Roswell s01e09 Episode Script

Heat Wave

Previously on Roswell.
You know how we agreed not to feel a certain way about each other? Do you still think that's a good idea? - You're avoiding me.
- If it's gonna shut you up, I am avoiding you.
Alex, I need you to do me a huge favor.
I need your blood.
Has he ever said anything to you about this at all? - I know everything.
- You told Topolsky? [Door Opens.]
I can't tell you what you want to know.
Either you tell me the truth or I walk.
#[Man Singing.]
[Man On Radio.]
It's 7:36, and it's another white hot day - in this bizarre December heat wave.
- [Shower Running.]
We're already pushing 90 at the silos and, at this rate [Liz Narrating.]
It's December 2nd.
I'm Liz Parker, and this heat wave has made everyone crazy.
Heat expands, melts things makes things boil, sets things on fire.
And seeing the effect of this heat all around me just pointed out, in this really blatant way how my life wasn't expanding.
That I was stuck.
#[Man Singing.]
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
This is so uncharacteristic.
- Liz.
- Hi, Kyle.
You know Vicky Delaney.
Oh, sure, um Hi, Vicky.
How's it going? Really good, actually.
Um Hey, Kyle and I are going to this thing on Friday night.
- You should come.
- No, that's not Liz's kind of - A party? - It's at the old soap factory.
It should be pretty wild.
- Is that even legal? - See? I told you it wasn't your kind of thing.
You know, um, a party on Friday really sounds great.
Um, so maybe I'll just see you two there.
See? I told you she'd be cool.
So you and Ms.
Topolsky Went over my schedule for next semester.
Nothing seemed odd about her behavior that day? No, sir.
I've been looking for you all over.
I just saw Valenti talking to Alex.
- They were in the principal's office.
- What did Alex say to him? I haven't been able to find him yet.
Not that he'll really talk to me once I do.
- Liz, I'm sorry.
- It's okay.
It's not your fault.
I'm just a little bit worried right now.
He won't talk to Maria or me.
I've never even seen him like this before.
Oh, but there is one piece of good news.
- Kyle started seeing someone.
Vicky Delaney.
- Oh.
Maybe she's gonna take his mind off all of his suspicions.
- Right.
- Right.
Oh, and apparently it's gotten really serious because they're going to this party together on Friday night.
You know, at the old soap factory.
It's kinda funny, isn't it? You know, how people have started pairing up and moving forward.
Um Have you noticed anything strange about Michael lately? - What do you mean? - Maybe just the way he acts around Maria.
Have you observed any differences in his behavior at all? Are you saying there's something going on between Michael and Maria? No, I'm not.
I'm not saying that.
- Would it be bad if there were? - Yes.
I mean, I don't know.
Okay, I need to speak to someone with some kind of authority.
'Cause this is unacceptable.
I demand to know what's going on here.
Not tomorrow, not the next day, right now.
- I'll see what I can do.
- [Sighs.]
Oh, geez.
- Amy DeLuca.
- Hello, Sheriff.
- You stayin' out of the slammer? - Oh, very amusing.
- What are you doing here? - This Topolsky woman calls me up leaves me this cryptic message that I need to come in here and discuss Maria's future.
And then when I get here, they tell me she's Well, the word they used is "disappeared.
" You know, I carved time out of my hectic schedule to meet her.
You know, being a single parent myself I know how difficult that can be.
Really? Well It looks like we finally have something in common.
Will wonders never cease? [Clears Throat.]
! Alex, please wait.
Will you just give me a chance? - What? - Let's just try and talk.
What do you want from me? More blood? A urine sample? How about my kidney? - I just want you to be my friend again.
- No, you don't.
You just want to protect Max Evans from whatever it is you're protecting him from.
This has nothing to do with our friendship.
- No, that's not true.
- You said that you were going to tell me what was going on, and you didn't.
- I trusted you! - Alex, I know.
So just tell me now then, all right? Just tell me, and it'll be okay.
- I can't.
- [Sighs.]
It's amazing.
You wanna know what? A couple weeks ago if someone were to ask me who I would trust with my life other than my parents I would have said you without skippin'a beat.
And now I feel like I don't even know who you are.
Alex, I want to tell you.
I do, but it's not my secret to tell.
Alex, I need to know what you told Sheriff Valenti.
I wanna tell you, Liz but it's not my secret to tell.
#[Woman Singing.]
- What are you doing? - Nothing.
Maria, it's 105 degrees outside, and you're wearing a turtleneck.
So? Here.
Try this.
I saw you and Michael together at the Crashdown the other night.
- Hey, Michael.
- Max.
- How's it goin'? - Decent.
I was just wondering if we could talk about something.
- Sure.
- Just in terms of you and Maria.
There isn't I mean, nothing's been going on between you two, has there? We werejust sucking face.
I am sure that you're saying to yourself, "Just go for it," right? Sure, you see everyone else going for it.
Suddenly there is this heat wave, and everybody is going for it.
I just figured, go for it, you know? I don't know what I was thinking.
I just thought we had guidelines about this.
We agreed to discuss before we acted on any, you know, urges.
I hate to tell you this, but when I have urges you're not exactly the first person I think about.
Yeah, I realize that.
But the point is we can't let things spin out of control.
I mean, sure, it starts as a kiss It's more than that.
How much more? I don't know, Max.
It feels so wrong, but it feels so good.
It feels good? What is going on here? You know, you and Michael, Kyle and Vicky Ms.
Hardy and Mr.
The point is here, Maria is that I don't see you and Michael together.
Do you two talk or do you just like Of course we talk.
Shouldn't we, like, talk or something? About what? I don't know.
You kind of just pulled me and dragged me in here.
Shouldn't we at least, like, exchange pleasantries? How you doin'? Fine, and you? So, did you hear about this party Friday night at the old soap factory? I guess.
Are you gonna go? I don't know.
- You don't know? - Friday's, like, years from now.
So, um, what are these guys? Cocktail stirrers.
Take a gross.
People love them.
- Mmm, okay.
- [Laughing.]
And this one glows in the dark.
- Get out ofhere.
Really? - Yes.
I stopped by your shop.
They told me you were here.
- Oh.
Nothing's wrong? - No, nothing's wrong.
It's - It's kind of personal.
- Oh.
Um, Amy listen, about what happened.
It's just, uh I realize it was a long time ago and I just want to make sure that you know that I was just doin' my job.
Oh, yeah.
Well, I appreciate the sentiment, Sheriff but it did scar me for life and all, so You were breaking the law.
You were stoppin' honest, hardworking people from doing their job.
Those honest, hardworking people were destroying a 200-year-old piece of Native American architecture raping our town of its history.
Amy, the Native Americans wanted that thing torn down more than anybody.
- That's not the point.
- Well, it is kind of the point There were more than 20 of us out there that day.
I was 18, naive, clueless.
Why did you pick on me? 'Cause you were cute.
Cute? You were wearin' cowboy boots and that little skirt.
Well, I had to arrest somebody, so Well, I don't know what to say.
I'm outraged.
I am now outraged.
You are looking at an outraged woman.
It must be the heat.
I just, uh I just wanted to apologize.
It's good to see you again, Amy.
Well Mom.
What are you doing here? Oh, hi, Maria.
Um, you know Jim.
Jim? So, uh, what about guys? 'Cause it kind of seems that you've got all these guys in school interested in you.
Like, practically every single one of them, but you kind of tend to keep pretty platonic.
Have you been researching me or something? No, I haven't been researching you.
I just I don't know.
I was just kind of curious if there was a reason you don't move forward with any of it.
If it's because of the fact that Were you afraid? I mean, to let someone in, to let someone see who you really are? Yeah, of course I am.
Well, multiply that by about a million.
Yeah, right.
Open your hand.
At least we can do cool stuff like that.
What's going on with your little friend Alex? - Yeah, he's pretty upset.
- You've known him forever.
- What's the bottom line? Is he gonna cave? - I don't know.
I kind of wish I knew what was going on inside of him.
- I'll look into it.
- What do you mean, you're gonna "look into it"? Nothing.
Forget it.
We'll take it from here.
- #[Soft Rock.]
- Hello, Alex.
- Thank you for inviting me.
- My pleasure.
#[Woman Singing.]
What do you really think of me? I think that underneath that beautiful exterior is an even more beautiful interior.
But I have a feeling not too many people get to see that interior, do they? No, they don't.
'Cause it's too scary to show who you really are.
- You can show me.
- I can? Yeah.
- I can't believe you did that.
- Liz couldn't control the guy.
I needed to know what was going on in there.
So what did you find out? I told you.
It was confusing.
- You were able to get in, right? - Yeah, I got in there.
So, what happened? What was he dreaming about? Well, he's a complex individual with a lot of complexities.
- Are you okay? - Yeah.
Why? 'Cause you look a little flushed like you're blushing.
It's the heat, all right? Max, I went in there.
I saw some things.
I'm not sure what they meant.
I'm walking around in somebody's subconscious.
It's not a hard science.
Is there something you want to talk about? Did something happen in there? Look, I can take care of the Alex situation.
I saw what I needed to see, which is that out of all the people involved, I'm the one who can control him.
Just a little old-fashioned charm.
- You sure? - Yes, I'm sure.
- You have everything - Under control.
- Hey.
- Hey.
What's wrong? Maria? It has gotten complicated.
Suddenly, she wants to know where I'm going after school.
She wants to have conversations.
She wants to talk about my feelings.
And now, she wants to go to a party together.
- That thing at the old soap factory? - Right.
Like suddenly, the eraser room's not enough.
I can't let this become a public thing.
She should know that.
But all week long I've had this weird feeling like I was gonna hurt her or something.
That just being who I am is gonna hurt her.
[Door Opens.]
Hey, what's up? I'm just trying to get these stupid slugs to mate.
Come on! Won't you guys just do it? Maybe one of'em's gay.
Max you know when you said before that we couldn't be together? That we were different? I just sort of accepted it, you know? Because I thought that it was, like, physically impossible that it that it couldn't be.
But when I saw Maria with Michael the truth is that Yeah, I was hurt, Max.
Why is it okay for them, but it's not okay for us? Liz, I think that what I'm afraid of isn't that we try this and it works out really badly.
What I'm afraid of is we try it and it works out really well.
I'm afraid of feeling everything that I know I would feel because I know it's not meant to be.
And somewhere down the line we're gonna get hurt.
I can live with that.
I just couldn't bear to hurt you.
But that's not your decision, is it? I guess not.
Hey, Liz.
How are you doin' on your mating ritual? I was doing just fine.
Hey, Alex.
Uh, hi.
- You look good today.
- I do? Oh, thanks.
So, tonight, that party everyone's talking about you interested? Yeah.
Yeah, sure.
Tell me how it goes.
Interested in going.
Meet me there at 8:00.
- Maria! - Hey.
Hey, have you seen Max anywhere? - He was supposed to meet me here.
- Uh, no.
I'll talk to you later, okay? - Oh, hey, Alex! - Hey.
All right, Octavio.
Let's whip this party into shape.
- Isabel.
- Alex.
- Hey.
- Hey.
- You look You look great.
- You too.
- I like the way you look in red.
- I know you do.
So, listen, just to clarify when when you asked me to come to this party tonight did you mean, like, come with you? Or was it more just, like, letting me know that this party existed? Because that would be amazing in and of itself.
- L I'm just curious.
- You wanna go someplace? - Go Go someplace? - To talk.
Oh, talk.
Yeah, sure.
Oh-ho! - Excellent! - Uh Babe-o-rama.
- Hey.
- Hey.
- Did you ever doJell-O shooters? - No, thank you.
Go on, try one.
Maybe, uh, loosen you up.
Maybe later we could check out the roof together.
She said, "No, thank you.
" Sorry, dude.
I didn't know she was taken.
I thought maybe you changed your mind.
I've been waiting for this for a long time.
You've been ignoring me the whole night.
Look, I'm not some Pollyanna.
I don't think what we have is true love.
I don't know what we have.
I just I don't understand why you have to avoid me.
It hurts, that's all.
- I just don't really do this.
- Don't do what? - Get intense like this.
- I'm not getting intense.
Yes, you are.
You got pretty intense the other night at the Crashdown.
Sorry, I can't get this involved.
I'm alone, and that's the way it's gotta be.
Maybe we should've never started this.
I'm gonna go outside and get some air.
You're a really, really good guy, Alex.
Oh, thank you, Isabel.
Thank you.
No, really.
Most guys are just disgusting animals whose sole purpose in life is to try to maul me.
- But you're different.
- I am? I mean, I am.
Oh, yeah.
I just I don't see you that way, Isabel.
You know? Not that I wouldn't want to.
- I think I know how you feel.
- You do? Yeah.
Which is why I think I know that I can trust you.
- Trust me? - That we all can.
Liz, Max, all of us.
So that's what this is about.
- What? - You brought me here tonight - to find out what I said to Valenti? - Alex How could I have even believed you were actually interested in me? I've been such a fool.
#[Man Singing.]
The truth is I think I was just a bit upset when that Topolsky person called me.
Maria and I aren't as close as we used to be.
I'm never sure what's going on with Kyle these days.
There was a time before Michelle and I broke up I know.
I know.
Maria used to tell me every single detail of her life.
We'd have these long, intense conversations and Now she's just so guarded.
Take the whole Alex situation.
- Alex? - Alex Whitman.
Maria, Liz, and Alex used to be inseparable.
They'd go everywhere together, do everything.
She hardly even speaks to him now.
She has not seen him in weeks, and she won't tell me what it's about.
Sheriff, uh, there's a phone call for you.
It's an emergency.
Yeah? All right.
I'm on my way.
Amy, I am so sorry about this.
- There's been a disturbance across town.
- It's okay.
It's, uh It's a little quieter out here.
It's more private.
Let's hope nothing explodes.
! Enjoying the party? [Siren Wailing.]
[Men Shouting.]
- Let's get out of here.
- [Man.]
Let's see what we got.
Boys, evacuate! [People Clamoring.]
- Let's get Michael and Isabel and get out of here.
- Right.
- Where's Isabel? - What's going on? - We have to get out of here.
- What? - We have to get out of here! - Here, take these.
I need you two to come with me.
[Clamoring Continues.]
Good one, dude.
- Alex - Forget it, Liz.
- I'm really sorry.
- Don't talk to me, please.
- This is gonna be okay.
- Liz, will you shut up! Dude, relax.
This has happened to me, like, 10 times, man.
Your parents are gonna be here in no time.
Lyons, Coleman, Kalinowski and Baker, rise and shine.
! - Your parents are here.
- You see, I told you they'd come.
Now, look.
They say a bond forms when you do time together.
I love you, man.
- Ditto.
- I think it has to be longer than two hours.
See you around.
- Where are our parents? - They all agreed with me.
Some time in jail might make the two of you remember what your priorities are.
Or maybe even just one of you.
- Alex.
- Liz.
No, Alex, this is not as bad as it seems.
I promise.
Wejust The two of us we need to get our stories straight.
Liz, I'm in jail, okay? I'm now in jail! I'm through lying! Alex.
Obviously, it's not our fault.
All right? They kept the other guys, not us.
He let everybody else go except Liz and Alex.
- We are so screwed.
- It's gonna be okay.
We should have told him.
- What? - We should have told him about us.
I know this sounds crazy, Max, but I feel something about him.
Like he's okay.
Like we'd be better off including him.
A Alex, I just need to talk to you.
- I just want to - Let me just ask you.
Did you arrange that whole Isabel thing? What What Isabel thing? Her trying to seduce me into keeping quiet.
I don't know anything about that, Alex, I swear.
'Cause 'Cause it's just low.
You know? I mean, she's just low.
And I'm done.
I'm done protecting you or her or anyone else you're associated with.
'Cause I'm telling Sheriff Valenti everything, verbatim.
About replacing Max's blood at the hospital discovering Topolsky was F.
I everything.
No, look Look, Alex.
Look at Listen to me.
You had just You should know all of the facts before you do something like this.
I thought you said it wasn't your secret to tell.
The reason that Isabel did whatever it is that she did It's not that she's low.
She's just She's scared.
- Scared.
Scared of what? - Yes.
Sh She's scared of being different.
Oh, come on.
Save it.
Alex, Max and Michael and Isabel they are different from us.
They're different in a way that, if the wrong people found out they would be in a lot of trouble.
I know the whole drugs thing is a load of crap, Liz.
Why would the F.
Be so interested in three kids into drugs? Listen to me.
This doesn't have anything to do with drugs.
Alex, Max, Michael and Isabel they aren't from around here.
Where are they from? What? Like, Wyoming? Okay, fine.
They're Canucks.
So, you're saying the F.
Is all over them because they're, like, illegal aliens? Yeah, sort of.
Listen, Alex.
They're from somewhere else.
Liz, what are you talking about? God, there isn't any way for me to say this, but to just but to just say this, okay? Look, Alex.
They think they were in the 1947 crash.
Okay, they were, like, in these incubation pods for a really long time like 40 years and they came out in, like, the form of humans.
And now all of these people suspect them.
That's why Topolsky's here, and that's why Valenti arrested us.
And that's why we're here, because he knows that I'm involved.
I'm really sorry, Alex, but you're involved too.
Liz, are you okay? Alex, you don't even understand.
The past few months have been like absolute torture lying to you.
I will never, ever lie to you again.
I promise.
! Sleep all right? What say we go down to my office? No.
Right here.
I'm ready to talk.
All right.
I wanna know what your involvement is with Liz, Max, Michael, and Isabel.
And I wanna know what happened with Ms.
I'm ready to talk about the fact that I'm a kid.
I'm 16 years old.
I'm a sophomore in high school so what could I possibly have to do with a teacher leaving? What does any of this have to do with you anyway? I'm just doin' my job, son.
I was at a party! My only wish was that while I was there, I engaged in some sort of depraved activity like drinking or sex, but I didn't.
- I didn't break any laws.
- Everybody who was at that party was trespassing on private property.
And both of you were minors in possession of alcohol.
This has nothing to do with that party, does it? Sheriff, I want out ofhere right now.
I demand it, or I'm going to get a lawyer and I'm going to sue for abusive treatment of a minor.
I may be 16, but I know my rights.
Alex, you were amazing.
- Well, yeah.
Yeah, I was.
- [Chuckling.]
So, um, how do you feel, you know, about what I said? Well, part of me, uh Part of me feels like you've gone insane and the other part of me feels like I want some of the massive doses of hallucinogens you've obviously been taking.
But I don't believe in aliens.
Neither did I.
You don't believe me, do you? I believe that you believe.
- Leave it at that.
- Okay.
- Get home safe.
- You too.
- See you at school.
- Bye.
[Liz Narrating.]
The heat wave finally broke and I'm probably the only person in Roswell who didn't benefit from it.
But it's for the best.
Because if Max Evans and I had given in to temptation if we had kissed each other even once it would have taken us somewhere we both know we never should have gone.
Liz, are you there? Hi.
- Can I come up? - Yeah, sure.
#[Man Singing.]
- That's very impressive.
- I try.
- You really can't stay long.
- I know.
I just wanted to tell you that I've been thinking a lot about last night.
Yeah, me too.
When I saw Valenti taking you away like that it just hit home for me, you know? How much knowing me has screwed up your life.
No, it's just the opposite.
- Thank you for saying that.
- It's the whole truth, Max.
- I better go.
- Why? Because if I don't go right now, things are gonna change.
Change how? I'm gonna have to touch your hair, 'cause it's so soft.
And I'd have to tell you that no matter what we go through, it's all worthwhile for me because we're together.
- And then? - And then I'd have to do this.
#[Singing Continues.]

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