Firebuds (2022) s01e09 Episode Script

Lights Out/Handle with Car

[alarm rings]
-[both] Let's roll!
If you need a helping hand ♪
Or you need a
Helping wheel ♪
The Firebuds are
Here for you ♪
Just listen to
Our siren squeal ♪
Out the front door
On the town ♪
There's nothing
We won't do ♪
To all our friends
And neighbors out ♪
We're coming through
Our rescue crew ♪
Let's roll, let's roll
Firebuds ♪
We're grabbing our gear
We're hitting the road ♪
Let's roll, let's roll
Firebuds ♪
We're saving the day
We're cracking the code ♪
If someone gets
Into a fix ♪
That's when we get
Into the mix ♪
Let's roll
Let's roll Firebuds ♪
Firebuds let's roll ♪
Bo and Flash ♪
Jayden, Piston ♪
Violet and Axl
Yeah, that's our team ♪
We're best
Firebuds forever ♪
Here we come
And here's our team ♪
Let's roll, let's roll
Firebuds ♪
We're grabbing our gear
We're hitting the road ♪
Let's roll, let's roll
Firebuds ♪
We're saving the day
We're cracking the code ♪
Let's roll around the bend ♪
Or else you know
You can depend ♪
Let's roll, let's roll
Firebuds ♪
Firebuds, let's roll ♪
Let's roll, let's roll
Firebuds ♪
Firebuds, let's roll ♪
[Axl] "Lights Out"
I can't believe that statue is
of your grandpa, Bo.
Yup, that's my Lolo,
Fire Chief Benigno Bayani.
And my grandpa, Fleet Fireson.
They saved Town Hall
from a big fire, right?
Uh-huh. A long time ago.
No wonder they have a statue.
Well, actually,
the Mayor put up the statue
because after that fire,
Lolo Bayani created
a fire safety program
for all of
Gearbox Grove.
A statue for a safety program?
That's my kind of hero.
He sure was.
"Bayani" even means
"hero" in Filipino.
-Right, Bo?
-Yes, but it's part of a bigger word:
which is a way of saying,
"We're all in this together."
My Lolo wanted to make sure
everyone in Gearbox Grove
knew how to be safe.
Hey, kids, storm's coming.
We better finish up passing
out these emergency kits.
Let's be like your Lolo, Bo.
and make sure all our neighbors
are prepared for the storm.
Got it, Dad.
Come on, Firebuds.
[upbeat music playing]
Here you go,
Mrs. Kahn and Kahlil.
It has everything you need.
Flashlights. Batteries.
And extra food.
Oh, it's Chef Fernando.
Stay safe, Chefs!
[engine revving]
[tires squeal]
-Hey! What are you doing?!
Oh, sorry, folks,
but we can't help it.
A wet road calls for
some sweet tricks.
Did you see what
Iggy and Rod just did?
We better go talk to them.
You're right.
They need an emergency kit.
That's not what I meant.
Iggy! Rod!
'Sup, Fireduds.
Wanna race?
No, we're handing out
emergency kits
because of the storm. Axl?
Stay safe.
Ooh, what's in it?
Just batteries, tools,
first aid kit
Oh, boo-ya!
Snacks and oil shakes!
-Mmm, granola bar!
-Mmm, oil shake!
Hey, you're supposed to
save that
in case you run out
of other food.
Oh, well. Thanks for
the snacks. Hit it, Rod.
[gasps] Litterbugs!
The trash can
was right next to them.
And they didn't even take
the rest of the kit.
Why did we even give them one?
Because all our neighbors
should have what they need
for an emergency.
Even if they are litterbugs.
Yup. We're all
in this together.
-[thunder rolls]
-[Chief Bill] The storm's here, kids!
Time to head home!
[thunder crashes]
Aw, it's just thunder, Popcorn.
Since all your other parents
are out on duty,
I thought we could all
watch a movie together.
Oh, let's watch Turbo-Van:
Into the Turbo-Verse.
- No, Black Van-ther.
- Car-dians of the Galaxy.
Lady and the Tram!
How about
Hatchback of Notre Dame?
[all] Not again!
Hoods up. Hot cocoa and
camo-wheel tea comin' through.
Okay, kids,
let's vote on the movie
[power booms off]
[all gasp]
Well, looks like
no movie wins.
Don't be scared, Popcorn.
That was me.
It's only a power outage,
And we have flashlights
in our emergency kits.
I've already got one, thanks.
Now that
the flashlights are on,
you can turn off your
headlights to save energy.
It's a good thing
we have these kits.
But you know who
doesn't have a kit
Iggy and Rod.
Yeah, 'cause
they didn't want one.
But they still might need one.
Come on, Buds,
let's bring 'em a kit.
Excuse me, Mister.
You're not going anywhere
until the rain stops.
But, Mom
I'll just wait over here.
All right, the rain stopped.
Let's go!
-Go where?
-We gotta bring Iggy and Rod
an emergency kit, remember?
But I'm right at the part
where Turbo-Van
is about to capture Doc Shock.
And I've got my fuzzies on.
It's been hours since
the power went out.
Iggy and Rod might
really need some supplies.
We tried to help 'em
and they didn't take the kit.
That doesn't mean
we should stop trying.
They're still our neighbors.
They don't act like it.
But I'll go.
Let's roll, Firebuds.
-Huh? Dad, I'm losing juice.
And we're out of food.
You guys just had dinner.
But we want snacks.
Sorry, my dudes.
We tried to hit the store
before the storm
for extra treats but
everything was closed up tight.
Come over
and play cards with us.
My battery's still half-full
and we have plenty of
cozy blankets.
I can't eat blankets.
But we could make
a massive pillow fort.
[knocking on door]
Uch. What are you doing here?
We thought you might need
an emergency kit.
-[laughs] Snack time!
-Gimme that oil shake.
Um, you're welcome?
Whoa, righteous move, kids.
As you can see, Ignatius
and Roderick were hungry.
-Ugh, Dad!
-Don't use our full names.
We're happy to help
a neighbor in need.
Right on. Hey, we got
a ton of extra blankets
in case you need any.
We don't, but maybe some of
our other neighbors do.
Hey! We should organize a
supply swap in the Town Circle.
Totally. People can bring
any extra supplies
they have to share.
And folks who are low
on supplies
can come and get
what they need.
Wham, bam, perfect plan.
Let's go spread the word, Buds.
We'll help you set up
the swap at the Town Circle.
And bring our extra blankets.
But we were gonna make
pillow forts with those.
Your friends brought us
emergency supplies.
The least we can do
is share what we have.
Fine, but I'm not
going out in the cold
to give our stuff away.
Me neither.
Why am I not surprised?
All right,
you two can stay here,
but I'm very disappointed.
Yeah, it's a real bummer.
All right, Buds, let's boogie!
We can help out
Anyone in need ♪
If we all work in harmony ♪
-We can do any plan ♪
-When we all lend a hand ♪
'Cause we're
Stronger than ever ♪
When we work together ♪
We'll get through
Stormy weather ♪
'Cause we all are
in this together! ♪
Hey, Rod, d'you see what I see?
A bunch of cars
freezing their tailpipes off?
-More oil shakes and snacks.
-Let's cruise.
[wind blows]
See, this is what
bayanihan is all about.
Everyone helping each other.
Well, not everyone is helping.
They're just taking things
and not giving anything back.
Well, I'm sure Iggy and Rod
will discover
what it means to
be a good neighbor
I'll believe it when I see it.
[thunder rolls]
-Look out!
[tires squeal]
Are you all right?!
[tires screech]
Yeah, but I'm stuck.
Oh, my hoodness!
This is terrible.
I know, we were almost crushed.
It's just too heavy.
Don't worry, vroomie,
we'll find a way
to get you out.
I got an idea.
We can use that tree
as a pulley.
That way,
it'll be easier for all of us
to pull the statue
off of Axl.
We just need a rope.
One rope, comin' up.
Now let's tie one end
to the statue.
On it.
Now I'll just use my
trusty J-Hook
to launch this end
over that branch.
I'll go catch it.
Come on, everyone.
Help me pull!
I don't get it, Axl.
Why'd you save us?
It's not like we've done
anything nice for you.
I guess it's like Bo said
we have to help all our
'cause we're all in
this together.
Okay, everyone. On three
One two three!
[all strain]
You need to lift it higher.
I still can't get out!
We're gonna need more help.
[Iggy] Count us in.
All right.
Grab on and get ready.
Now pull!
[all strain]
It's too muddy!
My wheels are just spinning!
-[tires squeal]
-Where are you going?!
Take my hands.
[sighs] I'm so glad
you're okay!
Way to help out, my dudes.
We're proud of you.
Thanks for helping save me.
Well, thanks for saving us.
And giving us emergency kits.
[Rod and Axl] Twice.
Now that everyone's okay,
how would you two like to help
us with the supply swap?
I suppose we can help
for a little while.
We're all in this together
I guess.
-Would ya look at that.
-There's hope for them yet.
[motivational music playing]
[Flash] "Handle with Car"
Now let's all take another
deep breath
[all breathe deeply]
You okay, Flash?
All this sitting still
and breathing
is making me wanna
get up and play.
Medi-waiting is hard.
It's called meditating.
And it's a helpful way to calm
your body and your mind.
But what if you're
too excited to be calm?
Which I am,
like, all of the time.
It's actually very simple.
You just take
three deep breaths.
When you're so excited
That you can't sit still ♪
Just take
Three deep breaths ♪
To help your body chill ♪
[deep breaths]
When your mind is racing
Going round and round ♪
Just take three deep breaths
And you'll soon settle down ♪
But why do I even
need to be calm?
When there's an emergency,
calm is the last thing
I want to be.
Actually, calm is exactly
what you want to be,
so you can think clearly
and act safely.
Take breath one ♪
To see relaxing can be fun ♪
Take breath two ♪
To feel the calm
Wash over you ♪
Take breath three ♪
Now you're as
Peaceful as can be ♪
I guess I can give it a try.
So when you're
Feeling panicked ♪
And it won't go away ♪
Just take
Three deep breaths ♪
And you will feel okay ♪
Oh, if you take those
Three deep breaths ♪
You just might
Save your day ♪
[dreamy music playing]
[pounding continues]
Hey, Dad. Whatcha doing?
Oh, hiya, Flash.
I'm putting up a fence
around my carnations,
because someone
keeps digging at 'em.
And there's the someone now.
I'll play with him
so you can finish the fence.
Popcorn, over here, boy.
Hey, come back.
-Is something in there?
-Whoa. Eggs?
-Well, how about that
[sighs] I feel
so much calmer now
Check out these weird
bird eggs we found.
-[Jayden] Cool!
-Aww, so cute.
That does not look like
a safe place for bird eggs.
Those aren't bird eggs.
They're lizard eggs.
Even cooler.
Oh, yeah.
I've read all about lizards.
They're my favorite reptile.
But Piston's right. We should
move these somewhere else.
What about the lizards' mama?
Lizard mommies
don't hang around
after they lay their eggs.
They don't?
Then I'll be their mommy!
Don't worry, little eggs.
Flash is gonna move you
to a safe place,
just as soon as someone tells
him where that is.
-I'm on it. Hmmm.
Ooh! Says here there's a lizard
preserve in Mudflap Marsh.
That's just across town.
But we need a safe place.
A preserve is a safe place.
No one is allowed to disturb
the animals in a preserve.
-Then let's get a move on.
We have to be super careful
moving these eggs
or they'll break.
Right, of course!
How do we do that?
[Violet] All right.
This padding will keep this
egg warm and safe
while we
carry it to the marsh.
Great! We can put him
with my other babies.
Peggy. Nicholas. Orville. And
last but not least
Dominic. He's the quiet one.
Okay, Firebuds.
Let's hit the road!
Flash. Be careful.
I am being super careful
Sorry about that, Nicholas.
Uh maybe somebody with
steadier hands
should carry the eggs?
But who has
steadier hands than me?
Anybody really.
I think Piston should probably
hold the eggs, Flash.
You're awfully
excited right now.
I have been brushing up on my
my calm driving drills.
[sighs] Okay
Mommy'll be right here
if you need me.
Okay. Since these
eggs are delicate,
we'll need to stay steady
and calm for the whole trip.
I can do that no problem.
Come on, Bo. Come on!
Whoa! [grunts]
[engine revs]
-All right. Let's roll
-Let's roll, Firebuds!
-[siren wails]
-Make way!
Delicate cargo coming through!
Hold up, Mama Duck!
I gotta take care of my eggs.
You know what
I'm talking about.
Oh, gotta go.
-Piston, look out!
You coulda hit this cup, Flash.
Remember what I said about
keeping calm and steady?
Maybe you should try taking
three deep breaths.
Bo, I am steady as a rock.
-Nothing can rattle me.
Ahh! What's Popcorn doing here?
Piston, look out, pothole!
[tires squeal]
Phew! That was a close one.
Sorry if I rattled ya, Piston.
It's okay, Flash. No harm done.
Welcome to your new home,
little eggs!
Here we are:
three eggs, good to go.
Wait, three eggs?
Peggy, Orville,
Nicholas [gasps]
Where's Dominic?!
Where are you, Dominic?!
Why did it have to be
the quiet one?
Let's just think for a minute.
When was the last time
we saw all four eggs?
Well, I'm pretty sure they
were all there
after Flash picked up
that cup in the road.
And what about after Flash
freaked out about that pothole?
I don't know. I was too busy
trying not to run into him.
Uh, the egg probably fell out
of your hand when you swerved.
By that construction site.
So Dominic is lost
because of me?
We gotta go back,
we gotta go back.
After we find a safe spot
to leave these eggs.
This looks like a good place.
Hey, Flash.
Maybe you should try to be
a bit less excited.
It hasn't exactly
been helpful
I know, I know. But it's hard
when there's so much going on.
You could try
taking a deep breath.
[breathes deeply]
All set.
Don't worry, kids.
I'll find your brother.
Ya gotta stop doing that,
I have to stay calm.
Let's go egg-hunting, Firebuds.
Dominic! Come to Mommy!
[sighs] This is hopeless.
How are we ever going to
find a tiny egg
-in the middle of
-Found it!
Thanks to my trusty
heat scanner.
That warm little egg is right
over there.
[sighs] Dominic, you gave
mommy a scare
-[bird screeching]
-[all gasp]
Not cool, hawk! Not cool!
If the egg hatches up there,
that baby lizard could become
the hawk's breakfast.
What?! We gotta
get him down now.
Whoa! Flash, stop!
Huddle up, Firebuds!
Okay, let's calmly
come up with a rescue plan.
Uh, I think Flash
already has one?
Oh, boy.
Flash, what are you doing?
I got Dominic in trouble
and I'm gonna save
That scaffolding
does not look stable.
Then let's hold it
steady for him!
Why won't it stop shaking?
'Cause Flash is shakin' it.
-Flash, you need to be still
or the whole scaffolding
will fall down.
-I'm too worried!
I can't stop trembling!
And the barking
is making it worse!
Flash, you have to
calm your body.
And your mind.
-But how?!
-Try meditating.
Like we learned
this morning, remember?
Oh, yeah.
What was that
Auntie Beth said to do?
So when you're
Feeling panicked ♪
And it won't go away ♪
Just take three
Deep breaths ♪
And you will feel okay ♪
Take breath one ♪
To see relaxing can be fun ♪
Take breath two ♪
To feel the calm
Wash over you ♪
Take breath three ♪
Now I'm as peaceful
As can be ♪
Okay. Just a couple
more inches
He got the egg!
But if he doesn't stay
perfectly still,
it will fall off.
Oh, if I take those
Three deep breaths ♪
I just might save the day ♪
Good boy, Popcorn! Gotcha!
-Awesome sauce!
-Aw yeah!
Truly egg-straordinary.
I just came up with that.
That was the calmest rescue
I've ever seen.
-Thanks, Bo.
-[both] Wee-oo!
Now let's get you
to your new home.
[gasps] What happened
to the eggs?
They hatched.
Peggy, Orville, Nicholas!
Look how much you've grown.
Hey, I think Dominic
is joining the party.
It's hatching.
Welcome to the world, Dominic.
Let's all take a breath
and enjoy it.
[deep breaths]
This is called medi-waiting.
[Bo] Meditating.
Meditating. Right.
[all sigh]
[theme music plays]
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