Snowdrop (2021) s01e09 Episode Script

Episode 9

How did the ANSP team leader
escape through the prayer room?
There was a secret passage
to the exit on basement two.
A secret passage?
No wonder
the old man and hall director
exchanged looks suspiciously.
We should go.
Follow me.
If this button is pushed,
the dorm will explode.
You say you don't
want to hurt anyone when you have this?
I understand why you don't trust me.
But that's for defending ourselves,
not for killing you.
Hundreds of soldiers are
surrounding this place.
I needed to do something to protect
my team members as their leader.
Stay away!
-What if the soldiers break in?
Will you still not use it then
since it's not for killing?
I told you.
I don't want to hurt anyone in this dorm.
Do you expect me to believe that?
After the cruel things I did to you,
why would I lie to you
about getting out in nine days?
Everything I've done to you,
that's already too hard for me to bear.
We're really going
to get out of here in nine days.
So please
-give that back to me.
-Don't come near.
Stay away.
Why? Why in nine days?
Why not get out right now?
Why wait until nine days later?
You're lying again, aren't you?
You're lying again.
Everything you've told me was a lie.
That's not true.
Give that to me. It's dangerous.
Please believe me.
I don't want to make you suffer anymore.
There's nothing
I can do for you but watch.
And that's driving me crazy.
Comrade Kang Cheong-ya.
It's this way.
Hey, student.
Tell the hall director
to bring me some water.
Tell her.
I'm parched.
Give me some water.
Shut your trap, will you?
I'm thirsty.
I'm so thirsty.
I'm so thirsty. Come on.
Give me some water.
Just a cup of water.
But you had some not long ago!
I didn't get any.
And I'm all tied up.
I feel so stifled.
Come on. Just give me some water.
Anyone wants to bring him water?
What did you want to tell me?
We have no time,
so I'll ask you straightforward.
Did you really not know
Lim Soo-ho was hiding in the dorm?
When you even bugged the dorm?
Did you help him hide
since you're on the same side?
On the same side?
Shut it before I rip you to shreds.
I'm sick and tired
of you people.
I warned you not to do anything stupid
and that I'd not let it slide again.
What did I do?
How else did Eun Yeong-ro
find out about the detonator I had?
I just tried to stop her
from trying to escape.
I told her about the detonator in your
pocket to stop her from acting rashly!
Shouldn't you ask me why
before hitting me?
You say they'll kill everyone here
including you and me in nine days?
If you're trying to make me surrender,
you should stop here.
You think they'll accept your surrender?
They even play with the citizens' lives
to maintain their power.
I can't let those bastards have their way.
Is that so hard to understand?
The party considers the people
as its children.
They'd never abandon you?
You really think so?
A huge sum of money
must be at stake in this joint scheme.
You think your party will give up
the money to save three spies?
You really believe that?
You think you're safe since you have…
the ANSP director's daughter?
Wake up.
I bet they'll try everything they can to
get her out of here before the election.
Bring me proof that what you say is true.
Tied up like this?
Your subordinate will come back in later.
Tell her to bring me proof
that I can trust.
Hard evidence that
our countries are scheming to kill us all.
But if she brings it,
will you destroy that detonator
and work with me?
Are you willing to work with us
to get out of here alive?
How could you be so stupid
to hide a gun in Dr. Kang's bag?
They say those bastards won't
release her because of you!
Apologize. Now.
Don't do anything stupid again.
And just come out
as soon as you deliver the supplies. Okay?
Yes, sir.
By the way, sir,
seeing how he specifically asked for her,
he must like her very much.
-Is that so?
Are you serious right now?
I stabbed them in the back
to let the SWAT team break in
without knowing it was a lie.
He might be asking for me
in order to get back at me.
Hey, look.
You make it sound like we fooled you.
They're threatening to blow up the dorm!
How can we send the SWAT team in?
We must save the students!
tell Dr. Kang
that we'll save her at all costs
and to have faith in me and hang in there.
Only Dr. Kang?
-God damn it. Seriously…
-You understood, Jang, right?
Get out. You don't have much time.
-You get out too.
Wait for me.
God, my blood pressure again.
The ANSP has gotten
the food and medical supplies
the spies demanded
ready in front of their camp.
The supplies include
ten boxes of cup noodles,
drugs for diabetes and blood pressure,
and some men's clothes.
He's coming out!
Can't you do your job right?
How could you let
a stray dog waltz in here?
I'm sorry, sir.
Are you mad at me?
Because a stray dog like me is so polite?
Come on, Gyeong-hui. Be understanding.
For old times' sake!
She's going in!
Are the hostages safe? Is anyone injured?
Who's in there other than the students?
In return for providing the food
and medical supplies the spies demanded,
we, the ANSP,
strongly urged them
to release the hostages safely.
Do you have any contingency plans?
If the spies don't release
the hostages this time,
unfortunately, it might prolong
the hostage situation.
That's how we're looking at it. However--
It might prolong it?
They've already started putting on an act.
You're watching the news, right?
Listen carefully.
In the people's eyes,
it must look like
you're making this drag on
and we're trying to break in
to take you down at any chance we get.
And it must look like we're not able to
because you might blow yourselves up!
Killing all the hostages!
you can't release any of your hostages.
And don't touch Dr. Kang.
Don't even step on her shadow. Okay?
I should get back down.
Comrade Lim Soo-ho.
Hand the detonator over to me.
-You let a girl take it away from you.
How can I trust you with it?
If you don't bring back
your revolutionary spirit now,
I will kill you myself.
Release the hostages.
He thinks our revolutionary warriors are
his minions. We should teach him a lesson.
Don't you agree?
You bestowed men's clothes on us.
I'm forever grateful.
I'm so excited.
Could I get changed right away?
I told you to check for explosives first.
I will, sir.
Gosh, it's heavy.
Damn it.
SWAT team, go in! Now!
SWAT team, go in!
Didn't I tell you it's most important
to maintain mutual trust?
I'm… I'm sorry.
I had no other choice.
But the SWAT team
didn't break in after all, did they?
Leave this woman to me.
Go upstairs with the supplies.
Follow me with them.
Yes, sir.
All right.
Here we go.
You should tell me
before you make a deal with them.
You're releasing 30 hostages, and what?
Just ten boxes of cup noodles?
-You're on the losing end.
Just lie low.
Follow me.
Mr. Lee.
Mr. Lee.
Are you all right?
Oh, no. What happened to your face?
We don't have much time.
I'm fine.
Don't worry, and just sit.
Listen carefully to what I'm about to say.
Sir, It's a scoop.
I smell something fishy.
That's not what I mean.
Something doesn't feel right here. Yes!
I got to go! I'll call you later!
Oh, my goodness!
Food delivery!
-What took you so long?
-What's with you?
-I'm sorry.
Here's the jjamppong.
-Here are the tangsuyuk and dumplings.
-All right.
Don't be late next time!
-Where should I put them?
-Thank you.
Mr. Nam. The food is here.
The doctor is being held at the moment…
Damn it.
It's like I'm locked up in prison.
Hang in there, sir.
If the reporters see you,
they'll make a fuss about it.
"The administration's number two guy
is at the scene.
it must be some political scheme."
I'm sorry.
Hey, wait!
…and in this crisis,
the ANSP's wise judgment
and action is needed
more than ever at the scene.
Hey, where's the pickled radish?
I'm sorry, sir.
Look at this guy. Where's your head at?
This is a scheme.
A joint scheme
for the presidential election.
But still, how could they shoot at you?
Professor Han's case was also part of it.
That's why they got us away from him.
But he was killed,
so this hostage situation
became their plan B.
They're using this…
for the election?
No way.
They're not planning
to kill the students, are they?
Will you just pray they won't?
What do I have to do then? Just tell me.
For them to win the election
by a landslide,
they'll try to kill everyone
including the hostages.
We need proof
that they're planning to do it.
As a matter of fact,
Gal and I agreed to dig into it together.
As soon as we get it, I'll have Gal--
If you act rashly,
both you and Gal will be killed.
Bring it to me once you get it.
What are you going to do in here?
I'll demand more supplies tomorrow.
I'll ask them to send you in again,
so find it by tomorrow morning.
But how can I…
Are you two…
We're both rats in a trap.
If we fight each other, we'll all die.
We must get out alive.
Just a minute.
Give us privacy just for a minute.
If you're done talking, come out.
Both of you.
She's my fiancée.
Is a minute too much to ask?
Come out.
So tell me.
Exactly how many single women
are in the dorm at the moment?
Exactly 56 single women.
Dr. Kang's in there too, right?
Oh, right. Dr. Kang is
Is it possible
that she's been married
and didn't tell us?
Come on. No way.
I once asked her why she was still single.
One day in winter, while she was hiking
in some snowy mountains,
she slipped and hung
on the edge of a cliff.
Just when she thought
she was going to die,
some guy saved her.
Without knowing his name or age,
she spent the night with him
in some cave and parted ways.
Since then,
she's never been able to get over him.
She said she was
waiting to meet him like some destiny.
Oh, my goodness.
It sounds like something
from a romance novel.
Did anything happen in that cave?
Stop it.
I didn't peg her as naive.
That's what I thought too.
So if we include Dr. Kang,
it's 57, right?
But they say the hostages are
unlikely to be released,
so don't worry about it, ma'am.
The hostages won't be released?
But still,
you shouldn't be clapping.
From now on,
30 of you who are to be released
will get out of the dorm
with the ANSP agent.
Go out one by one in order.
Follow me in order. Be careful.
Keep your heads down.
I need to go to the restroom!
You have it easy, you bastard.
Cleaned up with new clothes.
Hey, you wear this.
-No, give that to me.
Mr. Lee.
They say they'll leave here in nine days.
Is that true?
Soo-ho said that?
Did he tell you that?
He said they'll leave quietly.
But why nine days later?
Don't tell anyone
what I'm about to tell you.
I told you!
Where's the money bag?
You think I'm crazy? Why would I tell you?
I'll take that money with me
no matter what
and give you your share. Just count on me.
Don't touch me.
What's your problem?
We both were born to wrong parents.
We should help each other!
Damn it!
Yes, I'm uneducated and poor.
I received nothing from my parents,
except this body!
But do you know how hard
I'm trying to save my ill father?
You think I'm like you,
a leech living off his old father?
You b.
What do you know about me?
Who are you to judge me?
Do you have any idea
what kind of man Kim Man-dong is?
You communist bastard!
You're dead meat.
I yield!
Don't kill me. Please. I'm sorry.
I'll get back after washing up a little.
Darn it.
The ANSP agent, who went in with the food
-and medical supplies… is coming out!
-She's out!
-There she is!
-She's coming out!
The students are coming!
Hurry up!
Move faster!
Unlike the ANSP's predictions,
The Northern spies are
releasing some hostages…
Those damn communists!
What do we do, sir? What if they say
there are only three spies in the dorm?
What do you think?
Take them to our interrogation room!
Stop the reporters
and get them into the car!
Hurry up! Hurry!
-You take care of the reporters.
-Don't worry, sir.
-Let's go, Seung-jun.
-Yes, sir.
-Get them in the car!
-Yes, sir!
Are the hostages safe? Is anyone injured?
Without giving in
to these evil communists,
we sent in a negotiation expert
and tenaciously convinced them.
As a result,
we accomplished
the release of tens of hostages today.
As we speak,
the released students are being taken
to the nearby hospital for check-ups.
We'll do our best
for them to go back to their families.
Thank you.
-Thanks to you, I got a scoop.
What's that?
What… What's going on?
-Hey, just a while.
-I'm borrowing this for just a while.
-No, you can't!
I'll pay you double later!
-I'm sorry!
-Wait, sir!
What's wrong with you?
Didn't I make myself clear?
I told you not to do anything!
Didn't I tell you
not to do anything stupid?
All I did was go in and come out quietly.
But you came out with the hostages!
Not just one but a lot of them!
They told me to do it.
What, should I have said no?
Wait a minute.
As many as 30 hostages have been released.
Aren't you happy?
Of course I am!
I'm happy!
I am! That's why I'm like this! Damn it.
What are you looking at? Work!
Get back to work, you idiots!
You get out! Now!
I don't want to see you.
Get out of my sight.
Just go. Don't even say bye.
Just leave. Go!
I, An Gyeong-hui, and the ANSP
will do our best.
I solemnly swear it to the citizens.
When I was in elementary school, I drew
a devil-looking Northern spy
and won an award.
But I guess they're human after all,
seeing how they released 30 hostages.
What? The release of the hostages
was unlikely?
So how many are left?
How many? Tell me!
Ma'am, you can't sit down.
The pins will hurt you.
Ma'am, don't worry too much.
How can I not worry right now?
What if
exactly 13 students are left?
Then what?
This is really
confidential information.
According to my husband,
this hostage situation is
a scheme that the North and South
planned together.
My goodness.
The North and South?
For the election?
So I doubt they're really going
to kill those college girls. Right?
You're right.
-They won't, right?
What about our Yeong-ro?
Was she released too?
Was Yeong-ro released too?
Well, I guess so.
Anything else that's unusual?
What? They shot at Gang-mu
to make him go back in?
Okay, I'll be there.
I should go to the scene.
Why? What's going on?
Now that 30 of them have been released,
27 are left in there.
This is amazing.
It's getting closer to 13.
Lim Soo-ho is… How should I put it?
I know this since I used to live with him.
I didn't get any killer or spy vibes
from him at all.
-Rather, he was quite sweet.
-Oh, God.
And he was quite thoughtful.
He released 30, and you're his fan now?
It's all your fault, Gwang-tae.
You suggested the blind date.
Come on, you can't blame him for that.
I mean, he didn't know Soo-ho was
a spy when he was setting us
-up on the blind date.
Why are you taking his side?
Do you like him?
Well, I… It's not that.
-I just…
-Hey. Yoon Seol-hui.
Don't tell me…
Yes, you're right, Hye-ryeong.
When I saw Seol-hui at the Open House,
she struck my heart
like it was destiny.
Struck your heart?
What is she, Cupid's Arrow?
What a sly bastard. That's not love.
You're just after her money.
How could you say that?
Seol-hui is my muse and sun.
You know nothing.
Will you marry me?
I'll protect you
for the rest of my life.
Having fun?
Look at her. She's actually happy.
So why did you two-time him
when you weren't even interested in him?
What's a proposal without a ring?
You're right. What a shame.
It happens only once in your life!
By the way, have you even kissed?
-Stop that!
-Keep it down.
Are you saying
the presidential election is in nine days,
and for my dad to win the election,
we might all be killed?
I can't say for sure,
but we can't rule out that possibility.
How about you use me?
Use you?
Then before that,
there's something you need to know.
I know it's hard to believe,
but the doctor is also a Northern spy.
The doctor?
-Dr. Kang is?
-She's in pain.
-Let me see.
Where does it hurt?
Yes, sir. It's me.
I hope you and I will watch
the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games
next year side by side.
Why were the hostages already released?
I swear those 30 hostages
were released under my orders.
I'm keeping them under control.
So don't worry, sir.
I swear on my life I will get my job done
so that I'll be able
to watch the opening ceremony
with you next year, sir.
You bastard!
I told you not to release the hostages!
And you released 30 of them?
I never said I'd follow your orders.
You ignorant, fearless fool.
Do you know who I am?
I don't care, but what's your plan?
You guaranteed
our safe return to the North.
Tell me how you will do that in detail.
When I, Nam Tae-il, say
I'll send you back,
I'll make it happen no matter what!
I don't believe you
and what you said
about sending us back to the North.
Look. The day before the election,
after we rescue all the hostages,
we'll announce that we've killed
all of you. That's the plan!
Kill all of us?
You're going to kill us?
No, we'll fake it.
You agreed to it.
We're just three,
but you'll announce you killed seven?
We'll bring some bodies,
display them with your clothes,
and hide you guys away. No one will know.
If you want to go back alive,
just do as I say.
If you don't,
you can just forget about negotiation.
We have an astronomical amount
of money in our hands.
So much money that the North won't
complain even if we end up killing you!
Your lives are nothing
in front of that money.
Maybe I'll just go in and kill you.
Mr. Eun. Why are you back…
Did you have them shoot at Gang-mu?
How will you explain
once the situation is over?
Do I have to?
Don't you know what he's like?
You know he won't just let it go.
His colleagues shot at him, so I'm sure
he found out it's a scheme
for the election.
You think he'll sit back
and do nothing in there?
Mr. Eun's right. He will never let it go.
We'll make him do nothing.
We can just make him stay there forever.
Stay there forever?
Are you saying you'll kill him?
Of course.
He's a troublemaker.
We'll be better off with him dead.
If we say he died
trying to save the students,
it'll improve our agency's image too.
What the hell?
Be honest with me.
Are you willing to kill the students too?
We need to make our boss
win the election for him to attend
the opening ceremony
of the Olympic Games as he wishes.
We're at such a crucial crossroads.
The girls' lives are not important.
If there comes a situation
where we have to kill them,
we'll just rescue your daughter--
Rescuing only my daughter
while all of the press is here?
Letting all the people watch it?
Did you forget about the agreement?
We agreed to killing all the spies
and saving the hostages. Right?
What I'm saying is,
depending on the situation--
Even still!
We must save all of the students.
Including my daughter.
Take care, sir.
That hypocritical bastard.
Isn't he?
He even sent his son to the front lines
to remain in his position as director.
If you think about it,
it's his fault his son died!
If the election goes wrong,
he'll bitterly regret
not having killed the students!
depending on the situation,
might we end up killing the students?
You are right, sir.
"You are right, sir"?
These goddamn bastards.
Hurry up!
Hey, take them inside.
Keep in line.
Just like those released earlier,
have all of them sign the NDA
saying they'll stay quiet.
Scare them a little bit
and send them to our hospital.
And make sure
no reporters are on your tail.
They arrived with no problem.
So don't worry, sir.
-A cigarette.
Yes, sir.
Why are you carrying a bug detector?
What? What's going on?
Mr. Nam. A bug!
Who the hell planted this?
I'm sorry.
The delivery guy.
Why can't we go in there?
-We can't!
-My kid's in there!
-We need to go in!
-What's going on?
-What's this?
-What's going on?
-What's this?
-Coming through.
Make way, please.
What? What's going on?
I came to pick up the bowls.
-Let him pass.
-Let him pass!
What, are you going to kill him?
Of course.
Are you willing to kill the students too?
The girls' lives are not important.
If the election goes wrong,
he'll bitterly regret
not having killed the students!
We need to send this into the dorm.
And if it's revealed--
Wait. You'll give it to the spies?
What's the emergency frequency
you and your fiancée use?
What's the rush?
You gave her until tomorrow morning.
We're running out of time.
I need to see
if it's possible to get the proof.
What's the frequency?
It's 44.
Han-na, do you hear me?
Mr. Lee? What's going on?
Did you get the proof?
Yes, I got it.
We found the delivery bike.
Damn it.
Damn it.
I filmed Tae-il
and the released hostages being taken.
-Give me a gun.
-Here, sir.
You son of a b.
I went easy on you for old times' sake,
and you betrayed me?
Come on. What's wrong, sir?
What's this about?
Why are you with this bastard?
Are you working with him?
-What are you talking about?
-Take her too.
-Yes, sir.
What are you doing? Let go of me!
We found a bug in the camp.
-Let go!
-What are you waiting for? Get out.
Stay still.
-Get out!
-If you take me,
my company won't just sit still.
This is suppressing free speech!
Han-na must've been caught.
She's in danger because of you!
Proof? What's the use of goddamn proof?
You know that they'll kill us all
nine days later.
You know they will.
Shut up.
The party guaranteed the safe return
to the North of all three of us.
Do you still not get it?
Are you that stupid?
Right. I heard
you told Yeong-ro you'll leave
nine days later.
She asked why nine days later,
so I told her all this is
a scheme for the election.
That her dad might kill all the hostages.
-You told her?
You feel bad for her?
On top of her brother's death,
she found out that her dad might kill
all her friends. She must be going crazy.
She was already blaming herself for this.
She must just want to die.
You bastard.
It's hard, isn't it?
I'm sure it's hard for you too.
Because you love Yeong-ro.
Shut up.
You think I'm a turncoat?
Does loving the girl who saved you
make you a turncoat?
Your party traded
their loyal agents for money.
What about them?
You're the ANSP team leader.
The ANSP frames and kills those who
fight against the tyranny of the regime.
You're the regime's hounds
that trample on innocent people's lives
to make the security state.
That's what the ANSP is.
And you're their agent.
You have no right to blame me.
In the end, they're all the same.
On the pretext of repatriation,
the North deceived
countless Korean-Japanese
and trampled on their lives.
The South made the security state.
Lim Soo-ho.
You must wake up now.
Lives of mere pawns like us…
-We must--
You and I are enemies.
Would you like some?
I'm not hungry.
Didn't you say you'll rip me to shreds?
I said some harsh words… I admit it.
How did you find out?
The room inside your office.
It's quite impressive.
Please keep it
from the students.
Of course.
You work for my agency after all.
How could a mere agent like me
blow your cover?
We're on the same side.
Mr. Lee.
Since both of our lives
are in their hands,
let me tell you something.
Though I yielded to their power
since I'm weak,
I still think they're evil people who
frame the innocent to climb the ladder.
I've never…
sold my students out to them.
Let's save the students…
Go back to where you were.
I didn't plant the bug!
So how can I have any tape to give you?
When you
disguised yourself as a delivery guy
and came in to film Mr. Nam with this,
you planted the bug, you bastard!
If I'd known this would happen,
I would've just planted my bug.
Let's get to work.
Dong-jae. Oh Dong-jae!
Open this! Come on!
Open up!
Open it!
Comrade Joo. It's time to patrol.
It was "Bimok,"
so beautiful that it makes you sad.
On a sunny and weedy corner
of a mountain foot,
there was a wooden cross
on a nameless soldier's grave.
And the song was inspired--
Polka Dot.
You're quite a good singer. Sing it again.
My name is Ko Hye-ryeong, not Polka Dot.
Besides, I don't sing
without any accompaniment.
-I'm Hosu's Maria Callas.
-Maria Callas!
Is anyone willing
to play piano for Hye-ryeong?
You're good at it.
I'll play it for you.
The cannon and gun smoke
swept the deep vale
At the sunny place…
I don't think it'll work.
But that's the safest place to hide.
I doubt Yeong-ro will tell them easily.
She's even hiding that
she's the ANSP director's daughter.
This is a scheme for the election!
How long will you dance
to the ANSP's tune?
How on earth will you lose Kang Cheong-ya?
-There has been
-There has been
-Moss at every joint and frown
-Moss at every joint and frown
Well, what about the second verse?
Excuse me. I'm sorry,
but can I go to the restroom?
I can't hold it.
Lie down.
I need to go to the restroom.
Those who need to go, come all at once.
This is the last time.
Hey, cadet.
We'll escape tomorrow.
The hall director knows it.
Joo, the one who took them
to the restroom. You take care of him.
Got it?
What are you doing?
For them to keep fit,
they should do this at least.
Everyone sit.
We're not livestock!
You keep us here
without letting us wash up.
This is a human rights abuse!
For days,
we haven't even brushed our teeth.
It's hard to sleep here,
but what's worse is the smell.
Can we wash up?
I've never spent four days
without brushing my teeth.
-Just this once.
-I feel so itchy.
-I can't take it anymore.
-I'll be obedient.
-Let us wash up.
-I feel so itchy.
We'll feel better
if you let us wash our faces.
You can let us do that much, right?
Are you out of your mind, you brats?
Ten people at a time.
Do anything funny,
and the rest will get hurt.
Our basins are in our rooms.
Can we stop by our rooms?
But don't go above the second floor.
First group of ten.
-Me first!
-Me first!
-Me first!
-Me first!
-Me first!
-Me first!
Stand in a line in front of me.
Call out numbers!
-Why are we running?
-Ko Hye-ryeong!
-Let's go to our room on the 3rd floor.
-What? But…
I forgot where I put my toothbrush.
It's okay. I have a new one,
so don't worry. Let's go.
my room's next to the washing room.
Can I stop by for a second?
You must stay on the second floor.
I'm not a student here,
so I have no one to borrow anything from.
Where's your room?
On basement one.
Just kill me.
I won't get out.
I didn't know my bed felt this nice.
Should we tell them
to let us sleep in our rooms from now on?
That's just what you would say.
You think we're camping?
I was just joking, you wench.
Yeong-ro, are you looking for something?
Seol-hui, have you seen my electric watch?
Your watch?
Right! The bag.
It must be in the red bag.
Don't run!
You can't stop me!
Thank you for last time.
No one's ever taken my side before.
Thank you.
I mean it.
My room is over there.
My thigh's strong enough
to stop bullets now.
Ouch, that hurts.
Go in! Now!
Eun Yeong-ro ran away.
-Room 207.
Have you seen Yeong-ro?
She went to the washroom first.
Follow me.
-Where's she?
-What's going on?
Sit down!
-If you move, I'll shoot you!
You bastard!
You bastard!
You little…
-Untie me!
What's going on?
Guys, come here. Now!
-Tie him up!
Eun Yeong-ro!
Eun Yeong-ro!
We're going to escape from the dorm.
Listen carefully. In the prayer room,
there's a secret passage
you don't know about.
Through that passage,
go down to the basement one.
And take the central staircase
and go out through the main door.
This might be our last chance.
Don't be scattered, and move as one.
Hurry up! Go!
Hurry up! Go!
What's going on?
Yeong-ro's in the room
on the fourth floor.
The ANSP decided
to get you and her out of here first.
I'll tell you more once we get there.
Go down the stairs.
Watch your step.
-Follow her.
-Watch your step.
Be careful.
-Be careful.
-Watch your step.
Of course,
they wouldn't be hiding it there.
Where would they have hidden
the money bag?
I definitely smell money around here.
Go lock the door! Now!
Hey, hurry up. Lock it!
You bastards!
Eun Yeong-ro!
Eun Yeong-ro.
Answer me.
You're in there, right?
I must find you first to save you.
Answer me. Please.
We need to come up with a code.
Knock, knock. Knock, knock, knock.
If you hear two knocks and then three,
it's me, Yeong-ro.
And you need to open
the door right away. Agreed?
Answer me. Please.
You little bastard.
Where's the detonator?
Where is it?
Guys, let's clear the way.
Take it.
The square thing attached to the door.
It's connected to a thread.
That's a bomb.
-Oh, my God!
-Don't move!
Be careful!
Come on!
Do something about it!
-Come on!
-Come on!
-Do something!
Is that really a bomb?
-You're a cadet. Do something!
-I don't know how.
-Come on! Hurry!
-But I…
-Please. Do something!
-How can I…
-Do something!
-There's a bomb!
What do we do?
Come down here!
Don't move.
Don't move.
I'll shoot you.
I'll really shoot you.
Hurry up.
-Hurry up. Please.
Don't move.
-It's open!
Lead the students and go out first.
-Let's go!
Hurry! Go!
Everyone stop!
Everyone stop.
Comrade Kang.
Don't move.
If anyone moves…
What is this?
You want us all to die together?
Damn it.
What the hell.
What if the hostages all died?
Bombs exploded. I don't think
only 13 people died.
Only 13 must die.
Exactly 13.
We hear more and more heartbreaking news
about those who still don't know
if their children are alive.
You lunatic!
You're lying
about my daughter's safety, aren't you?
If you even lay a finger on my daughter…
Since when did we
only do as agreed with the South?
Besides, the South's goal is
to win the election,
not to save the hostages' lives.
There's no way my father would…
Dead or alive…
We're in the same boat now.
Ripped and synced by
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