Eva Lasting (2023) s01e09 Episode Script

Así hablo Zaratustra

[gentle music plays]
[adult Camilo] Being alone with Luisa in
that room because of Eva really hurt me.
It was proof that she didn't care
if I was with another woman.
[gentle music continues]
[Luisa] Mm.
We did very well on our homework.
Eva's very intelligent and quick-witted.
[laughs awkwardly]
Camilo, did you know that, in the end,
Nietzsche couldn't bear to share
Lou Salomé's love with his best friend
and because of that,
he made her choose between them?
So she left with the poet Paul Rée.
No, I didn't. [chuckles]
[Luisa laughs]
Poor Nietzsche must have
suffered a lot, right?
Although Eva says
it was his fault for making her choose.
She simply loved them both.
Do you think, um,
someone is capable of loving two people
at the same time?
I think that one finds true love
just once in a lifetime.
[adult Camilo] It was incredible,
but at that moment,
I spoke to Luisa as if she were Eva,
and I was able to tell her things
that I wasn't normally able to say.
I swear that, as soon as I saw you
walk through the door,
everything changed for me.
A simple glance was enough to know
that you were the woman
I wanted to be with forever.
[romantic music plays]
[Luisa] Uh, um
I've never been with anyone.
Well Well, I haven't either.
[romantic music continues]
Do you love me?
You're definitely
the love of my life.
[adult Camilo] At this point,
I vented my frustration
by taking advantage
of the moment that Luisa was offering me.
That afternoon,
in the house of the woman I loved,
out of spite,
I made love to the woman who loved me.
[funky music plays]
[doorbell rings]
Martín. [whistles]
What are you doing here?
Where's Luisa?
Inside, finishing the assignment.
I had to go to the supermarket
to buy some stuff.
Oh, no, no, no. But, no, no, no.
I didn't find what I need.
Weren't you picking her up later?
I finished early. I don't want
her to be around you too much.
Why? You still think
I'm a bad influence on her or what?
[sighs] Please let her know
I'm here.
Yeah, of course.
[Eva clears throat] Yeah, yeah.
Okay, okay.
[gentle music plays]
[adult Camilo] It was the first time
I had sex.
Luisa did her best
to make it a special moment,
but under the circumstances,
it was definitely heartbreaking.
Was it good?
Yeah, really good.
Martín is downstairs.
Oh, fuck!
- What, already?
- [Eva] Yeah, he's here.
He can't know I'm here.
Yeah, Luisa, you come with me.
And you stay here until I tell you.
Come on now.
[Luisa] Mm-hm.
- Bye.
- [Camilo] Bye.
[Luisa] Hey.
Why did you come so early?
Weren't you coming at 6:00?
Yes, but Granados had a problem at home
and we couldn't work on the assignment.
[Luisa] Hm.
But why? What were you doing?
Nothing. The assignment.
No problem then.
- I can wait until you're done.
- [Eva] No, no, no. No, no.
There's no need, we already finished.
Oh. How did it go?
Great. It's good.
Uh, we should get a good grade.
[Eva] Yeah.
[clears throat] Eva,
do you mind if I use your bathroom?
[tense music plays]
Yeah, yeah. It's right down the stairs
to the left.
Got it.
Thank you.
- Sure.
- [Salcedo] Be right back.
[tense music continues]
[both sigh in relief]
[tense music continues]
[tense music continues]
[furniture clatters]
[tense music continues]
[Eva] That's not the bathroom.
I said down the stairs on the left.
I heard you wrong.
I got lost.
I heard noises in there.
[Eva] The cat.
Shall we?
[Eva clears throat]
Come on.
[intriguing music plays]
- [Salcedo] Bye.
- [Eva] Bye.
[Luisa] Bye.
[Eva clears throat] Have a nice day.
[clock ticks]
[Camilo] Hm?
[Camilo] "I need you to answer my calls."
"I can explain."
- "Dad."
- [knocking on door]
[Eva sighs] They're gone.
Uh, Salcedo didn't notice anything?
He's suspicious, but no.
He couldn't confirm anything.
- Oh.
- [clock continues ticking]
Camilo, Luisa is taking
too many risks with this.
Well, honestly, we're both taking a risk.
Well Yeah. Okay.
I just hope that you love her
as much as she loves you, Camilo.
Yeah. Of course I do.
[gentle music plays]
[adult Camilo] There was no turning back.
Not only had I lost Eva forever,
but I had deceived a good person.
However, something else was tormenting me.
The telegram from Eva's father.
What was that about an explanation?
[Camilo] "I love those
who do not know how to live,
except by going under,
for they are those who cross over."
[adult Camilo] Nothing could be
more convenient for my case
than Nietzsche's words.
If anyone was going under
into his own decadence, it was me.
But what did the philosopher mean
by "crossing over?"
[gentle music continues]
[knocking on door]
[Ana] Honey. The phone.
- Hello?
- Hi, it's me.
Hi, how are you?
Really good.
I'm calling to tell you
that it was the happiest and really
the most exciting day of my life.
It was all very special, and
I never thought I would love someone
as much as I love you.
I feel like I'm floating. [giggles]
[chuckles] Thank you.
Well, I have to go.
I'm sending you a big kiss,
and I hope you think of me at least
a fraction of how much I think of you.
[melancholy music plays]
[Salcedo] Who were you talking to?
- None of your business.
- Watch that tone, lady.
- [groans] Leave me alone, Martín.
- You can forget about that.
Tell me who you were talking to
and why you were sighing.
Why? That's not your problem.
Hey, hey, what is going on here?
Are you fighting again?
[Salcedo] Little missy
is making suspicious calls.
When I asked who she was talking to,
all I got was confrontation.
You should wash your mouth with soap.
Can you see this, Mom?
Who knows at what point
Martín started to think he was my father?
He won't leave me alone. Right, you idiot?
Don't talk to your brother like that. I
don't see anything wrong with telling him.
With Eva. Happy now?
Is that the girl
from the Mother's Day spectacle?
That's right. Since they've become
best friends, Luisa's been so sassy.
You wouldn't believe it, Mom.
She just won't listen.
Because you're not my father.
But he's your big brother.
Do you want me to tell you what my big
brother does when he comes home late?
What lie are you making up?
He goes to a disgusting theater
to watch filthy porno movies.
- That's a lie!
- [mother] Enough.
Luisa, don't get defensive
and attack your brother.
[Luisa scoffs]
I don't know why I argue with you
if I always lose the battle.
- I'm tired of you.
- Luisa!
Luisa, come back, we're not finished yet!
[adult Camilo] Between my guilt
about what happened with Luisa
and the questions about Eva's life,
the night passed
and I couldn't focus on Zarathustra.
Even though I knew
that for some of my classmates
the grade for the course
depended on that assignment.
Meanwhile, Luisa continued to show signs
of her new rebellious side.
[Luisa laughs]
[adult Camilo] She did not wait
for her brother to go to school
and decided to ignore his warning
about talking to any of us
without his presence.
How did it go with Lou Salomé?
Well, you'll see the paper,
but I think
we discovered many interesting things.
Of course, Miss Samper.
The important thing is to discover.
Yes. We discovered, for example,
that a woman can make her own decisions
without owing anything to anyone.
- [boys] Ooh!
- Shut the fuck up, idiots!
Thank you.
- [Salcedo] Morons.
- Thank you.
[teacher] Who's next?
The Acuñas!
Let's see what you found.
- Stand up. And your brother?
- He's sick, Professor.
He's sick? What happened to him now?
Hm. Who knows?
[teacher] Excuses. Let's see.
Hurry up. We don't have all day.
- Who else is in your group?
- Just us.
Only you?
We saw the ad at the school
that you write papers.
And we figured
you could help write these for us as well.
You'll see, ma'am
Camilo cannot know about this.
- That's imperative.
- Don't worry, he won't.
I'm gonna do this,
because I really need the money,
but it's the first
and the last time, okay?
- Yeah.
- Yeah, sure.
[teacher] "The Genealogy of Morality."
How did it go reading the book?
Excellent. Believe me,
we worked very hard and we learned a lot.
[teacher] We'll see
how you do in the presentation.
Hopefully, by then,
your brother will be feeling better.
Because the topic of morality
Do you know what morality is?
- Of course.
- [teacher] Right.
Well, it's crucial. Fundamental.
I think you can sit down now, Will.
Next group.
Um, Castro.
With Thus Spoke Zarathustra. Your group?
We didn't do the assignment, Professor.
You made us look like total idiots, man.
Yeah, Camilo. We should kick your ass
for being irresponsible.
You made a commitment to us.
Yes, I know. I'm sorry, but I couldn't.
What do you want from me?
You also knew that without that grade
I would definitely flunk the class.
We should've done what the Acuñas did.
I'm sure they paid for that paper.
That's it. You're right, man.
We have to ask for that contact
for emergencies like this.
No, no, no, no! As my mom says,
honesty is always the best policy,
especially in your studies.
Look where your mom's honesty got us, man.
No offense.
So? Did the problems
continue at home, or what?
Yes. Yes.
That's why I couldn't finish it.
What happened?
It's just that
my mom found out
that my dad is having an affair.
Your father?
[sighs] Yeah.
He just seemed so serious.
Well, you can't really judge a book
by its cover.
Me and my mom still can't believe it. Uh
My house is a shithole
like you wouldn't believe.
I really get you, bro.
When my dad left with that woman he got,
it all went to hell at home.
Hopefully that won't happen.
Maybe he'll come to his senses
and won't leave, because
Well, hopefully. Fathers are important.
I try to replace him at home,
but it's not the same.
I can't deal with Luisa.
[Camilo] What do you mean?
I'm sure someone is playing with her
and promising her castles in the sky.
And I'm sure Eva's covering for Luisa.
Do you think
that you might be imagining things?
Yesterday, when I went over to the house
to pick her up, they were acting weird.
Why did you come so early?
Weren't you coming at 6:00?
I realized they were not alone.
Then, later that night,
I overheard Luisa talking on the phone.
Who were you talking to?
And then, sighing, bro.
She won't admit it, but it's very clear
in my head, she's talking to a guy.
I think I know who that Romeo is.
Yeah. I don't trust that moron.
I've seen him playing coy with Luisa.
[Luisa laughs]
Remember the excuse he made up yesterday?
I can't go.
I have a game that's very important.
- He had a game, dude.
- That was an okay excuse.
But I think he went to Eva's.
He's the guy they were with.
- [Luisa] Hello.
- Come here. Listen.
It's better to be discreet
and be very careful, because
your brother is getting really suspicious.
Why? What did he tell you?
Yesterday, he noticed you were
acting weird when you left Eva's house,
and last night,
I think he overheard you on the phone.
- Yeah. We had a fight about that.
- Mm-hm.
But I don't think
the solution is for us to hide.
Quite the contrary.
We should tell everyone
that we are dating. Even Martín.
[Camilo] No, no! No way.
Don't even think about it.
Why? It's not like we're two little kids
doing something wrong.
The thing is, when you came to the school,
Martín warned us that if we
messed with you, he would kill us,
and I believe him.
And I'm tired
of being afraid of that fool.
What? My father left
and now he thinks he's the boss?
No, Camilo. That's not how it works.
Those times, when women
used to be afraid of men
and had to obey everything they said,
are long gone.
Now, us women can make our own decisions,
whether men like them or not.
[adult Camilo] These were the consequences
of Eva's powerful influence.
Who, in a matter of a few short days,
had turned Luisa into a feminist.
And now my problems
were multiplied a hundredfold.
I agree with that.
[adult Camilo] So now, for the moment,
I had to buy some time.
I believe that we should wait a little bit
till the tide recedes,
for things to calm down,
a-and find the perfect moment
t-to tell the others and Martín
what is happening, so it doesn't
become a problem for us. Okay?
- Okay.
- There. Fine.
But just don't take too long. Okay?
- I can't wait to kiss you whenever I want.
- Yeah, me too.
- Bye.
- [Camilo] See ya.
[upbeat music plays]
[Rodrigo] You hooked up
with Salcedo's sister?
Shut your fucking mouth!
I don't want everyone to know.
That's tough.
[adult Camilo] At this point,
I needed a confidante.
This was a problem that I couldn't
even talk to my parents about,
much less Eva.
My respect, Granados.
You don't fear death,
or you met the woman of your life.
No, no way. Neither of those.
Wait, what? You're not in love?
Well, if I'm telling you the truth,
not enough to risk my life over her.
I don't mean to worry you,
but you know what will happen
when he realizes
you're messing with his sister?
- [Rodrigo] What will you do?
- I don't know. I swear, I don't.
You'd better figure something out
before things escalate.
- Are you serious? They already have?
- Sh!
Yeah, well, I was thinking
something maybe like
Maybe ignoring her or treating her bad.
I mean, she might get disappointed
No, no, no, brother. Forget it.
Hey, what are you doing, you moron?
- [Eva] Enough.
- What is wrong with you?
What's up with you?
I'm not an idiot.
You think I don't know what you're doing?
What are you talking about?
I was just showing Luisa
how to use the cue stick.
Really? She doesn't need a moron like you
to teach her anything.
- Calm down, Martín.
- Don't meddle, Eva. Doesn't concern you.
It concerns me, and you're making a scene.
- Shut it, Luisa.
- Go shut someone else up, you fool.
Shut up it and get your things.
We're leaving.
Unless you want me to beat this fucker up!
[rock music plays]
- Sometimes I hate you, Martín.
- I don't give a fuck.
- And you?
- Listen.
We'll talk later.
Don't you think I'm stupid.
- Everyone is looking.
- Fine!
[rock music continues]
[Eva] In that case, I think
the best way to avoid things like that
is to stop hiding.
Martín is gonna freak out.
He's gonna make a fuss. He's gonna fight.
But he has to realize
that he's not the owner of Luisa's life.
Yeah, right, but the thing is,
that's not the problem, Eva.
The problem is
that I don't wanna date Luisa.
What? But why?
Well, I realized
that I don't love her anymore.
What do you mean?
So when did you realize that?
After you slept with her?
No, obviously not. That was wrong.
[Eva scoffs]
What a coincidence
that you realized it was wrong just now.
It's better now than never.
I can't believe it.
Camilo, I can't believe it.
I bluntly asked
if you were in love with Luisa.
- Yeah, I
- I begged you to be nice and honest.
I thought you were
a different kind of person.
What are you talking about?
About that machismo that made men
feel like they need to conquer
and take advantage of women
that choose to sleep with who they love,
then they're automatically
known as promiscuous.
What? Come on, it's not that.
Eva, come on, please.
Is that so? If not,
then what is it, Camilo? What is it?
So what changed? You were
supposedly so excited with Luisa,
then right after you actually sleep
with her, you don't love her anymore?
- What is it? Say it?
- [Camilo] I don't know.
I don't want Luisa to suffer.
How considerate.
Why didn't you think of that
before all that happened?
Well, 'cause I didn't think that
It hadn't occurred to me.
[Eva] How disappointing, Camilo.
I thought you were different.
[Eva scoffs]
Please, Eva.
[adult Camilo] It was true, what Eva said.
Since the day I had refused
to go with my friends to the whorehouse,
I had begun to feel
morally superior to them.
But what I had with Luisa was low.
I was literally
having sex as a bargaining chip.
For something other than true love.
I was not different,
but the same as everyone else.
That discovery hit me hard.
And as a way to preserve some dignity,
I decided I could not
continue misleading Luisa.
I had to end the relationship.
And if everything
had started with a letter,
it had to end with a letter.
I was sure that what I wrote
would not only be read by Luisa,
but also Eva.
Therefore, I had to be very careful
with every word I put on paper.
[pensive music plays]
- Is this what I think it is?
- Yes.
Wouldn't it be better
if you told her in person?
I was thinking about it,
and since it started like this.
maybe it should end like this.
[scoffs] What a lame excuse
to justify your cowardice, Camilo.
I guess you're right.
Are you okay with that?
No, but nothing in this story has ever
been right. It all started by mistake.
Fine. Anyway, I guess
since I helped you guys get into this,
I should help you get out of it.
- Thank you. Honestly.
- No. Don't thank me.
I hate being a part of this,
and I hate what you're doing.
[adult Camilo] I had to avoid
total disaster
and try to salvage
something from the wreckage
Eva! Wait.
You're right. I can't end this
with a simple letter.
[melancholy music plays]
[adult Camilo] Eva offered her home
for the tragic ritual
of ending a relationship unilaterally.
And if it had been difficult
to find the words to write a letter,
finding the words to actually say
was about to make my head explode.
I told you I'm not going with you.
Don't insist.
I'm going to Eva's house for tea.
- You can't just do what you want.
- What are you going to do?
Drag me by the hair?
- Well, if I have to.
- [Luisa] Oh, really?
I dare you to see if it works.
I'm disappointed, Eva.
You promised
you weren't messing with Luisa.
Filling her head with nonsense.
For your information, Martín,
that nonsense you mention
has always been there.
Maybe you're too simple-minded
and just didn't realize it until now.
Fine. Do whatever you want.
But you know what?
You're going back to the house.
We'll see if play that bold card with Mom.
[inhales sharply] I'm trembling.
[rock music plays]
What are you fools laughing at? Morons.
Come on, Castro, come on!
What's wrong with you?
She's with Eva, what's the problem?
He's blaming me
for things that didn't happen. Yeah!
Great goal! You know what, Salcedo?
I'll tell you something.
I like your sister. As a friend.
She's amazing.
But out of respect to you,
I'd never try anything with her. Okay?
You know that I'm a solid, loyal friend.
Well, to be honest,
I'm more worried about Eva than for her
to be stuck with some dumbass like you.
- Hey, hey, hey, what did you say?
- Please shut it.
I just think you really should stop
thinking so poorly of everyone, Salcedo.
They're women. They like to be alone.
They may be talking about things
they don't want us to hear.
[Rodrigo] Goal.
Eva never had anything
she couldn't talk about with us.
Of course.
Because she didn't have a girlfriend.
- I don't quite buy that story.
- Didn't I tell you to shut up?
- [Camilo groans]
- No, bro. I just say what I think.
Am I wrong or what?
- Goal!
- Whoa, good one!
Right, right. Everyone, calm down.
I do trust in Eva,
and I don't know your sister that well,
but she seems like a serious girl.
I can't play anymore,
because problems at home are still serious
and I don't want to leave my mom alone.
Salcedo, come on.
They're beating us. Bye. Bye.
- See you.
- [Rodrigo] Salcedo.
[Salcedo] Granados.
[rock music plays]
You can't leave.
I know things seem
a little tough right now,
but I really need your help.
Come on, please.
Yeah. It's fine.
I don't know if this is a good idea, man.
I don't think Castro
is the man messing around with my sister.
That sucker doesn't have
the guts to do that.
It has to be a friend of Eva's.
- What?
- [Salcedo] Yeah.
There's no smoke without fire.
They insisted on leaving together.
To have a little tea? Nah, my ass.
I don't want to take
anything away from your sister,
but I don't think Eva's friends
would really be interested
in a young girl like your sister.
Why not? You think
my sister isn't worth it?
No, no, no. Not at all.
Listen. You know those kinds of people
who think they're above everybody.
Just remember what happened
with Angélica, Eva's friend.
Yeah, but that is different.
Men will be men.
What do you mean, Martín?
[adult Camilo] "Men will be men"
was a very '70s idea,
and it meant, no more, no less,
that we men did not think with our heads,
but with our genitals.
Come on, dude.
[adult Camilo] A stereotype that,
in this case,
I myself was also responsible
for reinforcing.
I just really need to know if some
rich kid is screwing my sister, man.
Because if so,
I swear I'll kill him and eat the body.
Even if I have to spend time in the joint.
- Are you in?
- Well, I'm here, right?
Thank you.
I'll do it to make you realize
how incredibly wrong you are.
I hope you're right. I really hope so.
Because, you see,
it may not seem like it,
but it's just that I really love her, bro.
Please try to understand.
I might not be a father or a husband,
but my sister and my mom
are all I have left.
I just don't want them to suffer.
[gentle music plays]
I just couldn't say no to Salcedo.
And where is he?
He's in a park a few blocks away.
Listen, I
I-I was supposed to get here
as a surprise,
because he's convinced
that Luisa is with a friend of yours.
You'd better get things
straightened out, Camilo.
- Luisa's waiting for you.
- [Camilo] Okay.
Did you mention anything?
Nothing. She still thinks
this is a romantic date.
[Eva] Camilo.
You're gonna break her heart, so please
do your best not to be cruel to her.
- Go!
- Yeah.
[melancholy music plays]
- [Luisa] Hey.
- Hey.
I love all the books Eva has here.
Can you believe she's read them all?
Yeah. She's just very good at reading.
[Luisa] Yeah.
Someday, I'd like to be like her.
[both chuckle]
[Luisa] Come, sit down.
[Camilo sighs]
[Luisa chuckles]
Uh, we need to talk.
Why do you look like that?
Did something happen? Did Martín find out?
No, no, no. Nothing happened.
But it's just that
we can't keep seeing each other.
Um But why?
Well, because we're risking
way too much, and you
Your brother knows you're seeing someone.
He's convinced of it. And he won't rest
until he knows who that is. Uh
[Luisa] I don't care.
I gave you the solution.
Martín can go ballistic if he wants to.
I'm fine with that.
Yeah, but your mother?
Same thing.
My mom and the whole world can go to hell.
Unless Martín and my mom are just more
important to you than what we both have.
- No, it's not that. It's that you, well
- Why don't you look me in the eye?
[soft music plays]
We're breaking up.
[Camilo] Yes. I've really
thought about it a lot,
but I think that it's for the best,
especially for you.
No. It's not for me.
Please tell me one thing.
You just don't love me enough
to fight for it, right?
No, Luisa.
No. Not enough.
[soft music continues]
When did you realize?
- Before or after you slept with me?
- Before we did it.
[emotional music plays]
Anything else?
Is there more to discuss?
I'm really sorry.
[emotional music continues]
[Luisa cries]
[Eva] Luisa.
Did you know?
Why didn't you tell me?
Because it was Camilo who had to tell you.
[emotional music continues]
[Luisa sobs]
I feel so [sobs]
- Like I'm gonna Gonna die.
- Luisa, nobody dies of love. Okay?
Trust me. I'm an expert in love sickness.
I'm not like you. Can't you see that?
[sobs] I'm not that strong.
Well, if you need to die,
resurrect right away,
because the world's not slowing down
and you have a whole life ahead of you.
If I could get over Guzmán,
you can do it too.
[emotional music continues]
[Luisa cries]
[emotional music continues]
[music fades]
Well, I think she got it.
If you're at ease with your conscience,
I'm happy for you.
Why are you so mad at me?
- It doesn't matter.
- I think it's important.
Because I'm sad for Luisa.
Because I find it really unfair
that she gave you her all,
and just because you decided
you don't love her, you broke her heart.
- That's not the reason.
- Oh no? Then why?
How do I explain it?
I made a stupid plan to date Luisa
in order make you jealous,
but it went very wrong, Eva,
because, in reality, I love only you and I
wanna be with you and this is the moment
[adult Camilo] But I couldn't do it.
Unlike what happened to me with Luisa,
with Eva, I was unable to open my heart.
[sighs] No, please, relax, okay? No need
to explain to me what we already know.
Now leave.
Martín must be waiting for news.
Oh. Yeah.
- Are you sure of that?
- Yeah, nobody else.
I'm sure they were alone.
That's weird.
I just saw Luisa leaving Eva's house.
Why is that weird?
I don't know.
So you were by yourself in the house?
And Luisa left alone?
- That's not right.
- No, no. Nothing happened.
Your sister was totally scared
as you threatened her when we left school,
and she didn't want to get home late,
and that's it.
So I stayed with Eva finding out
what you wanted me to find out.
- And?
- No, nothing. Everything's just fine.
No one's playing with your sister, man.
You're making the whole thing up
in your head.
[Salcedo] Could it be
that those two girls tricked you?
You know how devious Eva is
Enough with that, bro. Come on!
Enough of that bullshit, Salcedo.
There you go again with that story.
Don't believe me, poke around on your own,
but don't talk shit about Eva.
She's not a devious person.
I think she's amazing. If you don't
trust me, then find out for yourself.
Man, just relax.
Camilo, you're losing your shit.
Calm down, dude.
You'd better cheer up. Look.
Apparently, your parents
are back together.
Don't forget this time.
- Really?
- I'm kidding. [laughs]
Hi, how are you doing?
So? Your mom forgave him or what?
Well, yeah. Or maybe it was a false alarm
and my mom was imagining the whole thing.
Like you with your sister.
[Camilo scoffs]
[gentle music plays]
[adult Camilo] A new ritual.
The destruction of those notes.
Of those first words of love
that someone had written to me.
It was a vain attempt
to push away the guilt I was feeling
by turning it into small fragments
that would end up in the trash can.
A very sad end to an illusion
that time would mercilessly
turn into a painful and shameful memory.
Although, apparently,
Luisa had taken things with maturity,
the next day, the crisis blew up.
[Luisa] Miss, I need to leave.
What's happening, Miss Salcedo?
[Luisa] I have to go.
Uh, Professor, may I go with her? Please?
Thank you.
[tense music plays]
[Eva] Luisa.
Luisa. Luisa! Please.
[tense music continues]
[knocking on door]
[Eva] Luisa, please open the door
and let's talk.
I don't wanna talk to anyone. Thank you.
Do you wanna go to my house?
I just wanna die.
[Salcedo] Where is she?
Not now, Martín. Please.
- [knocking on door]
- Luisa! Open the door.
[Luisa] Go away, Martín. I don't want
to talk to anyone, let alone you.
Tell me right now
what the fuck is going on.
- [Luisa] Nothing.
- Yeah, right. Nothing happened.
That's why you ran out of class.
- Because everything's okay.
- Martín, it's not the right moment.
Do you know what's happening now?
Yeah. The Salcedo family's just crazy.
Luisa! I'm gonna knock the door down.
I understand Salcedo though.
Taking care of a sister at a school
must be a nightmare.
He doesn't even take care of her.
He just keeps harassing her all the time.
Yeah, bro, but
[Gustavo] Sh. Sh.
Salcedo, what happened? Come on, Salcedo.
Tell us. Come on, bro.
- What do we do?
- [Álvaro] Hey, let's go.
- Let's not leave him alone.
- [Álvaro] Salcedo!
- Salcedo, dude. What are you
- Shut the door!
[tense music plays]
- [Álvaro] What are you doing?
- [Camilo] Hey, wait!
What are you doing?
- Martín, you have to calm down.
- Fuck no.
[adult Camilo] Another step
of the break-up rituals of those times
was the return of the love letters.
And that day, Luisa was going to give me
back the ones I had written to her.
Even though I had never signed them,
those letters contained clues that,
with a little investigation,
would lead to their author.
I felt close to the gallows.
Who wrote this?
- You?
- No. No, no, no, no. No.
[Salcedo] You?
[Salcedo] You, Pabón?
N-No, sir.
[tense music continues]
Are you sure?
- Yeah, I'm sure.
- [Gustavo] Why? What is that?
[tense music continues]
[Álvaro] Wait.
No idea, man. Come on!
[Salcedo] Luisa!
Whose fucking letters are these?
- What are you gonna do?
- I don't know.
I really don't know.
Whose? Huh?
[tense music plays]
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