Get Even (2020) s01e09 Episode Script

Get It Out

There's no need to worry.
The situation is finally in hand.
Oh, don't mind me, I was just
It's a See you.
A lot has happened.
..seems like a thing from the past.
And yet we must go back
to our normal lives.
This is Bannerman.
We are resilient, strong, and proud.
Christopher Beeman
has been arrested.
DGM is no more.
Life must move on.
Go back to your classes.
Learn with greater vigour.
Go back to your sports
and fight harder.
That's just really inspirational,
you know?
Yeah, forget everything,
he's got a great message there.
Now is the time that we show
what we're made of, show that
there is no knocking us down,
because we just get right back up.
You must rise above all others.
Only then can you call yourselves a true
student of Bannerman.
I know all your secrets ♪
I know all your lies ♪
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh ♪
Your secrets and lies. ♪
Are you OK?
My best friend's just been
arrested for murder, Margot,
so what do you think?
That I just asked a dumb question.
I didn't mean to snap, I just
You know he made me soup
when I was ill?
How can someone who makes you soup
be a murderer?
I don't know.
What flavour was the soup?
Because carrot and coriander
is the devil's work.
And that was the worst-timed joke
of my life.
Kind of was.
I keep saying the wrong thing.
Then I guess I'd rather be with you
saying the wrong thing than
Great timing.
Er, I said I'd meet Olivia
before class.
Sure, but I don't know why you and her are
so close nowadays.
I like her.
She's my friend.
Right, but she stole your diary,
and you know what she did with it.
I don't know, if it was me,
I would
Oh, I'm so sorry.
I didn't know that you didn't know,
If I'd known
I know.
Are you OK?
Not really.
It's wrapped up too neat.
The DGM cards in Christopher's
locker practically had a bow
-on top of them.
-Yeah, but Christopher had motive.
Yeah, we know that because we've read the
conversations on Ronny's laptop.
-Yeah, but the police didn't.
-This is my point.
And the way that Harrington
was talking to Donte!
OK, wait.
So you think that Harrington
is somehow involved in all this?
No, not exactly, I just
I would buy it if he was involved
in the cover-up.
OK, sure, maybe,
but we still haven't been able
to link Donte to anything.
No, but he was questioned, remember?
Do we know if he even has an alibi
for the night that Ronny was killed?
Do you maybe want to weigh in here?
Not really.
I want us to be honest with each other.
And I don't mean bickering
about pointless stuff.
I mean being upfront
about things that matter.
Like catching a murderer?
Like, if there's anything
from before that could, say,
really hurt me,
I'd rather you just said it.
I don't know what you're talking about.
Seriously? Cos this is your last chance.
Yeah, seriously.
I know it was you
who stole my diary last year.
I'm sorry, OK?
I wanted to tell you, I just
What? Was too scared
of what I would think of you?
Like you're scared of what
everyone thinks of you?
I swore I wouldn't let this weird,
snobby school get to me again.
Swore I wouldn't let anyone
hurt me again.
And look at me.
I got close, I got hurt again!
-I'm done.
No, Margot, wait. I'm sorry, I
Hey, what are you doing?
Sorry. I was just trying
to make you feel better.
I didn't think a hug was very us.
So, what now?
We need evidence that your ex is a killer.
And then we can take him down.
Two people don't make DGM, Bree.
OK, sure, we don't have
Margot's tech skills
or Kitty's planning skills
but what we do have
Hold on, give me a sec.
How about your willingness
to run into a burning building?
And your genius at distraction.
- Oh.
- OK, no.
We're going to need to work on that.
Can we just not
We don't need to do anything.
You're late for class.
And Miss Margot Rivers is never late
to class,
so I volunteered to lead the search party.
I'm not going to class.
Want to talk about it?
You're missing a golden opportunity
for my wisdom and insight.
-Oh, how will I survive?
-Oh, that was kind of cruel.
Hey, I was nice.
But I'm smarternow.
-Oh, we're smart?
-And observant.
Which is why I know the real reason
you're hanging around with me
all the time has nothing to do
with friendship.
No, no, that's not true.
Whatever else I feel, you're my friend.
I don't have any friends.
-Logan! Hey.
Want to get out of here?
Right now?
Meet me by the car in ten.
Detective Bartlett?
I saw some boys fighting
on the football field.
That's hardly a matter for the police.
I know but it made me feel really scared.
OK, then. Better show me.
-Where did you go?
-I think I saw him go that way.
I can help you with these.
So, you're really going?
I thought you were a "no stone
left unturned" kind of woman.
You think there are still
some stones around here?
-Want to tell me where they are?
-You're the cop. You tell me.
Are you OK?
Er, yep.
Yeah, fine.
I can take it from here.
No. No, it's cool, seriously.
Swear I won't drop them again.
It's like, all the stuff
that's going on
So deep.
You seemed pretty into Harrington's
whole "life moving on" speech.
I was.
I was sitting here, watching ants.
One of them tried to carry a crisp
and I cried.
Want to make out?
I want to break up.
I always thought I'd be the one
to do that.
Cos you're cleverer?
I don't have the words.
But emotionally
..I'm clever.
I Inuit.
I think you mean intuit.
Whatever. I know things.
I know you like John.
-Yeah, as a friend.
-Don't even, Bree.
I know it's more than that.
So I'm setting you free.
Like a bird.
Likethe song about a bird.
Just fly to him!
What if I don't want to fly to him?
Then you're the stupid one.
They're taking down the Ronny one,
Ronny wasn't Mika.
Sorry, it's
It's like she's being erased.
What can I do?
Rewind time?
How far do you want to go? Last year?
So, whilst I'm working on a time machine,
anything more immediate I can do?
It's just
It's just sad.
Sad can't be fixed.
Consider yourself officially destroyed.
I can't quite believe how good you are.
-Do you want to play again?
-Do you want to talk about Olivia?
-Again, no!
I don't know what I want.
Well, we can go head back to school
if you like.
No. I definitely don't want that.
I want the opposite.
Like, maybe we should run away.
You don't mean that.
I do.
-I mean, you're
-Not like that!
I know, I'm the shy girl, the geeky one,
the one who works hard and is a sucker,
but I don't want to be her any more.
Margot Rivers.
Your wish is my command.
Hey, wait one sec.
I just have to, er
Hey, now we can go.
Did you do this?
It was Donte's idea.
I helped, though.
Found the glue-stick.
Do you know where he is?
He, erm, said something
about heading to Sam's.
What took you so long?
Ididn't know you'd be here.
Or that you were waiting for me.
Oh, yeah. Good point.
Not that it isn't brilliant
that you're here, but
Is there a reason?
Kind of.
I saw the thing you did for Mika and
You know, before, when I was a bad place.
Then you rejected me.
I've replayed that moment more than once.
..I'm not in a bad place now, so
Just one second.
What took you so long?
Do you want a drink?
I don't want to be here. I just
..want it to be us.
I was hoping you'd say that.
So, he broke up with you because
he got emotional over an ant?
Kind of.
I don't get the connection.
Does he think you look like an ant?
Or worse, is it that you don't
look like an ant?
Does he have some kind of weird
ant obsession?
No, just stop talking.
Not until I get to the bottom
of this mystery.
Oh, erm, by the way,
he gave me this.
Are these Panic! At The Disco
"It's a little complicated,
all tied up,
"no more love
and I'd hate to see you waiting."
I know why he broke up with you.
He has feelings for me.
Oh, yeah, sure. That makes sense
That's basically the only thing
I can come up with.
But what is that about?
I have no clue.
But I need to do a thing anyway, so
OK, fellow Bannerman thespians.
We have issues.
No director.
No lead actor.
And no stage manager.
You can stay if you want,
but I am considerably
..out of here.
You know, even before everything,
I still hated you at least 50%
of the time.
That's how friendships work.
They're not supposed to be simple.
I think they are.
I think we've been doing this wrong.
Do you want me to apologise?
..not for telling everyone the
Say sorry for making me
do things I never wanted to do,
and making me be someone
I never wanted to be.
I'm sorry.
I never wanted to change you.
Just my hair and my clothes
and my make-up and my jewellery
and my background.
I was protecting you.
Bannerman is a place
that'll give you a breakdown
before you're out of a training bra.
Do you want to come over?
This isn't us making up.
I just said sorry.
I never say sorry.
I've missed you.
We're too intense.
Don't you ever feel that?
It's like
..I hate you
..but I hate when you're not around.
I get jealous when someone else
is talking to you.
Sometimes I stare at my phone
for hours
just waiting for you to text me.
When you walk into the room,
my stomach does somersaults.
I'm not ready yet.
I am.
Ow! Bree, what are you doing?
Don't whine, just listen.
So, our plan worked.
I've been reading this
and guess who has a lame alibi
for the time of Ronny's murder?
I can't guess right now.
I can't
..anything right now.
What's wrong?
Nothing. Just
OK, I'm up for sharing feelings,
but can we make this a bit faster?
So justforget about it.
It doesn't matter.
OK, well, spill.
How lame is Donte's alibi?
It says here that he was
thinking and driving.
I mean, seriously.
Well, we had just broken up, so, I mean,
driving and thinking kind of makes sense.
But he can't prove it.
Misra's requested
the CCTV from the road out of town
but she's still waiting
for the council to send it.
I don't understand.
I mean, he's not like that.
At least
..I think he's not like that.
I've been wrong about a lot lately.
Yeah, and newsflash -
a lot of people aren't what they seem.
OK, so
We can go right, back to my house,
raid the freezer for some ice cream, or
..we could go left my favourite place.
Aw, you have a favourite place?
Don't tell anyone -
I'm fairly certain it's not cool.
Oh, now I have to see it.
OK. The not-so-cool
favourite place it is.
-You made cupcakes?
-Yeah, try.
Eugh. Uh-uh!
OK, now I see why you don't cook.
Well, it can't be that bad.
Oh! That is disgusting.
-What were you thinking?
-That I should
..take some time off work, and, er a bit more like, er
..I, er
I-I've been
..working on the assumption that you're
..differentsince Mum
And in many ways, you are.
But you've always challenged people.
I think you're testing them.
Seeing if they're worth it,
seeing if they're tough enough
to stick around.
She wasn't. She failed.
Well, I won't.
I'm sticking around.
But you don't have to be
You don't have to cook.
I'm highly skilled at ordering take-out.
Well, you do that, I'm going to see
if there's anything decent to watch.
Wow! You were right, it's beautiful here.
Pretty isolated, though.
That's what I like about it.
There's no-one about for miles.
What else shall I get?
It depends how long
we're running away for.
OK, so, definitely
a family-sized pack of cookies.
Forgot my wallet.
You look cute when you're driving.
You have this, like, really
focused look on your face.
What, you mean, like this?
Why do you have this in your wallet?
I justcan't think of a good reason.
Well, it's because
..I'm DGM.
You should've got a better bed ♪
Better for your head
Better heads need shut-eye ♪
You should've got out of the red ♪
In the red
You're better off dead ♪
Deader than the red Dead Sea ♪
Promise it to me
Promise me the sea ♪
People, all the people ♪
With big bellies
Banging bigger drums ♪
They beat down on you ♪
They beat the pulse
Into your shoes ♪
You should've got a better bed ♪
Better for your head
Better heads need shut-eye. ♪
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