Rafuchakkar (2023) s01e09 Episode Script

Birds of feather

So friends, the plan is simple.
Fyr Fintech is a
one stop virtual wallet
where our consumers can buy,
sell and trade as well.
Three tasks in one place.
There are thousands of
such wallets in the market.
What's your USP?
Oh c'mon, Bharat!
I am the USP, Sarvesh Pathania!
Jokes apart,
yes, there are many virtual
wallets in the market
but can any of those wallets
that guarantees a minimum
of 100% returns through crypto?
- So you mean siit coins?
- Oh no!
Fyr coins, made in India.
Like other crypto currencies,
we'll keep creating new
fyr coins through crypto
and through social media
we will target the
young desperate investors
and get them to invest.
We'll convince amateur investors
that investing in fyr coins
will get them 100 times returns.
Investors can be desperate
but not foolish.
Why would people invest in this?
For years people have been buying trash
in the name of sale and offers.
We're talking about billions, sir.
Sell dreams and watch the drama unfold.
But Mr Pathania, what about the product?
To mine crypto currency
on such a huge scale,
we'll need high power
super computers that run 24/7.
In spite of investing billions in
we won't attain break
even for 2-3 years.
What about security?
Till now no digital money
is backed by any government asset.
Amit, what if I say
it's possible to mint our coins
without setting up expensive
mining rigs?
A home computer needs minimum
electricity, am I right?
If we add 10,000 such
computers in a network,
what do we get? We get a super computer.
We'll use that super computer
remotely to mint our coins.
And they'll foot the electricity bills.
For the people, by the people.
Very sharp! I like it.
So, it's an investment worth 500 million
and within 6 months you'll
get 4% returns which is 200 billion.
What about the guarantee?
Here's the guarantee.
This hard disc has details of all my
off shore accounts.
One click and you can
retract your entire investment
maybe even more.
This also has all the
fyr coins we generated so far.
The decision lies with you.
If you want to wire the money,
you're welcome to stay otherwise
We can make money using that hard disc
then why should invest in your scheme?
You're right, Bharat.
You can try
but at your own risk.
Got you!
So, how do we wire it?
- That's my kind of question.
- Manish.
Sir, we've set up the accounts.
I'll send you all the details
then we can carry forward.
Excuse me, sir.
Get him.
Through an earn from home scheme
he misused many people's systems
for crypto currency mining.
Fyr coins.
Fyr coins on fyr app?
Yes, just like siit coins.
But that's a bubble.
The currency that Pathania
converts into dollars
belongs to the investors.
He'll make off with it soon.
He has to be stopped within 15 days.
Being an insider, Pathania knows
crypto currency regulation act will be
passed in the current budget session.
Once the act is passed,
fyr currency will lose its demand.
That's why he has accelerated his plan.
Then why is he bent
on getting you arrested?
Because I got hold of his trump card.
Hard disc.
But Pathania isn't foolish
enough to have no back up data.
You're right.
Money has no back up
but that hard disc holds Pathania's fyr
coins worth billions.
It took him a year to earn that.
How did you get hold of that hard disc?
He gave it to me
by invitation.
- Really?
- Yeah really.
Is it?
I don't think you should check your
reflection often, sir.
You always look handsome.
Well, you really know
how to flatter people.
Of course he does.
He's a charmer.
I see.
- Shall we?
- Sure.
Come, we're getting late.
So you stole the hard disc,
Pathania didn't check the safe
nor the CCTV footage
and launched the Udaan.
Isn't it too good to be true?
It is
but I just saw the hard disc that day,
not steal it.
I stole it on the day of the launch.
First I cracked the locker's password.
What happens is when you press
the password key,
over a period if time,
the keys retain marks.
If you see it through a scanner,
you'll see it clearly.
Then I came up with 10 password
combinations from the marks.
One password matched Vinita's birth year
and when I pressed that number
on the locker,
it opened.
But there's one problem.
The hard disc is encrypted
and I have only one chance to unlock it.
If I fail, the data will crash.
And what if you decrypt it?
Then I'll shower the
investors with money!
So you're aiming to be Robin Hood?
All he wants is to ensure
Pathania doesn't destroy more people.
It's he who destroyed many people.
How's he any different from Pathania?
Shaurya, the only difference between
venom and medicine is dosage.
You're a fg virus, not medicine.
At times virus is used as vaccines to
prevent diseases.
What's the plan?
What do you think?
Can we trust him?
Madam, trust doesn't matter here.
At least we'll prevent a huge crime.
Here he is.
He's strolling in a garden!
Shall we?
Can I get a cigarette?
Get inside.
All your demands will be met.
With you for you always.
Stand up.
May the proceeding begin.
My lord, I say this based
on 60 years worth of data.
In some cases, the system was the conman
while innocents got convicted.
You're questioning
the court's competency!
No, sir, I'm pointing
out the blind spots of the law.
The system finds a loopholes
in such blind spots
and ruins innocent people's lives.
The system isn't ruining anybody's life,
your honour.
It's Pawankumar Bawaria who destroyed
innocent lives.
I too have data.
I'm sure you know of Vicky
Vs State of Madras case, your honour
and Charles Vs State of Goa case.
In both those cases,
the con men were common men.
Why are you two speaking in riddles?
Get to the point.
Winter holidays will begin next week.
The court will be shut.
If our plan fails, I'll get jailed
and Pathania will flee the country.
Once he leaves,
you won't be able to bring him back.
We have to end the case
in the next hearing.
Your honour,
I confess.
I am guilty.
You're misleading the court again.
No, your honour.
Seeing the plight of my family,
I realised
I was wrong.
I committed all the crimes
I'm accused of.
Hello, madam. Great news.
Prince kept his promise.
Good. Arrange for his family's exit.
Okay, madam.
I committed those crimes for money.
I am the Kirtan Gada,
Manjeet Walia,
and Satish Chaudhry.
And Ajay Chauhan.
you duped Pathania too, right?
Pathania is bigger conman.
I just sought revenge.
Mr Sanjay Sharma?
Hi, sir.
I'm Aditya Singh.
Who are you and why are you
in a restricted area?
C'mon, sir.
Look at my ID Card.
Crap! What's that, sir?
Slept? Had warned you.
What's happening? Is it done?
How long will it take?
Madam, I'm not making
instant noodles here.
I don't know what's happening.
Please let me concentrate.
Okay be quick.
Now you
She thinks I am her servant!
Where was I?
Hope you're not coerced to make this
No, your honour.
All right, now that the accused has
confessed to his crimes,
the court has made a decision.
The Delhi sessions
court declares 7 years
imprisonment for Pawan Bawaria.
He has made accusations
against Sarvesh Pathania.
The court CBI enquiry to look into it
with immediate effect.
Excuse me.
I'll be back.
Sir, someone is cracking the hard disc.
Ask Sanjay to reboot the system.
- Sir, Sanjay
- What?
Call someone else then.
Yes, sir.
Are you a new recruit?
Aditya Singh.
Rama Pandey.
My hands are wet.
Mine too.
See you.
Seal the building, move!
I want CCTV footage of
all the missing staff.
Call security now.
I have a request.
Tell me.
I've lost everything.
Everything is ruined.
I don't want to lose my family though.
You should've thought about it
before committing the crime.
You're right.
I am the perpetrator.
I'm at fault
but my pregnant wife
and parents mustn't pay for it.
I beg you
let me see my wife in the hospital
before I get jailed.
Just once
Any objection?
No, your honour.
On human grounds,
the prosecution has no objection.
Permission granted.
Thank you.
The court is adjourned.
All right, you're case is closed.
I must say you've become famous.
You better wear diapers.
Why do you pee so much?
Kidney stones?
Pee all you want here.
Next you'll pee in jail.
Take him. Let him pee.
Yes, tell me.
We're coming.
He's gone to the loo.
Start the van.
I'll dodge the media.
Where are you?
- I'm around the next turn.
- Spotted you.
The court walls are
still the same colour.
Shut up.
Why are you alone?
Where is he?
He went to the loo.
I told you to be with him.
Take him to jail.
Ladies toilet is on the other side.
What did you think?
That I'll escape?
I promised you
I won't escape.
I appreciate your honesty.
you got revenge.
Pathania is a drop in the ocean.
There are many like him roaming freely.
They needs to be dealt with.
The real virus.
You needn't worry about that.
Leave it to us.
you'll need it.
Thank you.
Shall we?
Come on move it.
Walk on the side.
- Take him away.
- Come.
You better leave now.
Take them.
- Hello?
- The ambulance broke down.
What? But that
We were coming, when suddenly,
The car stopped.
Park at a side.
Yes, madam.
sending the location in Makoda
village. Send an ambulance.
Okay madam.
Bloody hell!
You finally did it.
You made me proud, son.
Just for you, dad.
For you.
it wasn't just you.
Pathania has made life
hell for all of us.
Then we must all seek revenge.
Pay him back in his own coin.
That's the wrong path.
You tried taking the right path,
didn't you?
- Request.
- Request.
I would request for a champagne.
- I would request for a champagne.
- Champagne.
- Bye, kids.
- Bye.
Prince, you're out
on bail not acquitted.
Dad, I did nothing wrong.
The ones who did will be punished.
Welcome aboard, Mr Chautala.
We'll make a great team.
This is a small token
of our partnership.
The good luck money to close the deal.
There will come a time
when they'll try to break each of us.
It's not that easy.
But we have to break.
- What?
- Or we'll have to convince them
we're falling apart.
There's one thing I don't understand.
How did you get arrested despite
all the planning?
Give that credit to Shaurya.
She's too good.
What about Pathania's fyr coins?
The rightful owners
got their money back.
You distributed 100
billion amongst people.
The rightful owners
got their money back.
We didn't give away our money.
You gave us a list of ghost accounts.
That money must've reached multiple
accounts by now
and withdrawn too!
Ready to deliver.
Thank you, Samir.
How much?
Count it yourself.
How are you?
Hello, uncle.
Count it. It's 510 million.
No, it's 500 million.
The warden doubled his
fees at the last minute.
He took 10 million.
Ashfaq, let alone 10 million,
I'd have given 100 million
for your freedom.
But I feel bad for Ritu and Shaurya.
Congratulations on
winning your 100th case.
Thank you.
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
Come here.
And thank you so much,
your plan worked.
- Hello?
- He escaped.
Can I call you back?
She's least bothered.
- Ashfaq also escaped.
- Sorry, madam.
We got him out illegally.
We'll get charged for his escape.
I'll handle that, madam.
At least we prevented a huge scam.
Wow! Congratulations.
- Yes, dad?
- There's great news.
Make sure you thank god.
That rogue stole my money.
My account is credited with three times
that amount.
Dad, I'll call you back, okay?
Okay, bye.
No matter what he does,
he's still a criminal.
Madam, I agree.
So, What's the plan?
It's important we teach
other wealthy cheats a lesson.
Pathani got jailed
but his partners are still free.
But I
I mean we are no match to them.
We need a team.
The team awaits us.
Shall we?
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