Dinner Time Live with David Chang (2024) s01e09 Episode Script

No Meat, No Problem with Sarah Silverman & JB Smoove

[theme music playing]
Welcome, folks. I'm Dave Chang.
This is Dinner Time Live.
That is Chris Ying.
He's gonna help me out.
He's the self-proclaimed
voice of the Internet.
He hates that, but I love it.
And I'm joined with two
of the funniest people I know,
Sarah Silverman, J.B. Smoove.
-Thank you for having us.
-Very excited.
We're very excited.
We're already loving our vegan
Uh, uh
-Oyster mushrooms.
-[Dave] Oyster mushrooms. Yeah.
All right. Oyster mushrooms.
I was just told that I'm second-place
to his own fried mushrooms.
See, I'm not No, here's the thing.
Here's the thing, D.
My wife and I We are
We don't play. We don't play.
We do vegan events.
We do vegan RV parties at the beach.
We do After that, the next day,
we do at the house
J.B., this is an event too.
-I know, I know. Listen
No. David, look, man,
I'm just saying we are so
Look. We do this.
We love it so much that Look, man.
Well, let me explain to the audience
what you love so much.
We're just passionate about
We're passionate, passionate vegans.
As you may have heard,
we're talking about vegan food.
And this is the first vegan menu
we've ever done on Dinner Time Live.
-And Sarah is a vegetarian
but I thought I would make a menu
where everyone could partake.
So, this is gonna be a vegan menu.
And, uh, gotta be honest,
this is not something I do very much
[J.B.] Hm.
but I have one trick up my sleeve
when it comes to vegan menu,
and I usually make chickpeas.
-[J.B.] Mmm.
-Because it's versatile.
It's got good macros, a lot of protein.
You can cook it in a variety of forms,
from powder, which
This will eventually be your entrée.
Um, through just goods and salads,
et cetera, et cetera, so
This is gonna be an ode
to the power of the chickpea.
-[Sarah] Mm-hm.
-Although you started with some mushrooms.
Um, and again, like, I wanna make food,
if someone's gonna come over,
that has a dietary request
that everybody partakes.
I don't like it when everyone
has to eat something sappy, you know?
I don't like that.
-Happy holidays of the Merry Christmas.
-[Dave] Yeah.
-People forget that
-For everybody.
[J.B.] This is weird. This one
goes down at our This is weird.
This is how the world is.
carnivores can eat everything we eat,
but we can't eat what carnivores eat.
So, when we do all this
David, this is crazy.
All the vegan food is gone quick.
I'm saying, "Wait,
you carnivores come to my party,
I give you stuff to eat,
I give you stuff
where you can be comfortable,
and you still eat the vegan food."
Isn't that strange?
'Cause the vegan food is universal.
I haven't been invited to your parties.
Now, you on the list. You on the list now.
But that's what happens.
But, J.B., you provide meat
for the meat-eaters at these events?
[J.B.] Okay, look, at the RV party,
we have three grills.
All my buddies who are
I'm a former grill master.
I'm a former grill master. I did it all.
I'm talking about, you name a meat.
I'm from North Carolina.
I have had every meat.
I've had snake, bear,
squirrel, wild turkey.
I've had rabbits. My father used to go
I lived in the projects.
My father used to come
He used to go hunting.
And he would throw a deer
over his shoulder and walk that deer
into that damn apartment building.
A whole deer.
Put newspaper on the floor
in the living room
and gut all the animals.
[Dave] No wonder you're a vegan!
I'm only saying,
that was my childhood growing up.
-[Dave] Well
-Gut rabbits, gut squirrels.
Living room, under the paper.
Fold the paper, throw it.
[Dave] But delicious.
Everything you mentioned are delicious.
Look, that's a former life.
Did that make you want to not eat animals?
Seeing them, like, pulled apart?
No. My wife converted me completely.
She hasn't had meat, um, in 27 years.
My wife, Shah,
has not had meat in a long time.
She went vegetarian for a while,
and then, you know, she went
Um, I was told during that time, we
You know, we're together,
you know, I was part-time vegetarian
or part-time vegan, full-time carnivore.
I was doing both.
I was playing both ends of the spectrum.
When I came home,
I would eat what she cooked.
But on the road
You know how we roll. Comics.
It's so hard to eat healthy on the road.
It's not possible.
[Dave] I know.
So, my last day
was at a Buffalo Wild Wings, actually.
I was
I was sitting there with ten barbecue,
ten teriyaki, like I normally do.
-Extra celery sticks.
-And I got [chuckles]
I got halfway through
like five barbecue, five teriyaki.
And I tore one open
And I just stopped, and I said, "Wow."
-[Dave] Oh.
That's how you know we're live.
-[Sarah] You okay?
I said, "I'm over it." And that was it.
Last time I had meat. Seven years ago.
-[Dave] Well
-Isn't that crazy?
-But that's
-[Dave] Buffalo Wild Wings.
[Chris] "Will drive you to veganism."
Their new slogan.
Let me explain what we have today.
What I'm doing.
Uh, I'm cooking some, uh, bread
that is gonna be a salad.
But this, I have to get started right now.
This is, uh, chickpeas.
Have you had panisse before or farinata?
"Farinata" is what the Italians call it.
Chickpea flour that's been hydrated
and then, like,
cooked like this, almost like polenta.
Then you fry it again.
That is called "panisse."
And it's very popular in Algeria,
south of France like Nice,
um, northern Italy, Liguria.
Am I missing any?
[Chris] You got every one.
All throughout the Mediterranean,
this chickpea shmoo is very popular.
[Sarah] "Shmoo"?
Wherever you go in the Mediterranean,
you find shmoo, garbanzo
-That's what it's called? Shmoo?
-[J.B.] Hm.
-Panisse shmoo?
But usually, it's made with, uh
When I've done this,
it's made with parmesan.
And I'm not using parmesan today.
-[J.B.] Hm.
-I'm using nutritional yeast.
-[Sarah] Yeah.
-[J.B.] Well, my
One of my favorite ingredients.
Nutritional yeast.
Add it to your cabinet.
It's absolutely amazing.
-It's in my cabinet.
-Oh, it's in your?
You like that Bragg's too?
The That Bragg brand.
It's like soy sauce.
-Amino acids.
-Amino. Mm.
-Um, amazing too.
-[Sarah] Mm.
[Dave] You put that on popcorn, I heard.
-[Sarah] I do.
I like a wet popcorn.
[chuckles] Wait, wait, wait.
You put aminos on your popcorn?
See, I do nutritional yeast on my popcorn.
That's great too.
That's It's cheese popcorn.
Oh, my gosh.
-Tig Notaro makes this stuff.
It's, like, everything good for you.
It's, like, chia seeds,
nutritional yeast
-uh, hemp seeds. Like, all this stuff.
And you put it on, like, instead of salt.
-On everything.
Popcorn, everything.
It's so good and good for you.
So, I just put that in the freezer,
help it set up a little.
-[Sarah] The panisse.
-The panisse.
But what I flavored with is, um, this.
Uh, with water and some other aromatics.
But this I'd give you a little taste.
-This is
-Can I maybe like?
You can do that. This is
button mushrooms
with chickpeas that I blended.
[J.B.] Ooh.
-[J.B.] That's
All it was Raw button mushrooms,
cooked chickpeas,
blended it, and I'm straining it,
and you have this gold.
[Sarah] What? Why is that so good?
-It tastes truffle-ish.
-[Dave] A lot of umami.
So, anybody can do that, and
It's not fermented
so you should, you know,
you can make that in a day.
Pretty good, right?
-It tastes like truffle.
-A little bit.
-Look, I love truffle.
Don't get me wrong.
But the market price for truffle
is out of control.
You can't even buy a nice outfit
to go out to eat truffle.
It's that expensive.
[Dave] It depends on the season
and the weather too, right?
And did you know
that pigs have to find the truffles?
-[Sarah] Truffle pigs.
-Yeah. Truffle pigs.
-There's truffle dogs too.
Truffle dogs too? Wow?
-Look at that.
-Where do truffles grow?
[Dave] Uh
Trees. Usually in the, like
Near trees, yeah.
[Sarah] It's a kind of mushroom, right?
There are some domestic truffles as well.
Australia has truffles.
Most of the truffles seem to be coming
from Spain or China right now. Yeah.
What's the highest price
you've ever seen for truffles per pound?
Usually it will be white truffle.
And it could be north of $4,000 a pound.
[J.B.] Isn't that crazy? That's crazy.
You could buy a used car.
-[Dave laughing]
I was on a talk show in England
a million years ago,
and Gordon Ramsay was on,
and he brought a truffle that was like
And he goes, "This is $6,000."
And I thought I was hot shit, I took it
and I took a bite out of it like an apple.
-Those things are expensive.
-Like an a-hole.
-I know!
-I feel like we should have
J.B. is saying we should have done
a truffle episode.
Truffles are expensive.
You can marry somebody.
You can put a hole in that truffle,
and say, "Will you marry me?"
and put that truffle on their finger.
And they would go,
"Oh, my God! Look, I'm getting married!"
[Sarah] I used to think that you just
do this when you get engaged.
-I didn't understand showing the ring.
-[J.B.] What is that?
This is the thing.
That's ring etiquette, I guess.
-Yeah. [squealing]
-Look at me!
So, I put a bit of that mushroom
chickpea sauce in this vinaigrette,
and this is gonna be a I should say.
When I think about
vegetarians, or vegans
Don't get mad at me.
I think that you eat salads all the time.
-[David] I know.
-We're not a monolith, David.
I know you're not.
This is just me telling you what I think.
When I eat salads, I like to make sure
that there's more bread than salad, right?
-[Sarah] What?
-Like fattoush, or
-Fat tush.
-Fat tush. [laughing]
-Or panzanella.
-[J.B. laughs]
This is gonna be
a mixture of a fattoush salad,
which is a Lebanese-Middle Eastern salad
with a flatbread
that we've cooked off, and
I spilled some on the floor already.
Uh, mixed with panzanella,
which is a traditional Tuscan salad.
But the difference here is I'm not gonna
use balsamic or any other vinaigrette.
I'm using some lemon juice,
and some pomegranate syrup.
-[Chis] Dave, what are you?
-Pomegranate syrup?
What do you call a half fattoush,
half panzanella salad?
-It's a fatzanella.
-You can make so many
-It didn't move them.
[Dave laughs]
My wife's gonna try that. She loves
We have our own garden too.
We have the hydroponic garden.
-What's this?
-Try these tomatoes.
These are from the farmers' market.
And we
-Why are they wet?
-Because we peeled them.
I don't have my glasses on.
They're wet because we peeled them
and they have been dehydrated for a bit.
So, they shrunk a little bit,
so they're super concentrated.
-[J.B.] Wow.
-I'm gonna put them in the salad.
[J.B.] Let's try them.
-I love these utensil drawers!
-Isn't that amazing?
[Chris] Dave thinks that vegans
just eat salads, but how often do you
How often does a salad
enter the equation for you?
I do enjoy a salad.
But I eat cereal and bars.
Mm. I like cereal too.
We love making a salad.
Because we do have our own garden,
our hydroponic garden outside,
there's nothing better than walking
out of your house and going there.
We got three towers filled with greenery,
and filled with zucchinis,
filled with tomatoes,
and all the things you wanna eat.
You know, my wife She does these stages
where she wants to go raw
for three or four days. She goes raw.
She makes salads and different things.
-That makes sense.
-Yeah, we
We, uh Salads are
I love a good salad.
I hate to go back to the mushrooms,
but oyster mushrooms, cut it up nice,
put it on top of your salad,
oh, delicious! Ah.
We should have done mushrooms today.
-I knew it.
-I did mushrooms Friday.
-Oh, my God, I was out of my skull!
-Don't worry about that!
I also fried some chickpeas,
so we have chickpea two ways in the salad.
-[J.B.] Oh.
-And in the vinaigrette,
I added lemon juice, a little za'atar,
and sumac which is from the cashew family,
which is really tart and bright.
And I'm gonna use my hands
if you don't mind.
-[J.B.] Oh.
-[Dave] Um
-Olive oil.
-[Sarah] He used his hands.
[Dave] He's like, "Oh, no."
-[J.B.] No, this is how you do it.
-[Dave] I washed my hands.
[J.B.] Toss that salad, baby.
Toss that salad!
-Chris Rock would say.
Does that mean, um,
licking at your butthole?
-Trying to speak I forgot it.
-[J.B.] But, yeah.
[Chris] I can confirm
that's what it means, Sarah.
-[Dave] We're trying to We've lost her.
-[J.B.] We want to test that too.
[Sarah] I don't want this to go by.
This is good!
-You had it peeled, dehydrated.
-Peeled, semi-dehydrated tomatoes.
Man, J.B. is our first guest
to actually use all of our utensils.
[J.B.] Man, look, man, you gotta
-Use the instruments.
-Use the instruments.
-Use the instruments.
-Look at that beautiful salad.
-That's for you. How about that?
-Thank you, my friend.
[Chris] Does it meet your salad criteria,
Dave? Is it mostly bread?
[Dave] It is 50-50.
The right ratio of salad for me.
This is how we can break bread together.
-[J.B.] Great! I like that!
-Pomegranates are there too.
-I'm a fan of pomegranates.
-I love pomegranates.
We have texture, so, to me
Again, I say it in jest,
but I do like salads.
This is the salad I can get behind
because it's got textural contrast.
It's got that sweet, sour,
-a little bit of everything.
-[Sarah] Mmm.
[J.B.] Oh, David, that's delicious, man.
-[Sarah] Ooh.
-[J.B.] Mm.
I love the mix of warm and cold together.
It just has this
It's almost like
You know, I love comfort food.
-[Sarah] Oh.
What did you find there, Sarah?
Well, the chickpeas.
Like, there's something done to them.
Yeah, I added some of the same spice.
Sumac, a bit of za'atar,
which is like a wild thyme.
I also added something
that's not usually seen on a fattoush,
or a panzanella. I added
-[Darah] It's fat tush. Go on.
-Fat tush.
I added a vadouvan spice.
Sort of like a mixture
How would I say what a vadouvan is?
I don't want to say curry.
It's hard to say without saying
it's a curry spice. But, yeah.
-[Dave] I didn't say it. You did.
-It's a French curry.
[Dave] How did they get there?
[Chris] I think the French invented curry.
-[Sarah] Mm.
-[J.B.] Wow, this is great.
You should be so proud of yourself.
It's wonderful what you do.
-[J.B.] Hm.
-[Sarah] Mmm.
I forgot. I forgot.
I forgot the cucumbers.
-Oh, my God.
-Oh, shit. Forget it.
-I'll get a bad review.
-[J.B.] It'll go in my Pocket.
What are the cukes, are they like those
So, I love, again, cucumbers.
-Just pickles, in general, I like.
-[Sarah] Same.
But what I did here is
I salted them a little bit.
A little salt before you serve them
is a great tip
because it really absorbs
a lot of that salt. Just enough.
In Japanese it's called shiomono.
You can pickle it by adding salt.
If you wanna add a bit of sugar, you can.
I added a bit of salt,
so it doesn't taste bland.
I like salt.
Like if I get celery, like, celery sticks,
I put a little salt in there, and water
I'm basically a chef.
-This bread is incredible!
-[Dave laughing]
This bread's incredible.
[Sarah] This salad's got it all.
This bread is something
we made quite a bit on the show.
-We have the recipe online, right?
-[Chris] Mm-hm.
It's just a flatbread. It's just sugar,
yeast, flour, bread flour,
mixed with 50-50 bread flour, AP,
water, olive oil.
-It can be any kind of bread.
-[Sarah] That's my favorite food.
Like, in my college-age years
I didn't go to college, but those years.
I'd add a lot of flour,
and water, and sugar,
and then I'd put it in the toaster oven,
and I'd eat it.
[Dave] I did too.
-That's all I did.
-A lot of carbs.
[J.B.] I love these restaurants,
who, you know,
um, infused different cultures
and different types of food together.
I just love that.
We had a place where I was growing up
that did Thai food
and Jamaican food together.
-[Dave] That makes sense.
-That was absolutely amazing.
-Those flavors probably would work.
-[J.B.] Yeah. It was amazing.
But I do love you applying
your amazing chef instincts,
not just to serve us
vegans and vegetarians,
but to introduce us to different things.
This is amazing to see your ingredients.
I'm eyeing your ingredients.
I know.
I love little dishes of ingredients.
I love seeing what's available here.
When we've done this in the past,
I haven't done this much prep beforehand.
I try not to,
but I don't know
if it's just because of this episode,
there's a lot of knife work,
a lot of cutting
with vegetarian foods, clearly.
That's one of the things.
There's no way I could get this done
if I didn't have things prepped.
-Right. It's different. Yeah.
-The mise en place of it all.
With meat, you just throw that meat
up there. Take that.
Believe me,
I'm telling you, I used to be
I used to do deep-fried turkeys
every Thanksgiving.
-Do you think you'll ever go back?
-No. I'll never go back.
But I did finish a Champion, because look,
I made my deep fried turkey,
then my buddy made his.
He brung his over,
and he pulled that aluminum foil
off that bad boy.
That bad boy looked like Black Friday.
It was horrible.
It was atrocity.
I felt bad for the turkey.
I said,
"Why did you do that to that turkey?"
-Oh, it was horrible.
-What does that mean, Black Friday?
[J.B.] It was burnt.
I call it Black Friday.
-[Dave] Um, what kind of coffee?
-Black Friday is a shopping day.
But his turkey was Black Friday.
That's a nickname we gave the turkey.
So, I'm working
on this next dish for you guys
that has nothing to do with Black Friday.
But, uh
It is a dish inspired by a chef
named Jeremy Fox,
who's probably gonna be super,
super pissed that I'm doing this dish.
'cause he definitely wants to,
like, move forward.
But I think this is such
an important dish in America.
American-like chef dishes.
Um, and he had a restaurant called Ubuntu.
He still has many restaurants,
Birdie Gs, he's got Rustic Canyon.
It's a different food than he did
when he was in his late 20s
in Napa Valley.
It was You can't make this up.
It was a yoga studio
with a one Michelin star restaurant,
and he raised and grew all his veg
-He was a vegetarian
-[Sarah] Wow.
and he planted everything
and harvested everything.
And there's one dish that
changed the game for me
in terms of how I viewed vegetables.
This is an homage to it.
This is nothing like it
[J.B. chuckles]
-but my interpretation of it.
-But if it didn't exist, yours wouldn't.
-[Dave] Correct.
And right here is not necessarily
your normal French press.
This is all those scraps
from all of the greens
and vegetables we got from the market.
So, this has got sugar snaps,
peas, mint, parsley stems.
Anything that we have that's green,
-that's uh, "trash," is going in here.
-[J.B.] Yeah. Yeah.
-And the water that I boiled
is already seasoned with a little salt
and some other things.
I never seen that for a French press.
I never thought of that,
a French press for food.
There's some mint in here.
We're gonna get to that in a second,
while I assemble this dish,
which is sort of like a soup,
sort of like another small
More of a soup.
-What's this?
-[Dave] Yeah?
-Macadamia nut.
-That's what I thought.
I didn't I only brought my glasses.
Now I see what it is. What's that?
This is vegan white chocolate.
This is another thing that's important.
I would prefer fresh peas, green peas.
But even if they're fresh,
sometimes frozen is better.
-[Sarah] Interesting.
They are picked and harvested
at the peak of their sweetness.
And sometimes,
a fresh pick can be very fickle
-and not be as sweet as you think.
-Yeah. Yeah.
[Chris] On the off chance that Chef
Jeremy Fox is watching this show now
He's so pissed off at me.
will you be double shucking those peas?
Yeah. This is a good example of, like
things we do in restaurants versus
I can't even do it.
-See, I peeled the skin off.
-Suck them.
-[Sarah] Yeah.
-This is what you do in restaurants.
You peel all these peas,
and you can say they're double shucked,
-so you don't have that little
-[J.B.] Oh.
-Yeah, that little Yeah.
-That little coat.
-If people wanna know the difference
between high-end restaurants and home
cooking, nobody's gonna do this.
-Is there a?
-Trust me, they're not double shucked.
Is there a shucker
that all he does in the restaurant
is shuck them damn peas?
Sometimes, yes. Oftentimes, no.
Like Snoop Dogg's joint roller.
Does he have a joint roller?
-Of course he does.
I don't know if he uses his own spit.
I don't know whose spit it is.
-He's got to wet it a bit.
-[Sarah] Yeah.
-Gotta wet it.
-It should
Is it his wetness, or? Who licks it?
-That's my thing.
-I think he licks it.
I think the roller licks it.
They should have those
envelope stickers now on joints.
So, we have some
pea shoot greens and flowers.
And these are
This is gonna be like very,
very, like, fancy dining restaurant.
[Sarah] Ooh.
[J.B.] I love it.
-[Dave] Only for you guys.
-Love it.
J.B., the Internet
is applauding the bravery
of wearing all white for an eating show.
Hey, man, look,
I was gonna tell him earlier,
don't splash me, man. I want no little
Thank God he's not making spaghetti
'cause the sauce, that
I wouldn't wear this
if he was making spaghetti.
-It'd be popping everywhere.
-We do have pasta but not red sauce.
Yeah, red sauce, no. Yeah.
You gotta be brave to wear this.
-[Dave] So, we have some arugula,
we have some mizuna.
All of these delicious things.
[J.B.] Wow.
[J.B.] Wow.
[Dave] Make it look pretty.
[Sarah] I'll eat peas.
Sometimes, just peas.
-So good.
-Sometimes, in the pod, sometimes, not.
-Peas Like this:
-Just wanna eat Yeah.
[J.B.] Some peas in your hand.
-You know Todd Glass?
He always talked about
when he was growing up,
if a guy was, like,
jiggled his nuts like that,
he'd be like, "That guy's rich," you know.
The nut jiggle is a real thing.
Before you eat, you jiggle
-[J.B.] Real thing, yeah.
-It's like
I never thought we'd say "nut jiggle,"
but we did it.
He'd see a guy jiggle his nuts,
pop them in his mouth,
and he'd be like, "That guy's rich."
I'm from North Carolina,
so they would jiggle the nuts like this,
and put them in a bottle of Coca-Cola.
-[Dave] What?
You put roasted nuts in Coca-Cola,
and you drink it like that.
Add a little sweetness
A little bit of a salty taste
to your cola.
-[Sarah] What? Amazing. Interesting.
-Maybe it's a North Carolina thing.
You'd think that Coca-Cola
would strip it from
Yeah. They pour it in there,
shake them a bit, and put them in.
-Oh, man. So fun.
[Sarah] Do you drink soda that isn't like
a sparkling juice drink soda anymore?
I like to try to stay away
from those bad ones.
I try, I try.
Sometimes, you get stuck somewhere,
you need a little burn.
So, Dave, you're What are you shaving?
Lots of peas there.
-Um, the original dish had macadamia nuts.
-[Sarah] What?
-[Chris] That's beautiful.
-[Dave] And white chocolate.
-[J.B.] This is gorgeous.
-This is my "based on a true story,
like a Lifetime movie
of the real Jeremy Fox" dish.
-What was it?
-White chocolate peas?
-[Chris] Peas and white chocolate.
[Sarah] That's in here?
-Yes. All of that is in there.
Can't believe
I didn't get a standing ovation.
This is like This is gorgeous.
I watched you put it together,
-and, wow, this is beautiful.
-Let's get a soup spoon.
This is I had to keep going back
to our hydroponic garden.
But, you know, some of the vegetables,
you know, they sprout,
and those are edible flowers
that are on our hydroponic garden.
So, some of them are amazing
in your dishes and stuff like that.
And it's not just for, you know
You've grown anything else other than
vegetables on the hydroponic?
We do our laundry also on the garden.
Sarah, you look like you were
in the middle of a bit of a dilemma.
-You have a dilemma.
-No, it's a No, it's like
No, it's like Look, man, look.
You need to be prepared, man.
If the zombie apocalypse
or the world ends,
you wanna know
how to survive without dirt.
You might be stuck somewhere
where you can't get to dirt,
or the dirt might not be any good no more.
We don't know,
but you better know how to do something.
And that hydroponic garden
is saving our life. We love it.
-We don't got to go shopping all the time.
-[Sarah laughing]
We don't gotta leave the house
all the time.
Just grab off the
Is this the right, um, spoon?
-Where did you get that spoon?
-Where'd you find that?
-She brings her own spoon.
-[Dave] I've never even seen that before.
-[Chris] Did she choose poorly or wisely?
-In here.
I'm not getting off camera.
-Oh. Oh, I see. Oh.
-You can see it right there.
Yeah, we got one. We all have one.
-This is the one you're supposed to use.
-This is for adults.
-[Dave] An adult spoon.
-[Chris] Did you think that
Was Jeremy Fox the first person to serve
peas in white chocolate, you think?
[Dave] Yes, I do.
How often do you come across
a novel flavor combination?
I think there's a lot of chefs
that may serve it, but take full credit.
I'm gonna do a little
something right here.
I think it's gonna be amazing.
[Dave] That's why it's there.
I'm gonna do something like that.
[Dave] Now it's very mushroomy.
-How does it taste?
-[Sarah] Phenomenal.
It's perfect.
It's light, it's tasty.
Oh, my God, you gotta add some of that.
You gotta add that.
Oh, my God, that's delicious.
My nose is runny.
David, I'm telling you,
I'm not telling you how to do this.
But I'm telling you, this right here
has added another lane to this.
This is unprecedented, America
-What are you? I mean
-and beyond.
[J.B.] Oh, David.
That's it, man. That's it.
It happens in cooking.
Yeah, you just
What is cooking sometimes?
You're trying things out.
You know how many times you gotta
do stuff to figure out how to do it?
That's the thing.
You spend all this time figuring it out.
People should get credit.
Jeremy Fox is one of the greatest chefs.
So, I just wanna highlight him
if possible.
This happens
all the time in comedy, right?
-People steal jokes. They steal jokes.
-Yeah, but it's not cool.
-It's not
But like I said, "Oh, Todd Glass,
he's so funny. He said this," you know.
I didn't just say it.
I gave him a little credit like you.
[Dave] Oh, no.
[Chris] What's going on, Dave?
Well, the puzzle
-It is falling apart on me.
-What is that?
-Good question.
-[J.B.] Thousand piece puzzle.
I'm glad I didn't tell
so you have no idea.
-A thousand piece puzzle.
-A garbanzo bean.
[Dave] It is a garbanzo bean
that was supposed to be
Um, I know you're a big fan
of JUST Egg. This is the
[J.B.] I am a spokesperson for JUST Egg.
Come on now. I'm a spokesperson.
-I love JUST Egg.
-Isn't it delicious?
They should call it "Just like Egg."
Have you tried the "Just Mayo"
and the "Just Ranch." Oh.
-Chipotle. The "Just Chipotle."
-It's good. It's a good product.
-I like the
Do you like, um?
Oh, my God, this is good, man.
[Dave] This is, uh
This is gonna be
the most controversial thing
I think we've ever done.
What I'll do right now.
That is a remarkably small amount of water
you are putting that pasta into.
[Dave] Let's see. This could blow up
in my face. Just like this.
-No egg or something?
-What happens?
No, this is a very, very, dark art.
So, like, if this was like,
a Harry Potter class,
this would be the Dark Arts.
-[J.B.] Mm.
-Cooking. Yeah.
There's a reason I'm doing it this way,
which I'll explain.
I'm gonna make you a aglio e olio,
which is one of my favorite pastas
that vegans can eat as well.
It's just garlic, chili pepper, olive oil.
But because I can't add any dairy,
not that it has to begin with,
I wanna get the viscosity
from all the starch
-that's gonna come out.
-[J.B.] Yeah.
-[Sarah] Viscosity.
-And use that to add as like creaminess
-The viscosity.
and bind with the olive oil,
so it's a beautiful, luxurious sauce.
And I wanna sort of time it perfectly,
-so it's gonna be cooked well done.
-[Sarah coughs softly]
-I'm sorry.
-Right, right.
And have all the water cook out
as well without draining anything.
Pasta is so delicate, you know?
I, myself, love
I love a firm pasta, you know?
When I go to a restaurant and the pasta
is overcooked, it drives me crazy.
I like it overcooked. But I know
you're supposed to like it al dente.
I feel like I'm gonna win
some one of you over today.
This could be overcooked. There's a higher
possibility that it's overcooked than not.
Yeah, we now
Dave, are you Team J.B. or Team Sarah?
[Dave] I like it right.
I like it where I can
pick it up one at a time.
Like, "Look at you, look at you." See?
When it's too mushy, you can't do that.
You can't
I don't wanna say that.
-[Sarah] Sticks to the wall.
-Isn't that a thing?
-I don't know who made that up.
I don't I think that as long as
it tastes good, that's all that matters.
Yeah, yeah,
but I'm telling you that pasta
That nice, firm pasta,
there's something about it.
It feels more culinary.
It doesn't feel like you're eating
a pack of oodles of noodles.
-So, what I did here
-I made sure that, "oodles of noodles."
was, uh
This has just broken apart on me.
It's okay.
[J.B.] Okay. We don't know
what the hell we supposed to get.
[Dave chuckles]
I rolled it in some JUST Egg.
Uh, it probably would've been better
if I let it sit for a bit longer
in the refrigerator or freezer.
Um, and I rolled it in a little bit
of flour, a little bit of egg
JUST Egg, and then breadcrumbs,
seasoned breadcrumbs,
and cooking it in some olive oil
and some vegan butter.
I love that vegan butter,
that Miyoko's or whatever it's called.
-Vegan butter is delicious.
-That's what we got.
We knew that. He's using Miyoko's, right?
So, it tastes like butter.
-[Dave] Mm.
You know
See, David, now I gotta invite you
to our house.
[Dave] Dude, I wanna come. I wanna come.
-You do Tofurky?
I'm talking about a soul food vegan
Thanksgiving with us.
-Please come, Sarah. We
My wife makes vegan mac and cheese.
She makes her own damn cheese.
You know what I'm saying?
-How do you?
-Potato, cashew, everything
How do you make cashew cheese?
She uses cashew,
she blends all this stuff together.
Uh, nutritional yeast, potato, cashews.
She just makes this
I don't know all the ingredients,
but her cheese is unbelievable.
You cannot tell the difference between
her cheese, and her mac and cheese,
and any mac and cheese
that has dairy in it.
You can't tell the difference.
Her sweet potato casserole
is unbelievable, no dairy.
It's just delicious.
It's a real Thanksgiving meal.
And you would
Everything that you would have
at Thanksgiving is on that table.
I gotta say, guys, if I did have
It's hard for me or anyone
to argue against being
a vegetarian or vegan, I think.
-It's hard on a moral level.
-[J.B.] Yeah.
I just I can't.
I want to, but it's just
I can't get there
'cause it's too delicious.
-You're a carnivore.
-Too delicious.
Two days a week. That's all you need.
You don't have to live your life fully
carnivore. You can do two days a week.
-[Dave] I'd do that.
-Do two days a week.
-That's all you have to do.
-[Sarah] Vegan is like fully healthy.
Pause over for two days.
A week. Spread it out.
[Chris] Uh, speaking of moral dilemmas,
the Internet heard Dave
on a recent episode of his podcast
suggest that oysters,
being non-sentient creatures
without central nervous system,
are vegan friendly.
Sara, got any thoughts on the matter?
You've thought about that?
Whether an oyster is vegan.
I don't
To me, it's
I mean, speaking of viscosity, that
It looks so nasty to me.
I've never tried seafood.
I've never tried fish.
-People ask why.
-[Dave] Never?
It's because I have a nose
that works, and it's nasty.
And oysters and clams
And I grew up in New England like my dad
You know, my parents
loved that stuff, but I No.
But so Yeah.
It's interesting 'cause
the viscosity keeps coming up, and I
-I love that you say that word. Love that.
-My boyfriend, Rory.
I did too. But he did request recently
that I never say it during sex again.
[Chris] Don't say it.
[J.B.] I hear viscosity too much
when I get my oil changed.
I keep hearing that
when I'm getting my oil change,
and it should not crossover
to the bedroom.
-It should not do that.
-No, I know. I get too clinical.
Unless Yeah. Yeah.
I don't know what to say after that.
[J.B.] Viscosity, how can you say it?
[Sarah] It doesn't matter
if that stays in one piece.
My dad used to make us breakfast
and he couldn't make pancakes all in one,
so he would just call it
"Pancakes Grand Valley."
Oh, my God.
This should not necessarily
break up, just FYI.
I also added a bit
of almond flour in here,
-so it's not all chickpea flour.
-[J.B.] Almond flour is great.
-[Dave] Um
I do love This is ultimately the dish
I wanted to base his entire meal around.
It's one of the first things
I learned how to cook
when I was working in a French kitchen.
It's so versatile.
You can make it delicious
for both omnivores or vegans as well.
-Do you eat a lot of chickpea?
-My wife has used it.
She used chickpea flour last night.
We just made some damn, um, gnocchi.
We made gnocchi last night, David.
We made gnocchi.
Night before, she had, um
What did she make last?
Um Not the banana blossom.
What did we have? I forgot.
But anyway, these, man, these
These options that you have
are absolutely
If you didn't know any better
and you didn't have
Let's just say you aren't, you know,
you didn't have meat your whole life,
and you didn't know
what the hell meat was, right?
If you ate this vegan dish
and it was delicious,
would you be swayed by real meat
if you never had real meat?
Know what I mean?
Would you convert and say,
"Oh, wow,
this tastes way better than this"?
I don't know.
It's a mind game that you play.
What is it?
Wow. I haven't eaten meat since I was 7.
-[Dave] What was the reason?
Besides, clearly
Well, I grew up in New Hampshire and we
Our next door The farm next door
had vegetables and stuff
but also had meat.
When my dad walked me over there, I was 6,
and to pick out our Thanksgiving turkey,
and I picked it out.
And then the farmer just took his
Grabbed it by the throat
and chopped his head off.
-And I was like, that's
-[J.B.] Yeah, man.
That's a lot. Sorry you went through that.
I asked my dad, "What were you thinking?"
And he goes, "I have no fucking idea."
But it's like, to him,
it's like fresh meat, you know?
But I was like, I had no turkey that time.
Then I ate probably some more Happy Meals.
And then, when I was 7,
we were at Kentucky Fried Chicken.
Everyone's shouting out their orders.
Then it came to me,
and I go, "I just want biscuits."
So, my dad sat me down
at a table for two, and he was like,
"Let's just admit that you're a vegetarian
and figure out what you can eat."
-That's nice.
They allow you to make a choice
and eat what you want to eat.
You got parents now
who hide vegetables in their kid's food.
-[Dave] That's what I do.
-You gotta hide them.
That's good that you made a decision
as a child what you wanted to eat.
You don't have to be tricked
into eating vegetables, you know.
[Chris] What's happening there?
How are the dark arts working out?
[J.B.] Sarah, look. That's firm pasta.
-[Dave] It's very hot.
-It's not mush.
-It's very hot.
-[J.B.] It's not mushy.
-Perfect. Look at that. Perfect.
-[Sarah] Yeah, yeah.
I got to say, I'm so sad
about my panisse piccata.
-[Chris] They're breaking up?
-They look so bad.
-[Chris] Little pieces of chicken now.
-It will taste good.
It looks like Bill Simmons's raviolo.
-[Dave] Oh, my God.
Thank you for telling me that
he was being not the nicest person.
No, I'm joking. I'm joking.
I said it's clearly you guys are close
by the way he was
[Dave] Yeah, no. We love you, Bill.
And calling you Chang. Chang?
But my boyfriend just went to, um,
the place in Koreatown that you mentioned.
-[Chris] Which one? Park's?
Has, like, three words in the name.
-And you love it, apparently.
-[Chris] In Koreatown
[Sarah] You love it so much,
you can't think of what it's called.
-Sun Nong Dan?
-[Dave] Sun Nong Dan?
-Oh, yeah. The big, big Galbi-jjim.
The big, big, big, like,
hot bowl of braised short rib
and they put cheese on it.
-It's delicious.
-[Chris] Wow.
You guys can't eat that.
-That does not sound cosher.
-Don't do that, David.
-[Sarah] Wow.
-[J.B.] Oh, man, who's showing off now?
-[Chris] Whoa.
-[J.B.] Why you showing off?
-[Dave] Okay.
-[J.B.] Oh, that's gorgeous.
That's why I wasn't too worried
about the piccata not looking so perfect.
Because I was gonna put sauce over it.
There's hen-of-the-woods mushrooms
and some enoki I added.
I know you guys like mushrooms so much.
[J.B.] Oh, this is delicious.
[Dave] Let me get started on this
-Put it over here.
-pasta course.
-Try another piece.
-Yeah. That's good.
[Chris] I can confirm
we've lost all of our Italian viewers
because you did that very dark art style.
[Dave] Give us the old college try.
So, I actually got it to where
I needed it to go, which is surprising.
-No, just
-Usually hasn't played out, like
[J.B.] We're not gonna judge you
off of this.
You know, we're trying.
Look, we're getting our grub on right now.
So, I just put, um
a lot of garlic and a lot of olive oil,
and I know that it's not too spicy.
I added some Momo Chili Crunch.
-I'm gonna add this
-[Sarah] Whoa!
[Dave chuckles] What?
It just is like, it's so good.
-[Dave] Really?
That's great, man. Wow.
I had a picture in my head
of what it tasted like.
Expectation did not meet result.
That's good for storytelling.
[J.B.] He tried to talk us
into his mistakes.
He wanted us to accept that it broke up
[Dave] That's what I do.
I want to undersell.
-[J.B.] That's what you do.
-Making expectations low.
-You undersell.
[Dave] Exactly. You guys do that
when you go on stage?
All the time. I'm always like,
I've got my notebook.
-And I go, "I'm trying stuff out."
-Trying stuff out.
-Trying stuff out.
-For the past nine months.
[J.B.] Wow. This is great.
-[Dave] You wouldn't know, right? Like
[Sarah] Mmm.
So, this is a piccata.
The first episode we did
with Rashida Jones and Steven,
we made a chicken piccata.
Same recipe, except that this is
basically vegan and not the same recipe,
except that we made panisse.
But same thing. If they were coming over
and one of them was vegan,
I'd make this instead of the chicken
so I can substitute.
-No problem.
-[Sarah] Piccata. Wait. What's this?
I should put my glasses
Oh, it's a mushroom.
-[Dave] Yeah. Enoki.
-Shroom, baby, shroom.
Wait. Oh, I thought you said gnocchi
when you said it.
-What is this called?
-[Dave] Enoki.
-Enoki? So little.
-[Dave] It's a small Japanese
[in high pitched voice]
Hello. How are you?
Tiny versions of bigger things.
Look at you.
Man, I am I'mma tell you something, man.
Bro, I am thoroughly
enjoying myself right now. Thoroughly.
One thing that would make this better is
if I undid my pants and took my shoes off.
That's how you do it, though.
Look, that's customary in some homes.
-Feel free to unbutton your top button.
And put your shoes off.
Right? It's customary.
[Chris] Really? I can do that too.
It's very respectful to someone's home
if the food is amazing, you know.
All right, pasta is done.
And I didn't strain it out.
This is one pot pasta.
[J.B.] Hey, David.
I ain't gonna tell you how to do it.
-Look at that.
-But don't you mush that pasta up.
I know what Sarah said, but
ain't nothing worse than mushy-ass pasta.
[Sarah] He's not gonna do it.
[J.B.] Oh, man. That's beautiful.
Look at that.
[Dave] What's This has never
been done on live TV, for sure.
One pot pasta.
Probably for good reason.
[Sarah] Where you put the sauce,
everything, all in the pot?
-That's beautiful.
Guess how much water it would take.
Because he didn't want to,
what, use a colander.
Yeah. It's not really dark arts
other than I'm just super lazy.
[Sarah] Wow. I love those little
That's garlic sliced with, like,
a razor blade, like Paul Sorvino.
-[Dave] In Goodfellas.
Oh, that's gorgeous. Oh.
-Ooh. Ah.
-Ooh. Ah. [grunting, groaning]
-[grunting] Ow. [groans]
It's amazing.
Oh, man. You playing around.
You playing with us right now.
I want to tell you this much, David.
Around my household, right,
you know, my wife and I, we cook together.
But I'm the finisher. I'm the
Know what my wife calls me? The plater.
-I'm the plater.
-[Chris] Can I ask you about this?
-I'm the dude that does this.
-[Sarah] Can you do this?
Makes it pretty. No. Yeah, I do all that.
I do all that.
Sometimes I like to curl it
like a curling iron, you know?
Put it on nice and neat.
Drop it like that.
Uncurl that curl.
See that curl right there?
See how I did that?
Counterclockwise. Always, like,
clockwise or counterclockwise.
-Depending on
I pick it up clockwise, and I put it
on the plate counterclockwise.
-Let's watch this.
-I reverse it. See that? Curling iron.
I'm like a hairdresser.
-See that?
You're gonna be so beautiful
for your wedding.
And I put it on your plate.
-That's your head.
-The wedding of my mouth.
That's your head.
Let me tell you, folks, I am not worried
about any competition from the plater.
The plater is gorgeous.
-I do amazing work, David. How dare you.
-[Chris] Come on, man.
[J.B.] I keep it nice. It's not sloppy.
I lay it David, I lay it
where it's supposed to go at.
I don't like it all over the plate.
I'm not disrespecting
what you did to this plate here.
I'm just telling you,
I would have put it on a little more
A little "zhizha." I call it the "zhizha."
My wife also calls it the "zhizha."
The zhizha is this.
I put a little bit of that on it,
on every dish. Pow, pow.
I'll grab something.
-[Chris] How do you spell that, J.B.?
-[Sarah] J-Z-H.
-Z. Z. "Zhizha."
The "zhizha."
-[Chris] The rizzer.
-The rizzer. The "zhizha."
-Wanna take a bite at the same time?
-Okay, let's do this.
-[Chris] Sarah, I have a question.
Mmm, Sagittarius.
A Thanksgiving turkey
turned you off to meat
You're a Sagittarius too?
When's your birthday?
-December 1st.
-Mine's the 16th.
-Oh, my gosh.
-We're Sagittariuses.
This works out perfectly.
-We did it.
-Outgoing. Fun-loving.
We love it. Travel, fun.
All that good stuff.
-[Chris] We got to astrology.
-[Dave] Meat alternative.
-Meat alternative. Look at that.
-I mean
-We get some crystals. We're all set.
-[J.B.] Ready? One, two.
David, look. David, look at Look at us.
-That's cute.
-Mommy, watch.
Watch it, David.
-Oh, David.
-Come on.
-I'll do the bounce to that one.
-[Dave] Right?
Not too spicy?
-Mm-mm. Mmm.
-And complements everything.
It's just You know,
you took us on a journey,
you know, and I do believe in your taste.
You can't make it complicated because
That's why I love having sparkling water,
because you clean your palate
and you reset it, and allow what this man
is doing behind this counter right here.
You need to write a book
about how to live life.
-to entertain our mouths.
-A little water. All right.
-Or a coke with some almonds.
-[Dave] I totally forgot. So, I made
The power of the chickpea's real, guys.
Not only can it make all these dishes,
if you take
I like to joke, the chickpea sweat, right,
the water that the chickpeas
are, like, stored in
-[Sarah] Yeah.
-It's called aquafaba.
It's great marketing for the name.
and you whip it up,
you get this chickpea foam.
This is what these meringues
were made from.
[Sarah] It means "bean water," I think.
-[Dave] Try it.
-[J.B.] I love that.
[Sarah] What? This is a meringue
without any egg white.
How is that possible?
Little cream of tartar,
which is a byproduct of wine.
-[Sarah] What?
-I know.
Strawberry, sugar.
These are some macerated berries.
So, I'm gonna make you guys, uh
-Oh, my gosh.
-Like, an Eton mess.
-I know. I'm a pastry savant.
-Oh, an Eton mess.
-I know.
-I'm definitely not.
-Damn good.
-How do you make this without egg white?
That's so crazy.
I would love to give credit
to the person that figured this out,
but I don't know who that person is,
but wherever you are, good job.
[J.B.] The more you are cooking,
the more I don't understand
why you are so afraid of vegan food.
-I'm not afraid.
-You just won't convert over.
-Not even two or three days a week?
-I do two.
-Two? You do that already?
-I do already, but, like
-I'm not
-You are killing it right now.
I'm telling you,
you are killing it right now,
to the point where I'm like,
this dude needs to do this more.
I'm not I'm just saying,
like, I like to eat meat too.
[Sarah] Oh, right. Vegan.
[J.B.] Mm. Oh, my God.
[Dave] These are berries from the market,
including various berries everyone loves.
[J.B.] You playing with me
because, a lot of people,
they say they got a sweet tooth.
I got sweet teeth.
Like, all my teeth. It's crazy.
I don't know what they
They all just got together and said,
"We all are gonna be sweet teeth." Whoo!
Look at that, man. Look, Sarah.
-Did you have a question to me?
-[Chris] I did.
Before you're allowed to your dessert,
I wanted to ask you
-[Sarah] Sorry. Yes.
-[J.B.] Oh, my God.
Turkey was the reason
you stopped eating meat.
Having to play emperor with a turkey.
But it doesn't seem to have turned you off
to the idea of turkey as a food
because I have a photo of something,
a preferred snack of yours
that I'm hoping you could describe
and explain to Mr. Chang here.
If we can put this photo up
of Sarah's famous Infamous
[Sarah] That
It really doesn't look as good as it is.
That was basically in a
That was, like, stoned and making what
Like what you do.
"What's in the kitchen? What can I make?"
[Dave] That's literally
how I came up with this menu.
So, I had some tofurkey slices,
I had a little cottage cheese,
and I had some yellow mustard.
[Dave] It's the cottage cheese
where it went wrong for me.
-I can't do cottage cheese.
-It does look like
Like you need to make
an emergency gynecologist appointment.
-Oh, my God.
-Cottage cheese is rough.
Just the picture.
[J.B.] No, that's gorgeous.
I love desserts so much.
I was on a show called Bake,
and I made, um
With Maya Rudolph
and Amy Poehler a year ago.
And I made
a vegan banana pudding cake.
No, the cake was beautiful.
It looked like the Colosseum in Rome.
I had vanilla wafers going around it,
like, to the top of the cake.
You could step on it.
A little man could walk up those stairs,
go to the top, and hang out on the patio.
Like, it was a gorgeous cake.
I almost won. I thought I would win.
I thought I won, but I lost.
[Sarah] You lost to?
Oh, my God, look at this Eton mess.
[J.B.] Oh, my God, you
-[Dave] We did it.
-[Chris] That is adorable.
Wait. Oh, my God.
Uh, I can't lie, the vegan cream
that I made sort of deflated,
so I used some store-bought coconut cream.
But, yeah, some version of Eton mess
with the aquafaba strawberry meringue.
You're messing me up.
-This is the vegan cream?
This pasta's so damn good,
I'm gonna put the pasta in the dessert.
-Oh, my God.
-Got me confused.
I gotta put this on the side and go here.
[Chris] Look at that thing.
[Dave] I'm glad you guys enjoyed the food.
I'm glad that I got to do
a vegan menu for you guys.
[Sarah] You should be so proud.
[J.B.] Well, look, man
Dave, something just arrived from the
National Chickpea Growers Association.
-A thank-you gift
for completing
your very first ever vegan episode, Dave.
-Wow, David.
-That's got to be the first one ever.
Congratulations to you
-We did it.
-for finishing this.
-[J.B.] That's huge, man. Look at that.
-[Sarah] Edible arrangements
-Should I say? I feel terrible.
-[Chris] Do it.
It's like giving someone a burden.
-Like, here, throw this away over time.
-It's true. It's true.
-[Chris] Wow.
[J.B.] Yo, man. That's amazing.
-That's a great shirt.
[Chris] I think you did it.
[J.B.] You doing yours
with a fork or spoon?
[Chris] Are you gonna do it again?
Go for another vegan cast?
I don't know.
We had such a fun time.
So much fun.
I don't know if I have to do it anymore.
[J.B.] We're diving in, man. Diving in.
Sweet teeth is diving in.
-[Sarah] Dr. Teeth.
-I wanna get into this.
[J.B.] Sweet teeth ♪
Well, guys, thank you.
-Really, thank you.
-Thank you. Is the hour up?
I know, it's already
David, I'm telling you,
you're coming over for Thanksgiving, man.
Thanksgiving, man.
I'mma make you a banana pudding cake.
-Oh, my God.
-Oh, my God.
Oh, my God, man.
[Dave] Maybe I should cook
for vegans more often.
[theme music playing]
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