Darwin's Game (2020) s01e09 Episode Script

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I heard about the guy with the special right
to hold for-profit matches in D-Game.
Martial arts matches with Sigils
are a popular earner.
And they have the great merit
of being safe to some extent for D-Game.
Our match here
would definitely get a lot of viewers,
but today, it's just the people here.
So what are the rules?
Is it really anything goes?
Anything goes.
Vale Tudo originally referred to challenging
your opponent without limitations.
Of course, no holds barred
depends on the opponent.
I'm a martial artist, so I don't use any tools.
Then really it's just "anything goes" for me, huh?
Well, I'll take any handicap I can get.
You're free to use your Sigil, weapons, whatever.
But why don't we say not to destroy the building
and no killing intentionally.
So if it's an accident, all good?
Inukai! You're the referee.
Reffing Master's match? That's impossible!
All right, it'll be ten minutes,
so I'll start the timer now.
The match ends if either of you are unable to or
lose the will to fight and killing intentionally is
So when can I start using my Sigil?
Whenever you like.
In fact, let's use the activation of your Sigil
to signal the start of the match.
Wait a second, Master! I'm the referee here!
Here I go!
Inukai was right.
You've got decent reflexes and resolve.
Not bad, at all.
But not good enough to form an alliance!
Oh, I'll show you a good time, all right!
Looks like I came at a good time.
What, you're here?
Are you done with that insurance guy?
I didn't have any problems with him.
What about over here?
They're just getting started.
Did I go too far?
Though I think it'd take more
than a few grenades to kill him
And I was right!
He's talented at dodging.
A gunfighter with fast reflexes
are the bane of a martial artist,
but can he do anything at this distance?
This is an awesome battle
His Sigil has gotten him this far.
But Master hasn't used his Sigil once.
What's he gonna do next?
First time I've seen that.
What is it, your "secret weapon"?
Well, I may have a few more tricks up my sleeve.
Wonderful! This really is entertaining!
Is that gun a Scorpion?
When did he add that to his aresenal?
You know your guns, Analyst.
Don't go selling info on Kaname now.
What kind of a person do you think I am?
Well, it's not like I was screwing around
while waiting for my wound to heal.
He got that gun and blade
from an arms dealer acquaintance of mine.
It's the fastest way to beef up your firepower.
Don't tell me you took him to Lee's?
That place is a rip-off.
How did you know?
I'd hate to make an enemy out of you.
Well, there's another place run by
an old friend, so I get a better deal, but
You mean the one in Shibuya?
True, it is sensible
to stay away from Eighth territory.
Am I that transparent?
Well, at any rate, it's working, right?
He's holding his own
against D-Game's 4th-ranked player.
Certainly, a submachine gun
is effective against a martial artist.
It's helping him keep his distance, too.
The problem is he's laying
all of his cards on the table,
but still hasn't been able
to draw out Danjo's Sigil.
Unless he can accomplish that,
I'm not sure how his talk
of forming an alliance will play out.
Dammit. I don't have a trump card.
One more grenade.
He saw right through my timing!
Hey, are you serious?
No way
Okay, here I come.
Any more would just be too cruel.
This isn't a martial arts match!
No way! He's gonna blow himself up?
Wall Iron!
I can make my body as hard as tungsten!
The hand grenade was a bluff.
He really used a flashbang.
It appears your fights
against A-rankers have not been flukes.
Suicide bombing won't get you far.
So, are you up for more?
All right! You pass!
I recognize you as an equal ally!
But it looks like you're up
for a little more fun, Kaname!
This hasn't been fun at all for me!
No way! I'm dea—
Man, you and those energy swords.
It doesn't even exist, but we all saw it.
Two men playing grab-ass
Who is she? How long has she been here?
He's even more impressive
in the flesh than in the videos.
Is she a friend of Danjo?
This is troublesome.
Xuelan isn't bad at heart, but
Wait, the number one ranking player in D-Game?!
My name is Liu Xuelan.
Be honored. I have come to claim you.
What do you mean,
Kaname's been abducted?!
And you just watched?!
Of course not!
I hate to admit it,
but I couldn't do anything!
I look over and Kaname's out cold!
Just one look!
One look from her and
we were suddenly unconscious!
What is that? I don't understand you.
I don't get it either!
I-It sounds like she's got a really scary Sigil.
No, that power isn't her Sigil.
It's not her Sigil?
Evidently, she was using that technique
even before joining D-Game.
According to Danjo, it's an ancient
eastern martial arts technique.
When her "energy swords" strike you,
the effect is like a simulated death.
I'm reluctant to accept it, but
And can we trust Danjo?
In the end, isn't he an enemy
who laid a trap for Kaname?
Certainly, Xuelan is an ally of Danjo,
maybe even something of a mentor,
but he seemed as surprised as we were.
I'm still not sure how much of that I can buy.
For now, anyway, he's our boss.
We can't just give up here.
We'll get Kaname back for sure.
But where and how do we look?
Don't worry, Sui.
I've already tracked Kaname down.
Can you untie me now?
Liu Xuelan.
What does the number one ranked player want?
I'm willing to hear you out, at least.
Just Xuelan is fine.
And I'll call you Kaname.
I don't like to stand on ceremony.
Okay, but isn't this kind of heavy-handed?
I hardly consider it heavy-handed.
Your Sigil could be quite the nuisance otherwise.
It's the first time I've found someone
more suited to be an assassin than me.
Yes, though I've also been called a hitwoman.
I come from a family of assassins
that has been around for more than 2,000 years.
Through the ages, we have been involved
in history from behind the scenes.
You see, in every era,
there is an unquenchable demand for assassins.
So what are you after?
You went to a lot of trouble to fetch me.
I'm sure it wasn't just to kill me.
Of course.
I'll get to the point.
I want you to work for me.
Work for you?
I would employ you
for slightly challenging jobs.
Believe me, it would be well worth your while.
Gimme a break. I have no intention
of taking part in assassina—
Don't you realize how gifted you are?
An incredible talent, lying dormant
in the body of an average high schooler.
If it hadn't been for D-Game,
that talent would never have manifested.
You're talking about my Sigil?
Don't play dumb.
A Sigil is just a bonus.
I'm sure you've already realized it.
What you're suited for
Especially extreme war.
More than anyone else, you are fit for battle.
When wielding a weapon, facing an enemy,
and starting the battle,
your fear is replaced with euphoria,
but the core of your mind is stone cold sober.
Don't be ridiculous!
Those who step up and shine in battle
are few and far between.
I, and only I, would be able
to take your talent and develop it beyond belief.
Actually, my family has been thinking
about welcoming a successor.
You can't be serious.
I am deadly serious.
We cannot afford to let the family skills
die out with my generation.
Therefore, I would not be against
bearing your child.
That would ensure the stability
of the next generation.
If that's not a joke,
then it's the worst proposal I've ever heard.
Lady Xuelan, it seems we are being pursued.
Shall I lose them?
I saw him! It looks like Kaname's okay!
Apparently the transmitter
I planted on him has been crushed,
but luckily, his cell phone is still intact.
To be honest, I didn't think you would help.
I thought a situation like this was likely.
Kaname stood out too much in the Shibuya event.
Enough chatter!
Step on it! I don't care if you ram them!
My threat was insufficient?
You're a popular young man, Kaname.
Or perhaps they feel affection?
I suppose they're stubborn, too.
Surely you're clever enough to realize
that they're no match for me.
Tell them to withdraw.
Kaname?! Is that you?!
Crash into us or whatever! Just stop this car!
I'll deal with the rest somehow!
I'm surprised that you don't know
when to give up.
Although I do like that in a man.
You're a badass.
Maybe even the world's best assassin.
You're not the top-ranked player for nothing.
But there are a lot of things
that can't be solved by killing!
I've survived this long
because I haven't taken any lives!
No way I'll take orders from someone
who only knows how to kill!
I challenge you, Xuelan!
Escape from my clan, Sunset Ravens,
without killing a single soul!
Then I'll become your lackey,
husband, or whatever you want!
Are you as good as your word?
I'm not lying.
I would fall in love with any woman
who could accomplish that escape.
Can't you go any faster?!
I bought this car because
you said it was strong and fast!
The pedal's already to the metal!
It's okay! I'm closing in!
I'll blow out their tires.
Please keep the car as steady as possible.
What about your arm injury?!
I was just about to start rehab anyway.
But is it okay to use a gun?
What about the police?
Sui, please inititate
an Encounter Battle in D-Game.
I see!
We'll use D-Game's concealment mode!
The clan battle is starting now!
It's the Sunset Ravens' first battle!
Let's fly!
I know this isn't the time for it,
but why "Sunset Ravens"?
Like crows flying off into the sunset?
When was it decided on?
- They're the world's toughest bird!
- Ravens are black and cute!
Um, ravens are actually kind birds
that are devoted to their family! That's why!
This is our revenge match for yesterday.
Sorry! They've also got bulletproof tires!
I can't stop them that way!
Wait! They're slowing down!
We'll catch up in a second!
No, this is fine!
I'll take over from here.
Keep closing in!
I see. That girl is the source of your confidence.
If I subdue her,
I suppose you'll have to surrender to me.
I'm going to kill you now,
so don't even bother trying to surrender.
Well, well. You don't notice the gap
between our abilities?
And by the way, Kaname said something
about falling in love with me.
Just experience the sensation.
I promised not to kill.
It's been a while since someone could move
so soon after being hit with my energy sword.
At your age, you're not afraid to die?
If I didn't want to die,
I shouldn't have been born, right?
Does Shuka have her on the ropes?
Or is she just holding her off?
If we play our cards right, can we win this?
This is why she's number one.
She's skillfully evading my spears.
That weapon's in my way!
Did she make her fall off the car, Rein?
What's going on?
Keep your guard up!
She's not dead yet!
Put some space between the cars!
She's going to attack!
Dammit! Is that how it is?!
No you don't!
Ryuji! Keep it just like that!
The problem is it won't steer the way I want!
She must've done something!
She's not getting away—
Game set.
It's been a lot of fun, little girls.
Those finger bullets move too fast
for me to react with Laplace!
Not yet! It's not over yet!
Good grief. You're already cornered.
We still have a way!
The real showdown starts now!
Use your Sigil when I give the sign!
Did she miscalculate
the distance between us?
She can't reach me from there.
And if she can't restrain me with them,
then her landing
Castor Light!
Hold on tight!
Shuka! Are you all right?!
Are you hurt?!
That woman didn't molest you, did she?!
I'm fine!
That's right, Xuelan!
Well done.
You formed a better clan than I imagined.
We win! So you keep your promise!
Is that what you think?
Can you really claim to have won in this situation?
As you can see, your greatest asset in battle
is dangling all the way over there.
In other words,
this whole area is under my control.
True, Shuka is the only one
who can trade blows with Xuelan.
You're the one who should admit defeat.
We have lost this match.
What, Ximing?
How do you figure that?!
First of all, I'm concerned
over the damage to our car's engine.
Driving it would be dangerous
without getting an inspection.
And Kaname's car won't be drivable again
until they get a tire change.
Then they can go ahead and replace it.
But then we wouldn't be able
to get away from that girl.
You made a promise to Kaname.
I believe it is now impossible
to "escape without killing anyone."
It takes more time to reel in a big fish.
I believe it is key to make time an ally,
not an enemy.
I didn't expect you to take that position, Ximing.
Well, he's too raw to be called
an unrecognized genius,
but perhaps a diamond in the rough.
I lose!
The game is over!
Clan Sunset Ravens wins!
We won?
More like she gave us a break and quit.
That's fine with me. A win's a win.
You're not wrong.
Is it okay to let it end like this?
Couldn't be better.
We went up against the top player
and didn't lose a single member.
Xuelan, remember the deal!
No recruiting any of our members.
If you want to team up,
it has to be on equal terms.
I refuse.
If you'll recall, I never promised anything
in the case that you won.
I make no promises
about anything I never agreed to.
Come to think of it,
I didn't get her to promise anything.
However, I'm not saying that I won't help you.
We will enter your clan, Sunset Ravens.
I will verify up close whether you are
a man who can handle me.
What more could I ask for?
I'm against it! She's arrogant
and I doubt she would even listen to us!
It's like letting a fox in the henhouse!
I also think we should refrain
from having a partnership with outsiders.
True, I'm sure she has no sense of camaraderie
and would easily betray us,
based on the circumstances.
But once she promises something, she'll keep it.
That was confirmed today.
Would you promise me one thing?
It's the condition to join our clan.
What is it?
If you ever decide to betray the clan,
betray me first.
Attacking any of the members before me
is something that I won't forgive.
I promise.
If I'm going to murder the clan,
I'll start with you, Kaname.
Okay. Then you're in, Xuelan.
Welcome to our clan.
Hey, Shinji.
Let's start shooting.
Right! I'm already filming.
Then come in closer.
Otherwise the message won't get across.
All right. Kaname Sudo, are you watching?
It's me, Wang.
I couldn't get in touch with you,
so I made this video love letter.
The star is this cute, chubby guy.
Hey, lift your head!
Ah, poor guy.
Looks like he won't be able
to hold a tea cup or chopsticks any more.
Next, he may lose the ability to take a walk,
so I'd get over here if I were you.
The place is
Figure that our for yourself, dumbass.
Next time, "Old One."
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