Frikjent (2015) s01e09 Episode Script


-not what's in your head.
The skin under Karin's nails gives us a complete DNA profile.
-What if the answer's not what you think.
-What if it's you are are mistaken.
-You never doubted my guilt.
-I sleep well at night, do you? -Do you think my father did it? -What's it got to do with us.
You've lied for 20 years.
I was here when you came home completely bloodied.
We're leaving so you can escape punishment? I hope I'll never be like you.
-Why should I belive you now? -I have proof.
The t-shirt he was wearingI know where it is.
Have you found something? Have you found something?! -You can't be here.
-I want to know if you've found something.
Either go voluntarily, or get someone to drive you.
Come on.
They will relocate.
PWG can only claim the research you've done so far How can you be so calm, William? Now we'll soon be proof.
We don't know that.
The T-shirt could have decomposed - if it ever existed.
-No, Finn said it was in a plastic bag.
-Finn? He said that, very strange.
Does not it feel a little good now? Think ahead, William.
Start living.
You promised Eva too much.
With Erik's testimony and the shirt, we've got -You've got nothing! -One can't guarantee anything.
If she goes further, you must stop.
Eva's problem is that she's always been alone in this.
Have you found it? -Have you been subpoenaed? -I don't know yet.
It's absolutely hopeless.
Right now I just want it over with.
If they found it If they did, then I'm guilty.
We need to talk to Erik again.
Are you crazy? -It's our only chance.
-Break loose? -Solar Tech belongs to PWG! -They will move us to Asia.
Aksel hasn't mentioned anything about relocating.
He still works for there.
He told me in confidence.
Okay? What is your relationship really? He's married! I know that, Lars.
-Do you understand the risk? -Yes, we can't do it without you.
Aksel would never have said it if it wasn't true.
Aksel wants to help us, that's why he came back.
Think about it.
Yes, I understand that, but we've got new owners and we must deal with changes.
YesYou should stick to the schedule as you normally would.
It'll be fine.
Thank you.
-What does he want? -Nothing.
You shouldn't talk to him.
They can be dangerous.
-What are you so afraid of? -You can't.
They can come back.
-They can come back! -Give me a break.
There is no "they", mom! Sorry.
It's going to be fine.
Put on some coffe, I'll come in soon.
Hi, this is Tonjy Sandvik.
Leave me a message.
Hey, it's me again.
I don't think you've testified falsely, but I don't know what I should I don't know what it is with your brother.
We've got people here from Oslo.
We've dug for your t-shirt and sat for hours in interrogation with your brother.
Now he says he made it up.
He stood before me and cried.
He's telling the truth.
I know.
-What are you doing? This is great for you! -I just want to know.
Erik has recanted his testimony.
There is no t-shirt.
Yes But you said that his testimony was credible.
Is not it strange to put in the time so much fun? Bye.
-Don't hold on and eat it there.
-You've poured the glasses? -Hey! -Keep So nice to see you! -Hey, heyhelp me, Ingrid.
-Of course, I'll help you.
-Where did your guy go? -He went to mum, as usual.
-Are you okay? -Yes, I'm actually quite calm.
I was not sure if it was worth all this.
This case is far from finished researched.
Should not we wait for Helene? -No.
-No? The food's hot - let's eat.
Now let's set It was pretty nice.
You Charlotte's having a party this weekend.
-Do you want to come? -Do I want to come? -Do you think she'll like it? -I don't care what she thinks.
Are you a complete idiot? I think you showed them the wrong spot.
No, I just made it up.
-Why would you do that? -I was pissed.
You said that I had murdered Karine, and beat the crap out of me.
I don't believe you.
What you said was true.
What do you really want? We go to the police and say you buried the t-shirt.
I'm not going there again.
Won't you be convicted? For me.
You don't need to go to the police, but you must tell me.
I need to know what happened.
If I killed her, I want to know.
I can't do this anymore.
Please I just have to know.
Where's the t-shirt? It stays between us? Yes.
You were right about the apartment complex.
It was too grand.
But we must do something.
-It might not be the best time right now -Let her talk.
My dream Since I came here, I dreamed of building a warm family hotel- -with locally produced food and good ingredients.
At the same time it should be luxurious.
Bedlinen of Egyptian cotton and all that.
The hotel should be called Hansteen Hotel.
So we will invest family money in your hotel? No, not in my hotel - in your hotel.
Anyway, it's only such modest amounts With each empty bed, it is after all our money disappears.
-You said you were positive.
A hotel in this region? It is simply not sustainable.
But if you want to throw your money away, I can not st op you.
I don't want to create more conflict.
I can not support something I do not believe in.
And you, Lars? There are other things more important than the hotel.
IngerYou can't just start talking about Egyptian cotton with mother.
Well, if you had supported me I hate it when you pretend I don't even exist.
-I cease to exist when she's around.
-It's an idiotic project.
Who travels halfway round the world for locally produced food? -Did you think we'll start a family business? -What's with you? Solar Tech is about to go to hell.
If I don't do something so I need mom's help.
And you won't get it if you support me? Run to your mother! Fucking wimp! Remember when Kristoffersen woke us? I didn't know that she was dead.
Not until I was in the car with handcuffs on.
All I remember is that I was pissed.
I felt like I was still pissed, but I don't know why.
When you collapsed after what had happened, everything fell into place.
I understood that you were right, but I was hoping it wasn't.
Mamma Please listen to me.
PWG can't claim more than the results achieved so far.
-He's out to mislead.
-Why would he do that? -That's how he is! -Please I tried to warn you! Can we forget about him for a little while? It's a chance to get back control.
If we win, we can start something new.
If you had listened to me from the beginning, we would have had control.
I'm only asking for advice.
I took the job because I had to think of my own family.
-And for that you've proven yourself.
-Yes, and maybe down the road.
Then you do not need my advice.
It might have rotted away.
Animals might have taken it.
It's not here.
I didn't dig this deep.
I'm sorry.
Surely you want sometihng to eat? I have some things in the freeze I can thaw out.
You must eat something.
-The police will certainly ask questions.
-Aksel We have to talk about it.
You shouldn't have come back.
You shouldn't be here.
You shouldn't have been borne.
It's true.
You were an accident.
How can you say something like that? Who says that? -I don't understand what you mean.
-Stop that.
What then? You're not sick, mamma.
You're just evil.
Eva! It's Aksel.
The t-shirt They didn't find it.
I will surrender myself to the police.
It must've been me.
It must've been me who killed her.
-I can find no other explanation.
-Why? I don't know.
I don't remember anything.
It is not enough, tell us why.
I need to know why.
There must've been something she did or said.
She could make me feel so small Dad, don't do it.
I didn't mean what I said.
That's not why I'm doing it.
Listen to me This isn't your fault, you know? YouIt's not your fault.
I never wanted to hurt anyone.
Especially not you.
But I killed her.
Dad That's how it is.
I can't do anything about it.
It'll be fine.
It was probably a tough time.
She was so stubborn.
Intense She was so sensitive - oversensitive.
I wonder what she would've become.
Artist, mabye At least nothing with business That first summer jobShe was always out - handing out money high and low.
She came home and cried: "Dad, I can't handle the cash register!" She was good at drawing.
I was so wrong Dinner's ready, Erik.
-I made potato dumplings.
-No thanks.
Are you mad at me? No, I just hate potato dumplings.
I actually do - honestly.
Erik You're leaving? -Why would I do that? -If your dad's going to jail -What does your mum say? -She can say what she wants.
-Where will you live? -Here.
How's your father? When's the party? You can't, Tim -You don't want to be seen with me? -It's not that.
-You know it's different now? -No! I'm not him, Helene.
TimTim! Get out, it's over! May I come in? I've been thinking.
Everyone must be involved.
Do you think we can get all of us? They say the case is solved.
You've probably already celebrated? I don't think it's him.
I've never really done well.
Sit down.
We've received the results of T-shirt analysis.
it's just your blood.
No trace of the victim's.
What does that mean? You're free.
But But all the stuff Erik said, then? He just said that you came home with blood on your shirt.
You'd just fallen.
You can go.
-He stood here and confessed.
-Now you have to stop.
Come and sit.
No, I can not sit still.
-Where are you going? -Out.
I need some fresh air.
-I'll come with.
-No, I want to be alone.
-Where will go you, then? -Well, God.
! I just need some fresh air.
Take it easy.
-Where's Tim? -He's gone to bed.
-He's already in bed? -Yeah.
It's just the fuse, or something in the ground.
You should probably get someone to look at the electricity.
-It's my fault.
-Huh? -It's my fault.
-What's your fault? Yes.
I was fucking wrong, really.
It wouldn't take much to be more wrong.
-Well? -No.
-I ran along the entire foopath.
-I don't understand.
When can we report someone missing? It's probably too early.
Don't worry, she'll be home soon.
I shouldn't have let her go.
She was completely beside herself Calm down, dad.
Has anything happened? We've been worried about you.
He is free again! Let's not think about Aksel anymore.
-What do you know about it? -There's no evidence.
-Who was it then? -I don't know.
No, you will not know.
You know nothing about it.
-He's the only suspect.
-Now hold on! Lars I can't take it anymore.
I can't stand it.
She's completely obsessed.
-That's enough, Lars.
-She decides everything - she and Karine.
When we'll be happy, sad.
Karine is dead.
I've been an idiot.
I have.
We could've been together, if only I had been stronger.
Have you thought about that? I didn't even like her - Karine.
Do you remember the day in the mountains where you jumped for the first time? I wanted to toughen up for you.
And of course we fell for each other.
That's not why.
Later in the night we sat by the fire.
Then Erik came and he cut his foot.
On a mussel shell or something.
You picked him up.
You seemed so confident.
The other guys teased you.
But you took Erik back.
I didn't hear what you said, but it made him laugh.
You just laughed and laughed.
Suddenly you turned and looked at me.
With a big smile.
Will you come and eat something? I'm not hungry.
I've been a bad father lately, right? Do you have any cures for heartache? If it's very painful, maybe it's worth fighting for.
That's what I think in any case.
Do you want some brownies? For supper? -Now, tonight? -Yeah.
It's nice to have you here, both of you.
Maybe we should light a candle.
-It's not necessary.
-No, but we could have napkins.
Can you fetch the napkins, Aksel? They're in the second drawer.
And peanut butter You want peanut butter? Get it.
It's clear that he wants it.
There isn't much left Is Mai-Britt here? -Can't this wait another day? -We're here to arrest her.
It was she who called.
She's confessed.
Now you get to take care of Erik.

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