Dekalog (1989) s01e09 Episode Script

Part 9

Roman What do you want to know? The truth Are you sure? Yes.
That's why I've come to you How many women have you had in your life? You know, women, girls or whatever you call them Eight, nine, I don't know, maybe fifteen That's enough I've been married for ten years now And, frankly That's enough Are you sure I won't ever be able to make love to any woman? I'm afraid you won't The findings are typical and so are the symptoms What's your wife like? She's wonderful Take a divorce THE DECALOGUE 9 Romek I heard your car.
Come on You didn't want to meet me did you? I did Your suit is dripping wet Don't you want to know why I went to Cracow? Why, you have friends there Just one Why don't you tell me about Zagreb? I delivered several lectures I assisted during several operations On three occasions I operated myself I got paid and by the time I was leaving, the money I got was only worth a half of its original value Are you tired? No I say, Hanka darling Mhm, not now, please Tell me everything I'm not afraid anymore I went to Cracow to meet Mikolaj He's a friend of mine I told you about him once didn't I? That son of a bitch, I remember Well, he examined me and had all the analyses made He was quite frank I haven't any chances today, tomorrow or ever I don't believe it These are facts Do you love me? Well, do you or not? You're afraid to say you do although you do love me after all Love is not just panting in bed for five minutes once a week It is that, too It's just biology True love is situated in one's heart and not between the legs What matters to me is what we have and not what we haven't You're young and I can manage You'll have to find yourself a lover That is if you haven't found one yet I haven't Some things are better left unsaid Oh no All right so you've been frank with me you won't ever be able to make love to me At least that 's what the doctors say And I'm telling you this I want to be with you anyway I love you May I cuddle up to you? Yes Tightly, O.
? You asleep, Hanka? No We've never wanted a baby That's right It would perhaps be easier now if there was one Perhaps Good morning Can I help? Well, if you're so kind Just hold the funnel, will you? May I join you, Doctor? It's not very good for you But not fatal Maybe not The ward head told me he found it rather difficult to come to terms with you Really? But it's perfectly simple You see, Doctor, I have a voice How's that? A singing voice My mother is a hard-working woman you know She wants me to be somebody I wasn't admitted to the school of music because of my heart I shouldn't sing, my heart's to weak for that.
It might fail But Mother wants me to become a singer What's your specialty? Back and Mahler Do you know Mahler? Yes And Van den Budenmayer? No, I don't know that one His works are well, difficult But I can sing them.
Mother wants me to make a career abroad or at least here This is what that operations's for Mother wants the ward head to operate on me or better still, you Do you want it, too? I want to live, that's enough for me.
I don't have to sing Besides, I'm scared I guess the ward head wanted you to reassure me to tell me it isn't dangerous I'll be able to do everything afterwards Well, go on, tell me Know what, it's not that simple Such operations are usually carried out to save I mean, they are the last resort when nothing else can be done Which is not the case with me, right? Frankly speaking that's what I mean Various people have different needs Mother wants me to have everything while I only need this much Hallo? Good afternoon may I speak to Hanka please? Hallo? I'm afraid she's out Oh, I thought she was.
Thank you Want me to give her a message? No, thanks I'll try to reach her later What is it? Van den Budenmayer Beautiful, isn't it? Yes I once heard it before I took a call to you Who was it? Beautiful, really I've bought something for you Care to try it on? It's for you Hallo? Hello, Hanka, at last! Hanka Yes? I must see you You didn't come at four All right Hanka darling All right, I'll be there Yes.
Yes, it's better this way I see, Yes, sure.
Yes? Can you hear me, Hanka dear? Why, hello, Mum I'll try to be brief I need something from my flat When could you send it to me? We fly on Thursdays and Saturdays now Fine.
Go to my flat and find that black shawl and umbrella All right.
I'll come to the airport Please come in I've been thinking about you After we'd talked yesterday I bought a record What record? Van den Budemayer? In Dutch.
It's wonderful Remember anything? Your singing's beautiful A pity you don't want it for a career That's what Mother says And rightly, too What did you dream about when you were my age? I wanted to become a doctor, a surgeon And what about having a home a family, children? Didn't you dream about that? I never thought about it Oh, I forgot Mother phoned She wants her umbrella and shawls And the plane's due to take off in no time at all Why, don't they sell shawls in shops where she is? Don't you know her? She wants to have her own one When is the plane due? At twelve, a few minute past I don't operate until the afternoon I may go to the airport I'm free for an hour You're a dear Oh, give me the key the umbrella is on the coat-stand A black folding one The shawl's black, too It's in the chest of drawers in the bedroom I'll find it Hallo? It's me Hello Do me a favour, will you? Never call me on the phone at home unless you have to Anything wrong? No, phone me at the office it's better that way Ten to six, right? Yes, ten to six, and then to eight on Thursdays and Tuesdays As you wish, Madam have you been to your mother's flat? When? Well, lately I send a postcard to you saying I love you and will keep our date today A postcard? Yes, a silly on, with the Pope on the reverse side When did you mail it? After our last meeting, as usual Haven't you got it? No.
Bye Yes? May I speak to Mr.
Mariusz zawidzke, please? It's the right number, isn't it? Yes, please Mariusz! For you again! Hallo.
Yes, who is it? Hallo! It's me.
So you're there? Yes I was getting nervous I tried to reach you but the number was engaged all the time.
Did you use the phone? No, I've just come in You must have got the number wrong Hurry up, Roman don't rummage the flat Mother doesn't like it Hi.
Thanks you so much Hope I can still make it They haven't taken off yet I'm free at six You can have the car Oh, but what about you? I've got time enough That's great.
I'll come to fetch you I'll be free at nine Is it comfortable? Yes.
No mail in Mother's flat? Ah, I didn't check.
You should have told me to when you phoned I didn't think about it Well, be seeing you Bye Roman! The registration card It's in the glove compartment See you in the evening I can't sleep You were good at physics weren't you? Tell me how that law goes: The loss of weight of a floating body is equal to How does it go? The apparent loss of weight is equal to the weight of water that body has dislodged Something like that I think You've had a bad day Was it an operation? Someone died, right? Yes, don't Who was it? Don't touch me Sorry Yes? It's me Why, hello, Hanka darling I must see you This is exactly what I've been telling you all week long But the last two days you refused Now I want it I miss you All right is Thursday all right with you? Any time will be fine At six on Thursday, then Is anything wrong, darling? At six Are you there Roman? Yes No, don't take it off I have very little time I've missed you so much No, don't O.
Not now And never again This is the last time we meet That's what I wanted to tell you But Hanka Go away now All right we don't have to go to bed But don't make me go, please I love you We never talked about it And we're not going to Did he find out about us? We're not going to discuss him, either He hasn't found out and he won't ever find out Button your jacket up, and go You're looking swell Hanka Well, go away now Come out.
Come out, will you? Why have you done it? Tell me why? You wanted to see me having fun with him in bed? You should have come last week you'd have seen everything I was here last week, too How's that? I was sitting on the steps and listening Open the door Perhaps you'd like me to marry you You know you could get a divorce and Roman Please take me in your arms I can't Please Oh, please do You're not going to walk out on me, are you just because I went to bed with I I didn't know I know you well enough but I never thought I didn't know how much I'd hurt you I have no right to be jealous Of course you have right I can't demand it from you Of course you can You can.
You were right about the other thing, too Nothing should be left unsaid We've got to tell each other everything I'll never lie to you again I don't want to hide behind a wardrobe I had an extra key made You won't ever have to We should have a child Adopt one.
You were right We need a rest from each other Yes All right.
Take a holiday and I'll talk to some lawyer in the meantime About the adoption No, I want you to go away I won't have that physicist Good.
Good Not too short? They're my wife's Could you tell me How much is a ticket to Melbourne? Go away I just wanted to ask how much is a ticket to Melbourne Janusz? This gentleman will tell you all you want to know Melbourne is his department What can I do for you? It takes longer if you want a boy and much shorter with a girl The lawyer was very nice It would be fully confidential All right but how long does it take? Well, several months with a girl Everybody wants a boy you'd just have to provide a certificate of sterility I might get it from Mikolaj Tell me, Roman is it what you really want? Yes Want me to phone you every day from Zakopane? No.
Don't do it But you do trust me, don't you? I keep saying the same again and again.
I love you How are you? I hate you Why, you agreed, didn't you? Yes.
But I didn't want it Has anything happened? What's wrong? Nothing yet.
But I know I'm a different person now What do you mean? I want to sing And to have a large audience Yes? Hallo? Hallo? Hallo! Yes, who is it? Good evening.
I couldn't get a connection at an earlier hour May I speak to Mariusz, please? He's away.
Who's speaking, please? A friend from the university My son went away to Zakopane to ski Do you want me to give him your message? The tickets for today are sold out The booking-office does not sell tickets in advance for tomorrow It's open daily from seven thirty a.
Passengers are invited to come back tomorrow Two for ten thirty What what are you doing here? I was told you went for a skiing holiday I thought, maybe you are in Zakopane.
So I I came here, too Hanka dearest I forgot.
Hold this a minute.
I forgot Is this the hospital? Yes.
May I help you? This is Hanna Nycz speaking from Zakopane.
Is my husband there? No, Doctor Nycz isn't here today He phoned he wasn' coming Do you hear me? Yes Hallo? Are you there? Would you please do me a favour? It's important.
Should my husband phone the hospital Please tell him I'm leaving for Warsaw on the first train or bus I manage to catch I'll be home in the evening Will you tell him? Yes Hallo? I can hear you.
I'll tell him Thank you I'd like to make another call, please.
It won't take long It's a local call Right here at the refilling station No, just what I needed They're perfect Your ticket, please Put the skis in the luggage-carrier To the luggage-carrier, please You're tickets, please Your ticket, Madam I have no ticket But I must get to Warsaw Roman Roman? Roman? Yes.
Where? I see Can you hear me? Your wife is not in that hotel in Zakopane She left for Warsow in the morning Thirty-two fifty-six thirty-six Yes? Hanka darling You're all right Oh God, you're all right I am
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