Extinct (2017) s01e09 Episode Script


We need to remove it before moving him again.
- Can't you just pull it out? - No! The arrowhead will tear more tissue or dislodge from the shaft.
- We have to cut it out! - You can't do it here - They could attack any moment.
- LYNN: It's near the subclavian artery.
Moving him is not a good idea.
Staying here is a worse idea.
Break the shaft.
It'll It will take off some weight.
It won't shift as much when we move him, but it's still a risk.
- Just do it.
- No.
EZRA: Hold him still.
Wait, you're hurting him.
Keep it still! [GRUNTING.]
That's one archer down.
Knowing Rowyn, she'll have them at every entrance.
Get the others.
Tell them we found the other settlement.
Thomas said there was an entrance on the back side of this bluff.
Watch it.
Kill anyone that tries to leave.
LYNN: Help me get him inside! Ah! - Easy.
Go! We've got this.
Are you sure the arrowhead is carrying the parasite? - Ah! - Don't! I need to reach the wound, Kylie.
I'm cutting fabric.
Be careful.
You're hurting him! Why don't you boil water? See if Rowyn left behind any supplies Bandages, medicine, anything that might help.
Are you trying to get rid of me? I'm trying to save Nicholas' life.
And I can't do it alone.
Fresh tracks in the back heading north.
Who was up there with you, Ezra? Was the arrowhead carrying the parasite? I don't see how.
The larval stages are intercellular.
Riders carry it with them.
This is what they do.
Right now, I'm more concerned about removing this and stopping the bleeding.
If the arrowhead was laced, you shouldn't touch me.
That's a chance we'll have to take.
No! We live by the rule and no exceptions.
What rule? The one you instituted.
The one rule we don't break.
No one becomes a Skin Rider.
It's not fair to the individual and it's not safe for the community.
Kylie, she thought I was going to kill you.
That's the rule.
If I'm infected, you have to.
ls anyone within range?.]
Brothers, sisters, Silas has betrayed us.
You must come to me.
ABRAM: Isn't there something we can do for him? YELLOW: The parasite is too widespread.
Even the Sparks can't help him.
FEENA: But why would the parasite kill him? Doesn't it realize if Silas dies, it dies with him? The parasite will make that sacrifice to prevent Silas from revealing the location of the Ancestor.
It's trying to silence him? He's in a coma.
He can't talk anyway.
RED: Not vocally, but Silas can speak.
- ABRAM: How? - I can bring him to a dream state where I can connect your mind with his.
Connect our minds? There, you'll be able to ask him the location of the Ancestor.
But Jax carried you to the Ancestor.
You know where it is.
You don't have to ask.
I was disabled for the journey.
I know it's in a cave.
I don't know where.
Are there risks involved? Of connecting my mind to his? For you, aneurysm, stroke, seizure, blindness, paralysis Then forget it.
How high of a risk? No way, Abram! You're not doing this.
RED: Ten percent, roughly.
Silas came here to give us this information, Feena.
He's trying to right a wrong.
I don't care about his conscience.
- I care about you.
- I'm trying to right a wrong too.
You didn't give those people the virus, Abram.
The other Abram did.
And only because the Obelisk told him to.
I'm supposed to do this.
Is that what the Obelisk is telling you? It's what I'm telling me.
What do I do? What took you so long? You said come after lights out.
Yeah, that was ten minutes ago.
Well, I'm here.
What is it? We're leaving tonight.
Everyone who isn't taking the virus is going north.
Why? The Sparks haven't even made a virus yet.
Yeah, Rowyn doesn't want to be here when they do.
Well, Rowyn's not in charge.
Anyway, she can't leave yet.
My parents aren't ready.
Your parents aren't coming.
That's what I heard from Levi.
Your mom said she's staying to take care of everyone who takes the virus.
My mom wants nothing to do with the virus, my dad either.
I'm just telling you what I heard.
Hey, you don't have to stay though.
You need to come with us.
It's not safe here.
It's not safe outside the walls either.
I'll protect you.
You're serious? Hey, Rowyn says a new community will need archers.
You and I, we could do that together.
I'm not leaving my parents, Nico.
I can't.
Not for you or for any other friend.
Stupid idea.
Forget it.
KYLIE: So it's true? We're staying? Well, we're not taking the virus, Kylie.
We're just monitoring those who do.
I'm a nurse.
If there are any complications, I can help.
You said the virus was dangerous.
I said it might be.
We'll take precautions.
We can catch up with Jax and the others later on.
JAX: How? You can't know where we're going.
The Skin Riders get that intel and we're compromised.
We pick a rendezvous point, and we'll signal you when we get there.
You're putting yourselves and Kylie at risk here.
We'll make the dining hall into a quarantine room.
Everyone who takes the virus will stay in there.
And what, you're going to go in there and treat people? In a containment suit, yes.
They made a choice to do this.
I don't see why you need to endanger yourself for their sake.
Because they're like family, Jax.
Many of them are children.
We cannot just abandon these people.
JAX: What about our people? Those of us wise enough not to take the virus.
We need leadership outside these walls.
Which you can provide.
No one looks to me like they do to you two.
The others aren't going to wait.
Rowyn can't get out of here fast enough.
Then Rowyn can lead 'em.
Rowyn is young, inexperienced.
That's not a good idea.
Yeah, well, staying isn't a good idea either, but I guess that's what we're doin'.
Hey, you don't have to do this.
No, I don't leave a man behind.
Especially not a friend.
You should be inside.
You can't cover every entrance.
Besides, I'm a better shot.
That so? Well, if you shoot as well as you did in your last life.
Besides, I know these caves.
You don't.
You're going to have to put your money where your mouth is when this is all over.
I think a little archery contest is in order.
Your funeral.
How's Nicholas? Mom's working on him.
Why are you smiling? You called her "Mom.
" She's acting like Mom.
Is Nico infected? It's the kind of thing Jax would do.
That Skin Rider out there isn't Jax.
You should know that better than anyone.
- Why? - He's your best friend.
- Jax? - Oh.
I guess you don't remember that.
Counting the number of times he's tried to kill me, I'm guessing he doesn't remember that either.
No, he remembers.
That's probably why he's tried to kill you.
They hate anyone connected to their hosts.
If he and I ever were friends, he's a different man now.
You both are.
You say you know these caves.
Can you tell me every way in and out of them? Almost.
There! It's out.
So, now what? You just stitch me up or It'll heal faster if I don't.
The wound needs to drain.
Yeah, yeah.
No stitches, no complaints here.
I need to clean it though.
That's worse.
Do what you need to do.
Does this mean you've dropped this nonsense about us killing you? Now we wash the wound.
If it shows sign of infection, you know what to do.
Why haven't they attacked yet? We hold the high ground.
And I think they're outnumbered.
They're probably waiting for reinforcements or nightfall.
Maybe all of the above.
Have you ever shot someone? Not a target, but a person.
And not to wound them, but to kill them? No.
But I can.
You sure? Now think about what you're saying, Kylie.
Every Skin Rider out there is from the Settlement, maybe once a friend.
I need to know you can kill without hesitation.
We've been trained to do this.
This is my job.
Come with me.
How is he? He could use a few painkillers.
EZRA: Could he travel? Not really.
EZRA: We can't wait any longer.
There's a passage that leads to the north side of the bluff.
That's our way out.
- Where are we going? - EZRA: The Settlement.
But not the way we came in.
There might be a small army of Skin Riders on that route.
Or I could take us west along the river.
I doubt they'd come that way.
It'd add miles to their trip.
I thought we were holding this place.
Giving Rowyn and her people enough time to escape.
We are.
But Nicholas needs the Sparks.
And I need both of you as far away from here as possible.
If you're suggesting that we go and you stay, forget it.
- Lynn - We're not having this argument again.
I'm not losing Kylie again.
Or you.
Think strategically about this, Lynn.
You mean like a soldier? Because that's not what I am.
I'm a mother and a wife first.
If more Skin Riders get here, you're going to be neither.
No, you have to come with us.
I can hold them here, so you can escape.
If they do attack, I can escape faster if I'm alone.
This is the best chance of survival for all of us.
This is what happened last time.
You didn't come with us and then I need you to protect your mom, help Nicholas.
I'm only asking this because I know you can.
Rowyn left hours ago.
We've given enough.
We should all go! Rowyn's traveling with all those children.
She needs all the time we can give her.
KYLIE: You can't hold them alone.
Time to move.
You say you love my daughter.
Prove it.
Show us the way out, Kylie.
If anything happens to you, she'll never forgive you.
And you? I'll never forgive myself.
This is a terrible idea.
Close your eyes and don't move.
I sang in the boys' choir.
I had a solo right there when I was seven.
When my heart is dark and weary, when my sorrow sinks my soul, Lord, shine thy beam of mercy, Take my burden, make me whole.
It's funny what you remember.
Are you a brain state sent by the drone to keep me company? No.
We're linked.
Mind to mind.
The real Abram.
Well then.
Welcome to my church.
I figure if I'm going to croak I might as well be in here.
Maybe improve my odds a bit.
You won't wake up again, Silas.
The drone says you have hours, at most.
There's a grim diagnosis.
In that case, chocolate milkshake, barbecue ribs, macaroni and cheese.
I can't even conjure a last meal.
Brain, you fail me.
I totally would've shared, by the way.
Except the mac and cheese.
Silas, I came here to ask you about The Ancestor.
It's to the west, about 20 miles.
I can draw you a map.
Thank you.
Don't thank me.
I don't deserve anyone's gratitude.
Why must we destroy it? Because it will never allow humans to thrive.
It wants us for itself.
You make it sound like an organism A nervous system.
With the individual parasites as its appendages.
That's why they can communicate mind to mind? They're linked? Through the Ancestor? Yes, but don't think of the Ancestor as a broadcast tower More as a source of energy, strength, knowledge.
If we destroy it, will the Skin Riders die? You're worried about killing a handful of Skin Riders? Then you have no idea what the Ancestor is.
Millions of deceased individuas are stored there.
Destroy the Ancestor, and you destroy them as well.
That sounds like genocide.
I've seen its heart, Abram.
Trust me, there is no human race as long as the Ancestor exists.
This exit.
Did Thomas know about it? Of course.
Why? Because if he became a Skin Rider They'd know about it too.
That was reckless.
What if he had shot you? We had to flush him out.
He wasn't going to waste a bolt on a dead guy.
You don't know that.
You didn't even know he was out here or that he had a weapon.
We took a risk.
We got lucky.
You also made our daughter take someone's life.
To protect hers.
You all right? His name was Ian.
He was one of the teachers.
He was nice.
EZRA: He was a prisoner, Kylie.
He'd be grateful.
We should get moving.
Stay out of sight, avoid trails, and don't stop moving until you get there.
I know why you're doing this.
I just wish you weren't.
This quarter's off limits, young lady.
Are they all in there? They took the virus about an hour ago.
Now we wait, and pray.
Why didn't they test the virus out on small groups of people? Because they trust the Obelisk.
Because they're afraid.
You aren't? I'm terrified.
Your uncle Silas is out there and I don't know how to help him.
And I'm worried that whatever happened to him might happen to the people that I love the most.
You won't let that happen.
Come with me.
I want to show you something.
Park yourself, and be prepared to have your mind blown.
I'm gettin' tired of you borrowin' mine.
Are you serious? [SIGHS.]
Oh, this is nicer than yours! I know.
- Now I'm having second thoughts.
- No.
Now, if I remember correctly, you said something the other day.
Oh, what was it? Oh yeah, something about how you could outshoot me? - Any day, any time.
- All right.
What, now? - This late? - Courtyard's empty.
Your mom is with the sick.
Unless your knees are shaking.
All right, old man.
But, uh, bring a bucket.
- For what? A target? - No.
To catch your tears of shame when you lose.
Oh, okay, - trash-talker, let's go.
Your humble pie is waiting.
You okay? I'm fine.
I know your father can be bullheaded sometimes extremely, impossibly bullheaded, but everything he does is to keep us safe.
And that makes him right? You think it's noble for him to go and get himself killed? Abandon us? Because you sure didn't feel that way last time.
So you have to swim to reach it? No wonder the Ancestor stayed hidden.
ABRAM: So what do we do with this? The weapon is three pieces, with two methods of destruction should one of them fail.
The top piece slides onto the crystalline structure and initiates a chemical reaction throughout the organism.
This method is not adviseable, however.
Why not? The reaction releases a toxic gas lethal to humans.
You would die.
FEENA: Yeah.
So, uh, that method's out.
What's the other way? The bottom piece also slides onto the Ancestor.
It breaks ionic bonds from within.
Harmless to you, but difficult to execute.
Why? Because it also requires the middle piece, which inserts a human brain state into the Ancestor.
You mean like what I just did with Silas, in the church? YELLOW: Correct.
So, this brain state What does it do when it's in there? It finds the weapon inside the Ancestor.
This is like a science documentary on acid.
Are you getting any of this? Not really.
I still don't understand why a human brain state must go inside.
The second weapon must be triggered from inside the Ancestor.
But a brain state isn't corporeal.
How can it activate a weapon? Triggering the weapon is easy.
- Finding it is the challenge.
- How so? The Ancestor includes every location from every memory of every Skin Rider ever stored there.
It's as vast as the world.
Finding a specific location within that universe without a guide is impossible.
A guide? Silas.
That's why we can't destroy it without him.
He has to guide us through the Ancestor.
But Silas is about to die.
Yes, he must.
We need his crystal.
This can end peacefully, Ezra! EZRA: I got ten archers eager for a target, Jax.
I'd stay put if I were you.
Silence your pain.
That was one arrow, Ezra, not ten.
We're takin' turns up here.
They're letting me shoot the next one.
You're a terrible liar.
I think you're the only one up there.
Poke your head out.
Let's see.
Come nightfall we'll be here in numbers, Ezra.
Better for you if we work out an arrangement now.
These people live peacefully.
Better if you leave them alone.
Killing my brothers You call that peace? I call it self-defense.
You died easily last time, Ezra.
This will be no different.
I should have kept my promise to Duncan.
YELLOW: He asked a difficult thing, Feena.
He asked me to free him.
He suffers under the parasite constantly.
I could have ended that.
Only by taking his life.
Which is what he wanted.
He begged for it.
You let him go believing he would lead us to the Ancestor.
Which we don't even need now because we know where it is.
He's out there suffering for nothing.
It's not too late.
The tracking device I implanted in Duncan gives me his location.
I didn't share it with you before because I worried it would bring you emotional distress.
Now, I see that you need to know.
Where is he? He's right outside.
If you want to keep your promise, Feena, now's your chance.
- A bow? Not your staff? Duncan's stronger and faster than I am.
Close quarters, I lose.
Abram can assist us.
I'm not risking Abram's life and he has enough death on his conscience.
Going alone is not advisable.
Stay inside.
Lock the door.
Thank you, brother.
Stop! Put the bow down, Feena.
We've been over this.
You can't kill me.
You're not Duncan.
You stole him! I'll shoot him first.
No, you won't.
If you do, you won't have time to nock another arrow before I'm gone.
And you'll be a murderer for nothing.
LYNN: Let me see it.
It might be a bacterial infection.
- It isn't.
- Then we need to hurry.
You can't.
Not if I stay with you.
We're not leaving you.
- I'll get there at my own pace.
- No! - You'll get there with us.
- You know the rules, Ky.
- I'm taken! - This isn't the caves, Nico.
We set our own rules.
I'll keep getting weaker.
We'll keep getting slower.
Once we get into the valley, there'll be more tree coverage.
We can go slower.
Can you talk some sense into her, please? We separate for your protection.
- No! - We stay together for yours.
Tell him.
Give me your sword.
Why? Go walk in front.
If I turn, it'll make me kill you both.
Then we get there before that happens.
Two visits in one day.
I'm flattered.
Or did you come to pray? If it's the latter, put in a good word for me, will ya? [FOOTSTEPS.]
ABRAM: We can't destroy the Ancestor without you.
SILAS: I told you where it is.
ABRAM: That's not enough.
You have to help us take it ou.
In case you haven't noticed, I'm a little incapacitated at the moment.
Coma and whatnot.
We need someone familiar with the organism to guide us inside.
And how do I do that, exactly, in this near-lifeless state? Actually, you have to die first.
I know you're not a doctor, Abram, but you're smart enough to know that dead people aren't very helpful.
We take your crystal after you die, deposit it in the Ancestor, then you meet us inside.
Won't work.
Why not? Because the crystal is the parasite mind, not my own.
It won't help you.
It will do everything in its power to stop you.
But Yellow said that Yellow doesn't know what she's talking about.
I know the parasite.
The last thing you want is its help.
Or mine.
Why are you sweeping? Because the floor's dirty.
But this is a creation of your mind.
Are you saying I have a dirty mind? I'm saying you have a heavy heart, and sweeping the floor isn't the solution.
I forgot You were a therapist in your first life.
What is the solution? I lay down, tell you about my mom I have quite a few questions about your mother, but now is not the time.
You're here because you're consumed with guilt, Silas.
Because everything you did as a Skin Rider weighs on you.
I don't want your analysis.
I gave you what you asked for.
Beyond that, I can't help you.
You're praying.
So either you're a man of faith, or you're trying to be.
Repentance is an act of faith.
A doing, not just a request for forgiveness.
Don't touch me! Just Keep your distance, okay? [OMINOUS MUSIC.]
LYNN: He thinks he's protecting you.
He's being an idiot.
Has he ever been unkind to you? Nicholas? No, he's nice.
Nice? Such high praise for someone you intend to marry Here it comes.
What? The speech.
About how I'm too young to get married, I'm too young to make a commitment.
How old are you? It sounds strange asking my own daughter that, but I don't know.
I'm 17.
Almost In that case, yes, you are too young to get married and make that commitment.
Nico knew you were gonna say that.
Did you think I wouldn't? What would the previous me have said if she were here? She knew you better than I do.
She knew Nicholas too.
Would she have said something different? My mom was my best friend.
She probably would have said a lot.
I probably would have listened.
EZRA: Are you out of your mind? [BANGING CONTINUES.]
This isn't the answer, Jax! Yeah, then what is? If you break the Obelisk, we lose the forcefield They lied to us.
How many more graves are we gonna have to dig out there? How many more children are you and I gonna have to bury? - All of them? - Lynn is trying.
She's failing.
They're all gonna die.
Blue has an idea Oh right, Blue, yeah, the drone, we can trust him.
The drone is so merciful.
You are not one to give up, Jax! Me? They gave up on us.
Is he right? Are they all going to die? I don't know.
Will Mom get sick? Hey.
Your mom is careful.
I trust her more than anyone, she will always do what's best for us.
There's nobody she cares about more than you and me, especially you.
They're headed towards the caves.
We have to stop them.
Your father would want us to keep going.
He can take care of himself.
He's the only bowman up there.
Find a side entrance, I'll take the rear.
I will carry you to the Ancestor, brother, and see you've not died in vain.
These tracks to the north are the settlers, large group.
These here are fresher, made by those that killed our brother.
I will handle them.
You take care of whoever's inside, then follow the settlers, take those you can.
Kill the rest.
Get up! I can't.
We're miles from the Settlement, we have to do something! We will.
EZRA: Take the Sparks to the lake.
Why? The Sparks might be able to use the organics in the water to develop a cure for the virus.
Virus they created? Jax.
Why don't they make a cure immediately before dozens of people died? They have just now identified a possible solution, and even this offers only a slim chance of success.
There are Skin Riders near that lake.
The mission is not without risks.
If there's a chance to save the others Lynn, - we need to pursue it.
- BLUE: There's more.
My senses have detected traces of the virus outside the quarantine room.
This facility may no longer be safe for the four of you.
I'll leave right away and take the Sparks to the lake, and I'll meet you at the rendezvous.
You should not go alone.
Oh, you got your family.
See you in a few hours.
Hey, everything's going to be fine.
You're not thinking.
Push on to the Settlement and come back with the Sparks, it's faster than dragging me there.
Kylie won't leave you, and I won't leave her.
You know I was right? You're not the same Lynn.
She would'a killed me already.
Tie these in a knot if you have the strength.
What I would give for a pickup truck.
With a heater.
Ugh, and a good radio station.
Playing what? Uh, maybe '90s grunge? Is that a band? [LAUGHS.]
It's a genre.
Before your time, mine too actually, but still fun.
I don't remember music, except what you used to sing to me.
I never had much of a singing voice.
I liked it.
You shoulda killed my human when you had the chance.
KYLIE: Stop! Nico? This host is very fond of you human.
I dislike distractions, he needs to know I'm in charge now.
You leave my daughter alone! [PANTING.]
- Where's Rowyn? - She sent me to meet you, I scan you, make sure you're virus-free and then I take you back to camp.
Has Jax come? Nobody's come but you.
We wait for Jax.
I'm supposed to take you back immediately.
We wait for Jax! That's it, I'm callin' it.
Give it another half hour.
It's been three, now Rowyn's gonna send a search party looking for us, and you want to endanger those people? And your family? Go with Nicholas, I'll catch up with you.
What? No! You don't know where camp is.
I'll signal again.
Nicholas will come back for me and Jax.
No! We stay together.
Jax might need help Kylie.
The people in the Settlement need that cure.
They made their choice, we've given them enough.
Mom, tell him.
Ezra, please.
There's still children there Lynn.
We can't leave Jax behind, we owe him that much.
I love you both.
Listen to me.
We're going to stick together okay? I'm going to be strong, and so are you.
We're gonna help each other out until your dad get's back, okay? He shouldn't have gone.
He's trying to help someone.
Now, I need you to help me.
You humans don't know your place, but your bodies are strong.
Let's see how strong! [UNSHEATHS SWORD.]
DUNCAN: Jax, can you hear me?.]
Silas has betrayed us, they will destroy the Ancestor.
Not if we destroy them first.
ABRAM: I was told that you wanted to see me, that you've had a change of heart.
Isn't that what repentance is? A change of heart? You have no memory of this, but you and I were good friends in the Settlement, before I ruined everything.
We both ruined everything.
Then we'll both make it right.
Take my crystal when I die, put it in the weapon.
It has to be me that goes in and not the parasite.
I'm not sure I understand all this.
I know what I'm supposed to do now.
I just ask that you do two things for me.
Find it in your heart to forgive an old friend, and tell my brother that I love him.
I've already forgiven you, Silas.
Then let's begin.
I think the first move is mine.
RED: He's gone.
Did he say anything? It's what he didn't say.
We weren't chosen randomly Feena.
You, me, Ezra, each of us are connected to this.
This is why they sent us.
This is what we came here to do.

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