Geek Girl (2024) s01e09 Episode Script

Episode 9

[phone ringing]
[man] Please leave a message
for Ms. Lee after the tone.
- Ugh! Ugh!
- [dial tone]
Can't you just call her
on her personal line?
Personal line? It's like a figment
of the fashion cosmos, it doesn't exist.
- [sigh]
- [voicemail message repeats]
- After the tone.
- Ugh!
Read me out the latest comments again.
[number dialing]
Ms. Lee's evaluating the ramifications
of the recent debacle,
during this time
she'll also be considering
whether or not Harriet Manners
will walk for her tomorrow.
- Is that it?
- [voicemail message repeats]
- That's it.
- They're gonna cancel the entire campaign.
I will not have Harriet Manners
take the rest of us down with her.
- [number dialing]
- We're not the Titanic.
- [dial tone]
- And that poor girl did try and leave.
Try and leave?
She's already left and quite frankly
it's the best thing she's actually done
since she's been here.
- Really?
- [voicemail message repeats]
You seemed to be A-okay
when she was bringing in all the bookings.
That is literally my job.
- I'm an agent not an auntie.
- [number dialling]
She destroyed an entire perfume campaign
with one stupid post.
- Which you told her to make.
- Not of a highly confidential campaign!
Nick Park's flight is scheduled
to land on time.
[voicemail message repeats]
And so, um, your car is actually outside.
I'll go.
- [numbers dialing]
- I'll contact Filipe again in the car,
don't do anything drastic, please.
[upbeat indie music]
Get me another pencil and a cake, now!
Oh oh ooh, oh oh ooh ♪
[Harriet] Where's Dad? I need a lift.
Oh, you're going to school?
Well, it's a Thursday so it is customary
to go to school, yes.
[phone ringing]
I just thought after what happened
yesterday, you might
[phone key clicks]
Well, yesterday by definition in the past
and therefore I will not be giving it
anymore of my attention in this time.
- [phone ringing]
- Who keeps ringing you so early?
- No one.
- Oh, you're going to school?
Dad, I need a lift and it's urgent.
It's the school talent show today
and I have a very important conversation
I need to have first.
Well, that's great but I do think
we should talk about the
- No.
- What happened on the shoot, Harriet.
It really is gonna be okay.
It'll be old news before you know it.
I've left infinity.
I really don't think that's necessary.
Well, you said it yourself,
I'm going to be a paleontologist.
How many paleontologist-model hybrids
have you heard of?
Yeah, exactly.
Can we go now, please?
Of course, my lady.
To the Manners mobile.
Do you feel ready
Do you feel ready now ♪
Have a great day, sweetheart.
We'll be there front row
to cheer you on later.
- We wouldn't miss our
- Our backstage costume superstar.
♪Do you feel ready
Do you feel ready now ♪
[engine rumbling]
Oh oh ooh, oh oh ooh, oh oh ♪♪
[music continues in headphones]
Harriet, Anabelle is right, you know?
I mean we all make mistakes
and nothing is
Bye Dad, have a good day.
Yeah, alright.
Hey, hey, hey, look.
All I'm saying
is that I know it may seem like
I'm winning at life in every possible way.
I don't want to be rude but you did just
drive me to school in your pajamas, so.
Yeah, alright, fair point.
Well made.
But one we can discuss tonight when
you have returned from winning at life,
and I know you will.
- Bye, Dad.
- Bye.
- Love you.
- Love you.
That went well.
[engine rumbling]
[theme music]
[indistinct chatter]
- Nat!
- Harriet.
Please don't say anything.
I know you're furious with me
because I messed everything up
and I even messed up trying to apologize.
- Harriet
- No, no, please, let me say this.
And then you can tell me how awful I am.
Okay, um, look.
This is us at my fifth birthday party
except it wasn't really a party
because you were the only guest
but it's all I needed.
- [clears throat]
- And then
this is our first day of secondary school.
Remember how you put little notes on
all my things?
All my exercise books
so I could have something from you in
all the lessons we weren't together for.
Yeah, well,
I didn't want you to feel lonely, so.
There are hundreds of photos like this,
Hundreds of stories that go with them
but the only story that really matters
is the story of us.
Of Nat and Harriet.
Note that I put your name first
because from now on
I will always put you first.
[indistinct chatter]
You done or is there more to come?
- Unless you um
- No, nope.
You're good.
Oh You are such a doofus.
Oh, A+ for the commitment
to the powerful presentation.
Thank you.
- [sigh]
- So, are we still arguing?
I mean you literally bombed a perfume
campaign trying to make it up to me.
- It's truly iconic actually.
- Then it was all worth it.
So how much trouble are you in Yuji
from one like one to a gazillion?
No idea.
I quit infinity before I could find out.
You quit, why?
Because I'm done.
The world of fashion brought
me nothing but trouble.
I lost you,
I humiliated myself, repeatedly.
I just want to go back to normal.
- Whatever that means.
- Who would want to be normal?
[upbeat pop music]
[Wilbur] Almond blossom.
[overlapping chatter]
- What's wrong?
- Nothing.
Oh just uh, you know,
all those wonders in the world.
You don't normally come to meet me.
I've come to accompany
my favourite client to their next job,
etcetera and so on.
Oh, you'd love the tea, gossipy fish wife.
Harriet's left infinity
and of course, Jude is just thrilled
but I'm not,
I'm actually quite worried about her.
Harriet won't return my calls
and she's probably hiding
in some cupboard somewhere.
You know no one knows what Yuji's gonna
about Bascar event.
Yeah, I think that's everything.
No! The barista this morning gives me
soy milk instead of oat.
"Yeah, it's above me now."
Went above her,
spoke to her supervisor, free coffee.
- [chuckles]
- Yeah, she's left, permanently?
Well, look, the poor girl was so upset
she called yesterday to apologize
but Jude just screeched at her,
thought my eyeballs were gonna shatter.
We've got to convince Harriet
that Jude does not represent
the entire fashion industry.
I need to speak to auntie Yuji.
["Beautiful Nightmare"
by S. Armstrong plays]
His words are big
less dramatic than I ever was ♪♪
[Nat] Harriet, clothes on rails.
These were already late for um,
the tech run.
Uh, there.
Harriet, I'm I'm so glad you're okay.
I I are you are you okay?
I saw what happened
with the perfume shoot and I just
I just want you to know
that my door's always open.
Yeah. Oof, fine, fine.
Yeah. Fine.
Yeah, yeah, absolutely fine, you know?
Most people have short-term memory anyway.
Oh, yeah.
These things happen,
everybody makes mistakes.
Well, you know where I am if you need me.
[voicemail] Please leave a message
for Ms. Lee after the tone.
Aunt Yuji really isn't answering, is she?
Has Harriet responded yet?
No, she's being currently
being detained at
She's currently being detained at school.
And you know I have
to adhere to the contact hours
her stepmother so clearly laid out.
[phone keys clicking]
[dial tone]
[voicemail] It's Harriet,
if you let me know that you've called
Finn, peach cobbler,
you keep trying Harriet, I'll find a way
to fight this Jude Paignton fire.
I've gotta go.
We're literally minutes away
from your fitting!
Just just stall it,
Wilbur, I'll be back.
[car horn]
[Nick] Richmond, please.
Really appreciate you guys
coming back to me so quickly.
It's uh, it's great to connect!
[man, on videocall] Not all, Richard.
We were all really impressed
with your application.
[man] So, could we start
by just hearing about
your background. Uh, you haven't worked
in advertising before, is that right?
[softly groans]
Uh uh, yes. Yes, that's right,
I'm a graphic designer by trade.
Um, I know I'm a bit long in the tooth
to be changing careers but,
but I think this could be
a really great fit for me.
You see, recently I had the opportunity
to be on set of a perfume advert
and I what I noticed there, what I think
we could all certainly benefit from
is a certain cohesion within the industry
that will certainly take it
to the next step.
I plan three point stage plan
[acoustic guitar music]
Slay, fashion queens.
That's cute, Nat.
Harriet, I've heard the rumours,
is it true?
Really? Oh you got fired?
Oh, that's awful.
I didn't get fired, I quit.
So, go chew on a saucepan, Lexi.
- Lex! You won't believe.
- I cannot, Nick Park is outside!
Nick Park? Nick Park's outside?
Which way? Go, go, go! Come on!
- Again?
- Nick Park's outside. Nick Park's outside.
Wait, wait, hair, hair, hair!
[student] It's Nick Park.
- [student 2] Oh, my god!
- [camera shutter]
[student] Oh my gosh,
he's looking this way.
[student 2] Is it, oh
You can't keep showing up at my school
unannounced like this, Nick.
I appreciate the enthusiasm,
- you know?
- [Nick] Yeah, good point. Sorry.
It it was an emergency.
At least the transport's a little less
conspicuous this time.
Yeah, see? I can I can take feedback.
I just wanted to make sure you were okay.
I'm very well, thank you for inquiring.
Thank you for inquiring?
Wilbur said that you
Quit? Yes, that is in fact affirmative.
Why am I speaking like a robot,
what's wrong with me?
Well, I just wanted to say, please don't.
Wow, incredibly persuasive skills, Nick.
But um, have you considered
becoming a barista?
Okay, I'm not done.
Hey, I brought you something.
Did you just print this photo off
expressly for this purpose
or do you just carry it around
with you generally?
Shut up. I thought it'd be more impactful.
I just wanted you see what I see.
Does the fashion world bring you joy,
'Cause that's what I see here, I see joy.
Weirdly, I think it does
- but Jude
- Okay, forget what everybody else wants
and doesn't want.
What do you want?
I I don't know.
'Cause I think that if you were lucky
enough to find something that you love,
you fight for it.
And you find someone.
Excuse me?
Quickly finish your sentence.
I think I need to remind you, Harriet,
that there are no
Got it.
I've said pretty much
everything I need to say.
Joy spreads, Harriet. It always does.
[melodic music]
[dial tone]
[automated message] This mailbox is full,
please hang up and try again later.
- [beeping]
- Ugh!
- [pants]
- This mailbox is
[boy 1] And the vision that formed
was that of elation but also a spiritual
[boy 2] Spiritual.
for as entropy may give us,
life may also pluck it away.
Oh, that's the one.
[Nat] So he, uh, came here
to confess his undying love?
I couldn't hear, everything was so loud.
Well, not exactly.
I think he thinks
I made a mistake by quitting.
- Smart guy, I, uh, I'm on his side.
- You are?
Of course, like, you love it.
Any idiot can see that and I am no idiot.
[Miss Lord] Nat.
Look what I just got.
[indistinct chatter]
[Nat] It's from the institute of fashion.
"I'm pleased to extend your student, Nat,
the grant offers"
[upbeat music]
No, I did not.
Wait, you got the place?
You did! Yeah, she did.
Shut up!
I'm really proud of you, Nat.
Really proud.
- I'm really proud of you.
- [giggling]
Oh my gosh.
Oh! Um, oh!
- So?
- I really do think it's too late.
I mean, Jude was harsh.
She's such a witch.
I heard witches, what kind specifically?
Oh, not an actual witch, Toby.
More like a very, very angry boss.
Oh, right.
What do heroes do to witches?
Uh, nothing
because they totally don't exist.
Close but incorrect.
We throw buckets of water on them.
Uh, not to just kind of just get them wet
but to melt them.
At least from Wizard of Oz continuity,
assuming you're talking a little bit more
metaphorically here, but still.
Yeah, I'm gonna chuck some water.
[phone keys clicking]
[dial tone]
[voicemail] Hi, you've reached
Jude Paignton.
- [beep]
- Um, hi.
Hello, Ms. Paignton,
this is Harriet Manners.
Um, look I know you're probably
still very angry with me
and I do understand why
but I don't want to give up.
Fashion makes me happy.
It was much as a surprise to me
as it is to anyone else.
It's very unexpected but it does.
And when something brings you joy,
you should fight for it.
And so, that's what I'm doing
I'm I'm fighting.
Well, um, with my words, not with my
Uh, anyway I just I hope
that you can forgive me
and let me continue, please.
I'll take anything.
Thank you, goodbye.
Uh, this Harriet Manners by the way.
Sorry, again, goodbye!
Sublimely done.
- Thank you.
- Who was that?
[headteacher, on PA] Can all students
please make their way
to the school hallway.
The talent show will begin shortly.
Break a leg Holly Bridges.
[overlapping chatter]
Uh, nope.
But you know,
potentially I could be put forward
for a catalogue shoot in maybe 60 years.
At least I tried.
[indistinct chatter]
Toby, could I ask you something?
Do you ever feel slightly lost?
Or out of place like um
like a polar bear in a rainforest?
What kind of rainforest?
I don't know, does it matter?
Yes, different rainforests
have totally different vegetation.
Some have more ground foliage
in which case there'd more uh,
cutting plants with your paws, and
But, yeah, you're speaking metaphorically,
aren't you?
- Yeah, I am.
- Oh, yeah, okay. Got it.
Then yes, yes I do.
You do?
Because sometimes I feel like
I'm made wrong.
Um, or or rather not wrong just
definitely different
like I'm not made for here
and I'm just constantly searching
for somewhere safe, somewhere
Snowy, where the other polar bears are.
I don't know how to find the other polar
bears and it's exhausting and scary
and I just constantly feel like
I'm wondering around on my own.
[gentle music]
You're not on your own.
But I know someday it's gonna be more
challenging than others.
[Toby sighs]
Look, polar bears are awesome.
Well, we're the largest land carnivores
in the world.
We've got big paws that we can use
to catch fish out of rivers
and given our genetic relation
to European brown bears
I think with a bit of practice
we're gonna climb trees too.
Even the really tall ones.
But we still don't fit in.
And everyone else can see it.
Does that not bother you, Tobes?
[exhales deeply]
The rainforest is a dangerous place,
most animals end up getting eaten.
Just try to enjoy being a polar bear.
We can be quit powerful at times.
Plus, though it's not a specific category
of competition,
we do have the biggest,
fluffiest paws.
Thank you, Toby.
You're so very welcome, Harriet.
- And good luck.
- Oh, thank you.
[overlapping chatter]
[rock music]
Okay, just spoken with Filipe,
he's at least 65 percent confident
Harriet Manners
was to walk for Yuji tomorrow.
She's not gonna terminate us,
living for the drama of it all, so.
Harriet left, remember?
And despite her adorable voicemail
this job is too important to be left
in the hands of some fickle schoolchild.
- But I
- But nothing.
Luckily for us, Poppy has generously
offered to move around her schedule
and walk for Yuji is Harriet's place.
I bet she has.
Come again?
Business is business, Wilbur.
And it's really embarrassing
that I have to point this out
but the Bascar is tomorrow!
You've pulled her from the launch?
Just see it as pft setting her free.
No. No.
This isn't a negotiation, Wilbur.
If you are happy to set her free
then set me free too!
Don't be so dramatique.
[steam hissing]
[intense music]
Bettina, Betty
at your earliest convenience
if it's not too much trouble,
can you pack my things?
And I'll be taking my clients with me,
Harriet Manners and Nick Park.
So ridiculous, I need not remind you
that Nick Park is one of our clients.
He signed a contract with Infinity.
["The Fire" by Extreme Music plays]
Where it is I'm going I can't say ♪
But I'm on my way ♪
And maybe it's just another human
that I need ♪
Somebody tell me why I can't wait here ♪
The light the dark says I need to burn ♪
I need to burn ♪
Baby, I'm the fire ♪♪
[louder cheering]
[indistinct cheering]
Fire rains onto a Saxon battlefield,
ships tormenting each other
in the sky above.
Our hero King Arthur Pendragon
rides through
this collision of future and past.
His incredibly lifelike stead
[crowd gasping]
striking fear
into the hearts of his enemies.
Neigh! See?
This scene finds Arthur
near the end of his journey.
First, we must travel back
across time and space
to Camelot where our tale begins.
A tale that will lead Arthur
on his perilous journey
to discovering what he truly is.
["Next To You" by Naomi August plays]
Okay, listen,
Jude has put in Poppy
to walk in the Bascar show
in Harriet's place.
Wilbur's resigned.
Wait, Betty, Wilbur's what?
Jude won't let Harriet back in. Everyone
is gone and I am the last one standing.
Harriet has got to do the show.
She's the essence of Yuji Lee.
She's different, she's special.
Yeah. Yeah, you're right.
Over and out.
Is this all I am here to these people,
this world that I've saved,
alone and lost to the sea of time.
Perhaps, but what more
can any of us ever be?
What are we but the faces we copy,
the stories we tell?
The imperfect reflections
of the world inside our heads
that no one else may ever inhabit.
And as long as some stories prevail,
none of us will ever be alone.
The end.
[indistinct cheers]
Did that go as well as I think it did?
That was really, really good.
You were amazing!
It was tolerable.
[rock music]
The plans to sedate me
with deep-fried carbohydrates are working.
I'm numb to the catastrophe
that is my career.
Well, it's not a catastrophe, it's brave.
And you are my icon.
So, you're going to go it alone?
Sort your own outfit?
Do you think I can?
No, Wilbur, I think you'll be a failure.
Come on,
we've been saying this
for the past five years
but sure, I'll say it again.
Of course, I think you can.
And more than that, I think you have to.
You were born for this.
You know, it's like
it's like you're fulfilling your
Mm, too much?
You were veering to the me side
of the persuasion, babe.
Stay in your lane.
[indistinct chatter]
We're gonna starve in the streets.
No, we won't.
You're gonna leave me for being
an unemployed layabout.
Only if you start wearing sweatpants
and hang around the house
eating cold pizza.
Don't be so disgusting, Mark.
You're ready for this
and I've always got your back, okay?
Thank you.
Here, have a chip.
- Mm, mm-mm.
- Thank you.
[girl] Double, double, toil and trouble.
Fire burn and cauldron bubble.
[evil laughter]
["I'm Too Sexy" by Right Said Fred plays]
Too sexy for my love
Love's going to leave me ♪
I'm too sexy for my shirt ♪
Too sexy for my shirt ♪
So sexy it hurts ♪
[cheering continues in distance]
Is that supposed to be Harriet?
I'm too sexy for your party ♪
Too sexy for your party ♪
I'm a model you know what I mean ♪
I do my little turn on the catwalk ♪
Are they supposed to be me?
Nat, they're supposed to be me,
aren't they?
Breathe, Harriet, in, out, in.
You have to stop this,
you have to stop this now.
Yes, yes. Stop this immediately. Stop.
Lexi Ronald, stop. Stop this immediately.
[heavy breathing]
[headteacher] When I say, "Stop."
I mean stop.
The wigs are completely wrong
for starters.
[heavy breathing]
No, I have big fluffy paws.
I'm I'm a polar bear.
I'm a polar bear.
[headteacher] Turn the music off!
Taking this rainforest back.
[crowd gasping]
Harriet Manners!
It's in my ear!
[Ollie] It's in my eyes!
It's in my eyes.
Right, everybody just stay in their seats.
Not an emergency.
Please remain calm!
[headteacher] Nothing
nothing more to see.
[headteacher] Please everybody
if you could calm down.
Just, just please, please
Heh, thanks.
Only took me half a decade.
Yeah, come on, Toby.
Aw, it's
[Ollie] Crack on!
[distant cheering]
[phone chiming]
It's Jude.
[Jude] Hey Harriet,
thanks for your message
but look, myself and Wilbur feel
that it's best all around
if we just accept that it didn't work out
this time and just move on
because Poppy
has kindly agreed to take your place.
Not everyone has what it takes
but that's okay,
that's fine, that's cool, okay?
- Best of luck with everything by
- [beep]
[sombre music]
And now I'm fired.
[theme music]
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