
if I were a patient either.
It's difficult to be in pain,
especially when you're around people
who aren't that close to you.
Besides, people here are
easily influenced and may be very fragile.
[tuts] You're right.
[sighs] Right. Coming here was a mistake,
but thank you for the tea.
Whoa! You're hurting my feelings.
Dude, so you didn't miss me?
Not even a little?
- I never crossed your mind?
- I'll get you soju, okay?
- And bar food.
- [quietly] Always bar food. Uh, okay.
[doctor scoffs]
[wistful music playing]
What? What is it, Go-yun?
- Help Ms. Jung.
- Of course we will.
I can tell you really care about her.
So don't worry.
Thank you so much.
[music intensifies]
[Da-eun gasps]
[breathing shakily]
[footsteps rapidly retreating]
- [music fades out]
- Ms. Jung Da-eun. What do you need?
I'd like to meet with the doctor.
I was told you asked for a consultation.
Is there something you'd like to tell me?
Th There is something I didn't tell you.
Well, I'm here to listen.
I work as a nurse.
Myungshin University,
in the Psychiatry Unit.
So, I know my own symptoms
and how to treat them
better than anyone else.
This protective admission is unnecessary.
Can you please talk to my mother again,
so I may be discharged?
I knew that you worked
as a nurse, actually.
This kind of thing can happen to anyone.
The people in the medical profession,
They knew I was a nurse all along,
and yet they still
treated me like a patient.
To them, I look no different
from the other patients here.
[nurse 1] I'm sorry, ma'am,
this isn't allowed. I'll take this.
- You've checked this bed, right?
- [tense music playing]
[nurse 2] Uh, no.
I haven't checked that one yet.
[nurse 1] Okay, then, I'll do it.
Ms. Jung Da-eun.
- "Ah."
- "Ahh."
- [music becomes dramatic]
- [nurse 1] What's this?
You know that you're not supposed to
stash away your meds like this,
Ms. Yoon Ji-seon.
- [music ends]
- 'Cause those pills never do anything.
Then, tell your doctor,
and we'll put you on a new medication.
I told you I don't need medication.
Why do you keep trying to force meds
on someone that doesn't need them?
[woman] My, that's nice!
Why don't we try some brighter colors too?
- [man] "Brighter colors"?
- [woman] Yep.
Why aren't you drawing right now?
You better go along with therapy
if you wanna get discharged soon.
I don't think you stand a chance though.
You've been skipping meals,
you're in bed all day,
and you don't listen.
Maybe you'll never get out of here, ever.
[woman] I love that shading there.
See that woman over there?
She was a lawyer.
Before she was
admitted here for depression.
- [woman]they're meant to be tigers.
- I heard you used to be a nurse.
[woman] Okay, that makes sense, then.
What does it matter
if you were a big shot outside here?
Once you come here,
you're a nut job just like us.
[woman] Know why, it was from this angle.
Hey, tell me what unit did you work in?
[Da-eun shrieking]
[dramatic music playing]
[Da-eun breathing shakily]
- Calm yourself. Please calm down.
- Get off.
- Let's just relax, and we can
- I said get off!
[nurse] Let's go, c'mon.
- Let's get you to the seclusion room.
- Let go! Let me go!
- [nurse] Please hold her.
- Let go right now! Let go!
[nurse] You'll hurt yourself.
Ms. Jung Da-eun! You'll hurt yourself.
[music subsides]
[gentle sobbing]
[music becomes poignant]
[whimpering becomes sobbing]
[music fades out]
[opera playing in café]
[Mrs. Jung] Thank you
for the other day.
I would have been
so lost without you, doctor.
Don't mention it.
So, do you
You really like Da-eun?
- Yes.
- [poignant music playing]
I do very much.
I'm so glad that you feel that way.
No, I should be thanking you.
If you'd like to visit the hospital,
let me know.
No, I'm okay, ma'am.
But But why not?
Seeing me isn't gonna help
her recovery time in there.
I'd like to see Ms. Jung
she needs time though.
Our Da-eun has
earned a lot of blessings.
The people she has are really incredible.
Only because she's incredible herself.
[sighs gently] You're right.
She's truly the perfect kid.
She's always been so caring,
ever since she was little.
She's always been a warmhearted,
considerate, and generous girl.
her father died,
we had nothing but the house.
I held that little thing tight,
with no idea how I'd support both of us.
But my baby was a good daughter
who never gave her mom
anything to worry about.
She never had trouble
up until now with what's going on.
She really didn't.
So I just wonder
which old scars she kept inside her.
My daughter
What could have caused her
to feel this way? [sobs]
[breathing shakily]
[sobbing quietly]
It must be
she's just too good of a nurse.
You think so?
She takes care of others
more than she does herself.
And she grieves for others
more than she does her own losses.
Whatever the challenge is,
she embraces all the good,
somehow swallowing what's bad.
And when something
outside her understanding happens,
she always criticizes herself.
Hoping she'll find some answers.
[Mrs. Jung sighs]
I'm not sure
in what way I can even help her now.
Maybe you don't try
to do anything in particular.
Uh just support
everything she says to you.
You know how Ms. Jung normally says, uh
"No way!" or "Come on"?
You know how she always says stuff
like that? It could help.
- "Whoa." "No way."
- Yeah. [chuckles]
I heard this from a doctor friend of mine,
that the most crucial thing is family.
Refrain from criticizing her.
Cheer her on and also give her
all of the support
and time she needs to get through this.
I will, doctor, thank you.
No mother would give up on her daughter.
[music ends]
I heard you got
a little worked up during therapy.
- That was a mistake.
- Why do you think that mistake occurred?
[Da-eun] I'm frustrated with all this.
And I don't feel like
talking to anyone here.
Will you share why you feel that way?
It's that I know
that I am not like the others here.
And why do you think so?
[sighs] I'm a psychiatric nurse.
I have a little depression.
I don't think
it's severe enough to keep me here.
[doctor] Hmm
You being here, pursuing treatment,
away from the outside world,
could really help you a lot.
From what I can see,
you don't look too well.
And I'm sure you felt
some helplessness before you got here too.
Honestly, there was once
when I did a little.
Just, everyone is wrong
about what's really going on here.
- So they're all wrong about it?
- Yes.
It's not that serious.
Everyone is really overreacting.
How serious do they think it is?
They were worried I'd end up dead or hurt.
Why do you think
they would say that about you?
[poignant music playing]
The accident that happened
the day I got here.
[doctor] Do you remember what happened?
Of course.
In the middle of the crosswalk
- Da-eun!
- [truck horn beeping]
[Da-eun] I didn't try
to dodge the oncoming traffic.
It must have really scared everybody.
That was just a quick mistake.
I never intended to kill myself.
So, then that's how
you recall it went that day?
That's not the same story I heard.
What do you mean by that?
You know, when your mother
accompanied you here,
she had a different story.
I promise she exaggerated to you.
You mean you really don't remember?
Think about how you came here.
Try to remember
how it happened, one more time.
What are you saying? I got here just
[Mrs. Jung] Da-eun, hey!
Da-eun, you've got to be careful.
Da-eun! What's wrong with you, seriously?
Da-eun! Da-eun, stop!
Please, stop, Da-eun!
- [bone crunches]
- Da-eun! [gasps] Da-eun!
[Mrs. Jung yells]
- [car horn blaring]
- Da-eun!
[car horn blaring]
[car horn beeping]
[car horn blaring]
[car horn beeping]
[car horn beeping]
- [tires screeching]
- [horn beeping]
[driver] You tryin'
to get yourself killed?!
- [Go-yun] I'm sorry. I'm sorry, sir.
- Let go. Let go! [grunting]
- Let go!
- [Go-yun] Ms. Jung. Ms. Jung.
Let go! Let me go!
Ms. Jung!
- Let go!
- Snap out of it!
Let go!
Let go!
Let go! [shrieks]
[muted shriek] Let go!
[doctor] Ms. Jung,
you came to our emergency room
in an ambulance.
You were sedated right away,
then, with your mother's consent,
you were admitted for protection.
[Mrs. Jung] Oh, Da-eun
you do belong.
I've been
just so terrified
that you might end up dead.
[doctor] Do you remember now?
So, you being a psychiatric nurse,
y you know that it's serious
to have symptoms like
suicide attempts and suicidal ideation.
What's happening for you right now?
I don't know.
I'm really confused.
[doctor] When patients with depression
experience a sudden increase
in suicidal impulses,
they occasionally misremember events,
or they don't remember them at all.
Recovering your memory though,
that's a good sign.
You've at least taken
a step forward to recovery.
[music ends]
- [woman 1] Here you go.
- [woman 2] Thank you so much, ma'am.
- [man] Hello.
- [woman 1] Oh, don't mention it.
[woman 3] We're just glad
that he's made such great progress so far.
[woman 2] All thanks
to you and the nurses.
[woman 1] Oh, no, not at all.
I'm a patient with depression
who attempted suicide.
That's why I'm here
at the psychiatric hospital.
Like the many patients
that I've crossed paths with.
[Go-yun] You're unwell, Ms. Jung.
Your voice, your expression, your eyes,
everything about you has changed.
So, um
let's get you to the hospital.
It's time you put looking out for others
on hold and took care of yourself.
[inner dialogue] I am
I'm sick.
I thought that I was different from them.
Although we wore the same clothes,
slept in the same space
and ate the same food,
believed that I was
the only one here who wasn't sick.
[Ji-seon sighs] What does it matter
if you were a big shot outside here?
Once you come here,
you're a nut job just like us.
[poignant music playing]
I want to apologize to you.
That was probably scary for you.
I'm really sorry.
Look at that conversation.
Thought you were
too good to speak to anyone.
All day, your face is the same.
I wish I had a mirror.
What for?
You look way more depressed
than anyone else here.
You're right.
I bet I look the worst.
It's so strange.
We always notice other people's flaws
before our own flaws.
When it comes to that, we're all blind.
Doctors help a lot there.
They can diagnose your flaws for you.
If you're sick at Internal Medicine,
it's about your body.
If you're sick at the optometrist,
then it's something to do with your eyes.
At Psychiatry, if you're sick,
then it's your mental health.
You're right.
I had no idea.
[music fades out]
[phone ringing]
Hi, who's this?
- It's me, Deul-re's mother!
- Oh, hello. Hi, how are you?
I'm at the hospital right now.
Can we meet for a minute?
- [Yeo-hwan] Right now?
- Yeah. And don't tell Deul-re.
- [Ms. Hong talking]
- Uh, okay, ma'am.
[Ms. Hong] I checked his history,
and I think we should keep an eye out.
[Deul-re] Okay. I'll be watching.
[classical music playing in hospital]
She doesn't know we're meeting, right?
She doesn't know,
but, uh why are you here?
The money
I asked you about,
any ETA?
I'll pretend you didn't ask me that.
I did, though. Why pretend I didn't ask?
You're just saying you're not going do it.
Yes that's what I'm saying.
[scoffs softly]
You know,
Deul-re has
always been so fond of me,
even when she was a child.
And my, was she an obedient daughter.
Stayed away from anything
I told her not to do.
And she especially
never dated anybody I advised against.
Do you want me to tell her about this?
Pardon my manners,
I just wanna say one thing.
Yeah? What is it?
[poignant music playing]
always wondered
Uh, when
she first said no to us dating,
she told me it would
be like if I dated trash.
I could never comprehend
what could make an angel
say something like that.
Now that I've met you,
I think I understand.
[scoffs] What did you say?
[Yeo-hwan] Have a safe trip.
I'm afraid I'm not able to see you off.
[Deul-re sighs]
I'm sorry you had to go through
that horrible conversation.
I've just been
too ashamed to face you.
- Ms. Min
- Dr. Hwang
I think we should break up.
- Say that one more time.
- It'd be good to end it here.
I didn't even like you that much anyway.
And this was never meant to last.
It's just that it's so boring now.
So we can just call it a fling,
and that's it.
Then why won't you look at me?
Why do you
[scoffs] Why do you keep avoiding me?
Why keep saying
these things you don't even mean?
[sighs] What am I supposed to do?
My mom
doesn't just give up like that.
If you keep dating me,
you keep having to deal with her.
I'm terrified
of having to take care of her together.
There is
no way I'm ever
taking care of your mother.
I have no intention
to stop dating you either, Ms. Min.
You really inspired me
to dream of a life of our very own.
But it's time to wake up from that dream.
I'm not worthy
to dream big with you like that.
So let's
- Let's make this painless and break up.
- No.
Your mother has been holding you back.
What kind of parent
would treat their child so terribly?
It's my mother.
So let's stop dating.
Listen to me.
Leave your mother.
[scoffs] You deserve [scoffs]
so much better
than what she's put you through..
So, I
I want you to realize that.
I'll stand by you every day,
to tell you just how much
you really matter.
He's the first one
to ever tell me to leave my mom.
[Yeo-hwan] And tell you what
an amazing woman you are.
I'll show you.
[music fades out]
[Mrs. Jung] Thank God.
You're eating again.
Da-eun, try some of the mushrooms.
They're wild mushrooms,
so they smell amazing.
They're hard to find,
but I saw them today at the store.
Seasonal foods
are supposed to be good for you.
Ma, I
Mmm? What's up? Do you need anything?
[quavering] I'm sorry.
[moving music playing]
[Da-eun] Sorry I tried to kill myself.
I can't believe
I didn't realize I was so sick.
[Mrs. Jung] It's okay.
You survived, after all.
Just promise me
that you'll keep living.
[breathes shakily]
I'll get better really soon.
[Mrs. Jung] You do that.
[Yu-chan] This show, I Have Two Husbands,
topped the ratings this week.
And the kid opens his eyes
and goes, "It's me!" to his dad.
[chuckles] All of the tears.
But then, there's a plot twist.
The DNA doesn't match the dad,
it matches the stepdad.
- [Da-eun] Mmm.
- Crazy, right?
Let's watch it together once you get out.
I'm just grateful.
For what?
I know why you're talking about TV
when we both know you hate TV.
[music fades out]
Is that show that good?
You watch it so much.
Oh Oh, uh
I just tell Da-eun about it.
You tell Da-eun?
The cliffhangers at the end
of the episodes
might help her wanna live.
[gentle music playing]
I read this
one interview with a TV writer.
This writer said that she wanted
to come up with a plot so interesting
that it would convince someone
who's about to jump off a bridge
that they should live
to find out what happens next.
I thought, "Wow!
I can totally see that happening."
We think,
"Did I hang up the laundry to dry?"
Or maybe, "Did I take the trash out?"
All those trivial things that could
distract someone from all the pain.
I want that to happen to her.
I want her to keep living day by day,
to find out
what happens next.
Is it hard to force yourself
to watch a show you don't even like?
Not bad once I got into it.
Thank you so much.
[tuts] Ah, stop thanking me.
I just feel terrible.
Listen, Da-eun,
I'm really sorry.
I didn't know any better.
I was a jerk when I knew you were hurting.
I told you to go outside
when you couldn't even get your shoes on.
I said awful things, especially when
you'd been feeling suicidal.
I'm grateful for all your support.
And for always
encouraging that I get fresh air
always being there.
Thank you so much, Song Yu-chan.
[Da-eun chuckles]
And I'll be there until the very end.
Until it gets really annoying. [chuckles]
What happened next?
With what?
The father's DNA that wasn't a match?
[laughing] Oh, okay, right, that.
So then, the stepdad
had rigged the test results.
- What?! What the heck?
- Crazy, right?
[music ends]
- Ms. Jung Da-eun.
- Yes.
Nurse Lee, this is
the regular pill I take, right?
- Yes.
- I actually have anxiety too.
Could I also get a prescription for Xanax?
Oh Well, let me talk to your doctor,
and she'll prescribe it.
[Da-eun] Mmm.
- Open.
- Ah.
[Ms. Lee] Good.
And, um
[Ms. Lee] Yes, what is it?
I, uh
What is it? [chuckles]
[sighs] Could you please do, um
finger enema? 'Cause I can't really go.
Must be the antidepressants,
but I'm a little constipated.
Oh, an enema? Okay.
Um, thanks so much.
[Mr. Yoon] Here, this way, please.
Right, right.
It's okay, Ms. Song, come on.
[Ms. Hong] Ms. Song?
Remember how I told you after lunch today
that you need to have an EEG done?
We can't push the test any later.
But in order for us to proceed,
we need you to take off your hat.
- This will be quick and painless.
- [Ms. Song breathes shakily]
I'm gonna help you
with removing your hat now.
[Mr. Yoon] Okay, Ms. Song Ae-sin,
I'm gonna hold you now.
Oh, it's okay. It's okay, ma'am.
It will be over so soon
if you just be still and take a
- [screams] No, stop! No, don't!
- [Mr. Yoon] Oh my Oh God.
- Calm down.
- Please calm down, Ms Song.
What is it? What is it? What's going on?
[Ms. Hong] We were trying
to take off her hat for the EEG.
- [Soo-yeon] Ms. Song, did we scare you?
- [Mr. Yoon] We should sedate her.
[Nurse Song] Okay,
that's enough! Song Ae-sin!
[Ae-sin panting]
[tense music playing]
[music fades out]
[somber music playing]
[music fades out]
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