Rurouni Kenshin (1996) s01e09 Episode Script

The Strongest Group of Ninjas

A brush against the freckles
that I hated oh so much
A small flicker, that's all,
and then I heave a little sigh.
The heavyweight love
that I once shared with you
Miraculously dissolved
with the sugar cube.
The little prick that I feel
on my bosom that has shrunken
from the little thorn
really hurts me now.
I guess I cannot trust those
silly horoscopes after all
I wonder what it would be like
if we could go further away right?
I'd be so happy
just because of that!
Memories I have are
always beautiful in my mind.
But they can't feed me:
they can't fill up my stomach.
In reality tonight was
supposed to be somber.
I really do wonder why
I just can't see how all of the tears were
streaming down his face that night.
I just can't see it anymore
Wandering Samurai
Rurouni Kenshin
Sanosuke took Kenshin to a
gambling house, where they found out
that one of Sanosuke's
friends had died from opium.
It was there that Kenshin saved a
mysterious woman, Megumi Takani
from the personal
bodyguards of Kanryu Takeda.
However, employed as
henchmen for Kanryu Takeda
were the Oniwaban group
led by the genius Aoshi Shinomori.
They assaulted the Kamiya Dojo in
hopes of recapturing Miss Megumi.
As Kenshin and Sanosuke defeated
Beshimi of the Oniwaban group
Yahiko had his arm wounded
by Beshimi's poisoned spiral darts.
We were surprised by how
skillful Miss Megumi's treatment was.
Meanwhile, Sanosuke picked up a
medicinal packet she had dropped
and started having
doubts about Miss Megumi.
The Strongest Group of Ninjas
The Dreaded OniwaBanshu!
Miss Kaoru?
Yahiko is
That can't be
Dr. Gensai!
He'll be all right.
If he sleeps for a
full day, he will recover.
You're a bad woman, Missie.
You took ten years
off my life doing that.
Miss Kaoru, your tears
were those of joy, that they were.
Of course, because
Yahiko's life was spared!
In any case,
everything is all right, that it is.
Thank you so much, Dr. Gensai!
You really are the best doctor in Tokyo!
Thank whoever wrote this.
It's very impressive.
The ingredients for the antidote and
how to mix them are perfectly written.
The writer is not only
knowledgeable about medicine
but is also a
master of chemical drugs.
You really can't judge
someone by how they look.
To think that Miss Megumi
is a master of chemical drugs
Miss Megumi's full name
was Megumi Takani, I believe.
Takani, is it?
I think a little bit better of her now.
I see
Beshimi and Hyottoko were defeated
He must be an extraordinary man.
From how he handles a sword, I
believe that he is quite an individual.
All right, find out
who that swordsman is.
Inform me as soon as you do.
Yes, immediately.
Red hair and a cross
shaped scar on his left cheek
Could he be
I wonder how many years
it's been since I last made ohagi
ohagi: sweet rice balls.
It's ohagi! It's ohagi!
I love ohagi!
Kaoru, where's Sanosuke?
He's not around.
Maybe he went
back home to take a nap.
I'm sure Sano is tired from staying
up all night with the patient, that he is.
He'll show up eventually, I'm sure.
I guess we'll just start the
party to celebrate Yahiko's recovery.
Then I'll dig in!
Thanks a lot!
Yahiko, you're just getting over an
illness, you shouldn't eat too much!
You're mistaken if you think
that I'll let you eat my share, Kaoru!
You found me out
U-Um, Miss Megumi, can you
teach me how to make ohagi?
Sure, it's easy.
All right, I'll make you some next time!
If I was served ohagi
made by you, Kaoru
I'd eat cakes of dirt first!
Sheesh, your illness has been
cured but your badmouthing hasn't!
How dare you, Kaoru?
Oh, Yahiko's face is like ohagi now!
Yahiko turned into an ohagi!
You all are so friendly with each other.
You're just like family.
You've got to be kidding!
I don't want an older
sister as ugly as her!
And I don't want someone like
Yahiko as a younger brother, either!
They really are like
quarreling siblings, that they are.
Just like ohagi!
I'm gonna have some more!
what's your
family like, Miss Megumi?
I don't have any family.
Well, I'll go make some tea now.
Did I just say something wrong?
They really are all such good people.
So how are you going to
explain to all those good people
why you have something
like this in your possession?
Why don't you say something?
I was the one
who made this.
I see, so you're the
one who did Yoita in
The one who killed my good buddy!
Wait, Sanosuke!
Miss Megumi, please tell us why.
Why do you have opium, Miss Megumi?
Could it be that you're the daughter
of Ryusei Takani, Miss Megumi?
How do you know my father's name?
Um, here.
It's your turn, Suzume.
This is a difficult one
This is a difficult one
Just as I thought, that it is.
The Takani family from Aizu
is a family of doctors
spanning many generations.
However, they got
involved in the Aizu War
between the
Imperial Army and the Aizu clan
Mr. Ryusei ended up missing
along with both
brothers and their mother.
Only the young daughter of
the Takani family was left alive.
So that's Miss Megumi
You must have been
through many hardships.
The hardships and
pain I faced back then
were much better than
what happened afterwards.
I came up to Tokyo
from Aizu five years ago
to become an
apprentice under a certain doctor.
What I didn't know was
the doctor was partners
with Kanryu and making opium.
Then they had an
argument, and the doctor was killed.
I was forced to
make opium in his place
I strove to become a
wonderful doctor like my father.
Instead, I ended up being
forced to make lethal drugs.
How many times have I
thought of killing myself?
Yet, I couldn't go through with it
So, what was the reason you ran
away from Kanryu, Miss Megumi?
I was forced to make
a new kind of opium
that could be
mass-produced cheaply.
If such a thing reached the
public, it would be a disaster.
So, I took what I had made
Since only you know
how to make this new opium
Kanryu will always
pursue you, that he will.
Kanryu really is a villain!
I can't forgive him!
That group will not
let up any time soon.
It is better for you to
stay here for now, that it is.
Do not blame yourself anymore.
You have suffered
long enough, Miss Megumi.
Isn't that enough, that is?
Is that all right, Miss Kaoru?
It's all right.
I know how tough it is to be all alone
If Dr. Gensai, or Kenshin
and the others weren't around
I might still be all alone, just like you
Oh man!
Unfortunately, I can't be
good-natured like you guys.
One of my friends is dead, you know.
Right now, Sano needs to sit
down and think things through.
He will understand
someday, Miss Megumi.
Let's play, Miss Megumi!
Miss Megumi, play with us!
when I'm done with this.
Then we'll wait for you!
Thank you for your repeated patronage.
Do you need anything today?
I see
Even though you don't need anything
we need something
from you.
Kanryu Takeda is waiting for you.
The Oniwaban group!
There is no need to worry.
Just as I've written there, I
promise not to hurt you, Miss Megumi.
All I want is for you to
come back on peaceful terms.
And you want me to make opium again.
Of course.
That is your job.
You had been all right
with it until recently, right?
I just couldn't go through
with killing myself, that's all
If I stay alive, and
remain in the medical field
I might someday
be reunited with my family.
Each time I think that, I just can't
That's all right, Miss Megumi.
I'm sure you will
meet your family someday.
But I finally made my decision.
I don't care if I
never see my family again
If it means that I
make a drug that kills people
I would rather be dead!
I won't let you die alone.
Perhaps the Kamiya Dojo
will have a mysterious fire
and in the ruins will
be a few dead children.
W-What are you saying?
Don't be so alarmed.
To the Oniwaban group, one
or two fires is a piece of cake.
That bastard
You cannot run away
from me, let alone kill yourself.
That is, if you don't want to
bring trouble to those around you.
Your life is tied to mine.
We shall be on friendly terms as before.
From now on
So, I will be waiting.
Oh, yes, yes
Please be watchful of any fires tonight.
Why are you not
taking Megumi Takani now?
Even the Kanryu
Takeda feels threatened
knowing he faces
Battousai the Manslayer?
If we make sure Megumi
Takani leaves under her own will
even the Battousai
cannot involve himself.
After all, he is just a manslayer.
He won't have any
reason to make a move.
To make a move huh?
Commander, there
was one rat in hiding
Leave it.
Only Battousai the
Manslayer, Himura Kenshin
is worth mentioning
I can't run
From Kanryu
or from opium.
I can't ever run away
Miss Megumi, would you like a bath?
Miss Megumi?
I'm coming in
Megumi Takana
Miss Megumi
She left a note?
Miss Megumi says
she's returning to Aizu
At least she could
give us a quick goodbye.
I haven't even thanked her yet!
But that's funny
Even if she goes back to Aizu
There is nobody
waiting for Miss Megumi
What are you planning to do?
Going back to Kanryu and all
Don't worry.
I won't make more of the
opium that killed your friend.
I promise you.
You know that
Kanryu isn't going to like that.
I told you, I will keep my promise!
So don't get in my way.
I'm in a hurry.
Don't hurry yourself to your death!
Missie, you got Kenshin
and me, Sanosuke, at your side.
Don't you go worrying too much.
The girls are
waiting for you at the Dojo.
And somewhere out
there, your family is too
It's all right.
Even if I were to find my
family, how could I face them?
I'm part of an illegal opium ring.
I can't erase such a dirty past!
Don't be so stuck up!
You're not the only one with
a past that you want to erase!
It's not like my friend will
come back to life if you died!
If you stay alive, you can repent.
Someday, there will be a day
when you see your family again.
If you die, all that becomes nothing.
Look out!
To avoid one of my attacks
pretty good!
Who the hell are you?
I'm Shikijou, Keep Guard of
the Edo Castle Oniwaban group.
If you don't surrender
that broad, the next strike
will crush your bones to dust!
Take this!
Fight without these stupid
toys, you third-rate underling!
Calling me, who served as a
Keep Guard, a third-rate underling
You'll regret taking
my powers so lightly!
Let's go, punk!
Here I come!
That doesn't even tickle!
Now, you will experience the strength
of Shikijou of the Oniwaban group!
W-What kinda strength is this?
Stop that.
I'm impressed that your skull
didn't split after one of my headbutts
but what's inside can't be as tough.
The shock to your brain
won't let you lift a finger for a while.
My entire body, trained as part of
the Oniwaban group, is hard as steel
any part can be used as a weapon.
It was just bad luck that
you had to face me, Shikijou
and my invincible strength!
I'll show you some mercy.
I'll make you rest in
peace with one strike!
To think he has so much strength left
The strongest
Kenshin is the only one
who needs words like those
The Oniwaban group, who became
henchmen for a shithead like Kanryu
shouldn't boast like that!
You bastard, just
because I haven't shut you up
No matter how hard your skull
is, what's inside can't be as tough
was that it?
Okay, let's go.
That bastard!
I'm taking Megumi!
Are you all right, Sanosuke?
D-Don't worry about me
S-Save her instead
Miss Megumi!
She was threatened by Kanryu.
And she went back
to protect you, Missie
and those around you
So it was that after all
I'll risk my life to get her back!
If I can't do that, what's the
use of the Kamiya Kasshin School
a sword to protect others?
That's right!
Let's get them!
Miss Kaoru
All right!
Oh, Sano!
Nothing less from Sanosuke!
What stamina!
Shall we go, that is?
When seeing those
eyes of yours with that gleam
my heart skipped a
beat that lazy afternoon.
My whole body felt nervous and very stiff
as if you were
testing my love for you.
Feeling the point from
the air and from you
I shivered all over
from my love for you.
A crunch on the sand,
I bite down the grit.
I aim at your will
as the day turns to night.
I am hoping soon you
will use your delicious lips
and let me have some of
that good wine that's over there.
When they are united
under the bright full moon
a man and a woman
will find true eternity.
Passionate lady, ah gimme your love.
Mysterious lady, I need your love.
The lonely eyes you show
once in a great little while
I can't tell if it's the truth or just a lie.
Honestly lady, ah gimme your love.
Now feel it coming lady,
I need your love.
I'm always thrown right around by
all the things you always do.
The fervor of passionate love
crazily dances within my heart.
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