Edens Zero (2021) s01e09 Episode Script

Planet Guilst

Windstorm Slash!
Ninjas are awesome!
If you wish to challenge me,
find me on Guilst.
We were attacked by a weird guy
in the Guild Master's room.
The next thing I knew,
Rebecca and the Guild Master were gone.
Multiple kidnappings of video creators
in Blue Garden's city of Eternal
have been reported.
Our next destination is Guilst.
We're going back to Edens Zero!
Edens Zero…
What's going on?
Ricchan! Nacchan!
And Copa too!
What are all these B-Cubers doing here?
Quiet down there!
Crying won't change anything.
You girls belong to the mighty Sister now.
All systems green.
Destination, Planet Guilst.
Wait for us, Rebecca!
Edens Zero, departing!
Where's Happy?
The Guild Master isn't here either!
Hey! What's going on here?
Who are you, people?
Shut it. You belong to the mighty Sister.
No, wait.
You'll be sold to Mr. Illega,
so you belong to Mr. Illega now.
Not that it matters anyway.
We are the heavyweight knights
of the mighty Sister,
the mercenary squad, Rogue Out.
Isn't Rogue Out that group of thugs
that'll do any job, no matter how dirty?
They're outlaws of the cosmos.
Isn't Sister one of
the Demon King's Four Shining Stars?
She's a bad guy?
You girls will soon be sold to
Mr. Illega on Planet Guilst.
Don't take it personally.
We're just doing our job.
That planet's full of criminals!
No! Help me! Take me back home!
Someone! Please help me!
Oh, please! Spare me!
Cut the racket, you twit!
I hate noisy brats like you!
What a pain. Shut up! Stop crying!
I'm sorry!
Damn it!
Don't you understand a word I'm saying?
I'll make mincemeat out of you, brat!
That's enough. We'll be quiet.
Who do you think you are?
That look is pissing me off.
That digital bind you're tied up with
is controlled with this app right here.
How's that?
-You'll be mincemeat--
-"Poor Rebecca bound and struggling!"
This will get tons of views!
The thumbnail will lure them in.
Oh, but it might not be age-appropriate.
-That's enough.
Don't damage the merchandise.
You couldn't even catch one of them,
so quit ordering me around.
My mission was thwarted
by a man using gravity Ether Gear.
And what's your problem, Mosco?
The order was for cute B-Cubers.
-What's that?
-She's massively cute!
The thought of this feisty babe
bowing down to Mr. Illega
gets me aroused.
Keep quiet!
Thank you, miss.
No problem.
You're very brave.
-I know you!
You're Couchpo
from MoguMogu Channel, right?
I watch you all the time!
I love eating too!
Thank you.
I watch all your videos too, Copa.
Your koala is so cute!
Wait, are you one too?
You're a B-Cuber?
I don't know you.
I may have seen you. Or maybe not.
Are you that poop person?
I'm pretty sure that's not me!
It's all right.
I hardly have any subscribers.
Let's work together to break out of here!
I know we can do it!
You know that'll never work.
You're such an idiot.
It's Milon from Tokkô Channel!
You're awesome in the flesh!
Nobody's ever returned from Guilst.
It's over. Our lives are through.
It's not over!
I mean, we haven't even started!
After this, I'm leaving the Sakura Cosmos!
I'm just getting started.
You're all geniuses
at coming up with fun ideas!
We're sure to come up with a way out!
Guilst was originally a tourist spot.
But in the last few decades,
it has become a den for criminals.
Who cares what kind of place it is?
I'm bringing Rebecca back from there!
Lady Witch?
Can you repair Master Happy?
His life doesn't seem to be in danger,
but I don't have the power to help him.
If only Sister were here now.
She is the Life of Edens.
The Life of Edens?
Sister has the power to heal wounds.
It was Sister's job to repair
the damaged machines.
Incidentally, I am the Shield of Edens.
My duty is to defend this ship.
The other two are
Valkyrie, the Sword of Edens,
and Hermit, the Mind of Edens.
The Life, Shield, Sword,
and Mind of Edens.
Since Master Ziggy made you,
you could be our successor,
the Light of Edens.
Witch, can't you hurry?
Rebecca's in trouble!
The energy charge
for Fast Travel will be completed soon.
Guilst is one of the most dangerous
planets in the Sakura Cosmos.
If you charge in recklessly,
you could lose any chance of saving her.
I swear I'll save her!
She's part of the team!
You should think calmly for a second.
Who are you?
I am Homura.
I am not your enemy.
This constitutes a trespassing offense.
What would you like me to do with them,
Great Demon King?
You are the Demon King?
Hold on here!
I don't even know who you are!
And what the heck
are you doing here, Weisz?
Well, stuff happened.
So this is the guild?
In my day, it had just been established.
I guess 50 years really have passed.
News flash!
Multiple kidnappings of video creators
in Blue Garden's city of Eternal
have been reported.
It's believed
to be the work of a crime syndicate…
Video creators?
Isn't Rebecca one of those?
-Our next destination is Guilst.
-We're going back to Edens Zero!
-Yes, Master!
Don't tell me they kidnapped Rebecca too!
Edens Zero…
Did you just say "Edens Zero"?
My apologies. I have a habit
of saying whatever comes to my mind.
Presently, a very dubious gentleman
is staring at me suspiciously.
I see…
Are you a member of Edens Zero's crew?
There I go again, speaking my thoughts.
She knows that Edens Zero
is the name of a ship.
So what if I am?
-Will you let me aboard that ship?
In exchange, I will assist in
rescuing your captured comrade.
I stake my life on it!
What are you after?
I cannot say now.
In truth,
I hope to challenge the Demon King.
She said it!
My master told me of a champion
called the Demon King
who sails on the ship called Edens Zero.
To be honest, I was hoping
to part ways with that ship.
But you're pretty hot,
so maybe this is destiny.
He's measuring me up…
in a mocking way.
You really do say what you think.
Sure thing! I'll get you on Edens Zero.
You will?
But on one condition!
Now here we are.
It's nice to meet you.
What is the condition?
That will come after we rescue Rebecca.
-I have given my consent.
I cannot endorse allowing someone onboard
who's after the Demon King's life.
What's more, Master Weisz has no right
to approve crew members…
I'm not after his life.
So why did you come, Master Weisz?
Hey! What do you take me for?
A woman's in danger!
Isn't it obvious I'm here to save her?
Forgive me for asking.
I don't think I'm the Demon King
she's talking about.
Forget about my objective.
For now, I want to assist
in rescuing your comrade.
We're on our way to a dangerous planet.
The more on our side, the better.
I know she wants to help, but…
I have Ether Gear, whose power
I have honed since I was young.
The flow of this Ether Gear…
Impossible! Could it be…
Pile out. We're here.
Get moving!
Hang in there, everyone!
Help… me…
She must have escaped
from some underground gang.
No woman can survive
without an owner on this planet.
You don't want to end up like her.
Don't you worry. Mr. Illega's a nice guy.
Here's a tip for you.
Whatever Mr. Illega tells you to do,
you answer, "Yes, sir."
Always answer, "Yes, sir,"
and bow your booty down before him.
There are 29 of us captured here.
If we all work together,
I'm sure we can escape.
Hello, ladies.
Welcome to Illega Tower!
A frog?
Who is this guy?
What do you want with all of us, B-Cubers?
Let us go home now!
Oh, I've seen her before!
Her too!
I've seen all of them!
Don't you think you're taking
your love of B-Cubers too far?
I'm not that big a fan.
I like any girl who's cute.
You see, my hobby is
turning cute girls into furniture.
And this time, I wanted to use B-Cubers.
Isn't there furniture on Blue Garden?
Perhaps they don't understand what kind
of furniture you mean, Master Illega.
Oh, I see! Then I'll show them!
Right now, I'm having
some furniture made in the other room.
She's a pop idol from some planet.
Please! I'll do whatever you ask! Save me!
Don't move!
Help me, please!
I don't want to die!
If you move, I might kill you by mistake.
So don't move.
Good. Now hold still.
Now I have a new chair!
Yes, a magnificent piece of furniture!
-Turned to stone?
-She's frozen stiff!
How awful!
You'll all become
part of my collection too!
Spare us!
Why would I do that?
What's going on?
What is this?
-They're filling the room!
Wait! It's…
My clothes are melting!
Cut this out, you pervert!
To make pretty furniture,
you need to be cleaned up!
Master Illega,
Sister has sent us her invoice.
I can't take this!
I can't give up!
I swear we'll get out of here!
And then I'll pummel that creep!
Fast Travel complete.
We have arrived at Planet Guilst.
I did a search for the terms "ninja,"
"Guilst," and "wind Ether Gear."
It came up with
a mercenary squad called Rogue Out.
Rebecca must be with them.
We can't be sure of that,
but it's definitely a lead.
Let's go there first.
I'll seem crazy if I say
I'm looking forward to fighting them.
She's saying it all.
Everyone, I ask you
to exercise extreme caution.
This planet is a den of scum and villainy.
What's normal elsewhere isn't normal here.
Thank you very much, Mr. Weisz.
For what?
For repairing Mr. Happy.
He's not repaired.
He looked so pitiful,
so I just fixed him up a little.
I'm not one to talk,
but the me that makes him
50 years from now is a genius.
The current me can't even
get him functioning.
Even so, I think you are
actually a kind man, Mr. Weisz.
By the way, how were
the cities on this planet even built?
This planet was always plentiful
in wood Ether.
It was blessed
with an abundance of nature.
Back in my day,
this was a tourist spot that everyone
visited to see that enormous tree.
According to data records,
this city was built on a giant tree
called Mechdrasil.
We are currently at its lowest level.
Ether in the trees! Awesome!
What's wrong?
If Rebecca and Happy were here,
they would love this.
They'd be like, "This'll make a rad vid!"
On this planet swarming with criminals?
They must be merry comrades.
Let's save her.
Right. I swear we'll bring her back.
This place is even worse than I imagined.
The smell is horrid!
But I won't comment on it.
It makes the Norma slums
seem like a flower garden.
My information tells me that
Rogue Out's headquarters are around here.
In a church?
You're sure this is it?
Well, it does say "Rogue Out"
in big letters.
What will we do? Charge in?
That's what I want to do.
Don't be stupid!
Who knows how many are in there?
Besides, if we're not careful,
Rebecca could get hurt!
We charge in!
Are you kidding me?
I'm staying outside!
There's nobody here.
What is that enormous stone statue?
Why have ye come here?
For power?
For money?
To satisfy your desires?
Is the statue talking?
Or to confess thy sins and do penance?
There is no need to answer.
I already know the fate that awaits thee.
Who are you?
I am Sister,
the leader of Rogue Out!
One of the Demon King's
Four Shining Stars!
Subtitle translation by: Brian Athey
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