Doctor Slump (2024) s01e09 Episode Script

Episode 9

Why did you choose Anesthesiology?
I chose this field because I was moved
by how anesthesiologists plan
according to each patient's condition
and monitor rapidly changing vital signs
so they can react quickly
to various situations
and take great care of their patients.
And not only do they care
for their patients
but they also assess the overall situation
in the OR and arrange--
I'm not so sure.
I wonder if you'll be right
for our department.
Teamwork is crucial in our field.
You won't succeed if you think
you're better than everyone else.
You know that, right?
Yes, I'm aware of that.
Then, explain your reputation.
From what we've heard, you're an outsider
who can't communicate well
with your colleagues.
We also heard
you prefer to do your own thing.
Well, I…
Dr. Nam.
You're not interested in dating, are you?
- Sorry?
- Hey.
What kind of question is that?
Look. I heard she'd rejected
a few guys who had asked her out.
So they spread false rumors,
and her female colleagues
avoided her because of that.
If she truly was selfish
or preferred to work alone,
she would've never applied
to our department.
And this shows
she was the head of the class
when she graduated
and received straight As
on her internship assignment.
If she really wasn't reliable,
she wouldn't have earned such marks.
In that dog-eat-dog world,
he was the first person to believe in me.
I heard you chose Anesthesiology.
- Yeah.
- Me too.
I hope we get along.
By the way,
is Dr. Min Kyung-min your relative?
Really? Then, why did he defend you
during your interview?
Everyone's talking about it.
He's had a girlfriend for seven years,
so he doesn't have an ulterior motive.
"Does she have something on him?"
"Does he owe her money?"
People are wondering that.
- Really?
- Did you hear?
He'll be the next chief resident.
All the professors
are giving their support.
He's bound to become a fellow
and eventually a professor.
And he likes you,
so he paved the way for you too.
How about drinks on you to celebrate?
No, thanks.
And he just picked me.
He didn't pave the way for me.
Let's grab a drink.
There. That's the problem.
There's already a bias
in the patient pool.
That's why it says
there's no meaningful correlation.
I see.
Thank you again. The materials
you gave last time helped a bunch too.
I'm glad I could help. See you later.
Are you free tomorrow?
Why did you offer to treat me?
Just as a thank you.
You're always helpful and kind to me.
By the way, I have a question.
Why do you treat me so well?
I mean I'm not social or friendly.
I even struggle
to get along with my colleagues.
So I was curious
as to why you're so good to me.
Because I know you.
I can see how sincere
and hard-working you are.
I don't know if I should say this.
But I don't think
others know you that well.
That's why I wanted to
understand and help you.
Those words won me over.
This is good.
I never had a doubt
that he was on my side.
About that government subsidy budget…
I'll tell the professor I planned it.
But I did it.
Of course, I know that.
Well, to be honest,
the professor doesn't have
a good opinion of you.
So if I tell him you did it,
he might turn the proposal down.
For now, I'll say that I did it.
Then, I'll tell the truth
once it's approved.
I'll clear up the misunderstanding then.
This proposal's crucial.
You know I'm doing this for you, right?
But still--
They're calling me in. So that's it.
I still wanted to believe him.
I tried with all my might.
- However…
- Right.
What do you think about Dr. Nam?
- Dr. Nam Ha-neul?
- Yeah.
I'm not too sure.
She's not the easygoing type, you see.
Some patients have complained
about her being unfriendly and arrogant.
She doesn't get along
with her colleagues either.
Teamwork is crucial in our field.
I don't think she's cut out
for a group environment.
- You think so too?
- Yes.
Good work. Have a drink.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
By the way, is everything okay?
What is it?
I'm a bit reluctant to tell you this.
I think Dr. Nam is manipulating the data.
What? The data?
That's truly inexcusable.
Right. I was shocked too.
It was the p-value of all things.
She changed the p-value?
How will she deal with the consequences?
I don't know either.
Credibility is crucial with data.
I don't know how
she'll deal with the mess.
What did you just say?
- When did I--
- Dr. Nam.
How dare you raise
your voice in front of me?
Sir, I never did such a thing.
I've had many unfair things happen--
Life isn't always fair.
Why are you whining about it?
Hurry up, Dr. Woo.
Give Dr. Nam her bag.
No one was on my side,
so there was nothing I could even do.
I became sick and tired of it all.
I told myself to never trust anyone again.
But then…
I met you.
No, over here!
You kept me on my feet when my life
was on the verge of collapsing.
And I completely fell for you.
That's when I'd suddenly become anxious.
I was afraid
that you'd hurt me too.
If I'm this unstable,
could we ever be happy?
We'll both suffer in this relationship.
This is why I'm breaking up with you.
I'm not strong enough.
I'm sorry.
Why did you pack so much
when you're not moving out for good?
There's a studio apartment near the clinic
where I can stay if needed.
I'll have to stay there
if work's too busy.
And not because seeing Ha-neul is awkward?
- These are dumplings.
- Goodness.
Put them in the freezer right away
and eat them when you're hungry.
- This is kimchi.
- Okay.
These are seasoned garlic stems
and marinated crabs.
Thank you so much for the food.
- Have some with him.
- I will.
You didn't have to do all this.
Thank you for the food.
You should go back in now.
I'm not leaving for good.
Right. I hope you do well.
- Don't skip your meals.
- Yes, ma'am.
I'm off. You should go in.
Goodbye. Thank you.
- Goodbye.
- Goodbye.
Have a safe trip.
By the way, Mom.
Why do you think he's leaving so abruptly?
He'll be working
at his friend's clinic starting tomorrow.
But still, it's so sudden.
And Ha-neul didn't even come out.
He definitely told me last week
he'd go out with her.
Then, he looked gloomy the next day
and stayed in his room the following days.
And today, he left.
I think they broke up.
I wonder who dumped the other.
I'll dump you somewhere.
Quit talking!
That's enough!
I thought you were asleep.
You should've said
goodbye to Jeong-woo then.
You heard, right?
He's starting work again tomorrow.
He'll be staying
at a place near the clinic.
He packed a bunch of stuff
and left as if he wasn't coming back.
That's enough.
No, it's not. Why do you want to
sweep everything under the rug?
Being open and candid
about these things is the trend nowadays.
Ha-neul, tell me.
Did you two fight?
Or did you get dumped?
Don't tell me
he still hasn't asked you out.
Jeez, he gave me his word
he'd go out with you.
We should've signed an agreement then.
Yeah, I get it now.
After playing around with you,
he dumped you as soon as he got a job.
Ha-neul, don't get discouraged.
Find a better job than him!
You should find a job, you punk!
You're sighing,
and your eyes are watering up.
People will think
I'm forcing you to come with me.
So tell me.
You rejected my offer
to stay by your girlfriend.
So why the change of heart?
- Dae-yeong.
- Yeah?
Want to have some soju?
You suddenly called me out,
so why are you just silently drinking?
Did you two have a fight?
Hey, give me your phone.
You know why. I'll tell him you're drunk.
You can make up when he comes.
This is how all couples do it.
It works like a magic. Look.
Pretend to be drunk when he comes.
We broke up.
What? What do you mean?
What do you mean?
I thought you two were doing well.
Your girlfriend
is Nam Ha-neul, right?
How did you know?
Jeez, I thought so.
Come to think of it,
I sensed something between you two
on the rooftop that day.
Did I do something wrong by any chance?
I only said that because I never thought
she was your girlfriend.
Do what wrong?
When you rejected my offer
while worried about your girlfriend,
I told Hong-ran about it.
I knew you and Ha-neul were close,
so I wanted Ha-neul to persuade you.
Can you please walk properly?
Why did you drink
more than you could handle?
- Hey, Hong-ran.
- What?
You heard, right?
Kyung-min was appointed
as a professor a few months ago.
Yeah, I did.
But what about him?
But he's leaving the position
because he's getting married.
What a waste.
Why are you suddenly telling me this?
Come on!
Come to your senses!
Jeez, Ha-neul.
Someone, help!
Jeong-woo, I'm really sorry.
I shouldn't have said that.
If this is all because of me--
No, it's not your fault.
Then, why did you two break up?
Damn it. I don't know.
Then, you should ask her!
Don't let her go if you still like her.
Tell her you'll wait
no matter how long it takes.
- You know what?
- What?
I'm scared saying such things
would make her uncomfortable.
- Oh, dear.
- Come on!
Here. Be careful.
- Get a glass of cold water.
- I have a hangover drink in my room.
- I'll get that too.
- Okay.
My goodness.
What happened?
Why did she drink so much?
- Hello.
- Hello.
I'm sure you all know Dr. Yeo Jeong-woo.
You must be disappointed
that he looked better on-screen.
But don't let it show.
This is our head consultant.
They are our consultants.
- Hello.
- Hello.
And she's our PR manager.
Nurse Jeon, Nurse Na, Nurse Do.
And me, Dr. Bin.
Hello, I hope we get along.
Me too. I hope we get along.
It's so heartwarming
to see everyone being so friendly.
You can get to know each other
on your own time.
Hey, come with me.
Excuse me.
He's so handsome.
Tell me about it.
But he looks a bit haggard,
maybe because of the ordeal he had.
I feel bad for him.
Still, Dr. Bin requested us in particular,
so please act as if nothing happened.
Gosh, is she still asleep?
Jeez, why is she calling me?
Hello, Suk-ja. How are you?
You see,
there's this guy I've always had
my eye on for Ha-neul to marry.
He's visiting Seoul today.
So I thought he and Ha-neul
could meet up for some coffee.
He's totally up for it.
Goodness. Ha-neul is in
no state to meet anyone right now.
Jeez, you don't know
how important this is.
Do you even know who he is?
You know that hospital in Busan, right?
Suyeong Hospital at the intersection.
Yes, I do.
The massive building.
He's the hospital director's only son.
The director's only son?
He wanted to hand over
the hospital to his son.
But his son isn't
the sharpest tool in the shed,
so that went down the drain.
Now, he wants to hand it over
to a daughter-in-law.
So he's looking for a doctor.
I see. A doctor daughter-in-law.
So I said,
"My niece is a doctor in Seoul."
And he's been asking me
to set her up with his son ever since.
If things pan out,
he's going to buy me a foreign car.
But you see…
Today isn't a good day
because she's not feeling well.
That's not important right now.
Come up with an excuse
and make her
at least have coffee with him. Okay?
I have to go.
- Mom.
- Hey.
I think I'm going to die.
My stomach hurts.
Ha-neul broke up with Jeong-woo, right?
That's why she drank so much.
Why did they break up?
I'm not sure.
She's in so much pain right now.
I need to know what's going on to help.
She mentioned a colleague while drunk.
They're close, and he was appointed
as a professor recently.
She's always wanted to be one.
And on top of that, she heard
Jeong-woo was recruited by his friend.
So I guess it upset her.
She's been failing
at everything right now,
but those around her are doing just fine.
Yes. If that's why, then dating
a hospital director's son would be better.
It would comfort her,
and she'd be able to forget Jeong-woo
by meeting someone new.
Should I just push ahead with it?
Do you have something to tell me?
Someone asked you for a favor.
You know Suyeong Hospital in Busan, right?
The director's son is in Seoul right now
and would like to have
some coffee with you.
With me? Why?
Well, because…
Since he's managing a hospital,
he has some questions
about the hospitals in Seoul.
He'd like to ask a few questions.
Will I be able to answer
any of his questions though?
He asked to see you, so probably.
All right, then.
- You'll meet him?
- Yes.
- What?
- What?
What's wrong? Isn't that what you wanted?
Yes, it was.
But I didn't expect you to say yes.
You've never asked me
for such favors before.
I'll go then.
I should wash up.
Is this a good thing or a bad thing?
How am I supposed to feel?
It's been a while.
Hello. Are you Mr. Kwak Jae-yeong?
Why ask if you already know?
Did you wait a long time?
I got you an iced Americano
since that's what most people drink.
So tell me. What were you
curious enough about to meet me?
Curious about what?
Didn't you want to meet
because you had questions
about the hospitals here in Seoul?
Does that hurt your pride less?
What did you say?
You know why you're here,
but you're playing dumb,
as if you're not superficial
and were forced to come out.
Does doing that help you save face?
I mean, I'm just asking.
Well-educated people always act
as if they're so refined.
What are you talking about?
To be honest, I couldn't care less.
Who I marry won't make a big difference.
But I don't like women
who play dumb like you do.
- "Marry"?
- You really don't hear?
To take over his hospital, my father
is looking for a doctor daughter-in-law.
Your aunt told me a bit about you.
After struggling for years to become
a professor, you failed and are jobless.
But you see…
The director of a rural hospital
is better than a professor.
Your aunt said
she told your mother everything.
Excuse me.
I'm fine.
There were more dishes to wash?
Mom, can I please stop?
Don't be absurd.
Do it while your uncle lets you.
If you work hard for a few months,
he said he'd teach you
how to make noodles.
Jeez, why are you sighing so much?
- It's because of Ha-neul, right?
- Yeah.
I think I made a mistake.
You shouldn't have lied
to make her go there.
No. I think Mom did the right thing.
Ha-neul wouldn't have gone
if she knew the truth.
And who knows?
The guy could be her soulmate.
She needs to quickly get over the guy
who dumped her after getting a job.
No, I should still tell her the truth.
Mom, we need to talk.
I can explain.
Do I embarrass you?
You're embarrassed
because you can't brag about me, right?
How could you say that?
Then, why do you want me
to get a job so badly?
I don't. It was just too great
of a position to pass up.
- I did what's best for you--
- And what's that?
Just living a successful life.
Do I have to be successful?
Can't I just live like this?
That guy said he knew I struggled
for years to become a professor
but failed and became jobless.
He said a director of a rural hospital
was better than a professor.
But what he said didn't faze me.
I've been ridiculed several times
like that after leaving the hospital.
I didn't care about what my aunts thought
or others making fun of me.
But this means you agreed with them.
You made me go on that blind date,
because you thought my life was pathetic!
That makes me feel worse.
Do you know that?
- The number you have dialed…
- Why isn't she picking up?
Ba-da, are you busy? Can you talk?
I'm busy helping my uncle, but what is it?
I called Ha-neul because I was worried,
but she won't answer. Is something up?
Of course. Don't get me started.
Mom tricked her into going
on a blind date, so she's furious.
What? Ha-neul went on a blind date?
With who?
I'm too busy right now.
I'll call you back later.
Okay, bye.
- Hello.
- Hello.
Did he hear that or not?
Are these dishes reproducing?
Why are there even more?
There's no end to this.
- Turn off the stove.
- Okay.
Gosh, that's hot!
What's wrong?
This is all your fault!
I said I didn't want to do this work!
But you forced me into this kitchen,
and look what you've done!
- Gosh.
- I'm sorry.
I was wrong.
I just wanted you to be happy.
I'm losing my judgment as I age.
I've become useless.
I'm to blame.
What's wrong, Mom?
What did I say?
Uncle Tae-seon.
Drink this.
What? You want me
to be understanding of Mom?
No, have some of this too.
Don't try to understand her.
It's not possible.
She made you go on a blind date
without telling you. Ridiculous.
- You were pretty flustered, right?
- Totally.
- And that guy wasn't your type?
- No, not one bit.
I heard his father
was a hospital director.
- Was he arrogant about being rich?
- Yes.
He said I came knowing I'd inherit
the director position by marrying him
and I was just playing dumb.
Then, he asked if doing so
hurt my pride less.
- Damn it.
- Unbelievable.
Which bus terminal did he go to?
I'm going to pluck him bald.
What do you mean "bus terminal"?
He probably flew back in business class.
He must already be back in Busan then.
That lucky punk.
I would've beaten him to a pulp.
Forget it. You don't need to do that.
You're bad-mouthing him and Mom on purpose
just to make me feel better.
I'm not a kid, you know?
Goodness, I wish you were.
I'd put you on my shoulders
and buy you some workbooks.
Then, you'd be smiling from ear to ear.
It was easy
to make you feel better back then.
But now, I don't know how to comfort you.
My heart aches
because there's nothing I can do for you.
I wanted to ask you many times
after you quit the hospital.
"Why did you quit?"
"What was so tough?"
I wanted to ask
if we could be of any help.
But I'm not well-educated
nor do I have much to offer.
All I can give you
is this shoulder to lean on.
But then again, you must have
much better people to lean on than me.
Uncle Tae-seon, that's not true.
Don't say that.
I'm just saying it hurts
because I can't do anything for you.
Gosh, the cabbages have grown a lot.
Did you know your mom
planted them to give to you?
- For me?
- Yeah.
She saw on the news
that they were… What was it again?
Full of calcium.
Apparently, they calm you down
when you're tense.
They're good for depression.
So she planted them
as soon as she heard that.
What else can she do for you
other than plant these cabbages?
Speaking of which, Ha-neul.
Could you grant me a wish I have?
A wish? What is it?
What is this?
Your wish was to have some pig's trotters?
Yeah, you know I love pig's trotters.
Sit down.
Let's go.
Jeez, what's with you?
You think I have an appetite
for pig's trotters right now?
Let's go.
I got her.
I mean, I brought Mom.
Well done.
Could we get a large half-and-half
and two bottles of soju?
I closed the restaurant
for the very first time ever today.
And do you know why?
For our family harmony.
I'm not working today.
So let's drink a bunch and make up.
- There's nothing to make up.
- Look at this.
You're trying to sweep it
under the run again.
People don't do that these days.
They're open about it.
They talk about what hurt them
and apologize if they need to.
Being honest is the trend these days.
That's it, Lambada.
Let's go out for some fresh air.
You two can talk.
Forget it. You're not going anywhere.
- She's right. Just stay.
- What is this?
Why are you suddenly awkward?
- This isn't a blind date.
- Hey…
That word's banned. Let's go.
- Hurry up!
- Tae-seon.
Have a drink.
I was wrong for what I did today.
I'm sorry.
I was meaning to call you
because I had something to give you.
What's this?
Your dad wanted to give you
that bank account when you got married.
Ba-da told me recently
that you had insomnia
for a while after Dad passed away.
You felt guilty
about not picking up his last call,
because you were busy studying, right?
You must've hurt so much
about not letting him hear your voice
one last time before he passed.
But you know what?
Ha-neul, it's okay.
You can let go of your guilt.
Until his very last breath,
your dad was happy to be your dad.
He and I
were extremely happy to be your parents.
After becoming a parent,
I believed my children's grades
reflected my own grade in life.
How are these grades possible?
Jeez, Ha-neul.
You're truly incredible.
You know I love the number one.
You came in first place in everything.
- I did well, right?
- Very well.
Thanks to you, it felt like we got
the best grades on our report cards too.
You're truly amazing.
- Honey.
- Yes?
I just spoke
with Ha-neul's homeroom teacher.
Brace yourself now.
Ha-neul has a great chance
to get into a medical school in Seoul.
Can you believe that?
Is that true?
My goodness, Ha-neul.
She's incredible.
I'm so grateful for her.
Me too.
I can't believe
I gave birth to such an incredible girl.
We were happy to be your parents
in every single moment of our lives.
I have depression.
I pushed myself too hard
and couldn't rest when I was tired,
so it became an illness of the mind.
We were proud of raising you.
But your life was so tough.
I was truly happy to be your mom.
But you were in so much pain.
I'm sorry
I couldn't give you
a better and happier life.
You don't have to feel guilty at all.
Never once in my life
did I think your life was pathetic.
with this money,
go travel and eat all the foods
you've wanted to eat.
You can be unemployed forever if you want.
I just want you to be happy now.
I don't know
what happened at the hospital.
But I hope you can put it all behind you
and find peace.
Have you finished crying?
Then, smile now.
I will.
What? Ha-neul went on a blind date?
With who?
I'm sure she had her reasons.
What is this?
How are you doing so well?
You went on a blind date
and even enjoyed some pig's trotters.
How come? I'm in so much pain!
How can you eat
pig's trotters at a time like this?
I'm sure she had her reasons.
- Nice work today.
- Good job, Uncle Tae-seon.
Gosh, this ice cream
is sweet and delicious.
By the way, don't you miss Jeong-woo?
Weren't you just talking about ice cream?
I do. I miss him.
But I thought it was best to end it here.
Best, my foot.
He's a rare gem.
What? I thought you didn't like him.
It's impossible to not like him.
I told you before.
I can't forget how he looked
on the day he moved in.
That handsome boy looked so devastated.
He didn't seem to be
eating proper meals either.
That's your meal?
It's nice and convenient.
Even still,
your parents would be heartbroken.
Speaking of which,
are they visiting anytime?
They live far away.
I see.
But then again, you're all grown
so you don't need them.
You're doing so well on your own.
Not really.
That's why I envy Ha-neul.
She has a family who cares about her.
I didn't mean it that way.
She has a family who cares,
so I meant she'd get back
on her feet soon.
Right. Were you the one
who left the kimchi here?
Did you like it?
It's really delicious. Thank you.
I'll make you some more next time.
- I'll go inside now.
- Okay. Go on.
That's why I couldn't dislike him.
You broke my heart.
And so did he.
I was grateful
that you two relied on each other.
I was relieved
that you had him to confide in.
I don't know what you went through.
But I hoped you could find solace in him.
I prayed that Jeong-woo
would help you live a life
where you didn't have to torment yourself.
Goodness, let's go.
Gosh, my head.
I must've been crazy.
You lunatic.
Mom needs chili peppers for hangover soup.
I need to use the bathroom.
Can you get them?
Let's go!
I am out of my mind.
Why did I send that text?
What are you doing here?
It's my place.
Am I not allowed to be here?
No, that's not what I meant.
- Hey, ex-girlfriend.
- "Ex-girlfriend"?
We may have dated
for only two days, but we're still exes.
You asked if I was asleep last night.
An ex would definitely do that.
Well, that was…
I drank a bit too much yesterday
when I sent that.
You seem to be doing well.
Drinking, eating pig's trotters,
and even going on blind dates.
How did you know?
Seriously? Hey!
- You really went on one?
- I had no idea it was a blind date.
And about the drinking--
No, the pig's trotters…
But then again, I'm in no position to ask.
Who do I think I am?
I'm just your ex, right?
Don't be too happy.
But don't be too sad either.
I came because I had something to say.
I wanted to ask you but didn't want
to make you uncomfortable.
Whether you knew or not,
you had a blind date, drank,
and ate pig's trotters. So you're fine.
So let me ask you this
since you're doing just fine.
What is it?
Can I wait for you?
Can I wait…
until you feel better?
What? What's wrong?
Am I being too clingy?
You were being pathetic too
when you sent me that text last night.
What? "Pathetic"?
Yes, you were being pathetic and clingy!
I mean, it wasn't that bad.
Forget it.
I'm going to pine
and wait for you like an ex should.
come back whenever you're ready.
Don't skip your meals.
Take your medication on time
and go for walks every now and then.
You can come back after some time.
I'm really leaving.
Hey, Jeong-woo.
Why are you coming from there?
Did you take the bus?
Did you go home last night?
- I just stopped by this morning.
- Why?
- To see Ha-neul?
- What?
What? Did you get back together?
- I said no.
- I beg to differ.
- Stop annoying me.
- What is it?
I told you this last time,
but it's really how I feel.
It's okay to hold onto her
if you still like her.
What are your knees for?
If you need to kneel, then do so.
What in the world?
Yes, Dr. Yeo
will be conducting the operation.
Then, we'll see you next Tuesday.
This is insane. I advertised
that Dr. Yeo joined our clinic,
and we're teeming with patients
this morning. Look.
We're fully booked for next week as well.
Dr. Yeo.
Can you do non-incisions tomorrow?
Local anesthesia!
What do we do? The bleeding won't stop!
How did the anesthesia go?
Good. The patient is sleeping.
You may begin now.
Let's begin.
Caliper and forceps.
Local anesthesia.
I'm not sure.
I think he has PTSD.
We're fully booked for next week though.
This would be bad if word gets out.
That too,
but I heard many doctors can't go back
to work after medical accidents.
Dr. Yeo and Dr. Bin are discussing it,
so I'll let you know.
If it's too much to handle,
let's cancel tomorrow's surgeries--
It's just been a while.
I'll be fine by tomorrow.
I explained everything to the patient.
If something ever happens,
I'll take responsibility.
Hey, that's not the point right now.
To be honest, I was worried.
But I thought you were okay
since you looked fine.
- I think tomorrow's surgeries--
- I can do it.
I won't make any mistakes.
I'm sorry about today.
Hey, I have something to ask you.
Why is this…
Ha-neul. Care for some fried chicken?
No, thanks.
Hey, Ba-da.
- Did you take this picture out?
- Who's that?
Seeing how it was hidden
inside a book, is he your ex?
Ex, my foot.
He's a colleague.
So was it you?
No. These bookshelves
make me nauseous, so I stay far away.
You weren't looking through them
for hidden money?
You never hide cash in books
since you're afraid
I'd rip them while looking.
"Never go near the bookshelves."
Wasn't that our unspoken rule?
Then, who was it?
Mom never touches my books.
Right. Jeong-woo
was briefly in here last week.
He looked at your yearbook.
Maybe he opened that book
while putting it back and saw the photo.
Hey, what is it?
Did you know Jeong-woo
is working at Dr. Bin's clinic?
Yeah, somewhat.
How did you know?
I happened to run into him yesterday.
I'd been curious.
But that's not the issue right now.
Do you still have feelings for him?
Or are you going to forget
about him? What is it?
What are you talking about?
I'm just not sure if telling you this
will help you or not.
What is it?
Did you know that Jeong-woo
suffered from PTSD?
How did you know that?
He suffered a panic attack
during surgery today.
But then again, he had that ordeal,
so it would be hard to recover that fast.
It's impressive how he's still hanging on.
- Is everything ready?
- Yes.
She just came in,
and we inserted the line.
Our anesthesiologist is here too.
We put her pre-surgery photo
on the monitor.
Were there any issues
during the induction of anesthesia?
No, there weren't.
Both her BP and pulse are stable.
Dr. Yeo, you may begin now.
You told me to come back.
You said I could come back whenever.
I think continuing to insist
that I'm fine is unfair to everyone.
Ha-neul hit rock bottom
because of Min Kyung-min?
What do you mean?
Damn it!
I still don't think you know
how much you mean to me.
If I need a reason
to overcome this trauma,
there's no better reason than you.
Let's do this together.
Subtitle translation by: Soo-ji Kim
Ripped and synced by
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