Ghost Doctor (2022) s01e09 Episode Script

Ghost Doctor

[Jung Ji-hoon]
[Kim Bum]
[Son Na-eun]
[Ghost Doctor]
Hey, what are you doing? Hurry up!
He's so excited. Okay, be right there.
Like I said, our hospital
can't take any more patients in.
This man was sent here because
of the coldness in his right leg.
No, we can't take him.
We're afraid that he's got
peripheral vascular disease.
[Episode 9]
But why did you have to try that hard?
You could've just walked
away and ignored it
in a situation like that.
Because I didn't want to
become a klutz like you.
I would be mad at myself
if I couldn't do anything but watch
a patient die in front of me.
I didn't want to experience
that horrible moment again.
Go Seung Tak.
What are you doing here?
He's got arterial blockage
in the right leg, right?
Take him to the treatment
room. I'll treat him.
What are you doing?
You said no operating room was available.
So I'll take a look at him at the
treatment room. Take him over there.
He doesn't even have an ID.
So what?
Don't you see that his leg is turning pale?
We can't afford any further delay,
or he can't be saved anymore
if his leg turns blue.
Take him over there.
Hey, what are you doing?
Why are you taking him in?
As doctors, we can't just
We can't just send patients away.
In our-- No.
Especially in my hospital.
Take him in. Come on.
Hey. Hey!
They can't do anything to me
because of my special identity.
But a poor intern suddenly turned
into a talented super intern
and caught everybody's attention.
The world wouldn't have just
let you off easily, right?
You are right about that.
Hey, brat!
How dare you ignore our order?
You think you are the only talented one?
You think you are a genius, don't you?
What a genius!
You have no respect for us.
You should've sent the
patient back as we asked!
Who do you think you are
to operate on a patient?
Life was already tough enough.
But that made it harder.
I just wanted to save patients' lives.
I was just a nobody, so I couldn't argue.
Therefore, I did what I could.
No matter what, I needed to survive.
What about you?
Why did you do it?
You were the only one whom I could possess.
I didn't have a choice.
But you could've said no.
Why didn't you?
Weren't you afraid I'd bring you bad luck?
I'm still afraid of that.
You little
I saw it with my own eyes
and I could imagine
how you grew from an intern to
a highly-skilled specialist.
How do I put this?
You were like an extremely
competitive warrior.
Let's begin.
Be focused.
Mastoid retractor.
That's why you want to be a doctor,
no matter you are alive or dead,
you always do.
In that case,
you should keep fighting like you used to.
Prolene 5-0, double-armed.
Good job.
What do you mean?
My golden hands are
So you're saying
this operation record which should've
been written by Go Seung Tak
was actually written by Cha Yeong Min?
And Go Seung Tak didn't
even know it was done?
And it was erased later
when you checked it,
yet you don't know it was erased
by Go Seung Tak or Cha Yeong Min?
What the heck are you talking about?
I know it sounds ridiculous,
Are you drunk?
I just had a drink.
I've been keeping it to myself.
It's not the only strange
thing about Go Seung Tak.
But if we presume it's true,
then it'd all add up.
Presume what? What?
That Cha Yeong Min became a ghost
and possessed Go Seung Tak's body?
How could you say such thing
when you are a doctor?
Why are you calling me this late?
Who's there?
Alright, I see.
You'd better do a checkup.
Not in our hospital though.
Go to another one.
Stop drinking and take some medicine.
I've got enough problems. How could you
Then what about Go Seung
Tak's surgical skills?
How do you explain that?
O Su Jeong, you think you know everything?
No, sir. I'm still learning.
Ah, because you're still learning
you can call whoever you want
without asking for permission?
You punk!
You think the emergency
room is a call center
where you can let everybody in
and call anybody you want?
is it like home-shopping
where you can send a patient
back like returning goods?
You-- How could you say such rude words?
My apologies. I'll go back to work now.
young people nowadays are so
They should test your manners
during the medical exams.
Can't believe it. How did such
a rude person become a doctor?
What are you doing?
Something's been lingering around here.
And it smells.
Smells like either cow, or
dog, or chicken, or horse.
Oh, it's right here. Smell it.
No. It's here.
Bad manners!
You've got to test it.
Take off your white coat.
Those who don't look like
doctors can all wear it anyway.
Whole-body disinfection. Here we go!
Oh my,
thank you so much
for the drink.
By the way, our pretty doctor
looks quite happy today.
Any good news?
Is it that obvious?
I do have good news.
Is it because
that Dr. Go
stood up for the patient?
You saw that? He did very well, didn't he?
It's not something I can understand though.
But why do you feel happy
that Dr. Go did a good job?
Doesn't he still owe you a lot?
About that
He has begun to pay it
back little by little.
Really? Congratulations!
I've told you that.
He's not a bad person.
But why do you know him so well?
I'm old so I know what people are like.
That is called discernment.
My grandpa would also
like Dr. Go if he saw him.
You got lucky this time.
Please be careful next time.
I don't know your grandpa,
but he must be a great man.
He would be happy to see you like this.
I still have work to do.
Thank you for your coffee.
So you should be tough
and grow strong.
[EunSang University Medical Center]
[Operating Room]
Grandpa, why did you come so late?
I'm not sure. Someone is worrisome.
I just stopped by on my way.
Good, you are very good.
As Vice President of Administration,
how could you smell so drunk?
I had a meal with others today.
Sorry, grandpa.
But why are you sitting here?
I think of the past
and I am curious if it's still the same.
Grandpa, please go to my office.
No, I have to go.
Oh, President.
We didn't expect you to come.
You should contact us in advance.
Is chief a sinecure?
Why don't you run to our patients?
Chief Ban, I heard you've
been working hard lately.
I heard that the Cardiothoracic Surgery
Department has had a hard time lately.
Tell me, is there any problem?
Since you mentioned it,
I would report some.
Ever since the car accident
of Professor Cha Yeong Min,
we've found it hard to meet
all the operation appointments.
Wait, you can talk to me about it later.
It's not suitable to say it here--
What does that mean?
Hasn't the vacancy of
Professor Cha been filled yet?
Grandpa, I'm
No. President, I'm paying attention
to Professor Cha's situation.
It's okay to pay attention to that.
But you should find a new
doctor for the patients.
That's what your job is.
To assist medical personnel and
keep the hospital running well.
If you neglect your duty
and focus on something else,
just give the post to a better man.
Did he understand me or not?
When will this boy pull himself together?
This old friend is still so rigid
and so sprightly.
It's been so long. It's nice to see you.
Don't worry too much about them.
I heard that she had got the inheritance.
Then why is she still working?
It seems to be just temporary.
Professor Cha is still lying in bed.
Perhaps she won't leave until he dies.
[Se Jin
You are my dearest]
No. My "p" doesn't look like that.
I would draw some circles
at the bottom right.
President, his hands are bad at everything.
I sincerely apologize to you.
I'm sorry for asking a doctor
do something trivial like this.
Think of it as a gift to this
old man that is dying.
Se Jin.
You've always been my precious
and beloved daughter.
I'm sorry I didn't say it a lot.
Thank you for being with me
through the last moments of my life.
I love you.
Your dad.
You know what?
I never once
called him "Dad".
I never had the chance to
tell him that I've forgiven him.
That he didn't need to feel sorry for me.
I haven't told him I love him.
I have so many things to say to him.
But I said nothing when he was alive.
However, I wrote his death report.
Will you do this to me again?
Don't you still have a lot to say
and listen to?
Come on, please
Don't let me write your death report.
Please wake up.
Please open your eyes.
Please, Yeong Min.
I run errands like
buying coffee now?
[EunSang University Medical Center]
Yeong Min.
Is that you? Is this a dream?
I got angry with you,
so you came into my dream, right?
Because you cried.
Right, it's a dream.
This is nice.
I want to hug you forever.
[EunSang University Medical Center]
do you still remember it?
It's a dream. Just a dream,
I entered your dream briefly
Yeong Min, can you hear me?
Cha Yeong Min.
Seung Tak.
Go Seung Tak.
Hey, wake up.
This guy is really
I can't hit you but
I can step on your neck.
No, why am I here again?
You can use me before you die.
But you can't torture me to death!
Seung Tak.
I won't die.
Seung Tak.
Why is he happier than me?
Excuse me.
Is it true that Professor Cha
showed brain activity?
How did you know?
I didn't tell anyone. Who told you that?
You're being careless again.
Well I must have dreamed about it.
Like a dream, but not a dream.
A foreseeing dream.
His brain wave record in recent days.
It shows strong waves.
Especially last night,
α and θ waves appeared,
which didn't show before.
[α (alpha) waves are linked with
relaxed mental states.]
[θ (theta) waves appear when
people are sleeping or dreaming.]
That means?
The amplitude of brain waves means
brain activity is starting again.
That is to say
that he's likely to wake up.
How long is there?
It's not sure.
There is no other way but to wait.
To wait for his brain waves to get better.
That's right.
What's the reason for the
change of brain waves?
I'm also not very sure
In fact, this change is
difficult to explain medically.
-But what?
-But what?
Based on his situation, the
happy hormone is at work.
Medically it's hard to explain,
but this hormone
can do good to the patient.
What do you think
is going on in his mind?
What good thing could it be?
Last night
So, waves that were not there before
Without me knowing
What the hell are you thinking now?
Go Seung Tak, I didn't.
Seung Tak.
Be careful, okay? Let's be careful.
We're not amateurs.
It's clearly a mistake on both sides.
But what is it?
Didn't you hear it? Happy
Right yesterday
Did you use my pure body to
Are you nuts? Would I use
others' bodies to do it?
I didn't go that far.
"That far"?
"That far"!?
What else did you use? Which part?
This. I used this to tuck her in.
Secretly while she was sleeping.
Are you sure she didn't know?
Yeah, sure.
What now?
I'm saying it just in case.
Don't use me for romance.
Of course, I won't use
others for that thing.
I get that you're all fired up now.
But hold it in for now
and release it with your own body. Okay?
It's time to practice self-control.
Act like an adult.
So have you never used that thing
because you act like an adult?
Pure body. Seriously?
Is that the point now?
Oh, forget it. Let's find
the thing that makes you the happy?
Things that make me happy
When I play with my baby,
when I watch Jessica's concert videos,
having a hand massage,
drinking good coffee.
So happy. Are you a fool?
Not those. Say something recent.
Recent Let me think.
I seem to know what it is.
Good job.
What do you mean?
Surgery also requires techniques.
What a happy life you have.
You're one to talk.
Okay, deal.
This side. Damn it. Hey!
I will help out.
From here to here. All of it.
Of course, as the assisst.
All of them?
They are all Professor Cha's patients.
That explains the large number
of patients in one month.
The number doesn't matter.
The thing is that these
are all difficult cases.
I've heard that Professor Cha may wake up.
When he wakes up
Doctors can wait for patients,
but it doesn't work the other way round.
What a moving statement
By the way, did the
president say anything?
President Go Jae Sik always wishes for
the endless advancement of our
Cardiothoracic Surgery Department.
He also has great affection
of you, Chief Ban.
Your home is in this direction, right?
Thank you, president.
Patients can't wait for doctors.
I'll rally the doctors tomorrow.
You really don't know?
Right, I really don't.
You told me it's God's plan before.
Now you don't know?
We were talking about
other things back then.
Besides, show some respect, boy!
This is what you told me:
"You'll never wake up if you
keep getting in and out."
"Your weak life is already in danger."
Come on. You're so petty
for keeping track of that.
Forget about that.
Ah, congratulations! Good for you.
Wow. After spreading false information,
all you have to say is
"Forget about that"?
It's a crime now. Aren't you aware?
Is there a crime like that?
Oh, people these days are mean.
This whole time
did you know how worried I was
and heartbroken.
Anyway, I'll leave myself to God.
It's God's plan to let
Cha Yeong Min wake up.
Repeat that sentence every time you see me.
I'll give it a try.
You Ridiculous.
That little shit.
This is a first for me, too.
Has God's plan changed?
Though rules exist to be broken,
you should give me a notice.
Give him AED twice a day,
every morning and evening.
As for Mannitol and Dexan,
give them twice today and
stop it the day after tomorrow.
Increase the dose of choline
to three times a day.
Okay, Dr. Jang.
It's really great. Congratulations!
It's just the beginning.
Please help me going forward.
You always prefer the sky to the sea.
Do you remember
our arrangement to visit the Alps?
If I wake up, let's take
a ride before autumn.
Doesn't it feel great? And my car
I'll buy a new car.
I can make lots of money.
Do you still keep my passbook?
We will go definitely, with our own money.
And not just in dreams.
We don't have time to
lounge around right now.
Don't do what? I've had enough of you.
Just because some brain waves
I'm not lounging around.
Is there any urgent matter?
Have you had lunch?
No, I have no appetite now.
You can't keep being
like this. Secretary Gim.
Secretary Gim, you
should fulfill your duty.
That dark-circle
Se Jin, calm down. Ignore him.
What should I do with him?
Continuous suture on the
tissue and valve.
When the 25mm is ready,
hand me a Prolene 5-0.
Is Professor Cha getting better?
Not yet. He can't get
better in such a short time.
Yes, that is the reason.
Got to be more confident.
You! Pull yourself together!
Still the same.
Seung Tak, don't you think
my hands are too big?
No. You are amazing.
[EunSang University Medical Center]
What about Go Seung Tak's medical skills?
Can you accept it?
It was major surgery, over 12 hours.
It's a patient of Professor Cha's.
These days, Go Seung Tak's
been performing operations
that even professors
generally find difficult.
There are also types of surgery that
only Professor Cha Yeong Min can perform.
If I'm wrong about this,
then how do you explain
Go Seung Tak's medical skills?
The pericardium is thickening.
I'll deal with the stay sutures.
2-0 black silk suture, please.
If we had met that day,
would we be living like this now?
Cha Yeong Min,
this is not your body.
Restraint, distinction.
Restraint, distinction.
What are you doing?
I'm doing leg exercises.
Cardiothoracic surgery requires
physical strength. Don't you know?
I can't believe you look like a doctor now.
I think you are very suitable
for working in a hospital.
You've been very active lately. I hear
compliments about you all the time.
It's the first year.
Oh. Surgery?
I didn't do that. The professors did that.
I'm just an assistant.
I'm busy. I'm gonna go.
A first-year doctor, after all.
I remember that illness you
had when you were a kid.
Do you still see strange things now?
Strange things? What strange things?
You can see Professor Cha's ghost, right?
Or you were possessed by Professor
Cha Yeong Min and performed
No way.
The Vice President of Administration
is more relaxed than expected.
Going around saying things
that don't make sense.
I hear Professor Cha's getting better.
So what? Are you scared?
After all, you've done a crime.
It's natural to be scared.
Do you have any proof?
Right now, you
Brother, your restless mind
is calculating
whether Cha Yeong Min waking
up is a blessing or a curse.
Go Seung Tak.
You have to pray for him to wake up.
So, the punishment can be reduced.
But the truth will not be buried.
[Operating Room]
During his first dissection,
he ran out without
touching the scalpel once.
He made excuses and left
in every dissection.
His peers were talking about him.
They said he was a professor
in theoretical knowledge
and a pupil in practice.
Go Seung Tak, what are you doing?
Lee Seon Ho, you'll be first assist.
Was it you that night?
Were you in my dream?
I heard you singing.
That's song
was the song we used to listen.
Only the two of us know that.
Doctor, here I am again.
It's warm soup today.
Why do you drink hot soup every day?
We agreed to have beef today.
I took you out for dinner and wanted
to order something nutritious.
Why soup again?
A doctor needs a warm heart.
For me, hot soup makes me feel warm.
It's kind of a soul food.
What soul food?
Wow, that's really refreshing.
Ahjussi, why don't you go somewhere
else to cure your hangover?
Speaking of drink,
why don't we order a bottle of soju?
Hey, what do you mean drink soju?
You can't even drink a glass of beer.
We want a bottle of soju.
No, we don't.
Eat more meat instead of soup.
Boiled pork slices.
Auntie, we'd like the boiled pork slices.
[EunSang University Medical Center]
Did you get enough sleep?
Did you sleep well?
What's going on? Why didn't you come in?
I was afraid you'd wake up if I went in.
So, I'm waiting for you here.
I want you to relax and get some sleep.
What's going on? There's always
something fishy about that.
There's no surgery today.
You need a good rest.
You were already weak.
A fragile creature.
Are you afraid I'm gonna die?
Well, then wake up soon.
Did you wind down again so soon?
We don't have time to rest right now.
If you insist,
then let's go to work.
You have something to do.
Patient? Where is it?
It's not about the living.
I have a favor to ask of you.
Take good care of my friends.
They played with me while you were away.
Oh my god.
Like you and me,
they all have stories.
Who else can satisfy them?
[Korean Women's University
Central Library]
Did I wash my hair?
May I ask why you're looking for this book?
I was asked to look for it.
The will to live filled her
with a thirst for knowledge.
Which university is the professor from?
Not a professor, a doctor.
This one.
[Henri Bergson' L'idée de temps:
Cours au Collège de France.]
L'idée de temps:
Cours au Collège de France.
Isn't it a medical book?
No, this is about the French
philosopher Henri Bergeson
talking about time
at Collège de France from 1901 to 1902.
This book is just a compilation.
Reading this book?
She can't read a book like this.
He found the book and brought it here.
To find this book, I
It's Bergeson.
I lost my grip
I guess he's not totally rude.
Or is he about to wake up?
Do you have compassion that
you didn't have before?
He came back from a hard trip.
Why are you doing this?
What about me?
When can you grant my request?
Is this a hospital room or a library?
Im Bo Mi, 29 years old.
A PhD student.
No wonder the books are so
Do you remember the consultation
in the intensive care unit
on your first day at work?
To miss the one that's still alive
in order to save the one
that's already dead?
How great were their lives?
Trying so hard to save it.
When it's time to go, be cool to leave.
And as I said before, it's over.
Give up when there's no hope.
I am also doing that.
How great was my life,
that I'm still holding on.
I, too, agree with that thought.
I looked at it and realized
it wasn't just about saving the living.
Settlement of karma, contrition,
human reformation.
Things like that.
It doesn't have to be that way.
Okay, call.
We are now operating on both sides.
We need to attack both
the living and the dead.
You said "human reformation"?
What's wrong with me?
She pushed himself too hard as
the paper review approached.
She staggered as she got
up from lack of sleep
and hit her head on the table.
Radiologic examination
shows no fracture or bleeding.
She was expected to wake up soon,
she didn't, and she got worse and worse.
And then she was like that.
You don't know why.
We did a lot of CT, MRI, EEG,
and brain spectroscopy.
But we still can't figure it out.
But Why are you asking this
patient out of the blue?
Is she your friend?
Will it be better for her if she is?
Okay, then she's my friend.
Please lend me this one.
So, after working on a paper all night,
you passed out when you got up.
Anything else? Didn't any of the food
or medication you took before that
cause any discomfort?
You can say whatever you remember.
I had a nosebleed shortly before that.
I often get nosebleeds.
But that day, it didn't stop.
I just covered it up
with a tissue. I got up
and passed out.
What is it this time?
As you can see, this
is the patient's chart.
She had a traumatic brain injury, but the
tests showed no bleeding or fractures.
Why didn't she wake up for three months?
Why did you give this to me?
Because the person I trust and
adore the most in this hospital
is you, Dr. Jang.
You-- You jerk. You can't do that.
Don't flirt with her.
She had a nosebleed before she
fainted. A lot of nosebleeds.
I think
An infection?
She has an underlying disease. Confirm it.
What does that mean?
The patient had a
nosebleed before fainting.
She had a lot of nosebleeds,
and she usually gets nosebleeds.
The underlying disease
in this patient is HHT.
Frequent nosebleeds in this condition
can be an infection of the
central nervous system.
Okay. Please do me a favor.
Let's go.
What do we do next?
Dr. Go.
He said the last thing to me.
Don't get it wrong.
Please take care of me, too.
Come here.
Who told you to look at her
like that? No flirting.
Go Seung Tak.
Why are you flirting? What's
with that look in your eyes?
Professor Jang, what's going on with you?
Why are you examining patients
without my permission?
Is this how they do things in America?
Professor, you didn't do a spinal tap.
Why do we need that?
I heard the patient had a
nosebleed before she fainted.
You seem to have completely ignored
the possibility of an infection.
Not to mention that this patient
has underlying HHT.
[Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia
(HHT), a genetic blood vessel disorder]
What are you talking about? Nosebleed?
Who said that? I haven't heard that before.
After she collapsed, her mother
found out that very late.
No one had seen her nosebleed.
She was unconscious. She can't talk.
How did you know that?
Now that we know,
let's see what the tests show,
and then we can start antibiotics.
Okay, I'll be there now.
What's the matter?
Who is she? Why did she look at
him with that look of attachment?
It's Dr. Jang Se Jin, the new neurosurgeon.
I heard that she was also Professor
Cha Yeong Min's attending physician.
Professor Cha's attending physician?
Professor Jang.
Are you working hard?
[Note: Su Jeong is pronounced
same as "crystal" in Korean]
Ah. Crystal.
Don't hit me with your
hands. Give me a prize.
What prize? Come here
and treat the patient.
Please take this off for me.
Take it off yourself.
I'm sweating a lot.
Oh, really.
Oh my god.
[No Entry & No Exit]
There must be something going on
between Go Seung Tak and O Su Jeong.
Go Seung Tak will come
whenever he has time.
O Su Jeong called him whenever she could.
Ah. I can't take this off.
Where did he go?
Are you looking for someone?
No one. What's wrong?
Are you looking for someone?
I think I was looking for you.
This is how we wanted to meet.
I thought about what you said yesterday.
What did I say?
You don't remember?
In front of the Operating Room.
Did we meet there?
What did I say when we met?
I guess I didn't ask you
to buy me food.
You really don't remember
anything about that?
I have been terribly busy these days.
Let me think about it.
I seem to be recalling something
See? Duty always calls.
How can I think straight?
Anyway, have you thought
it through, cousin?
What are you talking about?
I mean whether you think it's good
for Professor Cha to wake up.
Hold on to that anxiousness in your heart,
reflect deeply with your whole body.
You are running out of time.
I'm leaving.
I have been so busy.
He has been doing useful things these days.
That boy is playing games with me.
Why does Cha Yeong Min
possess Go Seung Tak?
Such nonsense made me
I lost my mind briefly because of you.
Forget about me.
You can't work in this hospital
anymore if you keep saying that.
Got it?
What made you talk the bollocks?
I will prove it to you.
What will you prove?
I will prove that Go Seung Tak
is Cha Yeong Min.
I'll show you I'm right.
[EunSang University Medical Center]
What did you say?
What are you going to do?
The external ventricular drainage.
[EVD: draining cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
from the ventricles of the brain]
Since the antibiotic treatment didn't work,
I suggest injecting the antibiotic
into the brain directly.
Also, the dose will be increased.
I think that rather than the
vancomycin and meropenem mix,
colistin will be more potent.
You don't know that's the last resort?
Besides, it will put the
patient in danger easily.
Her vitals are stable right now.
What if you give the patient colistin
and the patient gets worse?
Do you know any other way?
Because there is no other way,
I have to give it a try.
I will take care of the patient.
Professor Jang!
Actually, Dr. Go Seung Tak
entrusted me with the patient.
Dr. Go?
So they are really friends?
Please schedule the surgery.
I will explain to her guardian.
Are you sure?
Doctor, can Bo Mi wake up
if she has the surgery?
We'll know for sure only after we give
her the postsurgical antibiotic treatment.
Though it's a bit risky,
it is the best option for now.
[EunSang University Medical Center]
I am glad that there is a way.
It's better than just waiting hopelessly.
Thank you, doctor.
Thank you very much.
Bo Mi, there's hope
that you will get better.
There is a way.
That's great!
That's really great!
[Regular cancer screenings]
That's good.
What is wrong? Are you sad?
Why would I be sad?
Of course, that's good news.
I think it's a good thing.
If I had known this, I would
have asked you for my DVD first.
Anyway, I am not sure
whether I'll wake up or not.
That again.
Why did you say that?
Of course, you'll wake up.
Thank you.
I am very scared and worried.
Thanks to you, I have
pulled through all this.
You have been looking after
and helping me these days.
I will never forget that.
Just forget all.
Forget all and don't be
as timid as you used to be.
Say whatever you need to say
and live happily.
Don't bury yourself in study.
That will make you pale-faced.
You are too beautiful for that.
A handsome guy like you should also wake up
and you should make your dream come true.
Well, I
Are you nervous?
Today's operation is very tricky.
Why need I be nervous
since I won't operate?
Looks like you are the nervous one.
The outstanding Cha Yeong Min?
Just get a bit nervous
before such a tough operation.
Let's go get some happy hormones.
Let's go.
[EunSang University Medical Center]
[EunSang University Medical Center]
Go Seung Tak, is that you in there?
Why are you here, cousin?
Do you know this patient?
You should have told me that.
It is you, Go Seung Tak.
You have been behaving lately.
You should have told me earlier.
Why bother swapping places?
That's troublesome.
You should do it yourself today.
I am only a first-year resident.
How can I act as the operating surgeon?
You will do it anyway.
What are you up to, Han Seung Won?
I especially asked him to
come here for your sake.
This is Professor Cha's patient, right?
Dr. An said he helped
Professor Cha prepare for surgery.
Thus, he can help you
as your assist.
Haven't seen you in a while, Go Seung Tak.
Let's do this.
Go Seung Tak, stay calm.
We are in the Operating Room.
You know me, right?
Trust me.
Let's save the patient first.
[Dr. An Tae Hyeon]
I have worked with
Professor Cha for seven years
and have taken part in all the
operations performed by him.
I know what Professor Cha
is like in the Operating Room
better than anyone else.
[EunSang University Medical Center]
I have been observing
Go Seung Tak secretly these days.
I found he swivelled his wrists
several times before the operation.
That's the habitual thing
Professor Cha does
to relax before the operation.
The cardiac myxoma surgery starts now.
[Cardiac myxoma:
tumor in the heart]
The cardiac myxoma surgery
will be done on the same spot as
the surgery of President Jang.
I will definitely find something in common.
Go Seung Tak?
I have never heard of this name before.
I know all the friends of my Bo Mi.
[EunSang University Medical Center]
Professor Jang Se Jin.
I will take out the heart now.
Focus, everybody.
Hey, pull properly.
Can't you do a good job of suction?
Will you bear the responsibility if
the heart gets damaged because of you?
Will you bear the responsibility if
the heart gets damaged because of you?
Get yourself together!
Prolene 4-0 and the large-sized needle.
[EunSang University Medical Center]
Professor Cha usually ties seven
or eight knots doing sutures.
However, for the 2nd knot, he
will definitely use his left hand.
He does that only for the 2nd knot.
[EunSang University Medical Center]
[EunSang University Medical Center]
During the previous tumor-removing surgery,
Professor Cha touched
the cannula accidentally.
Then the air went in.
That caused the BP to drop,
which could have been very bad.
[Dr. An Tae Hyeon]
When did I
Professor Cha Yeong Min.
I didn't watch the surgery,
so I don't know.
Please focus on this surgery, Dr. An.
You should know this surgery isn't easy
since you have performed one before.
Also, I know you are listening
to our talk. Please get out.
You will distract me from the surgery.
You too, Dr. Jang.
Didn't you hear me?
I want both of you to get out
of the Operating Room right now!
[EunSang University Medical Center]
[Operating Room]
Gosh, it's really you, Cha Yeong Min.
Under that circumstance, you still stayed
calm and finished the surgery perfectly.
You are really something, Dr. Cha.
I should have recognized you earlier.
[Operating Room]
It's such an incredible thing.
I never expected it would
happen in real life.
Are you trying to pretend
it's not you again?
Or have you got out of his body?
I am still inside his body.
Inside your dear cousin's body.
Yes, you are right.
I am Cha Yeong Min.
[Ghost Doctor]
-=Preview of the next episode=-
Have you lost your mind?
How could you tell him that?
I am sorry,
but I tried to sound very cool.
You did something big.
He can see us and hear us.
Now both of them are glaring at us.
He causes the trouble and
I clear up the mess left by him.
What exactly is going on?
Did you get a lot of happy hormones?
Yes, a lot of them.
He is just like you.
Attending doctor!
Did you come alone?
Where is Professor Cha Yeong Min?
He is only a kid.
Let me operate on him.
What would happen
if Professor Cha died?
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