Pact of Silence (2023) s01e09 Episode Script

Golpe bajo

[melancholic rock ballad playing]
[chest lid creaks]
[nostalgic Spanish rock music continues]
Hey. What's that?
- Get outta here!
- I wanna see!
[Pedro] You can't just come in.
Knock first.
[softly] Martina.
[music grows ominous]
[woman hushes, echoes] Silence.
[César] I saw it.
But I did nothing. I didn't help her.
I mean, I just left.
Never told anyone what I saw.
My parents loved Pedro more than anything.
I couldn't bring myself to tell them.
- He was a predator. [sighs]
- [tense piano music plays]
You think Martina killed him?
[César takes a deep breath, sighs]
I don't blame her.
I saw pictures of your brother.
He was big, and he was a strong guy.
That's why I think she had help.
[music swells]
[tense music fades]
[Martina] I didn't think you'd come.
[Omar] Why not?
I never said things were over.
I hoped you might come looking
for me, though.
[Martina scoffs]
Then I guess
you must really love me to be so patient.
[Omar chuckles]
I told you how I feel.
[sighs] Except I couldn't say it back.
And now?
- Can you say it?
- [chuckles softly] Yes.
I'm totally freaking out
right now. [inhales]
I feel like I'm a teenager all over again.
Like I'm having a panic attack.
[inhales sharply]
But, yes. [sighs]
- I love you.
- [sensual pop music playing]
[sultry Spanish pop music continues]
- [song fades]
- [Sofía] Cami's asleep.
I didn't know you were smoking again.
I'm sorry it's been
just you taking care of her.
I don't mind being
the only one with Camila.
I can take her to daycare,
and I can feed her.
I can even put her to bed,
seeing as you get home later every day.
[sighs] I know.
You're right, of course.
- I'll really try to
- Sofía. Sofía.
It's pretty clear you think I'm a loser.
Okay. Maybe so.
I probably am.
I gave up on my dreams of being a painter.
Became a stay-at-home dad instead.
Because I knew you wanted to write again.
And I never thought
that would come between us.
- But it's like we're strangers now, Sofía.
- [Sofía] No, Manu.
It's just that we both have
a lot going on right now.
- I'm stressed. The book, you know.
- Who's Enrique?
[tense music playing]
- Enrique?
- [Manuel] Mm-hmm.
A colleague. Why?
Camila told me.
She said that he was
with you when she got lost at the fair.
Yeah. [inhales sharply]
I was chatting with him,
which is why I was a bit distracted
when she went to find you.
But I swear I was watching her.
It just happened so fast.
What happened to Cami was my fault.
Maybe you're right,
and we just have a lot going on right now.
I just wish that things like the house
and money didn't come between us.
Because Cami and I don't need
all that to be happy.
You used to believe that too.
And then you met Brenda
and started writing her book.
Is there anything else I should know?
- [tense music fades]
- [horns honking in distance]
Hey, Martina.
Look, whatever's going on
in Fer's head isn't my fault, okay?
Come on. You and I go way back.
I miss my basketball buddy.
Aren't you even
a bit happy to see me? [laughs]
[upbeat music playing]
- [net rattles]
- [Martina cheers, laughs]
So, how's Sam doing?
Better, but now I'm
Well, I'm worried about Tomás.
[Martina] Why?
[exhales] He's always out.
We don't know where he sleeps.
And the other night,
we heard that he got into a fight, so
But why?
He said he was defending his mom.
And so I'm pretty sure my problems
with Fer are affecting him too.
She and I don't even share a room now.
[clicks tongue] You two will sort it out.
I mean, you always do.
[net whooshes]
[sighs] I don't think so. Not this time.
We're both different people.
Like, I'm not blaming Fernanda
for everything.
It was me
who couldn't tell her what I wanted,
who couldn't communicate
my feelings to her.
[sighs] Instead, I hid at the office.
Or in here with you.
Hey, wait. Just listen to me.
I want to tell you something.
Sometimes, I count down the hours
before seeing you.
Especially when my day's been hard,
I think about us.
I realize I chose the wrong woman.
What the hell, Rodrigo?
- I better not hear that again from you.
- Marti
Out of respect for Fer
and respect for me, never again.
[Antonio] I don't get it.
You work your ass off every day,
and you still struggle
just to pay rent, you know.
You're doing shit for money
like when you asked me to scare that girl.
No, you messed up.
And I paid you. I didn't ask.
[scoffs] Hey, whatever, man.
You always pay late anyway.
'Cause you're always broke.
I can't pay on time because I've got
my whole family in Venezuela.
I pay for my mom's medicine.
I'm paying for lawyers
to move my mom here, man.
I'm still paying
to transfer my medical license.
I've got nothing left.
Hey, man. Listen.
I know it's none of my business, but
What if you, like, marry her?
[suspenseful music playing]
- Marry Martina?
- Yeah, man. She's crazy about you.
You marry her, and you'll be set
for the rest of your life.
[music swells, fades]
[García] Look.
This case is decades old, sir.
And there's nothing in the file
that confirms a crime was even committed.
It's been 25 years.
I'm sorry, but there are more urgent cases
that require our attention.
- [César] No. Hold on.
- [phone rings]
My parents would come here
and beg for answers.
- [Gustavo] Relax.
- If they haven't solved this
[Gustavo] Hey there.
How's my favorite lawyer doing?
Of course, I'll say hi
to my father for you.
You know, I'm having
a bit of a problem here.
I came to the station with my client.
And the officer here is saying
they're prioritizing more urgent cases.
Apparently, he's busy.
Yeah. I'll put him on.
It's for you.
[tense music playing]
Uh, this is Inspector García.
How are you, sir?
Yes, of course. Don't worry.
Yes. Yes, I'll handle everything.
[sighs] Well?
You going to help?
Gustavo's read my text,
but he didn't reply.
I've already sent him three messages.
"Any updates from the station?"
Well, if you trust this guy, then so do I.
The most important thing
is getting this case reopened
without mentioning Martina.
- Hmm. Why not?
- [gentle music playing]
I don't want the police harassing her.
I already talked to César.
What Pedro did to her wasn't her fault.
And she had every right
to defend herself and murder that asshole.
Even if he was my father.
[clicks tongue] Let's hope he wasn't.
But maybe he was right.
It's possible that Martina
got pregnant when she was assaulted.
Can you imagine
how she'd feel looking at her baby?
Imagine every single day,
being reminded of what happened to you.
[Alex] I know, Brenda.
But you didn't ask to be born.
It's not your fault.
[Brenda] I know, but
I've always wanted
to know who my mother is.
[sighs] What about my dad?
If it's Enrique,
that means I'm the daughter
of a pedophile who served jail time.
Imagine being Sofía
and dealing with that at 16 years old.
Of course
she couldn't take care of a child.
[Alex sighs] We don't know what happened.
This isn't helping.
You need to stop torturing yourself
with hypotheticals.
Or maybe Rodrigo's my father from the time
he cheated on Martina with Fernanda.
I still don't know
who could've gotten Irene pregnant,
but every new possibility
is so much worse than the last.
And now I'm starting to think
that whoever said
"ignorance is bliss" was right.
[music swells]
- [sighs]
- [music fades]
Did you tell Camila your name,
knowing she would mention it
to her father?
That's completely ridiculous. Come on.
What happened at the book fair
was a coincidence.
You've gone too far this time, Enrique.
After what happened to my Cami
I've realized we need to break this off.
Sofía, you think it's my fault
she got lost?
[tense music playing]
You can't be serious.
I've spent so many years
just making do with crumbs.
- I've been faithful and expected nothing
- That's completely untrue.
You're always bad-mouthing Manuel.
You want to tank my marriage,
thinking we'll be together,
but I won't let you.
It just makes me sick to think
that Manuel might suspect something.
I won't leave him.
Camila needs him.
And, yes,
I love you, Enrique.
But I'm not just a woman. I'm a mother.
[Enrique] Hey. Hey, sweetheart.
Listen. It was just a misunderstanding.
Let it go, please.
They've separated us before.
Please don't let them do it again.
[quietly] It's over.
You think so?
You won't be able
to stay away from me, my darling.
[somber string music playing]
[cell phone vibrates]
[Martina] How are you, Sof?
[Sofía] Not great.
Let's just say I've had a rough day.
- [music fades]
- Oh, yeah? Why?
I thought you said
the thing with Cami was no big deal.
No, it wasn't that. I
It's not worth talking about.
Enough about me. How are things?
Hmm. [sighs]
It's been a rough day here too.
I wasn't gonna tell anyone about it,
but I'm
[sighs]I'm just so pissed off,
I have to tell somebody.
[exhales] Listen. Rodrigo told me
he picked the wrong woman.
- [Sofía] Wait, like between you and Fer?
- Yes!
What's his problem? [scoffs]
He says things are awful.
That their marriage is basically over.
- [dramatic music playing]
- [Sofía] It's that serious?
Well, that's what he says,
but how is this my fault?
- [scoffs]
- This isn't on me, right?
This just proves my theory that
all men are complete and utter bastards.
[Martina] They're all the same.
Doesn't matter if it's a friend
or a coworker.
- All of them.
- No, not all.
[Sofía] Omar's never done
anything wrong, has he?
[Martina exhales]
I took your advice.
- I told him I loved him.
- Ah!
- [squeals]
- Martina. You go, girl.
Now it's time to take it
to the next level.
Hey, calm down.
What does "next level" mean?
[Sofía] You know, normal stuff.
You go to meet his friends, his family.
I imagine you've already been
to his place?
No. No, no, no, no, no, no. Not yet. No.
Because if I end up at his place,
that means we're following
all the steps
that we'd be a real couple, you know?
[Sofía] What do you think this is?
You are a real couple now.
Get him to show you where he works.
- [music fades]
- [Irene] Oh, they look good.
Your father's gonna love these.
- And what do you think?
- [Irene takes a deep breath]
It's not that I don't like them.
It's just
The photos are great.
I just don't want all of this to become a
[inhales sharply]a big thing
that gets out of control.
From this point on,
no more photographers or interviews.
We just need to keep this up
for the campaign.
[Irene] Mm.
Once you win,
Dad'll go public about his disease.
[Irene] I've been thinking
this whole campaign was a mistake.
That maybe I should be spending time
with him,
making the most of every last minute.
[Adriano] Dad's not dying.
No, I know that,
but every day, his condition gets worse.
Each day, he moves
less than the one before.
And his trembling gets worse
with every passing day.
[somber music playing]
What if something terrible
were to happen to him one day,
and I wasn't there to help him?
I'd like to think
he'll be with us the rest of our lives.
Oh, I want that to be true.
But if we don't get that
I'm gonna make good on my promise to him.
The same promise I made to myself.
[quietly] What?
Become the president of Mexico?
[laughs] Well, I'll do that too.
- [Irene scoffs]
- But there's something more important.
[scoffs] What could possibly be
more important than that?
[Irene] Mm. [chuckles]
[softly] No.
I promised him I'd look after you.
And that I'd love you
for the rest of my life.
And that's what I'm going to do.
[softly] Well, okay then.
[Alex] Every political website
has published these photos of him.
They're clearly trying to quash
the rumors about his health, right?
He looks pretty healthy to me.
[clicks tongue] Hold up. [sighs]
I don't know, Alex. This seems weird.
It just feels like there's something
that they don't want us to know.
I mean, Adriano never introduced us,
and he barely mentions the guy.
[energetic music playing]
[woman] Welcome. Thank you for being here.
It's wonderful to be here.
Thank you so much.
Thanks for having me.
It's a pleasure to see you.
Thank you for being here.
And right here, this is our new garden.
We'd like to build an area
for the children to play in.
And here's the infirmary. Please, come in.
- [Irene] Thank you.
- [woman] Of course.
Yay. This is for you, sweetheart.
- Oh, yay! [laughs]
- [crowd cheers]
[Irene] Hi there. What's your name?
- Hugo.
- Hugo! Well, this is for you, Hugo.
Bravo! [laughs]
Oh, these are beautiful.
Thank you so much. [chuckles]
- And what's your name, sweetie?
- Lucía.
[tense music playing]
- [sounds distort]
- [camera shutters clicking]
[young Irene]
I don't think they'll notice.
It's not like anyone will visit.
- [music fades]
- [wind blowing gently]
[tense music continues]
Ma'am, are you feeling all right?
Yes Yes, I'm fine.
And this is for you.
- Thank you.
- [Irene chuckles]
Of course.
[crowd applauds]
[music fades]
[footsteps approaching]
[Sofía] How was your day?
I spoke to the owner of a restaurant.
Apparently, he needs waiters.
[Sofía] But you're an artist.
You can't stop painting.
[Manuel] I can still paint at night.
[sighs] But that's ridiculous.
If you wanna work, I support that.
But the book is almost finished,
and I can take care of Camila.
You don't need to get another job for us.
Would that be so horrible?
No, of course it wouldn't be.
But you'd be doing it in order
to prove something that I already know.
Because I know you're strong.
[Manuel sighs]
And you care so much for your family.
[gentle music playing]
I'm sorry if I hurt you.
- I never meant to.
- [Manuel sighs]
I only want to fix
whatever it is that's come between us.
[Manuel] You're the one who's changed.
You're right.
But I promise you,
I can be who I used to be.
You promise?
[both chuckle]
[gentle music building]
[music grows tense]
[crickets chirping]
[music fades]
- [Itzel] Ma'am?
- [Fer] Mm.
What would possess you
to sneak up on me like that?
[sighs] It's okay. Chill out.
No one else is at home.
And why do you think I'd be worried
if someone else was at home?
Ah. Because I saw you hiding your wine
from your husband when he came home.
- That's not true.
- [Itzel chuckles]
And it's no concern of yours.
Yes, ma'am. I know that. [chuckles]
It's just that I'm the same way.
For me, it's my old man I'm hiding from.
"You mustn't drink," he tells me.
So instead of buying some beer
or maybe wine like you've got,
well, I tried vodka.
- [tense music playing]
- [chuckles] It doesn't smell.
To everybody else, I'm drinking water.
It's like the best choice
I could've ever made for drinking booze.
[both laugh]
So, do you want one?
- [whimsical music playing]
- [Itzel chuckles]
So? Do you want another "lemonade"?
Yes. Yeah, pour me another one
and one for yourself too.
So I'm not drinking alone.
[chuckles] It's just that
Ugh. No, ma'am. I can't.
I shouldn't be touching the stuff at work.
Oh please! Come on.
Look, I'm your boss,
and I want you to drink with me.
So, grab the bottle, and let's go.
Come on. We're going to the pool.
I won't say anything
to your old man. You can relax.
Okay, ma'am. You win.
I've gotta say,
I really like you when you're all chill.
[Itzel] What are we toasting to, anyway?
[Fer] Too many things to count.
Like the fact that my kids hate me
or that my husband
can't stand being around me.
Wait a sec. You've got the bottle,
so you better top me up here, girl. Okay?
- Ah. Right away, ma'am.
- [laughs]
[Itzel] It sucks
your kids don't respect you, ma'am.
I'd kill for a life like yours.
What life?
[sighs] This mansion, for one thing.
Check out the garden.
Hey, you know I've never paddled
my feet in a pool before? [laughs]
[Fer] Seriously?
Oh, well, careful you don't fall in.
- [Itzel screams playfully]
- [laughs] Whoo-hoo!
[both laughing]
[whimsical music fades]
- [Adriano] Hello.
- [Brenda] Hi.
They just told me you were here.
Why didn't you tell me you were coming?
Because I wanted to surprise you.
Don't you like seeing me? I missed you.
- Yeah. Of course I do.
- Mm-hmm.
You're avoiding me, aren't you?
[exhales] Sorry. The past couple days
have been crazy.
But we've almost wrapped the campaign.
I promise I'm gonna make it up to you.
- Okay. You better.
- [sighs]
[Brenda chuckles]
[slurring] My mother was a
She was, like, very strict, right?
And now I'm acting
exactly the same. [slurps]
- Yeah?
- Right?
My mom, I had to be perfect for her.
Look at me.
Just do me a favor and look at all this.
I am so far from perfect, it's
[Itzel laughs]
My kids My kids hate me.
I'm just a complete mess.
[tense music playing]
You don't wanna come in for a bit?
I'm sorry, baby. No.
I have to take care of a few things.
Yo, Sam. Don't listen to him.
He doesn't wanna see Mom.
[Sam huffs]
[Rodrigo] Sam. Honey.
- [tense music fades]
- [gentle music playing]
Hey, I'm also a mother.
I've got a baby girl.
She's so cute and small.
Aw! You have a baby?
- Yeah. I do, yeah.
- [laughs]
But sometimes, I wish
sometimes, I wish I could just run away
and forget about everyone
and leave it all behind, you know?
- Mm. Yeah.
- [Itzel sighs] Mm-hmm.
I get you. [slurps loudly]
Don't forget karma.
- What's that mean?
- [slurping]
It's when you do something bad
and you get punished for it.
- [laughs]
- No, I'm serious.
- I'm serious.
- [laughs] The hell?
- I'm not joking.
- No.
[Itzel chuckles]
What I did was very bad, you know?
But now I'm paying
for everything I've done.
Tomás, what's up?
You were quiet the whole drive home.
So? I'm not allowed to be quiet sometimes?
[Sam] No, it's just,
you don't seem like yourself.
Do you need money?
Do you owe someone money?
No. And it's none of your business.
[tense music playing]
Hey. After you got beat up at the club,
you promised to stop.
If you don't tell me,
I'm telling Dad about it.
Go ahead, then.
- [distant laughter]
- [Sam] Hey, listen to me.
- [Fer] No, it's not like that. I can't.
- [Itzel] Tell me.
[Itzel laughs]
- [menacing music playing]
- [speaking inaudibly]
- No fucking way.
- [Itzel laughs]
[Tomás] Mom!
- Hey, Tomás.
- [Tomás] Mom!
[Fer] Whoa.
- What the fuck are you doing?
- [Fer] Hold on.
[slurring] Stop yelling, Tomás.
[somber music playing]
[Sam] Mom!
Mom! Are you okay?
- Hey, ma'am
- [Sam] Mom, look at me.
[Itzel] Ma'am?
- Tomás!
- Don't you fuckin' touch her!
Just get out!
Get outta here!
- [Sam] Bring me some ice!
- [Tomás panting]
[Sam] Tomás!
You have to help me!
[Tomás breathing shakily]
What the fuck? What the hell, Mom? Get up!
- [Sam] Be careful, Tomás!
- [Tomás] Get up!
- What happened? Come on.
- [Fer groans]
- Get up!
- [Fer] Tomás [sighs]
[menacing music continues]
- You okay, Mom?
- Yeah, I'm fine.
[shakily] Are you hurt at all?
[Brenda] Your house is amazing.
It's perfect. I mean,
it's like a model home or something.
So well-kept. Is it really old?
Yeah. It was in my family for generations
before my father inherited it.
[sighs] I can only imagine
how much it must mean to you.
Yeah. It's part of who I am.
[cell phone rings and vibrates]
Oh, um Do you mind if I
- No, no, no. Go.
- [call connects]
Hi, Mom. What's up?
Yes. That's no problem.
I can check the files in the studio.
- Yeah.
- [Brenda, softly] Go ahead. It's okay.
[Adriano] Right. Uh, just a second.
[suspenseful music playing]
[door squeaks]
[door creaks]
[Brenda gasps]
[music swells]
[newspaper rustling]
Shouldn't you go to the doctor?
I'll talk to Tomás
[Fer] No, no. Please, don't.
- But he froze. He didn't know what to do.
- No. Please don't, honey. Sam, just No.
- [Sam] Thanks.
- I need to talk to you anyway.
[Sam] Go and find Tomás.
- Is that okay?
- Yeah.
I'm so sorry.
I'm sorry, honey. I made a mistake.
You don't have to apologize, Mom.
I didn't want to, but she gave me vodka.
[tense music playing]
[breathing shakily]
See? [sniffles] It's her.
It's the homeless friend of Brenda's.
I've got no idea how, but she's
in my house right now as a maid, man.
I know Brenda sent her to spy on us.
Maybe she knows I helped you bury her.
[Itzel] No! No, no, no!
[screams] No!
- [Tomás grunts]
- [Itzel moans]
- [Tomás shouts]
- [Itzel groans] No!
No! [grunts]
[Tomás grunts]
- [somber music playing]
- [gasps]
Oh no. It's my fault, 100%.
I'm so embarrassed, Mr. Ricardo. Sorry.
No, no, no.
You don't have to apologize for anything.
Your house is so massive,
I practically needed a map
just to look for the bathroom.
[sighs] It's a blessing too.
I'm actually glad you almost got lost
because now we've finally met.
- [Brenda chuckles]
- [Adriano] Dad?
[tense music playing]
- What are you doing here?
- It was my bad.
I can explain. I was
What happened was I heard you two talking,
and I wanted to meet her.
So I got up.
I mean, this is Brenda,
the woman you love, right?
[Brenda laughs]
[Ricardo] And I can see why.
She's a hell of a woman.
[Adriano] I hope
we can count on you to be discreet.
About about my father's illness.
Of course. Yes. Don't worry about me.
Well, look, Brenda.
Now that you're a part of our family,
I'm sure it's obvious how important it is
we take care of each other.
- Absolutely, Mr. Ricardo.
- [sighs]
- [tense music continues]
- [siren wailing in distance]
Okay, can you tell me what's going on?
I wanted to tell you in person.
Because I really don't want Mom
or Tomás to hear about this.
Mom fell down near the pool.
- [tense music swells]
- [takes a deep breath]
Sam, tell me the truth.
Was your mother drinking before she fell?
[dramatic string music playing]
[exhales] You have no idea
how much I hate this, Sam.
Neither you nor your brother
deserves to see your mother
when she gets like that.
[crying] The problem is that,
um [sniffles]
Tomás didn't want to help.
And the new maid disappeared
right after the whole thing happened.
Tomás was screaming and yelling at her.
[sniffles] And I'm pretty sure
he went to get high.
- [Tomás panting]
- Tomás, what's going on? Hey. What is it?
- [Tomás sighs]
- [Fer] Are you leaving?
[Rodrigo] To get high?
[clicks tongue, scoffs]
He's doing drugs now?
[music building]
Tell me what's going on.
Where are you going?
When you say drugs,
do you mean pot, or is it something else?
Smoking pot, taking pills.
He's doing everything.
It's bad, Dad. [sobs]
Tomás! Where are you going?
[crying] Mom, just let me go, please.
[sniffles] I didn't do anything.
He got beat up
because he owes somebody money.
I don't wanna see you anymore, Mom!
[Fer] What what did I do?
You got fucking wasted with the new maid!
That's not enough for you? I fired her!
I'm sorry, baby. You have to forgive me.
You have to, baby.
- Look, I'm never gonna drink again.
- No, Mom. We both know you're lying.
- Just listen. Please.
- You're a fucking liar!
No. I'm not lying. I swear, I'll
- I'm so done with this!
- [Fer] Tomás!
- [Tomás] Get off me!
- [Fer] Tomás!
- César.
- [César] Hey, Brenda.
So I just wanted to come and thank you.
The lawyer said he'd be able
to reopen my brother's case.
- [Brenda] Oh, hey. That's great. I'm glad.
- [chuckles]
Sorry. I hope you don't take this
the wrong way,
but you you could've told me
all of this just over the phone.
I'd rather
you not come over here unannounced.
Yeah. You're right.
Of course. Um, that's my bad.
[cell phone chimes]
[cell phone chimes]
[suspenseful music playing]
- [voicemail] We're sorry. The pers
- [beeps]
- What's up? Are you okay?
- [Brenda] Uh give me a second.
[line ringing]
- Alex.
- [Alex] Hey. What's up?
I spoke with Gustavo.
He said everything's great.
[Brenda] Yeah, I just heard from César.
But I got a message from Itzel saying
to come get her from a place I don't know.
[Alex] What? Now?
She's probably still over at Fernanda's.
[Brenda] Right. But then I called her,
and it went straight to voicemail.
[sighs] You don't think she's relapsed?
[Brenda] I told you
getting her involved was a mistake.
[cell phone chimes]
[tense music playing]
She just sent me another text.
Said I have to hurry.
- [Alex] It's okay. I'll pick you up.
- There's no time. I've gotta go now.
Brenda, wait.
You can't go somewhere alone.
- You remember what happened last time?
- I know. I know.
- Is César still there?
- [Brenda] Yeah.
No way you're going alone.
Maybe he'll go with you if you ask?
- I'll ask him.
- [Alex] Be careful, please.
[call disconnects]
[Brenda] I have to go find a friend.
- [César] Did something happen?
- I don't know.
[suspenseful music playing]
- [César] Are you sure it's here?
- [Brenda] Yes.
[Brenda gasps]
[screams] Itzel!
No! No!
No, no, no, no! [panting]
No! Itzel! No.
César, help me. Grab her legs, okay?
[sniffles, panting] Wake up. Wake up. No.
Please, Itzel.
No, damn it. Please.
Don't leave me. No. No.
[Brenda sobbing]
Look, we can't
It looks like she's had a
- She overdosed. [gasps]
- [Brenda] Get off of me!
[dramatic string music playing]
[Brenda, quietly] She was murdered.
- She was beaten to death.
- [César] No.
They killed her. It's my fault.
It might've been an accident.
Maybe she blacked out.
- No.
- [César] Maybe
It was my fault. She's dead because of me.
[hyperventilating, cries out]
[cell phone chiming rapidly]
[César] Hey, you need to see this.
[Brenda breathing shakily]
[sinister music playing]
[engine revving]
[loud bang]
[engine revving]
[loud crash]
Hey, what's the rush?
I sent her the pictures.
[Adriano] It'll keep her
from suspecting me.
I was here
with her when she got the photos.
[tense, energetic music playing]
No way, man. What the hell?
We have to stop this. We can't kill her.
[shovel scraping]
Then go.
That wasn't the deal, man.
I'm telling you to go.
- [Tomás breathing shakily]
- [shovel clatters]
[tense music building]
[music swells]
- [siren approaching]
- [Brenda sobs]
Brenda, we have to go now.
No. No, I won't leave
Brenda, look at me.
Do you want the police to find you here?
We're going to find
the person who did this.
- But I can't
- Please, Brenda.
- We have to go.
- [Brenda] No.
Come on. Let's go.
No. My God. I'm so sorry, Itzel.
[tense, energetic music continues]
[closing theme music playing]
Subtitle translation by: Mariela Rascioni
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