Flex x Cop (2024) s01e09 Episode Script

Episode 9

[realtor breathing heavily]
You don't know who he is?
[Isoo] Choi Seonu, the CEO of SW SOFT.
[Jiwon] I've worked here for eight years,
but I've never seen a body like this.
The cause of death
is dehydration.
[Kyungjin] I found
who talked last with him.
It's Seo Yukyung,
a famous psychiatrist.
What did Mr. Choi Seonu say?
He was in panic.
He said someone
was trying to kill him.
- Got the dashcam?
- [Junyoung] Yes, here.
[suspect] I can't do it anymore.
- What did you say?
- We should find this man first.
He's the leader
of our Customer Management Team.
- [Knocking on the door] Damn it.
- [Jiwon] With a sharp knife,
his artery was slashed at a
stroke by someone very skillful.
[Isoo] You know this man, right?
The bags with two billion next to him
had your fingerprints on them.
I went to the psychiatrist
and he blackmailed me with that,
so I gave him that money. That's all.
[Seonu] Just one more time.
Where's the USB?
[Isoo] We need to find that USB first.
[Isoo groans]
[Isoo] To the first floor!
[Isoo shouts & screams]
[Isoo gasps & groans in pain]
[Isoo shouts]
[Ganghyun] Your VIP is so impatient.
We made an appointment.
[Isoo] I'll go bring his VIP here.
- That USB, we found it.
- Really?
[Isoo] Your son is a cop.
[manager1] No, you can't.
[mourner sighs]
Only immediate family can open it.
[Isoo] I think I know where the USB is.
- There are videos.
- Hong Euna.
[heavy breathing]
Wang Jongtae.
[Kyungjin] No, you're not.
[Isoo and Junyoung sigh]
Who was next?
[Isoo] She's the only one who can make
Choi Seonu die from dehydration.
The special treatment that she provides
is hypnosis therapy.
[Isoo] How about Junyoung
getting the therapy?
He'd never be hypnotized
at any circumstances.
But if he's hypnotized,
it means she's truly capable of it.
There's a man whom I hate very much.
Make me adore him.
[Yukyung] You're now
walking at the beach.
Wave comes in
and it goes out.
Argh. It hurts.
[blowing sound]
[Junyoung] Just a moment.
- What's wrong with him?
- I think he's hypnotized.
[Isoo] Gosh, it's so embarrassing.
- How could you do this to me?
- Damn, the hypnosis.
Using hypnosis
she seems to have killed people.
Can I ask you a favor?
[Yukyung] Professor.
[professor] It's been a long time.
Your body is light
Your eyelids are heavy
[Yukyung] When I heard
that Hong Euna was blackmailed,
I called Cho Sunggu.
Where's the footage?
I kept it somewhere safe.
- [Sunggu] Don't worry about that.
- [Yukyung] Okay, I'll send you the money.
[Yukyung] I called Choi Seonu.
"Cho Sunggu was murdered."
"You'll be the next target.
Never eat anything."
"They poisoned
all the food and drinks."
What the hell did you do to me?
[Ganghyun] You've just confessed
[Isoo] Kyungjin, escort her
to the cozy jail.
[Isoo] It's here.
Who's calling?
Dr. Seo
[attorney] wants to talk to you.
[dark music]
You look nice in that outfit.
[Isoo laughs shallowly]
[inhaling] You missed me?
For the last time,
I'd like to offer you hypnotherapy.
[inhaling] I have nothing to be treated.
[shallow laugh]
[Yukyung] Your dream
about an exhibition hall
with the white wall.
In the big hall,
[Yukyung] there is only one picture.
How do you know that?
I created that dream.
I don't know what your plan is,
but that's enough.
[Yukyung] It was too huge and shocking
for a little boy.
So I
switched your memory into that picture.
What are you talking about?
[Yukyung] I mean, I could show you
how your mom died.
You want to see it?
[heavy music]
[footsteps echoing]
[door creaks]
[Young Isoo] Mom!
[clear sound effect]
[music getting faster]
[beeping sound effect]
[heavy breathing]
[dark music]
[footsteps echoing]
[door locking sound]
[tires screeching]
[guard1] The meeting is ongoing.
[guard2] You shouldn't get in now.
You fooled me?
I'm asking you!
[Seungju] What's up? Tell me.
Is it true
that Mom committed suicide?
Then, why did you lie to me?
Why did you fool me?
I tried to protect you.
Hey, Isoo.
[Myeongchul] You were lying
next to your mom.
[water trickling]
[Myeongchul] Seonyoung.
[breathing urgently]
[Jeonghun] You should get out of here.
[Jeonghun] Escort him.
[siren sound approaching]
[Myeongchul] Since then,
you didn't eat anything
and got an aphasia.
Even psychotherapy didn't work.
The only thing I could do
was remove that memory.
Where's my mom?
[Myeongchul] That was the way I saved you.
[Myeongchul] I was worried
when you went back to that house.
Dr. Seo also called me.
I tried to rule you
out of the investigation
and bring you out of that house.
[Jeonghun] It might be a good chance.
it's time for Isoo to face the truth.
[Myeongchul] He said
you're grown up enough
to hold out the truth.
he was wrong.
You are still
an immature child
acting up without thinking.
[Isoo] Why did Mom die like that?
It was because of you.
[dark music]
She deserved to live better than that.
She shouldn't have died like that.
It's you who killed her.
Don't dare say that again!
She was the woman I loved.
You kicked out a pregnant woman
to protect your position.
No one calls that love.
[Isoo] Because of you
my mom's life and mine
were completely ruined.
[Seungju] Isoo.
[heavy music]
[engine revs]
[car door opens]
What happened?
I can't get into my house.
[Ganghyun] Nice view, isn't it?
[cup holding sound]
[Ganghyun exhaling]
[Ganghyun] When my head is a mess,
I come here to relax.
What are you thinking?
I'm thinking about
how hopeless and stupid I am.
[Isoo] Today, I found out
how my mom died.
[Isoo] It wasn't just a car accident.
- My mom
- You don't need to say it.
I already know.
I looked into it.
it was true, right?
It was a sleeping pill overdose.
[Ganghyun] She had suffered
from depression.
[mellow music]
[Isoo sighs shallowly]
[Isoo] Must've been tough for her
to raise a son alone.
Was it because of me?
Don't think like that.
[Ganghyun] Those who were left
always want to figure out the reason,
but there's no answer.
It has
I need to meet someone.
I should get going.
See you tomorrow.
[Ganghyun] Bye.
[footsteps receding]
[phone vibrates]
[line ringing]
[line ringing continues]
Mr. Choi.
[shallow sigh]
What's up, Ms. Lee?
Didn't expect you to come to see me.
You're writing
about Jin Isoo's mom, right?
[shallow laugh]
Huh, there's no secret in this world.
Stop that.
[dark music]
What do we call that?
Suppression of the press?
Among those trashy reporters,
you don't belong
to the dirtiest group, right?
Trashy reporters
make lots of money in this world.
[Ganghyun] I think I know
where that money comes from.
[Ganghyun breathing]
I'll give you a carrot and a stick.
If you release that article,
I'll dig into the dirty relationship
between you and Wang Jongtae
at any cost.
[shallow laugh]
And if you don't release it,
I'll give you a scoop.
A scoop like Dr. Seo's secret file
or something?
That was lost.
[Ganghyun] But I promise
you can report exclusively
for my next case.
[mellow music]
[birds chirping]
[film winding sound]
[camera shutter sound]
[film winding sound]
[camera shutter sound]
[light turned off]
[tram sound]
[tram honking]
[suspenseful music]
[zoom-in sound effect]
[thunder rumbling]
[mysterious music]
[shallow sigh]
Liquor or tea?
[uncorking sound]
I'm fine.
I'm not here for fun.
[liquor pouring sound]
[bottle thuds]
You're so young.
I'm young
and also capable,
which is not common.
[mysterious music]
As of yesterday,
three people have died in this hotel.
[Sanghee] They all looked freaked out
[zoom-in sound effect]
as if they'd seen what they shouldn't see,
All those cases occurred in Room 201,
[Sanghee] and the cause of death
was drowning.
They'd never sunk into the water,
but drowned to death
in the room.
In the same place, in a week,
three people have died in a weird way?
This kind of case ends up
revealing a terrible secret.
[Namsu] Do you have
a secret as well?
In this era,
who doesn't have a dirty secret?
You also have one, right?
Please find out
how these three victims were related.
[Namsu] I'll figure out
the secret of Room 201.
[door closes]
[static sound effect]
[scratching sound]
[static sound effect]
[eerie sound effect]
[static sound effect]
[static sound effect]
[shallow scoff]
[eerie music]
[clock chimes]
[suspenseful music]
[tense sound effect]
[eerie sound effect]
[eerie giggling sound]
[eerie sound effect]
[eerie sound effect]
[lighter igniting sound]
[Namsu exhaling]
[zoom-in sound effect]
[mysterious music]
[Yura groans shallowly]
[zoom-in sound effect]
[director] Cut, okay.
[Seongho] Yes, cut, okay.
[staff1] Scene okay.
Get ready for the next scene.
[Namsu] You're so light
that I couldn't feel any weight.
[Sangtae] Yura, here.
[director] It's okay.
Keep up the hard work.
The world is full of lies, right?
[mysterious music]
Those who tell the truth
will get hurt.
you want to know the truth?
[director] Cut, okay.
- [staff1] Cut.
- [staff2] Okay.
[Seongho] This is all for today.
Great job, everyone.
[staff chattering]
[Seongho] Thank you. Great job.
- Thanks.
- [director] Okay.
[staff chattering]
[everyone chattering]
[Sangtae] Where are you going, Yura?
- Yura.
- [Yura] Just a second.
[Sangtae] Okay.
[door opens]
[eerie music]
[light turned off]
[door creaks]
[door slams]
[birds chirping]
[light turned on]
[light turned on]
[light turned on]
[Seongho] Yura?
[Yura thuds]
[heavy music]
- [Kahyean] Mr. Beak.
- [Seongho] Yes?
What's up?
Yura was sitting here--
[Kahyean screams]
[staff screaming]
[staff gasping]
[Seongho] I I just called her
[staff murmuring]
What's this fuss?
What's that noise?
[Younghwan] What's up?
[staff screaming]
[Seongho] Blood
President, you're bleeding.
- What?
- [Kahyean] Blood
[Seongho] Blood on your clothes
[heavy sound effect]
[shallow exclamation]
[Younghwan] What's this?
[scoffing] What's up?
Why is this
[siren wailing in distance]
Isoo isn't here yet.
He might not come forever.
What's up with him?
It's just a private matter.
[door opens]
[door closes]
[Changun] Go to Gwangseong-dong.
Eastern Hotel movie set.
It's a murder case.
An actor died.
Han Yura.
This case
will be taken by Team 1.
Keep it out from the reporters.
[Kyungjin] Yes, sir.
[footsteps receding]
[keyboard clacking]
[door closes]
[phone vibrates]
[phone vibrating continues]
[phone vibrates]
[Ganghyun] Detective Jin.
Are you not coming?
A case occurred.
[Jeonghun] A case occurred.
Get up. You should go to work.
[Isoo] No.
I won't.
I don't want to do anything.
[shallow breathing]
[Isoo] I just want
to disappear somewhere.
[mellow music]
Your mom,
Kim Seonyoung,
was my subordinate.
She was capable, warm,
and wise.
That woman chose
Come in.
[Jeonghun] She came to see me
before leaving.
I told her to come back
whenever she wanted,
but your mom
rejected it.
Now, this baby is my dream and future.
I want to raise my baby well.
I've already named my baby.
[Jeonghun] You know
what your name means, right?
[police1] We arrested the CEO
at the scene.
His clothes were covered in blood,
and according to the staff,
only he and the victim
were in the set last night.
[Younghwan breathing]
No, it's not me.
For real. It's not me.
[breathing shakily]
Gosh, I just slept in the office,
and when I woke up--
We'll talk at the station.
- [Ganghyun] Take him.
- Station?
[breathing shakily]
[Junyoung] There's no security cam
where the body was found.
Cams are only in the parking lot entrance
and at a few spots inside the set.
Who left here for the last yesterday?
[Seongho] Everyone left
almost at the same time
- before 10:00 p.m.
- [Sora] Right.
[Sora] Around 9:50 p.m.?
[Junyoung] Does the CEO
sleep in the set often?
[Seongho] We don't know anything.
Did Han Yura and the CEO
not get along well?
- [Kahyean] We're not sure about that.
- [Seongho] We don't know.
[director] Hey, Seongho.
[car door closes]
He's our director.
[Ganghyun] Lee Ganghyun
from Gangha Station.
Han Yura was found dead
in the set last night.
She was murdered.
What time did you leave last night?
I left earliest because I'm the director!
Sir, how about a cigarette?
[director sighs]
[director] Damn, it's my first movie
in years!
- [director] You--
- Let's go.
- Okay.
- Yes.
[Junyoung] Hello.
[tense music]
[camera shutter sound]
[camera shutter sound]
[Junyoung] Last night,
she was in a different dress.
This is a movie costume.
The culprit changed her dress
after killing her?
They said she was here until late,
so she could have tried it by herself.
[Ganghyun sighs]
She was murdered here.
[Younghwan grunts]
[wielding sound]
[wielding sound]
[breathing shakily]
[Ganghyun] And he put the body
on this chair.
[Junyoung] These scissors
belong to the stylists.
He didn't prepare the weapon in advance
but killed her accidentally.
Yura is dead?
[Sangtae] Let me go check her.
Let go of me, damn!
Who are you?
[breathing unstably]
[Sangtae] I'm Yura's manager.
Please let me go check her.
- [Sangtae] It won't take long.
- [police2] Calm down first.
[Sangtae sighs]
[Junyoung] What time
did you leave here last night?
[dark music]
Last night
I left here around 10:00 p.m.
What about Han Yura?
Don't you usually leave together?
Great job, Yura.
[Yura] You, too.
[Sangtae] Yura.
You're going straight home, right?
You go ahead.
Someone will come pick me up.
Who's coming?
Don't ask me. Just go.
Okay, got it.
- Call me.
- [Yura] Okay.
[Sangtae] She told me to leave.
She said she'd meet someone.
[Ganghyun] Did Han Yura
have a boyfriend?
It's not Mr. Kim Younghwan, right?
No. What about our CEO?
What was their relationship?
[Sangtae] Nothing special,
as far as I know.
He was arrested at the scene.
He was covered with blood.
They did meet privately several times.
[Ganghyun] I'll talk to Kim Younghwan.
You talk to the staff.
Ask one by one.
- Okay.
- Okay.
[siren wailing in distance]
[breathing shakily]
[door opens]
[door closes]
[KCSI] Open your mouth.
[Ganghyun sighs]
[door opens]
[door closes]
Mr. Kim Younghwan.
[Ganghyun] This is the last chance.
Did you kill Han Yura?
[deep sigh]
[Younghwan] Can I
make a call?
[phone vibrates]
[warm music]
Guess what it is.
What's this?
It's your name.
[Seonyoung] "I" means good,
and "Soo" means a hand.
It means that you give a good hand
to the world.
I want you to be a person
who helps other people.
[shallow laugh]
[phone vibrates]
[Younghwan] Isoo, help me.
I'm arrested.
Are you going out?
[Isoo] How did you know?
I got a call
and heard that Kim was arrested.
Mr. Choi.
You can drop honorifics now.
No, I can't.
I'm getting paid for that.
[shallow laugh]
[tense music]
[zoom-in sound effect]
[zoom-in sound effect]
[door closes]
[Ganghyun] Did you talk to the staff?
Nothing special.
[sighing] Anything between
Han and the CEO?
They said they know nothing.
I think they're hiding something.
But it's clear
that Kim Younghwan
is the culprit, isn't it?
[Ganghyun] We have the suspect
and evidence
but no motive.
[Kyungjin sighs]
[door opens]
[Isoo clears throat]
[Kyungjin] Isoo.
You come at this time
after an absence without leave?
[Junyoung] Is this job a joke to you?
[Isoo exclaims shallowly]
What's so funny?
I missed your nagging. I feel relaxed now.
There's this footage called "making film,"
which is shot at the site separately.
I'll go get it.
- [Junyoung] Let's go.
- [Kyungjin] Yes.
[Isoo] What happened?
[sighing] Han Yura
was murdered at the set.
[dark music]
I've met her once.
The suspect is the CEO
of the production company.
[Ganghyun] He was found at the scene
covered with blood.
We found his fingerprints on the weapon.
He's my friend.
We went to the same middle school.
I'll go see him.
Yes, go talk to him.
He's not saying anything.
[Younghwan urgently] Hey, Isoo!
[Younghwan breathing heavily]
[dark music]
[breathing unstably]
What happened?
I don't know. It's not me.
Why on earth
would I kill our actor?
[Younghwan] Don't you think so?
Isoo, you know
how much effort I put
into this movie for many years.
Why did you sleep in the set?
[Younghwan gasping]
Damn it.
I did some drug yesterday.
But it's not me. I swear.
I didn't kill her.
You trust me, right?
You should trust me.
[Younghwan] It's not me!
You know, that set
Anyone can get in there easily.
You talked to him?
Younghwan is a smart guy.
And he's not the one who can kill someone.
The situation was unfavorable to him.
I don't suspect him.
As a friend?
as a detective?
Even a smart and calm person
can commit a murder.
[sighing] But
Anything on your mind?
There's no motive.
[mysterious music]
[Ganghyun] It takes intense anger
to accidentally murder someone.
But I don't see any of that.
How was the relationship
between Kim and Han?
Was there anyone
who didn't get along with Han?
It's hard to find out.
Because the staff don't tell us anything.
Staff can't say anything,
because they're employees.
Even if they knew something
about the CEO, actors, or the director,
it'd not be easy for them to say it.
They could be fired for that.
[sighing] What do we do?
We should find someone
more powerful than Younghwan.
Who's that?
I'll find the one.
[Ganghyun] Going home?
Should we go together?
I'll stay at a hotel.
See you tomorrow.
[car locking sound]
Good morning.
I found out
that Younghwan was a puppet,
and there's the real CEO.
- Really?
- Let's go see him.
Let's go.
Hey, Ganghyun.
Reporters got wind of it.
Be careful.
[Byungsik] Okay.
[rhythmical music]
[Team2 member] Mr. An.
[Byungsik tutting]
Go away.
- Hello, presi--
- We're here to see the CEO.
- [Staff] Oh, okay.
- Just keep working.
[Isoo] Oh.
[Ganghyun] You made an appointment?
I know him very well.
[Isoo exclaims]
- What are you doing?
- [Isoo] Can't you see?
Look at this.
[Isoo] "CEO Jin Isoo."
[bright music]
This is my company.
Younghwan runs it.
[Ganghyun sighs]
Why didn't you tell me?
It's not fun if I told you in advance.
what do we do?
Oh, come on in.
[Isoo] Let's make the staff talk.
They can't help but talk to me.
Why did you call me?
[Isoo] Don't be nervous.
I called everyone,
- and I'll meet them one by one.
- I see.
[Isoo] I called you
because a terrible incident
happened in the set.
- Right.
- So I,
the CEO of Gold Pictures,
want to take the responsibility
by compensating for your mental damage.
I see.
[Isoo] Compensation benefit
will be provided to everyone,
and if you need a treatment
for your trauma,
I'll connect you to the hospital.
And I'll cover all the costs.
Is that all?
Just one more thing.
Those who provide crucial information
related to this case
will get a special incentive.
100 million?
What? 100 million?
[Isoo] If it's useful
for catching the culprit,
100 million won
will be sent to you right away.
The culprit is Ha Namsu.
[suspicious music]
She hated Ha Namsu.
Yura and Namsu had a fight that day.
There was a rumor
that they were a couple.
They were dating each other.
It was since the script reading,
they even made Lovestagram.
[Seongho] Then, they seembed
to have broken up.
Yura seemed to hate him since then.
[Namsu] Hey, Yura.
[Sora] When they became a couple,
Yura was accused
by Namsu's fans.
When the shooting started,
[Sora] they didn't look sweet.
[Yura] Explain what's going on properly.
[Namsu] No one would believe me.
Just stay calm. It'll fade away.
[car door opens]
[Yura] I'll reveal everything.
[Namsu] Hey!
Revealing what?
I don't know.
[Ganghyun] When did
Mr. Ha leave on that day?
[Sora] He told me to leave
with his manager.
[Sora] He said he was going somewhere.
[pen tip clicks]
Do you know where Ha Namsu is now?
[Namsu] What the hell?
[Ganghyun] Mr. Ha Namsu.
[Namsu exhaling]
[door closes]
[Ganghyun] Han Yura
was murdered two days ago.
You know that, right?
[tense music]
Were you dating each other?
[Namsu] Rather than dating each other
How can I say?
Just interested?
[Ganghyun] On the day,
- you had a fight with her, right?
- [Namsu] Who said that?
It's Sora, right?
I should fire her, damn.
[Isoo] Wow, you're amazing.
Aren't you afraid of getting
a lot of hate for your rudeness?
With this handsome face,
no one can hate me.
[Isoo scoffs]
You don't know about this world.
I know, but you're not handsome enough.
I heard Han Yura said
she'd reveal something.
[Ganghyun] What was that?
No idea.
You know, most actresses
are twisted like that.
What time did you leave the set?
Around 10:00 p.m.?
Where did you go?
[door opens]
Were you alone?
[Hyena] He was with me.
Hey. Gosh
[Hyena] Why? It's true.
[Ganghyun] Let's talk in private.
Your ex-girlfriend just died,
and you're playing with another girl.
A new love is the best
to get over an old love.
You don't know that?
What a bastard.
[rhythmical music]
[Isoo] Be a human before being an actor.
I can tell
that you're a similar kind as me.
Goddamn it.
What did you say?
I always seek pure love.
[Isoo tutting]
Close those ugly legs.
[Isoo] You think that's cool?
Is it the right time for strawberries?
[Isoo clears throat]
[Jiwon] She died between 10:00 p.m.
[dark music]
to 11:00 p.m.
The murder weapon
was scissors found at the site.
One wound on the back,
and three on the chest.
One of them was fatal.
Her lung was stabbed with that.
She was stabbed from the back
while trying to run away.
[Younghwan grunts]
[Jiwon] She resisted,
but couldn't get away.
[scissors wielding sound]
[Jiwon] It's so sad.
She was one of my favorite actors.
I found this from the wound.
[mysterious music]
[Junyoung] What's this?
It's from the victim's clothes.
[Jiwon] She was wearing
a red dress, right?
After she was killed,
[stabbing sound]
her clothes were changed.
[Junyoung sighs]
And there's one more.
[Jiwon] A skin tissue was found
under her nail,
and we analyzed its DNA.
But it was not Kim Younghwan's.
[Hyena] You want to see more?
That'll be a bit too sexy.
How long have you been dating?
Three days ago?
[Hyena] We first met at a club.
[phone vibrates]
[message alarm]
[Junyoung] DNA was found under her nail.
It's not Kim Younghwan's.
Thank you.
[Ganghyun] Mr. Ha, let me check your arm.
[dark music]
[Namsu sighs]
Here. You're done?
[Namsu] Why?
Oh, you wanted to touch
the body of a superstar, right?
You want a hug? Okay, come on.
[Isoo sighs]
[Ganghyun] No, thanks.
Thank you for cooperating.
[Isoo] Jeez.
[bottle thuds]
[Isoo] What the
Gosh, that punk.
I could beat him.
[Isoo sighs]
There are so many punks like him.
[inhaling] They go haughty
when they become famous?
I'm not as rude as him, right?
We should charge for rudeness as a crime
[Isoo] and arrest them all.
Why did you check his arms?
A DNA was found under the victim's nail.
And it doesn't match Kim Younghwan's.
So, there's the real culprit.
[Ganghyun] Must've been scratched
on the arm or neck while attacking her.
[shallow exclamation]
[Isoo breathing]
[Ganghyun] Any updates?
[Junyoung] I'm checking it now.
How about you?
[sighing] She had a fight with Ha Namsu,
so I met him,
but he has an alibi.
[Ganghyun] I asked for help to the hotel.
The culprit
[Junyoung] killed Han
[dark music]
and went outside.
And they came back
[mouse clicking]
after all the staff left.
[Ganghyun] It's too dark to identify them.
[Namsu] Hello, everyone. I'm Ha Namsu.
We're shooting
in a very pleasant atmosphere.
We'll do our best
to finish the shooting safely.
Keep up the good work!
[staff chattering]
Thank you.
Great job.
- Great job.
- [staff] Thank you.
[staff chattering]
[Sangtae] Yura.
Just a second.
[staff3] Great job.
You shot it well?
I got something to do.
[Sojeong] What?
[Isoo] Wait. Stop there.
[pressing enter key]
Rewind it.
[pressing enter key]
[Isoo] Yes, here.
Can you zoom it in?
[Kyungjin] Yes.
Play it again.
[pressing enter key]
[pressing enter key]
[Ganghyun] Beak Sanghee?
[Isoo] It's Beak Sanghee.
Beak Sanghee
[call starting sound]
[line ringing]
Who is Beak Sanghee's makeup artist?
Sanghee hit Yura that day.
[Sojeong] I don't know.
She hit her all of a sudden,
so I was also puzzled.
[Ganghyun] Did they
usually get along well?
Well, yes. Not bad.
[shallow laugh]
I mean, Sanghee
is not so friendly to others.
Her nickname is Ice Witch.
She is somewhat cold, icy,
and scary.
I see.
How did Beak Sanghee think about Yura?
[Sojeong] She envied her.
Yura was young, pretty,
[Sojeong laughing shallowly] and popular.
She said, "I was once like her,
but it would fly fast."
[Isoo exclaims shallowly]
She said so.
She must've been jealous.
[Isoo] She was a superstar
who swoop Best Actress Awards,
but had a long break after marriage
and got divorced.
She only acted supporting roles
since coming back.
Even worse,
those roles were
behind much younger actors.
[Sojeong] To get more lines,
she always had squabbles
with writers and directors.
[scoffing] Most actors want
to be in the center.
She often complained about Yura
[Sojeong] for taking most of her lines.
Oh, wait.
Are you suspecting Sanghee now?
What do you think?
What if Yura had done something annoying
to her on the day,
and Ms. Beak got pissed off?
Do you think she could commit a murder?
I'm not sure.
[shallow laugh]
[Sojeong] But
I heard a rumor.
What's that?
[Sojeong] Two actresses
played main roles in a movie,
but those two didn't get along well.
Then, an accident occurred
at the shooting site,
and one got a severe wound on her face.
People said Sanghee had planned it all.
[Junyoung] This comb
had been used for her, right?
Let me get some hair from it.
I'll take it.
- [Ganghyun] Hurry up.
- [Junyoung] Okay.
[door opens]
[door closes]
[Isoo exclaims]
[shallow exclamation]
She's beautiful.
[Isoo inhaling]
[Isoo] Should I learn acting?
[Isoo exclaims shallowly]
[manager] Ms. Beak.
Detectives have been waiting for you.
[Sanghee] I know.
I heard it earlier.
If they came without notice,
they should wait for me.
[brush thuds]
[sighing] Detectives?
Which one should I pick?
[phone vibrates]
[tense music]
What's up?
[Junyoung] DNAs detected
from the eight segments
of the evidence 19, Beak Sanghee's hair,
match 99.9%.
[footsteps echoing]
What brought detectives to my house?
[Sanghee] The culprit
was not caught yet?
[closing theme]
[Ganghyun] Han Yura
had a stalker?
[rhythmical music]
[Kyungjin] She watched it before death.
He sneaked into her house.
[Junyoung] To remove the evidence?
[Ganghyun] SD card?
[Isoo] It's in there.
I'll buy Yongjeong Officetel.
It's 12 billion won.
[Namsu] You hate me?
No reply? Hey.
Please keep it a secret.
[Yura groans]
Yes, I beat her.
[Sanghee] They said I planned it
because I was jealous of her.
[Isoo] She has the strongest motive.
[shaman] I smell a lot of blood.
Did he do something bad?
You're insane.
This can't make him confess.
Let's start shooting again.
[Isoo] We have to help Yura's soul
leave this world.
- Please help me.
- You okay?
Cut! Scene okay!
[tense music]
[eerie sound effect]
[horrible giggling]
[someone breathing]
[eerie sound effect]
[bleak sound]
[bleak sound]
[demon screams]
[demon screams]
[demon screams]
[scream continues]
[tinkling continues]
Ripped and synced by
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