Fantastic Four: The Animated Series (1994) s01e09 Episode Script

The Mask of Doom: Part II

When we last left
the Fantastic Four
a mysterious enemy named
Doctor Doom had kidnapped Sue
and trapping Reed, Johnny
and The Thing
in an amazing energy rope net
carried them off to his castle
deep in the Black Forest.
Putting Reed,
Johnny and The Thing
into separate,
escape-proof confinements
Doctor Doom announced he had
a missión for them in the morning
when the blizzard cleared.
Reed told Sue to keep Doom talking
as long as possible to give them time
to break free and rescue her.
My story begins many years ago.
In a gypsy camp, not far from
the vineyards below this castle
my father, Rudolph,
was a most important man.
A respected healer.
There was nothing miraculous
about his cures.
Ancient knowledge
passed down from generations.
On many occasions he saved children
who lay ill with dreaded fevers
the gratitude in their eyes
the only reward he sought.
But the simple people of the village
believed he was a miracle worker.
A sorcerer.
While some revered him,
others saw him as a target
a golden goose
whose feathers they could pluck.
They saw their opportunity.
They were sure my father
had no chance.
Such arrogant confidence.
The villains' cruelty
was without bounds.
But they did not know
what kind of man they chose that night.
They planned to wait
on the road to Robeck
believing the violent storm
would hide their crime.
Their just deserts awaited them
like a serpent in the night.
My father's scientific skills
had powerful manifestations.
The robot spider served him well.
As did a brilliant innovation
in self-protective science.
An illuminated buckle which
produced a blinding flash.
The superstitious fools!
Reed, Johnny and The Thing
escaped and set off to find her
in the diabolical maze of passageways
leading into the castle.
One of these passageways
must lead to the main castle.
One for the money, two for the show
we gotta save Susie,
now, which way do we go?
of the castle's juxtaposition
with the mountain face
- I deduce
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
You said left, we're going left.
And now, back to the Fantastic Four
and the Mask of Doom.
If we wait for you to stop yapping,
we'll be on Medicare
and so far, this looks pretty good.
Intruders, intruders!
Destroy, destroy!
Intruders, intruders!
Looks like we have
a reception committee.
- Destroy!
- And they're not alone.
Just our luck.
Doctor Doom watched
that Indiana Jones picture!
Johnny, see that our visitors
greet each other warmly.
Intruders, intruders!
Warm greetings coming up!
Intruders, intruders!
Destroy, destroy!
Great work, Johnny,
the metal is at fusión temperature.
They're welded together, Ben.
It's all yours.
Goofball in the corner pocket.
Sue's still Doom's prisoner.
Time is our enemy. This way.
You were speaking
of your father, Doctor Doom.
My father did nothing but good.
But as fate would have it,
his goodness was his undoing.
Ja, the healer and his son!
Find them!
Hearing of my father's healing gifts
the local baron summoned him
to the castle.
I wished I had been a man
so that I could have protected him.
It was the baron's wife.
My father could see at a glance
she was beyond help.
But the baron said
"If my wife dies, healer
you and all you love
shall die with her. "
My father knew we had no choice
but to run for our lives.
For weeks, we wandered through
wastelands in the dead of winter.
A winter much colder than this.
And then the ski patrol
hunted us down
as if we were little more
than wild beasts.
There they are! Shoot them down!
They believed we were dead.
The merciless jackals!
But they were wrong.
My father was near
the end of his strength.
His last thoughts were of me.
You have a great destiny
to fulfill, Victor.
You must survive.
And triumph!
Survive and triumph!
The baron's troops caused
my mother's death when I was an infant.
And now the baron
had taken my father from me.
I swore that day not only the
baron but all mankind would pay.
I dedicated my life to revenge.
One of these passageways
must lead to the main castle.
Watch out!
Robot archers!
Stay back!
Another death trap.
A robotic squid replicant.
Its tentacles
are oozing corrosive poison.
Guess we shouldn't
go this way neither, huh?
The place is full of booby traps.
Do we try going north or south?
Or east or west?
Let's try Up!
And hurry, we've less than four hours
until sunrise.
We gotta hope Sue can keep Doom
distracted until we find her.
In the years that followed
I studied my father's books
of ancient knowledge.
And I supported myself
by performing small Miracles
for the gullible and corrupt nobility.
I created an automatic violin
for an untalented music lover.
What the?
And then there was my hair restorer.
Which made me the object
of a nationwide manhunt.
I was sentenced to die
by firing squad.
It was then they learned
I was a master of robots.
But the hour grows late.
I should let you get some rest
before morning.
No, no, I'm not sleepy.
Please, continue your story.
You mustn't stop now
when you've got me so intrigued.
Yes, I must remember to be hospitable.
There is still much to tell.
I'm sick of going nowhere.
Are we gonna save Susie or what?
- Uh-oh. Dead end again.
- No problem.
Let me punch us a door out.
Look out!
Another shoot-the-chute.
Put on the brakes. Whoa!
Gotta stop or we're cooked!
Feet, do your stuff.
Don't let nobody tell you
your big feet ain't beautiful.
Too hot to hold on much longer.
Johnny, you make an updraft.
- Fast!
- Okay, Reed!
Agh! Get your foot out of my nose.
Flame on!
One whirlwind coming up!
Johnny must create enough of a vacuum
to suck the flame up the flue
and cool off the furnace.
And it's working perfectly.
The fire's gone up the chimney, guys.
Come on down.
Not a moment too soon.
Well done!
Maybe you was well done.
But I was more like medium rare.
Yeah, not bad, squirt.
And we've got to do better
if we're gonna save Sue.
- This way, hurry.
- Right.
Santa Claus couldn't make it
up that chimney.
But I got more finesse than him.
Don't fly so close down there.
Ooh! Ow! Hey! Watch it!
The castle structure
is honeycombed with traps.
We'll have better luck coming in
on Doom from the outside.
There! That suspensión bridge.
Hurry, there isn't
much time till daybreak.
The powerful forces I had defied
did not forgive Or forget.
They hunted me at every turn.
But I was prepared.
My inventions could not be defeated.
My armor-shielded sports car
was an indestructible target
which greatly surprised
those vicious, ignorant soldiers.
My ice grenade
was but one of many inventions
which soon brought me to the attention
of the finest university of science
in America
which gave me
a full tuition scholarship.
- Where you met Reed!
- Yes.
Reed Richards.
The only man
who was my scientific equal.
But though we studied
and worked together
he lacked my daring
my fascination
with forbidden experiments.
Therefore I explored the mystery
of space-time transportation
He warned me not to do it
but I would not be stopped.
I survived but at a terrible cost.
I wandered the mountains of Tibet,
seeking oblivion
until I was taken in
by a brilliant order of monks.
Under their guidance
I learned the ancient craft
of molecular metallurgy.
And there I constructed
a face I would show the worid.
From that moment on
I knew that I was meant to be
the master of all!
And I shall be, thanks to
my four superpowered captives.
But you haven't
finished your story.
I I want to know more.
A new day is dawning, my dear.
And the storm has passed.
The time for the telling of stories
is over.
- Yes, Excellency?
- To work!
Manacle my guest and escort her
to my laboratory at once.
This bridge is rickety.
But it's the only sure way
into the castle.
Got you, Ben! Look out!
Don't let go, Stretcho!
- Hang on, guys.
- Oh, jeez.
This bungee-jumping
is for the birds.
Lucky for you
I've got good connections.
Well, thanks for the melt job, kid.
Now let's find Susie
and blow this cockamamy dump.
Yah! Hur!
Eugh! This joint's creepier
than the basement.
Hey! You're blinding me!
- Who's there?
- Gentlemen.
I knew you'd find your way here
if I gave you sufficient time
to escape your special cells.
I got a can-opener
with your name on it, Fender Face.
Wait, Ben. He still has Sue.
A wise precaution, Richards.
You see, I knew there'd be
too many opportunities
for you to get away
if I tried to bring you directly
to this laboratory.
So I created a little charade
to make sure you'd come here
on your own.
Now your missión!
You will be using
my time machine.
It will take you back
to Ancient Greece
where you will have 48 hours
to find a certain artifact
and return it to me.
Last night's blizzard would have
made time travel less certain.
But there is nothing to stop you now.
Come forward.
Every second is precious.
Wait. How do I know Sue will be safe?
You don't.
The walls of this room constrict
one square every eight hours.
Six squares remain
until your wife is very Hard-pressed.
You swine!
You've destroyed
a perfectly good robot.
But I understand
your emotional response.
However, save your strength
for the missión.
Missión schmissión.
You said you want us
to bring back an artifact, right?
Okay. What's an artifact?
In this case, it is an object
of great beauty and power.
Somewhere in Ancient Greece,
you will find the coffin of Argos.
Bring it to me and Susan will live.
Fail and she dies.
And I shall leave you
stranded in antiquity for ever.
Now Go!
Hey, what the?
The energy from the time machine
It's monumental!
We're we're fading away!
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