Quality Assurance in Another World (2024) s01e09 Episode Script

Akira Kagami

Haga did his best to find Nikola
a new class in Bayle's castle town.
He at least wanted to get her some gear
and ended up buying a peculiar weapon.
Meanwhile, I got my debugger stone back
thanks to a secret deal with my old boss.
I was able to bring Luu back,
but she'd lost all her memories of me.
Then, as I was standing around
in my depression,
the black knight we saw at Bayle Castle
appeared and cleaved the boss in half.
That black knight turned out to be
So, once again
I'm Akira Kagami,
a debugger with Entermation, Inc!
I can't believe the black knight
was actually a debugger.
Sorry about what happened at the castle.
I wasn't sure if you were an enemy or not.
But how were you able to get
into our main quest line?
I was investigating Bayle Castle, too.
I got lost inside and was wandering around.
Then I saw you being
taken in at the front gate.
So when you three shifted to the main quest,
I guess I got sent with you.
Main Quest "The Mad King"
Escape Castle Bayle
-Escape Your Cell
You mean you were mistakenly
considered part of our party?
I poked around some, but I couldn't figure
out if it was intentional or a bug.
So I just started roaming the castle.
Oh, a gold coin!
Lucky me!
And that's when you ran into us?
That's right!
And so we fought, but you guys
didn't seem like bad people.
So I decided to pull back.
Thank goodness.
Amano-kun told me what you've been up to.
You've been through an awful lot, haven't you?
Well, you could say that
Huh? Wait—
U-Uh, um
You You
You did such a good job!
A really, really, really good job!
H-H-H-Hey! H-H-H-Hold on!
You did great too, Amano-kun! So great!
Hey, kn-knock it off!
Wow, you're so fluffy!
Whatever! Just let go!
When I think of how you've suffered,
it just brings me to tears!
What's wrong with her?!
You too, little missy!
I-I think she's pretty tired,
so let's leave her be!
A-Anyway, Kagami-san, what brings you here?
That's rather serious business.
You okay with that?
It's been, what, a year now?
We haven't been able
to log out for a long time.
Akira Kagami
When it happened, I was beside myself.
But someone inspired me to think
about how I really wanted to live.
And so, I've decided to
accept this world for what it is.
I'm going to live my life
normally within this world.
Live life normally, huh?
So bad debuggers like your boss,
who make normal life impossible,
are my enemies!
And you're all by yourself?
I've got friends in the Principality of Sai,
but right now, I'm solo.
So, you know
When I saw how hard you were trying
to get by normally too, I was awestruck!
I seriously respect that!
So I was wondering if maybe
we could travel together.
I mean, I'm coming with even if you say no!
Hey! I told you to knock that off!
So fluffy!
Welp, I'll go get a room! See you!
I'm okay with her joining if you are.
She doesn't seem like a bad person, but
She sliced the boss in half
without a second thought.
Well, if it comes to that,
we've got a lethal weapon.
We can just tell her that
Nikola is an NPC follower.
Let's not tell her about Tesla for now.
I agree.
Also, Haga
I wanted to show you this.
A debugger stone?
Is this yours?
I just so happened to find it
in the rubble at Bayle Castle.
Should I hand it over to you?
No, no. That's okay.
I trust you, Amano-san.
I see.
Now we can make bug reports together!
It'll go so much faster!
What's that?
Oh, that
So we've got a new Seeker friend?
And a fighter, no less!
The name's Akira! Nice to meet you!
I'm Nikola—
You did great!
Oh, what a good kid you are!
And so cute! Mm-hmm!
N-Nice to meet you.
Mm-hmm, you're great!
What can I get for you?
Scrambled eggs, but I want them soft.
And French toast with plenty of whipped cream!
Can you make enough for four?
Sure thing!
You can order like this, huh?
Let's say it's a Seeker's privilege.
Now, let's eat before it gets cold!
You're such a wild eater!
Wow, Nikola-chan!
Tesla-san's not saying a
word about Akira-san.
There's still stuff we don't know.
Well, I suppose she's waiting
to see how this pans out.
Oh, wow!
So what do we do now?
Oh, I was thinking about that yesterday.
Wilsword Empire
of Liono
Bayle Wetlands
Principality of Sai
Federated Kingdoms
of Stamao
of Bayle
For the next main quest, "Each Nation's Ambition,"
we can go to any country.
So, since it's the closest country, how about
going to the Federated Kingdoms of Stamao?
Hey, I came through Stamao
on my way from Sai.
I can show you the way.
I'd really appreciate that.
Except, Akira-san, um
I know.
No using debug mode, right?
I only ever use it against
bad debuggers, anyway.
It scares me.
Want this?
No, no need to go so far.
I take you at your word.
I'm so full
Hey, aren't you going to put on your armor?
I'm giving that up.
It's too hot!
We've got a new comrade,
and we're off on our next adventure!
I'm still just an apprentice thief, but
Just a villager
I have this Necromancer's Skull!
There's a village about ten days'
walk along the main road.
Haga-san, what are those?
A giant's footprints, maybe?
There are giants in the mountains,
I've heard, but this area should be safe.
Is it a subquest?
No, I checked, but
We'll be fine as long as
we stick to the road.
They're not aggressive monsters.
His brain's locked in debug mode.
He can't just ignore something like this.
I see.
There are human footprints, too.
Was there a fight here?
We're going to leave you behind!
Okay, I'll make dinner. Give me a minute.
I'll cook tonight, Haga-chan.
I've leveled my cooking skill!
No, that's okay. This is always my job.
In that case, let's have a cook-off!
Let's both make two dishes
and see whose are better.
Haga-san, good luck!
Nikola, our job is to find
water and firewood.
Haga-chan's Dishes
Mountain Herb Soup
Even Though He
Just Cooked Meat
I'm done!
Akira's Dishes
Keikei Bird
in Orange Sauce
with Vegetables
and Berry Tart
Now, eat up!
Well, who did better?
Haga, you're skilled,
but you're a culinary one-trick pony.
Meanwhile, Akira's presentation
was thoughtful.
She puts her skills to better use than you.
You're so harsh, Nikola-chan!
I'm doing the best I can.
Don't let it get to you, Haga-chan.
There's no denying that Akira's
adapted to this world well.
As for Haga
all he cares about is debugging.
That's good!
Akira comes across a lot more normal than him.
Above us!
A-A giant fell from the sky?
Something's coming from the forest.
Federated Kingdoms of Stamao
A collection of small tribes in the Stamao Mountains.
Several hundred of them live in constant conflict,
except when faced when an external threat.
They then come together as one due to an ancient treaty.
So hot
Lord Elf\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h
A woodland race with long ears and porcelain skin.
Their exceptional capacity for magic makes lord elves
who are trained as mages the most feared opponents
on the battlefield.
Haga-chan, get next to me.
Amano-kun, you stay close to Nikola-chan.
Here they come!
You okay?!
I'm fine!
They're running?
What in the world?
It's like something scared them.
Something's coming in behind them. Get ready.
That's no giant.
He's so strong!
Who are you guys?! Bandits?!
Don't get in my way!
Is he the one who knocked that giant this way?
Turned tail, did they?
We're King's Seekers. We're not bandits.
We're heading to the capital
by order of our king.
King's Seekers?
I'm a Seeker too, actually!
You are?
See? Here's the proof.
Looks real to me.
So you're buddies, huh?
That's great!
U-Um, I'm Haga from Nishima Tech.
And you?
I'm Gaydle from the Moravi Settlement.
Nice to meet you.
Um, what's your real name?
Huh? What do you mean?
My village gets attacked by giants a lot.
Both men and women alike are raised to fight.
We do battle almost every day.
A village of fighters, huh?
Wait, so he's an NPC Seeker?
I guess it makes sense that a few exist.
Until a while ago,
I was just an ordinary villager.
But one day a Seeker came to our village!
We got to be friends,
and he made me a Seeker.
So you went from villager to Seeker?
The same thing happened to me!
I'm Haga-san's apprentice!
What a coincidence! We're the same, then!
What's the name of the Seeker
who came to your village?
Probably Written
So it was a player.
Thanks to him, I have enough
power to fight the giants!
That debugger did something to this
villager to give him the power to fight.
He probably used his debugger stone.
This doesn't seem like a bug.
But something doesn't feel right, y'know?
So, Gaydle-san, is this Yamanaka
person still in your village?
No, he vanished right after
he made me a Seeker.
Well, there are freelancers out
there who act on their own.
We'll have to go his village and see
for ourselves what's going on.
Gaydle-san, can you take us to your village?
You want to visit?
The elders will be super happy!
We should make it to the village by evening.
The path
This is in the way.
There we go!
You okay?
You really are strong, huh?
I bet you'll be as strong as me soon!
This is the Moravi Settlement.
Moravi Settlement is an odd name.
I wish I could check the name list.
There you go again.
I'm back! Hey!
Let's go.
This is the elders' house.
Stay here in our village tonight.
Thank you.
They don't look happy to see us.
That's right!
When giants attacked the other day,
I defeated them all myself!
It feels kind of tense in here.
If that man were here,
this wouldn't have happened.
No, maybe this is what he
wanted from the start.
It doesn't matter.
We'll solve the problem ourselves. Tonight.
I overheard those guys, too.
You going to investigate?
Yeah, I suppose.
Then take this.
It's an elf whistle.
It makes a sound only elves can hear.
Blow it if something happens.
All right.
Be careful, okay?
I will.
Elders, we can't take this anymore.
He's protecting the village!
And that's always been our job!
But the attacks from giants
have become less frequent.
I know you can't see, old man, but I wish
I could show you what he did to my brother!
I picked a fight with him
and this is the result.
I barely survived.
You can't talk it out?
It'll never work. He's a monster.
So that's why the village is so tense.
What did Yamanaka do to Gaydle?
This is our chance,
while he's drunk and asleep!
So you're going to do it?
Yes, we're going to kill Gaydle!
This isn't a subquest, but
Let's go!
What do I do?
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