Ghost Force (2021) s01e09 Episode Script

ZipZap / Artiflame

Ghost Force!
Don't fear the glow
Shadows crawl, in the street
up a wall and watch them creep
Dark alley, sewers deep
I can never go to sleep
Full of fear,
please make them disappear
Ghost Force, Ghost Force,
feel the power
Ghost Force, Ghost Force,
spooky hour
Like the night, glow forever
Ghost Force
Appearances in the air,
got to watch out everywhere
Creepy crawlies
in their lair
Out of sight,
waiting in the night
Ghost Force, Ghost Force! ♪
Hello? Yeah. Gonna need
a dumpster in section 4.
Hello? Hello?
Oh, this phone!
These phones these days!
Dad! I gonna be late!
My friends are waiting for me.
I'll be right there, Mikey.
Just a sec!
- Business again?
- Uh, yeah Business.
It's cool. I'll just walk.
- (Phone rings)
- Collins here.
Sure thing. I wouldn't miss
the unveiling for the world!
I don't get how you can spend
so much time playing that game.
It helps me strategize
and hones my reflexes.
And the game design is state
of the art. You gotta try it!
What we got going on today?
Wanna chow down at Roland's?
- Back of the net.
- Seriously?
Playing Spook Out again?
That game is like a virus!
- (Mutters)
- Check it out!
Some newbie called
The Slammer just joined.
And he's real good! He's already
ranking in the top three.
I bet he'll knock Sir
Spooks-A-Lot out of first place.
He can try.
- Sir Spooks-A-Lot, huh?
- Seriously, dude?
- You're Sir
- OK, it's me. But, shh!
Hold up!
That means you're famous!
- Like father, like son!
- Yeah, right.
You know me and my dad
live on two different planets.
I swear, an actual TV
right on the edge of the swamp.
Score! Huh? Aw, man!
Zip zap.
Zip zap.
BOTH: Zip zap.
Zip zap.
Look out!
BOTH: Zip zap.
Is it just me or did a fish
just jump into Drake's phone?
Forget video games!
This spookout's gone live!
Let's go, Ghost Force!
Uh, can I finish my level first?
Ghost Force,
don't fear the glow!
Ghost Force!
- Yo, Miss Jones! Got any intel?
- Indeed.
You're dealing with
a level-four hypno-electro ghost
called Zip Zap.
And things will really spark
off if it engages its boosters.
So you better catch that tadpole
before it's too late!
- And don't look at the screens!
- The only way we can catch it
is when it's jumping
between screens!
Slammer's climbing the ranks!
You couldn't let me
just finish my level!
In case you hadn't noticed,
we've got a real-life problem!
Zip Zap.
- Krush, ready a Boo-Cap!
- Oh, right!
Oh, no! No!
What's your deal? Zip Zap was
diving straight for your screen!
But Slammer
just beat my high score!
That's what's bugging you?
We were this close
to catching the ghost
- until you dropped the ball!
- Hey! That's it!
You need to
get off that game now!
Any idea how long it took me
to get to number one?
- That's still no reason!
- Kids, problems are coming.
Zip Zap is heading straight
for Times Square, so get to it!
Could you tell us a little bit
about your new Collins Kicks?
Of course.
It's a totally new design
inspired by someone
very special to me.
- My son, Mike.
- (Cheering)
1,682 points?
How am I ever gonna beat that?
Forget about it!
This is an emergency!
- Gnaa!
- Zip Zap.
- Zip Zap.
- No! Not you too!
(Evil laugh)
Gotta get away from the screens.
Onwards and upwards!
Er, Miss Jones? Zip Zap's
activating booster mode.
- And his eyes
- I see.
Boo's energy spike
speaks for itself.
Don't look at it in the eyes!
(Battle cry)
Oh, no! Krush!
Spectral gate!
FURY: I thought anchovies
were a lot
smaller than this thing!
And they definitely
don't belong on pizza.
Zip Zap.
You gotta be kidding me.
Zip Zap.
Oh, no! Myst!
Miss Jones! Fury and Myst just
got zip-zapped! And my dad too!
I could've saved them if my eyes
weren't glued to my game.
Keep it together!
You can handle this, Mike.
I can't even look at Zip Zap,
so forget about
covering its eyes!
Don't worry. I have an idea!
I'm sending you
a gadget I just DIYed right now.
- I can't see anything!
- Cool, huh?
With my Viseo-Ghost,
Zip Zap
can't hypnotise me via video,
which means I can be your eyes
while you fight. Ready?
- Let's go!
- Uh
It's just there! Too far!
it's just behind you!
It's on your left! Left! Right!
Throttle back!
Evasive manoeuvres.
Further to the right!
Under! No! On your side!
I said right!
Target's off-screen!
Oh, where did it go?
Where did it go?
Look up above you!
- Uh a little help here?
- Did you get it?
- No!
- Focus, Krush!
I'm trying, but it's the worst
video-game walk through!
I need clearer instructions!
Oh, my bad! Got it!
- D-pad to the left!
- Oh, now I get it!
- Ready, Miss Jones?
- Ready!
MS JONES: Down and left! Spin up
and joystick to the right!
Ooh, yeah! That's a nice combo!
Upward dodge!
And fire straight ahead!
Yeah! Finally!
And you know the rest.
Grow max!
What happened?
Huh? What's going on?
Hey, Dad, too much screen time
isn't good for the brain.
You're right son, but
I'm totally hooked on Spook-Out.
Downloaded it yesterday
and can't stop playing.
I even have an alias,
The Slammer!
The the the Slammer?
Yeah. What do you say we have
a father-son spook-out tonight?
Actually, my eyes
need a little offline time.
- Maybe we can just hang out?
- You got yourself a deal!
That's big grin tells me you
worked things out with your dad!
Uh-huh! And get this!
I'm hanging out with my dad!
Hanging out with Mr Collins?
I'm so there!
Or I guess I'll just
hang out with my own dad!
Gather round, ladies and gents,
for a free sample of my new
Independence Day hot dog!
I can't believe
it's finally happening, sis!
We're spending Independence Day
in New York City!
Yeah. Heard ya
the first 27 times.
Mom and Dad always told us
it's the greatest show on earth!
Hey, Mike,
what sights should we see today?
- Well, we could
- Check out Roland's BBQ!
- OK, there's that.
- (Chuckles)
Well, I wanna know
what's totally must-see,
besides hot dogs!
There's so much to do,
like parades and games,
but the biggest must-see
is tonight's fireworks show
- on the Brooklyn Bridge!
- I can't wait to see it!
Don't ya just love summer vacay?
Just think, we don't have to see
Prof Pascal for another
- Hello there, kids!
- Professor Pascal?
- What are you doing here?
- Just prepping a few rockets
for the fireworks show tonight.
Wow. Who knew teachers
had lives outside of school?
Ha, ha!
Pyrotechnics are my side-gig.
So, curious how fireworks work?
- Totally!
- All right.
Open your notebooks!
Fireworks were invented
in 10th-century China.
Originally, they used black
powder composed of sulphur,
potassium nitrate and charcoal.
So any aspiring pyrotechnic must
be focused and very careful!
Oh, no!
- Oh, Andy!
- Uh oops? Sorry, Roland!
Focused and careful,
you were saying?
(Evil laugh)
- Aaah!
- (Evil laugh)
Oh, get to safety, kids!
- Ms Jones, we've got
- Move your booties!
We've got a level-4 ghost
and it's called Flame.
One of the fastest I've ever
seen, and I've seen plenty.
Fast, huh?
Sounds like a challenge.
You must capture it
before it merges with anything
or that firecracker
will become even more feisty!
And then we can forget about
Independence Day!
We'll plug that walking
exhaust pipe, Ms Jones.
Let's go, Ghost Force!
Ghost Force,
don't fear the glow!
Ghost Force!
- Aaah!
- Ha, ha!
Let's coordinate.
Krush, Fury, you Fury!
Think you're fast? Race ya!
- Hold up, Fury! We need a plan!
- It's cool, I've got this!
Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!
Aaah! Aaah! Aaah!
Ha, ha!
I'll lead it towards you.
Why is there
a sudden spike in Boo energy?
It's like Flame merged
with an energy source.
- It hasn't done that, right?
- Uh, kinda with a rocket.
I thought we said no merging!
I was so close to nailing it!
If we had coordinated,
we could've nailed it.
It doesn't stand a chance
against us as a team!
No time to lose!
I'm sending GlowBoo
as soon as
he's finished recharging.
Almost 97% done!
Oh, wait, 97% remaining. OK
- Anyway, he'll be there soon!
- Not if I get that ghost first!
(Evil laugh)
Watch your step!
This time we're ready!
Got him in my sights!
Flexy Blast!
Oh, no!
I was going to
neutralise its horns.
- What were you thinking?
- I didn't see your arrow.
Ugh! Just don't make
that mistake again!
The city's counting on us!
Yeah, next time,
think before you sprint!
You're right.
I'll be more careful.
Well, what are you waiting for?
Flame is heading
towards the bridge.
And people are already gathering
there for tonight's show!
Recharged and at your service.
(Laughter and good cheer)
That Flame's gotta be
around here somewhere.
(Evil laugh)
We gotta act fast!
I'll evac the crowd.
- You handle Flame.
- I will keep him busy.
Fury, you're on defence. Keep
between Flame and the bridge.
Krush, go on the attack
as soon as you get a chance.
Got it! This time no mistakes.
Not even minor boo-boos!
Please file out calmly!
OK, maybe a bit quicker.
I can't keep this open for long!
Mayday. Error detected.
Not even a scratch!
Looks like your rockets
are duds, dude!
I may require an update.
Aw, man!
And home run!
Careful, Fury.
Myst! Heads-up!
Ha! That's his weak spot!
Urgh, not now!
- Myst!
- Fury, take her somewhere safe,
I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have
left the bridge defenceless.
But Krush was getting pummelled!
Saving people is what we do,
but now you've only made
the whole sitch worse!
At least you got our point,
which is a good start.
Anyway, let's focus.
I think I know
how to defeat Flame.
We gotta make his rockets
fire back at him.
Got it and already love it!
Ah, yeah A plan!
Wait, Fury!
You can't handle this alone!
I know. Get ready
to freeze it in its tracks!
Yo, BBQ-breath, got anything
else you wanna throw at me?
Fractal Trap!
You may be fast,
but I got the brains.
(Battle cry)
Boo zazaza yah!
You were right, Mike,
this is even better
- than Roland's new hot dog.
- Yes!
Whoa! Ho, ho!
Oh, look at that one!
Oops! Oh, I think I'll take
the rest of the summer off.
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