Gokusen (2002) s01e09 Episode Script

Don't blame others for your own mistakes!

I'm going to be late!
(Episode nine)
Oh, no! The staff meeting's
already started!
Ow What
Guys, why are you all standing here?
It's dangerous!
"Shirokin Gakuin will participate in
the national volleyball competition"
- Who would have thought?
- It's unbelievable.
This is remarkable!
The students of our school
did a great job!
They only have to work hard.
- Hey.
- Yeah?
You're late, aren't you?
Yes, I am! Guys, don't be late!
It's the most brilliant achievement
since the school was founded.
Well done, Mr Iwamoto.
This is the greatest honor
you can receive as their advisor.
Well, II didn't do much.
The students worked very hard.
Now our school is more well-known
and our image has improved,
so more students will want to
study in our school, Principal.
I'll be happy if that's the case.
- I'm sure that there will be more.
- Yeah, there will be.
Is it really going to go so well?
They're counting their chickens
before they're hatched.
Miss Yamaguchi!
You are three minutes late.
The volleyball team is remarkable!
That reminds me.
Some students in Class 3D
are on the volleyball team.
What? They are?
- I have to push them to practice
- You don't have to do that.
I actually want them to quit
the team if possible.
Listen, Miss Yamaguchi.
If they cause any problems
and the team is suspended
both their achievements and
the increase in prospective students
will come to nothing.
Make sure you remember that well.
We do want them to participate
in the games without mishap.
So many things happened last year.
So many things?
Okay, teachers, please give it
your all today as well.
Thank you, everyone
Many things?
I'll ruin it.
I'll ruin all of them.
Good morning!
Hey, Maeda, Sengoku!
You guys are on the volleyball team?
Well done!
Now we can outwit Mr. Sawatari!
Even if it's tough,
even if it's sad
(It's okay if I am in my coat)
What the heck was that?
Anyway, I mean, do your best. Yeah?
You can count on us!
Look forward to it.
But you're not playing
in the competition, are you?
You're only sitting on the bench.
What? They're just benchwarmers?
Oh, whether you're benchwarmers
or regular players
does not matter now.
If it's a national competition,
people from all over Japan
will be coming to the competition.
We'll cheer passionately
for your classmates!
Let's root for them!
It'll make us feel empty if only
the guys are there cheering them on.
It's a national competition,
so we want cheerleaders, right?
That's it! Cheerleaders!
Well said, Minami!
But there are no girls
in our school.
No, there aren't
Darn! That's why a boys' school
is so boring!
All right, then.
Come on, you don't have to
beat around the bush.
Fine, I will do it if you insist.
It's for my lovely students.
Nobody asked you to.
It's an important national
We will cheer for them passionately
and make them the champions!
Yeah, that's what we will be.
That's what we will be?
Nobody told us about it.
But we are the only ladies in
this school, let's work together.
For the students who have worked
so hard for this.
Thank you. Thank you.
The boys are waiting.
Let's get changed and meet in the
gym in 10 minutes. Thank you!
- But it's so short!
- What, this?
- Kikuno
- Gosh, it's so short
Yankumi is so late.
What's she doing?
Why did she call us all here?
I'm still having lunch.
Oh, you've come too, Mr Washio?
Mr Iwamoto, you look so perverted.
Hey, I'm the advisor.
Miss Fujiyama is dressing up
as a cheerleader.
I want to see Ms Kawashima's
- They didn't get changed.
- That means
Everybody, thank you for waiting!
Hooray, hooray, Shirokin!
Let's go, Shirokin! Wow, Shirokin!
Why didn't you two get changed?
There's no way we can
dress like that.
How old are you?
Teachers, let's go.
Let's go.
Oh? Wait, guys
What are you doing here?
Miss Yamaguchi, you've disguised
yourself as Sailor Moon?
Of course I cry.
Because I am a girl!
Oh, Attack No. 1, huh?
It's okay.
The guys thought it was funny.
I didn't do it to make them laugh!
I did it because I wanted to do
something to cheer for my students.
Right, I can actually do that
What is this?
(Submit your application to
the leader, 3D's Uchiyama!)
Hey, Ucchi, since when did you
become the cheer group leader?
Darn that Yankumi
That's what she came up with?
Who said we would form
a cheer group?
But from my point of view, you are
the most suitable person.
Don't decide it yourself!
Minami is the deputy leader,
Noda is the manager.
Kuma will hold the flag.
Why am I holding the flag?
You've never heard of a school
without a cheer group, right?
For your friends who'll participate
in the national competition,
I hope you will work hard too.
We can't do it.
Heybut you'll do it until
the end of the competition, right?
It might not be obvious,
but we are busy.
I didn't say it was for nothing.
I'll take you to a gathering with
Okei University's cheer squad.
You can't deceive them with that.
It's not bad to meet college
girls from time to time. Hmm?
We'll do it
They are just too simple-minded.
Okay, let's do it. We will get
the whole school to join us!
Yankumi is so good at getting us
to do what she wants.
Like she know all our weak spots.
You could also call it deception.
You're not in the cheer group, so
you won't meet the cheerleaders!
Yeah, we won't let you join now
even if you ask.
I'm not interested.
It's Kurosaki.
Kurosaki, sorry to have
kept you waiting.
Let's go.
What is he
Hooray, hooray, Shirokin Oh.
- Missy!
- What?
You don't have to do so much
What are you talking about,
It's the students' once in
a lifetime big moment,
of course I have to do this.
Yeah, I know, but
Let her do what she wants.
Missy, have you really formed
a cheer group?
Why are you dressed like that?
Big Bro, it makes me so excited!
Wait, you two don't have to come.
But it will be so awesome
if you make Big Bro the coach.
Do not come!
Yes, Missy
But shouldn't you be a cheerleader?
You will look so much better.
I see.
That's a good idea! Missy
I wish you had not
brought that up.
Well, let's just
leave her alone for now.
Hey, we're looking for members
to join Shirokin's cheer group
Guys, it's a good chance to
show that you're a man.
You can go on dates with
pretty college girls if you join.
Take the flyer
Don't you all love your school?
If you've time to go to cram school,
you have time to cheer for them!
Or we'll kill you!
Fall in!
This is our cheer group.
What? So ultimately, all the members
are from 3D?
Well, it's excellent that she got
so many of them to join.
Okay, guys!
I'll train you hard from now
until the competition.
- Mr Sawatari.
- Yes?
The guys in 3D have started to do
something strange again.
They've formed a cheer squad.
- Cheer squad?
- Yes.
It seems Miss Yamaguchi
urged them to do it.
They've even started to
practice openly.
You're doing it, right?
Let's go and shout at them now.
Hooray, hooray, Shirokin.
Good! Guys, you are doing
pretty good.
Who is?
Mr Sawatari!
- Oh, no!
- He's here!
You guys!
Mr Sawatari,
I thought we might need
a cheer group for
the national competition.
A cheer group with all the bad boys?
No joking! Right, Mr Sawatari?
Your vocalization is terrible!
Listen, guys.
When you use your voice,
use your dantian Here.
Get the energy from your dantian
and do this.
A, e, i, u, e, o, a, o.
What's the matter?
Listen, dantian
Kuma, where is yours? Here?
Get your energy at your dantian.
Do it!
A, e, i, u, e, o, a, o
That's it. Okay. Nya, ne, ni
Was Mr Sawatari in a cheer squad
in the past?
- Who knows?
- Or rather
- A troupe?
- An underground one.
A national volleyball competition?
That's remarkable!
It's the first time since Shirokin
Gakuen was founded, after all.
Yeah, the whole school is
making a big fuss over it.
Oh, right. Before I forget
Oh, thank you so much!
What is that?
It was Yuta's school's
sports day today.
Ms Kawashima asked me
to take videos.
When Mr Shinohara was taking
the video,
he looked like he was actually
Yuta's father! Like his daddy
- Ms Kawashima.
- Yes?
You used a child! How underhanded!
- Mr Shinohara.
- Yes?
I've formed a cheer squad,
will you come and take videos
for us?
- Cheer group?
- Okay, I'll do it.
Let's drink to
our hearts' content tonight!
- I'll pour your drink for you.
- Oh Thanks.
You live alone here
I'm so jealous.
You can do whatever you want, right?
- But it can be a pain too.
- Like taking out the trash, right?
Is tomorrow the day they collect
the unburnable trash?
I have no idea.
Do any women come here?
There aren't any who would for Shin.
I'm here.
Someone like a woman did.
- What do you mean?
- You're hiding something, right?
- Tell us everything!
- What is she like?
- What is she like?
- Oh, I got it
It's your mom or sister, right?
Well, something like that.
- What the heck?
- Don't put on airs.
I told you Shin hasn't got
a girlfriend!
- I see.
- Hey.
About Kuro
Why has he been wandering
around the school?
No idea.
I think those guys he was with
were those who got expelled
from Ara High.
Thenthey really are some
nasty dudes, aren't they?
I just hope nothing happens.
What the heck?
Hey, hang on.
- What are you looking at?
- Hey
What are you looking at?
Good morning.
(Cosplay? Absent!)
- What the heck?
- This is terrible!
Who on earth did this?
Perhaps someone has a grudge
against our volleyball team?
What are you talking about?
This is justa prank, of course.
We'll still participate in
the national competition,
it's not a good idea
to make a fuss now.
Anyway, don't tell anyone
about this.
Yes, it's a critical time for both
the school and the volleyball team.
- Mr Sawatari.
- Yes?
Are you hiding something?
What would I be hiding?
You're avoiding making eye contact.
Hey, Mr Shinohara
is in the gym.
Mr Shinohara?
Mr Shinohara?
The first rule of a cheer group
is to raise your voice!
Rule number two! Speak clearly!
When did we ask him to do this?
I wasn't going to ask him at all.
Sorry about him. I think he was in
a cheer group when he was a student.
I told him it'd be a nuisance and
said not to, but he wouldn't listen.
I think he'll get it out of
his system in a while.
I am sorry, but please,
just let him do it.
Okay, now I'll show you
how to do a cheer.
Hooray, hooray, Shirokin
Somehowit looks like Mr Kashiwagi
is possessed by a spirit.
How scary
Sorry about him.
Where is Uchiyama?
What's the matter?
I'm busy, unlike you guys.
We're here about
the volleyball team's banner.
Did you do it?
did you?
What if we did?
They're going to participate
in a national competition?
Don't make me laugh.
They abandoned their students
to make the school famous.
I will never accept this.
What are you thinking?
What else?
I will ruin this stupid
national competition.
If I see Iwamoto's pathetic face,
I think I'll feel better.
- Guys, let's go.
- Wait a second.
I'll never forgive that teacher!
Stupid students like you
cannot understand how I feel.
I am different from you now.
- Revenge?
- Yeah.
Why does he have to do that?
Kurosaki was forced to quit school.
Last year,
when the volleyball team was winning
in the regional competition,
he was on the team
and he assaulted someone.
The victim had a clavicle fracture
and was hospitalized.
Actually, the punishment should have
been suspension from school only,
but the advisor, Iwamoto,
didn't want the team to be put on
suspension in the competition,
so he made Kurosaki quit school.
What the heck?
By doing so,
even if anybody criticized them,
he could say Kurosaki wasn't in our
school and talk his way out of it.
Darn that Iwamoto!
He abandoned Kurosaki without
letting him explain himself.
The way he did it was so dirty!
Yes, the way the school handled it
was wrong,
but Kurosaki assaulted someone
and it was the cause, right?
Ucchi worries about Kurosaki.
The three of us used to
hang out a lot.
It's true that he is hot-blooded and
often fights with other people,
but he isn't someone who would
do something that outrageous.
In the worst case,
he might get into trouble
with the police.
We can't let him do this.
You two really worry about him
so much?
If that incident hadn't happened,
Kurosaki would have been
in 3D with us now.
When he was made to quit school,
we couldn't do anything for him.
So I want to do something now.
I see.
I know very well how you guys feel.
Either way,
if he says he won't let the
volleyball team participate
in the national competition,
we still have to do something.
I think Kurosaki
might do something to Iwamoto.
The person he hates most
is that teacher, I think.
Long time no see.
You are doing very well.
I hear you're participating in
the national competition?
What a selfish jerk!
And you have ruined my future.
Well, that's
How are you going to take
responsibility for that?
Hang on a second
Don't make excuses now!
Who the heck are you?
- She is our class teacher.
- Hey.
- What? You hang out with a teacher?
- Kurosaki.
If you waste your strength
so pointlessly,
you'll age very quickly.
Are you trying to make a fool of me?
Now Mr Iwamoto is here as well,
say what you want to say
and I'll listen.
This is none of your business.
I had to do it to protect
the school's reputation.
The school's reputation?
I did think expelling him was
too much. I did, but
You couldn't stand up for him?
You could've been the only one
who could've stood up for him.
But it was impossible.
If I made the board of directors
and the PTA my enemies,
what could I have done on my own?
But at least,
if you had done something,
Kurosaki might have thought that
someone had made
some desperate efforts for him.
Let's go and apologize.
If you wholeheartedly apologize
and talk to him,
I'm sure that
he will understand too.
You do feel guilty toward him,
don't you?
You should do it now if
you're going to apologize.
Sawada, tell me where he is.
Hold on.
He's not someone who's going to be
satisfied even if I do that.
It's pointless to apologize now!
How dare you say that!
Is it pointless
if he isn't satisfied?
Whether it's teachers
or the police,
or adults, or children
I think if you make a mistake,
you should apologize properly.
Isn't it also a teacher's job
to show the students that?
But I
I can't be as enthusiastic
in my job like you are.
Just so you know,
no matter what you decide to do,
the students' feeling won't change.
They all practice very hard
every day.
Just like you did once.
Sawada and Uchiyama
are worried about you.
They want to do something for you,
and they are serious about it.
Why don't you stop doing
stupid things for your friends?
You know nothing, so don't put on
airs and lecture me.
My friends
are the people
I hang out with now!
Somehow, when I looked at him,
I felt he actually didn't want to
quit school. That's what I thought.
I do think he wanted to graduate
with his classmates.
School is a place
you graduate from someday.
Your life after you graduate
lasts much longer.
If what is already over so strongly
influences you for such a long time,
you will never be able to move on.
You have to think about
what you have in the future.
- In the future
- Yeah.
Sawada and Uchiyama
are worried about you.
I am having the roasted pork today!
- But you had it the other day!
- Ow
Get to class!
Shin, wake up
They want to do something for you,
and they are serious about it.
Long time no see.
What's the matter?
Don't talk to me
in that familiar way!
Stand up!
They actually look like
a real cheer squad.
They are a real squad.
Well done on getting so good
in such a short period of time.
Well, we can do very well
if we're serious about it.
I now see you guys in a new light.
Even though you're doing it for some
cheerleaders, it's still impressive.
Well, that was our
original intention, but
When we saw the volleyball team,
we really wanted to cheer for them.
This is the last match the
third year students will play in,
we don't want them to have
any regrets.
Yeah, exactly. We're now doing this
for the team.
You guys say some nice things too.
What happened to you guys?
We bumped into Kurosaki
on the street last night.
He kept shouting that he would ruin
the national competition.
What the heck?
- What the heck?
- That's nonsense.
Hey, Ucchi.
Iwamoto's disappeared.
What did you say?
Then Ucchi and Shin went
running after Iwamoto.
Hey, where are you going?
Ucchi, that way.
I was wrong.
I had to do it at the time.
If the public found out about
the assault case,
the school's name would come out.
We'd be banned from
the competitions.
And that's what I was afraid of.
But I should have stood up for you.
Not the school's reputation,
it should've been you.
It's too late to say this now
and I am pushing my luck.
I know that's what you think.
But I come here now
not for the school,
but to ask you a favor
for the students.
In the year since,
the whole volleyball team
has been working so hard to
achieve the results we have today.
So, please
Don't ruin it.
Please let them participate
in the national competition.
It's too late to say that.
Stop saying such selfish things!
Hey! What are you doing? Stop it!
Don't get in my way!
Stop it!
You two hate adults more than
anything, don't you?
You kept saying to me that
teachers are the most horrible kind
of people, didn't you?
When did you get reduced to
the school's dogs?
Hey, are you having a fight?
Come on, let's go.
Where are you going?
We're going to Shirokin
to beat them up now.
Do you want to be arrested
by the police?
Don't go.
It's none of your business.
Get lost.
- We won't let you.
- Let go.
We won't!
You two! Shut up!
Kuro, don't go!
You'll ruin yourself if you go!
Take your hands off them!
Who the heck are you?
I am their class teacher.
You should realize by now
who really cares about you.
Both Sawada and Uchiyama
care about you,
and they put aside their fear of
danger to come here.
Shut up!
Mr Iwamoto too,
he knew that you would beat him up,
but he still wanted to apologize
to you and came here regardless.
When I look at someone like you,
it just makes me so angry!
Everyone has their own problems,
but they all live with
a positive attitude.
Shut up!
But you've been looking backward
the whole time!
Darn you!
You call them your friends?
How shameful they are!
You guys don't understand
how I feel at all.
My future was ruined
by that teacher!
Stop complaining about
something that's already over!
If you have time to make excuses
and blame other people,
look in front of you properly
and think about your future!
Yes, indeed,
perhaps what adults do is nasty,
and I understand why
you hate teachers.
But you are partly responsible
for why you got expelled too.
You blame everything on other people
and it makes you a coward, right?
Nobody can live their life without
encountering any difficulty at all.
If you don't have the power
to overcome your failures,
you'll just stumble and fall
and your life will be over.
You can't just stumble and fall
so early in your life.
You have a long life ahead of you.
You have to create your own future.
You have the ability
to do that, right?
I am sorry.
She's pretty interesting.
If I had met a teacher
like her sooner,
maybe I wouldn't have had
to quit school.
Go, Shirokin!
Do your best, Shirokin!
Do your best!
said good luck.
Did he? I heard that
he's starting to look for a job now.
Will you tell him next time
you see him?
Tell him I will do anything
if there is something I can do.
Do your best, Shirokin
Well, many things have happened,
but all's well that ends well.
Well, I guess so.
Okay, do your best in the match,
so that you won't have any regrets!
We'll set off now.
Okay, guys! Have a good match!
Hooray! Hooray!
Hooray, hooray, Shirokin
It's kind of touching watching this.
I'm really feeling it too.
It is, right?
Frankly, it didn't occur to me
either the boys would work so hard.
Perhaps it suits us, surprisingly.
- Gosh
- I guess we're sports-oriented.
If I had known, I wouldn't have had
to play dirty tricks at first.
It took me a lot of effort
to get those photos.
- Dirty tricks?
- What tricks?
She means the college cheerleaders.
Yankumi You jerk
It was a lie?
You jerk You set us up?
What No, but you just said that
the cheer group suited you.
But they are two different matters!
Calm down, okay? Calm down.
You guys should learn
from experience.
If she gets married to
an honest man,
the Oedo Family
- You jerk!
- No, Ucchi!
They are all considerate,
and they all possess
beautiful hearts, but can you tell?
Sorry I'm late.
What's the matter?
They're so pretty
It's about the wedding ceremony.
Wedding ceremony?
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