Dive Club (2021) s01e09 Episode Script


[chickens cluck quietly]
[gentle music]
Don't worry, little cuttlefish.
Just one more day of having to hang out
with your old grandad
before your mum and dad get back.
Cheer up, barnacle.
I may have one more surprise
in store for you.
[footsteps approach]
Mysterious footsteps!
Sea Dog, you didn't tell me
you'd caught a mermaid!
Hello, little one!
-I missed you so much!
We both missed you. How was Japan?
I come bearing gifts.
Do you know what this is?
Oh, you were telling me about those!
It's it's a himitsu bako.
The only way to open the puzzle box
is by making specific movements
in the correct order.
Let's see how you go.
[uplifting music]
[footsteps approach]
Maddie, been at it for hours.
Time for bed.
What will I tell your parents tomorrow
when you're half-asleep?
I'll never get it.
[sighs] Be patient.
Do you ever think about the fire?
The past only hurts as much as we let it.
That's why we make new memories.
That's true.
Maybe you just need to
let the answers come to you.
[gentle music]
Now sleep!
Goodnight. Mwah!
Goodnight, Gran.
[theme music]
[cheerful piano music]
And one, two, three, four,
five, six, change, seven and eight.
And over, and over,
and one and two, three, four.
Arabesque, one, two, three, four.
Close behind, six, seven, eight.
Reverence, one, two, three, four.
Curtsy, five, six, seven, eight.
One, two, three, four,
five, six, seven, eight.
Thank you, everyone. Beautiful work today.
And don't forget Wednesday's rehearsal
starts at 3:00 not 4:00 this week.
-Mother, is everything alright?
-Of course.
I just haven't been down here
in such a long time.
Time just gets away.
Every meeting I attend
is a dance recital I miss.
Every dance recital I attend
is another meeting I miss.
You know,
dance requires courage and discipline.
Your discipline is somewhat lacking.
But you dive into the ocean fearlessly,
swimming with sharks
and heaven knows what else.
You have courage, Anna.
I'm very proud of that.
I possibly went too far
closing the clubhouse.
I know these last few weeks
have been very difficult for everyone,
so once we get through Salvation Day,
perhaps we can talk about
reopening the Dive Club.
Spasiba, Mamushka!
[chuckles softly]
Oh, well, my eleven o'clock awaits.
I'll see you at home.
[gentle acoustic guitar music]
Don't hold back, just breathe it in ♪
Pick up your feet ♪
And realise the things you say ♪
Comes from your heartbeat ♪
And with the setting sun ♪
Your fears become undone ♪
So take the last breath of day ♪
When the night begins to shine ♪
Just open up your eyes ♪
Your story is underway ♪
[footsteps approach]
So just let it go ♪
Just let it go ♪
I think I knew her before she was famous.
What, you and Hayden
could write an album together.
For me?
Mmm, I hardly think
indie folk music is his cup of tea.
But that song he wrote for Stevie
was just so beautiful.
You're beautiful.
-I should, um--
-You should let me take you out.
-Might know a place.
-Oh, yeah?
[Maddie] Izzie!
[bicycles approach]
-Come on, we're gonna be late!
-Hi, guys.
Sorry. Did we did we ruin something?
Sorry. We did, didn't we? Our bad.
-We'll wait over there.
-Yeah. Carry on!
Friends are great.
[both giggle]
[man] We'll keep him sedated
for another day or so
until the swelling is down completely.
[Renee] Thank you, Doctor.
We'll see you tomorrow.
[man] Call me if you notice
any changes in his condition.
-We should stop.
Yeah, spying's not very cool, guys.
Oh, but you, Henry, the tree.
It was so romantic.
Oh, she's coming!
Girls, I know
you're concerned about Leonid's recovery,
but eavesdropping is impolite.
No, no, no, no, we were just
inspecting those door hinges.
Renee, are they Italian,
because they are beautiful--
How is he?
He'll be fine, but needs rest.
We can thank our lucky stars
we had the best doctor on the island
at our beck and call.
[quietly] The only doctor.
Now, none of you are to go near
the guest bedroom today. Understood?
[door closes]
Poor Leonid.
Who was that diver?
Do we think it was the same person
who broke into the clubhouse?
If the same person attacked Leonid,
then they know we're on their trail
and we need to be really careful.
I agree.
I don't want to give up, but the same
person who got Lauren out of the way
just put Leonid in hospital.
Leonid literally risked his life to try
and find out what happened to Lauren.
That masked diver was obviously
looking for the rest of the jewels,
but they don't know that we--
They don't know
that we found the necklace!
Where is it now?
Um in a shoebox.
What? It's under the bed!
Oh, well, so practically the Vatican.
Is it expensive? It's expensive.
Wait, no, no, no, don't tell me.
I don't want to know.
So what's our next move?
Is it worth a million dollars?
Has anyone heard from that Pavel guy?
You know, that friend of Leonid's
that was looking into the coin?
Is it worth $10 million?
Really? Is it?
Oh, no, no, I don't want to know.
We bought ourselves some time.
Let's use it to reassess.
So, we do nothing?
We stay safe.
One, two, what we gonna do ♪
Got to go out while the sky is blue ♪
Got to see the sunshine
Shine, shine, shine ♪
Three, four ♪
[sighs heavily]
But I know that we'll just be fine
Be fine, fine ♪
[Lucinda] Stevie, are you home?
I was hoping you would give me a hand
tracking crustacean mating patterns.
[phone rings]
I'm not busy.
No, Izzie's not here.
I was just looking for Stevie, actually.
She's been avoiding me lately.
She really believes
that there's some big secret
she'll uncover that will answer everything
and will bring Lauren back.
How do you explain
that life's just not that exciting?
Dinner tonight?
Sounds lovely.
7:00 p.m. at the Lodestar?
It's a date.
[car engine starts]
[sighs heavily]
[whimsical music]
[whimsical music continues]
[breathlessly] Oh, why thank you,
I had it sent all the way
from Monte Carlo.
Far more costly, but, you know,
you can't argue with quality.
[twig snaps]
[leaves rustle]
So let's go, go, go ♪
Go, go, go ♪
Let's go, go, go ♪
[mutters quietly]
Go, go, go ♪
Sorry, Mr. Darcy.
Your emotional unavailability
is just gonna have to wait.
[Sea Dog grunts]
Just 14 more to go.
Hey. Hey.
Are you as bored as I am?
Bored? There is nothing more exciting
than a good lobster pot.
Here, Izzie, give us a hand, will ya?
Oh, thank you, Mr. Sea Dog, um,
but I thought Maddie and I
might look over some maps
or maybe go for a dive
or read some books or something.
Yes! Yes! Yes!
I'm just gonna put this over here.
Look, as much as that
would make me very happy,
we are at a complete standstill until
Leonid wakes up or we find a new lead.
[phone rings]
Am I having a stroke
or do you hear that too?
Oh, it's nothing, Grandad.
It's just my alarm clock.
My alarm clock.
[Sea Dog] Right, well,
I'm off to the marina after this.
Maddie, what are you doing
with Leonid's phone?
OK, I took it when we got off the boat.
He probably knows something
about the coin. Pick up!
-I can't just answer Leonid's phone!
-Maddie, it's our only lead. Go!
[man with Russian accent] Leonid. Hello.
[low voice] Da.
Leonid, is that you?
[whispered arguing]
Hello? Leonid, hello?
[English accent] Good afternoon.
Leonid Komarov's phone.
You've reached his assistant Wanda.
When did Leonid get an assistant?
Oh, you know,
ever since his latest book release
he's been ever so busy.
I see.
Oh, Mr. Tolstoy, I'm just absolutely
chuffed to bits to hear from you.
Um, Mr. Komarov mentioned
you were calling about an artefact.
A coin to be precise.
Are you sure I can't speak
directly to Leonid?
Well, it's a bit of a sticky wicket,
Mr. Komarov has found himself
caught in the privy
with a bad case of puddle belly.
Bad cuttlefish. Bleugh.
Oh, we've all been there.
I did want to speak to him,
so you'll have to relay my excitement.
I stumbled onto something
quite extraordinary.
Back in a few hours.
Wait, let me get this straight.
It's a challenge coin?
A gift to naval officers
who took command of their vessels.
Or in this case, a vessel called
[both] The 'Nemesis'.
Which was a secret commission
by the East India Company.
That went missing under
mysterious circumstances in 1912.
'Nemesis', 'Nemesis', 'Nemesis'.
-Wait, have you heard that name before?
-Yeah, but where?
I'm gonna find out.
[man on TV] But for now,
its secrets remain on the bottom
This is ridiculous. I know
I've heard of the 'Nemesis' before.
Why does Sea Dog have so many logs
and none of them are alphabetised?
Maybe we should just take a break.
I'll go see if there are any
fresh coconuts lying around.
[voice-over on TV] Next on 'Ghost Ships
of the Australian Coast',
we visit the remote island of Cape Mercy.
[man on TV] July 26, 1918.
A frigate with dark sails was observed off
the coast of the small Australian island.
Attempts to identify and communicate
with the craft proved futile.
Without warning, the vessel
was engulfed by a mighty explosion.
We arrived at their position
three miles south-east of the island
seeking to lend aid.
But the mysterious vessel--
[video rewinds]
We arrived at their position three miles--
[video rewinds]
vessel was engulfed
by a mighty explosion.
the vessel was engulfed
by a mighty explosion.
See? "S1, E4, 2505."
Season 1, episode 4,
25 minutes and
[both] Five seconds.
[Maddie] It's right there
in Lauren's notebook.
Lauren did love Sea Dog's tapes.
Maybe she thought this coin
came from the mystery ship?
The mystery ship called the 'Nemesis'.
Which lies three miles south-east of us.
Guys, I'm willing to bet
everything on this.
Look, if Lauren thought it was important,
we should check it out. Agreed?
If we get caught out in that water,
my mother will solder the padlock
to that clubhouse
and we'll never get in there again, ever.
So, where is the key?
My mother's dressing table,
second drawer on the right.
[all giggle]
[adventurous music]
[adventurous music continues]
[Renee snores softly]
[Renee snorts]
See? Nothing to worry about.
Not a soul in sight.
[Henry] What are you guys doing?
[gasps] What are you doing?!
What decent person is up
at this time of the morning?
A person with a job.
Is this a good idea?
[keys jangle]
Is that shirt a good idea?
I don't know what you guys are up to,
but it doesn't look entirely legit.
I know it doesn't look great,
but, um, there's something
we really need to do, OK?
-It's important.
-Is it dangerous?
Then why take the risk, Izzie?
I've dragged that boat in once before.
I don't want to have to do that again.
A ship is safest in the harbour,
but that's not what ships are for.
[mysterious music]
[mysterious music continues]
[eerie music]
[taps on tank]
[majestic music]
[camera shutter clicks]
[Maddie] Izzie,
I can't believe you found it.
[Izzie] We found it together.
It's so strange.
The hull was obliterated
but the mast survived.
I know, and there's barely a debris field
for such a sudden explosion.
Yeah, why is that?
It means it wasn't an accident.
It was scuttled.
-They sunk it on purpose.
And what happened to the crew?
[suspenseful music]
[plaintive music]
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