Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures (2023) s01e09 Episode Script

The Princess and the Jedi/Kai's Bad Day

-[ship whirring]
-[lightsaber ignites, humming]
[tooka yelps]
[sniffs, grunts]
-[lightsabers hum]
-[blaster fire]
[Force rumbling]
[all cheering]
[Kai] Yeah!
[no audible dialogue]
[Nubs grunts]
Must get clean.
RJ, can you see your reflection
in the ship yet?
-Then keep scrubbing!
[sighs] We're taking off
as soon as they get here.
We came as fast as we could, Nash.
What's the emergency?
You were talking so fast on the comm,
we couldn't understand you.
[exclaims] Oh, I'm so glad you're here.
-I'm picking up a passenger and
Just like that.
Now say it one more time.
[sighs] I said, I'm so glad you're here.
I'm picking up a passenger,
and everything has to be perfect.
So, I need your help.
Ready? Let's go.
You shuttle people
for your family's business every day.
Why do you need help with this passenger?
'Cause this passenger is a princess.
Her ship broke down while she
was getting a present for her father,
and now I have to get her home in time
for his royal celebration.
[speaking Poobian]
I agree.
You're the best pilot in Kublop Springs.
You'll be fine.
Not if she's like my last royal customers.
They were "fancy" and wanted everything
to be absolutely perfect.
Making everything "fancy" and absolutely
perfect isn't really my thing.
[chuckles] That's why I called you.
The Jedi work with important people
all the time,
so I was hoping you could help.
-[speaking Poobian]
You handle the flying,
and we'll help you out with the princess.
Oh, thank you.
What are we waiting for?
We've got a princess to pick up.
-[RJ beeping]
Hmm. [grunts]
Are you sure you want
to take this local transport?
Our ship won't be fixed
before my father's celebration,
and I came all the way to Tenoo
to get him his present.
Princess. Royalty. Fancy.
[imitating royalty] Hello, I am Nash.
I am the one to be shuttling you home.
Um, why is she talking like that?
She thinks it's fancy?
[speaking Poobian]
[all laugh]
Nice to meet you. I'm Inaya.
Do Jedi usually accompany local shuttles?
We're just helping our friend today.
I'm Kai.
And this is Lys and Nubs.
-Nice to meet you.
-[speaking Poobian]
with Jedi at least I know you'll be safe.
Come now.
You don't want to keep your father
and his guests waiting.
[imitating royalty] Your shuttle awaits.
Uh, okay.
-[RJ beeps]
[imitating royalty] May my associates
get you anything before our flight?
A snack? Some tea?
A snack that tastes like tea?
[chuckles] I'm good.
[imitating royalty]
Perhaps some help up the ramp?
We're already at the top.
[imitating royalty]
I'm sorry for not asking earlier.
[chuckles] It's okay.
[Taborr laughs]
We could take that for you.
Your present will be safe here.
[speaking Poobian]
Thank you.
[Inaya] I love your ship.
Did you do all these custom modifications?
You know about modifications?
I mean, yeah. Did them myself.
And it flies like a dream.
You know, when I heard about
the Durango Shuttle Service,
I was really excited to meet you.
You were?
A kid my age who gets to fly her own ship
around the galaxy?
It sounds like the best job ever!
Are you a pilot, Inaya?
I love piloting and working on ships,
but I don't do either very often.
When you're a princess,
people want to do everything for you.
It can keep you from getting
to do the fun stuff sometimes.
I've never thought about it like that.
Um, all right.
Preparing for hyperspace.
Don't worry, Princess.
We'll have you home in no time.
[Taborr] Well, well, well.
If it isn't my favorite Jedi
and their little pilot.
-[Nash, Kai, Lys] Taborr!
-[Nubs growls]
[sighs] Of all days.
[sighs] What do you want, Taborr?
I've been following that princess.
She's got a present for her father.
And anything fit for a king is fit for me.
-So hand it
And that's enough of you.
-[static crackling]
-Uh, hello?
All right. Time to make a plan.
Well, if we want to lose him, we could
Don't worry, Inaya.
We've dealt with Taborr before.
-You're safe with us.
Nash, think you can outrun him?
[Nash scoffs] With my eyes closed.
-Let's do this.
-[RJ beeping]
RJ, time for some fancy flying.
-[RJ beeps]
-[alarm blaring]
-Is that a good light or bad light?
That would be bad!
Our shields are down.
One more hit, and
[all grunting]
Blast! We've lost our lateral controls.
[RJ beeps]
What can we do?
You can hold on tight,
'cause I'm taking her down.
[all screaming]
[screaming continues]
-[Nash sighs]
-[RJ beeps]
Nice landing, Nash.
Uh, thanks.
Everyone all right back there?
-[speaking Poobian]
[RJ beeps]
Looks like we gotta fix the ship. Fast!
RJ, please repair the controls,
and I'll get the thruster circuits online.
-[RJ beeps]
-What can we do to help?
Uh, Lys and Kai, you can transfer
all the power units to the main thrusters.
Nubs, you're with me.
Inaya, I'm so sorry.
Are you kidding?
I haven't had this much excitement,
well, ever!
Hmm. Nubs, flexscope.
Huh? Ooh.
Hmm. [speaking Poobian]
Huh? [exclaims]
My poor ship.
What did Taborr do to you? [whimpers]
[exclaims, groans]
Those blasts may have disconnected
the power couplings.
Uh, it's possible.
[Nubs groans]
My father's present is safe, right?
Don't worry.
We promised to take care of everything,
and we will.
-[Nubs yelps]
-[Nash] Huh.
-But I can help.
-[EB-3] Pord, give me a hand.
-[Pord squeals, snorts]
Did anyone hear that?
[sighs] Great. Thrust circuits are fried.
My present!
-[Pord chuckles]
-I've gotta stop 'em!
[gasps] Uh-oh.
[speaking Poobian]
What is it, Nubs?
Hey, where's the princess?
[speaking Poobian]
-Oh, no.
[all gasp]
[Nubs yelps]
This is not good.
Taborr must have taken the present,
and Inaya went to get it back.
-[speaking Poobian]
-[Kai gasps]
We've got to help her!
[grunts] Except we can't fly
because the Firehawk's broken.
[sighs] You had one job, Nash.
Get the princess home safe,
and you failed.
-[Inaya] Kai, Nash, you there?
-[all gasp]
What are you doing on Taborr's ship?
I have a plan for getting
the present back, and I need your help.
But my ship's broken.
We can't fly to you.
Don't worry. It'll only be a short walk.
Uh, walk?
-[both grunt]
-[Pord squeals]
[strains] What's happening?
I can't control the ship.
Hang on! We're going down!
-[Taborr, EB-3 screaming]
-[Pord squeals]
-[Inaya] Come on over!
-[Kai] Hmm?
[Inaya] I'll even open the door for you.
Oh, she's good.
Nash, maybe you and RJ
should hang back and fix the Firehawk.
We'll need it ready after we get Inaya.
Good idea.
-Come on, RJ!
-[RJ beeps]
Welcome aboard.
You took Taborr's ship down.
Yep, I can override any of its controls.
I told ya, I love working on ships.
-She's really good.
But I don't see your gift here.
It must be in the cockpit.
But how do we get in?
[controls beeping]
After you.
She's really, really good.
[Pord snorting, squeals]
[Taborr] I don't know what happened!
Just fix it!
[Pord snorts]
[Force rumbling]
[EB-3] Oh.
-[EB-3] Oh, no, you don't!
-[Pord squeals]
-[EB-3 grunts]
-[groans] Pord!
-Give it back!
-Sorry, Taborr.
It belongs to the princess.
So it's coming with us.
We'll see about that.
[all grunting]
[Nubs exclaims]
Kai, slide it over here!
[Nubs grunts]
Pord, EB-3, get that back!
[snorts, exclaims]
[EB-3] Allow me.
[Lys screams]
-[Lys grunts]
-[EB-3 screams]
-Lys, look out!
[exclaims, grunts]
[Taborr grunts]
Hey, Inaya.
Let's close the door on this visit.
-One closed door coming up.
[Force rumbling]
[all groan]
[all panting]
[Kai] Jump!
-[Taborr] No!
-[Pord squeals]
[Taborr] Hey! Open up!
What's going on?
Gonna be a while
till they can open that again.
Good. 'Cause we've got
to get you to a party.
Come on!
Welcome back.
You were right, Inaya.
It was the power couplings.
-[RJ beeps]
-[ship powers up]
You're a great mechanic.
Sorry for not listening to you earlier.
It's okay, Nash.
It happens a lot.
Sure, I'm a princess,
but I also love starships.
Just like you.
I guess people can surprise you sometimes.
You think they're gonna act one way,
but they turn out
to be completely different.
Since you like to fly,
how would you like to fly us out of here?
Really? I'd love it!
[RJ beeps]
[Nash, Lys laughing]
-[Nash, Inaya cheering]
-[Lys] Yeah!
Sounds like the party's just starting.
Thanks for getting me home on time.
-Would you like to come celebrate with us?
We would love to,
but we have to get back to the Temple.
Well, it's nice to know
I have friends on Tenoo.
Come fly with us anytime.
-[Nubs chuckles]
-You know I will.
[RJ beeps]
[groans] Looks like you're gonna need
to clean the Firehawk again.
Last one to the ship has to wash it!
-[all laughing]
-[RJ beeping]
[alarm blaring]
[sighs, groans]
[blaring continues]
[exclaims, pants]
Blaster bolts!
No, no, no!
I'm so late!
[panting continues]
They left already.
[holoprojector beeps]
Hey, Kai. Where are you?
You're supposed to be on this trip with us
to the lava fields of Planet Tiss'ell.
I know! I know!
I overslept.
I missed the shuttle.
What a bad start to the day.
It's okay.
The trip probably won't be
that much fun anyway.
[speaking Poobian]
I said that so Kai wouldn't feel bad.
[chuckles] It's okay.
My fault.
I'll just stay at the Temple and train.
We'll tell you all about it.
[speaking Poobian]
[exclaims, groans]
Come on!
Kai, why aren't you with the other kids
and Dee on the trip?
I woke up late, and I missed the shuttle.
I figured I'd stay and train,
but [sighs]
that's not going well either.
[sighs] It's still morning,
and this is a bad day already.
Aw! I'm sorry, Kai.
Everyone has days like that sometimes.
Even you?
[chuckles] Even me.
When I do, I remember
the advice my master gave me.
"Instead of focusing on what's bad,
focus on things that cheer you up,
that are good."
Hmm. Something good.
Something good
But I can't stop thinking
about missing the shuttle,
and how training's not going well, and
Then let's try giving you
something good to focus on.
How about a mission?
Sure. Okay.
There's a hyperspace prospector,
a friend of the Jedi, named Mycho Zala.
He's stuck on a remote planet
called Tatooine.
[chuckles] Tatooine.
He needs a new hyperdrive capacitor so he
can finish his job scouting the Outer Rim.
I need you to bring one of ours to him.
Nash and RJ can take you.
All right.
A mission to Tatooine.
I think a fun trip with me and RJ
will definitely help you leave
this bad day behind on Tenoo.
I hope so.
Ow! [groaning]
Focus on something good.
Something good.
[RJ beeps]
It's something Master Zia told me to do.
Oh, good advice.
Well, here's something good for ya.
I've got a cold freeze pack inside
that'll help your foot feel a lot better.
-Come on.
-[Kai] Thank you.
Ow. [grunts]
Tatooine. Here we are.
[controls beeping]
Not much to look at.
Lots of sand.
Of course.
I'm already having a bad day,
and then we get sent
to some boring desert planet?
Oh, come on.
There's got to be something good here
to focus on.
We have to fly a bit more
until we're there.
How about you take the controls?
You'll let me fly? Really?
Yes, really.
And see that canyon down there?
Looks pretty fun to fly through, eh?
[both cheering]
-[Kai] Yeah!
-[Nash] Whoo-hoo!
[RJ beeps]
[Kai] Whoo-hoo! Yeah!
This is a blast!
-[Nash] Yeah!
-[RJ chirping]
-Nice flying, Kai!
-[RJ beeps]
Looks like this bad day might be getting
-Much worse.
-[alarm blaring]
Sandstorm? Sandstorm! Watch out!
Never been in any sandstorm
this big before.
Kai, activate the stabilizer valves!
-[RJ beeps]
[RJ beeps]
That wasn't the button
you wanted me to push, was it?
-[RJ beeps]
And that's the package
for Mycho Zala, isn't it?
Falling out of our ship
in the middle of a storm.
[chuckles] Uh, it's okay.
Let me take over,
and we'll just land and find the package.
[both panting]
Whew! It's hot.
[panting] No kidding.
Now, where's that package?
Should've landed around here somewhere.
[RJ beeping]
[Nash gasps] I see it.
And those, whatever those are,
are about to take our package!
Aw, blaster bolts.
This day.
Well, let's go stop 'em before they leave.
Let's use the speeder bike.
It'll be faster.
Excuse me.
[speaking Jawaese]
Um, hi.
That's our package.
We accidentally dropped it
in the sandstorm.
[speaking Jawaese]
You know what they just said?
'Cause I have no clue.
No idea. How about you, RJ?
[RJ beeps]
[Jawas exclaim]
[speaking Jawaese]
Excuse me.
That package is ours,
and we'd like it back.
[speaking Jawaese]
Yep, that's an RJ unit.
[speaking Jawaese]
[speaking Jawaese continues]
See, Kai? Things are looking better.
And it looks like the package is okay.
[RJ beeping]
Hey! What are you doing with RJ?
-[RJ beeps]
-[speaking Jawaese]
Hey, that's our friend!
[both grunt]
Wait! Come back!
-[both panting]
-[tires squealing]
[both groan]
-This day just keeps getting worse.
-[Nash coughs]
[both panting]
The day isn't over yet.
And we're not gonna get RJ back
by standing here focusing on what's bad.
You're right.
Focus on what's good.
Something good.
Well [chuckles] we have each other.
That's good.
And we have a speeder bike.
[gasps, chuckles]
That's very good.
You thinking what I'm thinking?
Time to rescue RJ!
[RJ beeping, chirping]
[Jawa gasps]
[speaking Jawaese]
[RJ beeping, chirping]
[beeping, chirping continues]
[beeps, powers down]
[speaking Jawaese]
[RJ beeps, chirps]
[Kai] Okay
[Kai grunts]
[grunts, whimpers]
You got this!
Oh, wizard flip, Kai!
But how am I supposed to do all of that?
Tie this to the speeder and climb up!
[Kai grunting]
[both grunt]
[chuckles] Oh, look at this stuff.
Ship parts, droids, and
[RJ beeping]
[RJ chirping]
I'm glad you're okay, RJ.
Now we got to get out of here before
[all speaking Jawaese]
they find us.
Oh, me and my bad day.
[all speaking Jawaese]
[all exclaim]
[Nash, Jawas screaming]
[screaming continues]
Can't believe that worked.
-[Jawas exclaiming in Jawaese]
-[gasps] Never mind!
[Kai screams]
[exclaiming in Jawaese continues]
[both panting]
Oh, no! Where now?
[Jawas speaking Jawaese]
-[RJ beeping]
-Give him back!
-[both groaning]
-[RJ chirps]
[Kai] Whoa! [grunts]
[speaking Jawaese]
Okay, now this is bad.
[Kai] Yeah, it is.
Like Master Zia said,
we need to focus on something good.
Uh, something good.
Something good.
It's good that I'm with you right now.
And I know that whatever happens,
we'll get out of this
and [grunts] find Mycho Zala.
[speaking Jawaese stops]
Mycho Zala?
-Wait. They understood that?
-[RJ beeps]
You know Mycho Zala?
Mycho Zala.
[all chanting] Mycho Zala! Mycho Zala!
Mycho Zala! Mycho Zala!
-Mycho Zala! Mycho
-[RJ beeping]
Just go with it.
-[all chanting] Mycho Zala! Mycho Zala!
-[RJ beeping]
[speaking Jawaese]
Mycho Zala.
I think they wanna take us to Mycho Zala.
Really? Okay.
[Jawas chanting] Mycho Zala!
[all chanting] Mycho Zala! Mycho Zala!
[Mycho laughs] Don't worry.
I'll talk to them.
Thanks, Mycho Zala.
[speaking Jawaese]
[Jawa 1, 2 speaking Jawaese]
[speaking Jawaese]
[all speaking Jawaese]
[Jawa 1 speaking Jawaese]
[speaking Jawaese]
What did they say, Mycho?
The Jawas thought you wanted to trade
your friend RJ for the package they found.
[scoffs] I can't believe
they thought I would trade RJ.
[RJ beeps, chirps]
[speaking Jawaese]
Like we agreed.
This for RJ.
[speaking Jawaese]
[all cheering]
[all speaking Jawaese]
Well, I'm not gonna lie.
It was a bad day.
But focusing on good things, like being
with my friends on a wild adventure,
has made this day a lot better.
Happy to help any day, Kai.
That reminds me.
We still have the hyperdrive capacitor
for you, Mycho.
Oh, wonderful.
The Jedi always help me when I'm in need.
Thank you.
Tell Master Zia I say hello.
[Jawas speaking Jawaese]
Uh, utinni to you too.
-[Jawas] Utinni!
-[laughs] Utinni.
[Nash, Kai laugh]
-[RJ beeps]
-[Mycho chuckles]
[all laughing]
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