Django (2022) s01e09 Episode Script


Where is Julian Wright?
He's not here! It's
just us and the children.
No, no! Look out!
That was my father's.
Why do you have it?
I found it in the
rubble when I saved you.
I grabbed it, thinking
you might want it sometime.
What's going on?
Sarah, what's going on?
Talk to me.
I don't know, it's-
I just-
Sarah, talk to me. It's
the middle of the night.
What's going on?
I had this this weird dream.
About what?
About John.
He wanted to kill you.
We all have bad dreams.
He ain't gonna kill me. Don't
worry about that, trust me.
I feel like he changed.
Yes, he did. He changed. He's
scared. That's why he changed.
You built something special
here. He doesn't wanna lose it.
Don't worry.
So you're on his side?
No, I'm past sides now.
Come here.
I have to go four days in
the mountains. No eating.
No drinking.
I did it too, when I
decided to stay here.
Tawny Bear told me it's the
only way to become a Comanche,
and learning the language of course.
You learned my language very well.
So did you.
Do you remember
the day you saved my life?
They could've killed you.
But you weren't afraid to die.
I was, and I still am every day.
You were a boy.
A child leaves behind
a bright light when they die.
When I am no longer here,
there'll be only darkness.
Tawny Bear wants a word.
Five bears
is about to become a man
and he never would've become one
if it wasn't for you.
I want to make
sure you remember that.
Can I see that?
What's going on here, John?
Hey, we're having ourselves
a little celebration.
In honor of Kevin and
Sarah's safe return.
And our continued perseverance.
This one's ready.
Who's invited?
Well, everybody, like always.
Our gates will be open.
It's hard to imagine I'm
the first one to tell you
this is not your greatest idea.
Now what's the point in having
a paradise if we can't share it
with the world?
John, the world outside
wants to kill us.
These walls haven't stopped that.
In fact, they probably made it worse.
I want people to come, see our guns,
see our watchmen, see our towers.
Let 'em know we're not goin' anywhere.
And what about security?
Same as usual. No knives, no guns.
Don't you want a chance to dance
and drink, and exorcise those demons?
Exorcise those demons, John?
Relax, friend. It's just a party.
Don't worry, friend, we'll
have sentries everywhere.
We've done this before
Do you agree with this madness?
I think this town needs this.
These your words or his?
Sir, wait.
Do you have any quinine tincture?
It's gonna cost you a lot of money.
I don't have money, but
I've this.
It's valuable. It's been in
my family for two generations.
Why you selling it?
Because staying alive is more important.
Young lady, let me ask you something.
What do you think you're
gonna do with no money,
no guns, and no food, in
that bloody patch of dirt?
Build a city.
It'll be the greatest city in the world.
I wanted to surprise you.
I'm certainly surprised.
What good is this all for
if we can't celebrate life?
We can't spend the
rest of our days hiding.
I thought that's
exactly what you wanted.
We need to work for
the good of our people.
Being locked up ain't good for anybody.
I shouldn't have left like that.
It was stupid,
Yeah. Yeah, it was.
And I was out of my head.
I still am, Sarah.
But in a different way.
A better one.
Yeah, why not?
Carnival turns everything upside down.
Just the way we like it.
What are you doing?
I'm going to New Babylon.
They're organizing a big
party to show the world
that the anti-Christ has won.
Who told you?
The Lord.
Today he said to me
that the time has come
to wash away John Ellis's sins.
And you sure it's God and
not just your broken heart?
Well, son. It's probably both.
You're the only one I
have left on this earth.
Daddy was right, you
ain't fit to be a mother.
Your daddy was a liar,
just like my old man.
A mediocre, vulgar pig. A
slave to his own weakness.
What did you love about him, then?
I didn't love him, I despised him.
I only loved one man in my entire life.
A man who seduced me,
knowing he was my brother.
And with the same excuse he manipulated
my father to steal my land.
A man who's not a man, but a
handsome incarnation of the devil.
Do you even realize that
you're gonna stick your head
in the lion's mouth?
You don't even care that
you might not come back.
Do ya?
Whoever wants to save
their life, will lose it.
And whoever loses their
life for me, will save it.
It says it in the Bible.
I need to face Satan, my son.
And if I die,
I will wait for you on the other side.
Please be careful, Mama.
She's headed to New Babylon.
I'm worried she's gonna kill 'em all.
Your father, your brothers
and her.
The first guests are
approaching the gates.
Is security ready?
We should get a few more men to help
search, you know keep the line
I'm not talking to you,
I'm talking to your brother.
- Besides, you need to rest.
- I'm fine, you know? I wanna help.
You wanna help?
Help by listening to me next time.
I'll take care of it.
All right.
Well, let's not make a few
raindrops spoil our fun.
Come on, you deserve some fun.
The next time one of them comes for us,
you'll be ready.
I know you would've saved her.
Instead I was the one who needed saving.
Or, I could've been dead.
We both know that ain't true.
I've always admired that about you.
You've always been like that.
- Like what?
- Confident.
I'm just older, that's all.
Come on.
Lucifer was the most beautiful,
luminous angel of our Lord.
But anyone who yields to his seduction
will burn with him in hell.
And you want us to enter his realm?
Or not?
When the time is right, we will
have all the weapons we need.
Whoo! Ahh!
Come on!
Thought you'd be more pleased to see me.
Why don't you sit down.
Don't tell me you're getting
used to living in this pit of lust
and non-believers?
No, of course not.
That's good.
'Cause I need your help.
Yeah. What can I do for you ma'am?
I know this town is full of weapons.
And you
you're gonna show
me where they keep 'em.
Yeah. Su Sure. Yeah,
of course I can do that.
I know how to get you weapons, ma'am.
You see?
You men of little faith.
He's no traitor.
He's my son's brother.
His arms, his eyes, his blood.
He's a part of the family.
And in this family, we
stand up for each other.
No matter what it costs.
Let's begin the night of purification.
Let's go.
Put on
Put on the armor of God.
Put on the armor of God so
you so you can take your stand.
So you can take your stand
against the devil's schemes.
And return to the light of the Lord.
Did you get all the weapons?
Yes, ma'am.
Now, follow me.
Give me a drink.
Haven't you had enough?
there's nothing left.
You always cared about me, Jess.
Of course. You're our guide.
Everyone loves you.
I'm no one's guide. I'm not a saint.
I'm not what everyone thinks I am.
Am I a bad person if I think
there's something wrong with this?
Hey. Come on.
To bad people.
Hide, I'll wait for him inside.
You best stay right where you are.
What are you doing here?
This is my home. These are my people.
So, you and your dogs
best leave my city.
Well, well, well Look
at the little Ellis boy.
Finally standing up for
his degenerate family.
Thinking that one day
he's gonna love you back.
I'd rather suffer the
retribution of my family
than to listen to any of
your sorcery any longer.
I've seen who you really are.
What you truly want.
And I want nothin' to do with it.
This all ends right now.
Or the first bullet'll be for you.
Don't forget that I was
the one believing in you.
I was the one who offered you a future.
But it looks like you'd rather be
a slave to your daddy and his bitch.
Watching from the shadows while she
satisfies her passions
with him instead of you.
I'm walking.
I'm walking.
- Slave.
- That's enough.
I said that's enough!
Shit! Was that a gunshot?
Stay here.
We gotta go!
It didn't sound like fireworks.
Did you hear that? What's going on?
I don't know.
Hey! Hey!
Let's go!
Help! Help!
Ph Phillip, look at my face.
It's gonna be alright.
Oh, I know. I I I know. I got you.
I'm right here, right?
Just keep looking at me.
Just keep breathing, right? I got you.
I'm goin I'm going to see Mama.
Seymour. Seymour, open your eyes.
- What happened here?
- She's gone. She was just here.
She's gone.
Seymour! What happened?
- Oh my God.
- Come on.
You gotta get up. Come on.
- What happened?
- Elizabeth was here.
Okay okay.
Phillip, don't leave me.
H Hel Help!
It's OK, Seymour, it
just hit you on the side.
Kevin, find Phillip.
Tell him to check the compound.
Come on, tell him to get his
men and have a look around.
Elizabeth is here.
I'm sorry for your loss.
Thank you.
Thank you very much.
I'm so sorry.
I'm sorry for your loss.
their streets will
flow red with blood.
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