My Dad the Bounty Hunter (2023) s01e09 Episode Script


from the Endless Horizons Conglomerate.
We have received your transmission,
and we are here to negotiate.
Lower your shields
and prepare to disembark.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Get rid of them.
What are you gonna do? Blast me?
Do it. I dare ya.
The EHC will be all over you.
And your kids. Then what?
Dad, we can beat 'em.
There's too many, sweetheart.
It's not the time.
Oh! How the tables have turned!
- Round 'em up! Today is payday!
- Whoo-hoo!
- More loot for the Lootbat.
- Yeah. Cash for mama.
Give me that.
The Sabo I knew would have
at least considered fighting back.
Your family has made you soft.
Lisa, Sean, run!
- No!
- Huh?
He could be worth a bonus.
Well, I gotta say, looks like
you still got some fight left in ya, huh?
Take those fugitives outside.
- Bogdog! Find those kids.
- Huh?
Can't have those kakaracks
screwing with my ship.
Perfect. Bogdog's got a score
to settle with that bot.
You know he's a
he's a kid, not a bot, right?
I I know.
It's all I had, man.
See? Now, this is a ship.
There he is.
Hey. I come bearing gifts.
Welcome to the Galactic Sun Cruiser,
Mr. Glorlox. This is a pleasant surprise.
Well, as you can see,
I have your fugitive.
Sabo here was getting ready
to cut her loose
with this little band of, um
Yeah, I don't know what's going on here.
But, uh, hey, I put a stop to all that.
You've caused quite
a bit of trouble, Ms. Vax.
The board will be pleased
to know that you are in custody.
And you, Mr. Brok.
I am disappointed.
With a record like yours,
this this isn't like you.
Maybe not. But for the first time
in a while, I feel a lot more like myself.
Stow the prisoners in detainment
and set a course for Chillion-5.
Let's make sure these poor,
defenseless creatures
make it home in time for their next show.
I will consume your bowels.
Ah-pa-pa-pa! Whoa, whoa!
Let's not forget who hooked you guys up,
huh? Right here.
Ah! Yes, of course.
Let's discuss your compensation.
Bogdog ain't paying for that.
I know you're a fan, Sean.
Bogdog ain't right.
I know.
But I can't stay mad at him.
He's adorable!
Don't forget that he's a bad guy,
Sean. We gotta deal with him.
There. To your left.
We must free your father
before they process him.
All right. Let's go.
Whoa. Hold up, Sean.
You need to stay here with KRS.
What? Why?
I can slip past those guards
no problem, but you?
Dad will kill me
if anything happens to you.
Don't worry about Sean, Lisa.
I will look after him.
Get in there.
Hey, take it easy.
Don't get too comfortable.
You and your friends
are getting shipped off to the, uh
rehabilitation center.
You're worried about them.
Your children.
I really screwed things up.
I mean, you try your best
to protect and provide for them, but
I never prepared them
for anything like this.
Are you sure?
I've seen your daughter
in action firsthand.
She's a very smart and capable girl.
Seems like you did something right.
Sorry about how things went down.
It wasn't personal.
I was just doing my job.
I get it.
I used to work for the Conglomerate.
I know what it's like to collect
a paycheck without asking questions.
if I held a grudge against every merc
that pointed a gun at me,
I'd be fighting the whole galaxy.
Oh, man.
Those Chillas are supercute.
Wish I could get one for my kid.
Aren't they endangered
or something?
I heard
they're, like, intelligent.
That's crazy. Intelligent.
Dad, it's Lisa.
Lisa? Are you all right, baby?
It's okay, Dad. I'm good. I've got
a plan that's gonna get you out of there.
Lisa, don't.
Dad, trust me.
Okay. I trust you.
Do what you gotta do.
Look, it's like I said.
Sabo couldn't handle the job.
He's too sentimental.
Vax flipped him like that.
- Can you believe it?
- I can.
Not sure why you guys didn't go
with the Lox from the get-go, huh?
Mr. Glorlox, that's,
uh, extremely valuable.
Okay. If you say so.
Got ya.
You did a wonderful job.
We are very impressed.
However, we actually negotiated
our initial contract with Mr. Brok,
not you.
That said, we are extremely grateful.
The Conglomerate is willing
to authorize a standard EHC finder's fee
that caps out at, what,
10% of the original negotiated amount?
Actually, it's 15%, sir.
Ah! Even better.
You're kidding, right?
I'm quite serious.
If you had contacted us
about your intentions sooner,
we could have negotiated
better compensation.
You can't hide from Bogdog forever.
It doesn't feel right.
Hiding while Dad and Lisa are in trouble?
I think
that they would want you to be safe, Sean.
I guess. Doesn't matter anyway.
I'd just screw up everything. Again.
Sean, you are very much
like your father.
Your intentions are pure,
even if the outcome isn't always ideal.
At the end of the day,
your heart is in the right place.
Isn't that what's important?
You really think I'm like my dad?
Of course you are.
You share the same DNA.
But you are also
very much your own person.
You're smart, inquisitive,
and very resourceful.
And you are not a screwup.
I know for a fact that there is at least
one thing that you got right.
What's that?
My previous persona setting.
I I actually miss it.
I tried to tell her, you know,
"You beat the Kleborp,
I bring the credits." You know, it's
Hold on.
What the
Do you hear that?
455! Sound the alarm! There's
455 is taking a break.
I'll be taking that.
Oh, 15%?! That barely covers Warp Pods!
What a load of Marf scum.
Well, what are we gonna do, Glorlox?
I don't know.
I think we spent more
flying back to grab Kryll.
Seriously, boss, what are we gonna do?
I don't know!
Would you let me think?
What would Sabo do?
Back up.
Well, well, well. What have we here?
I'm gonna rescue my dad,
and you best not get in my way.
Right. Of course you are. Yeah.
Do you even know how to use that thing?
You wanna find out?
Look who I found just wandering around.
If you hurt her
Oh, relax, Sabo.
This child isn't worthy of my wrath.
Just wait till I get outta here.
Sorry, Dad.
I blew it.
What are you talking about?
You did great, baby girl.
No, Dad. All of this, it's my fault.
If I would have just listened to you,
we'd all be home right now, but I
No. You did good.
I'm the reason that we're here.
I should've listened to you.
Dad, those things I said, I, uh
Were on point.
I never listen.
I was so focused on giving you
everything that I thought you needed,
but I wasn't hearing
what you really wanted from me. My time.
I'm ready to make up for that.
Okay. How are you feeling?
Oh no. I killed her!
You should've seen your face!
Lord, you was worried.
Very funny.
How are you feeling?
Oh, it feels good
to be back to the real me.
Thank you, Sean.
Okay. Looks like
the coast is clear. Let's go.
Oh no! They captured Lisa!
I can't do this by myself.
I'll mess it up.
Sean, it's okay.
I'm here. We can figure this out.
Wait, KRS. You're here!
That's what I said.
And we're on Glorlox's ship.
- If I connect you to the ship
- I could pilot it.
We can do this!
Great idea, honey.
But what about Bogdog?
Yeah. What about Bogdog?
What's up?
It's all over, bot.
Time to surrender to the Bogdog.
I'm not a bot. I'm a kid!
Sorry, buddy.
I hate that bot!
And now connect that crystal circuit
to my processing core.
Like this?
That's it!
I can't believe it!
Told you you could do it.
- Oh, look out!
- Bogdog!
Bad dog! Don't touch
Bogdog has been waitin' for this.
Bot or not, Bogdog is gonna mess you up!
Wha What'd you say?
I said no. My family needs me.
I don't have time for this.
You don't have you don't have time?
You better make time for Bogdog!
Hey! Wait! No! What
What are you doing? No! No!
Who's a good boy?
You are. Yes, you are.
Yes, you are.
I knew it.
You really did need a belly rub.
You cheated.
All I'm saying
is that if it wasn't for me,
who knows what kind of damage
Sabo's accomplice would've done?
Gotta be worth something.
The 15% finder's fee
was more than generous.
See, this is why
I hate working for you guys.
We have been more than accommodating.
In the future, might I suggest
that you get it in writing?
Ms. Torga, please be care
I'll keep that in mind.
But how?
Easy, killer.
We want the same thing.
Once we turn off the shields,
it's all you, kid.
Got it.
This was your plan the whole time?
Yeah, sorta.
But, Dad, I really meant what I said.
I'm so sorry I
I'm so proud of you.
We doing this again?
Kind of in the middle of a jailbreak here.
What? No love for the Lox?
Let us bathe
in the viscera of our enemies.
Wow. Your new buddies are intense.
I like 'em.
KRS, are you okay?
I-I-I'm I-I okay,
but can't can't connect to sh-sh-ship.
Oh no. That's it. We're done!
No n-no, Sean.
You you can do this.
What? How?
Just s-start pressing the b-buttons!
How are we gonna get through all that?
Quit screwing around.
We need you! Oh, come Bogdog!
I'm a true, what?
I am a true Fuschnick ♪
I'm a true, what?
I am a true Fuschnick ♪
I'm a true, what?
I am a true Fuschnick ♪
Keep up the pressure, men!
No! No!
Huh. That works.
You had my CD the whole time?
What? I mean, come on, it's a classic.
Uh-huh! Don't say
I never gave you nothing.
Oh, I've got some for you too.
Don't move.
I'm a true, what?
I am a true Fuschnick ♪
I'm a true, what? I am a true ♪
You can't tell me you don't miss this.
Well Maybe a little.
- Brok and Glorlox.
- Hmm.
Back in action.
He sees you running
So he flips into attack mode ♪
So keep on running
Or he'll put you on your back, bro ♪
I'll tell you something
Ain't nothing stronger or fast, though ♪
Almost there.
Oh no, you don't.
I really don't like that guy.
Everyone, on board.
Time to go.
Thanks for helping Lisa.
Just like old
And that's for kidnapping my kids.
You are trash, Bogdog.
Dad! Lisa!
That was some quick thinking,
you two. Great job.
Oh, no. That was all Seany.
Not bad flying, kid. You did good.
Ha! We all did.
Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! We did it.
We did it! We did it! We, we, we did it!
What? That's how you do it, right?
Maybe just stick
to the alien-retrieval stuff.
Set course for Chillion-5.
Let us return home in victory.
Well, that could have gone better.
Don't worry about it.
Soon as we hit Warpies,
we'll swipe a new ship. We're fine.
Great. We're out of fuel.
Relax. We're fine.
Oh, crap.
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