El marginal (2016) s01e09 Episode Script

Capítulo 9

Give me a second.
Everything okay?
Stop, Pastor.
Shut your mouth.
MAN: Is everything okay?
(WHISPERING) You're going to
tell them that everything's
Yes, everything's fine,
thank you.
I'm going to let you go now,
but you're not
going to scream, is
that clear?
Be very careful
what you do.
Where did you get that photo?
The police officer
gave it to me.
The one that told me
about your son.
Do you know what
he's looking for? Does he know
I'm here?
I told him we said
everything we had to say.
The photo they sent
is from 10 years ago.
I'm not Pastor Pena.
My name is Miguel
Palacios and I'm a cop.
I came here under
a false identity
to investigate the kidnapping
of Judge Lunati's daughter.
Listen to me.
I'm talking to you.
I'm sorry, I don't have
anything to give you.
We didn't come to
ask you for anything.
What's wrong?
You didn't cover your face?
Why are you refusing to
provide therapy to Diosito?
What is this, ladies?
"What is this, ladies?"
he says.
Do you know who I am?
Mario Borges' wife.
What's your
problem with Diosito? Why
won't you treat him?
Tell me.
Come on, tell me.
I never talk
about my patients with third
For that, I'm sorry.
Ah, "third parties."
He doesn't want to talk
with third parties.
No! What are you doing?
WOMAN 1: I'm going to
give you some advice.
Look at me.
Do you know what
you're going to do?
You're going to stuff your ass
with what Diosito told you
about my husband's occupation.
Stuff your ass!
Don't you know
what's going to happen to you?
We're going to blow you
and your shitty family up.
Did you hear me?
Now he understands.
WOMAN 2: "Motherfucker."
"Motherfucker," he says.
Ladies, let's see
if we can calm down.
We'll "calm down."
It doesn't have to be
this way. I can report you.
Who are you going
to denounce us to?
I'm shitting
myself with laughter.
Who are you going to
No one.
You're going to
stuff your asshole because
if you don't,
we're going to come
and break your face all over
Do you hear me or not?
Now, do you know
what you're going to do?
You're going to accept
Diosito back into therapy.
You know what?
You're going to listen
to him.
And you know what else?
You're going to say nice
things to him
so that he
doesn't get depressed
because he's
a good guy, right?
WOMAN 2: Obviously.
He's a sweetheart.
He's lovely.
Do you or do you
not understand?
When he gets depressed,
that's when he goes bad.
Bye, faggot.
Something fell.
Poor thing.
You're going to have to
WOMAN 1: I just remembered
something else.
Do you know what I want?
Stop putting ideas
in Diosito's mind against my
Family is sacred, right?
There you go.
I'll comb your hair
so you look nice.
WOMAN 2: Bye.
WOMAN 1: Bye, gorgeous.
Fucking faggot.
MAN 1: Ah, we're at
the dollhouse.
This is Sandrito,
doll, always so cute.
Obviously, love,
you don't have to
stay in hell.
I'm going to hell
with you.
Oh, queer.
Do you know what
we call Sandrito in our
cell block?
SANDRITO: Let's see,
what do they call me?
Coke and wine.
Because he'll
fuck up your head. (LAUGHS)
Liar, Sandrito!
Come on, Sandrito.
I have something for you.
The fasurli is here.
Ah, no.
Today it's over, no.
What do you mean,
"it's over"?
You can't tell me that.
You've brought luck.
We couldn't buy
another shipment.
We're not big shots.
Or are we, girls?
We're not.
Do you know what
the shipment's like?
Mario gets off his ass
and counts out the provisions.
It's not my fault.
All right, ready.
But no other queer
is going to come and screw
around everywhere.
We'll make him
eat shit.
You calm down,
we're in charge, right, girls?
Obviously, Daddy.
You know what, princess?
I'm not showing
my face to Mario for anyone.
And less for
a weirdo like you.
So take a walk
and show your face
before you have
to show your ass.
Do it, walk.
Let's go, Sandrito.
I'm waiting here.
Do it.
Don't worry,
I'll finish you off. Let's go.
Forgive me.
What's wrong?
No, nothing. I'm okay.
Would you leave us
alone for a moment?
Yes, of course.
All right. Excuse me.
Excuse me.
If you'd like,
we can keep talking in a bit.
Dr. Kalina.
How are you?
How are you?
We met the other day,
Of course.
You're the auditor.
Yes, exactly.
How's it going?
A little bit better
than you, I think,
at least for today.
Ah! No, I had a problem
with my car.
I was going fast,
I had to stop at a corner,
I braked suddenly
and hit my head on the
I've already been to the
infirmary. I'm fine,
don't worry.
Are you sure?
Yes, yes.
You can trust me,
if you want.
Did you have
a problem with the inmates?
No, I already told you.
I braked suddenly.
It was just an accident.
You know where to find me.
I'll contact you
if there's anything.
Contact me later.
You can trust me.
Thank you. Yes.
MARIO: What do you mean
they don't want anymore?
Are you being rehabilitated?
I already explained to him.
We got off on the wrong foot.
What are you up to, Sandro?
You're deceiving me.
I don't believe
anything you say.
It's true. We couldn't buy a
shipment. We don't have money.
You know that I have a talent
for weeding out lies.
And something smells fishy.
If you tell me
that you're alone, it's okay,
I believe you.
But with all
those junkies' arms
We already bought some.
I swear I didn't
agree with it.
The others insisted
and we bought it.
But I didn't want to buy.
All right.
I like it when
you're honest.
You know
that I appreciate you.
You're a cute boy.
I wouldn't fuck you
in a million years,
but you're a cute boy.
You're a cute boy!
Of course!
Let's go. Tell me.
Who did they buy it from?
From one of the Sub-21 guys.
But Mario, please.
I don't want any trouble.
No, it's okay. Calm down.
Nothing will happen to you.
But you know
it's against the rules
to sell drugs
in the cell blocks.
Aside from me
and my associates.
And this law
applies to buying also.
It's as if we received half
What do you mean, half?
What the hell
are they taking?
Don't you know that
those assholes cut it?
They add glass dust to it.
If it's a matter of price
Sandro, you're the delegate
for the girls' cell block.
Come talk to Mario.
It's much easier.
We can give you a good rate,
Yes, you're right, Mario.
All right.
Go tell all those idiots
that just this once,
everything's okay.
It's over. Huh?
You'll be punished enough
when we take
your decorative cop.
We don't use him
as a decoration, we use him
more than you.
Yes, you misuse him.
Deranged maniac.
This is bad.
This is bullshit.
Bring me Pena, now.
Right away, Mario.
I'm leaving, Mario.
I knew that
Lucas was alive.
My intuition told me,
during my conversation
with Lunati.
What are you thinking?
I don't know.
I'm a bit confused,
it might be too much
information, but
It's okay.
Why were you
a prisoner before?
I had an altercation
with a commissioner.
I killed him.
That's why they
threw me off the force.
And the business with Lunati?
Was that on Borges' orders?
I went to find Lunati
so that he would give me
And he tried to kill me.
It was him or me.
There was no other way.
I understand.
From what you told me,
the guy was a son of a bitch.
You still killed him.
I'm not asking you
to justify it.
What are we
going to do now?
You're not going
to do anything.
No, this is my problem.
I want to help you.
I want to help you
find your son
and return to
your true identity.
I'm not interested
in being Miguel Palacios
so that they can sentence me
to 10 more years.
The only thing left for me is
to escape, get out of here.
So why did you come back?
If you were out,
why didn't you stay out?
I'm not done
my work here yet.
I have one more
thing to do.
MAN: Excuse me,
is everything okay?
Yes, we're almost finished.
Thank you, Emma.
Thank me for what? I have
no idea how to help you.
No, you're doing
a lot for me.
Honestly, you're doing a lot.
I hope that it's helped
to tell someone your story.
Yes, a lot.
All right, I'm going to leave.
MARIO: Get up, asshole.
This isn't a homeless
Don't bust my balls.
"Don't bust my balls"?
What did you say?
What did you say, idiot?
Don't bust my balls.
If you want to
live the good life,
then suck it up.
I'm not working
to support you.
Not you, or anyone else
works to support me.
You don't work directly
Motherfucker, Mario.
I don't work?
Who maintains the business?
I just fought with
those idiots outside and now
you're giving me shit.
Let's go, asshole, get up.
Mario, stop.
What are you doing, man?
Ah, that's right.
What are you doing, man?
I can fuck you up
1,500 times over.
You want some more?
Geezer, I'll make you
shit pineapples.
Come and get it, man.
Mom's not going
to save you now.
How do you like this?
MARIO: Give up,
you old geezer.
I can't hear you.
Speak up.
I'm not giving up, geezer.
(GROANS) I give up.
What the hell
are you doing?
MARIO: Nothing that
an animal like you would
You, drunkard,
you have therapy.
Your wife is a drunkard.
I'm not fucking going.
MARIO: Let's go,
clown, move it.
You can mess around
with the psychologist all
week long.
No, I don't want to.
Go, asshole.
I don't want to.
I don't want to
start telling my story from
zero all over again.
My life is complicated.
Don't you understand?
Go, I'm ordering you.
Do you hear me?
Since when do you care
if I go to therapy, Marito?
Old geezer.
KALINA: Come in.
Come in.
Where's the guy
who's going to see me?
We're going to continue
working together.
How's that?
I've been thinking,
I think we should
spend some time repairing our
We have worked
together a lot,
and you have shown
a lot of progress.
That's what I told you,
but you didn't want to
Why were you
acting like a snob?
I just had my doubts.
I'm a professional,
but I'm also human.
There is always
an exchange between the
psychologist and patient.
It's difficult to explain.
It doesn't just come.
Well, let's try.
Dios, don't rush me.
This is one of the things
we need to change.
You see?
It's okay,
you're right, man.
It's okay.
What happened
to your mouth?
Did they feed you
a gnocchi?
No, it was just a small blow.
Let's not waste time on that.
Tell me what interests you.
You see me as
an old geezer, too, eh? Same
as my brother.
Me? No.
Come on, slim,
tell me the truth.
You see me with
this goofy face that doesn't
scare anyone.
I'm not the bad boy
in the movie anymore.
What's wrong? Do you
want to say something? Stop
dancing around it.
We made an arrangement
that you would manage the
and you're shitting the bed.
I'm shitting the bed?
More than once.
Oh, really?
Your neighbors came
into the cell block and
started selling drugs.
In the homosexual cell block.
Do I have
anything else to say?
I didn't know.
You didn't know?
I'm offended that
they're selling drugs in the
because it's also my business,
but that they come
into the cell block and piss
off my customers
Who do they think they are,
La Salada vendors?
Let me check
and I'll get back to you.
You're not going
to check anything.
I will tell you
what's happening.
You don't have
to check anything.
Business is good, eh?
You don't have permission
to be anywhere I am.
Yeah? Says who?
Your mother's ass
and your sister's cunt.
You can't come in here.
You can only come in
to eat and shower,
on the condition
that I'm not here. Understood?
You see that guy?
He has such
a long cock
that he uses it as a scarf,
and he likes idiots.
So if you break the rules,
he will destroy your asshole.
Now you can eat in peace.
Business is good.
MARIO: Let him go!
Everyone stop.
Cut it out!
We promised Antin
we weren't going to cause
any trouble.
Let's keep our word.
You're going
to pay, faggot.
MAN: Get out.
Let's go, cowboys.
MAN 2: What a nice table.
you had a good time
with Pastor.
You got along well.
More than well.
I shut that guy's mouth.
I proved I can be his
best friend.
And you were alone,
Pastor and you.
Us two, alone.
Of course.
Calm down,
we talked about life,
chatted a little,
drank a bit,
listened to music.
Do you still have
an affinity for him?
Much more, now.
No, it's okay.
We're starting from zero.
I have to trust.
We weren't alone.
I brought some lady friends.
It was a huge party.
Everyone on each other.
What do you mean,
"Everyone on each other"?
I was with one,
I was with another.
Pastor with one,
Pastor with another.
So, really out there.
Anything else?
No, what are you asking?
If I was with Pastor?
I don't know.
Were you?
Just a little kiss.
But between friends,
it's just a way to solidify
the friendship.
Of course.
Do you kiss all your friends?
No. We were there and, poof.
Who initiated it?
I did. He pretended
not to like it.
He pretended?
I know that he wants me,
but he's playing coy.
Of course.
Investigate a little further.
What are you saying?
They're selling drugs inside.
They're taking you
for a fool.
This is a Borges illusion.
Borges will come up
with similar bullshit just to
cause trouble.
You don't believe me.
Do you know what's happening?
Your plan to screw
Borges over doesn't exist,
Who are you, asshole?
Let me give you some advice,
then you can do what
you want.
If you want,
get chopped to bits.
Okay, then. So what's up?
You can't make accusations
like this.
Do they have
a first and last name?
If they saw us,
they can tell us.
Why can't we?
Why can't you what?
Sell drugs.
Are you shitting me, asshole?
You were
selling drugs, right?
Huh? Talk, you motherfucker.
Was it you?
How did you get it in?
My girlfriend
brought it in her shoe.
Son of a bitch!
Why didn't you tell me?
They almost killed me
because of you.
MAN: Stop!
Stop what, you fucking fag?
Why don't you respect me here?
What's up, asshole?
Whatever, it's over.
Can you tell Borges
to come and talk?
I'm going to give him
all the money.
MAN: Hey, you.
I have work for you.
Don't bust my balls.
This is a friendly meeting.
I was told you have to come.
Let's go.
Let go,
why are you grabbing me?
MAN: Get to work, let's go.
All right, stop.
I'll come with him.
Who are you,
the boyfriend?
Don't break my balls,
I'm coming to help him and
that's all.
You want to work?
Yes, I want to work.
Well, come work.
Did they fuck you, too?
No, asshole, I volunteered.
I love to wallow
around in shit.
Stop protesting
and get to work.
MAN: Take it, Pastor.
Come on, let's go.
Come on, boy,
move your ass.
You like bitch work?
Yes, let's go.
Look what I have here.
Stop, you turkeys.
We're going to be
at this all day. I know how
it works.
We have to unclog it.
Go with him.
Let's go, let's go.
I'm staying alone.
All right. Get to work.
Get to work?
You get to work.
MAN: Shut your asshole
and get to work.
You're being a smartass, eh?
CESAR: "Shut your mouth
and work," says the punk.
Take a look.
Ah, these guys.
There's not even a coin.
What's up, asshole?
What are you looking at?
Let go!
That doesn't hurt, fags.
Take a look up there,
behind those boxes.
Last time I found
it around there.
No, it's not here.
You'll be
the whore of San Onofre.
Suck it, faggot!
MASKED MAN 1: Slumdog.
Let me go, fag.
Watch yourself.
Faggot, watch yourself.
Watch yourself, fag!
Look what I found here.
Take a look back there.
Go through the bags, or you
won't see it.
It's not here.
There's nothing here.
It has to be there.
It's always there.
Help me look.
Stay a moment.
PASTOR: It's not here.
It's okay. Go.
Leave me alone to work.
Just go.
Yes, Mudo,
everything's ready. Open up.
They're opening it.
MARIO: That's how
it's done, Mudo.
Take everyone with you.
And grab a few beers.
I don't want anyone here.
I want to be alone.
MAN: Hurry up!
You're getting paid.
Go have a drink
with the guys.
And when you hear from me,
take the car and
set it on fire.
Borges, you're a genius.
PASTOR: Son of a bitch!
What happened?
What's wrong?
Fuck! What happened?
What happened?
Who got you?
(SOBBING) I don't know.
What happened?
Get out, you.
Stop, let me help.
Get out or I'll hurt you!
Get out right now.
Who hit you?
Who got you?
I don't know.
(WHIMPERING) Don't say
anything, please.
Don't worry,
I won't say anything.
Don't worry. Shh!
Calm down, you idiot.
What happened?
I see that they
opened all the pipes.
What are you doing?
Fuck off, Pena!
PASTOR: Come, come.
ARIEL: How are you, sweetie?
Great, and you?
You weren't asleep, were you?
No, I was working on this.
It's okay. Any news?
No, tomorrow
I'm going to see
if there's any new
information, I hope.
Hmm. If not, it's okay.
She's much calmer.
Good, that's better.
Listen, sorry to
change the subject,
but would you
like to grab a drink?
Yes, but I didn't know
you went to bed so early.
What do you think about dinner
and dancing on Friday?
You like to dance, no?
I don't want to
be a bad sport, but this is
not a good time.
There's nothing too
complicated for me.
Tell me your problem
and I'll help.
You'd like that?
For me to tell you my problem?
Okay, if you want,
I'll tell you.
I'm pregnant.
Are you serious?
Or is this a joke?
No, seriously.
I don't care either way.
We can still go out.
Yes, why not?
Let's have some fun.
You're going to
have the baby alone?
Yes, alone.
Well, maybe I'll find someone
who wants to be the father.
Yes, of course.
They're calling me
back to work.
I'll text you
and we'll arrange something?
Okay, sounds good.
Kisses, bye.
I was washing the showers
when two guys suddenly
walked in.
MAN: Did you see
who they were?
I couldn't see well because
they had their faces covered.
But there's one
that I'll never forget.
He's here, man.
The giant that was
in the dining room with us.
I see that they
opened all the pipes.
Hey, buddy,
don't touch me.
Can't you see that I'm okay?
A couple of fruitcakes
hit me, is all.
Don't exaggerate.
Leave it.
Luckily, Pastor showed up.
Someone dropped
this during the fight.
Let's see?
Give it to me, cowboy.
"PD." What is this shit?
Does anyone know
who this is?
No idea.
That's the least of it.
We all have nicknames here.
We'll have to
really investigate.
We know that Rico was the one
who cleared the shower area,
and that's why
those guys could get in.
Ramallo was the one
who came for you.
Yes, but that
doesn't mean he's involved.
Whoever did this to me
is going to pay. All of them.
the giant from
the dining room,
that fucking son of a bitch.
The guy with the chain,
and the other one we
haven't identified.
The Borgeses are
going to pay for this.
All of them,
their entire gang.
Any breathing Borges
is a Borges who will die.
We are Sub-21.
If they touch any of us,
we jump them all, right?
There were three of them,
and I was alone.
I'm not going to let this go.
I got off easy.
It could have been worse.
Calm down, my friend.
What goes around comes around.
Go, leave me alone, please.
Go! Go fuck yourself,
asshole! Get going.
and understand
that the harmony
that the prison family
we maintain in San Onofre
is built upon
the foundation of
the happiness of our staff.
Write that.
Happy staff
means happy inmates.
I'm saying that any
It's a mess. I'm confused.
What I want to say is,
the prisoner,
the inmate, should be
He should trust the guards,
should be respected,
blah, blah, blah.
Hey! You look beautiful.
What are you up to?
You like it?
I have something.
Don't worry,
I don't like anyone from work.
You said it.
I didn't say anything.
I'm listening to you.
I have to aim higher.
You're terrible.
Excuse me.
I'm informing you
that there's going to be
maintenance work outside.
Some inmates will be coming
to sand and paint, so
there will be noise.
That's fine.
Have you determined the list
of inmates?
I would like to
suggest someone.
Tell me.
Pastor Pena.
He's a good carpenter
and he would do a good job.
Whatever you say.
I think he's a son of a bitch,
but if you say so.
Yes, I do say so.
I can't stand that guy.
You still think
you can't be with any inmate?
Of course, girl.
It's my job to make them
feel good.
You're going to come along.
You're an idiot.
Ready, Daddy.
If we don't make you a champ
with this
Go on. Enjoy, bye.
Come, let's have a chat.
Why is there such a problem
with your badge, if you're
always here?
And when you are able
Pastor Pena,
have you gone crazy?
Son of a bitch.
Did you make Cesar's bed in
the shower?
Stop. What are you
talking about?
Stop. Have you
You were distracting me.
You took me to
the storeroom and
you wasted my time
while they beat him.
Stop, asshole! How?
I'm on your side. (GROANS)
You have 24 hours
to get out of the courtyard.
You're going to
another block cell
or another prison.
Is that clear?
You can't say that to me.
Calm down,
tell me what I did.
I already explained.
I'm really going to
throw you to the wolves.
They're going to
fuck you raw.
I didn't betray you,
Shut your mouth.
Don't play stupid.
And be careful
about telling Borges,
because Sub-21
is in all the prisons.
What are you doing
with the sandpaper?
Hey. What are you doing
with the sandpaper?
We have to chip at the wall.
Who sent you to work here?
You've never done this in
your life.
Sandpaper doesn't work
on damp walls.
You don't understand shit.
I don't understand
what you want.
You have to chip at it
Chip at it, and we'll see.
Everything okay?
How are you?
Yes, here fighting with the
Did you ask me
to come here?
Don't tell me
it's going badly,
I told Capece
you knew the work.
I thought it'd be
a good way for you to keep on
top of any news.
I've been thinking a lot
about the other day.
Thank you.
I have to ask you
a favor, Emma.
I know I've already asked for
a lot, but my mother's
out there,
and now that my brother's
gone, I don't know who
to go to.
My mother's been committed.
Why? What's wrong?
She has advanced Alzheimer's.
I know I've already
asked for a lot, but if you
could go see her,
it would do me
a lot of good.
Excuse me
for interrupting.
Can we talk a moment?
Yes, yes, let's go.
No problem.
See you later, yes?
CAPECE: She's pretty, eh?
She's pretty.
You know what?
Something crazy happened.
My brother asked
her out yesterday,
and she told him
she was pregnant.
Do you think it's true,
or is she full of it?
I don't know.
I know that
I acted like an ass
when you told me
about the pregnancy.
But the truth is,
we're going to have a child.
And I want to know
what we're going to do.
We're not doing
anything together.
I made my decision,
and I told you.
And now you have time to think
and decide what you're
going to do.
GASTON: I thought about it.
I want
a smoother relationship.
I want to live together,
and start a family.
I love you, Emma.
And you know it.
But I need time for this.
Stop, Gaston.
I need a bit of time.
Stop, please.
We've been over this
a million times.
I don't want
to wait anymore.
I need to move on
with my life.
I'm asking you
as a favor.
Don't tell me that.
There it is.
CESAR: What's going on here?
What's up?
Everything okay?
Everything cool? Oh, jewelry.
Better that way. Get to work.
What's happening here?
MAN: Cesar.
They gave me a list of PDs.
I think it has
to be Pablo Diaz.
He was friends
with the giant.
Well done. I'll get on it.
What's going on here?
Did you come to gossip?
Or did you come
to join Sub-21?
I can't hear you.
Talk louder.
Then get to work.
Let's go.
They seem stupid, brother.
You have to keep telling
them things.
What are you doing, buddy?
Everything okay?
Hey, it turned out well, eh?
They're nice, cowboy.
Did you see?
Hey, man, sorry.
I didn't know
you'd get in trouble because
of me. Sorry.
It's fine, but next time
don't do it alone.
Because you're not alone.
It's fine. All right.
They're yours.
It's a present.
CESAR: Okay, thanks.
What's up, Susto?
I have a couple
of Don Torcuato's friends.
They're thugs.
They want to make
trouble with us.
Oh, yeah?
They say that Borges'
son-in-law is there.
Another party
that'll get crazy and ruin
some cowboys.
Come in, Pena.
Sit down.
Go on, stay outside.
I asked them to call you,
because it's a mess
down below.
The atmosphere
is fucking tense. What's
going on?
Borges cleared out the shower
so they could fuck Cesar up.
Is Cesar that loser
with Sub-21?
This is going
to end in disaster.
So help me stop it.
I can't stop it.
Did he get hard?
I don't know.
What about the other issue?
What issue?
No one saw me, I told you.
I don't believe you.
When someone's
doing my bidding,
I assume they might
want to screw me.
You weren't caught,
but I had taken precautions.
It's strange that you
haven't at least tried.
I know that
you're not a sucker.
If I tried anything,
you'd have me killed.
Don't doubt it.
I still don't believe you.
Excuse me.
I'm sorry,
I didn't see anything.
DIOS: How are you,
This is how I like it,
all lined up, coming for food.
This shitty food
they dig out of the garbage.
DIOS: Go back
to the slum, man.
What are you looking at?
Look, Cesar,
the dude from the fight
I told you about.
He fights just
like me, asshole.
We have to beat
the shit out of them.
Calm down.
Whoever gets angry, loses.
We have to wait
for our moment.
But there won't be
much time.
SUSTO: I have a couple
of Don Torcuato's friends.
They're thugs.
They want to make
trouble with us.
MAN 2: They say that Borges'
son-in-law is there.
This is for Cesar.
MAN: Let me go,
you son of a bitch!
Take that,
Take it.
Cut everything,
Do you like that,
you son of a bitch?
Come on.
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