High Potential (2024) s01e09 Episode Script

The RAMs

- I understand, you're hungry.
I'm coming.
You are being very,
very bossy right now.
Hey, what's the date?
- The sixth. Why?
- Whoa.
Uh, absolutely nothing.
No reason. What's up?
Morgan, I need you at the 400 block
at Hilgard Avenue as soon as possible.
Oh, gosh, I would love to,
but, uh, Ludo had kind of a gross thing
happen with his driver's ed car.
Nervous teenager.
I'm picturing your face right now,
you really don't care about this story.
Point is, he borrowed my car.
I don't have one.
So, hop on the bus, okay?
Just get there. I'll drive
you for the rest of the day.
Oh, there's a little 18-pound
problem with that, though.
Four words: Dead man, high profile.
I'll see you when you get there. Bye.
- [STAMMERS] You don't
You don't hang up on me.
I hang up on you.
I'm coming.
Yeah, no, I get it.
But if you don't wanna take pennies,
maybe you put up a sign, okay?
Otherwise don't whine.
Call up the past
Scream on the breeze ♪
You make me laugh
You bless my sneeze ♪
Building fires, jumping planes ♪
Nothing to do And nothing to say ♪
But love me like ♪
Don't be a pill today, okay, bud?
Look out. Yeah,
just gonna do a quick scooch.
- Good morning, Morgan.
- Yo, partner. Who's our stiff?
Weren't you getting childcare?
You know, I tried to tell you on
the phone that Ludo's at work.
So Chloe will be riding shotgun
on this investigation.
Didn't answer the question, though.
Marvin Price. The Marvin Price.
You know who he is, right?
Sportscaster. He called Dodger games.
Yeah. The press is gonna
be all over us on this one.
Los Angeles sports fans love this guy.
The way my dad talked about
Charmin' Marvin,
I thought he was my uncle.
He wouldn't miss a game
the guy was calling.
- It was the soundtrack to his life.
- Thought he was his uncle. [LAUGHS]
ME says he died around 5 a.m.
Not sure yet if it's a hit-and-run or
- It's a homicide.
- Tell him what you told us.
That dude was murdered for sure.
- What makes you say that?
- 'Cause the driver hit him once,
threw it into reverse
and ran over him again.
Yeah, I'm gonna agree
with our friend here.
That sounds like murder.
You mind?
- I've got her.
- Thank you.
[DAPHNE] Around what time was this?
[WITNESS] A little after 5 a.m.
[OZ] You usually collect on this route?
Yeah, every other day.
[KARADEC] So, you said the
car departed in that direction?
Yeah. That way.
I'm gonna borrow
your measuring tape. [GRUNTS]
And did it ever come back this way?
and I would've known if it did.
It was the loudest engine
I've ever heard.
Did you get a make or model of
the car, plate number, anything?
It was a Jensen Interceptor.
Majolica blue, maybe '73, '74.
What makes you say that?
James Bond had a Jensen.
He drove an Aston Martin.
Not the later books,
after Ian Fleming died.
I read all of them. And I quote,
"Bond felt he was in a low-flying
plane rather than an automobile
as he accelerated the Jensen."
The Jensen Interceptor
had a Chrysler V-8 engine.
- Loud as hell. Like a plane taking off.
[MORGAN] Also the paint flecks
on the dead guy's watch are blue.
Majolica blue.
I'm thinking that when the car
hit him the first time,
Price tumbled over the hood and
bashed his watch into the paint.
Someone could've even gotten a
custom paint job on a US model.
Yeah, but tire tracks
are 69 inches apart.
Way too narrow
for an American sports car.
Odds are Jensen Interceptor,
majolica blue.
Well, let's test your theory.
If you're right,
we should find that Jensen
Interceptor parked somewhere
in that apartment garage.
[OZ] Why would the murderer
leave the car there?
A, we're standing on a no outlet street.
B, our friend here said the car
didn't come back this direction.
And C, it's street cleaning day, Oz.
That means there's
no cars on the street.
Only place that car could've gone
is that apartment building's garage.
[KARADEC] This is a big case, Morgan.
If we don't solve it,
we're gonna get crucified.
So, you said this guy, Price,
he was beloved?
Oh, big time.
[CHUCKLES] My dad could do a
spot-on Marvin Price impression.
Clean up in isle nine.
Someone just dropped a can of corn.
[OZ] Guys, over here!
Are we allowed to uncover it,
or do we have to wait for a warrant?
Ta-da. That's a Jensen Interceptor.
That's very impressive, Morgan,
but you know there's
a process that we
- Plates are missing.
- Bumper's dented. Paint's chipped.
- [DAPHNE] Oh, um
- What you got?
Okay, so, Price
and his neighbor, a Phil Elko,
they were involved in a series
of tit-for-tat lawsuits.
Sounds like things got pretty ugly.
Well, with what's left of the day,
you and Oz go talk to Phil.
Morgan and I will visit Marvin's place,
and we'll debrief in the morning.
But do me a favor, Daphne.
Before you head out,
run a little search on our
stolen 1974 Interceptor, please.
Will do. No VIN, no plates,
it might take a few days.
Maybe there'll be prints.
- Hey, boss. We got company.
- Yeah.
That's Price's son, Dexter.
He came in of his own accord.
He wants to speak to the detective
in charge of the investigation.
Says he was on the phone with
his dad when he was murdered.
That is everything I could find
on him in a ten-minute search.
Oz, good job. Offer the man some
coffee, put him in the soft room.
- I'll join him in a couple minutes.
- Yeah. On it.
[SELENA] When I have something,
I'll tell you.
Well, you know how it works,
Jerry. You'll know when I know.
All right. Later.
Every reporter in town is calling me
with questions about Marvin Price.
Are we thinking he was murdered?
Well, the killer ran him over twice
and abandoned the car
in a nearby parking garage.
- So, yeah.
- Mm-hmm.
- We're about to question his son.
- [SIGHS] And where's Morgan?
She's cleaning baby puke out of my car.
She brought her baby to work?
Yes, she did.
- Well, that is a first.
- [GRUNTS] And hopefully a last.
Ludo's picking Chloe up within the hour.
Once you question Price's son,
circle back with me.
I need to give the press
an update, and soon.
You got it.
[DAPHNE] It's a Jensen Interceptor.
Uh-uh. Interceptor.
Uh-huh. Yeah, it's a British model.
It's no longer around.
Where's Karadec?
He's interviewing
the victim's son in there.
Question: Do you think you can
keep my daughter safe
for the next ten minutes?
Suppose so.
[MORGAN] Karadec, wait up.
[KARADEC] We're very sorry
for your loss, Dexter.
Charmin' Marvin was a big part
of my life growing up.
That's very kind.
I know all of LA is mourning him
as this legend,
but that's not who he was to me.
To me, he was the guy
who was jamming out
to Earth, Wind & Fire when
he dropped me off for school.
As rocky as our relationship
was at times, I just
I can't believe this is the end of it.
Well, let me assure you,
this one's personal for me.
It's personal for a lot of people.
Can you tell me who would've
wanted to harm your dad?
Tiana Johnson murdered my father.
Uh, who's that?
She was his live-in "house manager".
Why the air quotes?
My father could never resist
a pretty face.
Last year he made her the
sole beneficiary in his will.
I hear that you were
on the phone with your father
when he was struck.
Tell us about it.
I was returning my dad's call.
At 5 a.m.?
That's when we chat.
He gets up every morning
before dawn. At least
he did.
Then he'd go down
to the Boulevard diner,
he'd get his newspaper, drink
his coffee, eat his pancakes.
I knew he'd be free then.
Well, what did your dad
wanna talk about?
His will.
He told me he'd made a mistake
putting Tiana in it,
and he was considering changing it back.
With you as the beneficiary.
Tiana must've got wind of this
and that's why she did it.
I knew she killed him
the second I heard the impact.
Before his dying word.
Tiddlywinks. Really?
Does that mean anything to you?
A nickname for Tiana maybe?
I have no idea what he meant.
Why did your dad wanna take
you out of his will
in the first place?
Maybe because I liked the
theater more than the ball field.
Or maybe because Tiana
had her hooks in too deep.
You know, it says here that you
filed for bankruptcy, Dexter.
Your father's money
could've come in handy, no?
If money was a motive
for killing my dad,
shouldn't I have waited
till I was in the will?
I wasn't sure if you were here today.
Yeah. Just, uh, handed
my baby off to her dad.
Don't wanna brag, but I brought her
to her first crime scene today.
Didn't let her see the dead body,
though 'cause I'm a good mom.
What about you? You coming or going?
Um, going.
I finished nursing school,
I got a job offer last week.
No way.
Last week
- Last week I got a missed call.
- Yep.
I was excited to tell you.
Pretty sure I left, like, two more
messages before I got the hint.
No [STAMMERS] not a hint.
I wasn't hinting.
Morgan, it's it's okay.
No hard feelings. I get it.
No, you don't get it.
You don't get it 'cause no one gets it.
I-I-I wasn't trying to ignore
you. I-I just didn't return the
[SIGHS] I'm just focused on other stuff,
so it makes it hard to
- I don't know how to explain it.
- And you don't have to.
Okay, well, let's do something.
Let's Let's do a picnic.
Do people still do picnics?
You know, we get the tray
of fruit and some cubed meats.
Eat on the ground.
That sounds fun, right?
Let me do that. I'll do that.
That sounds nice. But I'm
leaving tomorrow morning.
My nursing job's at San Diego General.
San Diego is very far away.
It is.
Okay. Well, congratulations.
You worked really hard.
I'm sorry.
- Morgan, you ready?
- Yeah.
I gotta go.
Yeah. Me too.
Hey, Morgan.
You know, San Diego's not that far.
That must be Price's home.
Oh, you think?
You know, it'd be nice
if Elko was the owner
of a 1974 Jensen Interceptor.
He's not. Karadec had me check already.
Well, hello.
- Phil Elko?
- Yeah.
Lev Ozdil. Daphne Forrester.
We're detectives with the LAPD.
You here about Marvin or Ringo?
Marvin Price. Your murdered neighbor.
Yeah, sure. Come on in.
Are you sure I can't get you anything?
Um, no. How did you hurt your foot?
Oh, skiing accident.
Okay, I did not like Marvin, and
I'm sure you already know that.
Well, you two liked suing each other.
- Tell us about those lawsuits.
- Uh, let's see.
- His dog instigated the first one.
- [OZ] His dog?
Son of a bitch wouldn't
stop barking. Day and night.
I complained so many times
and Marvin did nothing about it.
When the dog died,
Marvin said
he found downers in a doggie treat.
Said I was responsible.
And were you?
Look, I did not lament
the dog's passing,
but I was not responsible for it.
After that, Marvin sues,
and if that wasn't enough for
the old bastard Follow me.
Check it out.
- What are we looking at?
- Exactly.
This used to be
a spectacular city lights view
until Marvin planted those giant
trees in front of his house.
Now it's a view of next to nothing.
Those trees look dead.
- Guess what Marvin claimed.
- What?
He said he found
copper nails hammered into them,
and he tried to blame me.
Mr. Elko, where were you
at 5:00 this morning?
Here, in bed. Like a normal person.
Can anyone vouch for you?
I did have company.
I'll give you her number.
[KARADEC] Feels weird
being here. Marvin Price's home.
You know, my dad ran into him one time
at this fish place on the PCH.
He works up the nerve to ask
Marvin for an autograph, right?
He gets the autograph,
and Marvin stood there
and talked to my old man for,
like, ten minutes.
Really gave him the time of day.
See what I mean? The man was loved.
Miss Johnson? LAPD.
No, I'm Mr. Price's housekeeper.
Come in.
Detectives, welcome.
Where would you like to talk?
Anywhere you feel comfortable,
Miss Johnson.
The den, I think.
Marcella, I-I can't find my phone.
Would you mind looking for it for me?
- Of course.
- Thank you.
This way.
- [MORGAN] Gorgeous house.
Um, Marvin was very particular
about that sort of thing.
Do you mind if I grab a water?
Help yourself.
Hey, this is right after Kirk Gibson's
big home run in the '88 series, right?
- Marvin loved talking about that game.
You a baseball fan?
Not really.
I was a good listener and, well,
Marvin, he loved to tell stories.
So, um, what can I help you with?
Well, why don't you tell us
about your relationship with Marvin?
I oversee the smooth running
of the house.
But that's not really
what you wanna know, is it?
You wanna know
if I was sleeping with him.
No, Marvin was not my lover.
But I loved the man.
He was like a second father to me.
Did Marvin want more
out of the relationship?
But he never said so out loud.
Did you know he made you the
sole beneficiary in his will?
Yeah, I did.
Do you think it's strange, given
your platonic relationship,
that he named you beneficiary
when he has a living son.
Who, Dexter? [SCOFFS]
That's who you should be talking to.
Marvin said he hit the roof
when he told him.
He was always coming
to Marvin for money.
Where were you at 5:00 a.m.?
You know, here, in bed. Alone.
So, no alibi?
[SCOFFS] I never learned to drive.
[KARADEC] Did Marvin ever
mention anything to you
about the possibility of
removing you from the will
and putting Dexter back in?
But I wouldn't have cared if he did.
That's not why he was important to me.
Do you have any idea why "Tiddlywinks"
would have been his last word?
No clue.
Tiana had to be sleeping with Price.
I don't think so.
In a healthy man
ready for a roll in the hay,
blood's gotta travel to all
the necessary body parts.
- Oh, boy.
- [MORGAN] Price was on blood thinners
and antidepressants.
That combo is gonna keep
a 70-year-old man
from any bedroom shenanigans.
I did get the sense
she really loved him though.
There was a sack lunch in
the fridge with a little heart
that dotted the "I" in Marvin's name.
I don't suppose you found
anything in the house
that would explain "Tiddlywinks"?
- I did not.
- Yeah.
And that's gonna drive me nuts.
- Hello.
I say we take the 101
back to the precinct.
- Morgan.
- We're gonna save, like,
ten minutes over surface streets.
Morgan, did you take Tiana's phone?
It was in the couch cushions, okay?
It's always in the couch cushions.
Honest mistake.
It looks just like my phone.
But now that we do have it,
I think we should
take it back to Daphne,
and have her dig around.
See who Tiana's been talking to.
You are going to take it back
to the house
and hand it back to Tiana.
It's inadmissible. Come on.
How'd it go with Tiana?
I don't think she killed Marvin.
So where is this guy?
You didn't need to come, Morgan.
I can talk to him.
I understand that, but if this
Gio person knows anything about
what happened to Roman,
I really wanna hear it myself.
Well, the question is:
Will he tell us what he knows?
And right now, I'm starting
to wonder if he'll even show.
Is that him?
I'll take the lead.
So, what's good here?
You tell us.
Well, I find you can learn a lot
about a place by their pancakes.
Easy to do well, hard to do great.
Well, you can order
one of everything you want
- if you have information to help us.
You know why I called.
Yeah, same as everyone else.
You got a problem
and you think I'm the answer.
Roman Sinquerra.
That name supposed to mean
something to me?
[SELENA] It should.
You met with him before he
disappeared 15 years ago.
[SELENA] Yeah.
I heard it from multiple sources.
Gonna tell me I'm wrong?
[SIGHS] I mean, maybe I met
this guy, maybe I didn't.
I mean, 15 years is a long time ago,
and sorry, my memory's not that good.
I think it is.
Where were you 15 years ago, huh?
Hell, where were you 15 days ago?
Fifteen days ago, that was a Tuesday.
I, for one, was at a hardware store.
They were having a sale
on energy-efficient lightbulbs.
I saved $3.42.
But here's the problem:
Out in the parking lot,
I ran over a nail with my car
and the patch to fix the tire,
that cost me 40 bucks, so
I didn't exactly come out ahead.
Um, but more importantly, 15 years ago,
my daughter was just a baby,
and I'm really trying to figure
out what happened to her dad.
So I'd really appreciate it if
you could stop wasting our time.
I have a 16-year-old nephew.
Good kid, smart.
Wants to develop, uh, video games.
Couple of weeks ago he got in trouble.
Got mixed up with the wrong crowd.
Tagged a few billboards
trying to express himself.
Now he's gonna be charged
with a couple of misdemeanors.
That is unless someone can help him out.
Well, in order for us to consider that,
we need some assurances that
you actually have information.
You know, I don't think there's
anything in this menu for me.
[SELENA] Don't worry.
I'll find out what he knows.
Why would Roman be meeting
with a guy like that?
- Hey.
- Hey.
- Whatcha doin'?
How cute is this?
Oh, I think the brightness
is down on your phone.
I can't see anything.
No, Mom, seriously.
What do you think of the car?
I think it's adorable.
And I think you're adorable for
thinking I'm gonna get you a car.
I'm literally months away from driving.
We are literally years
away from being able
to afford a brand new Volkswagen.
Can we talk about it later?
- Sure.
I can always tell
when something is up with you.
I was just going through some
of your dad's old stuff,
and I noticed that there
were a couple things missing.
I just wanted to look
through his artworks.
Sorry, I should've asked.
No, it's okay. Don't be sorry.
You're not in trouble.
I just don't want you
to feel like you have
to sneak stuff like that, right?
'Cause if there's anything
you wanna talk about, I'm here.
That night when
Lieutenant Soto stopped by,
I heard her talking to you
about how they've found his car,
and they found the diapers
that he'd bought for me.
Oh, baby.
I didn't know that.
It's okay.
It made me
I don't know. [CHUCKLES]
It's okay. Made you what?
Sometimes, the way your brain
works is just super annoying.
But you're usually right
about everything.
So if you don't believe
he left us, then neither do I.
field is warm and cozy tonight.
Covered in the blanket
known as Felix Jefferson.
The 23-year-old from Mississippi
was gifted the feet of Apollo
and a glove made of [CONTINUES]
[MORGAN] Hey, baby.
Did you go to bed last night?
I can't sleep. I must watch baseball.
'Cause pretty soon
that man talking on TV
is gonna say "Tiddlywinks"
and Mom's gonna figure out
what it means and solve the case
and not have
to think about everything else
that's keeping her up at night.
Tiddlywinks is a game invented in 1888
where squidgers were used
to launch winks into a pot.
I love you, goofball.
- Go make some cereal.
- Okay.
And brush your teeth, good Lord.
Uh, Mr. Price.
I'm sorry to bother you so early.
- Did you get a chance to talk to Tiana?
- I did.
Did you get the impression she had
interest in my dad beyond his money?
I did actually.
Tiana said you hounded
your father about money.
Is that true, Dexter?
My daughter.
She's autistic.
We wanted to change schools,
so we could support her needs,
but we couldn't afford it.
And Marvin wouldn't help
his own granddaughter?
Kimmy is not his granddaughter.
She's his step-granddaughter.
My dad and my husband weren't
on the best of terms.
Is your father still alive?
Did you get a chance
to say goodbye to him?
Tell him what he meant to you?
I did.
When Dad was murdered,
we were arguing about his will.
My lasting memory is gonna be
of him calling me a vulture.
Now all I can hope for
is some measure of justice.
Hey, what do we got?
Still double-checking Elko's alibi.
- He has an alibi?
- Yeah.
- And she doesn't wanna talk to us.
- Why?
She got married six week ago.
Well, smart to double-check it then.
Daphne, any luck on the car?
Well, depending on how far back we go
and how big of a radius around LA I use,
there's as many as 16 potentials.
We got Novastorm Industries,
Autophile Holdings
and Enigma Syntech Solutions,
Lumina Core It's a lot.
- Well, I get it. Keep digging.
- Yeah.
- Adam.
- Yeah.
- You got a second?
- Mm-hmm.
Tell me, are you still on good terms
with the district attorney?
Asia? Uh
I mean, it's complicated.
But, yeah, we're good. Why?
Good enough to ask for a favor?
[SIGHS] That depends.
What is this about?
Sixteen-year-old kid
who needs rehab instead of jail.
Mmm. Who's the kid?
Nephew of a guy named Gio Cornforth.
Am I supposed to know who that is?
No. But you will soon enough.
Selena, what the hell is going on?
It's Morgan. [SIGHS]
When she came to work with us,
she asked for my help.
We're finally getting somewhere,
but we need an assist.
Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Fine.
Give me all the details
you got on the kid,
and I'll see what I can do.
You all right?
By the time I hear back from the
National Insurance Crime Bureau
and search every corner of the
Secretary of State database,
whoever murdered Marvin
will probably be dead too.
Mm-hmm. Well, how many owners
of a Jensen Interceptor
have you ruled out?
All the individuals,
but some of these LLCs
are owned by other LLCs.
Mm-hmm. And without a VIN,
the National Motor Vehicle Title
Information System won't help us.
You know, I know a great dentist
when you need one.
- Wait a minute.
- What?
He was lying.
Elko. See, the car?
"Autophile Holdings."
What about it?
Phil Elko.
Let's go arrest that son of a bitch.
Philip Elko, you're under arrest
for the murder of Marvin Price.
You have the right to remain silent
and refuse to answer questions
Hold on. What's going on here?
We found your
Jensen Interceptor, Mr. Elko.
The one that you used in the murder.
You found Ringo.
John. Paul. George.
And now you found Ringo.
The band is back together.
Yeah, but Ringo killed your neighbor.
It was stolen a week ago.
I filed a police report
and provided surveillance video
the day I got back from Aspen
and discovered it was gone.
You know [SIGHS] I've been
mulling over Marvin's murder.
Oh, have you?
Every time Marvin would
leave town on a team road trip,
I notice this guy on a motorcycle
would pull into Marvin's garage.
Now, I wanted to be a good neighbor,
so I left him a note letting
him know what's going on.
She has a boyfriend?
Now, the next time Marvin left
town, the boyfriend shows up.
But this time, Marvin was expecting him.
So he doubles back.
Now, I'm guessing he caught them
in flagrante delicto,
because two minutes later motorcycle man
came peeling out of the driveway.
Spoke to Croslen,
says he did take a stolen
car report from Mr. Elko,
he just hadn't entered it
in the system yet.
Did you say you had surveillance video?
The count leads one strike, one out.
If you are what you eat,
Ricky Thomas subsists on escargot alone,
because this man[CONTINUES]
Mom, can you turn that down?
I can't. I'll fall asleep.
Yeah, that's the point of
going to bed. Humans need sleep.
I gotta be superhuman.
No, you don't.
Wait. Are you investigating
that baseball guy's murder?
All the boys at school
are talking about it.
[MARVIN PRICE] more Tiddlywinks.
D-Did you hear that? He said it.
He said "Tiddlywinks."
He said it! He did it!
Oh, yes! Ah, thank you.
[BARTENDER] Here you go.
Thanks. Uh, keep it open.
[BARTENDER] You got it.
- Maxwell?
- Yes, indeed.
- Really?
- Mm-hmm.
What do you want?
Don't hate the player.
Uh, I think its time
you retire that catchphrase.
So, you break up with somebody?
Let me guess, she wanted
to exchange last names?
Damn. Throwing
the high inside heat, huh?
I come in peace for two reasons.
Oh, pace yourself.
I have an informant.
Slippery. Can't quite
put my finger on why yet,
but he claims to have
a nephew sitting in juvie
that needs to be sitting in rehab.
What's he dangling?
As far as I can tell, information
on a missing persons case.
Family needs closure. The kid's
on Judge Flirko's docket.
Someone ate their Lucky Charms.
He owes me and I owe you.
- Text me the kid's info.
- Will do.
[ASIA] Now,
what's the second thing?
And it better be good.
I got your text. What's up?
Karadec got the DA to play ball
on Gio's nephew.
Now we just see if we actually
get something in return.
So, we just sit around and wait?
- We wait.
- [KARADEC] We've got video.
Bring me up to speed.
It turns out the neighbor Elko
is the owner of the murder car.
- So, that's our guy?
- No, not necessarily.
He filed a stolen-car report a week ago.
- Can you play it back again?
- [OZ] Mmm.
[OZ] And this footage is time-stamped
and matches the date
Elko says the car was stolen.
Mmm. It's possible to alter
if you just
Our killer's name is Olivier Dubois
and he works at Hollywood Auto.
Did you just google "who's the
killer?" on your phone, Morgan?
Um, no, I did not do that, Adam.
Uh, I was just watching
the security footage like you
and it's all on there.
- Explain.
- Okay.
So, when I accidently
picked up Tiana's phone,
I saw she was getting a call
from Hollywood Auto.
Who would be skilled enough
to hot-wire a car?
- A mechanic.
- Morgan?
Check out the logo
on the car thief's shoe.
Do you see that distinctive
G logo? That stands for Gervais.
It's a French shoe brand.
- Also the guy is 6'5".
- How can you tell?
He's standing against a brick wall.
Each of these cinder blocks
is eight inches tall.
This guy measures up
to about nine and a half bricks,
that's 76 inches,
add an inch for mortar.
That takes us to 6'5".
It makes sense.
Now, the folks down
at Hollywood Auto are so proud
of their mechanic staff
that they decide they're gonna
put a photo of their crew
up on their website.
So I asked myself,
"Which one of these guys is gonna go out
and buy French sneakers?"
Is it Benito Zapata,
Hans Schmidt, Romeo Bonetti,
Mustafa Bashar, LaShawn Booker,
Or Olivier Dubois?
More importantly,
who is sexy Tiana Johnson
gonna take as her lover?
And I'm going
with this 6'5" Gallic hunk.
Oh, my God. Thank you. Oh, my God.
Elko says Marvin Price walked in
on this woman he adored
but couldn't have.
She is in bed with Olivier.
He's furious.
He tells Tiana, "That's it.
I'm taking you out of my will."
Olivier, knowing about Marvin's
feud with his neighbor,
steals Elko's fancy British sports car
and runs him over with it.
But Olivier wants us to find the car.
That's why it was so easy.
Elko is his patsy.
And what about Marvin's dying word?
Tiddlywinks. What does that mean?
Don't know.
I've heard Marvin say it, but
I've not figured that part out yet.
All right. Get down to Hollywood Auto.
Talk to this Olivier Dubois.
We'll check it out.
Detective Adam Karadec, LAPD.
Hoping to talk to one of your mechanics.
- Which one?
- Olivier Dubois.
[MANAGER] What he do?
[KARADEC] Not sure yet.
- Karadec.
- Can I see that badge again, please?
- Karadec, he's running!
- Hey! Hey!
Police, freeze!
Olivier Dubois,
you're under arrest for
the murder of Marvin Price.
Okay. Okay.
There we go, huh? Team pop.
[KARADEC] Your boyfriend, Olivier,
claims he was with you [SIGHS]
at the time of Marvin's murder,
but that can't be true, can it?
Because you said you were alone
when we asked your alibi.
I mean, he claims he ran from me
because he's here in the US
on an expired visa.
So, were you with him, Tiana?
- Yes. [SIGHS]
- Where?
At his place.
Weird. You told us you were at Marvin's.
Look, I-I didn't wanna bring up Olivier.
I knew he'd be a suspect.
I didn't wanna get him
sent back to France.
But Marvin did find out
about the two of you.
- True?
- Yes.
How did Marvin react
when he caught the two of you?
He just told Olivier to get out.
He didn't fly off the handle
He was pretty calm.
He just kept telling me that
Olivier was a waste of my time
and that I was meant for better things.
Wait. He said that Olivier
was a waste of time?
- Yeah.
- Did Marvin ever learn Olivier's name?
Being executed out there.
What a waste of time. It's Tiddlywinks.
He's stretching on the mound.
More Tiddlywinks.
A waste of time. That's how
Marvin referred to Olivier?
"Tiddlywinks" is a word that Marvin used
when he was referring
to a waste of time.
On the mound, in the batter's box.
His last breath, he used to let
us know who his murderer was.
This waste of time that you're
protecting, Olivier Dubois.
Are you willing to go
to prison for him, Tiana?
We are going to prove
that he murdered Marvin.
That makes you an accessory.
After he
he found the two of us together,
he always referred to Olivier
as "that waste of time."
I was by myself
the night Marvin was murdered.
[TIANA] I never saw Olivier.
I wish Marvin never put me in his will.
[CLICKS TONGUE] About that will,
just a couple questions.
This afternoon,
my team arrested Olivier Dubois,
a French national,
for the murder of Los Angeles
icon Marvin Price.
I'd like to thank my
consultant Morgan Gillory
for her stellar work on the case.
I'll take some questions now.
[JOURNALIST] Lieutenant,
did you see the mayor
congratulating you on solving the case?
[JOURNALIST 2] Can you walk us
through the investigation?
Just wanted to let you know
that Tiana's giving up
all claim on your dad's estate.
She realized it would help her defense.
Did you help her realize that?
Marvin would've liked you.
You're his type of guy.
No. Your dad loved you, Dexter.
You must know that.
No, my dad loved Fernando,
Tommy, Piazza, Garvey.
He tolerated me.
[SIGHS] You know I saw his office?
Yeah. He had pictures of
baseball legends, like, all over it,
but he had this one single
framed shot just right on his desk.
It was you.
- It was?
- Mm-hmm.
Yeah, it looked like you were
in a play. You had like a crown.
It must've been me in, uh
in Henry the Fifth.
That was on his desk?
The only photo.
I'm so grateful I got the chance
to say goodbye to my dad.
And it's so unfair
that you didn't get
that chance with yours.
Thank you, Detective.
I hope you feel good
about solving the case.
I do.
I did have some help.
I guess I owe you one.
Only one, huh?
You owe me so many more than one,
so, technically, I don't really
owe you anything at all.
Oh, so, I owe you now?
Yes. But I'm willing to call it even.
Aw, it's very generous of you, Morgan.
Seriously though, thank you.
And I'm sorry I didn't tell you
about Roman earlier. I just
No, that's okay. I get it.
And I understand why.
I mean, you had Soto working
on the case, right?
Very smart move.
There's nobody better than her.
She taught me half of what I know.
But I'm here now too, so whatever
you need, however I can help,
just say the word.
- I will.
- All right.
And Morgan
be careful.
I did my research. Guys like Gio,
they keep guys like me
up at night, you know?
Give me a lift?
Uh, I don't think I'm going your way.
Yeah, you are.
I gotta get home to my kids. So I
It's not far. It won't take long.
Look, I didn't spend
a lot of time with Roman,
but it was enough to know
that he was a good guy.
What do you say?
I'm leaving town for a while.
When I get back, we'll see
if I got something to offer.
[SCOFFS] That's it?
No. It's gonna be on my terms.
I don't want nobody reaching out to me,
especially your cop friends.
The less communication,
the better. Understand?
Yeah. Yeah, it sounds like you
got what you wanted
- and now you're taking off.
- Got what I wanted?
Lady, we're nowhere close to that.
Take this next left.
They made up their minds ♪
I don't believe you.
I don't think you've ever met Roman.
Oh, yeah?
I know he was afraid.
Not just for himself,
but for his family too.
Yeah. Yeah, who wouldn't guess that?
But where were they going
Without ever knowing the way? ♪
Stop right here.
They started walking ♪
Where were they going
Without ever knowing the way? ♪
The Rams.
Roman, Ava, Morgan.
You guys used to call yourselves
"The Rams," right?
He told me that.
Where were they going
Without ever knowing the way? ♪
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