Fish Upon the Sky (2021) s01e09 Episode Script

Episode 9

The characters, behaviors, places, institutions, professions, and situations in this series are fictional. They are for entertainment purposes only.
We do not have any intention of directing or promoting any actions in the series.
Viewer discretion is highly advised.
You said before that
Muang Nan was a fish upon the sky for you.
But you know what?
You are a fish upon the sky for me too.
From now on, just stay away from me.
Let me live my life in peace.
I was so glad at first that you stopped following me everywhere.
Now that I don’t get to hear your voice,
I feel kind of uneasy.
Who is this girl?
Why is she with Mork?
Let’s go study just the two of us.
I can go.
You can go back to your seat.
I promise I won’t bother you.
I’ll be nice and quiet.
The only thing I’ll do is hold Mork's hand.
(Anyone, please take this girl away.)
Can you hear me?
I’m not the complication.
I’m the right vaccine for your disease.
You’re stubborn.
I won’t make you like me anymore.
I will just make you love me instead.
Watch me!
Pi, wait up.
Have you seen Pi?
Where did he go?
That way.
What’s going on?
You seem so serious.
Do you want to talk about it?
You were bold to confess to Pi in front of the whole university.
You’re awesome. You deserve my praise.
Wait a minute!
Don’t praise me.
It was just a coincidence.
Who would have thought there was a live camera backstage?
People usually set cameras in front of the stage.
And now people are having the wrong idea about that.
You started out by teasing him.
No matter how serious you are now, he still thinks you’re just a tease.
I don’t want to rub it in your face.
But I told you before.
When you like someone,
tell that person honestly from the start.
But I think, for Pi,
I can’t just do that.
Why not?
He’s my fish upon the sky.
If I said it straight,
I might have lost him already.
Why are you smiling?
I’m being serious here.
You seem to love Pi very much.
Give me your hand.
What is it?
Pi gave it to me.
But I don't think it belongs to me.
You should have it.
Your fish upon the sky.
Come on. Cheer up!
Just smile.
You’re now famous.
Somebody just confessed to you on-air.
Why do you think it’s nonsense?
Why are you cheering for him so badly?
If he’s that great like you just said, why don’t you date him yourself?
Because I want you to be with someone great.
You’re talking like you know him.
Bye now.
I’ll get back to my study.
Of course, I know him. He’s me.
How can I not know that I like you?
Do you have any idea how much I like you?
Where is it?
Who took you home, Meen?
A friend from university.
What’s the matter?
Have you seen that thing on the dining table?
Fish sauce?
No, not them.
It’s a fish.
A seabass?
A snakeskin gourami?
A snake-head fish?
A goby?
A goldfish?
A fancy carp?
Please don’t tell me yet.
What fish?
This is it!
A water bottle?
No. This thing.
It is yours?
You’re the one who took it?
It was so cute so I clipped it on my water bottle strap.
But I’m sorry.
I dropped it today.
It's chipped a little now.
(Damn! It’s really chipped.)
(Just like my relationship with Pi.)
Are you okay?
Is it expensive?
I can buy you a new one.
It’s cute.
I’m kidding.
Don’t be stressed out. Let me help you.
And your stress will go away.
What are you gonna do?
You’re a medical student.
You know what a placebo is.
I can’t take this anymore. I’m out!
Excuse me. You can’t go yet.
Please store the book where it was before you go.
Teddy Bear, I want some Mala.
Just go check on your girlfriend.
What makes you think she’s my girlfriend?
I never said Bam and I are dating.
What are you doing here?
Let go.
You’re allowed to save me only.
(Damn you, Mork!)
(You’re keeping me awake.)
Let go.
(And what’s wrong with her mouth?)
(Her speaking doesn’t make sense!)
(What the heck!)
Just chill, man.
(I just want to kick you so bad!)
If you don’t stop, I’ll throw a punch.
In Mork’s face?
In your face!
(If you want to punch someone, just punch Mork.)
Alright. I’m so done!
I warned you not to.
Duean, don’t!
Hello, everyone.
Welcome to MediZeed Festival 2021.
There are a bunch of booths by medical students here for you to shop from.
The money will go to hospitals for the poor.
Don’t worry about the money.
It’s not going to reach them. Just kidding!
They will surely get this financial support.
Thank you.
Try our delicious Mala sticks.
Ten baht only for each.
They have Mala too?
Teddy Bear, I want some Mala.
Can I have that, please?
It’s you, Pi?
What a coincidence!
Is he the guy you said ‘just a friend?’
He is.
Hi. Walking around?
I’m crawling around.
King of sarcasm.
They have plenty. Why are you picking the same one as I am?
I don’t want the others.
I want what you want.
Alright. Just take it.
You should go have a seat first, Teddy Bear.
I’ll meet you there when the food is ready.
Save a spot for your friend here too.
He should sit across from us
so he can see our sweet moments.
Of course, Pumpkin.
How spicy do you want?
We have level 2, 3, and 4.
Make it mild, please.
As for mine,
No mild, no spicy.
I want it super hot.
Because I like things hot!
Of course.
Wait a moment, please.
Here you are.
100 baht, please.
250 baht for this one.
Thank you.
You’re welcome to sit with us.
But if you don’t want to see some heartbreaking moments,
you can sit somewhere else.
I’ve reserved the seats for us. Come and sit here.
Spicy, isn’t it?
You have zero tolerance for spiciness.
Don’t you feel spicy?
It’s great.
Maybe you aren’t familiar with spicy food.
If you’re so tough,
try to eat them all.
Are you afraid?
Do not challenge me.
If you’re tough, show Mork that you can finish them all.
Just don’t.
Teddy Bear, don’t stop me.
I will eat them all.
Isn’t it spicy, Pumpkin?
Go on.
Still not spicy?
Keep on eating then.
Not spicy?
Eat more then.
I mean no, my tongue can’t feel anything anymore.
What are you looking at?
There’s something on your mouth.
I told you…
I don’t like to see anything unclean.
I think…
you should go check on your girlfriend.
She’s dancing a hot dance over there.
What makes you think she’s my girlfriend?
I never said Bam and I are dating.
It’s pretty easy to tell.
There is a fan page of yours and the hashtag #MorkBamIsReal.
Well, well.
You care about social media gossip now?
It seems like you’re taking interest in my movements.
Interest, my ass.
The news was just on my feed.
Just admit it.
Don’t be so tight-lipped.
Stop talking or I’ll poke your eye with this.
That’s okay.
Because I’m already blinded by love.
Such a king of flirting!
I’ll flirt until you warm up to me.
No way, sir.
I think…
You should take care of your girlfriend first.
I’m really worried.
This is your prize.
And yours.
Please stop by and play again next time.
The Story of a Fifth-Year Student EP.9 - Start Again
Why is no one coming to my booth at all?
Why is your booth so deserted?
My game is so easy.
You get it right and you get a reward.
Let’s try me.
- You ready?
- Yes.
What do we call the orange and red pigments that support photosynthesis?
What’s the name of a NASA intern who discovered a new planet?
What is Varanus Salvator called, in other words?
Shit!! (water monitor)
That’s correct!
You’re smart.
That’s correct?
The answer is a water monitor.
Was that a really correct answer?
It was.
Water monitor.
And your prize is…
Wow! You must love this very much.
What is it?
You get a pencil sharpener.
A pencil sharpener! Yeah!!
Damn it!
People need to answer those super difficult questions for sharpeners?
Are you crazy?
I am not.
Look! We have many colors of them here.
They are so cute. I want one too.
There’s no doubt why people don’t come here.
What? They are so cute.
Your quizzes are too difficult.
I have one more gift for you though.
What are you doing here, senior?
What’s wrong with your eyebrows?
You’re hitting on a first-year med student.
I see.
A super senior from Engineering has just one class.
You have plenty of time to flirt around.
You go back where you came from.
I don’t have time for you.
Alright, I’ll go.
I won’t bother your time to flirt now.
See you at the faculty.
See you!
People are weird these days.
They always call other people their seniors.
I can’t get away from this one, right?
Are you still going to lie after what I just heard?
I should call you P’Duean from now on.
Did I hurt your feelings that bad?
This is the shop where I bought you choux creams.
Let me ask you honestly.
Are you doing this to get back at Mork?
I’ve known for a while that you’re a fifth-year student from Engineering.
Your name was on the report cover.
You’re acting like I’m so stupid and clueless.
Have you known this for long?
I’ll tell you the truth.
I’m ashamed that I’m dumb.
You said it yourself that there was a fifth-year student in your class.
I didn’t want to be that dumb dude.
That’s why I lied.
Do you think I was happy doing that?
And if I didn’t do the project with you,
I wouldn’t be able to graduate.
You know what, Duean?
All those times, I was willing to do anything for you
because I thought you were my friend.
But from this day on, I don’t think I can call you Duean anymore.
I should call you P’Duean.
Did I hurt your feelings that badly?
I am sorry.
I always give people chances.
We can start over and get to know each other.
Get to know each other for real.
Like what we should have done from the start.
I am Duean.
My first name is Dollawee.
I’m a fifth-year student from Engineering.
My name is Meen.
My first name is Sittha.
I’m a first-year Med student.
Once I hold someone’s hand, I won’t let go so easily.
So when I need to pee, will you release my hand and let me go pee?
Man! It was about to get very touching there.
You just don’t know how to be romantic.
The story of a fifth-year student ep.9 is over.
- What else do you have?
- Pencil sharpeners.
I don’t want it!
I’m so moody.
I should eat something sweet.
Teddy Bear, I want this one.
(It’s them again!)
Which one do you want, Pumpkin?
This one.
I want the big one.
How big?
This big.
Show me something cute first.
Say ‘am I cute?’
Am I cute?
You are the cutest.
Which one?
This one.
You’re the cutest too.
Thank you.
(Something horrible must have happened to her tongue.)
I want this one too.
Show me your cuteness again.
Cute cute!
(My ass!)
Cute cute!
This one too.
This one.
And this.
This one. This, this, and that.
And this one!
Why are you blocking my way?
I’m going to wash my hands.
What’s up with her tongue?
‘Cute cute!’
‘I want this one and that one.’
So annoying.
If you’re jealous, just say it.
I am not.
You are.
I’m not.
You’re jealous.
I told you I’m not jealous.
You are.
I told you I’m not jealous.
You aren’t just jealous…
but you’re aggressively jealous.
‘Teddy Bear!’
‘Cute, cute.’
‘I want this! I want that!’
Damn it!
Why does she talk like that?
I’m not jealous. Jealous, my ass!
I don’t know either.
Do you have the schedule?
It’s my turn now.
Teddy Bear, do you want some cake?
Here. Have a bite.
We can stop now.
Pi is gone.
I should speak normally then.
My tongue is so numb.
Nan, this is the shop where I bought you choux creams.
Come on.
They have choux creams today.
Excuse me, can I have the ones with cream filling, please?
It’s the filling you like.
I’d like some green tea filling, please.
You want them soft or crispy?
Icing or maple?
Big ones or small ones?
Big ones.
Small ones.
You don’t know your friend very well.
That’s alright.
One moment, please.
Let’s grab a seat.
I’m sorry, Nan.
Are you okay?
I am.
Let’s go.
Are you sure you’re alright?
I am.
Come on.
I am sorry, Nan.
I think there's something wrong with my legs.
I think you need more Calcium.
Let’s go.
Thank you for your treat.
That’s fine.
For you, it’s no problem at all.
Let me ask you honestly.
Are you doing this just to get back at Mork?
No, I’m not.
He’s with his girlfriend.
And I happened to run into you, so I invited you for some dessert.
I know it.
Both of you, what are you guys playing at?
I am not playing.
listen to me.
Where are you going?
Bam, we should quit playing now.
Excuse me.
Are you leaving already?
You haven’t paid yet.
It’s 2,000 baht in total.
Do you offer any discount,
Teddy Bear?
When you hear the word ‘Pi’, what do you think of?
12 months. 365 days.
To me,
it’s ‘Pi’ who’s in front of me.
It’s Pi, the nickname of…
Can I join you?
It’s good you’re here.
I have something to say to you.
Why did you have to disguise yourself as ‘A Guy From Nearby Faculty?’
listen to me.
Do you know a page called ‘A Guy From Nearby Faculty?’
I do.
Have you two been talking for a long time?
We have, pretty long.
Do you talk to him about everything?
He’s my first friend. We talk about everything.
Don’t tell me you’re the admin.
Not quite right, Pi.
The Faculty of Allied Health Sciences isn’t the one next to Dentistry.
Which Faculty would that be?
That’s right.
Now you should be able to guess who he is.
I don’t think he meant to do that.
Are you taking his side?
No. I’m always on your side.
I’m asking because I’m worried about you.
If you make someone mad, how do you make up?
If you guys are really friends, just apologize.
We have to become friends in order to do that.
I think you do know that he really likes you.
Were you angry when you found out?
I was for being fooled
but it was just for a short while.
Nan told me…
Nan, can you give him this umbrella?
I don’t want him to walk alone in the rain.
Come on.
Have you had eyes for me for all these times?
If you really like me, then why did you get Bam involved?
To drive you to speak out what you feel.
Are you sulking?
I am not.
Let’s play a game.
What game? No!
You have to.
I’m forcing you to play.
You’re not gonna give up, are you?
When you hear the word ‘Pi’, what do you think of?
12 months. 365 days.
52 weeks. 8,760 hours.
To me,
it’s ‘Pi’ who’s in front of me.
It’s Pi, the nickname of…
Whenever I think of ‘Pi’,
I always think of you.
What about you?
When you hear the word ‘Mork’,
what do you think of?
Someone who likes to tease.
Get your hands off my head.
That’s how you want it?
I wish for us to be friends.
I will never be your friend in this life.
Not just friends then.
I will wish for more.
No! You can’t wish for anything.
An annoying guy.
A rival.
Pi wants some pictures with you.
No, Mork!
I’m too shy.
You’re my first friend.
Now that we’re friends,
don’t you ever leave me.
A friend.
No ‘boyfriend’ at all?
You told me that
If I wasn’t ready,
we could start by being friends.
You can’t just skip that step.
I wanted to be your friend at first.
But now,
I want to be your boyfriend.
Why do you like me?
I like it when you’re cranky.
It’s funny.
You don’t have to do anything.
Don’t talk. Don’t move. Don’t breathe.
And I like it when you try to act cool.
But you’re actually sucky.
You think you’re so cool?
You’re such a nerd.
Second-year students aren't supposed to know those things.
It might sound weird.
But when you put all your effort into something,
it is very cool.
I think…
My Serotonin works very well when I’m close to you.
More importantly,
I like a mole on your ear.
What are you talking about?
That’s it?
That’s all the reasons why you like me?
How should I say this?
I just never thought I could be liked.
I’m unpopular and awkward.
Did you just like me after I changed my look?
I have something for you to see.
I want to let you know that…
every time I'm with you,
my heart beats really fast.
I feel happy whenever I’m with you.
What about you?
How do you feel when you’re with me?
Do you feel good?
The terms of our dating probation,
We can’t tell people we’re together.
Are you two secretly dating?
- No.
- No.
We can take care of each other
but we can’t do it in the public eye.
Have this snack when you’re hungry.
Something for you to eat as well.
You and I are together now.
But I haven’t stamped yet.
It isn’t an official contract, you don’t have to stamp…
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