Landman (2024) s01e09 Episode Script
[REBECCA] You're the only one
who knows the truth, Cooper,
and I reject your truth.
I think I'll invent my own.
She has some real attractive options.
- What does Cooper think?
- A million.
[NATHAN] I have a counter
on the settlement.
Tell him not to worry. I quit.
- I like you.
- Right back at you.
Now, I'm gonna test you.
[RYDER] I like a good test.
[MONTY OVER PHONE] Hey, listen,
you're gonna have to
have a word with your son.
Where are you, Monty?
We're in the hospital,
so he's gonna
have to call you back.
Mr. Norris.
What is this? What are y'all doing?
- Trying to figure it out.
- How's that going?
Judge me all you want from that truck,
but I will not be judged
in my own fucking house.
Explosion was an accident,
and you fucking know it.
And if you come after my son,
next time it won't be.
That a threat?
You're just looking for a
presence to serve as deterrents
to all the drug activity
out here. Is that the deal?
That's the deal.
[PILOT] Target zone in sight.
There's a job ♪
I've been working ♪
It pays me just enough ♪
To cut me up ♪
And bring me down
like a house of cards ♪
Now I'm off, now I'm hurting ♪
So, honey,
could you close the blinds ♪
And hold me tight ♪
And keep me warm
till the morning comes? ♪
No wonder if I'm living ♪
Or if I'm just alive ♪♪
There were people out there.
[TOMMY] Out where?
[IVEY] Where you said
it was safe to train.
No, I said there's no oil production
on the north side of the road.
I didn't say there weren't
any people out there.
And the people who are there
are the reason you're there,
to run 'em off.
[IVEY] We have an incident.
[IVEY] Vehicle was struck
with a mortar round.
The driver was killed.
Describe the vehicle.
[IVEY] Navy cargo van.
You have men on the ground now?
[IVEY] I have a helicopter pilot.
Okay. Well, tell your helicopter pilot
to get back in his helicopter
and fly away.
The smugglers use cargo vans
to off-load from semis.
They'll come back out there
and clean up their own mess, trust me.
Do you have any idea
how many felonies that creates?
Are you shittin' me?
How about the felony
you've already created?
Voluntary manslaughter.
And they'll hang that one
on you, big boy,
because you ordered the training.
Yeah, I don't know if I can do that.
[TOMMY] Well, you
may want to think about that.
Think about the court martial
and think about the additional
prosecution from the state.
Think about your career.
Think about your fucking wife.
Think about your kids and
your new boyfriend in prison.
I'll make a call.
The mess will be cleaned.
[IVEY] Okay.
All right.
You think you're the only one
with an army?
Well, that's just a little
nibble of what they can do.
I have two choices:
I can call the sheriff
and report it
or give you a chance to go back
out there and get what's yours
and clean up the rest of that mess,
and I won't report it.
No, I'll clean up the mess.
Then I think I'll clean you up.
See how smooth the world runs
without you in it.
No one else makes this call.
They call the sheriff,
and then you get to tell your boss
that you lost another load.
That place is so thick with DPS and DEA,
your distribution days are over, bud.
You know, it used to be we
stayed out of each other's way.
You did what you did, I did what I did.
We got to get back to that somehow.
It's the only way
we can make any money.
How long are they staying?
[TOMMY] Until you stop
giving them reasons to stay.
We should meet.
Yeah, I think so.
[JIMENEZ] When you come back
from Fort Worth, then.
Seems your jefe might not be
a jefe much longer.
Like I said, I have an army, too.
And eyes everywhere.
Call me when
you come home, Tommy.
Or maybe I just come find you.
Do you want to dance
in the dark, in the corner ♪
Take a little chance, baby ♪
Tell me do you want to fall ♪
Do you want ♪
All right.
Let's check this place out.
Do you want to wear
a little lipstick ♪
Auditions are at 4:00.
Oh, shit. [CHUCKLES]
We can skip all that. You're hired.
Aw. You're sweet.
See, I'm the entertainment
director for a nursing home,
and I've got some bucket lists
that we can check off here
for a few of them.
You serious?
[ANGELA SIGHS] Some of them
are in wheelchairs.
Do you have a ramp
that can get them down?
Yeah, around the side.
Damn, you are serious.
Uh, when you want to do this?
I mean, tomorrow.
Yeah, I think at, like, maybe 11:00.
- Like, right after their nap.
- Yeah.
In the morning?
[ANGELA] Look, we only need one girl.
See, we don't need the whole production,
and I'll pay her, obviously.
Uh, I got to bring in a DJ
and bartender
It's for a very good cause.
It's a really good cause.
[SIGHS, CHUCKLES] All right. Uh
You say 11:00 tomorrow.
- For how long?
- [ANGELA] I don't think
they have an hour in them.
I'll rent you the space
and a DJ for $1,000.
Girl's gonna be another $250,
plus tips, for any lap dances.
- See you tomorrow. [LAUGHS]
- Thank you.
[AINSLEY] Should we get them
snacks tomorrow?
Oh. Do you have any snacks?
Snacks? No snacks.
Well, maybe-maybe we can
order them some pizzas?
Sure, why not? Fuck it.
Oh, and do you have any male strippers?
[MEL] Uh, we don't do that.
See, most of our old folks are women.
Oh, women go crazier for these
girls than some of the men.
- Sweetheart,
we're a few generations away
- from that with this crew.
One of them specifically
requested a dick.
You're gonna have to provide the penis.
I can't help you with that.
Okay. See you tomorrow.
[WHOOPS] Come on! Ah
You know, this penis thing
is gonna be a problem.
I have an idea.
Is he in recovery?
They brought him back about an hour ago.
Jerry's in there,
giving him a pretty good lecture
is my guess.
Well, probably so.
All right, well, I'm gonna go
stick my head in, and, uh,
after that, I'm gonna come back
and buy you a very average lunch
at the commissary. Okay?
[JERRY] My daughter,
when I was in my 30s,
went to school at Stanford.
I couldn't stand it.
She was so far from Arkansas.
So, I'd think of reasons
to make trips out there,
try to come up with
a little business or something.
I'd go out there with her, I'd
We had an old office,
downtown Palo Alto. I
Uh Jean goes to class with her.
I said, "You know, I need to get
some things going out here,
if I'm gonna spend this kind of time."
So I went over to Brentwood,
about 20 or 30 miles from San Francisco.
And I bought about 25 lots
like I was gonna build 25 houses.
Except I drilled four gas wells.
And those four gas wells, in 18 months,
paid me enough money
for me to buy the Dallas Cowboys.
Paying attention to my kids
actually led to me getting involved
into the passion of my life.
And all along what I was trying to do
was hang out near my daughter.
Lot of things happen
that you didn't have planned
or don't have the strategy for.
Hey, Tom.
Now, I'm not saying I've done
anything right,
but I made my mind up a long time ago
I was gonna work with my kids.
And they're involved in everything.
They're involved in my leasing,
oil and gas, real estate.
And so, when I got the Cowboys, I got it
so that we could all work together.
I thought I was doing it for them.
But the one that got
the most out of it was me.
I just know it's not gonna be this time,
but you're gonna be sitting here
sometime in the future,
laying here sometime in the future
and this room's gonna be full
of your business associates
and the people you've
worked with all your life.
And more than likely,
your children and family
are gonna be there
because they're your children
and your family.
But you could have 'em there
because they're the people
you spent your life with,
you worked with, you fell down with,
you got up with.
Not just Thanksgiving and Christmas.
That's who you want to be with.
So when that time comes like this,
it's a celebration of your life
and you're not wishing
you'd spent a little more time
seeing a few more suns come up.
That's the trick.
That's the trick.
'Cause that's gonna be your glory.
I'm pretty proud of them Cowboys.
I'm pretty proud of
the stuff we've done, and
oil and gas.
It pales in comparison to how proud I am
to have lived my life
working with my kids.
You got a chance
to do something about that.
I hope you will.
And I'll tell you, young man,
you're no spring chicken.
And you ought to listen
to a little of this yourself.
Yes, sir. Yeah, I'm [CHUCKLES SOFTLY]
a few eggs short of a spring
chicken, that's for sure.
Think a lot of both of you guys.
Feeling's mutual.
- Thank you, Jerry.
- Okay.
Don't make me get my rubber glove out.
Oh, boy.
Tell Genie I said hi.
Good to see you, Mr. Jones.
He's not wrong.
You need to get those leases together.
Hell, it's a billion dollars, Monty.
It's more than that.
And then what? Huh?
Shit, my dad retired at 68.
Five months later, he was dead.
He died of boredom.
Of no purpose.
Well, make Cami your job
and those girls your purpose.
Jesus Christ.
Tom, this is my third fucking bypass.
Work isn't killing me.
It's this fucking busted, rotten heart.
That said, I am planning on
stepping back.
I'm making you
vice president of operations.
[SIGHS] Hell,
you're doing the work already.
You might as well have the title.
And the raise.
Thank you.
What are your thoughts on Rebecca?
We don't need her anymore.
And the way she works is a liability.
You know, it's funny.
She says the exact same thing about you.
I'm offering her a permanent position.
You don't need
any more in-house counsel.
I'm offering her
vice president of exploration.
She's the shrewdest negotiator
I've ever seen,
and she's an absolute killer.
Monty, she's a lawyer.
She don't know anything about oil.
- She ain't a geologist.
- She's got Dale, and she's got you.
Well, I just think it's a mistake.
Well, believe it or not,
I'm not sitting here
asking for your fucking permission.
Figure out a way to work with her.
All right.
Are my daughters out there?
Of course. Why would they be?
All right, Monty.
- I'll see you.
- Yeah.
Well, he's all yours.
[SIGHS] The speech work?
He's gonna need another one from you.
The "quit or else" kind.
So, when the doctor says
he's okay to travel,
get his ass on a plane
and take him far away.
y'all just act like newlyweds
for a while.
Oh, wouldn't that be something.
You can't ask him. You got to tell him.
Well, that's easier said than done.
You're the only one that can do it.
I'll be back in a little bit
and we'll get that lunch, okay?
Yeah ♪
You headed back?
I love you.
What did you do?
I didn't do anything.
If you start the conversation
with "I love you,"
you did fucking something.
I just don't feel
like I say it often enough.
And I'm feeling lucky that
we're back together
Anyway, that's-that's
the only reason I called, okay?
Baby, I love you.
That's so sweet.
And I'm gonna show you how much
tonight, you sexy motherfucker.
Ugh, I found the cutest
strip club to take my old folks.
You-you found What'd you say?
Strip club. To take my old folks.
Um, hey, do you know a doctor?
Yeah, I know doctors.
What kind of doctor?
Maybe a paramedic.
You know, I don't need one of
these guys having a heart attack.
Angela, what in the hell
- are you talking about?
- [SIGHS] Just
send the contact, okay?
I love you, baby.
I got to keep working on this ass.
I'll take beer ♪
And I'll take whiskey ♪
Bring them all ♪
Let's face the guilty ♪
- Hi, Daddy.
- [TOMMY] Hey, honey.
- Are you with your mother?
- Yeah.
We're on the stair steppers.
Whoever thought to put stairs on a deal
that pulls 'em around in a circle
so you could just walk stairs forever
it's genius.
Well, honey,
we've got stairs at the house.
Why don't you just walk up and down
them sons of bitches forever?
It's not the same, Daddy.
Those stairs have a destination.
These ones are for your butt.
Okay, honey. All right.
Listen, what's this
that your mother's saying
about a-a strip club and
a doctor? What is that?
We're taking the old folks
on a field trip.
To see strippers?
They're real excited.
Do you want to come, too?
Hell no, he's not coming.
Come on.
I think
I'll sit this one out, honey.
Well, I'm gonna turn the level up.
I'm really out of breath.
I love you, Daddy.
I love you, too, sweetheart.
- I love you.
- Mwah.
I love you.
- Bye.
- Bye.
Hey, little one.
You got groceries to carry?
You can't carry groceries.
What did I say?
All right, get back in the house.
Man, you Mexican women are bossy.
You ain't seen bossy yet, flaco.
Back in the house.
You studying for a test?
Sort of.
What's the subject?
Our future.
"Our future."
Two kisses and it's "our future."
Three kisses.
First one didn't count.
That was to hurt Manuel.
Counted to me.
I can't trust this right now.
Maybe just focus on
your own life for now.
We'll see where this thing goes.
I don't [SIGHS]
I have a dream, but
I don't know if I have the
courage to chase it just for me.
So, what's the plan?
Live in the house my husband bought
and raise his son and all
the sacrifice that goes with it,
because why?
You took one look at this mess,
and I'm just supposed to believe that?
I'm the opposite of a plan.
My plan was to learn all the positions
on that workover crew.
I didn't plan on the whole crew
dying on day two.
Or meeting my crew member's widow
and fucking falling in love.
Or quitting my job for her.
Or risking my fucking life for her.
You want proof that I won't quit?
My body is my proof.
I took one look at you and I fell.
And I'm still falling.
But I have no plan.
All I have is desire.
Son of a bitch.
God's begging us not to do this.
[MAN] Afternoon, ma'am.
Got any carpet stains?
It's okay.
I guess we better figure out
if we have chemistry.
This is God's last warning.
If you don't take it,
you're stuck with me.
I'm not taking it.
Aw, for God's sake.
How is he?
He's a mess, Nate.
Talk to me about my new boss.
I don't know what to say about that.
What's she gonna do?
Negotiate surface leases
and mineral contracts?
She's not a contract attorney, Tommy.
She's a litigator who knows
nothing about oil and gas.
I know, I told him the same thing.
Monty doesn't make irrational decisions,
so what is this?
What is the fucking end game here?
And what is my job now?
She's just a new shiny penny.
If she negotiates oil leases
like she litigates,
we won't have any leases to service.
Everyone will run for the hills, Tommy.
I know. I'm as shook up
as you are about it.
Hell, the little sumbitch
wants to have me fired.
[ANGELA] Supper's ready.
Hey, I saw
the quarterback's truck outside,
honey, but I didn't see the quarterback.
They're in Ainsley's room
doing Bible study.
[ANGELA] I'll get her.
No, I'll get her. I'll get her.
My goodness. Only took two days
for Bible study to become code
for some meathead's plowing my daughter.
Look, I like those old folks a lot,
but not enough to dry-hump one of 'em.
But you're not doing it for you.
You're doing it for them.
[RYDER] I don't even
I don't know how to dance like that.
What am I supposed to wear?
[CHUCKLES] You don't wear anything.
You're a stripper.
That's the point.
You could wear
Well, you could wear,
like, the little
jock strap thing from football.
I really like you.
And I want to help, but
You're thinking about this all wrong.
You're treating this like
it's a "yes or no" question
instead of negotiating.
What do you want in return?
Well, what are you offering?
See, now we're negotiating.
- What?
- I think I hear my dad.
"Neither doth trouble
spring out of the ground,
yet man is born" Hi, Daddy.
Hi, honey.
"I would seek onto God
and onto God's"
Do you really think
I'm buying this bullshit?
Well, I would hope so, Daddy.
You're the one who put me up to it.
Supper's ready.
I'm gonna finish this verse.
"Which doeth great things
and unsearchable, marvelous things
without number,
which giveth rain upon"
Hi, honey.
Did I mention supper's ready?
[CHUCKLES] Okay, let's go eat.
Damn, y'all's chef is hot.
That's my mom.
[RYDER] Wow.
- Yeah, she's a pistol.
- [DALE] Is this jambalaya?
This is paella. From Valencia, Spain.
[DALE] It looks like jambalaya.
[NATHAN] It's got shrimp,
and chicken in it.
- [DALE] Are those beans?
- [ANGELA] Those are peas.
I didn't know they ate
jambalaya in Spain.
You know, 'cause it's French.
[NATHAN] Well, Cajun,
which was French Canadian.
I don't know how
it got from here to Spain.
Well, it didn't,
because it's not jambalaya.
[DALE] Well, if it walks like a duck,
talks like a duck, it's a
[ANGELA] Call it jambalaya
again and see what I throw at you.
Yes, ma'am.
- What she want us to call it?
- [NATHAN] Paella.
Paella it is. Can we eat it?
After we bless it.
Tommy, would you say grace?
How about we let
the Bible scholar here say it?
That would be you, yeah.
[RYDER] Dear God, uh,
thank you for allowing us to gather
and for this wonderful
bounty of jambalaya.
[DALE] Ow.
It's called paella, honey.
Sorry, God. It's paella.
Thank you for all the gifts
you've given me
my-my height, my strength,
my foot speed.
Forgive me for what I do
with these old folks.
We'll get into more detail
of that later.
And for introducing me to
Ainsley and her lovely family.
And I-I ain't asking forgiveness
about that
For fuck's sake. Amen, dude.
God's happy, honey. Uh, let's eat.
- Amen.
- Amen.
[OTHERS] Amen. Amen. Amen.
- That was beautiful.
- Thank you.
[TOMMY] Oh, honey,
we don't have any plates.
You want me to go get some?
[ANGELA] You don't use plates
with paella.
Everyone has a wooden spoon.
You just scoop it from the pan.
Well, I can't reach the pan.
Well, you can reach it if you stand up.
I don't want to eat standing up.
Well, then just sit down
after you scooped it.
So, every time I want a scoop
of that shit, I got to stand up?
That's the tradition.
That's a tradition in Spain, honey.
We're in Midland, Texas.
In Midland, Texas,
folks sit down when they eat.
[ANGELA] You don't stand up to eat it,
you stand up to get it.
I-I-I don't want
to stand up at all. Okay?
I want a fucking plate, and
I want to scoop some shit on it
and fucking eat it
like a normal human being.
It's like exercising while you eat, bud.
I try to introduce our family
to a little culture,
and this is the thanks that I get.
- He doesn't get it.
- [ANGELA] Mm-mm.
- He's never been to Spain.
- [ANGELA] Mm-mm.
So, the area in front of you
is where you eat.
And then the chef gets the center bite.
- That's right.
- [AINSLEY] You want lemon?
[RYDER] Uh, please. Thank you.
- [AINSLEY] Lot of seeds.
- Very exotic.
- Zesty.
[DALE] Mmm, mmm, mmm.
[RYDER] I love lemon.
- We have lemon, Dale.
- [DALE] Yeah.
Hey, you want to pass me
a spoon? I can make you a bite.
I can handle a spoon, Romo.
Happy now?
You got your little, your
little plate. You feel better?
You know, honey, in Afghanistan,
they sit in a circle on the floor
and eat with their fucking hands.
We gonna do that next week?
Here we go.
Dad, how hard is it to eat with a spoon?
How about some fried chicken?
And some fucking
mashed potatoes and gravy?
I'm tired of eating shit like
Jell-O with fucking chopsticks.
You haven't even tried it yet.
Mama takes dinner very serious.
- I can see that.
- Yeah.
I guess you woke up
this morning and decided
"I don't want pussy ever again,
for the rest of my life."
You know, from now on,
you guys can eat your canned
chili and Vienna sausages,
and may the Lord have mercy
on your colon.
I just do it to be nice.
That's not true.
The fuck it isn't.
You expect me to believe
that you studied up
on how to make this stuff
and planned these meals
and cooked them up and everything,
had time to curl your hair
and find your perfect miniskirt
- and your little apron
- Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
- and everything to be nice?
- Yeah.
No. You did it to be appreciated, honey.
And I understand that.
And we do appreciate it.
I appreciate the cleavage,
I appreciate the hair,
I appreciate the food.
I appreciate all of it, really.
What I don't like is the expectation.
I mean, if we were in Spain,
I'd sit in the fucking sand
and eat out of that pan
all day long for you, I really would.
But I drove 600 miles today, honey.
To see my oldest friend
stare death in the face,
and now my oldest friend is blinking.
- Do you understand what I mean?
- Mm-hmm.
I don't want to jump through
culinary hoops with you.
I just want to
eat and drink my fake beer,
and then lay next to you tonight
and forget this day ever happened.
- But, you see,
all my days are like this.
And I'm gonna want
the same thing tomorrow.
Well, I was planning
a speakeasy night, where we
- get all dressed up
- God's sake, no.
- It ain't gonna happen. Honey
God bless you. I love you so much,
but that ain't gonna happen.
You can dress up.
You can throw a fucking luau
if you want to, I don't care.
But you're gonna wear
the grass skirt and the coconuts
and play the ukulele,
and the rest of us
are gonna be sitting there,
eating and watching.
just no more participating,
okay? [CHUCKLES]
Is that a deal?
I was thinking about a luau.
- You know, this changes it quite a bit.
Change is not a bad thing, honey.
Come here.
[DALE] Hey, hey, hey.
- Don't come to my fucking side.
- I didn't.
[DALE] This is the line,
right here, counselor.
You can do whatever you want
over there. This is mine.
Well, the shrimp's on your side.
[NATHAN] 'Cause you ate all
the shrimp on the other side.
I'm ready to negotiate.
[AINSLEY] You want to go upstairs?
I'm so full.
- It is filling.
- [AINSLEY] Mm-hmm.
Are you full?
Very much so.
We're gonna excuse ourselves.
[DALE] Yeah, you do that.
Where do you think you're going?
Finish studying.
No, no. Not a chance.
Daddy, what is the point in
lying if you won't believe them?
We just want to be alone.
- Well, go take a walk.
- No, no.
Then they're screwing
in the neighbor's bushes
like stray cats.
[GROANS] Just take him
to your room, honey.
- Okay.
You know what they're gonna do.
Do you remember
what it was like to be 17?
I mean, they don't care
where they do it.
I mean, I had sex
in a recycling yard once.
You got an opinion on this, Nate?
Well, look, you two are so far
off my roadmap for parenting,
I don't know how
to guide you anywhere good.
Does anybody remember how to run
this damn sound system in this place?
- [DALE] You want music?
- [TOMMY] Yeah.
I just don't know how
to operate this thing.
[DALE] What do you want to listen to?
Frankly, I don't give a shit.
Just something loud enough
to drown them out.
- Mm.
- Rock it in
- Rock it in ♪
- Rock it out
- Rock it out
Okay. If I do this for the
old folks, here's what I want.
I was gonna do that already.
All right, well, hmm
I was gonna do that, too.
You small-town boys.
You've no imagination.
This is what I was thinking.
Do we have a deal?
Damn right we got a deal.
[ARIANA] You still studying?
Uh, done studying.
- Now I'm working.
- Hmm.
I'm not gonna get much done
with you standing there, though.
Then I'll sit. Jefe, go.
- That's not what I meant.
- I know what you meant.
- You need to learn to focus.
So what are you working on?
This is the Wolfcamp Shale.
It's the richest oil field in the world.
You got the Midland Basin here,
Delaware Basin further west.
But it's true shale, so solid rock
and all the oil's in pockets.
You have to drill horizontally
or frack it.
And drill deep, up to 10,000 feet.
Both are very, very expensive.
Not many companies can afford
the $10 million dollar investment
and come up with a dry hole, so
All the grey are available
leases and mineral rights.
They're checkerboarded
throughout the basin.
Alone, they're not worth
the money or the risk,
but you cobble them all
together, you can sell them.
That's what I'm gonna do.
I'm gonna take that money and go here.
This is Clear Fork field.
Lots of older production.
All the wells are vertical and shallow.
Lots of little companies
that go in and out of business.
I'll try to get leases
on the existing wells
or do farm-outs,
work over the old wells,
increase their production,
till I have enough money,
I can drill in Wolfcamp.
And then what?
Then we move to Fort Worth,
find the house of your dreams.
You tell me the rest of your dreams,
and I make them come true.
If only it were that easy.
Well, I didn't say it was gonna be easy.
I said it's what I'm gonna do.
My dad told me a long time ago,
you got two choices.
You can either get really good
at balancing a checkbook or
make enough money you don't have to.
This is the way.
The funny thing about this place,
only way out of the patch is the patch.
Trick is staying out when you get out.
'Cause when the money comes,
it comes fast,
like a gambler at the blackjack table.
No matter how much he's up,
he can't walk away.
He gets addicted to the chase, and
that's how you lose it all.
Cigarette smoke ♪
Top of the morning, Nathan.
What you got there, bud?
I'll tell you what I don't have.
I don't have my cereal
because your wife threw it out.
Well, grown men shouldn't
eat shit with cartoon characters
on the box anyway.
- Morning, boys.
- Morning.
I ain't done losing yet ♪
It takes money ♪
[DALE] Where are my Pop-Tarts?
In the trash.
This life of trouble
and regret ♪
Why are they in the trash?
Angela feels there's
too much refined sugar
- in our diet.
- And she's not wrong.
She said she figured you'd try that,
so when she dumped them out,
she poured water on them.
Yeah. Mm-hmm.
Oh, God.
Good time, ain't no clock
in this casino ♪
That is just fucking wrong right there.
That is fucking wrong!
There are fruit bowls in the fridge.
Oh, great.
Great, that's just what I wanted.
- Perfect. Thank you, counselor.
Fucking fruit bowl. Lovely.
I ain't done losing yet ♪
Who in the fuck just eats fruit
for breakfast?
Looks like you do.
This life of trouble
and regret ♪
I ain't done losing yet ♪
Jesus Christ.
You boys enjoy your parfaits.
Hi, Cami.
Well, I'm sorry to hear that.
What can I do? Is there,
i-is there any way I can help?
- Mr. Hardin?
Mr. Hardin.
My name's Cooper Norris.
If you're looking for work,
I ain't got none.
If you're looking to sell me something,
I ain't got no money to buy it with.
I'm looking to make you money.
How you gonna do that?
Your oil lease expired in '97.
I don't sell my minerals.
I couldn't afford
to buy 'em if you were.
I want the lease.
It's dried up.
You'd have to put a frack well in.
Ain't nobody gonna do that
for an 80-acre parcel.
No, sir, but they'll do it
for 50 of them.
That's what I'm putting together.
That little pumpjack's
made for a 1,000-foot well.
Your oil seeped up
through a crack in the shale.
Stands to reason you drill
7,000 feet, go horizontal,
they'll find where your oil
seeped in from.
You've held onto the minerals for
your grandkids, is my guess.
I can help you make them
worth something.
You know, you don't look like a landman.
Those are working man's boots.
Yes, sir.
[SIGHS] I'd want 20% of the royalty.
No, sir. You want 25.
An honest man in the patch.
My word's the only thing
I got on this planet,
and I won't ruin it for money.
Yeah, you say that now.
Wait till you get some.
You got a business card?
Uh, no, sir. Not yet.
Well, then,
let's head over to the house.
Business got to be done over coffee.
Yes, sir.
Long ride on another day ♪
Come alive on another day ♪
I'm all right on another day,
don't know why ♪
Come down on another day ♪
Long, long ride
on another day ♪
Know that I don't really know
why, what can go wrong ♪
Sorry pet-killing sons of bitches.
Ooh ♪
[NEIGHBOR] They eat all the pets!
Ooh ♪
singer vocalizing ♪
Ooh ♪
vocalizing ♪
[REBECCA] You're the only one
who knows the truth, Cooper,
and I reject your truth.
I think I'll invent my own.
She has some real attractive options.
- What does Cooper think?
- A million.
[NATHAN] I have a counter
on the settlement.
Tell him not to worry. I quit.
- I like you.
- Right back at you.
Now, I'm gonna test you.
[RYDER] I like a good test.
[MONTY OVER PHONE] Hey, listen,
you're gonna have to
have a word with your son.
Where are you, Monty?
We're in the hospital,
so he's gonna
have to call you back.
Mr. Norris.
What is this? What are y'all doing?
- Trying to figure it out.
- How's that going?
Judge me all you want from that truck,
but I will not be judged
in my own fucking house.
Explosion was an accident,
and you fucking know it.
And if you come after my son,
next time it won't be.
That a threat?
You're just looking for a
presence to serve as deterrents
to all the drug activity
out here. Is that the deal?
That's the deal.
[PILOT] Target zone in sight.
There's a job ♪
I've been working ♪
It pays me just enough ♪
To cut me up ♪
And bring me down
like a house of cards ♪
Now I'm off, now I'm hurting ♪
So, honey,
could you close the blinds ♪
And hold me tight ♪
And keep me warm
till the morning comes? ♪
No wonder if I'm living ♪
Or if I'm just alive ♪♪
There were people out there.
[TOMMY] Out where?
[IVEY] Where you said
it was safe to train.
No, I said there's no oil production
on the north side of the road.
I didn't say there weren't
any people out there.
And the people who are there
are the reason you're there,
to run 'em off.
[IVEY] We have an incident.
[IVEY] Vehicle was struck
with a mortar round.
The driver was killed.
Describe the vehicle.
[IVEY] Navy cargo van.
You have men on the ground now?
[IVEY] I have a helicopter pilot.
Okay. Well, tell your helicopter pilot
to get back in his helicopter
and fly away.
The smugglers use cargo vans
to off-load from semis.
They'll come back out there
and clean up their own mess, trust me.
Do you have any idea
how many felonies that creates?
Are you shittin' me?
How about the felony
you've already created?
Voluntary manslaughter.
And they'll hang that one
on you, big boy,
because you ordered the training.
Yeah, I don't know if I can do that.
[TOMMY] Well, you
may want to think about that.
Think about the court martial
and think about the additional
prosecution from the state.
Think about your career.
Think about your fucking wife.
Think about your kids and
your new boyfriend in prison.
I'll make a call.
The mess will be cleaned.
[IVEY] Okay.
All right.
You think you're the only one
with an army?
Well, that's just a little
nibble of what they can do.
I have two choices:
I can call the sheriff
and report it
or give you a chance to go back
out there and get what's yours
and clean up the rest of that mess,
and I won't report it.
No, I'll clean up the mess.
Then I think I'll clean you up.
See how smooth the world runs
without you in it.
No one else makes this call.
They call the sheriff,
and then you get to tell your boss
that you lost another load.
That place is so thick with DPS and DEA,
your distribution days are over, bud.
You know, it used to be we
stayed out of each other's way.
You did what you did, I did what I did.
We got to get back to that somehow.
It's the only way
we can make any money.
How long are they staying?
[TOMMY] Until you stop
giving them reasons to stay.
We should meet.
Yeah, I think so.
[JIMENEZ] When you come back
from Fort Worth, then.
Seems your jefe might not be
a jefe much longer.
Like I said, I have an army, too.
And eyes everywhere.
Call me when
you come home, Tommy.
Or maybe I just come find you.
Do you want to dance
in the dark, in the corner ♪
Take a little chance, baby ♪
Tell me do you want to fall ♪
Do you want ♪
All right.
Let's check this place out.
Do you want to wear
a little lipstick ♪
Auditions are at 4:00.
Oh, shit. [CHUCKLES]
We can skip all that. You're hired.
Aw. You're sweet.
See, I'm the entertainment
director for a nursing home,
and I've got some bucket lists
that we can check off here
for a few of them.
You serious?
[ANGELA SIGHS] Some of them
are in wheelchairs.
Do you have a ramp
that can get them down?
Yeah, around the side.
Damn, you are serious.
Uh, when you want to do this?
I mean, tomorrow.
Yeah, I think at, like, maybe 11:00.
- Like, right after their nap.
- Yeah.
In the morning?
[ANGELA] Look, we only need one girl.
See, we don't need the whole production,
and I'll pay her, obviously.
Uh, I got to bring in a DJ
and bartender
It's for a very good cause.
It's a really good cause.
[SIGHS, CHUCKLES] All right. Uh
You say 11:00 tomorrow.
- For how long?
- [ANGELA] I don't think
they have an hour in them.
I'll rent you the space
and a DJ for $1,000.
Girl's gonna be another $250,
plus tips, for any lap dances.
- See you tomorrow. [LAUGHS]
- Thank you.
[AINSLEY] Should we get them
snacks tomorrow?
Oh. Do you have any snacks?
Snacks? No snacks.
Well, maybe-maybe we can
order them some pizzas?
Sure, why not? Fuck it.
Oh, and do you have any male strippers?
[MEL] Uh, we don't do that.
See, most of our old folks are women.
Oh, women go crazier for these
girls than some of the men.
- Sweetheart,
we're a few generations away
- from that with this crew.
One of them specifically
requested a dick.
You're gonna have to provide the penis.
I can't help you with that.
Okay. See you tomorrow.
[WHOOPS] Come on! Ah
You know, this penis thing
is gonna be a problem.
I have an idea.
Is he in recovery?
They brought him back about an hour ago.
Jerry's in there,
giving him a pretty good lecture
is my guess.
Well, probably so.
All right, well, I'm gonna go
stick my head in, and, uh,
after that, I'm gonna come back
and buy you a very average lunch
at the commissary. Okay?
[JERRY] My daughter,
when I was in my 30s,
went to school at Stanford.
I couldn't stand it.
She was so far from Arkansas.
So, I'd think of reasons
to make trips out there,
try to come up with
a little business or something.
I'd go out there with her, I'd
We had an old office,
downtown Palo Alto. I
Uh Jean goes to class with her.
I said, "You know, I need to get
some things going out here,
if I'm gonna spend this kind of time."
So I went over to Brentwood,
about 20 or 30 miles from San Francisco.
And I bought about 25 lots
like I was gonna build 25 houses.
Except I drilled four gas wells.
And those four gas wells, in 18 months,
paid me enough money
for me to buy the Dallas Cowboys.
Paying attention to my kids
actually led to me getting involved
into the passion of my life.
And all along what I was trying to do
was hang out near my daughter.
Lot of things happen
that you didn't have planned
or don't have the strategy for.
Hey, Tom.
Now, I'm not saying I've done
anything right,
but I made my mind up a long time ago
I was gonna work with my kids.
And they're involved in everything.
They're involved in my leasing,
oil and gas, real estate.
And so, when I got the Cowboys, I got it
so that we could all work together.
I thought I was doing it for them.
But the one that got
the most out of it was me.
I just know it's not gonna be this time,
but you're gonna be sitting here
sometime in the future,
laying here sometime in the future
and this room's gonna be full
of your business associates
and the people you've
worked with all your life.
And more than likely,
your children and family
are gonna be there
because they're your children
and your family.
But you could have 'em there
because they're the people
you spent your life with,
you worked with, you fell down with,
you got up with.
Not just Thanksgiving and Christmas.
That's who you want to be with.
So when that time comes like this,
it's a celebration of your life
and you're not wishing
you'd spent a little more time
seeing a few more suns come up.
That's the trick.
That's the trick.
'Cause that's gonna be your glory.
I'm pretty proud of them Cowboys.
I'm pretty proud of
the stuff we've done, and
oil and gas.
It pales in comparison to how proud I am
to have lived my life
working with my kids.
You got a chance
to do something about that.
I hope you will.
And I'll tell you, young man,
you're no spring chicken.
And you ought to listen
to a little of this yourself.
Yes, sir. Yeah, I'm [CHUCKLES SOFTLY]
a few eggs short of a spring
chicken, that's for sure.
Think a lot of both of you guys.
Feeling's mutual.
- Thank you, Jerry.
- Okay.
Don't make me get my rubber glove out.
Oh, boy.
Tell Genie I said hi.
Good to see you, Mr. Jones.
He's not wrong.
You need to get those leases together.
Hell, it's a billion dollars, Monty.
It's more than that.
And then what? Huh?
Shit, my dad retired at 68.
Five months later, he was dead.
He died of boredom.
Of no purpose.
Well, make Cami your job
and those girls your purpose.
Jesus Christ.
Tom, this is my third fucking bypass.
Work isn't killing me.
It's this fucking busted, rotten heart.
That said, I am planning on
stepping back.
I'm making you
vice president of operations.
[SIGHS] Hell,
you're doing the work already.
You might as well have the title.
And the raise.
Thank you.
What are your thoughts on Rebecca?
We don't need her anymore.
And the way she works is a liability.
You know, it's funny.
She says the exact same thing about you.
I'm offering her a permanent position.
You don't need
any more in-house counsel.
I'm offering her
vice president of exploration.
She's the shrewdest negotiator
I've ever seen,
and she's an absolute killer.
Monty, she's a lawyer.
She don't know anything about oil.
- She ain't a geologist.
- She's got Dale, and she's got you.
Well, I just think it's a mistake.
Well, believe it or not,
I'm not sitting here
asking for your fucking permission.
Figure out a way to work with her.
All right.
Are my daughters out there?
Of course. Why would they be?
All right, Monty.
- I'll see you.
- Yeah.
Well, he's all yours.
[SIGHS] The speech work?
He's gonna need another one from you.
The "quit or else" kind.
So, when the doctor says
he's okay to travel,
get his ass on a plane
and take him far away.
y'all just act like newlyweds
for a while.
Oh, wouldn't that be something.
You can't ask him. You got to tell him.
Well, that's easier said than done.
You're the only one that can do it.
I'll be back in a little bit
and we'll get that lunch, okay?
Yeah ♪
You headed back?
I love you.
What did you do?
I didn't do anything.
If you start the conversation
with "I love you,"
you did fucking something.
I just don't feel
like I say it often enough.
And I'm feeling lucky that
we're back together
Anyway, that's-that's
the only reason I called, okay?
Baby, I love you.
That's so sweet.
And I'm gonna show you how much
tonight, you sexy motherfucker.
Ugh, I found the cutest
strip club to take my old folks.
You-you found What'd you say?
Strip club. To take my old folks.
Um, hey, do you know a doctor?
Yeah, I know doctors.
What kind of doctor?
Maybe a paramedic.
You know, I don't need one of
these guys having a heart attack.
Angela, what in the hell
- are you talking about?
- [SIGHS] Just
send the contact, okay?
I love you, baby.
I got to keep working on this ass.
I'll take beer ♪
And I'll take whiskey ♪
Bring them all ♪
Let's face the guilty ♪
- Hi, Daddy.
- [TOMMY] Hey, honey.
- Are you with your mother?
- Yeah.
We're on the stair steppers.
Whoever thought to put stairs on a deal
that pulls 'em around in a circle
so you could just walk stairs forever
it's genius.
Well, honey,
we've got stairs at the house.
Why don't you just walk up and down
them sons of bitches forever?
It's not the same, Daddy.
Those stairs have a destination.
These ones are for your butt.
Okay, honey. All right.
Listen, what's this
that your mother's saying
about a-a strip club and
a doctor? What is that?
We're taking the old folks
on a field trip.
To see strippers?
They're real excited.
Do you want to come, too?
Hell no, he's not coming.
Come on.
I think
I'll sit this one out, honey.
Well, I'm gonna turn the level up.
I'm really out of breath.
I love you, Daddy.
I love you, too, sweetheart.
- I love you.
- Mwah.
I love you.
- Bye.
- Bye.
Hey, little one.
You got groceries to carry?
You can't carry groceries.
What did I say?
All right, get back in the house.
Man, you Mexican women are bossy.
You ain't seen bossy yet, flaco.
Back in the house.
You studying for a test?
Sort of.
What's the subject?
Our future.
"Our future."
Two kisses and it's "our future."
Three kisses.
First one didn't count.
That was to hurt Manuel.
Counted to me.
I can't trust this right now.
Maybe just focus on
your own life for now.
We'll see where this thing goes.
I don't [SIGHS]
I have a dream, but
I don't know if I have the
courage to chase it just for me.
So, what's the plan?
Live in the house my husband bought
and raise his son and all
the sacrifice that goes with it,
because why?
You took one look at this mess,
and I'm just supposed to believe that?
I'm the opposite of a plan.
My plan was to learn all the positions
on that workover crew.
I didn't plan on the whole crew
dying on day two.
Or meeting my crew member's widow
and fucking falling in love.
Or quitting my job for her.
Or risking my fucking life for her.
You want proof that I won't quit?
My body is my proof.
I took one look at you and I fell.
And I'm still falling.
But I have no plan.
All I have is desire.
Son of a bitch.
God's begging us not to do this.
[MAN] Afternoon, ma'am.
Got any carpet stains?
It's okay.
I guess we better figure out
if we have chemistry.
This is God's last warning.
If you don't take it,
you're stuck with me.
I'm not taking it.
Aw, for God's sake.
How is he?
He's a mess, Nate.
Talk to me about my new boss.
I don't know what to say about that.
What's she gonna do?
Negotiate surface leases
and mineral contracts?
She's not a contract attorney, Tommy.
She's a litigator who knows
nothing about oil and gas.
I know, I told him the same thing.
Monty doesn't make irrational decisions,
so what is this?
What is the fucking end game here?
And what is my job now?
She's just a new shiny penny.
If she negotiates oil leases
like she litigates,
we won't have any leases to service.
Everyone will run for the hills, Tommy.
I know. I'm as shook up
as you are about it.
Hell, the little sumbitch
wants to have me fired.
[ANGELA] Supper's ready.
Hey, I saw
the quarterback's truck outside,
honey, but I didn't see the quarterback.
They're in Ainsley's room
doing Bible study.
[ANGELA] I'll get her.
No, I'll get her. I'll get her.
My goodness. Only took two days
for Bible study to become code
for some meathead's plowing my daughter.
Look, I like those old folks a lot,
but not enough to dry-hump one of 'em.
But you're not doing it for you.
You're doing it for them.
[RYDER] I don't even
I don't know how to dance like that.
What am I supposed to wear?
[CHUCKLES] You don't wear anything.
You're a stripper.
That's the point.
You could wear
Well, you could wear,
like, the little
jock strap thing from football.
I really like you.
And I want to help, but
You're thinking about this all wrong.
You're treating this like
it's a "yes or no" question
instead of negotiating.
What do you want in return?
Well, what are you offering?
See, now we're negotiating.
- What?
- I think I hear my dad.
"Neither doth trouble
spring out of the ground,
yet man is born" Hi, Daddy.
Hi, honey.
"I would seek onto God
and onto God's"
Do you really think
I'm buying this bullshit?
Well, I would hope so, Daddy.
You're the one who put me up to it.
Supper's ready.
I'm gonna finish this verse.
"Which doeth great things
and unsearchable, marvelous things
without number,
which giveth rain upon"
Hi, honey.
Did I mention supper's ready?
[CHUCKLES] Okay, let's go eat.
Damn, y'all's chef is hot.
That's my mom.
[RYDER] Wow.
- Yeah, she's a pistol.
- [DALE] Is this jambalaya?
This is paella. From Valencia, Spain.
[DALE] It looks like jambalaya.
[NATHAN] It's got shrimp,
and chicken in it.
- [DALE] Are those beans?
- [ANGELA] Those are peas.
I didn't know they ate
jambalaya in Spain.
You know, 'cause it's French.
[NATHAN] Well, Cajun,
which was French Canadian.
I don't know how
it got from here to Spain.
Well, it didn't,
because it's not jambalaya.
[DALE] Well, if it walks like a duck,
talks like a duck, it's a
[ANGELA] Call it jambalaya
again and see what I throw at you.
Yes, ma'am.
- What she want us to call it?
- [NATHAN] Paella.
Paella it is. Can we eat it?
After we bless it.
Tommy, would you say grace?
How about we let
the Bible scholar here say it?
That would be you, yeah.
[RYDER] Dear God, uh,
thank you for allowing us to gather
and for this wonderful
bounty of jambalaya.
[DALE] Ow.
It's called paella, honey.
Sorry, God. It's paella.
Thank you for all the gifts
you've given me
my-my height, my strength,
my foot speed.
Forgive me for what I do
with these old folks.
We'll get into more detail
of that later.
And for introducing me to
Ainsley and her lovely family.
And I-I ain't asking forgiveness
about that
For fuck's sake. Amen, dude.
God's happy, honey. Uh, let's eat.
- Amen.
- Amen.
[OTHERS] Amen. Amen. Amen.
- That was beautiful.
- Thank you.
[TOMMY] Oh, honey,
we don't have any plates.
You want me to go get some?
[ANGELA] You don't use plates
with paella.
Everyone has a wooden spoon.
You just scoop it from the pan.
Well, I can't reach the pan.
Well, you can reach it if you stand up.
I don't want to eat standing up.
Well, then just sit down
after you scooped it.
So, every time I want a scoop
of that shit, I got to stand up?
That's the tradition.
That's a tradition in Spain, honey.
We're in Midland, Texas.
In Midland, Texas,
folks sit down when they eat.
[ANGELA] You don't stand up to eat it,
you stand up to get it.
I-I-I don't want
to stand up at all. Okay?
I want a fucking plate, and
I want to scoop some shit on it
and fucking eat it
like a normal human being.
It's like exercising while you eat, bud.
I try to introduce our family
to a little culture,
and this is the thanks that I get.
- He doesn't get it.
- [ANGELA] Mm-mm.
- He's never been to Spain.
- [ANGELA] Mm-mm.
So, the area in front of you
is where you eat.
And then the chef gets the center bite.
- That's right.
- [AINSLEY] You want lemon?
[RYDER] Uh, please. Thank you.
- [AINSLEY] Lot of seeds.
- Very exotic.
- Zesty.
[DALE] Mmm, mmm, mmm.
[RYDER] I love lemon.
- We have lemon, Dale.
- [DALE] Yeah.
Hey, you want to pass me
a spoon? I can make you a bite.
I can handle a spoon, Romo.
Happy now?
You got your little, your
little plate. You feel better?
You know, honey, in Afghanistan,
they sit in a circle on the floor
and eat with their fucking hands.
We gonna do that next week?
Here we go.
Dad, how hard is it to eat with a spoon?
How about some fried chicken?
And some fucking
mashed potatoes and gravy?
I'm tired of eating shit like
Jell-O with fucking chopsticks.
You haven't even tried it yet.
Mama takes dinner very serious.
- I can see that.
- Yeah.
I guess you woke up
this morning and decided
"I don't want pussy ever again,
for the rest of my life."
You know, from now on,
you guys can eat your canned
chili and Vienna sausages,
and may the Lord have mercy
on your colon.
I just do it to be nice.
That's not true.
The fuck it isn't.
You expect me to believe
that you studied up
on how to make this stuff
and planned these meals
and cooked them up and everything,
had time to curl your hair
and find your perfect miniskirt
- and your little apron
- Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
- and everything to be nice?
- Yeah.
No. You did it to be appreciated, honey.
And I understand that.
And we do appreciate it.
I appreciate the cleavage,
I appreciate the hair,
I appreciate the food.
I appreciate all of it, really.
What I don't like is the expectation.
I mean, if we were in Spain,
I'd sit in the fucking sand
and eat out of that pan
all day long for you, I really would.
But I drove 600 miles today, honey.
To see my oldest friend
stare death in the face,
and now my oldest friend is blinking.
- Do you understand what I mean?
- Mm-hmm.
I don't want to jump through
culinary hoops with you.
I just want to
eat and drink my fake beer,
and then lay next to you tonight
and forget this day ever happened.
- But, you see,
all my days are like this.
And I'm gonna want
the same thing tomorrow.
Well, I was planning
a speakeasy night, where we
- get all dressed up
- God's sake, no.
- It ain't gonna happen. Honey
God bless you. I love you so much,
but that ain't gonna happen.
You can dress up.
You can throw a fucking luau
if you want to, I don't care.
But you're gonna wear
the grass skirt and the coconuts
and play the ukulele,
and the rest of us
are gonna be sitting there,
eating and watching.
just no more participating,
okay? [CHUCKLES]
Is that a deal?
I was thinking about a luau.
- You know, this changes it quite a bit.
Change is not a bad thing, honey.
Come here.
[DALE] Hey, hey, hey.
- Don't come to my fucking side.
- I didn't.
[DALE] This is the line,
right here, counselor.
You can do whatever you want
over there. This is mine.
Well, the shrimp's on your side.
[NATHAN] 'Cause you ate all
the shrimp on the other side.
I'm ready to negotiate.
[AINSLEY] You want to go upstairs?
I'm so full.
- It is filling.
- [AINSLEY] Mm-hmm.
Are you full?
Very much so.
We're gonna excuse ourselves.
[DALE] Yeah, you do that.
Where do you think you're going?
Finish studying.
No, no. Not a chance.
Daddy, what is the point in
lying if you won't believe them?
We just want to be alone.
- Well, go take a walk.
- No, no.
Then they're screwing
in the neighbor's bushes
like stray cats.
[GROANS] Just take him
to your room, honey.
- Okay.
You know what they're gonna do.
Do you remember
what it was like to be 17?
I mean, they don't care
where they do it.
I mean, I had sex
in a recycling yard once.
You got an opinion on this, Nate?
Well, look, you two are so far
off my roadmap for parenting,
I don't know how
to guide you anywhere good.
Does anybody remember how to run
this damn sound system in this place?
- [DALE] You want music?
- [TOMMY] Yeah.
I just don't know how
to operate this thing.
[DALE] What do you want to listen to?
Frankly, I don't give a shit.
Just something loud enough
to drown them out.
- Mm.
- Rock it in
- Rock it in ♪
- Rock it out
- Rock it out
Okay. If I do this for the
old folks, here's what I want.
I was gonna do that already.
All right, well, hmm
I was gonna do that, too.
You small-town boys.
You've no imagination.
This is what I was thinking.
Do we have a deal?
Damn right we got a deal.
[ARIANA] You still studying?
Uh, done studying.
- Now I'm working.
- Hmm.
I'm not gonna get much done
with you standing there, though.
Then I'll sit. Jefe, go.
- That's not what I meant.
- I know what you meant.
- You need to learn to focus.
So what are you working on?
This is the Wolfcamp Shale.
It's the richest oil field in the world.
You got the Midland Basin here,
Delaware Basin further west.
But it's true shale, so solid rock
and all the oil's in pockets.
You have to drill horizontally
or frack it.
And drill deep, up to 10,000 feet.
Both are very, very expensive.
Not many companies can afford
the $10 million dollar investment
and come up with a dry hole, so
All the grey are available
leases and mineral rights.
They're checkerboarded
throughout the basin.
Alone, they're not worth
the money or the risk,
but you cobble them all
together, you can sell them.
That's what I'm gonna do.
I'm gonna take that money and go here.
This is Clear Fork field.
Lots of older production.
All the wells are vertical and shallow.
Lots of little companies
that go in and out of business.
I'll try to get leases
on the existing wells
or do farm-outs,
work over the old wells,
increase their production,
till I have enough money,
I can drill in Wolfcamp.
And then what?
Then we move to Fort Worth,
find the house of your dreams.
You tell me the rest of your dreams,
and I make them come true.
If only it were that easy.
Well, I didn't say it was gonna be easy.
I said it's what I'm gonna do.
My dad told me a long time ago,
you got two choices.
You can either get really good
at balancing a checkbook or
make enough money you don't have to.
This is the way.
The funny thing about this place,
only way out of the patch is the patch.
Trick is staying out when you get out.
'Cause when the money comes,
it comes fast,
like a gambler at the blackjack table.
No matter how much he's up,
he can't walk away.
He gets addicted to the chase, and
that's how you lose it all.
Cigarette smoke ♪
Top of the morning, Nathan.
What you got there, bud?
I'll tell you what I don't have.
I don't have my cereal
because your wife threw it out.
Well, grown men shouldn't
eat shit with cartoon characters
on the box anyway.
- Morning, boys.
- Morning.
I ain't done losing yet ♪
It takes money ♪
[DALE] Where are my Pop-Tarts?
In the trash.
This life of trouble
and regret ♪
Why are they in the trash?
Angela feels there's
too much refined sugar
- in our diet.
- And she's not wrong.
She said she figured you'd try that,
so when she dumped them out,
she poured water on them.
Yeah. Mm-hmm.
Oh, God.
Good time, ain't no clock
in this casino ♪
That is just fucking wrong right there.
That is fucking wrong!
There are fruit bowls in the fridge.
Oh, great.
Great, that's just what I wanted.
- Perfect. Thank you, counselor.
Fucking fruit bowl. Lovely.
I ain't done losing yet ♪
Who in the fuck just eats fruit
for breakfast?
Looks like you do.
This life of trouble
and regret ♪
I ain't done losing yet ♪
Jesus Christ.
You boys enjoy your parfaits.
Hi, Cami.
Well, I'm sorry to hear that.
What can I do? Is there,
i-is there any way I can help?
- Mr. Hardin?
Mr. Hardin.
My name's Cooper Norris.
If you're looking for work,
I ain't got none.
If you're looking to sell me something,
I ain't got no money to buy it with.
I'm looking to make you money.
How you gonna do that?
Your oil lease expired in '97.
I don't sell my minerals.
I couldn't afford
to buy 'em if you were.
I want the lease.
It's dried up.
You'd have to put a frack well in.
Ain't nobody gonna do that
for an 80-acre parcel.
No, sir, but they'll do it
for 50 of them.
That's what I'm putting together.
That little pumpjack's
made for a 1,000-foot well.
Your oil seeped up
through a crack in the shale.
Stands to reason you drill
7,000 feet, go horizontal,
they'll find where your oil
seeped in from.
You've held onto the minerals for
your grandkids, is my guess.
I can help you make them
worth something.
You know, you don't look like a landman.
Those are working man's boots.
Yes, sir.
[SIGHS] I'd want 20% of the royalty.
No, sir. You want 25.
An honest man in the patch.
My word's the only thing
I got on this planet,
and I won't ruin it for money.
Yeah, you say that now.
Wait till you get some.
You got a business card?
Uh, no, sir. Not yet.
Well, then,
let's head over to the house.
Business got to be done over coffee.
Yes, sir.
Long ride on another day ♪
Come alive on another day ♪
I'm all right on another day,
don't know why ♪
Come down on another day ♪
Long, long ride
on another day ♪
Know that I don't really know
why, what can go wrong ♪
Sorry pet-killing sons of bitches.
Ooh ♪
[NEIGHBOR] They eat all the pets!
Ooh ♪
singer vocalizing ♪
Ooh ♪
vocalizing ♪