Divorce Attorney Shin (2023) s01e09 Episode Script

Episode 9

I got…
some fresh octopus.
Let's parboil it
and enjoy it with some spicy sauce.
It'll be delicious.
So hurry up and bring Yeong-gwang back.
My client neither has any friends here
nor speaks the language.
But she started a family here
because she trusted the defendant.
But things were not as she expected.
The defendant owns
about 3,600 pyeong of farmland.
And he does all the farming himself
without hiring any help.
As the workload was too heavy for him,
my young client
had no choice
but to help him out all the time.
She thought she was marrying him.
But she ended up doing labor for him.
In the diagnosis that we submitted,
you can see that she was suffering from
severe postpartum depression.
That's why she asked him…
if she could visit Vietnam for a while.
She wanted to see her mother
and her young siblings.
Was that too much to ask?
Did she really deserve to be beaten
until her bones were broken?
Right. The farming.
The couple worked hard
without getting any help.
That's true.
So I made some calculations.
You told him you needed time
to adjust to this country, correct?
That's why you spent
a whole year taking
online Korean classes from home.
And then another year and two months,
for a hairdressing course in Gwangju.
A four-hour round trip.
Your Honor, the plaintiff is a foreigner.
He's confusing her
with irrelevant questions.
These are all relevant questions.
Let me talk.
Defendant's counselor.
Get to the point.
This is all important.
Yes, Your Honor.
I'll get to the point.
Throughout your marriage,
who did the house chores
and looked after the baby?
That's right.
Your 87-year-old mother-in-law did.
So I did some calculations.
The total amount of time
that you spent
helping out with the farming
is about three months.
Sure, that's a long time.
It must have been tough.
But what about my client?
Did he have it any easier?
Since he got married,
he's taken 4 weekends off out of 52.
This is including holidays, of course.
He works from 4 a.m. to 8 p.m. every day.
And he's been sticking to
this grueling schedule to this day.
And you say he exploited you?
I can't agree with that.
That is an unverified claim.
It's a subjective claim
with no evidence to back it up.
I would like to submit
the neighbors' statements.
You also claim he neglected
your postpartum depression,
but I beg to differ.
The defendant invited every single member
of the plaintiff's family to Korea
and sent them on a trip to Jeju Island.
I believe you were
six months pregnant, correct?
After she gave birth,
the defendant suggested
that they visit her home country together.
Since the baby was still young
and yet to be vaccinated,
they agreed on waiting for six months.
He purchased flight tickets right away,
which are still in your photo album.
You know that, right?
Here's the problem.
Four weeks after giving birth,
she started going out often
and leaving the baby
with her mother-in-law.
She would often stay out late
and come home drunk.
The defendant didn't stop her
despite his concern.
Why? She was still young,
living in a new country,
and had just given birth.
Plus, he thought
she didn't have any friends.
Taking these factors into consideration,
it is far from the truth
that the defendant neglected
the plaintiff's postpartum depression.
I have one question.
Just one.
Is your child, Yeong-gwang,
the biological son
of Mr. Ma Chun-seok,
the defendant?
Your Honor.
I would like to request a paternity test
for their son, Ma Yeong-gwang.
Your Honor.
Asking for a paternity test
solely based on assumptions--
No. This isn't just based on assumptions.
There's something I don't understand.
Let's talk about their blood types.
Yeong-gwang is blood type A.
And his mother, the plaintiff,
is blood type O, correct?
In this case,
the father's blood type
can only be type AB or type A.
I'd like to submit
Mr. Ma's blood test results.
That's right. The defendant…
is blood type B.
No, that's not true.
He said he was blood type A.
I had a long conversation
with the plaintiff.
She has shown great remorse
for her past actions.
Since she is the spouse at fault,
she can no longer demand a divorce.
So I'd like to ask you.
Will you maintain this marriage?
Please do understand
that her guilt plays a part
in why she has given up on this marriage.
the most painful thing
for her to bear was…
the defendant's violent behavior.
His violent tendencies
will affect the child negatively.
Not too long ago,
Attorney Shin over there
gracefully won a case.
As a result, a highly problematic mother
won custody of her child.
- a video of her--
- Your Honor.
Plaintiff's counselor.
What are you trying to say?
As you can see from that case,
having an affair is bad,
but so is the situation
that makes one do such a thing.
That's what I'm trying to say.
About your fractured arm.
Both the defendant and his mother
deny assaulting you.
But you claim to have been beaten by him.
This is a very important matter,
but there were no cameras or witnesses.
Could you explain what happened that day?
No one saw what happened,
and I've been very curious about it.
If you don't mind,
could you tell us how he beat you?
- Your Honor!
- Your Honor.
This is very important.
You may continue.
Thank you.
What did he hit you with?
How did the defendant hit you?
With both hands?
He must have hit you very hard
to have fractured your bones.
So how did he do it?
Did he use his right arm like this?
Or did he use his left arm like this?
Which arm was it?
I'm ready.
You're going to be fine.
Okay, just do it.
She says he hit her with his right arm.
- His right arm?
- Yes.
I didn't think I'd need to submit this.
One minute, Your Honor.
This is the defendant's
orthopedic diagnosis.
Your Honor.
This evidence wasn't
submitted beforehand.
This is no different from
the plaintiff's fracture diagnosis.
It's about his frozen shoulder.
It's nothing big.
Your Honor.
The defendant…
has been receiving treatment
for his right shoulder for over a year.
He can't even use chopsticks,
let alone carry anything heavy
with his right arm.
You trusted him enough
to move to this foreign country.
He's your husband.
Did you really not know
about his shoulder pain?
That is all.
What are your thoughts on the ruling?
Anything to say to Ms. Dinh Thi Hoa?
Attorney Shin.
Will you sue her for slander?
Do you think
Ms. Dinh Thi Hoa is the only one
who slandered him?
You can eat them now. They're all done.
This is great.
Is Mr. Ma not going to sue her?
He apparently got her
and the baby an apartment in Daejeon.
What about the kid's father?
He ran away ages ago.
I should make some more noodles.
It won't take long.
Go to her.
That reminds me.
Do you remember that novel?
The one we read in school.
The wife has an affair.
So she gives birth
even though her husband is sterile.
He knows the child isn't his,
but he wants some kind of connection.
So he insists that the baby has his toes.
Are you talking about Our Toes Are Alike?
Yes, that one.
I can't believe he butchered
that great novel like that.
Yeom Sang-seop would be so upset.
He'd be turning in his grave.
- Right, Yeom Sang-seop.
- He'd be so mad.
But not as mad as Kim Dong-in.
The one who wrote Our Toes Are Alike.
Not Yeom Sang-seop.
You idiot.
Read your classicals.
It's "classics," not "classicals."
- Classics?
- Yes, classics.
I didn't have to take the CSAT.
I was gifted.
You're so obnoxious.
How are you feeling?
You seem to be doing well.
I eat and sleep well.
I'm doing fine.
But you shouldn't be.
Should I be crying in a corner?
Was that the best you could do?
You made us all look stupid.
I mean…
I had no idea Ma Chun-seok
genuinely loved her.
He hid his blood type
to cover up her infidelity
and even took in her son.
Love sure conquers all.
What happened to your drive?
You should have done
everything you could
like you did during Shin Ju-hwa's case.
Don't you agree?
That was a different story.
It's not like Dinh Thi Hoa
offered me a job.
I had no reason
to go that far.
Park Yu-seok.
What did you call me?
What is this attitude?
You're crossing the line.
That's exactly what I want to say to you.
Please stop crossing the line.
I told you not to provoke Shin Sung-han
or we'd all be doomed.
Yet you sent Ma Chun-seok to him
without consulting me,
put me on the case
without discussing it with me,
and contacted the media
without running it by me.
Aren't we supposed to be partners?
These kinds of things are
hard to come back from.
How long do you think
you can keep that position of yours,
Attorney Park?
So that's what you wanted to tell me.
"Park Yu-seok."
"Know your place and stay there
if you want to keep your job."
This is as far as my generosity goes.
It's only natural
for the incompetent to be replaced,
Attorney Park.
You've all gotten old.
I have the skin of a 32-year-old.
Who said that?
My dermatologist.
You know that clinic, right?
J Clinic.
The dermatologist is totally hot.
Dr. Cha Mi-jo.
How did your surgery go?
At least I can walk around now.
She told me what you've been up to.
I heard you got divorced.
You caught me off-guard.
Yes. I did.
Well done.
You should have let her go sooner.
What's the point of holding on to her
when she's found someone else?
You did the right thing.
Thank you.
But still,
the stroller was over the top.
- Mom.
- Yes?
- Please.
- Why?
That's what people recommended.
I said cash.
He put that huge thing together himself
and it was a bit crooked.
It was a weird color too.
But you're in deeper water.
- Yes.
- Why?
Hyeong-geun is a single man now.
Considering his character,
women will be lining up for him.
Come on.
I'm a bachelor and he's divorced.
Hey, at least I have some money saved up.
You're in debt.
Even the conglomerates have debt.
You're so ignorant.
I didn't know you were so good
at playing the piano.
- Did you see it?
- Yes.
Not bad, right?
You should close down your lame office
and start a piano school instead.
From what I saw, I think
you're good enough to teach some kids.
- Mom.
- Yes?
I already explained it all to you.
He was a professor in Germany.
A piano professor.
And I told you to stop with that nonsense.
This world is full of nonsense.
But if you take a closer look,
everything happens for a reason,
- and everyone has a story--
- If you ask me,
you're as good as a piano professor.
I'm not as good as a professor.
I was an actual professor in Germany--
Fine. Let's say that's the case.
So what's your problem?
Are you just dense?
You're sitting in your office all day,
meddling with other people's marriages
when you've never been married yourself.
In that sense, Jeong-sik…
That's your name, right?
He's doing much better than you.
Write that down.
That's pure wisdom right there.
Yes, write it down.
Just give us our ramyeon!
Look at you.
Pouting just because
I nagged you a little.
Write it down.
- Gosh.
- Let's go.
- Goodness. Be careful.
- But…
- I'm fine.
- Write it down before you forget.
You lost to Jeong-sik.
I'm suddenly worse than Jeong-sik?
This must be the place.
Shall we go in?
I suddenly have a stomachache.
It's been hurting since this morning.
So I guess not suddenly.
I'll go get some medicine. Go ahead.
It's hard to focus
when you have a stomachache.
I know how that feels.
Where could a pharmacy--
I can find one myself.
I could use a refreshing vitamin drink.
I'll be going in.
- Come in.
- Hello, ladies.
Does he want to divorce her
because of her schizophrenia?
I can't talk about that kind of stuff.
That's confidential.
I'm sure he has his reasons.
I may be running a support group for them,
but family members of those
who have schizophrenia
go through a lot emotionally.
You could write a dozen books
with all the stories from the group.
About your online support group,
Heart Waves.
It's got quite a few members.
How active are they?
Do you meet in person too?
We mostly share information online
and have our monthly offline meetings.
By any chance,
do you remember a man
named Park Hyeon-tae?
"Park Hyeon-tae"?
I'm not sure.
This is him.
I remember him now.
That's Hyeon-tae.
- He's handsome.
- Right?
Was he pretty active
in your support group?
He was very active.
Such a thoughtful young man.
It's probably lukewarm.
How's your stomach?
Did you take your medicine?
Yes, I feel better now.
- Should we go?
- Shall we?
Have they been starving?
Hey, my ramyeon is better, right?
You can't beat the original owner.
I'm the original owner.
How many times do I have to tell you?
You use just the right amount of water.
- Isn't the soup perfect?
- Yes.
But I think Ms. Kim's noodles
have better texture.
They don't get soggy until you finish.
That's a skill.
Do you want some rice?
A little bit later.
We never saw his potential.
May I have some rice?
Of course.
He's miles ahead of you two.
You still have a long way to go.
Here's your rice.
Your noodles are getting soggy.
Go on and eat her ramyeon.
You've gone insane.
Can we get some rice too?
We're all out.
Oh, dear.
I dropped it.
- I dropped it right in.
- Should we just kill him?
I could really use some rice.
- We're all out.
- No rice.
Why are you still here?
I guess I'll get going,
now that my boss is clocking out.
You and your words…
You know you come on too strong, right?
No, sir.
- I'm leaving.
- Sir.
It's my first case.
- Could I brief you on it?
- No.
I have a lot on my mind.
Let's just mind our own business.
All right, I guess… Hold on.
I think I can do the legwork alone.
And why is that?
I don't think Ms. Lee is quite ready
to go out and meet people yet.
I understand. Let's talk about it later.
That's it, right?
No more "hold on,"
"wait," or "sir," right?
I love you, but not that much.
Do we have milk?
Do you need anything?
They're too small now.
Your feet have gotten so big.
They used to be so tiny.
That tickles.
Come here. These look nice.
Anything's fine.
You should still have a look.
What do you think?
It says they're comfortable.
Okay. I'll get those.
Do you not like them?
Let me look for other ones.
- Mom.
- Yes?
How do you know if they're comfortable
without trying them on?
Are you ordering them today?
Do you think I can get them
before PE class on Friday?
Of course.
I'm going to bed.
- Did you brush your teeth?
- Yes.
- Good night, Mom.
- Good night.
Thanks. You too.
The defendant's brother and his wife
made many unreasonable demands.
They demanded clothes or home appliances
as gifts once every two months.
Their dryer, kimchi fridge, TV…
It's a 62-inch TV at that.
They even asked for a toaster
from a famous foreign brand.
And the plaintiff paid for everything.
Most recently,
for his sister-in-law's birthday,
he was demanded a designer
purse that you'd have to line up to get.
I submitted a text from her.
"I'll wait in line.
You can just give me your credit card."
The defendant couldn't say no
to these unreasonable demands. Why?
Why couldn't he?
Because they were raising his daughter
whom he had been hiding.
The problem is that he hid everything
and got married to the plaintiff.
When she found out that her niece
is actually her husband's daughter,
she was furious and devastated.
The defendant has shown
great remorse regarding that matter.
He has promised to dedicate
the rest of his life to her
and has been asking for her forgiveness.
But the plaintiff also held back
a very important piece of information.
Had she truly considered him her partner
who she loves and trusts,
she should have--
You mean her schizophrenia?
You're right.
It can't be cured, but it can be treated.
Her condition had been improving
until she met the defendant.
I submitted her doctor's note…
- Didn't you see it too?
- Look here.
I'm looking.
Please focus on the mediation.
My apologies.
Being a schizophrenic's guardian
requires a great deal of sacrifice.
Perhaps that's why her parents
gladly accepted him
despite his poor educational,
family, and financial background.
Do you feel inferior?
It's strange that he'd say
they "accepted" him.
And the "poor background" part
is strange too.
He's doing his best to be humble
in conveying his sincere feelings.
You're impatient.
I apologize.
He found out about her mental illness
after getting married,
but he cared for her with love.
Please do not disregard
his commendable decision
to become her life partner.
That's a total lie.
It's very important
to note when the defendant
found out about her illness.
Do you agree?
- Totally.
- I'm totally grateful.
Mr. Park.
Are you familiar with Heart Waves?
I haven't seen him in a while.
I wonder how his sister is doing.
His sister?
She suffers from schizophrenia.
I think I've heard.
Hyeon-tae is so considerate.
He took great care of his sister
to share his parents' burden.
He's such a great brother.
When did he join your group?
Let me think…
Three years ago in January.
Right before the Lunar New Year.
I remember being impressed
by how caring that young man was.
Why do you ask?
Heart Waves.
It's a support group
for family members of schizophrenics.
It's very active online and offline.
The defendant joined the group
on February 13, 2019.
Then he became a member
of the plaintiff's church
on March 8, 2019.
What could this mean?
It's an unreasonable assumption to say
that he intentionally approached her.
Okay. Let me ask you again.
Why did you join the group?
According to my research,
your sister is schizophrenic.
And that sister happened to be
the same age as your wife,
and they both majored in piano.
Except you don't have such a sister.
You only have a brother who makes
unreasonable demands
in return for raising your kid.
So who was this sister of yours?
I did it because I loved her.
Because I loved her.
I had to prove to her parents
that I could take
good care of their daughter
for them to accept me.
Don't you agree?
Let's face it.
You accepted me
because I put up with her nonsense.
Isn't that right?
You did it because you loved her?
Do you still love her?
How many times do I have to tell you?
She's all that I have!
You came running when she was
fighting for her life after she overdosed.
You saw me there.
I did. I absolutely did.
I also saw this.
You call this love?
Damn it.
It was a win-win.
You never would have paid attention
to a penniless, uneducated guy like me.
Aren't I right?
Why did you hide her condition?
You and your wife deceived me first!
How could you do that as church elders?
I said…
I would have taken care of
your crazy daughter forever!
- Defendant.
- Watch your mouth. What are you, a thug?
Plaintiff's counselor.
What did you just say?
Are you lecturing me
just because you're educated?
- Hey.
- What?
Are you such a mess
because you're uneducated?
Hey, are you even an attorney?
Why else would I be here, you idiot?
What did you say, you scumbag?
You hit me first, you bastard.
This is self-defense.
You asked for it, you scumbag.
Let me go!
Mr. Park!
- Cut it out!
- Hey!
- That's enough!
- I'm over 180cm tall, you prick!
- Break it up!
- Gosh!
- Here's some jiu-jitsu for you.
- You idiots!
Break it up!
That's about…
Hey, Attorney Choi.
Good work.
Mediating isn't easy, is it?
Attorney Shin always gets cold sweats
when he attends one.
Would you like a cold vitamin drink?
It's okay.
I don't feel like drinking anything
after getting cursed at.
But don't worry.
It went well and they agreed to a divorce.
That scumbag of a defendant
even demanded alimony.
I made sure he didn't get any, but…
It was an awesome first mediation, but…
But what?
But it got a bit rowdy.
Where is he?
You really caused a scene
at the Seoul Family Court.
Did you do something?
It wasn't that serious.
I just lectured him a little
on the difference
between humans and animals.
- Listen carefully.
- Yes, sir.
If you act out like that,
word will spread about how I hired
someone exactly like me.
That word's already out.
Here's the thing about us.
Me. You. Us.
Every breath we take
and every single move we make
could attract attention.
Do you get that?
I strangely do.
Good-looking people like us
should always be extremely mindful
of every little thing we do.
And we always need to be humble, okay?
I wasn't thinking, Attorney Shin.
I know we have a strong sense of justice--
I want to go home.
- Was that too much?
- Yes.
- What?
- I'm sorry.
I thought I could compliment him
into being a better person.
- What?
- Can I leave early?
Are you sick?
I need to take out the recycling.
They do pile up quickly
if you miss the day.
Today must be your recycling day.
We're talking about recyclables
all of a sudden?
Get back to your boy band.
Stick to that great routine of yours.
See you tomorrow.
- Thank you.
- No problem.
I won my first case.
Can we celebrate?
- See you tomorrow.
- Bye.
- Goodbye.
- Happy recycling.
How lonely.
That's her, right?
I thought she moved away.
Rumor has it
- that her husband moved out.
- Seriously?
Let's go.
Let's go eat.
Jang Guk-yeong.
Hear me out.
I worked in marketing for 15 years.
I dedicated my youth to it.
I can't ever go back there.
No. I won't.
You know it's my dream
to open up a macaron shop, right?
I'm almost there, you know?
But you see…
Hold on.
Jang Guk-yeong.
This is the macaron shop
and this is the noodle shop.
Point to the one you prefer.
Jang Guk-yeong, which one will you pick?
Which one?
Which one is it?
Long time no see.
- Do you want some ramyeon?
- Yes, please.
Do you want eggs in it?
I did some research,
and I heard you sell wine by the glass.
Yes, but it's not on the menu.
I serve leftovers.
- One minute.
- Okay.
I'm all out.
- What about soju?
- That's my mom's menu.
Do you like macarons?
Yes, I love them.
Do you know Mr. Jang's number?
Can you write it down here?
Do you want a lot of green onions?
Yes, please.
I can't buy soju elsewhere
and bring it here, right?
I see.
Stupid spam.
This one's persistent.
This is Kim So-yeon from the noodle shop.
Can we talk?
You must feel like you came back to work.
I could have come to you.
I'll feel like I'm clocking out again,
so it balances out.
I couldn't get any sleep last night.
I wanted to hear your answer
to a certain question.
I see.
What is it?
Should I start selling macarons
or keep selling ramyeon?
You should pursue your dream, so…
So macarons?
It's not a bad idea. Sure.
Do you like macarons?
I don't have much of a sweet tooth.
But I'd buy them as gifts.
But you do like ramyeon, right?
I love it.
I love it.
I love it.
I see.
Is that what you called to ask me?
I have one more question.
It's about her.
Your ex-wife.
She's not
your last love.
Is she?
She's not the last woman
you'll ever love, is she?
That's such a tricky question.
It's nerve-racking.
It's a short-answer question.
"She was my first love."
- Come on, man!
- Come on!
- You idiot!
- You're insane!
- You idiot!
- What?
- Jeez!
- What?
I might lose a friend tonight.
Women hate men's first loves!
They don't even know
if they actually exist,
but they're always bothered by them!
Jealousy of first love is
a valid reason for divorce!
- No, it's not!
- I see.
Why should I be criticized for my honesty?
I don't want to say another word
to an honest man like you tonight.
And I really want to beat the crap
out of you for being so dense tonight.
You're not drinking out of a wine glass.
You don't deserve this.
I'm so frustrated.
- I can't believe we're friends.
- You.
Drink out of this.
- It's not bad.
- Drink with both hands, you idiot.
- Damn it.
- You're so stupid.
Hey, Sung-han.
I see decanting actually works.
- I told you.
- This is nice.
We have some new jerky.
Don't drink on an empty stomach.
Hey, I bought that.
I'm so hot.
I'm opening my third bottle.
Am I okay?
No problem.
I'm a man.
This is nothing for a man.
Right, that piano video?
Wasn't he just awesome?
To be honest,
I enjoyed playing the piano
more than studying law.
But hear me out.
Today, I had a divorce case.
And I got my first win.
Shin Sung-han…
He didn't even buy me a glass of soju.
- He's a terrible boss.
- Is that funny?
It's hilarious.
And the other colleagues…
What the…
Did he just fall asleep?
He's alive.
Why would you drink on a live stream
when you can't handle your alcohol?
Ju-hwa's brother, was it?
He must be good at his job.
I don't know what to say, Father.
"One rotten apple spoils the barrel."
Do you know that saying?
Before Shin Sung-han spoils the--
It could be you.
The rotten apple.
You might be the bad apple.
Do you understand?
Ms. Ma Geum-hui…
filed for a divorce.
Let me ask you again.
Are you the rotten apple?
Or is it Shin Sung-han?
The divorce won't happen,
but you did spoil the barrel.
Her attorney…
is Shin Sung-han.
I bought a shabby farmhouse
on the outskirts of Seoul.
Living abroad at my age feels very lonely.
I'm planning to settle down here,
but not like this.
Are you thinking about divorce?
Please help me.
Leave Keumhwa.
I'll be hiring a team of attorneys.
We would look ridiculous if you stayed.
I won't hire anyone
from Keumhwa.
You may go.
Ju-hwa's father seemed like a good man.
He seemed like a man of character.
Ju-hwa was a nice girl too.
Is her brother the same?
Are you bad-mouthing my parents?
This is what I thought
when I first saw you.
"She knows no shame."
Leave Keumhwa.
Thank you for the coffee.
That's tasty.
There really aren't
any two-year leases around here.
Most of these buildings are full of shops.
The residential buildings
are across the street.
It's nice and quiet there.
Should I give you a call
if there's a vacancy?
That would be great.
- I'm okay with large deposits too.
- Okay.
do you see a lot of stories
on your radio shows?
- I do.
- Right.
How's this story? I heard it somewhere.
A guy went to this gathering,
and he became interested in a lady.
- Hello.
- Hello.
- Would you like a drink?
- Okay.
And then she disappeared without a trace.
Why do you think that is?
Maybe she was put off
by his "be there or be square" reply.
He came on too strong.
I mean, they're both single and young.
And they met at a gathering.
Is it really so wrong
to express their feelings?
You were being too straightforward.
No, I'm telling you.
Until the second gathering…
- This isn't about me.
- You're such a liar.
It's obvious.
Anyway, it's all about storytelling.
From my experience,
couples with stories stay together longer.
Join clubs that have clear purposes.
- Purposes?
- For example,
a sports or reading club.
Or a poetry club. Poems are shorter.
Poetry? That's good.
I write insane poems.
- I see.
- Seriously.
Excuse me.
Poetry sounds nice.
Hey, Seo-jin. I'm downstairs.
They're having a team dinner.
They invited me
to thank me for helping out.
- The Haenam case?
- Correct.
But I already have plans tonight.
I'll have to cancel.
Why are you here, Mr. Realtor?
Are you serious?
You know nothing
about storytelling, do you?
No wonder I was getting nowhere
asking that dimwit for advice.
I should have asked you to begin with,
Ms. Lee and Ms. Bang.
You would have made
all my problems go away.
Is this about the woman
who left that club because of you?
Shut up.
And remember that driving
to Haenam and back in a single day
is a true display of friendship.
I fed you beef after that.
You never actually fed me.
Jeez. Here.
Give it to me. Open up.
- Happy?
- That's salty!
The lettuce is salty!
I don't think Mr. Jang washed his hands
after using the bathroom.
I wiped them.
On that lettuce.
I didn't wash mine.
That's disgusting.
That round-trip does seem
like a display of friendship, right?
How many hours was that?
You got hemorrhoids that day, right?
You have hemorrhoids?
That's so gross.
That was supposed to be a secret.
He means I got a hammer.
They were like 15cm.
Isn't that a hernia at that point?
I got a deal on a hammer.
You're awfully quiet today, Attorney Choi.
I'm trying not to drink
for the time being.
Something's up.
You did something, didn't you?
Yes, on camera.
But I saved him
before he really screwed up.
I fell asleep while drinking on my stream.
- Ms. Bang came to my rescue.
- What?
If she went there,
it means she knew where you were.
Were you drinking at the office?
On the day I won my case, no one…
I was so upset,
so I ended up drinking too much.
- And then--
- Did you talk about me?
What did you say again?
"It was my first win, but Shin Sung-han,
- that terrible boss…"
- The meat's ready, sir.
- Please enjoy.
- Attorney Choi.
Let me know
next time you drink on your channel.
I'll join you as a beautiful guest.
Count me in too. I can do it well.
I was born to be on camera.
"Please subscribe and leave a comment…"
Speaking of which,
your channel has its charms.
Seo-jin, why don't we try
streaming online?
Don't panic.
It's just like hosting a radio show
but without the regulations.
That sounds amazing.
If Attorney Shin gives you crap,
you can use my office.
No, thanks.
What about the noodle shop?
You sly little…
It'll be much more interesting
than your office.
You just want to be on the stream.
And get that lettuce out of your teeth.
Where is it?
Even your jacket looks like lettuce.
Let me know if you need any advice.
I'm an expert.
- Be quiet.
- Please eat up.
- You should take callers.
- "I have hemorrhoids."
Can I talk about your
hemorrhoids on my stream?
It's a hammer!
What a mess of a show!
"Excuse me, but that's a hernia."
I shouldn't drink anymore.
Right. I had so much fun.
Me too.
- I'm a big fan of yours.
- What are you doing?
I'm just so happy to see her.
I used to listen to your radio show
every single day.
You looked great in that video too.
- You're even sexier in person.
- Sir.
Let's shake hands.
Sir, you seem pretty drunk.
You should go.
And who are you?
You see,
I'm her fan.
Then once you sober up,
ask yourself if you're truly her fan.
Look at yourself.
You little…
How could you dismiss a fan's…
Okay. I'll leave.
You want me to leave?
I'm leaving.
Wait, where am I supposed to go?
Let's go, Seo-jin.
Let me take you home, okay?
Are you okay?
I'll walk you home. Let's go.
I'll come with you guys.
You two can go home.
I want to walk alone.
Ms. Lee.
I'd like you…
to stay strong.
I know it's tough right now.
I understand. It must be unbearable.
But you see,
we managed…
to keep Hyeon-u.
We even…
pulled that off.
So stay strong.
Hi, Hyeon-u.
- Did you have a fun team dinner?
- Yes.
I had a great time
thanks to you and Ms. Kim.
Thank you so much.
He's so independent.
I didn't do much.
But do call me again if you need help.
I'll do it as your fan.
- I'll go brush my teeth.
- Okay.
I'll be going now. Get some rest.
Thank you so much.
- No problem.
- I'll call you a taxi.
Don't be absurd. I'm a grown woman.
I can go home on my own.
Get home safely.
Bye. See you tomorrow.
You need to try them on
to know if they're comfortable.
You were right.
So what do you think?
Are they comfortable?
Yes. They're perfect.
Let's buy some clothes too.
Will you be okay?
Will you be okay?
To be honest,
I'm so happy to be out with you.
I'm happy to be out…
with you.
To be honest…
I'm still not okay.
I'm going to try.
I'm sorry
every single day.
Subtitle translation by: Soo-ji Kim
Are you okay?
Aren't you scared to go in alone?
A strategy to take on six attorneys…
Let's do this.
I'll stop hiding and keep my chin up.
Do I deserve that?
It's just too easy.
You're a perfect fit.
What's in it for me, Father?
- Gi-yeong.
- Attorney Shin Sung-han.
Ripped and synced by
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