Doctor Odyssey (2024) s01e09 Episode Script
Shark Attack!
Doctor, this ship is heaven.
And you're here to keep everyone alive.
- Breath is irregular. Defib now.
- I have a pulse.
- Becoming some kind of team, huh?
Out on the ocean, as in life,
it's not a question
of when you encounter waves
but what you do
when they come up.
Sir, the wind
is changing direction on us.
Oh, mama. Hang on to your hat.
We're okay.
- Guys, I have an unresponsive patient!
- What's going on?
Bad call, man. You're a superior.
You understand
that's a fireable offense.
Tension in the medical suite,
Doctor Odyssey?
Absolutely not. It's a lovefest, sir.
[AVERY] I think we need to talk
about what happened. I had fun.
What happened the other night was
wonderful, but I am a one-woman man.
- And I want a family.
- [AVERY] This wasn't the plan.
You're pregnant, but you don't
know which one of us
It's not our body
and so it's not our decision.
But that doesn't mean
she has to be alone.
Yeah, sure.
- Avery, I got to say something.
- No, you don't.
Look, it came out all wrong.
Yep, it did.
I'm sorry.
I don't know why I reacted
like that, because the truth is
I want to be in a committed
relationship and I want to have kids.
Well, that's all well and good,
we don't even know if this is your kid.
And I'm glad that you've
figured out what you want,
but that doesn't mean that I have.
Can we talk it out?
What are you thinking?
I'm not certain you are the one
that I should be talking to.
Why not?
We were having fun.
We're not dating, we're not committed.
I don't expect you to be the father.
This is my decision.
And it's a big one, and I I need
time and space to figure it out.
Please let me have that.
We need to get out past the break
if we want to catch some waves.
Or we could just float and relax.
What happened to you
wanting to learn how to surf?
I'm sure I meant it when I said it.
Go catch some waves,
surfer dude. I'm good.
- Shark!
- Help! Left lower leg!
Severe shark bite!
I need every clean towel that we have!
Got it! Bring him in!
- Get a hand on it,
as much pressure as you can.
We need to move him.
- On my count, on one, two, three. Go!
- Go.
We got you, Spence.
Hang in. Hang in, bud.
Hey, Spence, you're in good hands.
We got you, bud.
Pulse is rapid but thready.
[MUNROE YELLS] - We need
to get a tourniquet on that leg.
His board leash.
You're gonna be okay.
Stick with me.
Here you go. Stick with me.
- Am I gonna die?
- You're gonna be okay.
Tight as you can.
He's already lost a lot of blood.
He's still bleeding.
I need a rod or a stick!
[MAX] Spence, stick with me. Right here.
Stick with me. There you go.
We need to keep him warm.
Hey. Grab me as many towels,
blankets, and jackets as you can.
- [AVERY] Tristan.
- Come on, buddy. Hey.
[TRISTAN] I have to make this tighter.
[MAX] Spence, hey, Spence,
Spence, Spencer.
He's going into hemorrhagic shock.
We need to move him.
You gotta stop the bleeding first.
Hey, Spence, stick with me.
Right here, right here. There you go.
Arterial bleeding's under control.
Take too long to get him to hospital.
We're gonna get him back to The Odyssey.
Rosie, call the tender now.
Stick with us, Spence.
Start two large-bore IVs,
for blood and fluid. What type is he?
- He's O neg.
- He's already lost one to two liters.
Let's get him on three
of Versed, 75 of fentanyl,
- and the labs on ice, stat.
- On it.
Shark's teeth sliced up his leg
like serrated knives.
Yeah. Skin, muscles, vessels,
they're all
a mess, probably loaded with bacteria.
We need to debride right away.
He's still moving. We should
give him another 100 of fentanyl.
He's already hypotensive. Any more
will risk cardiopulmonary collapse.
I'll do a popliteal fossa block
and anesthetize the leg.
- Grab a bite block as well.
- On it.
We've numbed your leg,
but this will still hurt.
Take my hand.
He's okay for now. I got him
on broad-spectrum antibiotics,
but we gotta get him to a hospital soon.
Let's get him on the fastest
tender we got and get him there.
[SIGHS] It's not advisable.
He needs constant care and attention.
Even the smallest crisis on the
tender could be life-threatening.
I defer to your judgment, Doctor.
We're two hours from port.
I'm gonna see if I can beat it.
We'll keep him stable.
[MASSEY] Thank you.
[TRISTAN] Feel that?
- A little. Yeah.
- Yeah.
And that.
Wiggle your toes.
Well, the good news is that
your X-rays show no fractures.
That means we're dealing
with small tissue injuries,
which is a little less scary.
Tell me the truth. How bad is it?
It's not good.
The shark did a number on your muscles,
an even bigger one on your arteries.
It's our main concern.
- Am I gonna lose my foot?
- We are gonna do everything we can.
Is there someone I should call?
Dad passed away last year
after a work accident.
Mom's been gone since I was seven.
I'm sorry to hear that.
He was a metal worker.
Union guy since he was 17.
After my mom died,
it was just the two of us.
Saved up to buy
this little fishing boat.
It was a piece of junk. [CHUCKLES]
He loved it. We both did.
Every weekend we went fishing together.
I knew it was hard for him when my
mom died,
tough job, never enough money,
but we always went fishing.
Never missed a weekend.
Everything was family for him.
He'd just taken retirement
and he was planning [CHUCKLES]
his first real vacation.
On The Odyssey.
With me.
To see his son on the bridge.
He was proud of what I do.
- His son, the first officer.
- Mm-hmm.
What if I can't do it anymore?
The cap's pushing The Odyssey
as fast as she'll go.
We'll be in port
in a little over an hour.
[CALLER ON RADIO] Mayday, Mayday,
Mayday. This is The Flicka.
We're 18 degrees, 37 minutes north,
111 degrees, 33 minutes west.
Something hit our boat.
We're taking up water.
Requesting immediate assistance.
Copy that.
Flicka, you got The Odyssey.
Please restate your location.
See if there are other vessels
in the area.
Eighteen degrees, 37 minutes north.
111 degrees, 33 minutes west.
We can see you, Odyssey.
We need you.
Uh, copy that. Flicka, listen,
we've got an injured crew member aboard,
and we're currently searching
the area for other vessels.
Our boat is going under quick
and there are sharks in the water.
Copy that. We're on our way.
Dial in The Flicka's coordinates.
You got the conn. Pull ahead.
So we've escaped one shark attack
just to head directly into another one?
That's the gist of it, yes.
How's Munroe?
We've stabilized him as best we can,
but this delay could be the difference
between keeping and losing that foot.
We have a moral obligation,
as the closest vessel,
to answer the distress call
of The Flicka.
Munroe is one of us though, Cap.
And if you ask him what we should do,
he wouldn't hesitate.
We have to save those people.
What's his DPA and PTA?
His DPA is a 1, his PTA is a low 2,
his foot's already getting dusky.
What about a temporary shunt?
the blood flow to the foot and ankle.
That could buy us some time,
but we don't
have a Javid or an Argyle tube on hand.
How about IV tubing?
I can help you out with that.
No, I need you and Max
with the rescue team.
Any survivors are gonna need
immediate medical attention.
Fine. You guys go. I got this.
Look at the fins!
I see them! Over there!
[PERSON 3] Help! Help!
Take my hand. We got you.
[PERSON 4] We have injured aboard.
[TRISTAN] We got you. You're safe.
- Thank you.
- [TRISTAN] Take a seat in the back.
- Slowly!
Take a seat.
You're safe.
[PERSON 4] We have two victims
with serious blood loss and injury
due to shark bite.
They need immediate care.
- Dr. Brooke Lane.
- Dr. Max Bankman.
- What happened to your boat?
- Something hit us.
Knocked a hole in the side.
Was it a shark?
Way bigger, although sharks were waiting
when Josie and Brodie
ended up in the water.
They got her in her belly,
but it mostly just hit her wet suit.
She's showing signs of hypothermia.
Yeah, let's get you off this boat.
Tristan, let's get her
in blankets right now.
- I've got her, Doc.
- What's going on down here?
Brodie has traumatic injuries
to his left arm and left leg.
Excellent work on the constrictor knot.
I need the trauma kit.
- Forget the kit. Let's go.
- Not until I wash out these wounds.
- Shark bites are a source of infection.
- I work surf charters.
I know sharks are
the petri dishes of the ocean.
Right now we're surrounded by them.
There's no way
- Trauma kit
they're satisfied
with a couple of bites.
- Max!
Still wanna stick around?
Well, it worked.
The shunt is bringing decent
blood flow back to your foot.
How soon can I get back to work?
You'll need at least one more surgery,
so it'll be a while before
you can get back on your feet.
- But at least you'll have both of them.
Avery, we're gonna miss you on
this ship, but you're so ready.
To be a doctor.
I knew you wouldn't let me down.
Because if I did, you wouldn't
let me hear the end of it.
You got that right.
You're sweating.
A little cold.
Your fever is spiking.
That's bad, huh?
I'll add some vanco to your antibiotics.
That should help stabilize you.
the tender is headed back.
Copy that. How many incoming?
Five souls total.
Two with severe shark bite injuries.
I'll be right back.
Check their hands and feet for any skin
especially blue or gray.
- [TRISTAN] Crewmen are stabilized.
What's the diagnosis in here?
Level 4-severity shark wound,
injury to the arm and leg.
[BROOKE] Level-1 injury to the abdomen.
We're just gonna need 100mg
doxycycline plus 2g decadiene,
and wound washout with pulse lavage.
Hey. We're gonna get you
cleaned up, okay?
You'll be back on the board in no time.
Is he gonna be okay?
He's in good hands.
Not to be overly formal,
but who are you?
Dr. Brooke Lane from the charter.
Licensed trauma surgeon
in my former life
with a SCTW certification.
I'm also the reason that Dr. Bankman
came back to you
without any teeth marks.
Yeah, it got a little Jaws 3-D
out there for a second.
Well, welcome to The Odyssey.
I'm Avery Morgan,
nurse practitioner in my current life.
Good to meet you, Avery.
- How's he doing?
- He needs a hospital.
How far out from port are we?
Last I checked,
the captain said 3.5 hours.
I can call ahead,
tell the hospital we
have an emergency amputation incoming.
It's not an emergency when
you cut the arm off a dead man.
You were right. We should have
debrided his wounds out there.
There's already signs of muscle death.
I don't think it was going to make
much difference
in the case of this arm.
In the meantime, those sharks
have been using my ribs as toothpicks.
She's right. This arm's got to go.
My question is, is the arm the
opening act or the headliner?
This limb is damaged beyond repair.
We're gonna have
to amputate the leg as well.
We're not equipped
to do a double amputation.
We're low on blood, antibiotics.
The crew can donate if necessary,
but I agree with you.
This is a tricky operation. It should
be done in a real operating room,
but he'll be dead by the time
we get him to one.
A guillotine transtibial
amputation is our best bet.
He'd lose too much soft tissue.
A faster cut reduces
the risk of septic shock.
would be way more difficult.
Brodie is young and athletic.
Mobility matters.
- Really, more than staying alive?
- Of course not.
Then I have to ask,
what were you all doing in
potentially shark-infested waters?
That was my client's call,
which I'll regret not saying no
to for the rest of my life.
And now Brodie is my patient,
so it's my call.
Guillotine amputation is out.
Too many risks.
There's one other issue.
As far as cutting through bone,
we only have osteotomes.
Right. Going at his tibia with a chisel
isn't going to save any
soft tissue or future mobility.
We need a saw. A high-power saw.
[BOTH] Rosie.
Choices are cut saw, bandsaw.
- Bandsaw.
- Agreed.
All right.
Do not push. Let the tool do the work.
I'm gonna have to get that
whole thing through the autoclave.
Well, first, whoever's driving this
thing is getting a lesson from me.
Get some glasses. Get excited.
His temp, respirations and heart
rate are through the roof, BPS 74/45
despite having fluid
transfusions and presses.
Showing clear signs of sepsis.
Close to the source of the infection.
- We need to amputate.
- Yeah.
No, no, please.
Just give me another antibiotic.
- I'm not sure that's gonna be effective.
There are other ways we could
boost your immune response.
It would involve shutting down all
your systems,
or as close as we can get.
I don't understand.
Well, we'd drop your body temperature,
sedate you, intubate you, paralyze you,
take all pressure off
your heart and lungs
so your body can fight the infection.
They did this to COVID patients
early on during the pandemic.
Go ahead.
I do have to warn you,
while you're unconscious, some
big decisions might have to get made.
Spence, if it's a choice between
saving your foot and saving your life,
there's only one choice.
I trust you.
Okay, deep breath.
Where are we?
He's at 96.9. That's with the ice.
I just added a cooling blanket.
We need to get him down to 93.
Run a 39-degree bag of saline.
He's moving air well.
Good bilateral breath sounds.
Keep an eye on his vitals.
His temp's dropping too fast.
Stop the saline.
- Let's get the ice off him.
- Yeah.
Max, his heart rate and BP are
both tanking. What has happened?
Cardiovascular collapse.
He's in V-fib. Starting compressions.
I promised him he'd be okay.
And he will be.
Charging 200.
And clear.
- No pulse.
- Restarting compression.
- Push one of epi.
- Yeah.
Come on, Spence.
Come on.
He's gonna be okay,
but let's get an external pacer
- just in case he codes again.
- Yeah, will do.
Excuse me. Am I clear to leave?
We still have to check your
vitals and blood pressure.
Okay, can we do that now?
Give me a minute.
Do you mean a literal minute,
or is that an approximation
of a short amount of time?
Because I need to talk to your captain,
and you need to clear me first.
I'm sorry, but your needs
aren't near the top of my list.
Hey there, Ray. Can you bring
this to the room with the autoclave?
- Yes.
- Right.
When you're done, I'll check you out.
You'll be good to go.
Thank you, Dr. Brooke. [CLEARS THROAT]
How about you don't talk
to my first mate like that?
Yeah, well,
he was being really impatient.
Ray is on the autism spectrum,
so patience is hard for him.
Especially when his routine
has been disrupted.
I'm sorry. I I didn't realize.
Usually my-my bedside manner
is impeccable, so
- [BROOKE] How is he? Your-your friend.
- [TRISTAN] He's under now.
That should hopefully buy us some time.
I was right there when he got bit.
Nothing I could do.
I know the feeling.
You know it's not your fault.
I have to go get ready for the surgery.
Chris, go ahead and set
the new course for 18.7 north.
You're taking the long way.
Sorry, son. And you are?
Captain, Officer,
apologies for intrusion.
I'm Ray Baldwin, first mate
of The Flicka reporting for duty.
Okay, well, thank you very
much, and I appreciate that,
but shouldn't you be
down in the infirmary?
Your nurse cleared me.
I came up to see if I could
be of any assistance,
and based on our current trajectory,
it's a good thing I did.
[CHUCKLES] Son, did you come up
here to insult me and my officers?
Oh, no, sir, I No, I didn't mean to
offend you
or-or insinuate [STAMMERS]
Talk to me.
Water's warmer.
Yeah. I'm gonna need
a little more than that.
Uh Water's warmer.
Sharks weren't always in this area.
They came because the water's warmer.
Warm water moves faster.
And we're not on
the most direct route to port
because we're using
an old model of current speed.
Current's faster now. Boosts our speed.
Ironic benefit of climate change, huh?
I'll have to check those numbers.
Oh. No need. I've done
the calculations in my head.
But feel free to check of course.
Why don't you
stick around, son? Have a seat.
I'll take care of the ligation
and bone work,
you deal with the soft tissue.
Are you forgetting that I'm a
trauma surgeon, not your sous chef?
You're the one who was so
concerned about the muscle and tissue
for the reconstruction.
True, but I was the one
who was trained to use the saw.
Is it that different
from a surgical saw?
- Is the soft tissue work too much for you?
- No.
I'm fully prepared to do
the soft tissue work.
You think I can't handle the saw,
that it's too big for my dainty hands?
Wouldn't exactly say
you got dainty hands.
Some girls are scared of big tools.
I'm not one of them.
The patient is prepped
and ready for surgery.
- [BROOKE] We've got active bleeding here.
- Bovie coming in.
Here. Bovie on my forceps.
- That's good.
Stay there. That's good.
Got it.
[MAX] Okay. Just need to tie off
this last vessel and we're good to go.
Clamp here.
Aves, can I get
a little suction in there?
- Perfect.
- Okay.
Retract the other side.
Little suction, Avery.
That's good.
Okay, good. That's got it. We're done.
[BROOKE] All tied off.
[MAX SIGHS] Good job.
Let's finish what the shark started.
Okay, one down, one to go.
Let's do this.
Where can a girl
get a shower around here?
Change of clothes, courtesy
of The Odyssey gift shop.
Aren't you the gentleman?
I try. Sometimes I even succeed.
That was some surgery.
It's been a couple of years since
I've done a double amputation.
Must be like riding a bike,
'cause you did excellent work in there.
You're all right.
Just all right?
Yeah, you started off
bossy and territorial.
You were only really annoying
for, hmm, about 40% of it.
- Only 40%?
- Hmm.
That's actually low for me.
What about the other 60?
What are we talking about?
- You want the full breakdown?
- Absolutely.
Let me guess.
It's an even 20-20-20 split.
Impressive, dazzling,
- masterful.
- Mmm. Not exactly.
No, 30% worthy of respect.
28% mildly impressed.
You're 2% short.
That's when I was thinking
about us having sex.
I think we're pretty
evenly matched there.
[AVERY] Max, you in there?
- Hi.
- I've been texting.
- The captain needs you on the bridge.
- I'll be right there.
- Avery, that's
- Wow.
I'll let him know.
It appears we are being followed.
What is that, a shark?
I don't think so.
- That's an orca.
- Yeah, I agree. And who are you?
Lot of new people on my bridge tonight.
I'm Dr. Brooke Lane,
medic from the sunken boat.
Thanks for the rescue.
Welcome aboard.
I can tell by the size and the
speed and the movement patterns
that it's either an orca or a submarine.
That's damn sure not a submarine.
Bet that's what sunk us.
Why would an orca attack a boat?
[RAY] There are many possibilities.
Teen orcas playing,
adults protecting their young.
In some instances, orcas
are believed to wreck ships
so human survivors attract sharks.
The sharks are then eaten by the orcas.
Well, their livers, to be exact.
I skippered a chartered yacht
the coast of Spain about 15 years ago,
and we came in contact
with one of their young.
It hit the ship, but just by accident.
But within minutes, we were
surrounded by a pod of orcas,
and they proceeded to scrape
our hull with their teeth.
They snapped the rudder, and then
they rammed the boat over and over
and over again for the next 90 minutes.
Then by that time, we were taking
on water
and had to launch the lifeboat.
It's the only time
I've ever lost a vessel.
Some of the most intelligent
creatures on the planet.
They're territorial, they hold grudges,
and sometimes
they hunt for sport.
And we're right in the middle
of their breeding grounds.
Because you had to adjust your route.
- For me.
- Hey.
You're on my ship now.
Part of my pod.
We'll get out of this together.
The Odyssey is a massive ship.
Orcas are no threat to us, right?
I'm not gonna test that hypothesis.
You really need to rest.
Is he, um
He's stable now, and under
the best possible care.
This is all my fault.
No, it's not.
It was my idea.
I found the trip, booked the charter.
There was this new spot
that I wanted us to surf.
It was a gnarly one.
We were there because of me.
It's not your fault.
You didn't sink that boat.
He kept trying to talk me out of it.
He wanted us to go to Maui instead.
Just talking about sitting on
the beach and drinking mai tais.
He's never gonna forgive me.
About what happened in my room earlier.
It's okay. I asked for space,
and, uh, you gave it.
Who am I to judge
how you fill your time?
I understand how that must have looked,
but nothing happened, I promise you.
She just needed a place to shower.
- And if I hadn't knocked on the door?
- I would have said,
"Thank you. I'm very flattered,
but you need to get dressed."
Glad you had your whole
speech worked out.
And I'm glad that I saw
what I did, actually,
because it's
it's very clarifying.
What's that supposed to mean?
This morning you said
you wanted kids and a family,
presumably, possibly with me.
And then later,
I saw you surgery flirting
with hot shark doctor,
and then you invited her
to take a shower in your room.
I'm not sure what that all means,
but it's not nothing.
In here!
What's going on?
His BP's 65 over 41.
he's getting more hypotensive.
Okay, initiate aggressive fluid
Put him on 1,000 ml of isotonic
crystalloid over the next 30 minutes.
Also, start an inotrope.
Vitals are unstable. BP is labile.
[MAX] Checking his pulse.
No pulse distal ankle
or foot.
That shark bite thrashed his arteries.
The popliteal is still intact, maybe
It's not enough to perfuse
the foot all by itself.
Munroe gave us the permission.
Now we have to use it.
Prep for the amputation and get Brooke.
I'm gonna need her help on this.
What the hell was that?
We've lost propulsion.
There's no forward thrust.
Something hit your propeller, sir.
It's possible that the orca overtook us.
There he is, still on our tail.
Chris, pull up camera 7.
I want to see what hit us.
All right. Roll it back before impact.
Hold it. Enlarge.
A great white.
Something's wrong.
Sharks have electroreception.
They can detect even
the smallest electrical pulse.
It should have been able
to sense the propeller.
Still feels like we
aren't moving. What happened?
No time to figure that out.
We need to amputate Munroe's
foot now or he could die.
Hold up. I got you something.
Brodie's leg?
Found it in the flower room.
Test results came back.
Leg shows no signs of infection,
and he's O negative,
like your friend here.
Look, Munroe's losing his foot
because his artery's chewed up, right?
Well, we have a viable artery
on ice right here.
We could bypass Munroe's injured
artery with a graft from Brodie's leg
- and possibly save his foot.
- Let's do it.
Rosie, what the hell
is going on with my ship?
Whatever slammed into the
propeller stopped us cold, sir.
Engine seized, and it's heating up fast.
If we can't control it,
we're looking at a class C fire.
Alert the crew. Prepare for Code Bravo.
Rosie, can you contain it?
No idea, but if it picks up,
it could travel to the main generator.
I need to shut the generator
off before the fire hits it.
Did she just say she's
turning off the generator?
Rosie, this is the infirmary.
We're in the middle of Munroe's surgery.
We cannot lose power.
If a fire hits the generator,
it'll blow a hole the size
of a Buick in the hull.
How long before the backups kick
in when the main line goes down?
Uh. Five seconds, ten max.
We can handle that.
But if the generator blows, it
could take out all the backups.
[MASSEY] Rosie, you get there
and you stop that fire at all cost.
You copy?
Copy that.
Code Bravo. I repeat, Code Bravo.
Class C fire below deck.
- Get the firefighters down here! Now!
Should we stop?
If we do,
Munroe loses his foot for sure.
[MAX] Here's the artery graft.
Help me get this graft in place.
I did it.
She did it. Rosie, you did it.
This explains why the shark
went into the propeller.
Yeah. There's not just one orca,
there's a whole damn pod.
They were hunting the shark.
Now they got us surrounded.
That's beautiful.
Gonna finish up these sutures,
then we'll move on to the next one.
Wake up. Josie.
Guys, I need help in here! Help!
[SAFETY OFFICER] Rosie, fire is out.
I repeat, fire is out.
Great news. [CHUCKLES]
Oh, mother
Well [SIGHS]
we're dead in the water.
Doctor, this ship is heaven.
And you're here to keep everyone alive.
- Breath is irregular. Defib now.
- I have a pulse.
- Becoming some kind of team, huh?
Out on the ocean, as in life,
it's not a question
of when you encounter waves
but what you do
when they come up.
Sir, the wind
is changing direction on us.
Oh, mama. Hang on to your hat.
We're okay.
- Guys, I have an unresponsive patient!
- What's going on?
Bad call, man. You're a superior.
You understand
that's a fireable offense.
Tension in the medical suite,
Doctor Odyssey?
Absolutely not. It's a lovefest, sir.
[AVERY] I think we need to talk
about what happened. I had fun.
What happened the other night was
wonderful, but I am a one-woman man.
- And I want a family.
- [AVERY] This wasn't the plan.
You're pregnant, but you don't
know which one of us
It's not our body
and so it's not our decision.
But that doesn't mean
she has to be alone.
Yeah, sure.
- Avery, I got to say something.
- No, you don't.
Look, it came out all wrong.
Yep, it did.
I'm sorry.
I don't know why I reacted
like that, because the truth is
I want to be in a committed
relationship and I want to have kids.
Well, that's all well and good,
we don't even know if this is your kid.
And I'm glad that you've
figured out what you want,
but that doesn't mean that I have.
Can we talk it out?
What are you thinking?
I'm not certain you are the one
that I should be talking to.
Why not?
We were having fun.
We're not dating, we're not committed.
I don't expect you to be the father.
This is my decision.
And it's a big one, and I I need
time and space to figure it out.
Please let me have that.
We need to get out past the break
if we want to catch some waves.
Or we could just float and relax.
What happened to you
wanting to learn how to surf?
I'm sure I meant it when I said it.
Go catch some waves,
surfer dude. I'm good.
- Shark!
- Help! Left lower leg!
Severe shark bite!
I need every clean towel that we have!
Got it! Bring him in!
- Get a hand on it,
as much pressure as you can.
We need to move him.
- On my count, on one, two, three. Go!
- Go.
We got you, Spence.
Hang in. Hang in, bud.
Hey, Spence, you're in good hands.
We got you, bud.
Pulse is rapid but thready.
[MUNROE YELLS] - We need
to get a tourniquet on that leg.
His board leash.
You're gonna be okay.
Stick with me.
Here you go. Stick with me.
- Am I gonna die?
- You're gonna be okay.
Tight as you can.
He's already lost a lot of blood.
He's still bleeding.
I need a rod or a stick!
[MAX] Spence, stick with me. Right here.
Stick with me. There you go.
We need to keep him warm.
Hey. Grab me as many towels,
blankets, and jackets as you can.
- [AVERY] Tristan.
- Come on, buddy. Hey.
[TRISTAN] I have to make this tighter.
[MAX] Spence, hey, Spence,
Spence, Spencer.
He's going into hemorrhagic shock.
We need to move him.
You gotta stop the bleeding first.
Hey, Spence, stick with me.
Right here, right here. There you go.
Arterial bleeding's under control.
Take too long to get him to hospital.
We're gonna get him back to The Odyssey.
Rosie, call the tender now.
Stick with us, Spence.
Start two large-bore IVs,
for blood and fluid. What type is he?
- He's O neg.
- He's already lost one to two liters.
Let's get him on three
of Versed, 75 of fentanyl,
- and the labs on ice, stat.
- On it.
Shark's teeth sliced up his leg
like serrated knives.
Yeah. Skin, muscles, vessels,
they're all
a mess, probably loaded with bacteria.
We need to debride right away.
He's still moving. We should
give him another 100 of fentanyl.
He's already hypotensive. Any more
will risk cardiopulmonary collapse.
I'll do a popliteal fossa block
and anesthetize the leg.
- Grab a bite block as well.
- On it.
We've numbed your leg,
but this will still hurt.
Take my hand.
He's okay for now. I got him
on broad-spectrum antibiotics,
but we gotta get him to a hospital soon.
Let's get him on the fastest
tender we got and get him there.
[SIGHS] It's not advisable.
He needs constant care and attention.
Even the smallest crisis on the
tender could be life-threatening.
I defer to your judgment, Doctor.
We're two hours from port.
I'm gonna see if I can beat it.
We'll keep him stable.
[MASSEY] Thank you.
[TRISTAN] Feel that?
- A little. Yeah.
- Yeah.
And that.
Wiggle your toes.
Well, the good news is that
your X-rays show no fractures.
That means we're dealing
with small tissue injuries,
which is a little less scary.
Tell me the truth. How bad is it?
It's not good.
The shark did a number on your muscles,
an even bigger one on your arteries.
It's our main concern.
- Am I gonna lose my foot?
- We are gonna do everything we can.
Is there someone I should call?
Dad passed away last year
after a work accident.
Mom's been gone since I was seven.
I'm sorry to hear that.
He was a metal worker.
Union guy since he was 17.
After my mom died,
it was just the two of us.
Saved up to buy
this little fishing boat.
It was a piece of junk. [CHUCKLES]
He loved it. We both did.
Every weekend we went fishing together.
I knew it was hard for him when my
mom died,
tough job, never enough money,
but we always went fishing.
Never missed a weekend.
Everything was family for him.
He'd just taken retirement
and he was planning [CHUCKLES]
his first real vacation.
On The Odyssey.
With me.
To see his son on the bridge.
He was proud of what I do.
- His son, the first officer.
- Mm-hmm.
What if I can't do it anymore?
The cap's pushing The Odyssey
as fast as she'll go.
We'll be in port
in a little over an hour.
[CALLER ON RADIO] Mayday, Mayday,
Mayday. This is The Flicka.
We're 18 degrees, 37 minutes north,
111 degrees, 33 minutes west.
Something hit our boat.
We're taking up water.
Requesting immediate assistance.
Copy that.
Flicka, you got The Odyssey.
Please restate your location.
See if there are other vessels
in the area.
Eighteen degrees, 37 minutes north.
111 degrees, 33 minutes west.
We can see you, Odyssey.
We need you.
Uh, copy that. Flicka, listen,
we've got an injured crew member aboard,
and we're currently searching
the area for other vessels.
Our boat is going under quick
and there are sharks in the water.
Copy that. We're on our way.
Dial in The Flicka's coordinates.
You got the conn. Pull ahead.
So we've escaped one shark attack
just to head directly into another one?
That's the gist of it, yes.
How's Munroe?
We've stabilized him as best we can,
but this delay could be the difference
between keeping and losing that foot.
We have a moral obligation,
as the closest vessel,
to answer the distress call
of The Flicka.
Munroe is one of us though, Cap.
And if you ask him what we should do,
he wouldn't hesitate.
We have to save those people.
What's his DPA and PTA?
His DPA is a 1, his PTA is a low 2,
his foot's already getting dusky.
What about a temporary shunt?
the blood flow to the foot and ankle.
That could buy us some time,
but we don't
have a Javid or an Argyle tube on hand.
How about IV tubing?
I can help you out with that.
No, I need you and Max
with the rescue team.
Any survivors are gonna need
immediate medical attention.
Fine. You guys go. I got this.
Look at the fins!
I see them! Over there!
[PERSON 3] Help! Help!
Take my hand. We got you.
[PERSON 4] We have injured aboard.
[TRISTAN] We got you. You're safe.
- Thank you.
- [TRISTAN] Take a seat in the back.
- Slowly!
Take a seat.
You're safe.
[PERSON 4] We have two victims
with serious blood loss and injury
due to shark bite.
They need immediate care.
- Dr. Brooke Lane.
- Dr. Max Bankman.
- What happened to your boat?
- Something hit us.
Knocked a hole in the side.
Was it a shark?
Way bigger, although sharks were waiting
when Josie and Brodie
ended up in the water.
They got her in her belly,
but it mostly just hit her wet suit.
She's showing signs of hypothermia.
Yeah, let's get you off this boat.
Tristan, let's get her
in blankets right now.
- I've got her, Doc.
- What's going on down here?
Brodie has traumatic injuries
to his left arm and left leg.
Excellent work on the constrictor knot.
I need the trauma kit.
- Forget the kit. Let's go.
- Not until I wash out these wounds.
- Shark bites are a source of infection.
- I work surf charters.
I know sharks are
the petri dishes of the ocean.
Right now we're surrounded by them.
There's no way
- Trauma kit
they're satisfied
with a couple of bites.
- Max!
Still wanna stick around?
Well, it worked.
The shunt is bringing decent
blood flow back to your foot.
How soon can I get back to work?
You'll need at least one more surgery,
so it'll be a while before
you can get back on your feet.
- But at least you'll have both of them.
Avery, we're gonna miss you on
this ship, but you're so ready.
To be a doctor.
I knew you wouldn't let me down.
Because if I did, you wouldn't
let me hear the end of it.
You got that right.
You're sweating.
A little cold.
Your fever is spiking.
That's bad, huh?
I'll add some vanco to your antibiotics.
That should help stabilize you.
the tender is headed back.
Copy that. How many incoming?
Five souls total.
Two with severe shark bite injuries.
I'll be right back.
Check their hands and feet for any skin
especially blue or gray.
- [TRISTAN] Crewmen are stabilized.
What's the diagnosis in here?
Level 4-severity shark wound,
injury to the arm and leg.
[BROOKE] Level-1 injury to the abdomen.
We're just gonna need 100mg
doxycycline plus 2g decadiene,
and wound washout with pulse lavage.
Hey. We're gonna get you
cleaned up, okay?
You'll be back on the board in no time.
Is he gonna be okay?
He's in good hands.
Not to be overly formal,
but who are you?
Dr. Brooke Lane from the charter.
Licensed trauma surgeon
in my former life
with a SCTW certification.
I'm also the reason that Dr. Bankman
came back to you
without any teeth marks.
Yeah, it got a little Jaws 3-D
out there for a second.
Well, welcome to The Odyssey.
I'm Avery Morgan,
nurse practitioner in my current life.
Good to meet you, Avery.
- How's he doing?
- He needs a hospital.
How far out from port are we?
Last I checked,
the captain said 3.5 hours.
I can call ahead,
tell the hospital we
have an emergency amputation incoming.
It's not an emergency when
you cut the arm off a dead man.
You were right. We should have
debrided his wounds out there.
There's already signs of muscle death.
I don't think it was going to make
much difference
in the case of this arm.
In the meantime, those sharks
have been using my ribs as toothpicks.
She's right. This arm's got to go.
My question is, is the arm the
opening act or the headliner?
This limb is damaged beyond repair.
We're gonna have
to amputate the leg as well.
We're not equipped
to do a double amputation.
We're low on blood, antibiotics.
The crew can donate if necessary,
but I agree with you.
This is a tricky operation. It should
be done in a real operating room,
but he'll be dead by the time
we get him to one.
A guillotine transtibial
amputation is our best bet.
He'd lose too much soft tissue.
A faster cut reduces
the risk of septic shock.
would be way more difficult.
Brodie is young and athletic.
Mobility matters.
- Really, more than staying alive?
- Of course not.
Then I have to ask,
what were you all doing in
potentially shark-infested waters?
That was my client's call,
which I'll regret not saying no
to for the rest of my life.
And now Brodie is my patient,
so it's my call.
Guillotine amputation is out.
Too many risks.
There's one other issue.
As far as cutting through bone,
we only have osteotomes.
Right. Going at his tibia with a chisel
isn't going to save any
soft tissue or future mobility.
We need a saw. A high-power saw.
[BOTH] Rosie.
Choices are cut saw, bandsaw.
- Bandsaw.
- Agreed.
All right.
Do not push. Let the tool do the work.
I'm gonna have to get that
whole thing through the autoclave.
Well, first, whoever's driving this
thing is getting a lesson from me.
Get some glasses. Get excited.
His temp, respirations and heart
rate are through the roof, BPS 74/45
despite having fluid
transfusions and presses.
Showing clear signs of sepsis.
Close to the source of the infection.
- We need to amputate.
- Yeah.
No, no, please.
Just give me another antibiotic.
- I'm not sure that's gonna be effective.
There are other ways we could
boost your immune response.
It would involve shutting down all
your systems,
or as close as we can get.
I don't understand.
Well, we'd drop your body temperature,
sedate you, intubate you, paralyze you,
take all pressure off
your heart and lungs
so your body can fight the infection.
They did this to COVID patients
early on during the pandemic.
Go ahead.
I do have to warn you,
while you're unconscious, some
big decisions might have to get made.
Spence, if it's a choice between
saving your foot and saving your life,
there's only one choice.
I trust you.
Okay, deep breath.
Where are we?
He's at 96.9. That's with the ice.
I just added a cooling blanket.
We need to get him down to 93.
Run a 39-degree bag of saline.
He's moving air well.
Good bilateral breath sounds.
Keep an eye on his vitals.
His temp's dropping too fast.
Stop the saline.
- Let's get the ice off him.
- Yeah.
Max, his heart rate and BP are
both tanking. What has happened?
Cardiovascular collapse.
He's in V-fib. Starting compressions.
I promised him he'd be okay.
And he will be.
Charging 200.
And clear.
- No pulse.
- Restarting compression.
- Push one of epi.
- Yeah.
Come on, Spence.
Come on.
He's gonna be okay,
but let's get an external pacer
- just in case he codes again.
- Yeah, will do.
Excuse me. Am I clear to leave?
We still have to check your
vitals and blood pressure.
Okay, can we do that now?
Give me a minute.
Do you mean a literal minute,
or is that an approximation
of a short amount of time?
Because I need to talk to your captain,
and you need to clear me first.
I'm sorry, but your needs
aren't near the top of my list.
Hey there, Ray. Can you bring
this to the room with the autoclave?
- Yes.
- Right.
When you're done, I'll check you out.
You'll be good to go.
Thank you, Dr. Brooke. [CLEARS THROAT]
How about you don't talk
to my first mate like that?
Yeah, well,
he was being really impatient.
Ray is on the autism spectrum,
so patience is hard for him.
Especially when his routine
has been disrupted.
I'm sorry. I I didn't realize.
Usually my-my bedside manner
is impeccable, so
- [BROOKE] How is he? Your-your friend.
- [TRISTAN] He's under now.
That should hopefully buy us some time.
I was right there when he got bit.
Nothing I could do.
I know the feeling.
You know it's not your fault.
I have to go get ready for the surgery.
Chris, go ahead and set
the new course for 18.7 north.
You're taking the long way.
Sorry, son. And you are?
Captain, Officer,
apologies for intrusion.
I'm Ray Baldwin, first mate
of The Flicka reporting for duty.
Okay, well, thank you very
much, and I appreciate that,
but shouldn't you be
down in the infirmary?
Your nurse cleared me.
I came up to see if I could
be of any assistance,
and based on our current trajectory,
it's a good thing I did.
[CHUCKLES] Son, did you come up
here to insult me and my officers?
Oh, no, sir, I No, I didn't mean to
offend you
or-or insinuate [STAMMERS]
Talk to me.
Water's warmer.
Yeah. I'm gonna need
a little more than that.
Uh Water's warmer.
Sharks weren't always in this area.
They came because the water's warmer.
Warm water moves faster.
And we're not on
the most direct route to port
because we're using
an old model of current speed.
Current's faster now. Boosts our speed.
Ironic benefit of climate change, huh?
I'll have to check those numbers.
Oh. No need. I've done
the calculations in my head.
But feel free to check of course.
Why don't you
stick around, son? Have a seat.
I'll take care of the ligation
and bone work,
you deal with the soft tissue.
Are you forgetting that I'm a
trauma surgeon, not your sous chef?
You're the one who was so
concerned about the muscle and tissue
for the reconstruction.
True, but I was the one
who was trained to use the saw.
Is it that different
from a surgical saw?
- Is the soft tissue work too much for you?
- No.
I'm fully prepared to do
the soft tissue work.
You think I can't handle the saw,
that it's too big for my dainty hands?
Wouldn't exactly say
you got dainty hands.
Some girls are scared of big tools.
I'm not one of them.
The patient is prepped
and ready for surgery.
- [BROOKE] We've got active bleeding here.
- Bovie coming in.
Here. Bovie on my forceps.
- That's good.
Stay there. That's good.
Got it.
[MAX] Okay. Just need to tie off
this last vessel and we're good to go.
Clamp here.
Aves, can I get
a little suction in there?
- Perfect.
- Okay.
Retract the other side.
Little suction, Avery.
That's good.
Okay, good. That's got it. We're done.
[BROOKE] All tied off.
[MAX SIGHS] Good job.
Let's finish what the shark started.
Okay, one down, one to go.
Let's do this.
Where can a girl
get a shower around here?
Change of clothes, courtesy
of The Odyssey gift shop.
Aren't you the gentleman?
I try. Sometimes I even succeed.
That was some surgery.
It's been a couple of years since
I've done a double amputation.
Must be like riding a bike,
'cause you did excellent work in there.
You're all right.
Just all right?
Yeah, you started off
bossy and territorial.
You were only really annoying
for, hmm, about 40% of it.
- Only 40%?
- Hmm.
That's actually low for me.
What about the other 60?
What are we talking about?
- You want the full breakdown?
- Absolutely.
Let me guess.
It's an even 20-20-20 split.
Impressive, dazzling,
- masterful.
- Mmm. Not exactly.
No, 30% worthy of respect.
28% mildly impressed.
You're 2% short.
That's when I was thinking
about us having sex.
I think we're pretty
evenly matched there.
[AVERY] Max, you in there?
- Hi.
- I've been texting.
- The captain needs you on the bridge.
- I'll be right there.
- Avery, that's
- Wow.
I'll let him know.
It appears we are being followed.
What is that, a shark?
I don't think so.
- That's an orca.
- Yeah, I agree. And who are you?
Lot of new people on my bridge tonight.
I'm Dr. Brooke Lane,
medic from the sunken boat.
Thanks for the rescue.
Welcome aboard.
I can tell by the size and the
speed and the movement patterns
that it's either an orca or a submarine.
That's damn sure not a submarine.
Bet that's what sunk us.
Why would an orca attack a boat?
[RAY] There are many possibilities.
Teen orcas playing,
adults protecting their young.
In some instances, orcas
are believed to wreck ships
so human survivors attract sharks.
The sharks are then eaten by the orcas.
Well, their livers, to be exact.
I skippered a chartered yacht
the coast of Spain about 15 years ago,
and we came in contact
with one of their young.
It hit the ship, but just by accident.
But within minutes, we were
surrounded by a pod of orcas,
and they proceeded to scrape
our hull with their teeth.
They snapped the rudder, and then
they rammed the boat over and over
and over again for the next 90 minutes.
Then by that time, we were taking
on water
and had to launch the lifeboat.
It's the only time
I've ever lost a vessel.
Some of the most intelligent
creatures on the planet.
They're territorial, they hold grudges,
and sometimes
they hunt for sport.
And we're right in the middle
of their breeding grounds.
Because you had to adjust your route.
- For me.
- Hey.
You're on my ship now.
Part of my pod.
We'll get out of this together.
The Odyssey is a massive ship.
Orcas are no threat to us, right?
I'm not gonna test that hypothesis.
You really need to rest.
Is he, um
He's stable now, and under
the best possible care.
This is all my fault.
No, it's not.
It was my idea.
I found the trip, booked the charter.
There was this new spot
that I wanted us to surf.
It was a gnarly one.
We were there because of me.
It's not your fault.
You didn't sink that boat.
He kept trying to talk me out of it.
He wanted us to go to Maui instead.
Just talking about sitting on
the beach and drinking mai tais.
He's never gonna forgive me.
About what happened in my room earlier.
It's okay. I asked for space,
and, uh, you gave it.
Who am I to judge
how you fill your time?
I understand how that must have looked,
but nothing happened, I promise you.
She just needed a place to shower.
- And if I hadn't knocked on the door?
- I would have said,
"Thank you. I'm very flattered,
but you need to get dressed."
Glad you had your whole
speech worked out.
And I'm glad that I saw
what I did, actually,
because it's
it's very clarifying.
What's that supposed to mean?
This morning you said
you wanted kids and a family,
presumably, possibly with me.
And then later,
I saw you surgery flirting
with hot shark doctor,
and then you invited her
to take a shower in your room.
I'm not sure what that all means,
but it's not nothing.
In here!
What's going on?
His BP's 65 over 41.
he's getting more hypotensive.
Okay, initiate aggressive fluid
Put him on 1,000 ml of isotonic
crystalloid over the next 30 minutes.
Also, start an inotrope.
Vitals are unstable. BP is labile.
[MAX] Checking his pulse.
No pulse distal ankle
or foot.
That shark bite thrashed his arteries.
The popliteal is still intact, maybe
It's not enough to perfuse
the foot all by itself.
Munroe gave us the permission.
Now we have to use it.
Prep for the amputation and get Brooke.
I'm gonna need her help on this.
What the hell was that?
We've lost propulsion.
There's no forward thrust.
Something hit your propeller, sir.
It's possible that the orca overtook us.
There he is, still on our tail.
Chris, pull up camera 7.
I want to see what hit us.
All right. Roll it back before impact.
Hold it. Enlarge.
A great white.
Something's wrong.
Sharks have electroreception.
They can detect even
the smallest electrical pulse.
It should have been able
to sense the propeller.
Still feels like we
aren't moving. What happened?
No time to figure that out.
We need to amputate Munroe's
foot now or he could die.
Hold up. I got you something.
Brodie's leg?
Found it in the flower room.
Test results came back.
Leg shows no signs of infection,
and he's O negative,
like your friend here.
Look, Munroe's losing his foot
because his artery's chewed up, right?
Well, we have a viable artery
on ice right here.
We could bypass Munroe's injured
artery with a graft from Brodie's leg
- and possibly save his foot.
- Let's do it.
Rosie, what the hell
is going on with my ship?
Whatever slammed into the
propeller stopped us cold, sir.
Engine seized, and it's heating up fast.
If we can't control it,
we're looking at a class C fire.
Alert the crew. Prepare for Code Bravo.
Rosie, can you contain it?
No idea, but if it picks up,
it could travel to the main generator.
I need to shut the generator
off before the fire hits it.
Did she just say she's
turning off the generator?
Rosie, this is the infirmary.
We're in the middle of Munroe's surgery.
We cannot lose power.
If a fire hits the generator,
it'll blow a hole the size
of a Buick in the hull.
How long before the backups kick
in when the main line goes down?
Uh. Five seconds, ten max.
We can handle that.
But if the generator blows, it
could take out all the backups.
[MASSEY] Rosie, you get there
and you stop that fire at all cost.
You copy?
Copy that.
Code Bravo. I repeat, Code Bravo.
Class C fire below deck.
- Get the firefighters down here! Now!
Should we stop?
If we do,
Munroe loses his foot for sure.
[MAX] Here's the artery graft.
Help me get this graft in place.
I did it.
She did it. Rosie, you did it.
This explains why the shark
went into the propeller.
Yeah. There's not just one orca,
there's a whole damn pod.
They were hunting the shark.
Now they got us surrounded.
That's beautiful.
Gonna finish up these sutures,
then we'll move on to the next one.
Wake up. Josie.
Guys, I need help in here! Help!
[SAFETY OFFICER] Rosie, fire is out.
I repeat, fire is out.
Great news. [CHUCKLES]
Oh, mother
Well [SIGHS]
we're dead in the water.