Falling Into Your Smile (2021) s01e09 Episode Script

Episode 9

(Distinguished fans and friends,)
(it's me again,)
(your one and only gossip queen.)
(Onmyoji Arena Pro League)
(will kick off soon.)
(All the teams are getting ready
to announce their lineups.)
(But YQCB hasn't chosen a shooter yet.)
(After ZGDX's substitute
midsolo Lv returned,)
(ZGDX is yet to announce its own lineups.)
(Smiling and Lv,)
(whom will you bet on?)
You won't be in the lineups either.
Why are you working so hard?
I will be in the lineups for certain.
You won't be in the lineups.
No, you won't be in the lineups.
You, come here.
You come here.
=Falling into Your Smile=
=Episode 9=
Rui, you're finally here.
- Hello.
- We've waited a long time for you.
Cheng, you came too.
Come on in.
- This way.
- Hello.
Too much foundation.
Let me see.
It's true.
I won't apply concealer on you.
I'll just apply some finishing powder
to your face.
Cheng, your skin is so smooth.
I know.
What's your skincare secret?
I am young.
I'm already gorgeous.
I don't think I need makeup.
That's not true.
You'll look better with makeup.
Babe, here.
Why are you trimming my eyebrows?
I have very cool eyebrows.
They are cool, indeed.
But they are different in height.
Are they?
They are.
Apply a layer of
the Lipstick Color 502 to my lips.
Then apply Lipstick Color 303.
This way, I'll look natural and radiant.
Can I skip the eyeliner part?
This looks strange.
Are you sure?
Come and take a look.
Doesn't Cat look more exquisite
after I applied eyeliner to him?
Eyeliner is a must.
I can't draw when you're acting like this.
Will you please put more contours
on the sides of my face?
My face is large.
Your face is not large, darling.
This is the first time I hear someone say so.
Your face is just fleshy.
K, do my eye lines look exquisite?
Tong Yao, you still aren't done?
Women are troublesome.
It's okay.
Anyway, we'll have
our photos taken separately.
Come on. Let's go to take photos first.
After they finish, you should be done.
It's okay. Take your time.
Wait, Rui.
Where is my team uniform?
On the couch.
Where is the dressing room?
You can get changed anywhere in this room.
Nobody will look at you anyway.
Are you going to change your clothes now?
If so, I'll go out.
There's no hurry.
Let's spend a little more time on makeup.
ZGDX is really a star e-sports team.
Check out Cheng's legs.
You should have your photos taken alone.
Without anyone standing near you
for comparison,
you'll look like a chubby hottie.
Thank you.
You said the same thing last year.
What time is it?
It's about time to take group photos.
Yeah. What time is it?
Why hasn't Tong Yao come here?
We've finished the white-themed photo shoot.
Is she having a dramatic makeover?
Women tend to dally.
Before they go outdoors,
they wash, comb and blow their hair,
pair up clothing items, apply perfume,
and pick handbags and shoes.
You are right.
I'll make arrangements.
could you please go and get her here?
You want me to go?
That's a great arrangement you made.
She is scared of you.
Once you show up,
she'll rush here at top speed.
Hey, Chubby.
Go on.
do you think I should have more eyeshadow?
No. It's great as it is.
I feel like my eyelashes are falling off.
It's really good.
Rest easy.
Nothing will fall off.
They will rush you
if you stay here any longer.
Alright then.
I'll go get dressed in my team uniform.
Go ahead, get changed.
I guess Jinyang is more experienced.
Shorty, the sun is about to set
Hurry up.
Cheng, what are you doing here?
The photo shooting crew asked us to hurry up.
What's the matter?
Where is that Shorty?
Go back.
What's wrong?
Is she in there?
What's she doing?
I don't know. Just go back.
She'll be with us soon.
Rui insisted that she and I
should have a photo taken together.
So I came.
Okay. Be quick, you guys.
Who were you talking to?
Lu Yue.
If you're dressed, just come out.
Don't waste any more time.
So you saw it just now.
I'm not blind.
The pattern is small.
I still saw it.
I told you to knock before coming in.
Lu Yue wanted to enter the room too.
I stopped him.
I'm talking about you.
Why bring Lu Yue into this?
You were in there for 1 hour and 40 minutes.
The chances of pushing the door open
to see you dressed like that
were as slim
as pushing the door open
to see you dead on the floor.
I'm sorry.
I'll knock on the door the next time.
(Lu Sicheng actually apologized to me?)
You're nuts.
Why did you suddenly apologize to me
in all seriousness?
I thought you needed a serious apology.
I did need it.
In ancient times, you'd have to
marry me in the situation like this.
Don't push it.
Don't take greater liberties with me.
I'm sorry.
You're finally here.
Tong Yao,
what happened to your face?
What do you mean?
Have you seen a monkey's buttocks?
What did you do in the room?
We ran here.
We were in a hurry.
Why aren't you panting if you ran here?
I have long legs.
Enough chatter.
It's time to get down to business.
Tong Yao, do the photo shoot.
It's photo shoot time.
Come on.
Cross your arms.
Lift your chin a little.
Look straight ahead.
Lower your eyelids.
Will my face look big in the photos this way?
With my eyelids lowered,
my eyes won't be seen.
But you'll look dominant this way.
Imagine yourself as a queen.
You want this petite girl
to act like a queen?
At least consider
the feasibility.
Lu Yue.
Go there and take photos with her.
I want a feeling of destined battle
and struggle to enshroud you.
There should be signs of intense friction,
deadly hostility
and silent competition between
a starting player and a substitute.
Create a sense of conflict
that hails from
your competitive relationship.
Move aside. Move aside.
Look over here.
Behave like the retards you were
when you were fighting for a seat.
Rui wants you to stay true to yourselves.
Cheng, go there.
So you can be photographed.
Why should I be photographed with her alone?
We must have some photos
of ZGDX's most attractive members
standing together.
The club's PR department made this demand.
Even if you refuse to be photographed with her,
there will be PS photos.
You may as well have some good photos taken.
Bring a seat here.
Tong Yao, please step down.
You don't have to stand on it.
Cheng, sit down.
This feels like a wedding photo shoot.
It does feel like that.
Look here.
(Smiling is really cool!
This team is unmatched in attractiveness.)
(Good luck in the new season!)
(Cheng is truly the team's spiritual leader
and most gorgeous guy.)
(Gosh! Cheng is so cool!
And Smiling is just as cool!)
(I wish them all the best in the new season!)
(The photo is pretty nice,
but only because of Cheng's good looks.)
We can take the fight.
Move to high ground.
Wait until I control this one opposite of me.
Take it easy.
We can take this.
- Go.
- Okay.
Cat, come over.
Come here.
Come on.
That was easy.
Tong Yao.
You're lame.
With you staring at me like a vulture here,
I couldn't play well.
Besides, we won.
Since we won, I'm going to
order something for afternoon tea.
- What do you want to have?
- Alright.
I want that
What's its name again?
Don't order food for me.
Jinyang will come to me later.
I'll dine out with her.
- I'll order a salad for you.
- This, this, this.
- As for you
- This, this.
I've eaten this before.
What's the matter?
Our official Weibo account manager
posted a sneak peek of our photos.
This photo looks good.
Check this out.
- Nice.
- You're handsome, Lu Yue.
Look at the back.
(My Lv, you finally appeared.)
(This photo looks nice.)
(A new generation of
light and shadow is born.)
(I'm getting more and more excited
about the National League.)
(Yue&Yao CP fans are on the rise now.)
(Our Yue is truly young and handsome.)
(Aren't Smiling and Cheng a couple?)
(This photo provokes controversy.)
(Cheng&Yao CP fans, stand firm)
(and don't waver.)
I told our official Weibo account manager
to post the photos.
Before the official release,
we're letting those who understand
take a good look.
Few people understand.
Most people think
this team's only female member
registered her marriage with two men
at the Civil Affairs Bureau.
Most people?
Like who?
My mother. His mother.
I have five missed calls
and over ten unanswered text messages.
She wants to know if her sons
have got a girlfriend.
Why were the couple photos posted
on the official Weibo page?
And why are they dating the same woman?
Hello? Mom?
No, no, no.
it's not what you think
between me and Tong Yao.
I don't know
if Cheng is
Thankfully, my parents don't use Weibo.
Tipsy tastes good.
It tastes even better
when I'm looking at your photo.
Nice photo.
Cut it out.
My team forbids romance
between team members.
No romance between team members?
Have you forgotten you were with Cheng alone
or was I blind?
Knock it off.
He just saw me fall off my bed
and come to taunt me.
Now you're putting on an act.
I'm here to develop
my professional e-sports career.
Nobody said otherwise.
All the comments said otherwise.
Ignore them.
I heard that Cheng and Lu Yue
are biological brothers.
That's quite obvious.
They look really alike.
But Cheng is taller.
They are equally handsome.
The moment I saw them,
I had an illusion that the e-sports industry
is filled with handsome young men.
And I wondered
how I ended up with plain Ai Jia
in an industry filled with
handsome young men.
Ai Jia is handsome too.
Not as handsome as Cheng.
Cheng is a lady killer
in the e-sports industry.
Ai Jia is like a sticking plaster at most.
He clings to me all day.
I can't push him away
no matter how hard I try.
I think you're secretly enjoying this.
On a side note,
did you really wear the item
with the rabbit and carrot pattern
on the day of the photo shoot?
What? Did it look bad on me?
I think I got something wrong.
I don't know.
Some people like that.
But you must be careful.
Only perverts
would like that.
What the heck?
The internet is heated with
arguments about you and Lu Yue
with some saying you are the starting midsolo
and some saying he is.
Someone even conducted a poll.
Nice work, my friend.
I didn't know you have so many fans.
I'm competent and cute.
Of course I have fans.
Unlike Lu Yue, the guy depends on his looks.
Your fans are so professional.
They even made a video
to analyze your strengths and weaknesses.
This is like one of those slideshows
college students
would make for their assignments.
They truly love you.
If they were this enthusiastic
to court Xu Kai, they would have got him.
Let me see.
I want to know about Lu Yue's weaknesses.
(She is not bad. And she is more pleasant
to look at than Lu Yue.)
(Tong Yao's gaming strategy
is conservative and passionless! )
(She has a ton of weaknesses)
(and much room for improvement.
She never shows her face in live streams,)
(but is involved in many romantic scandals
with Lu Sicheng.)
What is these people's problem?
My romantic scandal has nothing to do
with my gaming skill.
They must be elementary school students.
You are enviable.
You and the man of their dreams
live under the same roof
and spend every minute together.
I'm green with envy.
You already have a boyfriend.
Watch your mouth.
(Have you finished talking?)
(Ming wants you to come down and train.)
(Come down now
or we'll go upstairs and grab you.)
(No, I'll be down there right away.)
(Don't do anything rash.)
"Rabbit Tightly Holds the Carrot"
told you to not do anything rash.
"Tightly Holds the Carrot".
Be honest with us.
Who is this "Rabbit Tightly Holds the Carrot"
on WeChat?
Are you okay?
Why did you run? That was dangerous.
Are you alright?
Why did you run?
That was dangerous.
If your face got damaged,
it'd cost you a fortune
to get a reconstructive surgery.
Yao, are you okay?
Come here.
Did you get injured?
Does it hurt?
Come on.
Use my phone as you want.
Don't snoop.
You're way too curious.
Are you all right?
I'm off then.
Have a good time training.
Won't you go next door
to check on your ex-boyfriend?
He'll pay for being a tsundere.
Let him pay heavily.
I'm off.
Come out with me.
Give it to me.
Grab one yourself.
It tastes good.
I'm talking about your phone.
Delete the alias.
Delete the alias.
What alias?
Delete the alias.
I don't understand what you're saying.
Delete the alias.
You mean that alias.
I remember asking someone
to delete a Weibo post
and she said
That happened a long time ago.
How come you still hold a grudge?
you locked me out first.
You also hold a grudge till now.
The alias is too weird.
If other people see my under
that thing,
and think of the alias you gave me,
what do you suppose they will think?
To whom else are you going to
show you like that?
I'm not going to show it to anyone else.
You just make me uneasy.
Why do you feel uneasy?
Don't you think
making your teammate an alias
based on her underwear pattern
is something only a pervert
would do?
A pervert?
I'd never been a pervert to a girl like you.
Do you think I have no taste?
Or do you think I've lost my mind?
You win.
(Save Image)
(Save Image)
Don't come near. Don't come near.
Hey, go away!
What kind of rabbit are you?
Go away.
How can there be a perverted rabbit like you?
I'd never be a pervert to a girl like you.
Do you think I have no taste?
One of us must have gone nuts.
Go away.
If you sit on my face
while I'm sleeping again,
you'll have to sleep outside.
I'd never be a pervert to a girl like you.
Do you think I have no taste?
One of us must have gone nuts.
Am I possessed?
Not only did I dream of Lu Sicheng.
but I also thought of him when I saw you.
The National League will start this week.
We'll draw lots to be matched
against our opponents.
In order to help you
get in the groove quickly,
we have scheduled a training match
with YQCB.
That relegation team next door?
Why are we fighting them?
Their new shooter has arrived.
I heard that it's big news.
So we need to make ready in advance.
Tong Yao, you'll participate
in the training match.
Love you, Rui.
You're saying it to the wrong person.
Cheng and Ming made the decision.
You just came back.
You haven't harmonized with everyone yet.
It's better to have Tong Yao
play in today's match.
Then will I be the starting midsolo?
It's hard to say.
We'll get a chart that compares your data
and Lu Yue's data
before the National League.
Whoever stands out
will be the starting midsolo.
If you lose again this afternoon,
the cold chair beside the water dispenser
will be yours.
(We're ready.)
They are ready. Let's enter the room.
Good luck.
- I'll go make some food.
- Hurry up.
I'm counting on you.
Come on.
The other team's shooter
also has an ID with garbled characters.
What's the matter?
I can't believe there is someone
as pervert as you.
Watch your mouth.
Let's give it our best shot.
Follow me.
Alright. I'm coming.
Focus on farming.
Don't pick up any fights.
Wait until K shows up.
Cheng, the other team's shooter
is somewhat fierce.
You may go back
and reapply the buffs to yourself.
Seal, First Blood.
Cheng, what's going on?
The other team's Youko
moved past our tower to kill us.
That's just fierce.
Shut up. Keep it going.
Chessman is resurrected.
Prepare to retreat.
Chubby, follow me.
Remember to show us the enemy's positions.
They are here. Attack.
Holy crap, how could they be here?
(Lightning Speed)
How could they be here?
Tong Yao,
why didn't you tell us
they were gone from the middle lane?
I just saw him returning to the base.
I didn't know it was a deceptive move.
(Youko Yuki Onna)
how did they find out
you were there
to steal their jungle monsters?
Were you discovered just now?
No way.
I almost pressed myself against you.
I think the other team
suddenly became familiar with your strategy.
Cheng, hang in there.
You guys are making me panic.
Maybe you should let me replace you.
Go away. Stay near the water dispenser.
Chubby, use your ultimate skill.
Good job.
Cheng is freaking awesome as always.
Cheng, what are you doing?
Hit them.
Cheng, hit them.
Hit them.
Move around.
Youko is mine.
Cheng, where are you going?
Cheng, what are you doing?
Press attack.
Where is our shooter?
Is he lost?
I'm reporting our shooter.
He doesn't work with his teammates.
He deserves fewer points and bad reviews.
I'm in control. Attack. Go after them.
(Lion's Lunge)
One. Good job.
(Against One Thousand Troops)
Go. Attack.
- I'm using my ultimate skill.
- Hurry up.
We won.
This is great.
You won again?
We finally won.
That was exhausting.
Who played the other team's Youko?
He was incredibly fierce.
Hierophant is here.
What do you mean by "Hierophant is here"?
Cheng, don't try to fool me.
He killed me twice
and saw right through
Youko and Doumeki.
Nobody except Hierophant
could do those things.
So, Hierophant was the one who joined YQCB?
What do you mean?
Repeat again?
I think YQCB will announce it soon.
The announcement hasn't been made yet.
How come Cheng was so sure about it?
Does he know Hierophant that well?
Rui said the other day
Cheng and Hierophant
were like light and shadow.
I know that.
But are they so close?
I smell gossip.
What's the situation?
Is there something going on between them?
used to be a substitute
on a foremost South Korean team.
He was the substitute for Hierophant.
They had the exact same
gaming strategy, style
and shikigami lineup.
Some people in and outside China said
Cheng was Hierophant's shadow.
Some other people commented that
he was imitating Hierophant.
You know what he is like.
He is of much pride.
He probably has been unhappy about
that kind of comment for a long time.
(Hierophant joined YQCB)
YQCB actually made the announcement.
Hierophant joined YQCB.
Many fans left comments.
(He is here.)
(He came for his sweetheart.)
(Our Gun-hyeok is here)
(to participate in Onmyoji Arena Pro League.)
(Am I dreaming?)
(If this is not love)
(It's love. Cheng, do you see?)
(Your sweety Gun-hyeok is here.)
But I'm curious.
Why did Hierophant come to China?
Can't you see?
He came for Cheng.
Lu Sicheng and Lee Gun-hyeok.
Chessman and Hierophant.
They are like shadow and light.
Rui already told us about it.
It would be an exaggeration
to say Cheng made Hierophant shiver.
But when he was a professional
e-sports player in South Korea,
he had a period of great success
and kept Hierophant in a substitute position
for two whole seasons.
He was that good?
Of course.
Cheng speaks fluent Korean.
He used to command the team in South Korea.
Later on, he left to be
a professional player in China.
Why would he want to be
a professional player in China?
Because he loves this country.
Cheng wants to lead
the Chinese professional team
in winning the world championship.
So he came back.
That's touching, even for me.
all those rumors
about Hierophant rising again
and Cheng being replaced
and depressed as a substitute
before coming back to China
are bullshit.
In other words,
Cheng was not driven back.
He wanted to come back.
What happened after that?
Hierophant felt discontented after that.
Shadow can't eclipse light.
We haven't fought officially.
I haven't beaten you officially.
How could you just leave like that?
Is everything I own now
unwanted and granted by you?
That's quite the story.
Because our team
didn't get into the final
for various reasons last year,
they had no chance to compete aboveboard.
So, Hierophant just came to China
in this season.
Is it true?
Of course, it's true.
The most incredible thing about them is that
they can read each other's mind.
Cheng guessed Hierophant
was on the other team
just because of a match.
What's more, I saw a fanfic about them
in the E-sports Industry Farm group.
I wanted to print it and give it to Cheng.
I wonder how that poker face
will react to the fanfic.
He probably will be so pissed off.
You must be tired of living.
(Fanfic about Cheng and Hierophant)
what is a fanfic?
Have you watched "18 Bronzemen"?
["Bronzemen" is pronounced the same as "fanfic".]
So they were monks once?
Who do you think is better,
Cheng or Hierophant?
Cheng, of course.
Our team's player is always stronger than
any other team's player.
What a diehard fanboy.
TAT welcomes you, Chessman.
This is the one
known as Hierophant in the game.
(Hierophant, Lee Gun-hyeok
Love moving past the enemy's tower to kill the enemy)
Lu Sicheng.
Lee Gun-hyeok.
♪Whose reasoning and expectations♪
♪Don't seem to be my inner monologue♪
♪To be myself or to run away♪
♪Should I just sway with the wind?♪
♪You're the one
who came through the sea of stars♪
♪Those corners open unexpectedly♪
♪It seems someone will really understand♪
♪My helplessness♪
♪The loneliness that
comes with the gradual leave♪
♪I'm beginning to believe♪
♪The existence of a tacit understanding♪
♪That fate can be changed♪
♪Because persistence♪
♪Has never been pale♪
♪The successes and failures
we have gone through♪
♪The crowd of people cheering tomorrow♪
♪Your look fuels my passion♪
♪Welcome the sunshine♪
♪Let's welcome the sunshine♪
♪Do you still remember♪
♪That I watched the shooting stars
pass by with you♪
♪How many times I seem to have heard♪
♪The wish I made that night♪
♪We all made a promise♪
♪Youth is about no regrets♪
♪If I have a dream in my heart♪
♪I'll follow the light♪
♪I'll follow the light♪
♪If I have a dream in my heart♪
♪I'll follow the light♪
♪The moment we ignite with passion♪
♪Will light up the night♪
♪How foolish the stubbornness
that no one understands♪
♪How strong the desire to return to glory♪
♪Remember that moment at the top♪
♪Let's welcome the sunshine together♪
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