Follow Kar Lo Yaar (2024) s01e09 Episode Script

Episode 9

Let's get it
Let's get it
I am the queen
All eyes on me
Look who is here.
-Two angels.
Oh, man.
What angels?
What are you two dressed as?
As cute. We are going out with Mom.
She still looks okay.
What is she dressed as?
You identify as a cat?
-What is this?
Where is Mom?
Mom! Dolly!
Why are you asking repeatedly? It's not
like there are worms crawling on my head.
What the hell is this?
What is she?
Stay confident. You are pulling it off.
-I am confident.
Now, you tell me.
I saw your revised business plan.
The plan ends where we see a lot of zeros.
Earlier the investment was 30-40
lakh rupees, now it's above one crore.
The new investment
plan is 1.50 crore rupees.
From 30 lakh to 1.50?
1.50 crore rupees.
-That's 1.2 crore extra.
-Five times more.
-For those bits of silicone?
-And we have a window of two months.
What bits of silicone?
What is she talking about?
That's my business plan.
But why are you investing 1.50 crore?
Start from low.
That's not how it's done.
It's not for me to decide
that we start with 30 or 40 lakh
But it's up to you to decide
how much to invest, right?
That's how it is these days.
The more money you invest,
the more chance you have
of the business running successfully.
The lower the money,
the lower the performance.
-No marketing, no inventory
-And what's the guarantee of
-Nothing in life comes with a guarantee.
-of this being a success.
So how are you managing it?
Do you have that kind of money
or are you taking a loan?
Loan, of course.
Bro, I think that's a little too much.
First the pressure of the loan,
then paying interest
What is the amount coming
to after adding interest?
I haven't taken the loan yet.
You must have calculated an average.
If you have a team
We just had our first discussion.
And we're not supposed
to pay 1.50 crore together.
It's 1.50 crore over
the course of one year.
And, if the brand does well,
-the remaining money comes from the sales.
In case, the brand
If it's not performing, then it's okay.
Sometimes the brand needs
a couple of years to perform.
But, Uorfi, the stress of money
adds a lot of mental pressure.
There's already been so much pressure
in my life, you guys have no clue.
But the additional pressure of
1.50 crores might be too much.
-I don't think so
-People commit suicide.
It's not like my business will not work.
Suicide? What are you talking about?
Because of loans.
I feel one should take risks.
But if you can do things
by minimizing the risk,
there is nothing wrong with that.
Don't you think you will
face problems later with this?
Problem with that?
You aren't responsible for just yourself.
You have a staff
and your house to maintain.
You maintain a certain lifestyle.
You look after Mom, Dolly, and Sameer.
If you are at a loss, there will
be a huge amount to pay to the bank,
on a monthly basis.
How will you manage everything?
Would you be able to
degrade your lifestyle?
-Or theirs?
Looking at the work
I am doing and my growth,
I don't think anyone's
lifestyle will get degraded.
As I make more money,
I want to start my own business,
everyone knows this.
Yes, she's been saying
that from the beginning,
that she wants to start her own business.
See, your plan is nice.
But you need some security, Uorfi.
There is risk.
But without risk,
you can't gain anything in life.
Yes, there is risk and it must be taken.
If she wants to go to that level.
You must take risks for
the level you want to get to.
Otherwise, she will always be afraid.
Think about it. Look at it from every
perspective, and then start your business.
My gut feeling says
this is the right step.
If I have to put everything
I have at stake, then I will do it.
Or even if I have to take a loan.
I wanted to buy a Range Rover.
I won't buy it for a couple of years.
-Yes, that's right. Don't buy.
-I won't buy a house.
I don't have money for a Range Rover,
but I was thinking about it
Looking at her laughing unnecessarily,
about my Range Rover.
I wasn't even paying attention.
I swear I don't know what
No really, what was so funny
when I said I wanted a Range Rover?
Why are you laughing?
I wasn't even paying attention
to what the hell you were saying.
Why don't you buy a Range Rover?
I don't have the standing to buy one.
Whether you buy a Range Rover
or a Bentley or a Lamborghini.
I wasn't laughing at you!
-She laughed
-She's in front of me.
-Why do you always get so hyper?
-She laughed. She legit laughed.
She wasn't laughing at you.
-Uruusa and I were
-She legit laughed.
-Illogical laugh.
-She was laughing at my eyes.
You raise your voice a lot.
Then I am saying it politely
that I wasn't laughing.
You can talk like this,
and this is looking hideous.
You're looking cringe.
I am sorry, Uruusa.
Sorry, because you are being cringe.
We were not laughing at Uorfi.
We were laughing at Dolly.
We were seeing Uorfi saying
some very senseless things.
And Dolly says,
"Yes, you are saying absolutely right."
And me and Uruusa we were like
We just looked at each other.
And we didn't have to say anything,
it was so obvious like
You know like kiss ass.
She'll laugh, then misbehave,
then take offense, then raise her voice
If you flaunt your
money and try to taunt me
I did not Dolly,
I did not flaunt anything.
You said, "You buy it if you can."
I don't have the money. I can't buy it.
Are they crazy?
I did not flaunt my money.
You look like that to
us when you call us crazy.
When Uorfi has to say anything,
she will say, "Dolly, you tell them."
Why will Dolly tell?
You tell.
Uorfi has this whole secretary.
Who will come to us and say,
"Uorfi wants this."
"Uorfi was saying this,
she was saying that."
Let Uorfi say it directly.
I don't like talking
to Asfi and Uruusa at all.
They can make a person cry.
I feel you should sometimes
be aware of your surroundings.
You should ask,
"Why are you laughing? What happened?"
I gave her an answer
but she didn't believe me.
Why should I be quiet?
When did you become this two-faced?
Is that the way to talk?
Is that the way to talk to mom?
You don't notice when she is
misbehaving with me.
Now you are misbehaving.
You are misbehaving with Mom now.
-How can you call her two-faced?
-What two-faced?
I only told her to be quiet.
When she taunted me saying
you buy the car, that made me very angry.
But you didn't say that Uorfi
was wrong at that point.
But because she shed a few tears,
you think it's my fault.
I did not shed any tears!
You always take Uorfi's side.
I take her side because
you misbehave with me.
You accept taking her
side even though she is wrong.
I haven't said anything wrong.
What you took offense to
was just a misunderstanding.
If you do it, it's a misunderstanding,
but if we do it, it's a crime.
I didn't mean to call her two-faced.
In all that clamor, I was
going to say that she is very biased.
And Mom was biased.
Stop it, Mom.
You always take sides and it's always her.
-I never take anyone's side in a fight.
-You're saying that Mom's taking my side.
"Mom, you are not taking my side.
I never spoke "
-Have I ever spoken this way?
-You do that Uruusa.
Yes, those two are right and I am wrong.
-End of discussion.
-Okay, leave it. Drop it.
If you have seen that ad,
where a turtle falls into a bird's nest.
I am the outsider in this family.
I feel I am the turtle among these birds.
It's like she thinks
of me as her stepmother. Am I?
If I had said to Uorfi,
"Do you have the means to buy it?"
Then everyone would be crying
a river over what Uruusa said.
"Look at her, doesn't have
a penny to spend and it taunts others."
I feel Uruusa was laughing at you.
Uruusa looked at you and she was
What's wrong with Dolly?
She has a problem with Asfi's looks,
with my tone.
What do we do? Get them replaced?
Get a surgery?
Asfi's nature completely
changes in front of the camera.
"Let's talk. Let's do this."
Does she talk like that?
Don't we all know how she fights,
abuses, and misbehaves?
"Are you crazy?"
"You guys are overacting.
I will behave like this!"
Does she behave this way?
-Tell me honestly.
When I was talking
about starting a business,
she said, "What will
you do if it doesn't work?
What will you do if it fails?"
I didn't say anything.
I ignored it with a smile.
It's a useless conversation, Uruusa.
Let her do whatever she wants.
What's done is done. End it.
Think about your business.
But think before taking any step.
Make sure you don't take any
step that you regret in the future.
Even if I do regret it later,
I will still get to learn.
Uorfi is so smart,
she won't invest 1.50 crore randomly.
That is not Uorfi, I am telling you.
If she isn't speaking about it,
doesn't mean she hasn't thought about it.
She knows where she's come from,
and she cannot let go of this.
Whatever she has right now.
What are you doing?
Where have you been since yesterday?
Where were you?
Nothing. Just sitting around. I have
nothing to say after yesterday's fight.
And anyway, let's wait
and watch, there will be a build up now
After all this time these
guys have been making a scene
about my career.
I ask less about your career
and more about your marriage.
I try asking you about
when you plan to get married.
I will get married if there's a guy.
There is no one right now.
I don't think I want a husband now.
I want kids but not a husband.
Wait, what?
You want kids but not a husband?
Kids come after the husband.
Kids don't come first.
-I don't think so.
-Where will the kid come from?
-It's not necessary
-Will you adopt one?
Yes, I can.
Adoption is acceptable and nothing else.
Or you can forget you have a mom.
Don't even think of bringing
those blasphemous things before me.
Have children legitimately,
and do not think of other stupid ways.
Your marriage didn't work,
-and you still want me to marry some guy?
That's just an excuse,
that if my marriage didn't work,
yours won't either.
Several couples have bad marriages,
whereas many last for a lifetime.
Not all men in the world are good or bad.
There are many different
types of human beings.
Anyway there is still time for that.
At least another three to four years.
Okay, fine. Five years.
What will you do for five years?
-What career?
I've joined dance classes,
I'll get a yoga certification.
Uruusa, I don't think
dance is going to help you.
-What is the dance that you do?
-Belly dance.
I don't understand belly dance,
moving your stomach and all.
Honestly, it makes no sense to me.
I don't think that
can be a career for you.
We can die tomorrow if we have to.
What to do?
I'll take one step at a time.
Either I'll make a career
for myself or go to hell.
My job is to talk sense to you,
the rest is for you to
decide how you will take it.
That's your choice to make.
There is no age to rest,
nor to start work.
If you have a hunger for success,
then age doesn't matter to you.
I understood!
It's for you to decide. You choose.
I understood. What do you want me to do?
Have it tattooed on
my chest that I've understood?
I am still contemplating things,
and get bored very soon.
That's why you change your boyfriend
so frequently. Because you get bored.
What are you saying, Mom?
I don't get bored.
Boys cheat on me and I dump them.
-I know everything, Uruusa.
-Don't do it.
You don't know anything.
You think I am a pervert.
Yes, that was spot on. I do
think you are a pervert. That's true.
I'm just a lover.
This one-on-one conversation
with Mom got too negative.
It made me think if I make
any other decisions in life,
how is Mom going to react?
She never accepts things.
Right now, my mind is a pressure cooker.
My constant tears are like
a pressure cooker's whistle.
I can explode at any minute.
After Aakanksha told me to network,
I texted Sandeep,
"Hey, let's just catch up."
I shot with Sandeep Khosla long ago,
He's very funny. He's a
a lot of fun to be with.
We then got together and began
discussing our enjoyable activities.
-We spotted you on Instagram.
And you were going to no airport,
and not taking any flight.
But you were giving airport
look after airport look.
I do go I do take the ticket.
I swear to God.
There has not been a single
time when I've not taken a flight.
It was so fantastic.
Here's a girl who's got guts,
who wears whatever she wants.
And the fact that people actually
thought that was funny, "how tacky."
-But for Abu and me it was "how original."
I found that her looks were
made by a tailor sitting at home,
which was fantastic.
And her character fascinated me.
It's always good to see
people who are self-made.
You didn't even touch anything.
Actually, I am on this wonderful
injection to lose weight.
-You're on
-I am on
Once you take it,
you don't feel like eating.
-So I just took it yesterday.
-Okay, have some coffee.
Coffee, I want to have. Yes. Thank you.
Oh, God. That sounds good.
Honestly, I am pro-injection.
I've specifically told you,
that you've been one of the most generous
people we ever worked with.
No, but that is nothing compared
to what you guys did for me, honestly.
You guys were the first
designers to actually dress me.
No one was ready,
and actually, even today,
no one's very keen.
People are scared to work
with unconventional people.
Because they feel they
have no control over language.
No control over the dress.
No control over their mood.
So they keep judging you like,
"What if she says something improper?"
I believe we live in an improper world.
Nothing is perfect.
We must be true to ourselves.
And not be fake inclusive.
-Which a lot of designers are, by the way.
Like you said, you face rejection.
I don't understand why
people reject you still.
I think after I start my own business,
things might change.
What business do you want to do?
You don't know?
-Sex toys?
I don't know why did he think
I was starting a sex toy brand.
Maybe he sees me as someone very
I don't know. Sexy?
I have this plan to start
my own women's solution wear brand.
Nipple pasty,
boob tape, and maybe shapewear.
Very good idea.
Go ahead then.
We are starting.
I am not an entrepreneur,
so they are not ready to invest in me.
But we're still figuring,
how to do it, what to do.
I think it's time for you also to
show a new part of your personality.
And, I am not saying
Don't lose yourself.
Keep on doing the fashion you do.
You're spot on.
Zip this a little bit.
-Little bit.
-This is very
I've seen several interviews where you're
only talking nonsense for no reason.
That interview that you just saw,
was shot three years back.
They just released it.
What is my fault? Tell me.
Tell me what you said on it.
"I don't want to lick anyone's ass,
because licking anyone's
ass will not get you work."
And you're not good at ass-licking,
in any case.
I can't.
That's why I'm single also.
You know, men enjoy it.
And they are always in denial about it.
You know that, right?
Always, I swear.
I read it somewhere that men's
-What is it called?
G-spot is actually two
inches inside his rectum.
-And still, you are such a stuck-up.
It's their ego.
It's about, "I am not a man."
I was actually shocked
when Naina called me up and said,
"Sandeep sir wants
to take you in his fashion video."
That was the first
time I felt like something.
That I've achieved something in life.
I felt confident.
That was the first time.
And then of course I wore
you in Dirty Magazine also.
-That was also nice.
-Dirty was also
But nothing like Dirty
ever happened again.
Like that fashion movie, I did for you.
We have to plan something because
right now everything is going very
-Going fantastically
-No, it's not.
-You're shooting a show.
-No, but
It all looks nice on the outside.
But on the inside,
nothing is going right.
Fashion has been very unkind to her.
Because I feel some of
her looks which she has done,
are really, very fabulous.
And I really do hope
she gets covers and
We have a very big ambition for her.
I don't know how to go ahead,
but we're still figuring out,
how to do it and what to do.
So that's why I am in such a dump.
-You know what I mean.
-For starters, promote yourself.
Promote yourself positively.
Let's do a fantastic shoot.
-Let's do a fantastic shoot
presenting you as
the next big star.
-Like a diva.
We'll shoot with the best
makeup artist in the world.
We'll shoot with the best stylist.
We'll shoot with the best photographer.
Let's do a shoot out of the park.
We don't need a magazine.
We will do a fantastic shoot,
which we will enjoy.
And you will post, and we will post.
-Oh, for our social media?
-Yes, absolutely.
I think that will be great.
Okay, we will shoot this.
-Yes. Thank you so much.
-Hundred percent. Not at all.
Whenever I wear your clothes,
suddenly the woman inside me wakes up.
Very good. Keep that woman awake.
For this shoot, okay.
-I am excited now.
Cheers to your business.
Thank you.
Uorfi has to expose her mind.
I think she is a very intelligent girl.
She speaks beautifully.
And she needs to connect
with the audience with that,
and people will start
connecting with her after that.
We are finally shooting
again for Chinese Wok.
The dress has been remade,
to the brand's specifications.
And I really hope things go smoothly.
Where are you?
I had to go to another meeting,
But, Uorfi, doesn't matter
what happens, just smile
-Oh wow!
-That's a huge statement you made.
If I don't like something,
I still have to smile.
You want Uorfi Javed
to keep her mouth shut?
Like, sail through this
day is all I'm trying to say.
I really hope so.
Okay. Bye, see you.
Hello, ma'am.
Ma'am, left. Ma'am, left.
Ma'am, this way. This way.
Ma'am, look in the front.
Uorfi ji, when are we
getting a Chinese Wok party?
Let's finish work first,
then we can party comfortably.
-Done, ma'am.
Until then keep your local flavor going,
just like Chinese Wok
has their local flavor going.
-Okay. Bye, guys.
Where all are you coming from?
I am just in my beautiful era.
Should we tell them, Dolly?
Tell them what?
About the meeting we had?
-With whom?
-With Rituraj?
I didn't want Mom to get emotional.
I didn't want her to feel
offended because I am saying this.
I was nervous. I didn't
know how they were going to react.
I had a discussion with Rituraj,
why don't we get you legally separated?
So that in future,
the documents for any number of reasons,
whether it's for buying property,
or getting a visa
If your status is still "married,"
then the husband's
signatures are necessary.
A number of reasons.
If you are single,
then nothing is required.
That is correct.
That is correct.
Yes, I mean what's the point?
We don't live together anyway,
so why carry his name unnecessarily?
I just feel that
We should rather get divorced.
It's different with Muslims.
If he isn't ready to divorce me,
then we'll have to seek "Khula."
What is a Khula?
Generally, when a man files for divorce,
he has to give alimony.
They pay a sum every month.
Also for the children.
But if the woman files for a Khula,
she's saying she doesn't want alimony.
You can keep your money. I am content.
Separation is easy. You can get it.
It's obvious nothing
will ever be okay between us.
Because we were not meant for each other.
All the single ladies
Raise your hands.
Wait. Don't raise your hands.
-Come on, Mom.
-Mom, you are also single.
Uorfi has to invest 1.50 crore rupees.
As Uorfi's manager,
I cannot let her invest
this amount blindly.
So I thought, I should get
a meeting done with Uorfi and Anisha.
It might help her take
an informed decision.
Let's have a conversation with
her to get familiar with the business.
To get familiar with the fact
of how things are done.
What all things are involved?
Basically, she is going to be here,
to help us with all of that.
-Good morning.
-Good morning. Anisha.
-Nice to meet you again.
-Very nice to meet you.
-Nice to meet you.
My name is Anisha Singh,
and I run She Capital,
which is an early stage venture fund.
Meaning, we invest in startups.
Which are obviously women-led,
The way she walks in, she knows
She knows she is there.
She knows she has arrived.
Anisha's attitude has that uniqueness.
So, basically,
Uorfi is really kicked about starting
-Coming up with her brand.
Which is women's solution wear.
I love being a boss lady.
I don't want to work for others anymore.
I want to do something on my own.
First, congrats, by the way.
Not many do it.
I am very fond of people
who take the plunge
and say, "I will do a startup."
I like such people.
But also, there are many
ways to grow a startup, by the way.
You can grow a startup organically.
Without raising funding.
Or you can say, "I want to raise money,
and then I want to scale."
That's a different thing.
But then you can't
go in with nipple pasties.
Because no investor will invest
in you in such a small market.
Even I agree. I would want to
start with nipple pasties plus shapewear.
I think I also feel that.
Let's invest some of your own money.
You get it to a certain threshold.
So that it becomes viable.
For an investor to
see that this model works.
Only when they see it,
will they get confidence.
But also within that,
single female founders
raise the least amount of money.
This statistic is proven in the market.
I don't mind having a co-founder.
I was just going to tell you.
I would love to have a co-founder.
Because people will question you
about whether this is your full-time job,
and you'll say, "No, I am also doing this,
I'm also doing this."
Anyway, an investor is going to back out.
I mean, yes, you are Uorfi, but
people would want to see whether
you're an entrepreneur or not.
And for that, more than money,
you'll have to invest time.
I am ready to give 27 hours.
I will squeeze in three
more hours from somewhere.
This business is not a side thing for me.
I want to turn it into a unicorn.
Or what's the point of making a brand?
Can I say something else?
-You guys have not talked about numbers.
You should have some calculation done,
like this is my net margin
and this is my gross margin.
This is the amount I will save
from which I can market.
Don't let anybody else talk about numbers.
You should, as the founder,
talk about numbers.
Are you seeing the price point
of how much margin you will have?
-Are you being able to see
-Yeah, yeah.
I want to enter the niche sector.
Not the luxury sector.
It has to be medium
But quality is something
which I don't want to compromise.
So that's what I would
want to be differentiated as.
See, we've to figure out,
first discovery.
-I think
your celebrity status you should leverage.
If you look at Spanx or even Skims.
They grew because they leveraged
the celebrity network in the US, right?
Spanx became big overnight
because Oprah Winfrey said,
"I love it.
I love the shapewear that she's doing."
You know, and shows no underwear lines.
That's how she became big.
And in your case, you have a platform.
Whether it's mailing
out to every celebrity,
your nipple pasties, and hoping
they wear it and say something about it.
I don't have celebrity friends.
I don't have friends in this industry,
nor do I make friends.
So then I realized,
it's time to socialize a bit.
This is a six to seven-year-long journey,
by the way.
I am ready for a lifetime.
I am glad I did this.
I am glad we met.
You can see she is very determined.
And I love that about her.
And she is exactly like
the way she was when I met her.
She's going to be a
I think a solid entrepreneur.
Hello, Somesh ji. How are you?
I am good. I am great. How are you?
I am okay. I just wanted to talk to you.
I decided to call Somesh ji
and just discuss with him,
that I'm investing 1.50 crore.
Should I invest, or should I not invest?
What could happen?
I feel you should go ahead even if
you have to invest more than 1.50 crore.
This is high time.
In the next two and a half years,
I can see you and your
brand scaling new heights.
So this is the right time for you
to do it.
Okay. Then everything is sorted.
Thank you so much, Somesh ji.
Thank you. Bye.
Okay, bye.
I talked to Somesh ji and he said,
you can even invest 2.50 crore rupees
because this is your golden period.
No one can stop you.
So I have decided that
I am starting my own business,
and investing the money.
I know the risk is high,
we might face problems
for a brief period of time.
At least I won't feel
like I didn't even try.
I'm sure you will do it.
If you're feeling then you can do it.
-I will do it.
If you've made up your mind,
then go for it. What else?
It's okay,
you can always take a risk in life.
My thoughts exactly.
I begged God for this day.
So I cannot take it for granted.
And I will keep taking risks,
I will keep working hard
to just make it
Make it into something even bigger.
Even as a child Uorfi would always say,
"I want to do business."
-Yes, I always said that.
-I want to be a businesswoman.
And my father used to make fun of me.
"She wants to be a businesswoman.
She wants to run a business.
She thinks she can run a business."
And then that fashion
"Tailor. She wants to be a tailor.
Stitch clothes for people.
Is that the only job she can find?"
He made me so underconfident,
that I had to chuck it aside.
But, come on, you always had talent.
He can never take that from you, right?
You became a next-level tailor.
And now I'll be a
next-level businessman.
I know that I don't want
to live a mediocre life.
I don't want to be
in a comfort zone either.
I want to keep challenging
myself every day.
I have made a decision.
I don't want to stay in Mumbai right now.
I will stay another one and
a half or two years in Lucknow.
What is one and a half or two years?
You are starting your own business now,
why take this unnecessary burden on you?
But I am ready to take this burden.
I can manage.
But we are not ready
to give you this burden.
But there is no burden at all.
I have managed everything.
These people never listen to me.
This time they must listen to me.
-Isn't that right, Sahel?
Everyone respects your decision, so you
must respect aunty's decision as well.
It's all the better for you.
It was a good trip. It was
pretty much happening. A lot happened.
Lots of conversations, a lot of fighting.
Many incidents.
So in the end,
I would say I am exhausted.
I want to go home.
Because I want peace.
Mom, Kashyap, and I want to go back.
Even I will be moving soon
because I want to start my career.
But obviously, I will keep going
back and forth. But I am going to move.
Okay, we've made some decisions.
And, if she's made a decision,
I would respect that.
It's okay. I understand.
Guys, let's raise a toast!
Cheers to new decisions,
being bold, and taking new risks.
I won't stop.
I can take my days off,
but Uorfi Javed will never stop.
She will continue growing
and she will continue working for
what I really believe
in and what I really want.
-Hello, Uorfi.
-Uorfi, I want you to meet
-the great Mickey Contractor.
-Of course.
Finally, I've achieved
something in my career.
That's Florian.
He's another master.
I think this shoot that
we're going to be doing with her
should catapult her into
a complete new high.
It's a dream team and it's a
dream opportunity for her.
As far as Uorfi is concerned,
she's a woman
who believes in what she is doing.
I've always admired what she stands for.
It's looking amazing.
Very nice.
She's done makeup for Aishwarya Rai,
Kareena Kapoor.
I was like, "Someone just pinch me."
It was surreal.
He did my hair so well that day.
It was different and it was editorial.
Sometimes we feel that
we want to manage Kareena Kapoor,
or somebody like that.
First time we are in a photo shoot,
where we are getting A-List treatment.
It's like you are sitting
on Bhansali's set.
Let us present a new Uorfi to you.
Can you be a little more frontal?
-Like this?
Yes. Beautiful.
Come on.
Much better. Lovely.
Uorfi, get your hip out.
-Yeah. Candid.
-That's nice.
It's all about extension, baby.
She was looking very nice.
She was looking beautiful.
Looking very cute.
I think she was living
her dream in that moment.
So she was giving her best.
Yeah, little movement.
Uorfi, take a half-turn.
Yeah, yeah!
The first time I met her, she said,
"I want to have 100 million followers."
I looked at her in disbelief,
"100 million followers? Whoever has them?"
But, you must cheer people
who have ambitions like this.
Supermodel, Lady Madonna.
There was a time when Uorfi
had to attend a reality show, and
the designer said no, "I won't give
you clothes, because you're a no one."
And now, cut to this day.
She is working with the
topmost designer of this country.
Lovely close-up.
This is fab.
She's not done something this glamorous
in the old-school, classic, vintage way.
It'll be iconic.
I think she's going to
be in the big leagues now.
Uorfi, you are killing it.
Lovely. Beautiful.
Go back. Yeah.
And I always believe
people are very confident,
they give us the best pictures.
So, she delivered exactly
as per my expectation.
I'm just so happy
that Uorfi has done so well in life.
Because of her fame,
we're getting many opportunities.
This is a heroine waiting to happen.
Lose the eyes, come on, darling.
-She's there.
-Pretty eyes.
Very pretty.
Really? Me?
I got so excited and
that was a such happy moment.
It was Uorfi's shoot,
but I was the happiest person that day.
What about you, Sahel?
-If she will become a heroine?
-Will you be the hero?
-What will you be?
-The villain.
If you are the villain,
then who is the hero?
That's it.
Love it.
Oh, god. She was like a complete diva.
That full-on feeling of "Tip-Tip Barsa."
The only thing missing there was an
Akshay Kumar-type hero of Uorfi's level.
Once this comes out,
I am going to get a lot of brickbats.
"Why are you guys associating with Uorfi?"
But we believe it now.
We started off with zero.
Today we are heroes, hopefully.
And she was somebody
who was on that path.
Oh my God.
Overall if I see where we are,
and how we got there,
and this moment when
people were cheering for Uorfi.
Proud sister.
She is more than my inspiration.
She is my everything.
She is the only person I learn from.
I am just going to wait for that day
when she cheers for me from the audience.
And, you know, she feels proud.
Come on.
All of you, come on.
Jump in and take a shot!
Yeah, come on, into the water.
I never quit in life,
no matter how bad the situation is.
But I know that I will not stop.
And one good thing about it is
I have the support of my people.
Whether we fight, argue,
or beat each other up,
In the end, they are there for me.
Let's have some movement!
I think she needs to
expose herself a little bit.
She has a great story to tell.
And if she has a nice story to tell,
the world needs to hear a story.
My ups and downs,
my tears, my smile, my temper
Nothing has been hidden from you.
I am not saying support me.
Just watch.
And follow.
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