Fireworks of My Heart (2023) s01e09 Episode Script


(Fireworks of My Heart)
(Adapted from the novel "A City, Waiting for You" by Jiuyuexi)
(Episode 9)
(Honorably discharged)
-Fall in line. -Yes, madam.
Half turn to the left. Turn!
Yancheng Fire and Rescue Oath.
Together with fellow firefighters,
we will safeguard the peace of our home.
Ready to brave fire and water,
putting people above all,
never deterring.
This our duty.
We will keep our watch through the night.
The years will be eventful.
Engraved with illustrious feats,
our footsteps shall be light.
We will be stoic and proud.
Never forgetting our roots,
answering the needs of the people.
Our responsibility is to protect our land.
We fear no hardship.
We are always at the ready.
We will do everything we can.
The water dragon will subdue the fire
and stop buildings from collapsing.
We will go into the fire
to save lives from burning.
Come visit us often.
I haven't yet become your best soldier.
Please don't go.
I will train hard.
I believe in you.
You're surely become an outstanding firefighter.
-Instructor. -That's enough.
Da Peng. Don't be like that.
You're making it harder for Instructor Suo.
Take care.
When you are free,
do come back and see us.
My job there will be hectic.
And it's far from here.
Even if I were to say I'd come back,
I can't be sure to fulfill it.
So I'll just say one thing.
Be safe.
I really wish I could
go on another mission with Instructor Suo.
Just shut it.
(An office building in Xi Shi Center, Hengfang Road is on fire.)
You jinxed it!
(Two water trucks, two foam trucks.)
(An office building in Xi Shi Center, Hengfang Road is on fire.)
(Two water trucks, two foam trucks.)
-Stay safe! -We will!
Suo Jun.
The chief sent a car to get me.
The traffic was bad so it took longer.
Thank goodness I made it.
Why did you come?
I came to bring you home.
I'm sorry.
It's okay as you're home.
This time,
you finally kept your promise to me.
Let's go home.
Any news about the men you've met?
Let me think some more.
Just give me a name.
Qin Qin.
Right now,
you're at the ripe age to date.
I left the photos at the condo.
I'll go back and take a look.
I have extra copies here.
Pour yourself tea.
First impression.
Let's see if your intuition is good.
Let me see.
Jiang Yu.
You and I share the same taste.
I also think
this young man is pretty good.
I'll send your WeChat contact to his mother.
Reply if he contacts you.
I'll go upstairs.
Take the photo.
High-grade tea leaves.
Keep this for yourself, sir.
I'm gifting it to you.
You don't want it?
Did the sun rise up
from the west today?
I understand. You're not happy.
Suo Jun was reassigned.
Well, there was no better option.
He's injured.
You know his condition.
I will follow the arrangements.
You and Suo Jun
lived, ate and worked together
for almost eight years, right?
Your friendship
and camaraderie
cannot be replaced.
However, this is the nature of the job.
In iron-clad barracks with ever-moving soldiers,
there is no position
that allows good friends
to work together forever.
Am I right?
I hope you'll get over this incident.
Don't let it affect your future works.
Rest assured, sir.
I won't let it affect my work.
Then show me your teeth.
There's the handsome young man.
Be good, you hear?
All right, what's your critique?
Any critique?
Lead them back.
All present, listen to my command.
All, look to the right.
Look forward.
Not bad. You guys did well.
All present, turn right.
Squad leaders, take your squads back.
Go, move in line.
Dr. Xu.
Dr. Xu, something happened.
Chen Min is awake, but she's very distraught.
She is not cooperating with us and said it's too painful.
-What does she want then? -To kill herself.
-Get out! -Please calm down.
-Listen to -Get out!
Please stop.
Leave, all of you!
Calm down.
Calm down!
Min Min, my dear Min Min.
We're so sorry.
We'll talk to her.
Sorry for the trouble.
-It's okay. -Sorry for the trouble.
So sorry.
It's all right.
Officer, is there anyone trapped upstairs?
We've already evacuated the upstairs residents.
Jun Ping, what's the reading?
It's within the safe limit.
Jiang, break down the door.
Got it.
Captain, we're heading in.
Disperse the crowd. Get the fire under control.
Mister. Mister?
Can you hear me?
Wake up, mister.
Come, give me a hand.
Onto my back.
-Get the stretcher! -Quick, stretcher!
Help me out.
Wake up.
Wake up.
You're okay, mister.
You're safe now. Don't worry.
Did you save me?
Let's take you to the hospital.
Sit up.
Why did you save me?
Why did you stop me from dying?
Why did you stop me from dying?
-It's okay. -Yang.
It's okay.
Why did you stop me from dying?
Why did you stop me from dying?
Sorry about that.
We caused trouble for you.
So sorry.
Sir, ma'am.
Let me talk to Chen Min alone.
Chen Min, I hope you can get your emotions under control.
You can save your breath.
It's better for me to just die.
I don't want to burden my parents.
And I won't have to suffer anymore.
I know where you're coming from.
But if you feel bad about being a burden to your parents,
I can assure you.
Parents are the last people on earth who would think their child is a burden.
But if it's the pain you're worried about,
I can tell give you my word as a doctor
that we'll do our best to minimize the pain.
So please have more courage.
How am I supposed to be brave?
I'm the one whose face got ruined.
Not you.
I rather die than live like this.
There's no better way for me.
Who would want to see my face on broadcasts?
I will never be able to find love again.
So don't tell me what I should do!
-Get out! -Calm down.
I said, get out!
-Don't touch me. Get out! -Okay.
I won't touch you, okay?
Dr. Yang, let's leave first.
Give her some time to calm down.
Okay, calm down. We'll leave.
I said those things out of concern.
We know. She's just not in the right frame of mind.
Don't let it bother you.
Go away.
Leave me alone.
You're the one with the scarred face.
You'd never understand what I'm feeling.
Do you think you're the only one who got unlucky.
You know what?
The firefighter who saved you
suffered burns on his face.
His arm sustained permanent damage.
He is no longer fit to be dispatched
and was made to retire.
The person he risked his life to rescue
now wishes to die.
So the sacrifice he made
became a joke.
Yang Chi.
Don't keep any misgivings to yourself.
I'm fine.
We often got rebuked last time.
When the Curtain City caught fire,
the roof caved in.
But people still criticized us, saying
that we were cowards for not rushing in.
You said this all the time.
In life, misunderstandings outnumber understanding.
It's normal for people to misunderstand.
Well, I'll carry on with my work.
How is the firefighter now?
He remains as his beloved's fiance,
his parents' son.
Those that truly love him
will not mind how he looks.
Dr. Xu.
I'm really scared.
So scared.
You were successfully rescued.
So please do your best to live.
Put your bet on a good outcome.
What if it's a bad one?
How bad can it be?
Nothing is worse than death.
Because to die
means there is no longer any possibility.
I know what you're saying.
I also know that I should be strong.
I should face it with courage.
But I really can't take it.
I can't accept it.
You don't have to.
We don't have to face hardship with a smile.
Let alone calmly accept it.
It doesn't stop you from moving forward.
One day,
while you tread forward, you'll realize
that some hardships
still remain in the corner.
But they're no longer important.
Because you
have started a new life.
Chen Min agreed to have the surgery?
That's right.
Dr. Xu managed to persuade her?
What did she say?
Who knows?
Dr. Xu is truly a curiosity of the hospital.
Bye, everyone.
You girls chat.
-Let's go. -Work is done.
Whatever. Let's just go.
-Work is done. -Hurry up.
Dr. Xu.
(Please enter.)
Mom, we're back.
Yan Chen.
I have something to ask you.
What's this about?
(Payment of fine. Transaction successful)
I'm a grown adult.
Why are you still checking my balance?
If I didn't check,
I wouldn't have known about the 100,000 fine.
The thing that worries your dad and I most
is that you two might go astray.
We don't ever want to see
you two doing anything immoral.
Explain it to me.
I have a friend.
He got arrested for selling fake goods.
I helped him pay for the fine.
I believe you.
Sit down.
Qin Qin.
You sit here.
Have you met up with Jiang Yu?
Mom, I've been quite busy with work.
You always say you're busy.
You only come home when I tell you to.
I could talk to the associate dean
about giving you
a less taxing job.
How about that?
The guy tried to ask you out.
But you're always busy.
What if he stops asking?
This time,
you be proactive.
You ask him out.
Do it now.
Text him.
I sent it.
It's okay to be restrained.
But Jiang Yu's family and ours
are of similar status.
there's no need to be so formal.
All right, you may go.
I'll be upstairs.
Out with it.
What was the money really for?
Does it
have anything to do with the Song guy?
You two dared to do such a thing under my nose.
Are you trying to be their Cupid?
I wasn't trying to help them.
Nevertheless, you shouldn't have helped her.
You've learned to lie now.
-Please enjoy. -Thanks.
-Hello. -Hello.
Take a seat.
I'm sorry. I hope I'm not late.
No, I just got here myself.
What would you like to drink?
Ice Americano.
-One ice Americano. -Okay.
And a glass of water, thanks.
So, you're a surgeon?
You must be quite busy then.
-Water for you. -Thanks.
It's not too bad.
I reckon it's quite tiring being a doctor.
Do you get two consecutive days off?
We do.
Then, how come you couldn't make it
to the date we set last week?
I'm in the Emergency Department.
We go by shifts.
-Your ice Americano. Enjoy. -Thanks.
You like this music?
-Yes. -So do I.
I've seen many versions of the "Swan Lake" world tour.
Which cast did you see?
Because they alternate between Team A and Team B,
-I watched the one I -Excuse me.
What's the matter?
Something came up at the hospital.
I have to go.
I'm really sorry.
Take care.
(I've transferred the money. Please check. Thanks)
(What are you doing)
(You're welcome)
(When you have the time, I wish to)
(Shouldn't you treat me to a meal as thanks)
(Okay. What would you like to eat)
That boy, Suo Jun.
He left just like that.
I really feel bad for him.
He's tough.
He'll get through it.
But I do agree with what he said
before he left.
You really should have a life outside of work.
But I understand.
You're still thinking of Xu Qin, aren't you?
Mrs. He.
Don't run.
-Yan is back? -Mrs. He.
You brought so much good food.
You have to try these cured meat from my hometown.
Lovely. Let me serve them on a platter.
There's no rush. I'll leave it all with you if you can't find a plate.
That won't do.
How's everything? Have you gotten yourself a girlfriend?
Not yet.
No wonder your aunt is anxious.
You've got great qualifications.
Tell me.
What type of girl are you looking for?
Do you like someone outgoing
or someone more reserved?
Dong Mei.
This is freshly made chili sauce from Zhai's family home.
You have to try it. It's really fragrant.
I already smell it.
It must be good mixed with rice.
Look how nice the boy is.
He helps out with menial work.
Not like my Kang Kang, who only knows to play games.
Oh, hush. Kang Kang is good, too.
I better go back. I've got stew cooking.
Yan, come visit when you're free.
What was I talking about just now?
Right, I was saying.
Nowadays, the society thinks differently.
It's not like before when you should marry within your own class.
Just speak your mind.
What I mean is,
although it's no longer encouraged,
old sayings still hold true in some ways.
When the family status is too different,
it's hard to be happy together.
Here's the thing. Right now, it's not about your compatibility.
Nor whether you two should date or not.
This is about two families.
-Say, if -I get it.
You don't have to worry.
I know what to do.
Where's Uncle?
Your uncle found a recipe for stinky mandarin fish online.
He wanted to make it for you.
So he went out to buy fish.
He should be back by now.
Anyway, about what I said,
I hope you take it to heart.
Don't make things hard for yourself.
I'm sure the food in the hospital is drab.
Eat more.
The food there is pretty good.
That's enough, Mom.
You eat.
Your dark eye circles are showing.
You met with Jiang Yu?
We exchanged texts and met for coffee.
But something came up in the hospital so I left early.
That busy, huh?
I think you're more suited
to do research work in a university.
I'll get you a new job.
I'm quite happy with where I am now.
What's there to be happy about?
You're getting skinnier.
It's the same with your brother.
I introduced so many nice ladies to him,
but he wasn't interested in any.
I don't know how you guys think.
Getting married early is a good thing.
There's a guy.
I'm interested in.
I suppose
you could say I like him.
Jiang Yu?
Then from which family?
when I was studying abroad,
did you receive any letter addressed to me?
It's nothing.
I'm full.
I'll leave now.
I have work tomorrow.
Qin Qin.
Don't make me
become the bad guy again.
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