Emperor of Ocean Park (2024) s01e09 Episode Script

Chapter Nine

[MARIAH] Previously on
Emperor of Ocean Park
Truth is, I'm having some problems
in the romance department.
So are you gonna invite me in or what?
It's nice to be around
someone whose company I enjoy.
What is this all about?
It's about you fucking my wife.
Get your hands off me! [GRUNTS]
[KIMMER] You attacked my boss in public.
I told you there was
nothing going on with him.
[PERSON] You're letting
Mariah's conspiracies
get into your head.
You're seeing things that aren't there.
[TAL] Silver Audi down there?
It's been following me.
Who are you?
[OLIVER] This guy, he's ex-military?
[JACK] I know him from
CIA, a field officer.
Now he's mine.
[TAL] Agent McDermott.
Or is it even McDermott,
since you're not an agent at all?
When you're ready to talk
about Lisa, you call me.
I'll pick you up.
Red sedan. Far end of the lot.
[ONLOOKER] Someone was in that car!
What do you want to do if
we find the wagon in there?
I want their parents
to have to bury a child,
just like I did.
They figured out who killed Abby.
- What?
- Who?
The judge had them killed.
I could use your help.
MKD Global versus Manalo.
The case is on our docket next month.
It is.
And how can I help?
A brilliant jurist like you,
I'm sure you already know the answer.
So this is it?
Is what it?
I'm really not gonna see you again?
Just you spying on me with
no more direct contact?
[CHUCKLES] Yes to the spying.
No to the direct contact,
as lovely as that was.
That's unfortunate.
There are other players in this game,
and they've got their eyes on you.
It's best for both of us if I stay away.
I guess we'll always have Pad Thai.
[CHUCKLES] Yeah, we will.
I think you should have this.
How do I know this
isn't spyware that shares
all my computer activity
with your employers?
It's not about the arrangements.
I obtained a lot of
information on your family
pictures, videos, stuff like that.
I thought you should have it back.
So you hacked me.
It's my job.
You guys have already lost a lot.
I wanted to give you something
to remind you of the good times.
Thank you.
See you around.
[HOWARD] You really
think your dad could
murder two teenagers for revenge?
Addie wouldn't lie about
something like that.
And, frankly, it all makes sense.
I mean [SCOFFS]
I don't even know what to say.
Honor, duty, justice.
[SCOFFS] What a load of bullshit.
I mean, if someone hurt our kids,
I would definitely think
about doing the same thing.
Yeah, you'd think about
it, and I would too.
And then we'd come to our
senses and call the police.
You think we should?
Call the police?
I'm not snitching on my dad, Howard.
You know, he's dead.
So are Abby's killers.
It wouldn't do any good.
And I was just
so sure that he was the victim,
that he was this martyr.
Silver lining maybe this will finally
allow you to accept his death, move on.
There's no "or," Mariah.
Or take a look at it from
a different perspective.
OK, that's not what I
was trying to say at all.
I mean, I have been so tunnel
vision through all of this.
I've been looking at
all the shady people
that he was dealing with when, really,
maybe I should just be looking at him.
Everything good, Judge?
Superb, as usual.
Can I get the check
when you have a moment?
Already taken care of.
I can't let you do that.
Not me.
The gentleman in the booth.
You really shouldn't have.
I can't buy breakfast for a friend?
Favors from you tend to
come with strings attached.
You've become a very
hard man to get a hold of.
What do you want, Jack?
I think you know.
The MKD Global case you're
hearing this morning?
I can't discuss that with you.
It would be a massive
breach of judicial ethics.
No discussion needed.
MKD Global must win.
If the facts of the case
reports such a ruling, then
The facts are irrelevant.
I'll be eagerly
anticipating your ruling.
[REYES] But the plaintiff
has failed to show injury
or to establish that Mr.
Manalo even had access
to proprietary information.
Preemptively suing Mr. Manalo for theft
of intellectual property is
a frivolous corporate maneuver
that failed in the lower
courts on the merits.
This appeal is an extraordinary waste
of the court's valuable time.
I think if we look at
the pertinent case law,
this court will have serious
questions on standing.
We request that the lower court's
sanctions order is upheld,
as well as the additional sanctions
Reyes was very impressive
and compelling and persuasive.
Not to mention, she's absolutely right.
The suit is frivolous, premature,
and we should summarily
rule against MKD Global.
Toss the whole thing with prejudice.
Let the lower court's opinion stand.
You don't seem convinced.
I've been at this a long time.
It'll take more than an
impassioned lawyer to sway me.
What's the legal precedent?
Well, the contract's too
broad to be enforceable.
The whole case is a transparent
attempt to bleed Manalo dry
and stifle competition.
Sir, this is open-and-shut.
It lacks merit.
That's for me to decide.
Bring me the relevant case law,
and I'll take it from there.
Yes, sir.

As I've mentioned, exhuming a body
is a complicated ordeal.
There's layers of red tape,
not to mention the cost.
The cost is immaterial.
And I will cut through
the red tape quickly.
Is that what I need to fill out?
Yes, but, ma'am, I'm not sure you have
the authority to authorize this.
He is my father.
What are you talking about?
Uncle Mal?
What are you doing here?
They called me.
Said I better get down here
because someone was inquiring
about exhuming my client's body.
Well, it's good that you're here.
You can help.
Well, why on Earth
would you think I'd be
on board with something so obscene?
Because we need to know how he died.
Mariah, honey, we already know
Don't "Mariah, honey" me.
He had a heart attack.
Yes, maybe.
I agree that that's a possibility.
- Let's prove it.
- There's nothing left to prove.
You have to let this go.
My father is dead, Mal
and I don't know why.
I can't let this go
until I know for sure.
I feel for you.
- I really do.
- Then help me.
There's no way in hell we're
digging up your father's body!
You know, as executor
of your dad's estate,
I can call his doctor and have them
explain to you how things like this
happen to men like the judge
I already have his medical records.
And do you even know
what you're looking at?
You're not a doctor.
Neither am I.
Look, I'll call the doctor.
They'll be expecting you.
Oliver, if you don't get
that thing out of my face!
just trying to capture
your beauty for posterity.
[CLAIRE] Come on.
[MARIAH] He's going to
be the next president.
Is that what this is about?
John Edwards?
He hasn't even announced he's running.
[MARIAH] Oh, any day now.
And when he does, we're ending poverty
and getting universal health care.
[OLIVER] How did I end up
with you as a daughter?
Karmic punishment for all
your evil doing, obviously.
[CLAIRE] You can do it, Tal.
I got it!
[OLIVER] Go, go, Mariah!
I try to be a humble
man, but I don't think
a better-looking steak
has ever been cooked.
If you're watching this,
you are watching perfection.
Dinner's ready!
We have a third dinner guest?
Yes, this is John Edwards.
He'll need his own table
setting, thank you very much.
[OLIVER] You want me
to serve John Edwards?
[MARIAH] Yeah.
- [OLIVER] I don't think
- [KIMMER] You have reached the voicemail
of Kimberly Madison-Garland.
Please leave a detailed message.
[TAL] Bentley's in danger.
Call me back right now.
And whatever you do, don't
take your eyes off him,
not even for a second.
[JACK] Hello, Talcott.
Have you found the arrangements?
My son, he's in trouble.
They're watching him. Who is it?
What are you talking about?
Someone sent me a text
with a picture of Bentley playing,
telling me I had 24 hours
to produce the arrangements.
No one wants the arrangements
more than you, Jack.
Was it you threatening
Bentley, you piece of shit?
If it is, I swear to fucking God, Jack.
[JACK] I had nothing to do with it.
But I will find out who did.
Sure, because you're
protecting my family, right?
[JACK] Anyone who touches that child
will have to answer to me.
- That's not good enough.
- It's the best I can do
until you find the arrangements.
Would you forget about
the fucking arrangements?
[JACK] This will not
end until they're found.
Fuck! Fuck!
[OLIVER] Chief Justice Roosevelt.
You've known me for
a decade now, Oliver.
I think you can call me Stephen.
Seeing you on the golf
course is a bit different
than a chat with the chief justice.
Well, I won't lie.
I prefer seeing you
on the green as well.
I wanted to ask about that conflict
of interest form you sent out.
Is there a problem?
Well, I admire your honesty.
A stock sale or two is not reason enough
for recusal at this late date.
You've already heard arguments.
These things usually
get submitted when a case
first appears on the docket.
The financial entanglements didn't
come to my attention until recently.
I understand.
But this is highly unusual.
Replacing you will interfere
with the defendant
Get me off of this case.
Is something going on?

Only the financial matters.
That's all?
I'm begging you, Stephen.
Take me off of this.
Whatever you have to
say is your reasoning,
just do it, this one time.
This case, for me,
it's it's not right.
If it's just the matter you presented,
then I can't approve your recusal.
This case is too high profile
for something so irregular.
Look, I admire your honesty, though.
Your father was decent.
That's how I remember him.
Our disparate politics aside,
he was always very supportive
of me and this practice.
He trusted me, even when I was
young and just starting out.
Yeah, he was a freakin' saint.
I am looking for something that can
tell me whether or not my father
died from natural causes.
Do you suspect something
other than natural causes?
He was eating healthy,
exercising regularly.
I have the results of
his last seven physicals,
and none of the notes said
"about to drop dead of a heart attack."
Records rarely tell the full story.
They lack the narrative context.
What do you mean?
I did an ultrasound
of your father's heart
about five years ago
when he was complaining
about shortness of breath
Yeah, I I read that report.
It showed only minor
irregularities five years ago.
Minor, but potentially progressive.
He needed a valve replacement.
He said he was too old.
He wouldn't even consult
with a thoracic surgeon.
Black men and doctors
we are still fighting that battle.
Your father's age and a
litany of comorbidities
contributed to a massive coronary event.
That's how your father died.
I know grief does not
like simple answers.
Is there anyone that you can talk to?
Um, I mean that won't be necessary.
I'll I'll be fine.
Thank you.
Oh, thank God.
Hey, buddy.
It is so good to see you.
[KIMMER] Bentley?
Go inside with your Aunt Lindy.
I said I'd talk when I'm ready.
What do your father's arrangements
have to do with Bentley?
Nothing, but whoever sent this,
they want the arrangements now.
Or else they may try to
But this is what I've been
trying to tell you, Kimmer.
This is real.
I know you've been preoccupied
with the nomination
Look, look, I don't care about anything
except Bentley's safety, OK?
And my nomination chances have
gone up in smoke anyway, so.
What, the nomination's up in smoke?
The reporters have been
snooping around Marc.
It's what they do when there's
about to be a big announcement.
It's over.
Obviously, there are
more important things
and people to worry about.
What are we gonna do?
You both need to come with me.
- We can go someplace safe.
- With you?
It seems we'd be safer without you.
Look, you have something
these people want.
And if you run off with
Bentley, they'll follow you.
The safest thing you can do is
to stay away from both of us.
The thing is, I still
don't have what they want.
I'm no closer to
finding the arrangements.
You're smart.
You'll think of something.
You have to.
Hey, Susan, could you go
clean the, um, kitchen island?
I spilled some wine, and I
don't want the marble to stain.
I need this.
It has already been a very long day.
I just keep thinking
about my dad and his death.
This is so confusing.
What does that mean?
You're confused because
you're fearing the truth.
Americans, you all fear it.
But truth is vicious animal
that no man can outrun.
A predator.
When I was girl
my village was ravaged
by the winds of war.
Boys as young as 15
left home, never to return.
Sorrow greeted me every morning like
good old friend who never left my side.
Each night, I stared at black night sky,
my numbness as vast
as the endless dark above me.
Except there was moon, Mariah.
A bit of light, usually.
There was sometimes full moon,
sometimes half, crescent.
And then there was no moon.
I asked my mother
"Mama, where does the moon go?"
She say
"Sometimes it is here.
Sometimes it is gone.
That is the way of life.
Go do chores."
Sometimes here, sometimes gone.
That is the way of life.
That's life.
We should talk more often.
Half pound of the
oven-roasted turkey, please,
thin sliced.
Make sure you watch your weight.
They cheat you sometimes.
Judge Garland, I didn't
think you lived around here.
Well, my grandkids had
a playdate over here.
I thought that, uh, I'd
take care of some errands
before I had to pick them up.
You, uh, catch that Cubs game?
I'm a Sox fan.
- Oh.
Your name came up the other day,
when I was having lunch
with Judge Zimmerman,
of the Eighth Circuit?
She was really impressed
with the way you handled
that employment
discrimination case last year.
She is a huge, huge fan of yours.
Good to know.
It's a much fairer court,
from what I can see.
Sir, not to be rude,
but I'm uncomfortable
with this level of
ex parte conversation.
Um, I was just thinking out loud.
Oh, thank you.
Take this case elsewhere.
You cannot argue this in front of me.
Our our arguments are sound,
if that's what you're concerned about.
Apply for a change of venue.
Do it today.
And I'll make sure it happens.
Your Honor, you're hurting my arm.
- Daddy!
- [OLIVER] This will not end.
- Hey.
- Hey, what are you doing?
Uh, just packing up some of Dad's shit.
- What's up?
- I need you to meet me.
It's Bentley. He's in danger.
What? What happened?
I got a threat.
I'll explain.
Oh, my God.
It's OK.
I know where to get the arrangements.
Can Jack and I have a moment?
Of course.
Jack, always good to catch up.
Always lovely to see you, Claire.
Why are you here?
Why are you acting like such a fool?
A conflict of interest?
Orchestrating run-ins
with defense counsel?
- How'd you hear about that?
- Irrelevant.
- We had a deal.
- Did we?
Or did you just say jump and
expect me to ask how high?
You're being stubborn.
I don't like feeling like
I'm under somebody's thumb.
I might just be the slightest bit angry
that someone I considered
a friend is blackmailing me.
This is an exchange of favors.
I did you a favor.
Now I'm asking for a favor in return.
How long until my debt is repaid?
It doesn't work like that.
I worked too hard and
for too long to get here.
I'm not giving up my voice for you.
You have plenty of
cases I don't care about.
You can showcase your
judicial brilliance with those.
This is just business.
I'll see myself out.
[MARIAH] Why did we have to meet here?
[TAL] Public is better. Noise is better.
They might be watching
and listening, both
I don't know.
So do you really have the arrangements?
No, not exactly.
But I have to say that on the phone
because I need whoever
might be listening
to think that I have the arrangements.
Because I'm gonna give 'em to 'em.
You just said that you don't have them.
I don't technically,
but they don't know that.
So I'm gonna give them whatever appears
to be the arrangements.
Decoy arrangements?
But I thought they were with, um,
Lisa's boyfriend or whatever.
I got a plan for that too.
Minor detail, though
we don't know what
the arrangements are, let
alone what they look like
or what form they're in.
So what exactly are
you going to give them?
I don't know yet.
I haven't gotten that far.
Yeah, well, it's pretty crucial
that you get it right, Tal.
Otherwise they're gonna immediately know
that the arrangements are bogus.
I know.
And then not only will they still want
the real arrangements,
they're going to be pissed at you,
and you'll be in even more danger.
Damn, I said I know, Mariah.
But this threat came
with a ticking clock.
I don't have the luxury of time.
I gotta make this shit up on the fly.
Instead of poking holes,
why don't you contribute a solution?
What if what if there was
a way to get ahead of them?
And we use the fake
arrangements, like you said.
Then we flip it on them.
OK, so what does that mean?
So we use it as a trap.
We stall them.
We draw them out into the daylight,
shine a spotlight on their identity,
and then we use that
to stay one step ahead,
protect ourselves.
Am I supposed to know
what you're talking about?
No. Let let your big sister cook.
I'm gonna need a couple of hours.
I'll be in touch.
What what are you gonna do?
I'm gonna go find
Lisa and her boyfriend.
You may be seated.
While this court appreciates
the burden of a corporation
protecting itself from espionage,
the idea that this case rises to that
is a ludicrous misapplication
of contract law,
and I quote the defense by saying,
"A waste of this court's valuable time."
We grant the defendant's
motion for dismissal.
Any time you just wanna pop out of there
and explain yourself, feel free, man.
- [DANA] Hey.
- Dana, can you meet up?
I need to run something
by you in person.
[DANA] Whatever it
is, it can wait, dude.
Marc Hadley is about to get
his ass handed to him right now.
You're gonna want to be
here for that trust me.
Excellent. Just what I need.
This will live in the vault,
which is just to your right
when you come in, and everything's
in numerical order.
This key is yours.
The other key stays at the bank.
It takes both keys to
open the deposit box.
Thank you.
And then just to clarify, uh,
do I need just the key to access,
or are there other security measures?
The deposit vault has cameras,
and you'll also need to show photo ID.
Headed into the meeting, I guess?
Well, they're not even letting
me attempt to defend myself.
There's no due process.
[SCOFFS] What a joke, right?
I didn't do what they're accusing me of.
It's complicated,
but I have a perfectly
logical explanation.
And if I was just given the chance
They're probably waiting on me.
I I could really use
an advocate in there, Tal.
You know me.
I do know you, Marc.
I know you quite well.
[MARIAH] Hey, did you talk to Dana yet?
Uh, on my way now.
What's up?
Well, I don't wanna put any
more things on your plate,
but, um
[TAL] But what?
didn't you say
that you threw a hammer
at an Audi that had been following you?
Yeah, why?
Because I just saw a car
exactly like the one you described
with a big hammer-like dent in the back.
Saw the driver too.
Who? What? Who was it?
Um, tallish Black guy, 6'4".
Young, attractive
very attractive.
All right, calm down, Stella.
It's not a chance for you
to get your groove back.
I'm being stalked.
Can you tell me anything
else? Any defining features?
Not really.
All right, then. Let's
talk about it later.
- I gotta go.
- All right.
I'll meet you at the
office as soon as I get
the rest of the stuff for tonight.
So he never graduated law school?
Forged his transcripts
and diploma, apparently.
Investigators dug it up
when he was being vetted.
And now there's rumors the
dude cheated on the bar too.
You gotta be kidding.
New York Times, Washington Post,
The Atlantic are all dropping stories.
That's what this meeting's about, man.
Vote his ass off the island.
Wouldn't we be having a
disciplinary hearing first?
Well, no.
No one ever survives a
hearing with their job.
If it's voted for, he'll have to resign.
Wasn't this meeting supposed
to start ten minutes ago?
You got somewhere to be?
Yeah, sort of.
That's what I needed
to talk to you about.
- OK.
- Talcott.
You're back.
Any chance you've, uh, explored any
of your favorite legal
reference texts lately?
No, I was informally
suspended, remember?
You really should brush up.
Great way to pass the time
while you're away from the classroom.
All right, let's settle down, people.
You all know why we're here.
I assume you've all heard the rumors.
Lest this become a 12
Angry Men situation,
let me get right down to a
vote and see where we are.
Any objections?
Per the university
protocol, any faculty member
suspected of misrepresenting
academic credentials
is subject to dismissal
pending a disciplinary hearing.
That hearing process begins only when
there's a 2/3 vote of all tenured
departmental faculty to proceed.
So, by show of hands, all those in favor
of initiating the disciplinary hearing
procedure for Associate
Professor Marc Hadley.
Oh. Made it in for this, huh?
Oh, fuck it.
It's basically all of you.
OK, we're done here.
So what did you want
to talk to me about?
I need you to do me a favor.
Another one?
You're the only person I trust
with this kind of stuff.
You are lucky I like you.
Favors get people in trouble.
Yeah, well
I'll have more coffee
when you get a moment.
No problem.
Metro Section, C7, above the fold.
Good morning to you too, Jack.
Just go to the page.
There's a case concerning the National
Water Rights Foundation on your docket.
I look forward to reading your decision.
Here you go.
Will you be ordering anything, sir?
No, thanks.
I just wanted to have a
quick chat with an old friend.
Have a lovely day.
It is the finding of this court
that the National
Water Rights Foundation
has a reasonable claim to ownership
of the water rights in question
and that the Farmers' Association,
while their frustration
is understandable,
are in error.
The verdict stands.
I can still make my tee time.
- Care to join?
- No.
I have work to do.
I need the paperwork on the Manalo case.
I'd like to review it
for my personal files.
[GREG] Of course, sir.
I was just about to file it.
I wasn't initially sure
where you were coming from
with your decision,
but your interpretation
of water law was a masterpiece.
When you know where you need to go,
sometimes it's just a
matter of figuring out
how to get there.
Greg, before you leave for the day,
can you show me how to use the scanner?
I'll admit, key in a box is better
than any idea I've had.
And giving the ID at the
bank could be a nice touch.
But what do they find if they make it
all the way to the safety deposit box?
I burned a shitload of random encrypted
financial files from my days
at The Tribune onto a CD.
It'll take them weeks
before they decrypt it
and realize that it's bullshit.
Thought of everything.
All we gotta do is bury the key.
Well, technically, I gotta bury the key.
Thanks for doing this.
Yeah, anything for Bentley.
So I'm looking for Melvin
Matthews' grave, yes?
Yeah, that's right.
You, uh, put the box in the ground
and then throw a pot
of flowers or something
to disguise where you dug
and then get the hell out of there.
And somebody's gonna go dig this up?
Yeah, I am, later tonight.
I'm not committing a crime, right?
You're just putting a safety
deposit key into the ground.
Nothing illegal.
Don't overthink it. OK?
We are counting on you, Dana.
You just need to keep your
head down, do what we said.
No more questions.
You got this.
You are so hot when you're
in this stern coach mode.
OK. I'm out.
- Are you scared?
- About tonight?
Yeah, me too.
I'm gonna come.
To the graveyard?
Yeah, I'm gonna be somewhere
close by and out of the way.
What? No.
It's too dangerous. I can't let you
I'm gonna fucking be there, Tal.
That's the guy.
What guy?
The guy in the Audi that
you hit with the hammer.
The guy you said was chasing you?
[TAL] That makes no sense.
That's one of my students.
How sure are you?
One thousand percent, that is the guy.
It's you.
Professor Garland.
I didn't see you there.
Why have you been following me?
Following you?
Stalking me for weeks,
following me around campus,
sitting outside my house.
I think you got me confused, Prof.
How'd you get that dent?
Uh, I don't know, man.
I'm just seeing it now.
License plate matches.
Have you been following my wife too?
Look, I don't wanna talk about this.
What do you know about the arrangements?
The what?
- Man, you trippin', man.
- God damn it.
Tell me
It's not about you!
It's not about arrangements
or whatever other shit
you're talking about.
What's it about then?
The building in that picture,
the one she's leaving,
that's my building, my condo.
And that's not the first
time she's been there.
You're the one she's been sleeping with.
I was interning at her firm,
and one thing led to another.
She told you to leave her alone,
that fucking you was a mistake.
She didn't think it was
a mistake trust me.
Not until that judicial
nomination business came up.
A workplace sex scandal
might hurt her chances.
Kimmer and her boss,
Jerry, kept trying to get me
to sign the NDA, keep me quiet.
So, yeah, I may have lost it a bit
when I saw you with my woman.
Your woman?
You couldn't handle her.
You couldn't keep her, and you
damn sure couldn't satisfy her.
All right.
We good?
Fuck, no.
I didn't think I'd be
getting a dinner invitation
from you until we were both
ready for the nursing home.
- Maybe not even then.
I don't enjoy our current situation.
But I also don't throw
friendships away lightly.
It's one of the things
I admire most about you.
This doesn't mean I'm gonna start trying
to get you to see reason.
I wouldn't trust it if you did.
We haven't discussed
the matter of payment.
I'm not interested in your money.
This isn't a mob deal.
I would have gone with
something a little less cliché,
but my accounts are being monitored.
By who?
Ah, Treasury and State have
launched an investigation
into some of my affairs.
A few of my less measured decisions
abroad are coming back to haunt me.
Should I be concerned?
All ancient history.
Nothing to do with our
current relationship.
[CHUCKLES] And who would question
Oliver Garland and his
unimpeachable morals?
I'll get you another drink.
Uh, want dessert?
No, thanks.
I I have to be off.
There's another contract law case
coming to your appeals docket
in the next few weeks NDAs.
It's of interest to my associates.
I'll be in contact.
It's good to be working together.
It feels like college again,
but without the hangovers.
I'm glad you're enjoying yourself.
You will too, eventually.
If you leave that here,
it's going in the fire.
You earned it.
You do with it what you want.
Where did Abby want to go to college?
Wonderful school.
I'm sure they'll be appreciative
of the Abby Garland Foundation.
I can't have that man
in and out of our house
for the rest of our lives.
He won't be.
What are you up to?
Making some arrangements
to ensure our future.
[JACK] There's another contract law case
coming to your appeals docket
in the next few weeks NDAs.
It's of interest to my associates.
I'll be in contact.
Leave it right there.
I saw your car explode.
Did you see me in it?
Hand it over.
There was too much heat on you.
Too many eyes on me.
I figured I'd let you think I was gone,
follow, see where you led.
Hadn't counted on you
being so damn slow.
So you thought you'd threaten my son?
It worked, didn't it?
Either you knew it was
here the whole time,
or your brain finally started working
when you thought your kid was in danger.
The latter.
That's why I do this for a living.
I thought you were working for Jack.
Hell no. He's cheated me for years.
Truthfully, he's owned me for years.
When I get this, I'm free
of him once and for all.
Lisa and her boyfriend,
right here the entire time.
Fucking finally.
Open it.
What is this?
Uh, I don't know.
Oh, come on, man. No,
no, no, no. I have a son.
[MARIAH] Tal? Tal?
You complete idiot.
Don't you dare die on me.
[MOBB DEEP] I put my lifetime ♪
In between the paper's lines ♪
I'm the quiet storm
nigga who fight rhyme ♪
P, yeah, you heard of him ♪
But I ain't concerned with them ♪
Nigga, I pop more guns
than you holdin' them ♪
Make my route while the sun's out ♪
And scold your men ♪
Unload ten in broad
daylight, get right ♪
Fuck your life ♪
Hop on my '98 dirt bike ♪
You try to stop mines from growin' ♪
I'll make your blood stop flowin' ♪
Take affirmative action ♪
To any ass if he askin' ♪
Now here come the MAC-10 ♪
You ain't no wildin' out
for the Knife-Fist thrower ♪
Rusty shank holder ♪
We live this shit ♪
'Cause it's the real shit ♪
Shit to make 'em feel shit ♪
Lump 'em in the club shit ♪
Have you wildin' out
when you bump this ♪
Drugs to your eardrum ♪
The raw uncut ♪
Have a nigga OD 'cause
it's never enough ♪
It's the real shit ♪
Shit to make 'em feel shit ♪
Lump 'em in the club shit ♪
Have you wildin' out
when you bump this ♪
Drugs to your eardrum ♪
The raw uncut ♪
Have a nigga OD 'cause
it's never enough ♪
The real ♪
Hip-hop, hip-hop, hip-hop ♪

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