Doug (1991) s01e09 Episode Script

Doug's Big Catch/Doug Needs Money

[thunder blasting]
This was it- a boy
and his next door neighbor,
battling the trickiest
fish in Lucky Duck Lake.
Hello, Tippi!
Guess what we're doing!
Mr. Dink!
Hang on, Douglas!
[door opening]
That's me!
Listen, Tippi, I'm going to have
to call you back.
I never thought I was getting
into anything like this.
In fact, when
Mr. Dink asked me to go with him
to the big bass-off
it sounded pretty boring.
At least until he told me about
his battle with
Old Chester.Old Chester!
The biggest, smartest,
wiliest fish ever, Douglas.
And he lives right here
in Lucky Duck Lake.
30 years, Douglas.
That's how
long I've chased him.
Ever since the day he
stole my wallet.
Your wallet, Mr. Dink?
My Ranger Todd Buckaroo
Here, I
drew a picture of it.
Three fins.
Do you really think we can
catch him
by ourselves, Mr. Dink?
Oh, this isn't
just catching fish, Douglas.
This is fish warfare.
This year, I'm
going to load up my boat
with everything:
sonar, radar, short wave,
auto pilot,
depth finder
plus skipper tears.
Fish warfare.
This wasn't
going to be boring.
This was going to be great.
We've got something all right,
Captain Douglas.
Range four miles
and closing, bearing 236.
She's closing fast,
You mean he, Ensign.
Sorry, Captain.
The most notorious fish in
these parts, Ensign.
Not Old Chester!
Still closing, sir.
Five seconds, four seconds,
three seconds.
Yes, Ensign.
We're going head-to-head with
Old Chester himself.
[Mr. Dink]
And a microwave oven
in case we
feel like some corndogs.
I need someone
to help me bring that fish
to his scaly knees,
Will you come with me?
Sure, Mr. Dink!
Watch out, Chester.
We're coming after you.
Well, here we are.
I'm glad Mrs. Dink decided to
join us after all.
If you think I'm going
near that boat, you're crazy.
I'm getting some sun.
Well, how about several hot dogs
before we set sail, Douglas?
Well, sure, Mr. Dink.
I'll go.
What are you going
fishing in, Funnie?
An innertube?
Actually, Roger--
Just make
sure to watch out
for Mr. Dink's friend
Old Chester!
Three fins, whoa!
Is he still going
after that fish?
He took my girlfriend!
He ate my homework!
Ooh, he ate the tires of
my bike, ooh!
I wonder what
sucker Dink found
to go with him
this time.
Yeah, I wonder.
Fishermen to your boats.
The 40th Annual Bass Off will
begin in three minutes.
Oops, gotta run.
Careful not to overload
the boat, dear.
Let's go.
Here's your hotdog.
Mr. Dink,
I was just thinking.
Sometimes I get
Oh, you don't have to worry
about that, Douglas.
We're on a lake.
Did I say seasick?
I meant lakesick.
I've never heard of it.
It's rare.
It's very rare.
Did everybody
tell you I was crazy?
We'll see
how crazy I am
when we finally outsmart
that fish.
But, if you don't want
to go with me, I understand.
Mr. Dink's hunt for Chester
probably was crazy.
But who else
was going to go with him?
Someone had to stand by him.Chester!
I had to stand by him.
I want to go fishing with
you, Mr. Dink.
Wonderful, Douglas.
Don't worry,
he's just got
to be out there someplace.
He's probably in
your boat.
You've got everything else
in there.
Standby, fisherpersons.
On your mark
get set, bang!
Cast off, Douglas!
Say, Tippi, can
you throw me the key?
Aye aye, Captain.
Anchors away, my boy,
Anchors away ♪♪
What are you two looking at?
Oh well.
No use crying over sunk
ships, I always say.
Maybe you
shouldn't have installed
that onboard gym, dear.
I mean,
all those weights.
You're right, Tippi.
Why, it's
hard to believe, Douglas.
When I was your age, I only
had a safety pin
and some
string tied to a stick.
Can you really catch
a fish like that Mr. Dink?
In fact, I don't think I ever
really did that.
I think I just
saw it on TV and got mixed up.
I used to fish right here,
before I got
all that fancy equipment.
But I know when I'm
You've won, Chester.
I give up.
Come on, dear.
We'll get
you some cotton candy.
We just can't let Mr. Dink
give up, Porkchop.
There must be--
Wait a minute!
I think
I've got an idea!
Mr. Dink, look!
I made a fishing pole.
We can fish right off the dock,
like the old days.
Oh, it's
no use, Douglas.
You need a boat.
There's no fish here
But, but
couldn't we try?
Bud Dink will never fish
again, Douglas.
You're looking
at a broken man.
Come on, Porkchop.
We have to catch a fish to
cheer up Mr. Dink.
And anyway, it can't hurt
to try
Wow, this'll be big news.
We're here at the home of the
largest fish in captivity.
Old Chester.
He lives in a bathtub,
eats over
300 Buddy Bars a day.
And here's the fellow they call
Fish-Catchin' Funnie,
the boy who bagged Chester.
How's it feel?
And next
to him is Bud Dink,
the guy who gave up
too soon.
Bet you're really kicking
yourself now, eh, Bud?
So what
do you think, Porkchop?
Shouldn't we let Mr. Dink
land Chester?
Mr. Dink!
I think I snagged
my line.
Can you help me?
It's probably just caught on anold tire
or my boat
or something.
What the-Whoa!
Pull, Douglas!
One, two
I got him, Douglas!
I got him!
At last, Chester!
That's Chester?
He's bigger
than I remembered.
30 years, Chester, and all
this time
you've been hiding
right here under this dock.
30 years, at last he's
mine, Douglas!
Oh, this is terrible.
What's the matter,
Mr. Dink?
I never really thought what it
would be like, Douglas.
Who will I fish for?
I love this fish.
And my gosh, Douglas,
I won't have any reason to
buy more equipment.
This really is terrible.
Well, maybe
you should let him go.
You're right, Douglas.
He'd do
the same thing for me.
Wouldn't you, Chester?
Okay, you win.
Back you go.
So long, fish.
You did it, Mr. Dink!
You finally
caught Chester!
Thanks to you, Douglas.
Unfortunately, nobody will
believe me.
Oh well.
Time to head back,
I guess.
What is it, Porkchop?
Mr. Dink,
look what Porkchop found.
Chester must have
dropped it.
My Ranger Todd Buckaroo
Look, here's my school ID.
Yay!Everybody will
have to believe you now.
Hey, wait a minute.
There was
three dollars in here.
Somebody stop that fish!
He stole my three dollars!
You wallet-stealing bottom
feeder, you!
Well, I'm
really glad I stuck by Mr. Dink.
I learned a lot about
like never give up
and like sometimes the big one
is right under the dock
and always
leave your valuables at home.
My wallet!
Where's my wallet?
Hey, Chester!
Come back with my wallet, you
crazy fish!
Come back here or I'll catch
you with my
super duper remote
control high-tech fishing pole!
You won't
get away this time!
Come on, Chester.
It really was an accident.
It happened when Porkchop,
Skeeter and me
were practicing softball.
It's Valentine on
the mound,
he winds
up, he pitches.
Funnie swings and
Hey, man, you gotta
teach me how to do that.
here comes another one.
He winds up, he pitches,
Funnie swings and
you creamed it!
Uh oh.
Mr. Dink's
gonna kill me.
[door opening]
[dog barking]
That's me!
Hey, man,
this thing is totaled.
You broke Dink's customized
Man, oh no.
Look, man, we're all in this
We've got
to replace that grill
before Mr. Dink
finds out.
I have this
feeling, knowing Mr. Dink,
that grill was "very expensive."
I guess we're gonna have
to tell him.
I wonder
how he'll take it.
Oh, my dear,
sweet, beautiful grill.
It's custom-made!
One of a kind.
Limited edition grill!
Crafted especially to look
like me.
Who could have done such a
heinous thing?
Perhaps a very angry
Now what
am I going to do
about my annual
the whole town is coming.
Boy, Mr. Dink
is really upset.
What's he gonna say when
I tell him
I broke
his brand-new grill
and ruined his big
Excuse me, Mr. Dink?
I broke your grill.
I'm sorry.
You-you broke my grill?
You broke my grill?
You broke my grill?
Skeeter, I can't tell
Mr. Dink.
He'll kill me.
I've gotta get the money to
buy him a new grill.
You can
count on us, Doug.
We're with you all
the way.
Right, Porkchop?
Thanks, guys.
How are we gonna get the money
for Mr. Dink's grill, Skeeter?
I suppose
we could earn it.
Earn it?
You mean, like start
our own business?
Maybe we could.
[marching music playing]
We're here with the owners
of the world's
most successful
car wash in history.
Doug, Skeeter and Porkchop!
So fellas, I understand
you've added
a new wing
to your car wash.
That's right.
Today we
begin the world's first
airplane and ship wash.
[boat horn blowing]
Hey, this is gonna
be fun.
Hello there, boys.
What are you up to?
Oh, nothing much.
How about you?
Well, we're off for a morning
bike ride.
I'm so upset over the untimely
death of my grill.
The missus thinks it'll
take a load off of my mind.
Not to mention
other places.
Let's pedal, dear.
That was close.
Let's get to work.
We only had
one customer all day.
Okay, hose it down.
Money, money, money.
Gimme, gimme, gimme.
I think
he wants change.
I guess
washing cars isn't our thing.
Maybe we just need to find
another business.
I've got it!
You're gonna love it.
Skeeter, what?
Raking leaves!
It's a goldmine.
Raking leaves.
Nice job, boys.
There you go.Thanks, Mr. Valentine.
Leaves, leaves, yay, leaves!
No, Dale, stop!
[Dale laughing and giggling]
Sorry, Doug.
Bad idea.
I've never seen leaves
explode like that.
Hello, there, fellas.
How's business?
Not so good, Mr. Dink.
Well, fine.
You know, it's good to see that
free enterprise
is alive and kicking.
The spirit that
made our forefathers different
from our regular fathers.
Run for it, boys.
I hear
a speech coming on.
The spirit that made us free to
enjoy micro software,
satellite dishes and,
hand-crafted grills that
look like me.
Porkchop's right.
We can't
let Mr. Dink down.
We've just gotta earn
that money.
Come on, guys.
With Mr. Dink's cookout only two
days away,
we tried everything.
[dogs barking]
Each of us tried to use our own
special talents.
Can I have that balloon?
I want a balloon--
a balloon!
[kid crying]
But in the end,
all we made was
That doesn't include
our expenses.
Sponges, car soap, hot wax,
Band-Aids for blisters,
leashes, cardboard for signs.
We spent over $21.
Which means
a total of negative $9.50.
I guess the only thing
to do
is tell
Mr. Dink I broke it.
Hold it!
So you losers broke
Dink's grill, huh?
Now you're gonna
and get in all
kinds of trouble,
just like that?
What are
we supposed to do?
You're supposed to
keep your mouth shut.
Dink doesn't
know, right?
So think about
it, Einstein.
What he doesn't know
won't hurt you.
What are
you gonna do, Doug?
I don't know.
If we tell Mr. Dink about
the grill,
he'll blow his stack.
But then again, he might
[doorbell ringing]
Hello there, boys.
What can I do for you?
I-I-that is, I mean,
I-I-I did it.
I broke your grill.
I didn't mean to.
It was an accident.
We were practicing softball
out back.
I-I-I'm sorry
about the grill.
And the cookout
So, all this work you've
been doing
We tried to buy you
another grill.
I'm sorry, Mr. Dink.
All we've been able to make
so far is minus 9.50.
You boys cared enough to do all
that work for me?
We know how much that grill
meant to you.
It did mean a lot to me,
maybe too much.
Wife, Tippi?Yes?
Friends, Douglas, Mosquito
and Porkchop.
I know now you
can't put a price on friendship.
Why, if it weren't for friends
and family,
we'd all be total strangers!
I think he's feeling like
his old self again.
Maybe you guys should
break Bud's stuff more often.
Douglas, I think I've got a plan
that will make us Even Steven.
Mr. Dink's gonna let Porkchop,
Skeeter and me
work odd jobs
for him over the summer,
including cooking at
his barbecue.
He borrowed my dad's grill,
which doesn't look like anyone,
but it does grill hamburgers
pretty good.
Funnie gives
one to Valentine,
Porkchop snags it with
his buns!
Hey, Funnie, I'm
gonna do you a favor.
Why don't you let me show you
how to grill a burger?
Thanks a lot, Roger, but
Mr. Dink hired us to do this.
I guess you'll just have
to watch.
Hi, Doug.
You guys
make a great team.
Thanks, Patti.
How do you like your
Rare with pickles,
lettuce and
Thanks, Doug.
Okay, let's keep 'em coming,
I guess
it all worked out okay.
Yep, people say Mr. Dink's
was the best ever
and one thing we learned was
that if you go into
remember to try
and make money, not lose it.
Right, Porkchop?
Oh yeah,
I always thought Mr. Dink was
a little crazy,
but I think we're
starting to become
pretty good friends.[Mr. Dink]
[glass shattering]
What the--
Mr. Dink?
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