Pablo Escobar: El Patron del Mal (2012) s01e09 Episode Script

Paty por poco descubre las andanzas de Pablo

If Escobar's reputation
was full of dreadful stories, questioning,
doubts, I couldn't give him
my political support.
No, thank you for the interview.
And please,
say hello to Don Guillermo.
Thank you.
I came to talk
about Juan Manuel's birthday,
but I can see this isn't the right moment.
I'm sorry, Gloria,
but I'm quite worried
about this problem with Escobar.
But I don't see the problem.
You did what you had to do.
I know, I know that!
But if what they say
about Escobar is true,
we're dealing with
dangerous people.
Well, I don't know,
what worries me the most is
that you're confronting
dangerous delinquents
because of an election that
What? Come on, say it, Gloria.
An election that I'm going to lose anyway?
Luis Carlos, both of us perfectly know
that political habits
aren't going to change overnight.
You're confronting two parties
that in every election
put their political machinery to work.
They buy votes, give out food,
share positions.
It's a quite unequal fight.
I know,
but if you don't expect to win,
you're lost already.
I must continue my fight, Gloria!
No matter how powerful the machinery is.
Sooner or later,
voters will become aware of it.
Well, yes, you're quite right.
As with everything,
it's a process, isn't it?
If you don't win this election,
I'm sure you'll get to the next one
with a significant advantage.
What will we do about
Juan Manuel's birthday?
Throw a party, bring mariachis?
He says he'll hold his ground.
That's the least he can do.
You don't back down after having expelled
two members from a party.
Tell me,
did you talk to Escobar?
No, Don Guillermo,
he doesn't want to see journalists.
He's hiding. That's typical!
What about Ortiz?
The same. What shall we do?
Insist, Niki, insist!
We can't sit and wait
for those characters
to make a statement. We can't, Niki!
What then?
We have to delve into Escobar's past.
We have to find someone who confirms
what we all in this country
are suspecting.
Do you think that person
is going to appear?
According to our correspondent
in Medellin,
everybody says he's a drug trafficker,
but no one will confirm.
It would be absurd for the newspaper to
keep silence just to please drug dealers.
Someone has to say it.
Judges, the police,
someone has to know something.
How are we going to prove
that Pablo Escobar is a criminal?
We're going to do our best.
If you have to travel to Medellin,
you'll go to Medellin,
and the newspaper will support you.
But we'll need proof,
proof that confirms
that Pablo Escobar Gaviria
is a criminal who doesn't deserve
to become a member of the Congress.
That man is not convenient for us, Pablo.
Listen to me.
Why do you have to judge every person?
He is a politician,
that's enough to distrust him.
He has criminal friends. He's a criminal.
- What about the Sheriff?
- He pays him.
And now he's coming for our money.
Do you know what's wrong with you?
You're narrow minded.
You have no vision,
you don't know how things are
So, any asshole comes and tells us
you're going to be the president?
You think that's vision?
- And why couldn't I become president?
- 'Cause you can't.
I meet all requirements
to be the president.
I was born in Colombia,
I am an active citizen, over 30,
and I have the support I need
Come down from the clouds!
That man wants to use you.
Wait until he starts asking favors.
My friend!
Another aguardiente, please.
We're analyzing our next step
aren't going to approve
our alliance with Santorini.
What do we care?
Let them close their eyes
or cover their ears.
We have to be pragmatic
in this case, Pablo.
and I know how.
Get even, Pablo. Get even.
Listen, teacher, do you know how many
people live under these conditions?
No, Don Pablo, I don't know
the exact number.
All I can tell you
is that we are united, know each other
well and collaborate as much as we can.
Tell me,
do state authorities ever come here
and give you any type of support?
Are you kidding? Of course not, boss!
Can you imagine what would happen
to a politician
in a rubbish dump like this?
No, the truth is that
nobody ever comes here,
and the promised outside help
will never arrive.
So, we in the neighborhood
do our best to help each other
As it should be.
I'm going to help you.
Are you serious, boss?
I may be a person who tolerates poverty
but never misery.
You can count on it!
God bless you, boss!
All these people
are going to thank you immensely!
I'm sure about that, I know it.
Because we are not just looking
for seats in the Parliament
nor the Presidency of the Republic!
Our ambition is higher, much higher!
We're looking for a new society!
The right to health care,
the right to an adequate nutrition,
the right to education
and the right to housing!
Unless these four main rights
are adequately respected
for each Colombian citizen,
we'll have an unjust backward society!
I say to the guerrilla
that their battle will be fruitless
while they insist in convincing
the society by way of bullets.
If what they want is to defeat
traditional politicians,
democracy is the way to attain it.
We are here asking you for your vote
and committing ourselves
to represent you
in the national political scenario!
Because the time has come
for certain politicians in power
to stop depleting public funds!
And to return them
to those who contribute
and need it.
We've just heard the speech delivered
during his national political tour.
Let's go for a ride.
Look at him, he's quite a character.
He seems drunk.
Look at those skinny legs.
He was an athlete.
Hello! Are you having a good time?
A pretty outfit, man.
Let me introduce you
to some regional leaders
- Some what?
- Leaders.
What's up, man? I'm Pablo Emilio.
Gonzalo, my partner.
The woman you like
is the TV news presenter?
- Regina?
- Yes.
No, she's a beautiful woman, with lots
of class, very refined and all that,
but I think she's too old.
The one I like is her friend.
That one over there, the young brunette.
Either one would be good for me.
And they are looking at both of us, Pablo.
Both of us? You're nuts!
Not at you, at me.
I'm the owner of the ranch!
Am I not the owner too?
That's something quite different, man.
Of course, you and I own the ranch,
but who paid for all this, you or me?
The ball is rolling.
Hey, does that man own all this?
Yes, and he's running
for a parliamentary seat.
He can be a politician and all that,
but class?
And he's convinced he's a movie star.
Oh, yeah?
And if my eyes and intuition
don't fail me,
I think he's set his eyes on you.
Oh no, honey!
- Thank you very much! You can have him!
- Thanks, but he's not my type.
I've been escorted by the most
aristocratic men in this country.
This man is nothing
but a very rich social climber.
I totally agree with you.
- What's up girls?
- Hi.
Come, son.
Go ahead. I'm going to run an errand
and will be back.
- I guess I'll have to go there.
- Really?
Thank you very much!
Regina, I wanted you to know that I feel
very honored and pleased
to have you
and your friends' company
here in my modest ranch.
We are very happy. Thank you very much.
Though your ranch is everything
but modest, Pablo, and you know it.
It's like being in an African safari
It's fantastic!
Well, that was the concept
my partner and I wanted to attain.
In fact, we want to invite you
to accompany us
to a buggy tour so you'll have
the chance to personally see
the beautiful jungle animals
and our private and spectacular
bird collection.
Oh, that's fantastic!
And if you need anything,
just contact me and let me know
because we're here
to serve you exclusively.
Well, I have the impression
that there are certain female guests
who need priority attention.
Yes, let's say you're the guest
who deserves priority attention.
Angela is alone,
if you want to approach her.
It's the time to do it.
Well, the thing is that you are
a much more beautiful woman.
That's true!
Though a young model
is a more available trophy
for a brave man like you.
And what makes you think
I'm a brave man, Regina?
Well, to own this wealth at such
a young age, you must not only be brave
but daring, right?
That's true.
Well, yes, I like challenges a lot.
Let's say I measure up to anything.
I'm not afraid of challenges.
I don't doubt it,
but this challenge is indeed
out of your reach, Pablo.
Good luck.
Look, Regina!
Listen, Pablo,
is that how they swim, or what?
I suppose, because they are used
to swimming in pools not in rivers.
- Are you sure, Pablo?
- Yes.
No, this woman is drowning, Gonzalo.
Wait, Regina!
Keep your head out!
Try to bring her here.
That's it, that's it.
It was just a scare.
Relax, relax.
You weren't drowning.
Do you need help?
Yes, clear that for her to sit.
Do you want a glass of water?
Let's sit her here, come.
Sit down.
All right.
Are you okay?
- I'll get water.
- Yes.
It was just a scare!
- Right?
- I don't know.
I don't know what happened.
I think you fell in a deep hole.
Come, raise your arms
so your diaphragm will open up.
That's it.
Any better?
That's it, breathe slowly.
You have to relax, be at ease.
I feel fine.
Who is it?
- Good morning.
- Good morning, miss.
journalist from El Espectador.
I'd like to ask you a couple of questions
about Pablo Escobar.
That's why now, in front of you pressmen,
I publicly want
to hold Pablo Escobar and Gonzalo Gaviria
responsible for whatever
that may happen to me,
my physical integrity
and members of my family.
Listen miss, I said what I knew.
I really have nothing to say now.
In fact, the information was
of no use, believe me.
But they told me you handled a case
against Pablo Escobar, is that true?
Whether true or not, that information
is unimportant, miss.
That man will be a member of the Congress
and will enjoy parliamentary immunity.
This information is important.
Could you at least tell me
why you were trying him?
That's public domain information.
Look it up.
I looked in every court in Medellin,
and I didn't find anything against him.
You might be looking in the wrong place.
I'm very sorry, but I'm busy
with my children.
Will you excuse me?
You could see the ranch tomorrow from
Thank you.
Let me know whenever you wish.
I love politics,
but it's a quite stressing
and exhausting activity.
But Pablo, I think
we're on the right track.
I'll explain.
Sir, Javier told me you collect canes.
Therefore, my partner and cousin
brought you this wooden cane
with a greyhound figure carved in it.
It's a trifle, but it meant
a lot to the two of us.
What a nice gesture, Pablo!
Where did you get this cane?
Where did you bring it from, India?
Thank you, Gonzalo. Thank you, Pablo.
Another cane for my collection.
I appreciate it!
My pleasure.
Very kind of you.
Pablo, this is a very
high-level gathering.
Thank you very much.
This is a fantastic party.
The art of politics is
to do what you must do.
And what we need to do now
is do politics in this way.
This is the life we deserve at this level.
We also have to spend money on rich people
and see how we can help one another.
They already called me, Ortiz.
Some influential families
ask for favors, they make connections.
They asked to put roads through
their properties. Land valuation.
What do you think?
We are living in a vampire's nest,
but we have to say yes to everything.
What do you think, Pablo?
I don't know, Javier.
I sincerely think it makes no sense
to make rich people richer.
Besides, we the wealthy
are already complete.
We are the only ones.
I have a quite different strategy in mind.
Tell us what you're thinking, Pablo.
To do what's needed.
Give poor people what they need.
I recently visited the Moravia
shanty-town dump,
and you can't imagine the conditions
those poor people live under.
Are those poor people going to finance
your political campaign, Pablo?
Look Javier,
we humble people are very grateful.
And I know that once these people find out
that I was the one who had the power
to turn their darkness into light,
those votes will definitely be ours.
Pablo's ideas seem peculiar
but are rather interesting.
Come, my friend.
Take a picture of us for posterity.
- Come, Gonzalo.
- No, you take it.
Go ahead.
Excellent! This is a beautiful!
Don't you think so?
Mr. Santorini.
Give me a minute, please.
Pablo, don't forget that
the purpose of this party is to smile,
greet and promise everybody
the impossible.
Thank you very much, Mr. Ortiz.
All right, Pablo.
- Pablo Emilio!
- Hey, Crisanto!
What a nice party, special guests,
important people!
Important? No, you are
the important guest.
You don't know how much I wanted
to see and talk to you.
Tell me.
I urgently want to get even
with a couple of politicians who played
a dirty trick and cheated me,
and I think you're the guy
that can help me.
I want you and me to meet in private
and talk about it, okay?
- Of course.
- Yes?
Why do you behave this way
in front of my guests?
What do you mean? It's wrong if I talk
and wrong if I don't? Damn!
It isn't that. I mean to be kind,
to show social abilities,
as Santorini says.
To know how to communicate with people.
What was I supposed to say
to that stupid Santorini?
Forget it!
That I brought him a cane from India
when I didn't?
You simply say yes and that it was
a gesture and take the picture with us.
Gonzalo, thanks again. Very kind of you.
What a snitch this guy is.
Come Pablo!
Did you read it?
"Senator Alonso Santorini
in political campaign
with the member of the
Chamber of Representatives Javier Ortiz
and his deputy Pablo Escobar Gaviria
during a celebration in Napoles Ranch."
They don't look bored, do they?
Rodrigo, it's evident that those two
will go to the Congress with Santorini.
They invested so much money
in the campaign that they will win.
We have to prevent it no matter how.
And to do it we have to gather evidence
to show that man is a drug trafficker.
And we must do it now,
because once he makes it to the Congress
and gets parliamentary immunity,
that will be end.
Pablo, I asked you to come quickly
because they are taking our houses away.
We have to move.
But why are they going
to do that, mom? Why?
They say they are illegal,
that we have no license, that
License, mother? Why should
I need it to build working-class housing
in a property I own?
That's private property, that's my land!
I know, they have no right to do that.
But they say there is no license,
no authorization, that it is illegal,
that they will cancel it
or seize the houses.
And you know what people are saying?
That this is orchestrated from Bogota.
That they don't want you to be getting
support from the people you're helping.
That's what they're saying.
That's politics.
I told you so, Pablo.
Okay, friends,
get in the trucks. Don't worry.
Bring what you're wearing right now.
Once we get there, we'll take care
of anything you need.
How could I be sure
they're going to do that?
Relax, get in the truck
and ask your people to do it.
Yes, yes. Move! Collaborate!
Yes, let's do it!
Slowly, take it easy.
- Boss.
- What's up, teacher?
Very good, thank you very much!
My pleasure. I promised
I wouldn't forget about you. Madam!
I am proud and happy
to give you today
a decent roof to protect you from rain,
cold and scorching sun.
A decent roof
for you and your family to have a home.
We're talking about 60 houses
to start with.
The ideal is to reach 1,000 houses
for you to experience
and share the warmth of a home.
I remind you that this project
has been possible
thanks to
"Medellin without Shanty-Towns,"
an organization founded by me
to meet your housing needs.
And if the hypocrite,
hateful and cowardly oligarchy
of this country
tries to get you out of here,
rise against it, fight and don't budge.
Thank you very much!
each family will receive a chip
with the number of the assigned house.
You can use that chip to ask for items
you need to finish the houses,
for example, doors,
window-frames, toilets, etc.
Organize yourselves please
and stand in line.
One more thing.
On more thing.
You all know that Mr. Pablo Escobar
is running for Congress.
He's going to be responsible for each
one of you. We have to support him, vote.
We have to get ID documents
and vote for Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria!
23,000 votes on tables 57-58-63-64-65
I think that at this point your rating
will rise substantially.
We have to be cautious.
Oh, they are waiting for you!
Here's your juice, darling!
Darling, pay attention! Drink the juice.
Thank you.
Drink your juice. Are you worried?
I'm quite nervous.
- And how are you, sir?
- Very well, thank you.
Shall I bring ice for your scotch?
No, thank you.
Really? How exciting, love!
Pablo, a news bulletin.
Come on!
Okay, family, let's watch the news.
Come on, a bulletin!
Partial results for the presidential
elections are as follows:
Silvio de la Cruz, Conservative Party:
2,200,300 votes.
1,604,000 votes.
New Liberalism movement:
780,000 votes.
Almost 800,000 votes!
Almost 800,000 votes!
Now we are back in this election night
in our date with democracy
with the preliminary results
for Congress.
We have confirmed for senators,
Rodrigo Lara Bonilla
of the New Liberalism Movement,
And Alonso Santorini
of the Liberal Alternative Movement.
And according to this last bulletin
of the registry,
the representative
of the Liberal Alternative Movement
for the Antioquia is also confirmed.
Javier Ortiz.
You made it!
You made it!
What's up? What's up?
Allow me to congratulate you!
Thank you very much!
What do you think?
Forget that. It's over.
Fortunately Pablo is no fool.
If he decided to become a member
of Parliament, let's wish him the best.
It means we'll do better.
This is a special broadcast
- What are they saying?
- That the Democratic Front
Bulletin! Bulletin!
I'm coming, I'm coming!
On the road to the Presidency
of the Republic.
Attention please! There is a new bulletin
from the registry
with the latest results from the ballot
Don Guillermo!
- You have to see this!
- How many votes did Cruz get?
That's not the news.
800,000 votes?
After such a short campaign?
Without machinery?
Good God!
Yes, he did.
The bad news is that Javier Ortiz won.
Therefore Pablo Escobar will make it
to the Congress.
Tell the editor that he'll get
tomorrow's leading article
- in half hour. Go, go!
- Yes, Don Guillermo.
We can see, we can feel!
Panther, lion, tiger!
For justice!
For peace!
For democracy!
For liberty!
Not a single step backwards.
Always ahead!
And what must be, will be!
We can see, we can feel!
The surprise of this election
with an unexpectedly
high number of votes,
which although not enough
to get him the presidency,
has made him a new political force
with high possibilities
of winning the next elections.
Come here! Yes, sir!
Yes, sir!
Who's winning?
Let's go to bed, you have to rest.
It's been a long day, and daddy is tired.
Come on!
I'm fine.
Are you? But I'm exhausted.
I'm going to get tea, do you want some?
No. Come on!
Let's go to sleep.
What happened?
Why are we celebrating
if you lost the election?
Good point.
Let me explain it to you.
Do you see this number?
788,000 votes.
Those are a lot of votes, you get it?
Many, many votes!
this is the first time
an independent political party
has gotten so many votes
without machineries.
It's as if
an athlete from an unknown country who
goes to the Olympics for the first time
gets a bronze medal!
I don't get it, if you ranked third,
you didn't win.
What do you mean I didn't win?
Of course I won.
Actually, we won!
We never thought we were going
to get so many votes, you see?
That means that all those months
of work were worthwhile.
That's what it means!
It means your dad
isn't going to be president now,
but you can keep calling me Senator.
- I want to hear it!
- Senator.
- Again.
- Senator!
- Senator what?
Who are the Conservatives?
Because they said on TV
that they won because of you.
I'm going to try
to explain it to you.
That is a distraction sophism.
That's exactly what it is, a sophism.
I didn't take votes
from the Liberal Party.
What I did was reduce the difference
by which the Conservatives
won over the Liberals,
and that's quite different. Understand?
No more politics for today.
Let's rest now.
I know the phone
will start ringing at 5:00 am.
A kiss.
Can I say at school that we won?
Of course!
Not only that we won,
but that it was a historical event.
Hurray to Pablo Escobar Gaviria!
- I really thank you.
- You deserve it.
Congratulations, brother!
- Thank you.
- You deserve it.
Let's have a drink, dad.
National Congress Representative!
He is going to knock the house down, man!
- Who is it, honey? Who is it?
- I'll be back.
Herbert, that's enough!
Stop him! The boy is going to wake up!
It's hard for him to sleep.
How are you, Paty?
Are you happy, are you proud?
How does it feel to be the wife
of a member of the Congress of Colombia?
Well, I feel rather conceited.
Congratulations, honey!
May the Holy Virgin be with you
in this new phase
beginning in our lives.
Do you know what
they have just informed us, Paty?
That we are officially invited
to attend Spain's
presidential inauguration.
Can you imagine it?
Oh, Pablo!
That has to be a very elegant event!
What are we going to do?
We have to find a fashion adviser
to tell us what to wear,
so we won't make fools of ourselves.
Yes. I have to find out
if congressmen's wives are invited too.
In that case, you would of course join
me to the presidential inauguration.
If that's not possible, I thought
about bringing you a nice souvenir.
Can you imagine, Paty,
how would that wall look with a painting
of Mr. Dali that I will bring you
from Spain?
Are you kidding?
I'll bring it to you,
but we'll hang it on that wall.
Pablo, listen!
I told you things
were going to come out very well.
And it is clear that
you have to learn to trust me.
Your words surprise me, sir.
We never doubted that your guidance
would get us to the Congress.
Get close to the right ones
and you'll make it.
Pablo, you haven't said a word
since we came.
I was just thinking about
character assassination.
Don't worry about that.
It is a political issue.
And politics is like war.
There aren't half-won wars,
there aren't half-winners or half-losers.
There are winners and losers.
That's why we have to make decisions.
We'll settle that issue later.
The issue of character assassination
is a decision that's been made, sir.
That's already done.
Whose character?
Well, in an indirect way, yes.
What do you mean by indirect?
No, no.
I'd rather not know.
If you're going to say something,
say it to Ortiz.
I don't want to end up being involved.
As Romans used to say,
"A single witness is a null witness."
Order a scotch, let's celebrate!
What is it that the Romans say?
Will you join me?
Is that them?
All right, rather long.
- What, man?
- The flight.
- No, I don't drink.
- Aguardiente.
We are gangsters!
This series is freely adapted from
Based on news articles and real events,
the historical facts are surrounded
by fictional characters and dialogues
that recreate undocumented situations.
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