Jake and the Fatman (1987) s01e09 Episode Script

Love Me or Leave Me

I'll say this about the
Fatman: he's a sweet guy.
Listen, creep, I'm going to
take you apart like a clock.
JAKE: He can be
tough when he has to be.
J.L.: Jake Styles?
Don't ask me how
he can live the way he
does on a cop's salary.
Some people do seem
to like him, however.
But he's a damn good
investigator, and he's mine.
(theme playing)
He's a good guy.
Don't you forget it.
JUDGE: Mr. McCabe and Mr. Vigilio,
I have studied both your briefs
with regard to my passing
sentence on Mr. Galvin.
Do either of you
have any motions
before I pronounce sentence?
No, Your Honor.
Your Honor, uh, the jury
found Mr. Galvin guilty.
If he hadn't been wounded,
Galvin almost certainly
would've escaped
and continued his nearly
20-year career in crime.
He appears before you
today a convicted man,
and I want you to look at him.
That smirk at the corners
of Mr. Galvin's mouth
They're because he has hidden
$1.3 million in stolen
cash before he got caught.
So the People would like
to request that Mr. Galvin,
when he's released
and has a chance
to spend all that
money, be a very
very old man.
JUDGE: Point taken, Mr. McCabe.
Mr. Galvin
I hereby sentence you
to the maximum term
applicable to your crimes
15 years with credit
for time served.
The defendant is remanded
to custody of the sheriff
for transport to state prison.
(gavel pounding)
you're going to be sorry
for this, you hear me?
You've had it. You and
the cop that busted me.
You've been hunting
me for years, Fatman,
and I'm not going
to forget this!
When I get out,
you'll know I'm out,
'cause I'm coming after you!
Remember that, Fatman!
You and that cop
Harmon are dead!
I'm sorry about that.
I don't think I'm
one of his favorites.
Well, J.L., this is
not a lightweight.
I've heard threats
before, Counselor.
Yeah, but not from Ed Galvin.
I'll tell you what,
I'll start worrying in
about 15 years, okay?
Well okay, McCabe.
Hey, man, give me a break.
It's not too cool
back there, huh?
No, not cool.
Can I get a drink?
Go ahead.
Get the elevator.
Freeze, sucker.
I'll waste him.
Move, come on. Move
it. (elevator bell dings)
WOMAN: Oh, no.
Go on, get in the elevator.
Everybody, now.
Hit the button. Okay.
Open it.
Come on. Come on!
(doorknob rattling)
(alarm blaring)
(helicopter approaching)
Hit it!
Right now?
That's a hit and run.
What's the matter with you?
You're not going to believe it.
Ed Galvin's escaping.
What? By helicopter.
Where? Right there.
Gertrude, get off the
phone with your mother
and get me Detective Harmon
over at Western Division!
Then get me Jake Styles!
Yes. Yeah, yeah, I don't
want to take another step.
Don't push me.
You know, you loved
it and you know it.
You say to me, "Let's walk to
the beach to see the fishing boats."
A walk? That was a death march.
Are you seriously telling me you
can't take one more step? Yes.
No, not one more.
My feet are killing me.
Not one more step?
No, no, I mean it.
Not even into there?
Yeah, I think I can
make a walk in there.
Yeah? Yeah.
Think you can make
it? Oh, watch me.
Oh, I'll help you. Okay.
Here I am.
You're doing fine.
Yeah, I'm doing
okay. Yeah, you are.
My feet feel better.
Do they? Yeah.
You know, my only
hesitation here What?
Well, no, don't,
don't I'm telling you
Don't say hesitation
now. Don't use that word.
It's minor. It's minor. What?
It's just that all
those criminals
that could be going free while
we're Resting after our walk?
Is that what you mean?
Yeah. Resting after our walk.
(phone ringing)
All right. Don't
move. Stay right here.
Right here?
I'm staying right
here. (sighing)
Hi, Gertrude.
Hello, beautiful.
Let's hit it!
They're going to be all over
the place in five minutes!
Galvin had a girlfriend.
Maybe he'll run to her.
She calls herself
April Blue.
That's some kind of stage name.
Last known address
is 255 Baldwin Road,
but it says here she's moved.
Well, if I were
you, I'd find her.
Get a stakeout team
there right away.
Keep me posted.
Helicopter on the
roof. That's cute.
Hey, Jake, listen to this.
Galvin threatened to get
Mr. McCabe and Harmon, too,
for arresting him.
Derek, don't you have
work to do?
And watch out what
you say, will you?
All of this is upsetting Max.
How can you tell?
Well, he's very sensitive.
Animals pick up that
sort of thing, you know?
And if he gets worried about me,
his appetite
will go all to hell.
Have you talked to Harmon?
He's away fishing, but
we can't reach him until
There's a caller on line
two asking for the Fatman.
Says he's an old friend
you didn't expect to be
hearing from again so soon.
You want him or not?
All right!
Start sweating, McCabe.
You and that cop
Harmon are history.
Well, I'll make it easy, Galvin.
I'll meet you.
You name the place.
We'll meet all right, Fatman,
but you'll never know when.
Harmon's due back
on duty at swing shift.
If we can't warn him till then,
at least Galvin can't
get to him, either.
What about you?
Hmph. I'm getting
too old to be scared.
You hid the money around here?
Breathe deep.
You can practically smell it.
You checked over a million
dollars into public storage?
I had a hole in my
side, remember?
This place looked
like a miracle to me.
I took on a vault,
bought a padlock,
paid for it a year in advance
just to be safe.
Okay. Let's go for it.
Why? What's the matter?
I had the key on me
when I got busted.
You telling me the
key's still in custody?
That's right, Andy.
You've still got a job to do.
You have to use your
connections to get it back.
I don't like not hearing
about this until just now.
Look, J.L., you're not
being smart about this.
Why don't you let me
put some people on you?
I don't want any people put
on me, if it's all the same to you.
(Jake muttering)
Andy, how you doing?
J.L., I was about to drop by.
Give me a minute, would you?
J.L.: You heard about Galvin?
Yeah. I don't believe it.
Andy, we seem to
have a little problem.
You know, the problem is
that Galvin's after you two.
This guy's for real.
Okay. I'll watch my back.
JAKE: Look, why
don't you go off duty
and be smart?
Why can't I help out?
I was the one to bring
in Galvin in the first place.
There's nothing more you
can do that isn't being done.
As soon as anything breaks,
you'll be the first to know.
See you later. Thanks, J.L.
Talk to you later,
all right? All right.
Hey, John.
Andy, how's it going?
Oh, I can't complain.
I, uh, need to get a look
at Ed Galvin's things.
He's got an address
book I need a name out of.
Here you go.
(phone ringing)
Property. Krogh.
KROGH: Okay.
What was the name?
KROGH: Right.
(dog barking in distance)
ANDY: Not nice, Eddie.
Drop it.
Andy, don't do it, please.
You can't do it.
Hey, you still need me.
I've got the locker number.
You've got the key,
but I know which locker.
Oh, yeah.
Let me take a wild guess here.
Your whole way
to the hospital that day, you
just kept mumbling, "2140,
2140." So
(gun cocking)
bye-bye, Eddie.
(two gunshots)
Yeah. This is Detective A.R.
Harmon, Robbery/Homicide.
I'm reporting an
officer-involved shooting.
(indistinct chatter)
You all right?
You fell asleep on
the couch, right?
Yeah. Galvin must have
walked past me in the dark.
Heard some shots.
I grabbed my gun.
He turned around
when I walked in,
and I dropped him.
Well, I guess I'm just lucky
that he went after you first.
Looks like you
saved both our lives.
This is all pretty terrific.
Pillow's under the blanket,
the fact that your empty
holster's on top of the dresser,
and your gun's
in the other room.
Galvin walked right
into it, didn't he?
What would you do, Styles?
Wear a bull's-eye on your back?
Lighten up.
I would have done
the same thing.
Hey, thanks, Andy.
You know, we can go back
to living our normal lives now.
Mr. McCabe?
Yeah? Here's a message for you.
I've just located April Blue.
She's shown up at her apartment.
How's that for timing?
Hi, Dick. She show up alone?
Yeah. About a half an hour ago.
Harmon, I heard you smoked
that psycho. Nice going.
Did McCabe order a phone tap?
Nope. Just me.
All right. Let's
arrange one, all right?
Yeah. Good idea.
It's getting so
hard to resist ♪
(snapping fingers)
Better keep your distance ♪
Getting out of hand ♪
(doorbell rings)
At this time of the night ♪
I turn around and run away ♪
'Cause it's dangerous ♪
Hi. We're looking for Miss Blue.
You found her.
You're April Blue?
Last time I looked.
Uh, I'm Lieutenant Styles.
This is Sergeant Harmon.
Then you've heard
about Eddie Galvin.
On TV.
Would you mind if we came in?
No, not at all,
please. Thank you.
(song continuing on stereo)
Tell me there's a reason ♪
Excuse me.
I start to get so scared ♪
(turns off stereo)
You'll, uh have to
pardon my surprise before.
You're not what I expected.
What did you expect?
Uh well, I don't know.
For the girlfriend of a
guy like Eddie Galvin,
I guess I expected
someone, uh
a little less attractive.
Look, I, uh I'm going to
have to ask you some questions,
and I know it's probably
not the right time,
but I'm going to have
to do it, okay? Go ahead.
Where did you meet him?
At a club I was auditioning at.
I was broke, and, uh, he said
I was going to be
the next Madonna.
There weren't a whole lot
of people believing in me
in those days, and
he was nice to me.
He made me feel good.
It just turns out
he was bad news.
Well, he's definitely bad news.
Uh where have you
been since yesterday,
Miss Blue?
Well, when I heard
Eddie had escaped,
I split to a friend's place.
You know, I was afraid
Eddie might show up here,
and I just didn't want
to be dragged back
into his kind of trouble.
That's smart.
What's your friend's name?
Oh, she's a
she's a stewardess.
She's out of town,
and I have the key.
Look, I wasn't with Eddie,
if that's what you're thinking.
You can imagine how it looks.
Yeah, well, to
tell you the truth,
I'm relieved he's dead.
You know, I'm trying to
make it in this business,
and, because of him, I've got a
whole lot of people bothering me
about where his money is,
like I'm supposed to know.
I've had to move twice
in the past eight months,
and it's all getting in
the way of my career.
So he didn't leave you anything
like a claim check or something?
They've asked me
that 10,000 times!
Gee, even with Eddie
dead, it never ends.
You okay? Yeah.
You want some water?
Yeah. How about
something stronger?
I'll get it.
Thanks. Look,
I'm sorry. I just
Everything's just
happening so fast.
Thank you.
(phone rings)
Oh. Thank you.
Yeah. It's Jake. What's up?
Uh-huh. Yeah. Okay.
Yeah. I'll be right there.
I'll be right back, okay?
(sighs) We did it, baby.
We did it. We pulled it off.
God, I was so scared
something went wrong.
It didn't make the news
till 6:00 this morning.
Everything's going
just like we figured.
Andy, look. Let's
get the money now.
We're not getting
anything now, okay?
We're going to just stick to
the plan. It's going just fine.
That money's not going anywhere.
Baby, come on.
Don't, huh?
Look, baby, we can't risk
seeing each other for a while,
and we can't talk
on the phone either.
You're under surveillance.
Andy, I don't like it.
Look, you're on the inside.
You know what's going on.
I want to know, too.
Andy, I gave up
my career for you.
Okay, okay. I'm sorry.
Look. Here's what we do.
We keep in touch
through pay phones.
All right? Okay.
Say 10:00 in the morning
and 10:00 at night.
All right. There's
a phone down at
outside that market
down the block.
Right. Right.
I'll get the number,
and I'll call you there.
Okay. Okay, huh?
(door closes)
Miss Blue? Yeah?
No more questions. We're done.
Thank you for
your time. Let's go.
Thanks. Thanks.
Oh, uh good luck
with your singing.
(sighing with relief)
What do you think?
I believe her.
Well, I figure, if she knew
where the money was,
she'd be gone by now.
You gonna pull the stakeout?
No. I'm gonna keep an
eye on her for a while.
Matter of fact, I plan to take
a personal interest in this one.
J.L.: What's on your
mind? Something's wrong?
I don't buy this
April Blue's act.
I think she was in
on Galvin's escape.
Well, the jail log shows
her as Galvin's only visitor.
If she didn't pass the
escape plan between him
and his chopper-flying
pilot, who did?
I see your point.
Now, here's the part
you're not going to like.
I think the guy was Andy Harmon.
You think Andy is what guy?
The accomplice.
The chopper pilot.
Jake, what the hell
are you talking about?
Andy and April
are involved, okay?
Today, I'm in her
place, all right?
I see him go straight
for her hidden bar.
Now, to me, it looked like
another piece of furniture.
That's it? No.
Whoever planted the gun
behind that water cooler, J.L.,
they had to have access
to that restricted quarter.
They had to.
Like a cop.
Andy also flew choppers in 'Nam.
So did a thousand other guys.
That's true.
I can only guess at the rest.
Andy could have been
Galvin's partner in the heist.
He had done some
security consulting
for that particular bank.
He also knew the
courier schedules.
By the time they met afterwards,
Galvin was bleeding to death,
so he stashed the money.
Andy didn't know
where the money was,
so he had no choice but
to bring Galvin in. That's it.
I know you like him.
You bet I like him.
Andy came to me for advice
when he was thinking
about joining up.
His father was a friend of mine.
Andy's a good cop.
Good cops go bad.
You know,
it infuriates me
when people say that!
Sometimes they're right.
All right. Let's go.
Where are we going?
Let's go.
We've gone through
all this before.
With the keys we
could account for,
all the locks were opened
Car trunk, gym
locker, his apartment.
It was the two we
couldn't account for
that always bothered me.
Let me see that
inventory list, will you?
Thank you.
I thought so.
There were seven
keys on this ring.
Now there are only six.
Krogh, has anyone been in here
going through
Galvin's things lately?
Yeah, Andy Harmon.
KROGH: Sure thing.
(sighing): You were right.
Andy's dirty.
Let's go.
(doorbell rings)
J.L.! Come on in.
Thank you. I got a problem.
(sniffing): Oh, my goodness.
That's bacon
you're cooking, huh?
Yeah. You want some?
Oh, I love it, but
I'm not allowed it.
My doctor absolutely
forbids it. Oh.
You know, it causes
you to have high, uh
Yeah, cholesterol.
Yeah, yeah.
That's it. That's it.
Uh, what's, uh,
what's this problem?
B.J. Cooper.
Oh, yeah.
"B.J. the Booster." I know him.
You know, last night I had him
this far from testifying
against the biggest
fence in the city.
Today I can't find him.
Uh y-y no butter?
Uh, no, just the margarine.
Well, whatever.
Anyway, I can't
spare Jake Styles.
He's busy working on
Ed Galvin's girlfriend,
and I'd appreciate it if
you would help me out.
Well, I have to
check with my boss.
I've already done that.
Sure, I'll work for you.
I tell you what You
grab your partner.
I got some addresses of
places B.J. might be hiding out.
Okay. Mmm.
I gotta tell you,
butter is better.
(laughs) Hey, uh, J.L.,
what'd you mean
when you said that, uh,
Jake is gonna be
keeping his eye on the girl?
Well, you know,
you can't keep Jake
away from things like
that, especially this one.
Anyway, he thinks that she
might know where the money is.
Worth a shot.
I'll get back to you about
those addresses, huh?
Oh, incidentally,
the bacon's great.
Thank you. Bye-bye.
I'm expecting another call.
Could you use the
other phone, please?
(phone ringing)
Oh, God, I miss you.
I miss you, too.
Look around you, baby.
Can you tell you're
being shadowed?
There's a lot of people.
You can be sure
he's there someplace.
Pretty soon we're gonna
have to change the phones.
I don't want them getting
any ideas about bugging it.
And while you're at that market,
I want you to buy
some groceries, all right?
Listen, let's get the
money and get out now.
No, no. Not yet.
Just stay cool a little
bit longer, all right?
It's gonna be fine.
Tell me, has, uh
Styles been around
to see you again?
Not since yesterday.
I don't like that he's
got his eye on you.
This guy is just slick.
I-I just
You can't trust him. I want
you to watch out for Styles.
Aren't you worried about me?
Baby, you're the only
reason why I'm in this.
Yeah. Well, uh
you just be careful
of him, all right?
I'll be fine.
I know it.
Look, I'll call you at
10:00 tonight, all right?
You be good.
All right.
Let me give you
a hand with that.
More questions?
Oh, just a couple,
if you don't mind.
Here. I'll take that.
Okay. Careful.
I guess I should've
asked you the other day
about that chopper pilot.
I totally forgot.
You have any idea
who that could've been?
No. No?
He didn't have any friends.
Probably just somebody
he hired, you think?
I really don't know.
Is there anything else?
Yeah, actually, there is.
Listen, I, uh
I heard you singing on
that tape the other day,
and, I mean, I'm no pro or
anything. I mean, I don't sing,
but, uh I was impressed.
You sounded pretty good to me.
Well, I got this friend,
his name is Coco.
He owns this club.
The Lighthouse.
That's hot.
Well, look,
he, uh, he said that if
you wanted to audition,
to come down
around 8:30 tonight.
I don't think so.
The guy's always
looking for new talent.
And you're good.
It's a shot, right?
Think about it.
I gotta go.
(door opens)
(door closes)
Thanks a lot, if you hear
anything, let us know.
Well, we checked his sister's
place, his ex-brother-in-law.
Sheesh, the guy owes money
to everyone he's ever met.
It beats me why McCabe thinks
anybody on this list
would want to protect him.
I don't know. Hey, Walker, uh
You've pulled duty with Styles.
What do you think of him?
He's a good cop, reliable,
doesn't pull rank
just to bust a guy up.
You know, if anyone
knows where's B.J.'s hiding,
it'd be his bookie.
Okay. Let's check him out next.
Yeah, Jake's okay.
Just don't let him
near your sister.
(car engine starts)
(upbeat music playing)
Better keep your distance ♪
Getting out of hand ♪
At this time of the night, I
turn around and run away ♪
'Cause it's dangerous ♪
Dangerous ♪
Oh, oh it's dangerous ♪
To give it up ♪

Tell me there's a reason ♪
I start to get so scared ♪
When you get
close to my heart ♪
Gonna need someone ♪
When I'm all alone ♪
After the nighttime falls ♪
I turn around and hear
you say that it's dangerous ♪
It's dangerous oh, oh ♪
Hey, how you doing, man?
How's it going? (chuckling)
thanks for the favor.
How is she?
Oh, brother, she's bad.
But it's dangerous ♪
Dangerous, oh, oh ♪
It's dangerous ♪
To give it up. ♪
(cheers and applause)
(cheers and whistles)
All right!
COCO: Oh-ho! You were great.
Listen to them.
Can you believe it?
Yo, Faston, let me get a
round of drinks over here
for my numero uno number one
wahini and a new
booking agent, huh? Is that
what I am? A
booking agent? Yeah.
What do you want? A beer.
Would you get the lady a beer
and bring me a scotch
and soda, please?
You know, April,
I'll talk to you later
about singing here
again, okay? Okay.
It's finally happening.
Listen, I I want to apologize
for not believing
in you about this.
I I really appreciate it.
Look, I'm glad he likes you.
He would've
revoked my privileges
at his Maui condo if I
were to send him a stiff.
COCO (laughing):
Hey, they love you.
How about doing a 10:00 set?
What do you say, huh?
I don't think I can.
Sorry. What, are you, nuts?
Do the 10:00 set.
What are you talking
about, huh? What, are you
taking business
lessons from him?
Now, you shake my hand,
you get a regular
gig, plus the 10:00 set.
What do you say?
Shake the man's hand.
Shake his hand right now.
Shake his hand. Okay.
COCO: All right.
Okay. Sure.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
(phone ringing through)
(car door opening)
Hey, Andy, Andy,
you want to hit one more spot
for old B.J. before
we call it a day?
(ringing continues)
Guy owes me money.
He's never there.
(car engine starts)
Hey, swing down by
Rankin Street on the way.
(knocking on door)
Oh! Hi.
Hey, how are you? Great.
Thought I'd come by,
see how your set went.
It went great. Really?
Coco hired me.
Whoa! Thanks to you.
That's terrific. Good for you.
Well, look, I'm
glad I could help.
Now it's payback time, right?
Why are you such a tough guy?
Look, I'm sorry.
Now, you want some coffee?
No, I don't want any coffee.
Come on in.
Hey, that's
Style" car, isn't it?
You know he's got to be
getting next to some
fine-looking lady.
Let's go.
Come on, let's get out of here.
What's wrong with you?
Here's to talent.
(glasses clinking)
To talent.
You're too kind.
You really are. No.
Watch me blow it.
Um gotta do a little
business now, all right?
Look, I talked to
the D.A. about you.
You can get out
of this whole mess
and leave it all behind
you if you cooperate.
All they want now
is the million three.
McCabe will give
you total immunity,
providing you lead
them to the money.
Don't you think I
would if I could?
Like I said,
you're a tough guy.
(phone ringing through)
Where the hell
were you last night?
They hired me. I have a gig.
The guy said
It's Styles, isn't it?
It's a legitimate gig.
They're setting you up, April.
Can't you be happy for me?
Can't you believe that somebody
appreciates me for my talent?
You spent the night
with him, didn't you?
Andy, no.
I saw his car
outside your place.
Baby, he's a cop.
He's working me like you
said, but nothing went on.
You've got to believe me.
Then what did he want?
He offered me a deal.
What, to set me up, right?
Immunity to tell him
where the money was,
but I told him I
didn't know. I swear.
(sighs) Listen, I gotta go.
I'm late for rehearsal.
Honey, wait.
Wait, listen to me.
Look, I-I know, I know your
career's real important to you.
You've worked hard at it,
but believe me, it
doesn't happen overnight.
Styles is setting you
up, and you're going for it.
what's the use?
(line disconnects) April!
Damn it.
Smile for me ♪
'Cause heaven's
not so far away ♪
And I'll believe ♪
That this is where
you should stay ♪
Start to heal ♪
'Cause we don't have to fall ♪
Hearts that feel ♪
Can have it all ♪
Take one step closer ♪
Let love start over ♪
Shoot one more arrow ♪
Through my heart ♪
We'll come back stronger ♪
And hold on longer ♪
Shoot one more arrow
Through my heart. ♪
(music fading out)
Very good.
Hi. Hi.
Did you like it? Yeah.
It's one I wrote. It's great.
If you don't watch out,
you're going to be a big star.
Hey, Jake. Hey.
Baby Blue, here's the news.
A pal of mine's coming in from
New York on a little business,
and his name is Monty Elman.
Monty Elman?
Yeah. I'm not making
any promises to you,
but he made me a promise
he's going to come
in and listen to you.
Lighting rehearsal's at
3:00 and I'm going to take off.
See you later, Jake. Okay.
Come on, I think
you need a break.
Monty Elman has started
some of the biggest
names in the business.
I just hope this Ed Galvin stuff
doesn't get in
the way, that's all.
It won't. It can't.
Well, if there's anything I can
do, you let me know, all right?
You've done it,
and I didn't trust you.
JAKE: Look, you
always had the talent.
You just needed a
chance to show it, that's all.
I'm happy for you.
I really am.
(over radio): One-H-L
to Walker here.
I told you putting the squeeze
on B.J.'s bookie
would do the trick.
He just called.
B.J.'s on his way in
to collect on a payoff.
Meet me there.
(car engine starts)
(knocking on desk)
Special Delivery. Is McCabe in?
Mr. McCabe is taking
a statement right now.
You'll have to wait.
The last time I talked to him
was probably
a few months ago I guess.
I guess when he was arrested
I'll come back when
he's not so busy.
There's more than enough
deals to go around.
I'm going to go hit the john.
Hey, uh, John, uh, Roger,
I got a little car trouble.
Can I borrow your unit?
Yeah, all right.
Great. Sure.
This is k-2-1-B Surveillance.
Give me McCabe.
I've never seen these
guys before in my life.
Thank you very much.
You mean that's it?
You just called me in here to look
at some pictures? (intercom buzzing)
Well, that's the way
it goes sometimes.
Harmon's making his move.
Stay on him.
Your backup is in position
and traveling parallel.
Advise subject
has switched units.
He's now in license
He's afraid his car
might be bugged.
Don't move in
till he has his
hands on the money.
You can go now. It's all right.
Subject is heading west
on Imperial.
(tires squealing)
(tires squealing)
K-2-2-C, we've lost the subject.
East on Randall past Waterman.
Can you pick him up?
(lock snaps open)
(door hinge creaking)
Hold it!
(handcuffs clicking)
I'm just glad your father's
not alive to see this.
I can't believe April
sold me out like this.
For what it's worth, she didn't.
JAKE: She stuck with
you, pal, right to the end.
I tried to head
you off to warn you.
JAKE: We knew she'd go to you,
so I followed her here.
I never stopped loving you.
I guess that's one
thing you didn't count on.
Bring him.
Okay, sweetheart,
now it's your turn.
(handcuffs clicking)
It was all a lie.
The gig, Monty
Elman, everything.
No, it wasn't.
You're good.
You're very good.
You had a chance to
straighten it out, but you didn't.
It's too bad.
I really like the way you sing
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