Frog and Toad (2023) s01e09 Episode Script

Christmas Eve

Toad, do I smell what I think I smell?
If you mean my famous Christmas rolls,
then yes.
-That is exactly what you smell.
[Frog] Mmm.
These are my favorite.
Yes, Frog, I know.
It is why I make them every year
for Christmas.
Oh, can we have one right now?
Why are we looking at the clock?
Because the clock will tell us
when Christmas has come.
And when Christmas has come,
-then we can eat the Christmas rolls.
Not a moment before.
Oh. Well, I hope it comes soon.
[sniffs] Mmm, so do I.
[gasps] Oh, that reminds me.
I have my Christmas letters to send.
-Oh, good. Snail is here.
-[Snail humming]
Happy almost-Christmas, Snail.
Happy almost-Christmas to you, Toad.
that's a lot of letters you have there.
Ooh, they are Christmas cards, with
a recipe for my Christmas rolls inside.
Your famous Christmas rolls?
Oh, everyone will love that.
I'll make sure to deliver them right away.
And I have some mail for you.
[chuckles] Thank you, Snail.
Anytime, Toad.
Especially when it's almost-Christmas!
[both chuckle]
[chuckles] …and a card from Squirrel.
Oh, and one from Raccoon. [chuckles]
Oh, Frog, now I am even more
excited for it to be Christmas.
Me too.
Should we put on our sweaters
while we wait?
It is almost Christmas.
Mmm, maybe later.
I have just the thing to pass the time.
What is it, Toad?
[gasps] Your music player!
A holiday with music is
even better than a quiet one.
Especially when you're
waiting for Christmas to come.
[classic music playing]
[gasps] Uh-oh, Toad.
Oh, my. [stammers] Is something wrong?
Why is your leg shaking like that?
Because I have the dancing legs!
The dancing legs?
The dancing legs!
Come on, Toad. Dance with me.
I have the dancing legs too, Frog.
-[chuckles] This is fun!
[chuckles] Yeah!
-[grunts] Whoa!
-[music ends]
[both] The rolls!
[both groan, gasp]
[both] The clock!
Aw. The rolls are ruined.
[sighs] And the clock is broken.
Maybe we can fix it.
-Uh… [stammers]
There, good as new.
[both gasp]
This does not look new, Frog.
[both sigh]
[both gasp]
[both shout]
[both sigh]
[both groan]
Oh, dear.
If my clock is broken,
how will we know when Christmas has come?
Don't you worry about that, Toad.
Now, there is something very important I
must do in town before Christmas comes.
It is a surprise.
Well, I have something very important
I must do here at home
before Christmas comes.
It is also a surprise.
[stammers] Will you be back soon?
Quite soon.
This will be a fine Christmas yet,
my friend.
You will see.
Won't Toad be surprised
when I get him a new clock!
Then we will know when Christmas has come.
[chuckles] Won't Frog be surprised when
I bake a new batch of Christmas rolls!
He will still have his favorite treat.
-Ice cream. Here, I got ice cream.
-[bell ringing]
Step right up and get your ice cream.
No? Aw.
Ice cream, ice cream.
Who wants some ice cream?
Merry almost-Christmas, Mink.
Is something wrong?
Your bell sounds sad today.
Yeah, I wish it was happier, Frog.
But no one seems to want ice cream,
and giving away ice cream is my
special way of spreading Christmas cheer.
-Like this.
[shivers] Oh, oh.
I-I-I-- I-I think it
might be t-t-too cold for ice cream today.
[sighs] That's what everybody says.
"Mink, it's too cold."
"Mink, my tongue is frozen."
"Mink, pickle is a terrible flavor."
[sighs] I wish I could stay for more,
but I'm on my way
to get a new clock for Toad,
so we will know when Christmas is here.
His old one broke.
Dancing legs.
Yeah, that'll happen.
You go on, Frog.
I'll just have to keep on trying.
-Ice cream. Who wants some ice cream?
-[bell ringing]
-Ice cream, ice cream.
-[gasps] Mink, wait.
Get ready to spread that Christmas cheer,
because I have an idea.
-You do?
-I do.
Come inside
and I will tell you all about it.
[door bell jingles]
No more dancing legs,
so nothing bad can happen
to this new batch of Christmas rolls.
I will stand here
and keep checking until they are ready.
Ooh, they smell good in the oven.
I wonder if they are ready now.
No, not yet.
Oh, my.
One of my ornaments is not on the tree.
I will fix that.
Hmm, there.
Huh, something does not look right.
Let me see…
-[grunting] Is that better?
Oh, most definitely not.
-[grunts] Like this?
-[rattling continues]
Or this? [grunting]
Or maybe-- [gasps, groans]
Oh, not again.
The ornaments are everywhere
an-- [sniffing]
What is that smell?
[gasps, pants] No!
Ah, my rolls.
They have burnt.
Now I will have to clean up
and bake new ones again.
[bell ringing]
-Hiya, Frog.
-Merry almost-Christmas!
There is something amazing to try
at Mink's shop.
It's not ice cream, is it?
It's way too cold for ice cream.
Oh, no.
It is something even better for a cold,
almost-Christmas Day.
Come try it for yourself.
[door bell jingles]
Warm ice cream soup.
Get your warm ice cream soup here.
Warm ice cream soup?
What is that?
It was Frog's genius idea.
I took all my cold,
hard ice cream and heated it up.
So now it's toasty, melty and warm.
That sounds great.
Mmm, mmm, mmm.
What kind of flavors do you have?
I am so glad you asked me that.
[plays guitar]
We've got gingerbread, raspberry
Almond fudge with rosemary ♪
Peanut butter, pumpkin spice
Cinnamon and wild rice ♪
Cardamom ♪
Try the mint, I'll give you some ♪
[slurps] Mmm.
Triple twizzle coco-cicle
Candy corn with lemon drizzle ♪
Toasted groat
Sufganiyot ♪
Jelly bean ♪
…and vanilla.
Wow! So many flavors. I'll take raspberry.
Come and try Mink's warm ice cream soup!
Your idea worked, Frog.
I'm spreading Christmas cheer again,
thanks to you.
Happy to help, Mink.
You sure I can't offer you a cup?
Maybe later.
I've got to get to Squirrel's shop.
Good luck.
[door bell jingles]
Oh, dear. Oh, dear. Oh, dear.
What to do, what to do.
Woe and misery. Simply dreadful!
Woe, I say. Woe!
Salutations and greetings, Mole.
And Merry almost-Christmas to you.
And to you as well, Frog.
I so wish I shared your holiday mirth.
-But alas.
-Is something wrong?
Sadly, yes.
Right now at this very moment,
I so hoped to be delighting
an audience with a holiday pantomime.
A Christmas play? How exciting.
Indeed. But look.
There is no one here to see it.
No one?
Not a one.
Apparently, everyone went to sample
something called, "warm ice cream soup."
Oh, I see.
But no matter, I shall just have
to muster through a performance alone.
[sniffs] Good day, Frog.
-Wait, Mole!
I will get you an audience
for your Christmas show.
You will?
Well, I'm surprising Toad with a new clock
so we will know when Christmas is here,
but this is important too.
The show will go on!
Thank you, Frog!
I'll prepare for the opening number.
There. The tree is fixed, and my new,
new rolls are baking.
Frog will have
his favorite Christmas treat…
[chuckles] …and won't he be surprised.
Hmm. Are they ready now?
Hmm. Just a bit longer.
Perhaps I will put on
my Christmas sweater now.
That will help things feel more jolly.
Keep cooking, rolls.
Ooh, but not too much,
I will be back soon.
[straining] It seems a little small.
No, no, no. [gasps, groans]
On second thought,
my regular jacket will be fine.
[sniffing] Oh, no. The rolls!
[pants] Ooh, okay.
[gasps] Not again.
That was my last batch.
Frog will be so disappointed.
[groans] Blah.
-[audience gasping]
The dastardly Winter Wizard
has stolen all the clocks.
[cackles] My diabolical plan is working.
By stealing all your clocks,
no one will know when Christmas has come.
Fear not, citizens.
-For I, the hero, have this pocket watch.
-[audience gasps]
Now everyone will know
when Christmas has come.
-[audience cheering] Ah.
-[groans] Foiled again.
Thank you. Thank you, all.
Now, let us pause as I quickly
change costumes for the next scene.
Sorry I'll miss the rest of your show,
But I have to go get
that new clock so I can surprise Toad.
Perfectly understandable, Frog.
You have touched me with your kindness.
But I must know,
how did you find such a lovely audience?
I asked Mink to ring his bell outside.
-Christmas show! Christmas show!
-[bell ringing]
Come see Mole's Christmas show and get
some warm ice cream soup to go with it.
Your bell sounds much happier now, Mink.
[sighs] It does indeed, Frog.
Now go get that clock!
Oh, hello, Snail. Happy almost-Christmas.
Hey there, Frog. Right back at ya.
Did you hear there's warm ice
cream soup and a Christmas show?
Yes, and I wish I could stay longer,
but I must get a new clock
for Toad at Squirrel's shop.
Are you going to see the show?
Sure would like to, but duty calls.
All these cards
and letters need to be delivered.
I'll probably keep working all night.
All night?
It's always hard getting it done
before Christmas comes,
but I love spreading cheer
by delivering mail,
no matter how long it takes.
Christmas show! And warm ice cream soup!
Snail shouldn't have to work all night.
-Christmas show…
You know what, Snail?
I still have a little time
to surprise Toad with that clock.
We will make these deliveries together.
Oh, thank you, Frog.
Mmm, that one's for Rabbit.
It came from Toad.
With his recipe
for Christmas rolls inside?
I'll deliver it right away.
…and warm ice cream soup!
[groans] Everything's clean again.
But I will have no
Christmas rolls for Frog.
He said he would be back quite soon,
but without my clock,
I do not know how long quite soon is.
I do not know when anything
is without my clock.
I-Is it Christmas? Is it half-past spring?
[groans] Frog? Are you out there?
What could be keeping Frog?
What if something happened?
What if Frog fell down a deep hole
and cannot get out?
Toad? Where are you?
What if Frog is lost in the woods
and cannot find his way back?
Toad, I am lost in these woods.
[gasps] What if Frog is being chased by
a very large animal with many sharp teeth?
Toad! Save me from this very
large animal with many sharp teeth.
[animal growls]
There will be no Christmas
for me without Frog.
I must find him.
Well, that's all the letters, Frog.
I can watch the rest of Mole's
Christmas show, thanks to you.
Glad I could help.
Now, to get Toad's new clock.
Good luck.
[Snail hums]
[gasps] There it is.
A new clock for Toad.
I need that clock in the window.
Squirrel, are you there?
Oh, no. Squirrel is not here.
[groans] The shop is closed.
It is too late.
Toad will not have a new clock.
And without a clock,
we will never know if it is Christmas.
[sighs] I hope Toad
is doing okay without me.
I must go rescue my friend.
[grunts] I will lower this rope so
Frog can climb out of the deep hole.
[gasps] Frog will see this lantern,
and find his way back home.
I will make a loud noise
with these pots and pans,
-and frighten the fearsome animal away.
Ooh. [shivers]
Yes, they're very loud indeed.
Do not worry, Frog.
I am coming to find you.
[wind whistling]
[grunts] Frog?
-Where are you? Can you hear me?
Where are you?
Toad, I am right here.
you were not at the bottom of a hole?
You were not lost in the woods?
You have not been chased away
by a fearsome animal?
No, Toad. Not at all.
[gasps, sighs] Oh, Frog.
I am so glad.
Come on. Let us warm up inside.
Sorry for taking so long to get back,
I stopped to help some friends
spread Christmas cheer.
I wanted to surprise you
with a new clock from Squirrel's shop,
but by the time I got there,
it was closed.
Oh. Well, I am sorry too, Frog.
I wanted to surprise you with more
of your favorite Christmas rolls,
but I burnt them all by mistake.
More than once, actually.
It is all right, Toad.
You are here with me,
and that is all I need.
Me too, Frog.
Who could that be?
It is Mink.
Oh, good. You're both here.
Everyone got warm ice
cream soup except for you.
So I saved you some.
[both] Thank you, Mink.
[slurps] Mmm, this is so good.
Mmm, oh, yes.
I will need lots of willpower
so I do not drink it all.
-I'll take that as a compliment.
Salutations and greetings, everyone.
[both] Salutations and greetings, Mole.
Your assistance
gave me so much Christmas cheer, Frog.
Please, allow me to return the favor
by performing the grand finale right here
for you and Toad.
Come in, everyone.
Hiya, folks! [chuckles]
Oh, oh.
Hello, Frog. Hello, Toad.
Hello, Rabbit. Welcome.
I have something special for you both.
[both gasp] Christmas rolls!
Thank you so much for the recipe, Toad.
I hope the rolls turned out all right.
[sniffing] They smell delicious.
But I'd better try one, just to be sure.
Frog, not until Christmas comes.
Oh, but Toad, how will we know
when it is here without a clock?
Ahem, Merry Christmas.
Hiya, Toad.
I've got one last delivery.
For me?
For you.
I ran into Squirrel
and told her everything,
and she insisted
I deliver this right away.
-[Frog gasps]
-[Frog, Toad] A new clock!
Oh, thank you, Snail.
Thank you, Snail.
It is perfect, Frog.
Just like my old clock, but better,
because this one came from you.
And now we will know when it is Christmas.
[cheering, applauding]
Yes, Toad?
I-I do not think we need a clock
to tell us when it is Christmas.
-We do not?
Because Frog and Toad are together.
-We are all together.
That is right.
We are all together.
We will know when it is Christmas
when we feel it.
You know what, I think I feel it, Toad.
I feel it too, Frog.
Now it is Christmas.
-[cheering] Hooray!
Can I have a Christmas roll now, Toad?
Yes, Frog. You may have one.
-Everyone can have one.
-[cheering continues]
[Mink] Mmm.
Mmm. Perfect. Mmm.
Aw, thank you, Frog.
And now, the grand finale.
[clears throat]
The warmth in our hearts
Tells us Christmastime is here ♪
The joy of the season
Is not the only reason ♪
We spread the cheer
We celebrate the ones we hold most dear ♪
-Hit it!
-[instruments playing]
It's Christmas
And the lights are aglow ♪
It's Christmas, our hearts overflow ♪
It's Christmas, with friends of gold ♪
It's Christmas with Frog and Toad ♪
Toad, I got the dancing legs again.
[chuckles] You sure do.
We're with friends of gold ♪
It's Christmas
It's Christmas with Frog and Toad ♪
[cheering, applauding]
-[both] Merry Christmas, everyone!
-[cheering, applauding continues]
[singer] We woke up and found a door
Only us kids could explore ♪
So we opened it to see what was behind ♪
I will keep your secrets safe
With mine ♪
We can wish on shooting stars that fade
Sleep inside the orchid shade ♪
I wouldn't change it even if I could ♪
There is magic in the places
We'd least expect to look ♪
We can fill up all the pages
There is no end to our book ♪
Be the wheels to my road
Be the Frog to my Toad ♪
We can be anything that we wanna be ♪
Now the sun is going down ♪
On that other side of town tonight ♪
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