Envidiosa (2024) s01e09 Episode Script

Medical History

[Victoria] I don't want Carolina to go
and see him before you tell her.
We agreed that
you were gonna give me time.
The guy turned up and wants
to explain. Is that my fault?
He doesn't have to explain.
He isn't the father.
Are you gonna take Grandma's glasses?
They're from the set.
- I don't know if you want them.
- No.
No? Really? They're mine?
- Take them.
- Great.
- Tell her now.
- No, no.
- Come so you can tell her.
- No, come inside.
[Carolina] Here. Take this.
Are you all right?
You're kind of off balance.
Don't hurt yourself.
Let the movers do most of it.
Don't hurt yourself.
You look pale.
[Matías] Come here, you rascal.
- Come here.
- [Roto whimpers]
Stay there and rest, huh? Behave yourself.
[quirky music playing]
[Victoria] And me? Am I my dad's daughter?
A father loves you,
takes care of you, feeds you,
spends time with you. I didn't have that.
Your father not being present,
doesn't mean that he doesn't exist.
The role of a father
is always in the individual's mind.
Then, Héctor is Caro's father because
Caro grew up with that father in her mind.
Then, if Caro's dad is really Héctor,
why tell her everything now?
What would be the point?
[Roto whimpers]
[Fernanda] Identity is a sense,
it's purpose, it's belonging.
- [Victoria] For me, it isn't like that.
- [Fernanda] No?
[Victoria] No.
Look at your case.
Your father's abandonment affects
the relationships that you have with men.
Affects them how?
And also in the need to be chosen.
And in the immense pain when you are not.
Look, yes, it's true,
because I went to see our father.
Nothing happened.
He didn't even open the door.
I didn't see him, so nothing happened.
Well, that's better. Now, Mom can explain.
Explain what?
[delicate music playing]
Héctor is not your father.
And whose daughter am I?
You're mine, you're mine.
I know I'm yours, but yours and who else?
There weren't pregnancy tests at the time.
I found out three months later.
It didn't even occur to me
you weren't your dad's daughter.
We found out at the hospital
because of your blood type,
when you fell off your bicycle
and split your chin open.
And then when when he found out, he left?
We didn't realize it when we had you.
So I'm right, it's a relief for Caro
because, if her father didn't abandon her,
then the wound can heal.
Or it can open a very large hole instead.
No, well, no.
No, what? Now a father is everything?
"A very large hole," yeah.
Suddenly isn't that misogynistic?
It's a bit misogynistic,
now that they all go on about misogyny?
[chuckling] They do.
Yeah, that's right. Absolutely.
- [Victoria] Think of the positive part.
- Is there a positive part?
- You weren't abandoned. Don't you see?
- No.
Your father doesn't even know you exist.
If he had known that you exist,
maybe he'd have been an amazing father.
Are you stupid?
I'm being serious. Are you stupid?
Do you realize the man who raised me
spent five whole years doing that?
That's my entire childhood.
And one day. he finds out that he isn't
my biological father, and he abandons me?
He abandoned the three of us.
But your situations are different.
It isn't the same as mine.
Your situation is different.
You guys know where you came from.
I don't What?
Do I have grandparents?
Look at the questions I'm asking.
Do I have grandparents? For example.
Do I have other aunts and uncles?
Do I have siblings? I don't know.
Don't you realize it's not the same?
I don't know who I am.
Well, I was abandoned.
I know that perfectly well.
I wasn't wanted, I'm certain.
At least you have some doubt.
- I'd be happy to have doubts.
- Vicky
- Are you using the word "happy"?
- It's not the right word.
They lied to me my whole life,
and you want me to be happy? Are you nuts?
I didn't want to lie to you.
I wanted Mom to tell you first.
- I found out we have a sister by Héctor
- Vicky, no
I didn't want to lie about that.
What do you mean a sister by Hec?
- I can't believe it.
- No
[awkward music playing]
[Roto barking]
[Fernanda] It is the patriarchy.
That's what we're living in.
You, me, your sister, your mom, everyone.
Sure, everyone, right?
Yes, yes. Society in general.
It's primarily the dominant belief.
I figured, yeah.
Leave it, leave it.
Unload it all, take it off. Quick, hurry.
Take off everything I tell you.
That lamp, unload it.
But we put a lot of effort.
Pull it out! What's wrong?
The same way it went on, take it off!
- These are your grandpa's things.
- What grandpa? Do you know my grandpa?
- What grandpa?!
- [Victoria] Honey.
- Oh! Like this canvas!
- Caro, honey.
- Caro, Caro.
- Get off me, let me unload everything.
Carolina, I feel bad as well
because my dad abandoned me, huh?
He gave everything to someone else,
and I got nothing,
Please, I'm sorry. Sorry, Caro, I'm sorry!
I did what I could. I had to work all day,
because he didn't give us a cent
while he was playing daddy
with someone else!
- We're talking about me, aren't we?
- Oh, stop!
- Let's get back to me!
- Caro, please!
to listen to him talking about his life
His family and everything,
I never had anything to do
- Please!
- How did you listen to him?
- [Fermín] Careful.
- How did you listen to him?
What? Did you? Did you see him? You
You You went to see him
You saw him without me?
- Um, I'm very sorry, really
- [Carolina] What did?
- Caro, please.
- You know what?
Why don't you take the glasses?!
- I don't want
- Take the glasses! Take them!
- No!
- Take the glasses!
Toast with your father and your sister!
Don't you wanna have a lamp?
Don't you wanna have a lamp to light
this new journey you're embarking on?
I already have a ton of
- This too?!
- No!
[Carolina screams] Here. Here.
- Do you want the penguin?
- That's Mom's. You're mixing things up.
- There's Mom's stuff.
- Even worse!
I don't want anything
from that pathological liar.
- Here. Take your penguin! Have everything!
- No!
And I don't want this either!
- Enough, that's it.
- Ow!
[Teresa] Leave it.
- [Fermín] What happened?
- I'm fine. I'm fine!
I felt a bit of pain in my tummy,
but I'm fine!
- Now help me move this.
- [Fermín] No
- Don't do that.
- It hurts!
[breathes heavily]
- Don't move it, Caro!
- [Fermín] Leave it, leave it.
- Leave it. Where?
- Okay.
In my tummy, but I'm
I'm perfect. [grunts]
Oh, it's a shame Vicky didn't come.
I wanted to see her again.
- She's dealing with a ton of family drama.
- Yep.
Well, yeah. Aren't we all?
Yeah, you are.
In addition to the drama
she shares with you,
she has two million times more.
She has double the drama
of the rest of humanity.
- Poor thing.
- Hm.
Yeah, me too. The truth is that
I feel very upset about this situation.
- I can imagine.
- Yeah.
It's a lot knowing what my father did.
It's crazy, honestly.
I find it hard
understanding both sides, you know?
The guy who took such good care of me
and abandoned those girls just like that.
[Matías] Yeah.
How can a person do both things?
I don't understand.
I imagine it must be hard, right?
- To reconcile those two guys.
- Yeah.
I can't sleep. I feel like I'm
I don't know, like in another dimension.
Hey, Caro. Yeah, everything
You're gonna be all right. Try to relax.
[Fermín] Take it easy.
- No, just the husband.
- Oh.
- Wait here, please.
- Yes.
- Will you update us?
- I'll let you know.
- [Victoria] Let us know, Fermín.
- [Fermín] Yeah.
This is all my fault.
I should have talked to her before.
No, no, about what?
I don't know. It is what it is.
How could we know that would happen?
[phone ringing]
[pop music playing]
[phone continues ringing]
- Hello.
- [Victoria] Can I ask you to wait for me?
My sister, we told her.
She freaked out.
I'm with her at the hospital.
- All right, it's fine.
- [Roto growling]
I'll take care of it.
Thank you. Make sure
he doesn't break anything, please.
- Okay. Kisses, bye.
- [Roto continues growling]
No man, no, no, no! Man, no, no!
No, buddy, no, no, no.
No way, no way, no way.
I'm gonna hold you, okay?
You can't be on the floor anymore.
Oh God. Son of a bitch.
Thanks for coming, huh?
Sorry about last time,
I was really grouchy.
I don't know why I did those things,
but I'm really happy you're here.
It's all right.
We all really regret what happened.
Caro is what's most important.
I'm thinking about her.
- Yes, yes, her.
- [Lucila] Yes?
What happened with her father?
Why's she like that?
I went with her to look for him,
but we didn't find him.
Vicky did see her other sister,
and her dad found out.
- That's why Tere had to tell her
- Sister? There's another sister?
- [Teresa] Another.
- I'll tell you later, it's a long story.
- [Teresa] The doctor.
- [Victoria] Not now.
The baby is out of danger.
- Oh, great.
- Amazing.
Carolina had a hypertensive episode.
Yes, she was very anxious.
A 17-point peak is unusual
in someone so healthy.
Anyone with hypertension in the family?
- Any history of it?
- We don't know.
- The father has it? The grandparents?
- We aren't really sure.
- Congenital heart disease?
- No idea.
Well, we need this information,
as she's at an advanced maternal age.
But she is well, and the baby is too.
- Okay?
- Yes, thanks a lot.
You guys that's great news.
- Yes.
- Why'd she say "advanced maternal age"?
Why "advanced maternal age"?
She's younger than me. How can she be
"advanced maternal age," when I'm not old?
But you aren't a mother.
She's talking about Carolina.
It's really incredible
how you make everything all about you.
I don't know. It gave me a gut punch
when she said "advanced maternal age."
It's a medical term.
- A term that's vile.
- [Melina] Mm.
Will you wait for me
while I go get my laptop?
- Of course.
- Go to work. I'll stay here.
- I'll let you know when we get news.
- Sure?
- Yes, don't worry.
- Well, I better go to work.
- I'll come back later. I'll call.
- Would you like coffee?
No, thanks. There's a knot in my stomach.
No. Oh, how are you, Melina?
- Well, once Danny arrives, we'll eat.
- [Pablo] Okay.
- [sister-in-law] This picada is delicious.
- [woman] Almost.
- [Daniel] Oh
- [Diana] Hello.
- Sorry for the delay. How are you, family?
- [Diana] Good, hello.
- All good? Afternoon.
- [Bruna] Hi, Liana.
[Daniel] How's it going?
- Diana, with a "D." Diana.
- Ah! Diana
Oh, what a picada.
Let's see, let's see.
[Diana] Watch out for the cheeses.
They're peppered
It's fine, Ma.
- Mm!
- [man laughs]
[Diana] I told you they were peppered.
They make you cough. You wouldn't like it.
- Go play in the living room.
- Welcome back home, stranger!
What's the matter?
- [Santi] Nothing, you?
- [chuckles]
What's wrong? Where is your hat from?
Where did you get it from?
- It's my new hat.
- [Diana] Not the hat. It's everything.
No, you look like you're about
to dance flamenco. [chuckles]
Olé! That's it! Dance the Flamenco.
- All right.
- [laughter]
[Diana] Olé! Olé! Hey!
- [clapping]
- Stop it, my love.
Magui, is Nicolás here?
- In his office. With the assistant.
- Mm.
What assistant?
A girl who started today.
He didn't say anything?
[dreamy music playing]
- I didn't know you wanted an assistant.
- Good afternoon, Vicky. Nice to see you.
- I thought you were with your sister.
- I came to get my laptop.
Good afternoon. How nice to see you.
I didn't know you wanted an assistant.
I have been interviewing people
for quite some time. I need one. Why?
No, and what does she do?
I mean, why? Why is she here? What for?
She is a Business Administrator.
And she's also talented in other areas.
- She will be a great help.
- Right.
Half the world studies
Business Administration.
Well, anyone who doesn't know
what to do with their life studies B.A.
- It's typical.
- That's bad. Jealous?
- Me?
- Jealous of that girl?
Me? No, not at all.
No, I'm not a person
who is generally jealous.
Like, no,
- Like
- I don't know what it is.
Good. Much better, to be honest.
I think I will finally be able
to begin to delegate my responsibilities,
and have more time for me and for us too.
[giggles awkwardly] Yes, of course.
Because of us, now.
I mean, we We are
- 'Course we are.
- Of course we are. Right.
Can I tell my friends,
my family, everything?
If I have a wedding, you'll come with me?
It's like that, isn't it?
Yes, tell whoever you like.
If you have a wedding, we'll go.
Perfect, perfect.
- Mm-hmm.
- Right. And here at the office?
[Nicolás sucks teeth]
Here at the office seems a bit much.
You come and go, ask for favors.
What are they gonna say?
- Yeah. No, it's fine.
- Mm-hm.
No, it's fine.
I don't like to be hiding things.
- I don't want to hide.
- No, not hiding. That's something else.
- I'm saying
- Sure.
It's one thing to casually find out,
and another to go around saying,
"We are a couple"
- No, no.
- It doesn't seem right.
- No, like that, no.
- That's tacky, no?
- No?
- No, really tacky.
- [Magui] And how's the party coming along?
- Great.
- Are you doing it with Nicolás?
- Yes, it's very good.
You'll have noticed Nico and I are closer.
I'm telling you in confidence.
Oh, I didn't realize. Seriously?
You're unbelievable. Are you gonna
drag it out of me? I can't tell you.
It's just that Nico and I agreed.
We said
Okay, we're a couple.
If you want to know, I'll tell you.
Yes, we're together.
But you can't tell anyone
because mixing work with love
can make things sort of a little strange.
Forget about it, I won't say anything.
- Besides, Nicolás is very discreet.
- Right?
We already know that.
We won't crucify you if it slips out.
You're only human.
I wouldn't dare to talk
about Nicolás's private life again.
- I've been through that ordeal.
- What ordeal?
The one with his wife.
[awkward music plays]
I don't know what arrangement you have
because he is or he isn't.
He has girlfriends.
But, well, you must know all this,
now that you are with him officially.
- Don't be offended, we're laughing.
- But you're making fun
Who told you those clothes
look good on you? Seriously.
I said the trousers from Brazil are
super fashionable among Sertanejo singers.
And he is my husband,
and I think he looks gorgeous.
- That's all that matters.
- Gorgeous.
- I love you.
- I love them. And you.
- [Bruna] It works.
- From Brazil.
Opinions. I don't think you have
the body for that type of clothing.
I don't know. You're too tall,
and you have an urban style.
Very conventional, a very common face.
All right, this very common face
doesn't have an urban style anymore.
This face wants to have a style
that's different. This style.
Everything in this family
is like that, all structured, all
"Don't go in the sea. You will drown."
"Don't ride a bike. You're clumsy."
"Don't eat shellfish, you'll itch."
I want something different.
Not "punish those who want to try things."
It should be the other way around.
- Not anymore.
- What? But
- You know what? Come on.
- No, no, no, but wait.
- I came for a good time with my family.
- No, why don't we eat some food
This is the new Danny, okay? You see him?
Whoever doesn't like it, adiós.
Okay? And we're going.
- Come on. let's go.
- Bye, bye.
- [woman] All right, wait. It's a lot.
- [Daniel] A lot.
[Bruna laughs]
Nicolás requested not to be bothered.
Yes, but I'm not a bother.
I'm Victoria, the interior designer.
Could you let him know I
I'm the assistant.
He requested not to be bothered.
Look at how nice you are, Cata.
As well as pretty.
And tall. And blonde.
Could you tell him that I'm here, please?
When he comes out
and asks me something work-related.
I commend you for being committed
to his professional responsibilities.
But you don't know,
you wouldn't know who I am.
As well as being the interior designer,
I'm his girlfriend.
And girlfriends
don't ask permission to enter.
Are you married?
- Are you married?
- Where did you get that from?
Magui told me she doesn't want
to get involved in your relationships,
because it will cause problems
with your wife.
- Sit down.
- No, I'm not sitting down.
Now I know why you didn't want
anyone at the office to know.
You have that shitty assistant.
You took me
to the boondocks to have dinner,
and I told you, and I knew it,
so your women wouldn't meet each other.
- So that no one finds out.
- Sit down, please.
What I have to say is complex.
It's difficult.
Thank you.
I am not married, I'm separated.
I've always said that upfront.
Half of all the business
belonged to my ex.
Well, um, her father, Isaac.
I was paying him little by little.
I'm at 25% of the total.
You know? But this causes lots of,
um, friction and a lot of arguments.
That wasn't long or complicated.
I don't know why you didn't
explain it like that before.
You're right, true.
It's just that you don't know her.
She has caused
so many scandals here at the office.
Magui knows her. That's why
I didn't want Magui to know about it.
Because now the whole office knows.
Well, I'm sorry.
I don't know what scandal
she can cause if she's your ex.
I don't see the problem.
She likes coming out
to all the company parties.
And you and I are organizing the party.
I wanted everyone to know, but after.
Is that bad?
No, it isn't bad. It's I mean.
I don't know, I don't know.
Well, I complicated all this. Didn't I?
No, I'm really sorry.
I should have told you all of this
from the beginning. Sorry.
But I was afraid
that you'd leave me for being a guy with
a ton of baggage, with problems, with
- Me?
- Yes, you.
- No, just the reverse. I
- Well.
Anyway, the party worries me.
I don't know.
Yes, but the party is ages away.
- I'm sorry, really.
- Mm-hm.
[gentle music playing]
Did the girls leave?
They went to buy me something to eat,
because everything here makes you go, huh?
- Yeah, right.
- Yeah, horrible.
And how are you?
Not great. I don't know. Weird.
Like I don't
[smacks lips] It's weird.
I don't know who I am anymore.
[Victoria] Hm.
[exhales] Well,
if it makes you feel any better,
I know who my father is,
but I don't know who I am, either.
Don't you think it's weird?
Because we were two little girls.
I mean, I'm not saying
that he loved us that way, crazy,
but don't you get attached a little to?
It doesn't seem weird, it seems horrible.
Horrible, that's it.
I don't know.
For me, he's the only one
who knows the answer. I don't get it.
And and are you going to ask him?
Anyway, you know, I envy you a little
because at least you have a person
to ask about all these things.
- A person, yeah.
- I
- [Lucila] Girl.
- Person
- Hi.
- Hi, girl.
- Thanks.
- I put some honey in. How you like it.
- Why the sad face? Did something happen?
- Let's change the subject because
- A lot happened, but
- All right.
- Let's talk about Debbie's wedding.
- Yes.
- What do you guys wanna know?
- Are you gonna come with your friend?
Shall we say we know he isn't
your boyfriend or pretend he is?
- You know who I'm going with?
- [Lucila] With whom?
- With my boyfriend, for real.
- What?
A real boyfriend.
Laugh all you want. I have a boyfriend.
- Who is he?
- You wanna see him?
- Yeah.
- Yes.
All right, here we go. He's not online.
But I have a photo,
because he's my boss at the company.
- Nicolás?
- Yes.
- Look at him, I mean
- No, Vicky. Boyfriend?
- Ah!
- [Lucila] He's pretty hot.
Yes, I saw him.
- Sweetie, you're kidding.
- Well-dressed. He looks good.
Oh, I'm dying, You?
No. I can't even believe it,
I'm with such a dreamboat.
- Why not? Are you crazy?
- No, well I don't know.
I was feeling down because of Danny.
No, well. I don't know.
All right, but look at him. He's gorgeous.
He's very handsome, he's cute.
Did you tell her Danny is going to come?
Yes, but Danny's my friend.
Fine. It's your wedding. You decide.
[Victoria] I'm not going
to object to him being there.
Don't be rational. You're dying
for him to see you with that hunk.
- I want him to see that.
- [Lucila] Obviously.
So do I,
so I placed them at the same table.
- No.
- No! I love you!
I love you so much.
- [Débora] It's gonna be good.
- Hello.
Hey, sorry to bother you,
but I need you to come as soon as you can.
- What's the dog done now?
- Nothing's happened to the dog.
The dog is fine,
but he isn't an apartment kind of dog.
So he's a bit restless.
He's running around like crazy.
Listen. Just turn on the TV
and play cartoons.
He's a dog, not an eight-year-old child
who wants to watch a movie.
Give me a second. I have to go somewhere
and I'll come straight there. I promise.
[Roto panting]
Come over here.
Can you come here, please? Come.
You can't be on the bed.
You can't break everything.
For God's sake.
[intriguing music playing]
[knocking loudly]
I'm Victoria. I've come to see Héctor.
[woman] Victoria?
- Come in, look. He's working in there.
- Thank you.
I just came for a second.
I want to ask you some questions.
It won't take long.
We were at the hospital with Caro,
and I realized I don't know anything
about your medical history or your past.
Just a few questions.
- What happened to Caro?
- She's fine.
Her blood pressure was a bit higher
than normal, but she's all right now.
Are you hypertensive?
- No. No.
- Okay.
Diabetes? Cholesterol?
No, uh, diabetes, no.
Uh, well, cholesterol
I'm not sure. I don't eat well.
- A lot of salt.
- Hm.
Your parents? My grandparents,
I know nothing about them.
- Uh
- Heart disease? Anything like that?
Yes, uh
My mom, your grandma,
died during childbirth.
I don't know much more than that.
My father didn't tell me anything.
And he died of a heart attack. So, yes.
At what age?
- I was seventeen.
- Uh-huh.
And he was 42.
Hm. Siblings. I mean, did your dad
have any other children or anything?
No, no, no.
No. I suppose it was the loneliness.
My house was dreary, ugly, cold.
- But he didn't die from that.
- No.
They say individuals who live in a family
live a much longer life.
Oh, so is that
why you had a second family?
You already beat your father by 20 years.
Well done.
Listen to me.
I, that Saturday,
went to get you girls.
My plan was to take you to the theater.
But you didn't come.
[emotional music playing]
No, no, no. I felt so alone, very
Very unhappy.
Pretty much like us, our whole lives.
I don't know if your mother told you,
but I tried to speak to her.
I wanted to forgive her,
because I missed you so much.
Don't even think about
trying to blame my mother.
What did you want her to do?
You turn up after two years.
You turn up, what? Did you want her
to throw a party? To get applause?
I know. I really hurt you
but I ruined my life too.
I wanted to have a family,
but I didn't know how.
No, I couldn't have one.
You could with Laura.
You knew how to with Laura.
Well, for me, Laura was an opportunity.
And I made the most of it.
I wanted to redeem myself.
You didn't redeem yourself.
You have no idea how hurtful it is
that your father doesn't love you.
- You have no idea.
- I did everything wrong with you.
You don't know how much I loved you.
How much I love you.
You don't know how much I love you both.
Perfect, Héctor.
[Victoria sighs]
Is there any kind
of health issue that you want to
That you have to tell me about?
Anything I might need?
- Okay.
- What about you?
Don't you wanna tell me anything
before you leave?
That you lost an incredible daughter.
[emotional music continues]
[Matías] That's it. Okay.
Come on. That's it.
Well done. What a mess you've made.
A real mess. Come on.
[door closes]
- [Roto whimpers and growls]
- Someone is going to be mad.
[Victoria gasps]
- What is this?
- Sorry. Sorry.
What ha? Do you know?
Do you know how much this shoe cost me?
- No, I don't know.
- What happened?
The dog went crazy.
I've cleaned three times,
and he did the same thing.
- He did all this?
- I couldn't stop him.
- He broke all my things.
- But he's calmed down now.
But, they
They're all my, my, my things, my books.
I took his bandage off,
and he's much calmer now.
Listen, Laura the vet
told me that the dog is fine.
- Oh, he's all right?
- Yes, yes, he's fine.
- Is he better?
- He's much better.
- That's great.
- Aren't you better?
I'm happy that you're feeling better
because you are going to leave.
Come here. Come here.
You are super cute, huh?
- Uh.
- You see those shoes Roto,
those shoes cost me a lot.
- He's a dog. He doesn't understand.
- These are my favorite.
- He doesn't know what you're saying.
- Let's go.
- We're going.
- Hey. Vicky, wait.
[Victoria] Let's go.
Let's go to Roto's natural habitat.
- Wait, wait.
- That is, roaming the streets.
Don't look at me as if I were a villain
because I paid for the operation.
I let him stay for two days,
he broke half the apartment. That's it.
- What can I do?
- He's a street dog.
He doesn't know what he can't break.
I've had it with things breaking
and no one has any clue about it.
Go on like the stray dog you are.
Go and do whatever stray dogs do.
Rummage around the trash,
eat a bunch of shit,
go play with your stray friends,
do what you like. Bye, I'm leaving.
[Roto whimpers]
[humorous music playing]
Come on, he's making me feel
like I'm abandoning him.
I'm not abandoning him.
What do I do to make him understand?
You aren't mine, you don't live with me.
You are a stray. Go!
You know what the problem is?
He's a dog. I don't think he understands.
Oh come on, don't do that.
All right, okay.
It's all right. This is what we'll do.
You're adorable, you're coming with me,
but you cannot jump on the bed,
or bite the furniture, or shoes.
You can't do any of that.
You have to be a little English gentleman.
And I'm gonna change your name,
because we can't both be broken, Roto.
All right. Later, goodbye.
- What do you mean "later"?
- I mean, "See you tomorrow."
You are coming in
to clean the mess up there, mister.
I'm not adopting him alone.
He's ours, both of ours.
Am I the father?
All right, yeah. Okay.
Let's go.
["Trampas" by Isla de Caras playing]
All right. Hey, come here.
[Matías] Come on, come on.
[Victoria] There you go. Good boy.
["Trampas" continues playing]
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