Daughter from Another Mother (2021) s01e09 Episode Script

El bautizo

You're back from the dead!
Can you tell me what happened?
Three words. "Soldado del Amor."
You fell. I took you to the hospital.
It was the damn mushrooms.
- I don't know what came over me.
- You got so existential.
You insisted you were going to die.
Is everything all right?
No, I'm not okay.
They found a lump in my breast.
There's no diagnosis yet, but
I have to get a biopsy to rule out cancer.
Oh, Mariana, I don't know
I feel like my life is falling apart.
I don't know what'll happen
to my marriage or my life.
You know I'm here for you, don't you?
- Huh?
- Thanks.
Thanks for being here.
Well, life goes on, right?
See you in a while.
Where are you going?
To get the biopsy done.
I'll come with you. I'll join you.
- Really?
- Yeah.
Come on.
What's up with you?
Hi, I'm thrilled to see you too.
What do you want?
Words of comfort
after you blew it with Mariana?
Actually, I have a proposition.
Imagine seeing him every day
knowing full well I'm lying.
I just can't.
Some people can, not me.
Ana Servín?
Go on. I'll be with you all the way, hmm?
The crooked floor
is merely an optical illusion.
Oh! We can set up
a play area for Regina over there.
And Pablo and I worked it out,
and we'll be sharing that room.
On one condition
I get my own bathroom.
- What else?
- That room over there is yours.
Uh Hang on a minute.
You rented an apartment
for the four of us to live in together?
Because we wanted to surprise you.
You don't have to choose
between us anymore.
But why didn't you ask me first?
Be because Pablo is an idiot!
But I'm the bigger idiot for listening
and renting an apartment with you.
You said it was a cool idea!
It is a cool idea.
But I'm not
moving out of Ana's place any more.
You don't want to leave Valentina.
It's not that.
Ana needs me more than ever.
I can't turn my back on her now.
I'm sorry.
Why wasn't the trip postponed?
I'm sorry, Ana.
It was the CEO's decision.
Those are my clients, Jorge!
You could've looped me in.
- Ana, is everything okay?
- No, it's not okay.
I don't like
the way this trip was handled.
Ana, a machine can't stop working
because one of its cogs fell off.
I'm sorry about what you're going through.
- I had to tell him. Sorry.
- We can't wait for you.
I think you understand what I'm saying.
Very well, then.
You'll have my resignation tomorrow.
I slept with Daniel
when I went to Buenos Aires.
I spent the night in the hospital
after a fight with Daniel.
As luck would have it,
I got the bed next to yours.
I heard you telling the nurses
about your affair in Argentina.
I expected you to deny it,
to say none of it was true.
I could've done that, but to what end?
I'd be fooling myself.
The affair with Daniel made me realize
our marriage isn't well.
No, it's not.
But we can still fix it.
You're leaving, just like that?
You're giving up 20 years of marriage?
Are you sure it's on me?
Because I don't know how it happened,
but we ended up living together.
It's funny, right?
- What's up, bro? You took long enough.
- Hey, man!
- Dude!
- Hi, how are you?
- Fine.
- Hey, the place looks nice.
The floor's a bit warped, though.
- So, which one is my room?
- You don't get one.
This place has to be ready
for whenever Regina comes.
Aah. That's a dick move, man.
Cheers, congratulations.
I need someone to talk to.
- You got the wrong door.
- No
Aah! I'm sorry!
Aah! Sorry, sorry!
Oh, that was your fault.
Look at this.
Will the boss join us?
He already left.
I didn't hear him.
You were still asleep.
That's odd. Dad never leaves before eight.
Enough already, okay? Enough.
Is this an interrogation or what?
Your dad went away on a trip,
he's meeting a supplier.
This is a comfy couch.
Don't even think about
staying here any longer.
Will you tell me
what your fight with Ana is about?
She told me
she slept with someone else.
- Did you tell her about us?
- No.
I didn't have the guts.
I'm a coward, aren't I?
Hey, I know coming here was a bad idea,
but when Ana told me what she did,
I got so jealous
and I felt the need to see you
and talk to you.
It's called "spite."
I hope you feel better now.
I'll leave now.
Sorry for bothering you.
What the hell?
If you won't help, go snore at your place.
- I thought we were done.
- Do I have a job?
I don't, do I? So, we're not done.
We've sent your résumé
to a bunch of places.
Wait to hear back from them.
Besides, why do you need a job
if you're staying here?
Because I need to save up.
I want to go back to college
without asking my mom for money.
What the hell?
What is that?
It's supposed to be a centerpiece,
but it looks like
A dildo?
Why christen them?
So they don't go to limbo.
If you don't believe in this anyway,
what's the harm in doing it?
Why do it if I don't believe in it?
Wouldn't it be better to let them decide
when they're older?
What if I'm gone by then?
We agreed we'd stay positive
until you get the test results.
Yeah, but I have to be realistic.
If I'm dying, I don't want to waste
whatever time I have left.
So, organizing a christening
doesn't seem like a waste of time for you?
If you object
for religious reasons, I understand.
But at least do it for the girls.
Ana, they're seven months old.
Ceci and Rodrigo are both christened.
Vale will think
I skipped hers because her father left,
and that will scar her for life.
Fine, you can christen
Valentina but not Regina.
Leave her out of it, okay? Please.
How will I explain to Regina
why she was left out?
Just blame it on me.
I'll blame you when Valentina asks
why you chose
these horrible dildos as centerpieces.
They're not dildos! They're beautiful.
- Ana
- They're cute.
- Okay. Let's do rock, paper, scissors.
- No, wait. I have a better idea.
Yes, we're having
a welcoming ritual for Regina
and a christening ceremony for Valentina.
Something more spiritual for her.
Mom. Mom, I didn't call you
to get your opinion.
No, my mom doesn't know.
So, don't bring it up, Grandma.
Juan Carlos left.
And no, not with his secretary.
Yeah, we've all changed a lot.
They're asking about you.
I couldn't say when you'd be back.
You'll never forgive me, huh?
It's not that easy.
I know, I get it.
I'd be lost if I were in your shoes.
I don't know how I could do this to you.
Especially since you've never cheated.
Think of the children.
Give me a few days.
I need space to clear my head.
I swear she's always like that.
Yes, she's very responsible
and hardworking.
Yes, all right, I
I'll call you back next week.
- Thanks.
- What was that about?
I'm helping Mariana find a job.
She wants to go back to college.
If you still have feelings for Mariana,
just tell her.
Frankly I'm still in love with her.
I want to make her happy.
- So, what's the problem?
- Well
she doesn't want me.
Did you ask her?
If anyone has an actual shot with her,
it's you.
You have a baby together.
I want the event to be small.
I was thinking of inviting around
50 guests or so.
- That's a lot, Ana!
- Plus your guests, of course.
- Did you e-mail me your list?
- Here's my list.
My grandma, Anuar, Elena and Pablo.
What about your mom?
- Aren't you inviting her?
- No. We're not on good terms.
- Is Juan Carlos coming?
- Of course he is.
Even if he's mad at me,
it's his daughter's christening.
Your mom can't miss
her grandchild's christening.
She won't be offended.
No. If you won't invite her, I will.
- I'll call her.
- Hey. No, Ana
Fine, I'll invite her.
It's very important to me
that your family is there.
After Tere, you're even.
Even? Don't be ridiculous, Víctor.
- What, bro?
- Thanks.
You had a fling with Tere.
And Ana cheated on you with her ex.
That makes you even.
Or not, because she actually confessed.
So, you would've told her?
No. That would be so weird.
"Guess what? I banged Regina's granny."
- That's exactly what I thought.
- Besides, she'd never forgive you.
It doesn't seem fair
for her to carry all the guilt.
Mmm. It all depends
on what you want, then.
If you want her back, don't tell her.
If you want stop being a married man
and join me in my bachelor lifestyle,
then tell her.
Make up your mind.
You can't keep the charade forever.
Do you mind
if we sit down for a little while?
I know I screwed up big time.
And that I hurt you.
But I want us to be together.
I swear I've changed
and that I'm willing to do
- No. Pablo
- Wait. I'm not done yet.
I want you to go back to college.
I'll take care of the money,
the baby, the house.
You wouldn't need a job, I'd support you.
Pablo, wait.
- No.
- Why?
Listen. Sit down.
I'm not who I used to be.
And I don't know what I want.
But I do know I'm not looking
for someone to support me financially.
You don't have to say yes right now.
I can wait.
I don't want you to wait for me.
Mariana, you're the coolest girl I know.
The one I could ever spend my life with.
I mean it.
With whom I have the cutest babies.
I'm not in love with you anymore.
I I wish I felt the same way as you,
but I just don't, I'm sorry.
Jeez, Mariana.
I'm tired of doing all this,
of doing everything for you,
for us.
Who knows what'll happen?
Pablo might not come after all.
What do you mean?
At this rate,
you'll end up with no guests.
Have you called your mom?
I have. One more photo.
- Look over here.
- I know you didn't want to.
- Thank you.
- Sure.
Look how cute they look together.
- Aww!
- Oh, they're so cute!
But Vale has a hint of a double chin.
Can't you edit that?
Ana, she's a baby.
Babies have cute double chins.
Still, you should touch it up.
- Let's just take another one.
- Chin up, sweetie.
Hi, Mom. Hi, Mariana.
Look who's back from his trip.
You better tell us what's going on.
Because this seems
like a bad Kardashians episode.
You're splitting up?
Listen, kids.
Couples go through rough patches.
Yes, but that doesn't mean
we don't love each other
or that we no longer love you.
I bet my dad cheated on you.
No, Ceci.
Uh In fact
What your mom wants to say
is not all couples
split up because of that.
Sometimes we neglect our partner
No, Dad.
We don't need the details.
I don't want you to split up.
It's all right, Ro.
We'll get through this for you.
And for us.
What's up, man?
- Hey, dude!
- Oh!
What's all this?
A little testosterone.
It might help
ease the pain of your rejection.
It's not like Mariana rejected me
to get back with you.
I guess not.
But I got rejected a while back,
and I'm gonna get wasted too.
That's what I'm talking about!
Ever since you moved out,
none of these shit heads
wants to clean the bathroom.
Fuck, man!
This is my cousin, Cynthia.
- Hi. Nice to meet you.
- Likewise.
- Oh! Sorry!
- It's okay.
Don't worry about it.
Why don't you stay and play?
I already beat everyone, they all suck.
You play video games?
- Yes.
- Very nice.
- You don't?
- Of course I do.
I feel awful.
I'll never stop feeling guilty.
Ana, don't.
Thank you.
What for?
For trying to make it work
despite everything.
I can only imagine
how hard this must be for you.
But I promise you
I swear to you
that I'll earn your trust back.
I also cheated.
- What?
- Ah
Before or after I did?
Before. Before!
I didn't know how to tell you.
Why didn't you tell me
when I confessed about Daniel?
I was a coward. I
You judged me, made me feel like shit.
- Ana
- You let me blame myself
- for ruining our marriage.
- Forgive me.
- I I was an idiot. Ana!
- Who is she?
- I
- Do I know her? What's her name?
No, no, Ana. Wait.
Let's not get into that, there's no need.
There's no need to Ana.
What about the christening
Maternity is an intimate,
life-changing event for a woman.
In every culture, maternity rituals
have always been presided over by women.
Through this circle, we'll bless
the female lineage of this family.
- Sorry I'm late. Sorry.
- Ah!
Thanks. Mmm.
Yesterday I told her to get here early.
She said she had no clue about this.
Isn't that strange?
We're all here.
Place your hands like this.
The right one receives,
the left one gives.
Let's invoke the female deities.
- This is heresy.
- Thank you.
Ana, Mariana.
Let's strengthen the bond between you.
Hold hands.
Tell each other
what you admire about one another.
I'm very grateful to life for finding you.
I'm very, very lucky.
It scared me at first
that you were Regina's mom because
I didn't agree with the way
you led your life, so free, so
But now I realize
I'd like to be a bit more like that,
and stop making
those mistakes I've made by
by being the way I am.
Very few people know me as well as you do,
you who know everything about me.
I consider you my best friend.
Thank you so much for all the things
you've taught me, Ana.
I must confess I was also very nervous
about you being Valentina's mom.
sharing motherhood
with you has been amazing.
I've learned a lot from you
about what it means to be a mom,
about being true to what I think and feel.
And it's important for me that you know
that I will always be there
for our babies, and for you,
no matter what, okay?
Thanks for being my partner.
Like that, with your eyes closed,
feel how the energy flows.
It looks like
there's not enough tables.
- What about your 50 guests?
- I uninvited them.
You were right.
With what's going on with Juan Carlos,
I wanted to avoid the gossip.
So I decided
to keep it small, family only.
Alma Toca?
Small and family-only?
If I didn't invite her,
she'd gossip about me even more.
I'll be right back.
Hi! I'm so glad you made it.
You're too obvious.
- What are you talking about?
- Don't play dumb.
I know why you rejected Pablo.
You're in love with Mrs. Perfect.
What you feel isn't real love.
You're just confused.
Ana, can we talk?
Not now, Juan Carlos, later.
Later, when?
You haven't talked to me
since you kicked me out.
This isn't the best time.
Be careful. Stay away from the holy water.
You might catch fire.
- Oh, Father. Wait.
- How dare you show up?
They're my grandchildren,
you can't deny my right.
No, Mom. You lost it with your actions,
and you dragged me along.
Now, because of you, I'm going to hell.
You must protect this baby
from eternal damnation.
There's no such thing.
Romelia, I can't christen a baby
against the parents' will.
But her parents are sinners.
Their will doesn't count.
- What are you doing, Mom?
- Grandma.
What? She started it.
She was trying to convince him
to christen Regina.
- What?
- I just want to save her from hell.
Hell is only in your head.
No, no, it's in your pagan goddesses.
- That's heresy.
- Enough!
Since we can't do this in a civil manner,
I'm afraid you'll have to leave.
- Uh But
- That's what fascists get.
- Grandma, you too.
- What?
Neither of you can stay
unless you respect our decisions.
All right.
I can't believe how much you've changed.
- Hello.
- Hi there.
- Hello. Excuse me.
- Hello.
Let's sit here.
Hello, Pablo!
How are you?
Your seat is in the front row.
We can see just fine from here.
What's wrong?
You didn't ask
if I wanted to christen my daughter.
- Pablo, I Actually
- Forget it, Mariana.
I get it.
You and Ana get to make every decision.
- It's fine.
- Of course not. You're Regina's dad.
I don't mean to be cruel,
but I need some distance between us, okay?
I just want things to be clear.
You got it.
Don't get drunk, Víctor.
This is a christening.
Easy, dude.
This orange juice isn't doing much for me.
Look who's here.
Sexy granny.
We're gathered here today
to celebrate an important day
in Regina's and Valentina's life.
Welcome, brethren,
to this double celebration.
In the name of the Father,
the Son, and the Holy Ghost.
There will be more ♪
From where it came ♪
I always think about after losing ♪
There should be someone ♪
On the edge ♪
Without the fear of loving ♪
There will be someone
Willing to jump with me ♪
With no fear of falling ♪
- We need to tell her the truth.
- She doesn't need to know it was you.
That will only complicate things.
It's for Mariana.
- Why?
- She knows.
- Did you tell her?
- Ugh! Of course not!
She overheard you on the phone with me.
It's not fair
she has to keep this secret from Ana.
Please understand.
- You must tell her.
- No.
No, Tere, I can't.
Juan Carlos, I've made up my mind.
Either you tell her or I will. Sorry.
Conrado, don't you need
to use the bathroom or take a look around?
I've been kicked out of worse places.
We have a daughter together.
Shouldn't we make
an effort for Regina's sake?
Ever since Regina was born,
that's all I've done,
made an effort
for you to let me see my baby,
so these people and Ana would like me.
I made an effort
for you to have a place to live.
I also helped you with your app.
I made an effort
to make you fall in love with me again.
And all for what?
So you could blow me off?
It's fine if you don't want to be with me.
What are you looking at?
Never been cheated on?
I'm also trying to quit smoking.
Do those work?
They're trash.
Hey, try this.
What is this? Marijuana?
It's a mix of herbs I made.
It helps with anxiety.
And it does have marijuana.
Hello, hello.
Hello, testing. Can you hear me?
Welcome, friends and family.
The time has come to hear
some words from the bride and groom.
Bride and groom? No!
My bad, this is not a wedding.
It's the girls' christening.
- What a lovely celebration.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
- Thanks.
- Thanks. Thank you all for being here.
- Whoo!
This is this is a very important day
for for my daughters and my family.
It's truly an honor to have you here.
- I'd like to say
- Me! I'd like to say a few words.
Come on!
- Cheers!
- Cheers!
Cheers to you!
Thank you.
my love.
Okay. First things first.
Welcome to this party, everyone.
Thank you for being here.
The truth is, throwing this together
overnight wasn't easy.
I almost died trying.
Right, Mariana?
And without the help
of all the lovely women
who helped me organize it,
this wouldn't be possible.
You see, my husband didn't help me at all.
Quite the opposite.
He ruined everything.
On top of that, he's been cheating on me.
- Want to know with whom?
- What?
You won't believe this.
With a grandma.
What a nice family, huh?
- Cheers to that!
- Stop it. Give it to me.
- Cheers to that!
- Enough.
Since this is getting dull
and the band isn't playing,
I'll sing a song for you.
Just kidding.
- Hey, don't! No, No!
- That's enough.
- I'm not finished yet.
- It's over, Ana.
I'm not finished.
- Enough. Let's go. Come on.
- No.
Where are you going?
Hey, what the hell happened?
- Did you tell her?
- Who cares how she found out?
What matters is, no more secrets.
Isn't that what you wanted?
I hope your relationship with Ana
isn't damaged and I hope
you can forgive me, sweetheart.
What was that?
- What?
- That! What you just said.
What I didn't say, you mean.
Are you talking about your lover?
Or should I call her Tere?
- Who told you?
- Did you think I wouldn't find out?
I was so blind. Right?
I welcomed her into my house,
told her she was like family.
- I was such a fool, huh?
- It's not like that.
Why, Juan Carlos?
Of all the women out there,
why did it have to be her?
- To humiliate me, huh?
- No. No!
How long have you been
making a fool out of me?
- In my face, in my house!
- No, Ana.
- Let me explain.
- Don't touch me!
You're a piece of shit!
A piece of shit!
That's what you are, a piece of shit!
I never want to see you again.
Ana, can we talk?
I never thought I wouldn't mind
making a fool out of myself.
As a matter of fact,
I never thought I'd do this.
I always wanted to,
but never dared because of my allergies.
I need to tell you something.
Now that I think about it,
this year has been full of "nevers."
I never thought
I'd be a mom to two babies.
Or that I'd quit my job.
Or that I might have cancer.
Or that Juan Carlos and I would split up.
I've had plenty
of "nevers" in my life lately too.
I never thought I'd be a mom at 23.
Or that I'd live with a stranger.
Or that I'd grow so close
to someone like you.
- No offense.
- Hmm! No.
Trust me, nothing offends me anymore.
But there's something I need to know.
Did you know about
Juan Carlos and your mom?
You knew.
That's why you didn't invite her.
I would've sworn you'd never
hide something like that from me.
I thought we were friends.
Of course we are friends.
I love you so much.
Stay away from me.
Forgive me.
Uh You were so vulnerable.
I didn't want to hurt you.
That's just an excuse.
You're a traitor.
I can't believe,
after everything we've been through
What are you doing?
I'm in love with you.
Get out of my house.
If it is true that you are leaving ♪
If there is no turning back ♪
I know well what you will say ♪
I know that you will lie ♪
There is no more ♪
Look into my eyes, please
Don't be such a coward ♪
Your lies came just too late ♪
And there is nothing that can save us ♪
Look into my eyes and don't lie to me
You never cry ♪
If you can fall in love so easily ♪
And our love only lasted a few hours ♪
It has never been the fault
Of who hurts or who cries ♪
It's fault of the one falling in love ♪
To breathe ♪
The wish to scream ♪
And being unable to hate you ♪
I know that talking ♪
Is just futile ♪
What's said is done ♪
There is no more ♪
Look into my eyes, please
Don't be such a coward ♪
Your lies came just too late ♪
And there is nothing that can save us ♪
Look into my eyes and don't lie to me
You never cry ♪
If you can fall in love so easily ♪
And our love only lasted a few hours ♪
It has never been the fault
Of who hurts or who cries ♪
It's fault of the one falling in love ♪
To cry for you
Isn't asking for forgiveness ♪
I don't want you to be right ♪
If it was never my decision ♪
And it is that, at the end ♪
None of us said goodbye ♪
Look into my eyes, please
Don't be such a coward ♪
Your lies came just too late ♪
And there is nothing that can save us ♪
Look into my eyes and don't lie to me
You never cry ♪
If you can fall in love so easily ♪
And our love only lasted a few hours ♪
Nunca ha sido culpa de quien hiere
O de quien llora ♪
It has never been the fault
Of who hurts or who cries ♪
It's fault of the one falling in love ♪
The fault of the one falling in love ♪
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