Eye Love You (2024) s01e09 Episode Script

Episode 9

Actually, there's one more person
who knows her secret.
This person's name is…
Yun Tae-o.
Her boyfriend.
knows about my power?
I knew it.
So, you really are dating
someone named Yun Tae-o.
What does this mean?
I heard about all of this
from Professor Iiyama,
who teaches at Tae-o's graduate school.
It seems that Professor Iiyama
found out about your power
and told Tae-o about it.
But Tae-o already knew about it
before I told him.
At this rate, something bad
might happen to the two of them.
So, could you please force
the two of them to break up?
Is it true?
Does Tae-o really know about my power?
It's hard to believe.
If your boyfriend
is trying to hide it,
he may have his own reasons for doing so.
Are you prepared for what's to come?
Let's recap.
Number one. Does Tae-o
really know about your power?
Number two. When did he find out?
Number three. Who in the world
is Professor Iiyama?
There's one thing that really bothers me.
If Tae-o knows my power,
why is he keeping that a secret from me?
That's true.
Why is he keeping it
a secret from you?
Let's look into that.
All you can do is ask him directly.
I can't do that.
We're not even sure
if he really knows or not.
Then translation is our only option.
You'll translate Tae-o's thoughts
into Japanese.
We have the perfect time
and place for that.
The performance review?
Today's meeting is with Kame, right?
You know, I look forward to
this performance review every year.
You do?
Aren't you nervous?
No. Boss takes the time to let me
talk about my daughter every year.
-Don't you see, Aihara?
-Let's push his meeting to next week.
-All right then.
Let's do this, Yuri.
Can you really keep dating Tae-o
and act like you don't know anything?
You're right.
If you want to open the door to his heart,
you need to make the first move
and knock.
Come in.
Take a seat.
Want to get some coffee?
-All right.
We'll start this review
with a stress check.
A stress check?
Yes, a stress check.
It's a part of the review.
I see.
Now, let's begin.
In a land far, far away, there once lived
a sea otter and a dog who were friends.
A sea otter?
The sea otter had a delicious tangerine,
but kept it a secret from the dog.
The sea otter has a tangerine?
But the dog had actually
found out about the secret.
The sea otter… A tangerine.
Now, then.
What would you do if you were the dog?
"You can send it"?
Send what?
Sea otters don't eat tangerines.
That's true, but…
Sea otters like to eat
sea urchins or clams.
That wasn't the point.
Also, sea otters and dogs
live in different habitats.
Like I said, that wasn't the point.
"The green onions went inside"?
This isn't working.
Is something the matter?
Not at all.
That makes the end
of the stress check.
Is it over?
Yes, that's enough.
Isn't there anything else
you want to ask me?
You can ask me anything.
Thank you for today.
I hope you'll consider our proposal.
Yes, I look forward to
giving you a positive response.
Thank you.
Our office is nearby.
If you have time, would you like to visit?
I'd like you to meet our CEO too.
Yes, I'd love to.
Kame, can you show me
this month's sales chart?
-This one.
-Thank you.
We'll move on to Special Plan C.
Please continue
to look into Tae-o's thoughts.
I call it Operation Sleepover!
Don't let me go home tonight.
I'll go meet Professor Iiyama.
Don't worry. I've got just the trick.
Please, right this way.
We have two departments. A lifestyle
department and kitchen department.
The lifestyle department mainly develops
ideas for daily essentials.
The kitchen department…
I wonder…
does Tae-o really know about my power?
Ms. Min?
Let me introduce you.
I'm sorry.
I actually have to go now.
Ms. Min?
This is my desk.
It does seem on-brand for you.
You really do only show
interest in your research subjects.
So, where is Professor Iiyama?
I was curious.
He hasn't been here since yesterday.
He hasn't?
I wonder what happened.
Who knows?
Maybe he found a new research subject.
I'll go home for today then.
Huh? Wait.
Do you really want to leave now?
For today, yes.
This is my workplace.
In other words, it's a chance for you
to learn more about me.
Am I the only one
who wants to learn more here?
Don't you want to
learn more about me, Mahiro?
Professor Iiyama was away.
It seems he hasn't come lately.
What is it, Boss?
Do you want to…
have a date at my home today?
An at-home date?
Yeah, an at-home date.
Yeah, sounds nice.
Let's go. It'll be our first at-home date.
These are Hypselodoris festiva.
I see.
The Armina papillata I'm studying
are endangered in some regions.
So, by studying a sea slug
with similar life patterns--
I see.
And with that, let's start dating.
-To learn about each other,
we start by dating.
I told you.
This is the only way I'll know.
But to learn more about
a romance between you and me,
both you and I have to take part.
Your way of thinking
is way too different from my own.
It's precisely because
we have trouble understanding things
that we become curious.
I see.
That must be why I'm so interested in you.
You're interested
in me?
I am. Incredibly so.
Then how about you and I start dating?
You have a point.
The species that survive are ones
that continue to change and adapt.
We're on the brink of mass extinction.
Let's survive this time together.
Yes, if you insist.
From here on out,
let's survive this together.
For you and your life.
What was that?
I'll cook today.
That's great.
Oh, right.
Let's take a photo.
Look here.
Yeah. Kimchi.
So cute.
I haven't cooked in a while.
Sorry it's taking so long.
No, it's okay.
I'll help. Here.
Thank you.
Wow, looks tasty.
Give it a taste.
Are you going to tell me to open wide?
Open wide? Oh, sure.
Is it good?
It's good.
What a relief.
But in my umma's soondubu…
we put this in.
Oyster sauce?
-Oh, can you put it in?
Okay then.
Now, open wide.
Mm, that's so good!
So good.
So, this is God's secret ingredient.
Good to know.
All right.
Let's eat.
I've been wondering for a while,
but what does that mean?
Oh, it means, "Enjoy your food."
Masissge meogeoyo.
Such kind words.
Enjoy your food.
-Let's eat.
-Let's eat.
Thank you for the food.
Thank you.
Was it good?
Of course, uri Yuri made it.
Uri Yuri?
What does that mean?
Uri Yuri.
It means "My Yuri."
Uri Yuri.
So, I'm your Uri?
For the "u" sound,
move your mouth more like this.
Keep your mouth like that.
Please wait a moment.
-Five minutes.
What is Operation Sleepover?
Listen, Yuri.
Nothing can beat
when couples are flirting with each other.
Flirting with each other?
That's the only time you can
get away with asking anything.
Flirting with each other?
-Take it.
Uri Yuri.
Tae-o, I…
Will you…
Thanks for waiting.
What is it?
No, it's nothing.
Let's wear this together.
They're matching sets.
Couple pajamas.
Couple pajamas?
Does it look okay?
It's so cute.
You've gotten even cuter.
Oh, take a seat.
Oh, next,
-let's jjan.
-Thank you.
Uri Yuri, open wide.
Sorry, too slow.
Open wide.
So comfortable.
Hey, Tae-o.
Do you like books?
Yeah, I do.
Even in university, I was always reading.
I see.
What about picture books?
Picture books?
Or manga.
I like them.
What kind?
-Time traveling?
-Time traveling.
Oh, superpowers. Those are fun.
which would you visit?
The past or the future?
prefer the present.
I love the present the most.
In that case,
if you could have any superpower,
what would it be?
A superpower?
What kinds are there?
For example,
stopping time.
That's no good.
Then I can't talk to you.
There's also teleportation.
That's nice.
If anything ever happens to you,
I can get to you right away.
What about hearing people's thoughts?
If I could also hear people's thoughts…
-I'm going home.
It's time.
I really need to get home now.
-Could you please take this on?
-Keep me updated, Aihara.
Can I have a moment, Motomiya?
-It's about the investors.
A Korean venture capitalist
is positively interested in investing.
They'll tell us soon.
That's great. Thank you.
Read through these materials
from the investor.
Min Ha-na…
It seems she liked us
at the Hokkaido get-together.
The Hokkaido get-together?
Is something the matter?
No, I'll read through it.
I'll let you know when she replies.
Yes, thank you.
Min Ha-na…
She's from Seoul, South Korea.
Could she be…
someone he knows?
You've grown so much, Tae-o.
So, it was you, Nuna.
You look the same.
Have you been well?
But what brings you here?
I want to ask you something.
This place is nice.
What do you want to ask, Nuna?
When we met in Hokkaido,
I thought you'd have long forgotten me,
a nuna who only temporarily lived nearby.
Is that why you left so quickly?
Back then,
I thought I was satisfied
just knowing you were living well.
But yesterday,
I saw your company's CEO.
Ms. Motomiya has
the same power as me, right?
And you two are dating.
Tae-o, that's the one thing
you shouldn't do.
Why does it have to be her?
Why? You know about her power.
You know that lies
don't work on me.
It's okay.
I don't mind.
It was around then.
Nice to meet you.
That's when
I realized that you two might have
the same power.
I like Yuri.
Even if you two have the same power,
my feelings won't change.
remember the ending
of that picture book, right?
You can't stay together.
You should break up
before something happens.
It's my decision.
And I'll take responsibility.
of what happened to you long ago
or how the picture book ends…
I will never break up with her.
Thanks for worrying about me.
I'll be going now.
Have you lost your trust in him?
The thoughts in Tae-o's mind…
Tae-o's feelings…
What could they be?
I can't tell.
It's hard to understand
everything about someone.
I don't think you have to doubt
his feelings of love for you.
Sorry Tae-o, this is for your sake.
Is this about the investment?
I need to briefly return to Korea
on a late-night flight tonight.
But before that…
there is something
I want to give to Ms. Motomiya
as soon as possible.
To Motomiya?
Shall I pass it along to her?
A picture book?
For Motomiya? Why?
This story…
is about me.
The ending of this book…
Hanaoka, what is it?
I knew it. Can you hear me?
Can you hear
my thoughts?
I'm sorry for testing you.
I need to talk to you.
Ms. Min Ha-na
came to see you.
She wanted to give this to you.
This is…
She also has a message for you.
This story
is about me.
The ending of this book
is something that actually happened
between me and my partner.
I don't want
those two to meet the same fate as us.
"Something that actually happened…"
"The girl hurried over
to her loved one's side."
"However, fate
would not wait for the two."
"The boy
became a star, shining in the night sky."
"The boy, who became a star,
continued to yell his love for her
in his heart."
"That voice never reached the girl."
I couldn't believe
what Ms. Min was saying at first.
So I looked into it.
I thought some information might only be
in Korean, so I asked Nishina to help.
Then, we found
a school newspaper from
Ms. Min's university 22 years ago.
At the time,
it seems Ms. Min had a boyfriend
at the same university.
While attending university, her boyfriend…
…passed away.
The "us" that Ms. Min was talking about
is about her
and her deceased boyfriend.
I'm sure of it.
He knew everything.
That's why he…
Want to go somewhere
on our day off tomorrow?
Sure, how about Korea?
He was always
just treasuring the moments he had
with me in the present.
I am incredibly happy right now.
I prefer the present.
I love the present the most.
Oh, Yuri?
What is it?
I was just missing you.
I'm glad. Come in.
Yuri, did you eat?
Shall I make you something?
Sure. Sorry.
Why are you apologizing?
I want to talk.
By chance,
can we do it after we eat?
I have japchae.
Five minutes.
It'll be done soon.
Take a seat.
Meeting you…
Falling in love with you…
That's the first time
I realized what loving someone is like.
I felt happy.
I felt pained.
I felt scared.
I felt blessed.
I was surprised I could feel
such a whirlwind of emotions.
I only know this
because I met you.
Thank you so much.
I love you.
So, let's break up.
Did you find out?
It doesn't matter.
I truly love you.
Thank you.
"The boy became a star,
shining in the night sky."
"The boy, who became a star,
continued to yell
his love for her in his heart."
"That voice never reached the girl."
Why did you make such a sad story?
The person I loved
became a star, just like this boy.
Because I loved him.
You know, Tae-o,
in this world,
there are people who you must never love.
Subtitle translation by: Chul Woong Kim
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