Ninjago: Dragons Rising (2023) s01e09 Episode Script

The Calm Inside

[suspenseful music]
[thunder rumbles]
Now you must focus
and connect with each target.
But, Master Wu, they're moving too fast!
[air whooshing]
[grunting continues]
Did I hit any?
Try again.
I'm not even gonna bother to look.
I missed them all, right?
This is impossible!
The rain, the thunder!
I can't even hear myself think!
How am I supposed to hit moving targets?
[sighs] That, my young nephew,
is precisely the lesson.
It is easy to hit targets
when your environment
is exactly what you want it to be.
But that is almost never a reality.
In life, there will be times of chaos,
when everything around you
is a raging storm.
The goal is to find a way
to tune out the chaos.
But how do I do that, Uncle?
When there is no calm outside of you,
you must find the calm inside of you.
Find your inner peace,
your balance,
and the outer chaos will go away.
[action music]
Lost in the unknown
So much to see ♪
Together we will rise! ♪
Yeah ♪
We fight ♪
Be a ninja for what's right ♪
Arin and Sora better find Riyu,
because if they don't,
we're not going to survive this.
[Lloyd screams]
-Where are you, Riyu?
[Sora] Hold up, Sora.
Wait, this dragon
has the same name as you?
How is that possible?
Long story.
So, you haven't seen Riyu
since you got separated
trying to escape the Imperium
Student Feelgood Club?
The Imperium
Teen Protection Force.
I hope they didn't find
the little guy.
They all wanted to be
in the Claws of the Imperium.
All they cared about
was capturing him.
If they did,
they'd have to report it
in the security logs.
Which would be bad,
but at least we'd know
where they took Riyu.
You want to hack Imperium logs?
But that means going back to
[Sora] The Security Station.
Sora, go back and help Lloyd
and the other dragons.
Two Soras. This is going
to get complicated.
Oh, that battle
looks pretty intense.
They might need my help.
But those dragon claws
are sharp. Oh.
[guard] What if
I get really scratched up?
You're an
Imperium Guard, Melvin.
You should definitely
stay here and guard,
away from even
the tiniest discomfort.
He's asleep.
I'm seeing all the recent
dragon captures,
but nothing fits
Riyu's description.
Where could he be?
Can anyone help me?
I caught a dragon all by myself!
The dragons are attacking the main gate!
Come on!
I think the Good Empress
would be impressed with my work.
Ugh! Why won't anyone listen to me?
I just want to impress the Empress!
Do tell.
Uh, all hail the Good Empress!
Look what you have brought me.
Well done, my boy.
[Riyu squawks]
[device beeps]
Ras, I have something you need to see.
Report to the palace immediately.
You were in the Cloud Kingdom, Nya.
How'd you get under the Monastery?
I'm not under the Monastery.
I'm under the Cloud Kingdom.
Which is exactly where you should not be.
Uh, no, that can't be right.
I was just playing video games and then
-Big shock.
Stopping Mergequakes by myself isn't easy.
I needed some self-care.
Anyway, I heard some weird whispers,
so I started following them.
I heard weird whispers too,
in the Cloud Kingdom Archives.
Like they were calling out to me.
But they were just
gibberish, like
[gasps] Mine, too!
Then I saw
this weird ghost thing.
A ghost thing that knew my name.
It led me down
some strange halls
and then through that gate!
I walked through the same gate,
but it was under the Monastery.
Is that some kind of portal?
[Nya] If it is,
it sent us both
to the same place.
Wherever here is.
Kind of looks like
a strange Monastery, doesn't it?
Dragon sun?
Dragon energy?
[whispering continues]
That's my whispery ghost thing.
Mine, too.
[light flickers]
[dragon roars]
Eat flame,
you bunch of flame-eaters!
Not fair!
[Lloyd grunts]
Release me! I must fight!
Yeah, you're welcome,
by the way.
Arin, Sora, come in.
We really need
some good news out here.
[Arin] Oh, no. Is it that bad?
[Lloyd] It's that bad.
I've hacked the city's
surveillance network,
and we're scanning through it
as fast as we can to find Riyu.
If you can't find Riyu,
you're going to have
to do this yourself,
without a spark.
I've never been able to use
elemental power on my own.
You know that.
[Lloyd] Sora, it's your
True potential. Yeah.
You told me a million times.
But what if my potential
isn't as true
as you think it is?
Stop! Wait! Go back!
There! Look!
[Lloyd] What are you seeing?
You found him?
Here's the good news you wanted.
We know where Riyu is.
But the bad news?
He's in the worst
possible place.
The Empress is pleased.
I see bright things
in your future, young Percival.
Your efforts
in the name of Imperium
will not be forgotten.
All hail the Good Empress!
So this is the little dragon
that is so important
to your big plan, Ras?
The one that gave you
so much trouble?
The Ninja make everything
more difficult.
So you say, and yet a child
just brought this beast to me
on his toy hoverboard.
When your friends see
what I'm going to do to you,
it will break their spirit.
This rebellion will end
and none shall ever begin again.
Call Dr. LaRow.
Have her come here
and drain the dragon's energy.
You can't do that yet!
My plan for
I am Empress
Beatrix Vespasian-Orus,
absolute ruler of Imperium
and protector of the true path.
I will not be told what I can
and cannot do by underlings,
especially outlanders.
Your plans are nothing.
Your thoughts are nothing.
All that matters
is my will alone.
[Lord Ras growls]
All hail the Good Empress.
Good. Call Dr. LaRow.
Drain the dragon.
[Riyu chirps]
[Kai] So our weird ghost guy
wanted us to see this?
What is it? Really, really ugly art?
[Nya sighs] Beats me.
Its power functions are inactive.
I can hook it up
so it can do whatever it is
it does, but
what if what it does isn't good?
[Master Wu whispering] It must rise.
-Was that
-Master Wu?
It sounded like Master Wu to me.
That makes no sense.
What if this is all just a trick?
Well, only one way to find out.
[sighs] I guess you're right.
[light hiss]
[light hiss]
Hey, like my new shoulder pads?
Oh, yes.
I love how they're identical to mine
and everyone else's.
I'm so jealous.
Most of the guards must be dealing
with the dragon break-out.
With our Ninja stealth training,
getting past those two will be no problem.
Lloyd hasn't given us stealth training.
You're just talking about that time
we snuck out to the carnival.
It was informal training.
[Arin grunts]
Hey! What's that?
Someone learned nothing
from informal stealth training.
Are you okay, kid?
That looked like a nasty fall.
Oh, uh, yeah.
Uh, thanks.
How did you trip, anyway?
It's perfectly
smooth ground here.
Oh, see, he was so upset
by what those mean people
were saying,
he didn't look
where he was going.
Meanies? Where? What'd they say?
Two streets over.
They said the Palace Guards
had ugly shoulder pads
that looked way different
than everyone else's.
Oh, did they now?
No wonder he was upset.
We'll handle this!
Don't you worry, kid.
We'll make 'em pay
for such meanery!
I can't believe that worked.
Sometimes I forget how weird
my hometown is.
What did you trip on, anyway?
We don't need to discuss
my clumsiness.
I punched myself
in the face yesterday, remember?
[Arin grunts]
Maybe we should try
sneaking into a window.
Good idea.
Going up!
There he is.
Let's get him out of there.
[suspenseful music]
Oh, no!
[Sora grunts]
[Dr. LaRow] What a delightful
little specimen.
[Beatrix] Time to justify
that research budget, Dr. LaRow.
The Good Empress
is always generous
to the cause of science.
[Riyu grumbles]
[Beatrix] Only when science
is generous to me.
-[Sora gasps]
-[Arin grunts]
[Beatrix] Remember that.
[machine whirring]
[clears throat]
Now, little dragon,
time to drain every last ounce
of life out of you.
Arin! Sora!
How long [screams]
[Arin] Lloyd, come in.
We're in the palace
and we've got eyes on Riyu.
But Ras is here,
and that Empress lady.
We don't know what to do.
Lloyd? Do you hear me?
[dramatic music]
[Master Wu] In life,
there will be times of chaos,
when everything around you
is a raging storm.
When there is no calm
outside of you,
you must find the calm
inside of you.
The calm inside.
Arin. Sora.
I'll get Ras and the Empress out of there.
Then make your move.
[Arin] You will? Uh, okay. Got it.
I know what to do. Turn around!
Dragons do not run from battle!
We're not running!
We're attacking the palace of the Empress.
Let's take this battle
to the heart of the Imperium!
Now that's a good idea!
[dragons roaring]
Where are they going?
What do they want that way?
What am I, a dragon psychologist?
Who cares? Just get after 'em!
A direct assault on the palace?
Such an affront is intolerable!
Hey! I have an office in there!
What'll happen to my collection
of delicate porcelain
unicorn figurines?
What? Unicorns have horns
on their faces!
That's hardcore! So shut up!
Ninja! How dare you lay siege
to Imperium Palace,
the seat of my power?
How dare you treat these dragons
like objects
just to be drained
so you can keep the lights on?
An Empress owes no explanations
to lesser beings!
Spare no one!
[all yelling]
Taste our fangs!
Quit it! Why would you do that?
How would that help?
I don't know
how to do anything else.
I'm not an engineer like you.
Maybe not, but I can't actually
finish this without you.
I need spot welds here,
here, and here.
Now we're talking.
Done, done, and
Okay. Now let's see
what the Master-Wu-ghost
wanted us to fix.
That ghost jerk made us
come all this way for nothing?
Oh, no. What have we done?
[elevator whistling]
[Nya gasps]
My friends, where am I?
Last I recall, we were flying
into that flickering storm.
The Merge?
Zane, that was years ago.
That is a binary distress call.
There must be trouble.
[machine beeping rapidly]
Receiving data from this unit.
Our friend urgently needs us.
It is time for the Imperium Monastery
to rise.
The Imperium Monastery?
Hold on!
Ugh. More drama in the streets?
How is a scientist to do her best work
under these conditions?
[both grunt]
Finally. The day
we've both been waiting for.
A chance to finish our bitter rivalry
once and for all.
Rivalry? With me?
Do I know you?
Lloyd, come in. Problem Huh?
[Lloyd] What problem?
We're getting slammed out here!
If Sora doesn't shut down the
A communicator?
[Jordana grunts] Not anymore.
Arin, Sora, come in!
Don't tell me
things are about to get worse.
[dramatic music]
What is this strange house?
No clue. Prepare for anything.
[all] Ninja never quit!
[closing theme music]
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