Strong Girl Nam-soon (2023) s01e09 Episode Script

The Root of Vice

[bird screeches]
[theme music playing]
[tense music playing]
[keyboard clacking]
[Sun-kyu sighs] Bro.
Agent Gang was spotted
by the Russian bodyguard.
[gasps] Christ!
-Holy cow!
-What the?
Hey, Gang Nam
[Hee-sik] Hey!
[engine revs]
["Superpowers" by ITZY playing]
Hey, Gang Nam-soon!
Hey, pull up!
Is she really
-[tires screech]
-[music stops]
Less Black Widow, more Sadako, I think.
[terrified gasp]
[comical music playing]
You said that you came up with a plan?
And your plan
was to bring the computer itself?
[sighs] And here I really thought
you had some kind
of brilliant plan to you know, uh
So you know that the guard saw you, right?
I wasn't just seen, though.
Oh, chill, bruh.
I know exactly what I'm doing.
It's why I wore this disguise.
And I paid really close attention
to detail. I killed it.
You've got to be kidding me.
Give me your hand.
Sending you in alone?
I don't know what I was thinking.
This is on me. Why did I do this?
The mob that groomed Ryu Si-o
supposedly has
a big drug trafficking network,
don't they?
[Nam-soon] If that's the case,
the company's drug distribution range
will be wider than we thought.
Gan Home-sik.
You search the computer,
and in the meantime,
I'll check their network out.
Come here.
You're not at all convincing as a ghost.
[Joong-gan and Jun-hee chuckling]
[Joong-gan exclaims]
Oh, so what ended up happening
to your daughter?
She was in Kenya, right?
What happened after she bought
that burned-up property?
-Could you tell me already?
-And why are you so curious?
Ah, tell me. Come on!
I can't even watch TV dramas.
I hate cliffhangers.
Gosh, you have no patience
at all, Grandpa. Just calm down.
-Oh, come on, Joong-gan!
-[light chuckle]
Oh, my Jun-hee, with a name
so trendy despite his age.
All right, then.
She decided
to completely tear down the home.
And she started
to build a new house on the site.
[effort grunting]
-Huh? Yeah?
-[Ansu] Oh, yes, I'm so thirsty.
-Water, here you go.
Yeah, all right. Thank you so much.
No, I should be the one
thanking you, really.
Oh, is that what
[Joong-gan] Lo and behold,
she actually struck oil.
And after that day,
her wealth took off to a whole new level.
That sounds more like
a soap opera than real life.
-But that, that was just the start.
-Hey, hey! Come on! Tell me!
-[Joong-gan] No way!
-[Jun-hee] Hey, where are you going?
-Come on! Did she find gold?
-[Joong-gan] No, silly.
Dad, what?
So you mean you're headed
to Korea right now?
All these years, where were you
and what were you doing?
I guess that's all.
When you get your plane ticket,
please let me know when you'll get here.
I'll have a driver sent.
[line beeps]
[gasps, exhales]
"All that he wanted
was to reach the climax when"
[phone vibrates]
Hey, noona.
Our father just called me.
[exhales] Our father.
Wait, what? Our father?
And he's heading to Korea.
You mean
Where was he? And what was he doing?
He was a guru of some kind.
I didn't get many details.
[shaky exhale]
I'm getting dizzy.
I can't believe
I know it's good news, I just
Uh, well, I'm feeling a little nervous.
What's Mom gonna do?
Because she thinks
she's no longer married.
Her and that man are getting closer
with every passing second.
-[Geum-ju] What are we gonna do?
-I don't know what you mean by that.
Seriously? What are you saying?
Don't mention this.
Our mother will completely lose her mind.
If you say so.
Our father?
Oh, boy!
[Joong-gan exhales]
Hey, you know, I'm thinking. I'm gonna
stop caring what other people think.
If anyone says
I'm old enough to know better,
well, I'll try harder to win your heart
and rub it in their faces.
-Oh, Jun-hee.
[Joong-gan and Jun-hee exclaim]
-Oh, wow, that looks scary.
-[coin clinks]
Hey, Grandma.
Listen, we were here the whole time.
Oh, you must have forgotten.
[man 1] Hey, it's okay.
My grandma's getting super forgetful
about this stuff too.
-Young man.
-[man 2] Hey.
He said we were standing here first.
You're way too old
and frail for this ride.
-What if your blood pressure spikes?
Oh, my.
Hey, uh.
Let's not fight with them.
We can ride a different one.
Don't you worry.
I won't start a fight.
-Oh, my goodness!
Dude, hey.
How did he end up all the way over there?
Sweetheart, let's forget about them.
I have an idea that's more fun.
-Rather than "catch me if you can",
how about "I'm coming to get you!"
[Jun-hee] Don't run in the middle
of the road! You'll get hurt!
Nuh-uh! I'm gonna run
right in the middle of the road.
[Jun-hee] Over here!
[dark music playing]
[bottle crackles]
[bottle squishes]
[Tae-ri] Nam-in.
If you lost a bit more weight,
you'd really look amazing.
So why not? Just take one.
Just one more.
Just one.
[exhales heavily]
[eerie music playing]
-[hard thumping]
-[chains clink]
[children yelling]
[in Russian] Losers won't get to eat
and will end up starving to death.
-[boy panting]
-[boy grunts]
So when I give you the signal,
I want you to knock me over.
You haven't had food in a while.
[gate clanks]
What what's your name?
[Hee-sik] I'm not sure if you know
what I'm about to tell you
but Nam-soon was attacked
by Lee Myung-hee at Doogo.
Mom, hey. You wanted to talk?
I heard that you you almost got hurt.
That Hwa-ja attacked you.
You're okay though, right?
And now, where is Hwa-ja?
[laughter from TV]
[heavy sigh]
[wheelchair clanks]
Why'd you do it?
Answer me.
Why'd you do it?
Because I was bitter.
If it weren't for her
I would've been able to stay
as your daughter.
Gang Nam-soon robbed me of all that.
It's her stupid fault.
So are you also bitter at the world?
And God, are you bitter at Him too?
You should keep God close by your side.
Do you want to hear how to do that?
You need to reflect on your errors.
And you need to atone.
And then God, and I too
will forgive you in the end.
You need to try to be good.
And then you
can stay as my daughter as well.
Excuse me, Ms. Baek.
What exactly has Doogo
been sending abroad?
So then these are all
of the overseas buyers
that Doogo works with, right?
You should act less familiar.
But you're clearly younger.
Since I'm older, can't I be informal?
You are younger than I am, kiddo.
It's super-duper obvious.
Please. She was born in the '80s.
[GM Yang] She's middle-aged.
Well, I don't believe
that's for you to tell.
For goodness' sake.
[gasps] Whoa! I mean, that's nuts, man.
Seriously! I thought you were younger.
Come on.
A computer was stolen
from the CEO's office.
[Sang-cheol] Corporate Relations Team,
password-protect your files.
[Kyle] The security team thinks
the CCTV system was hacked.
We lost all the footage from yesterday.
So it will be difficult to recover it.
[Sang-cheol] I checked
where Kyle said the intruder jumped out.
And it can't be seen.
However, there are cameras
along their exit route to the road.
[Sang-cheol] I'll get that footage.
And I will continue investigating.
Your failure to keep this place secure
means a failure to keep me safe.
I must have told you time and time again
to lock it down.
I'm sorry, sir.
Sir, forgive me.
[Si-o] Who could've stolen my computer?
Who would have the balls to come in here?
There is something that I'd like to know.
The real mastermind.
Not the shareholders,
I'm not talking about them.
The real cash cow.
You destroyed the bearer certificates
that Doogo got.
Right, Sang-cheol?
Indeed. You gave me instructions
to read and destroy any documents
received on the same day.
And I've complied with those orders.
[keyboard clacking]
[mouse clicks]
[Sun-kyu] Guy's clean as a whistle.
I don't even think the dude watches porn.
I knew it. This guy
is an emotionless robot. Jeez.
Plus, the only file he has saved
[classical string music playing]
Are you kidding me?
This gangster's into soft music?
-What the hell?
-Nam-soon might have been right.
He wouldn't have set up
the company's cryptocurrency
and expanded abroad
just to take the Korean market,
so his focus might have been international
and not just on Korea from the start.
Well, it would stand to reason
that he'd want to explore a larger market.
If his distribution channels were normal,
this info wouldn't need
to be password-protected.
But the drug isn't detectable,
so why bother?
Just a minute.
He's always running away alone.
[mouse clicking]
[phone vibrates]
Yo, man. Hee-ja!
What's up, buddy?
Uh, yeah. I'm just at work right now.
Anyway, look.
Ryu Si-o's computer
doesn't have a thing on it.
What the heck, dude?
I put in so much effort! I
[whispers] So have you not
even found a single thing, hmm?
Um, well, so what now?
What do you wanna do?
You sure you can't find anything?
How can that big old computer be blank?
Your team over at corporate
deals with international clients?
-Search over there.
That's the move
that I thought about already, so.
Don't you dare steal another computer.
And please, Nam-soon,
just try to find the client list, okay?
I think they're distributing the drug
in blind side, you know.
My thoughts exactly, dude.
[Joong-gan giggles]
[Jun-hee exclaims]
[coffee beans grinding]
[exhales in amazement]
I mean
this is real hand-ground coffee.
Everything is better
when it's done by hand.
Why, even grated veggies are better.
Oh, I just crushed these
for your pleasure.
Would you like me to keep crushing?
I'm happy to continue.
Not a chance.
[Jun-hee] Joong-gan, dear.
These delicate hands
should not be overworked.
Oh, why not?
It's fun. It's a great
stress reliever, sweetheart.
Hey, you know.
I haven't seen Nam-in.
He hasn't come to work
and he hasn't called either.
[eerie music playing]
[Nam-in gulping]
Unnie. Unnie. [giggles]
Unnie. Go on, girl.
[Nam-soon] Yeah, I'm sorry.
You know, it's just because
you look so young and pretty.
Don't worry, honey.
I think we're all allowed a mistake.
[Nam-soon] Unnie.
I need to kill it here
and get recognition. Help me.
I want to know everything that Doogo
exports from Korea to the world.
I think not.
You can't see stuff like that,
newbie girl.
Hey, listen. Si-o wants me
to get up to speed quickly.
Or I'll lose my job otherwise.
I don't care. The answer's no.
Wow, forty million dollars?
They're not manufacturers.
What do you think they're selling?
Uh, what does that amount to in won?
It's like around 40 or 50,
yeah, 50 billion won.
There's definitely something here.
The Heritage Club Member List
the agent retrieved
had Commissioner An Byung-ho on it.
Whoa, no way.
I heard he was going into politics
this year when his term ends.
He probably thought they could help.
He's been sought after
for politics for a while now.
I'll try to get
into the Heritage Club tonight.
I'm sure there are also clues there.
Hey, um, where's the Captain?
Oh, Busan Drug Investigation case.
Hang on. [clears throat]
The Heritage Club? You can get in there?
It's not some Gangnam nightclub, you know.
Do you have a connection?
Indeed, I do. You bet.
[upbeat music]
I have a connection.
And it's party time.
Here are the license plate numbers
of Geum-ju and her company's vehicles.
None of them have been seen
near our facility.
What did the intruder look like?
Well, they were wearing a sabak
and a female ghost wig.
The height was
Well, it was right about
Moon Seong-u, Deputy Chief Prosecutor.
Hwang Tae-jun, the Chief Judge.
The height was pretty much like her.
Yang Hui-sook,
Seonghwang Party Assembly Member!
Hwang Geum-ju's daughter
was found recently, right?
-She's strong as well?
-Yes, sir.
Have you seen Tsetseg's résumé?
Yes, she's here with an H-1 visa,
and Tsetseg Khan was the legal name on it.
-[Sang-cheol] Should I do more digging?
-No need.
I got it.
[suspenseful music playing]
[Geum-ju] And then you
can stay as my daughter as well.
[door opens]
Lee Myung-hee, miss, you have a visitor.
You can relax.
I'm not here
about you forging your identity.
Gang Nam-soon.
You know who that is.
[uneasy music playing]
I can help keep you from getting arrested
as long as you tell me the truth.
"The truth"?
Well, you pretended
to be Geum-ju's daughter.
You must know things.
So is Tsetseg
Hwang Geum-ju's daughter?
[tense music playing]
Is Tsetseg actually
Gang Nam-soon?
And you wanted her dead
because she'd taken your place.
No, you're wrong.
Gang Nam-soon is not Tsetseg.
[Myung-hee] And I didn't see her
in the strength contests.
All right, well, have you seen
her real daughter?
Be honest or it might
cost you your life.
I've seen her real daughter.
And it's not
Geum-ju's real daughter
doesn't speak much Korean.
Do you swear to me all this is true?
Why would I risk dying for Tsetseg?
I really don't have anything
to do with her.
If that's everything, I'm gonna go.
[door opens]
Then why did you try to kill her?
You tried to stab her, right?
She disrespected me.
And I warned her not to.
She did it anyway.
I despise being treated with disrespect.
If she were the real Gang Nam-soon,
I would have already killed her.
Yeah, all right.
Get out of here.
These are photos of Pavel
and his organization.
Pavel is an organized crime ring
started in 1954 by Tagore Pavel,
a Russian mobster of Hungarian descent.
At first, it was a simple organization
doing drug trafficking,
gambling, prostitution.
But then, this guy Sabaki
took over in the '80s,
and things went into different direction.
[Daniel] He was a Yemeni orphan
who went to the University of Kent
in the UK, so he turned white collar.
And when he became the boss of Pavel,
he jumped into owning hotels.
After that, Pavel became
the leading organized crime ring
in the world, dealing with casinos.
Gaining control of the black market
which became the training ground
for new white-collar members.
Recently, a powerful heir
has appeared on the scene.
Code name is Nozh.
So that's who we're trying to find now.
That means "knife" in Russian.
-Where did you learn something like that?
-I run a pawnshop.
Russian swords, yeah, I'm familiar.
Sabaki had a brilliant mind
but he was also ill quite often.
And so I think the heir is more likely
a typical mobster type.
Pavel members,
they're all orphans at the start?
[Daniel] They kidnap or import orphans
to train as human weapons
under very tight control.
[phone vibrates]
[classical string music playing]
Are you all right?
[playful music playing]
[in Russian]
They jumped down from there and ran off.
A jump like that should've killed them.
But they just disappeared.
The security cameras didn't work either.
But I know what I saw.
It was a ghost with the most hideous face.
Well, I have no idea what you said.
But I feel like I should be offended.
Up you go, man.
[in English]
What the heck did you say?
Hop on, dude.
No way.
[funky music playing]
[Nam-soon] Here.
You're so much stronger that he is.
Why would you just stand there?
You should fight back.
[in Russian] I must obey him.
Why would you protect
someone like that, dude?
You know that Ryu Si-o uses drugs.
[Nam-soon] Do you too?
[in Russian]
No, I don't.
Why not?
My job is to protect the boss.
That's a gnarly work ethic.
Impressive. Respect.
I'm shocked about the CEO.
It's rare for a drug lord
to be using drugs himself.
On top of that, how is he able to take it?
It's killed everyone else.
[phone vibrates]
[Si-o] Where are you?
[door opens]
[door closes]
We need to go somewhere together.
Oh, Kyle's not feeling
so hot at the moment,
so I'll guard you today, if that's okay.
All right.
Where'd you learn to speak Korean so well?
Ah, I always wanted to come to Korea.
So I studied as much as possible.
Why did you want to come to Korea?
I wanna get married to a Korean.
-Let's go.
[intense music playing]
Careful with that.
Put those right there.
[music fades]
I'd like to introduce
the Director of New Media for TGV,
a company I'm acquiring.
He's thinking of joining Heritage Club,
so I brought him along.
And I'd be glad to recommend him.
Hello there.
Jamie Choi, ma'am.
Mr. Choi, what a delight.
It's right this way.
[tense music playing]
-[sharp exhale]
-[door creaks open]
Hello there.
Hwang Geum-ju.
[Nam-soon clears throat]
I'm Hillary.
Pleased to make your acquaintance.
What a pleasure.
You're very pretty, dear.
That's super nice of you.
Ms. Hwang, you are also
very pretty, I think.
Hillary is assisting
as my official lobbyist.
Ah, I see.
And from my side,
the M&A expert assisting me
in my acquisition
of the broadcasting company, TGV.
May I introduce you to Jamie Choi.
Hello. Nice to meet you.
Yes, hello.
Jamie Choi. It's a pleasure.
[upbeat music playing]
-[door opens]
-[Hee-sik clears throat]
-[door closes]
-Here you go.
[quirky music playing]
[Hee-sik] Knock it off. What the heck.
And what are you gonna do about it?
[quirky music playing]
[clears throat] Uh
If you excuse me, I need the restroom.
[serious music playing]
[Jeong-suk] Hey, why didn't you tell me
the VIP client canceled?
[man] There is no official handover.
Oh, please. For god's sake. Shape up.
[man] I'll do my best.
[Hee-sik] Bro, call me in ten seconds.
Excuse me.
Could I please have
Director Jung Dae-cheol's room key?
Sorry, sir, but may I ask why?
Uh, well, he left his handkerchief.
Uh, we can only give out keys
to club members.
-[phone vibrates]
Hello, Mr. Jung.
Your handkerchief, yes.
Uh, he says he can
only give you the room key.
-He's right here.
-One moment, please.
-Thanks a lot.
-[man] You're welcome.
-[man] Hello, sir.
-What was that?
Oh, I just gave him the room key
for Director Jung Dae-cheol.
[upbeat music playing]
[music stops]
[uneasy music playing]
[deep breath]
I grabbed this for his glasses.
Just a sec.
[tense music playing]
Mr. Jung doesn't wear glasses.
Who are you?
Obviously, it's not just for that.
You think he'd send me all the way here?
He uses it to clean something else
that he cares for greatly.
Is that so? What?
What's he care about?
[deep breath]
[suspenseful music playing]
His golf club set.
Well, Mr. Jung definitely takes
his golf seriously.
So you're on it.
Great work.
[relieved sigh]
What is it?
Can I talk to you as soon as you're free?
I have something to show you.
[suspenseful music playing]
[phone vibrates]
[Hee-sik] Installation is complete.
I've always been curious.
So the person that's been controlling
Doogo must be powerful, isn't that right?
So is it Doogo you're interested in
or is it really me?
Either way, there's not
a chance in the world
that you'll get any of that info from me.
Although you can try as you will
to get the best of me.
[Geum-ju] You seem to forget, Mr. Ryu.
We made a bet.
You're merely three years old
and Doogo is pushing two trillion
in market cap with zero debt.
Any savvy business person,
myself included,
is likely to wonder exactly how
growth like that came about.
Is Doogo funded by the Russian mafia
[tense music playing]
Do you believe you're untouchable
'cause some Russians are helping?
A game changer is what
you wanted to be, you said.
There are no game changers
who behave the way you do.
Because you're a destroyer.
Stop what you're doing right now.
-So help me, if you don't, I
-You are really out of line, now, I think.
Hwang Geum-ju Madam.
It's unseemly to get so upset
in a business setting like this.
I agree.
Perhaps I crossed the line.
And I'm terribly sorry if I offended you.
However, in any case,
that's just my opinion on the matter.
[serious music playing]
[door opens]
[door closes]
Si-o, are you okay?
Hwang Geum-ju.
She's really getting on my nerves.
I'll have to do something.
[eerie music playing]
Well, I'll see you later.
Mm-hmm. See you.
[engine starts]
[engine revs]
Where are you taking us?
Since you're from Mongolia,
you haven't seen the sea.
So we'll enjoy the view from the shore
and we'll have a little chat too.
Oh, you're very sweet. Let's do it.
[phone vibrates]
Hi, Mom.
Hi. I'm getting an award
at the National Police Agency today
and I need someone to take photos.
You're saying that, uh
Yeah, Jun-hee needs to be at the café,
so get to the agency by 3:00, all right?
And where are you now?
[sighs] The hospital.
Geum-dong's GI thing.
I thought that worms could be the problem
because he's lethargic,
no matter how much he eats.
Oh, Mom, listen, I
[deep inhale]
All right.
[line ends]
I get busier every second.
Gold Blue's the next destination.
Then the police agency after.
[driver] Yes, ma'am.
[deep exhale]
Hwang Geum-dong, sir.
In a half hour, you may go.
Oh, Pa?
What'd you say?
I missed you so, so much, Dad.
Hey! Just 'cause you're out of it
doesn't mean you can just say anything.
Oh, my Dad.
You were chanting
"Om mani padme hum" in Tibet.
-What is wrong with you?
-And you're coming tomorrow.
[Geum-dong] It's just
Oh, Dad
It's Mother. She has a boyfriend now, Dad.
Dad, you're a cuckold.
[Joong-gan] Thank you so much.
-[cop] Congratulations.
-[Joong-gan] Thanks.
No, I can't be there myself.
Let them know.
[Geum-ju] I'm busy right now.
-Thank you so much.
Oh, thank you. Thank you.
Congratulations, Mom. All right, congrats!
[Geum-ju] Okay, smile.
I think we need to have a word.
I'm just so proud of you, Mom. Wow!
Congrats. So amazing for you.
A model citizen award.
Look, I want you to level with me here.
And you'd better shoot straight.
Otherwise, today is the day
both of us are gonna go down.
Now, you Why are you being so dramatic?
-Your father.
Is he, by any chance, coming to Korea?
[tense music playing]
Say something.
When is it?
[deep exhale]
Uh, Mom, why are you
Mom, just wait a second.
-Mom, wait a minute. Mom, no!
-Oh, jeez. Oh, my god!
No! Mom, wait! Please!
Oh, no! How dare you! You can't!
You can't come back!
-You jerk! No way!
-Ms. Gil!
We just named you Model Citizen!
Oh, Ma?
Hey, Mom.
Mom, hey. Come on.
Hey, Mom. Come here.
-[crowd murmuring]
-All right.
My god, are you kidding?
-Oh, no! Do something!
-Mr. Choi, quick, bring the car.
It's Ms. Gil. She passed out.
And get me Dr. Choi, all right?
Hang on, Mom, all right?
[engine rumbles]
Ah, such a gorgeous night.
Why did you want to talk?
Well, for the life of me,
I just can't figure out
[tense music playing]
how he could be
so head over heels for you.
So with my own eyes, I have to witness
how someone so devoid of emotion
could find you so very captivating.
[action music playing]
[energy boosting]
["Superpowers" by ITZY playing]
[Jeong-suk squealing]
[loud clang]
[container clangs]
[Jeong-suk yelps]
What's up?
Didn't you wanna have a chat?
She needs to do nothing but rest.
[door squeaks open]
[door closes]
[quirky music playing]
It's about Nam-in. He's been weird lately.
His room is the only place he'll stay.
Plus, he's not eating.
And where is he right now?
Out for the first time in ages
with a friend.
He hasn't been going into the café?
What's going on?
Is it a girl?
Well, I hope that it is.
I'm concerned he won't eat though.
He only drinks water all day long.
Ah! Drinking water is important
when you're on a diet.
Are you not at all concerned?
Concerned for your son?
Are you really trying to start
a fight right now, huh?
Nam-soon shouldn't have to work
as a delivery driver.
-And also Nam-in, you don't care
-My dad is returning to Korea.
Jun-hee, dear.
Regardless of what happen,
you trust me, don't you?
I'll never let anyone hurt you.
So just stay by my side. Okay, sweetheart?
I'm gonna pick up your dad.
You stay there.
I got this.
[deep inhale]
It's their issue. She's right.
Please let her handle this calmly.
Ah! Hey, sweetie.
Nam-soon, hey!
Hey, Mom, you threatened Ryu Si-o.
Are you mad?
Well, I should be asking
how you could butt in like that.
I wanted to keep you from making
an even bigger mess than you have.
You should have talked
about your investments
and Pavel should not have been discussed.
I had an opportunity to pounce.
Whether it's business
or a battle of wills I'm engaged in,
I always take the offensive
when it's unexpected.
Always strike first.
Look, Mom, Ryu Si-o is
a lot more dangerous than you
or anyone might think.
You can't talk to him like that
ever again, you hear me, okay?
Wait, Nam-soon,
are you rebelling against me right now?
[loudly] Yeah!
No, no, no. Hey, wait.
You ladies, you'll talk it out, right?
'Cause watching two strong women clash
is making me nervous.
Dad, you really think I would hit Mom
just 'cause I'm strong?
No, that wasn't I was just saying
I never thought that I would see this day.
See the day that my only daughter
challenged me and rebelled so intensely.
Honey, I
I've always felt so envious of my friends
who fought with their daughters.
Okay, anyway, Mom,
chill next time, please.
Would you do that?
-[door opens, closes]
Are you glad my daughter slammed me down?
Oh, yes.
Uh, no. No, not at all.
[dark music playing]
Is Doogo funded by the Russian mafia
[sensual music playing]
[Geum-ju] Hmm.
Ms. Hwang.
[Bread] Pardon me, I
I just needed some time to relax, so
I'm not surprised.
What's up?
What brings you here?
Is it true that you know Ryu Si-o?
"Ryu Si-o"?
Who's Ryu Si-o? What?
[uneasy music playing]
Where Where did you get this photo?
You would better spill it.
-Are you
-Are you Are you a stalker?
No, I'm not. I just
Where did you get this picture, then, hmm?
Listen, you're in that
Where did you get it? Answer me!
I don't get why you're losing it.
You're in this photo, so I
-Well, if you won't answer, get out now!
-Wait, wait, just
Right now, unless you wanna
get dragged out of here instead.
Are you seriously kicking me out again?
-Hey! Hey, you! Why are you ripping that?
-I said get out of here!
-Why are you ripping this out?
-I mean it! Get out! Get out!
What? Are you Are you
Why would you rip that up?
Hwang Geum-ju is now banished
from here entirely.
Oh, now, I'm banished?
[Geum-ju] Hold on a second.
Did you just say you're banishing me?
Hey, answer my question.
Hey! Hey, you! Mr. Bread!
Mr. Bread! [chuckles]
You're refusing
to answer me now, Mr. Bread?
[speaker chimes]
Joong-gan, hey!
There's my love, Joong-gan! Hi!
-Hi there.
-How you've been doing?
Ah, you haven't changed a bit.
I had a lot of time to reflect in Tibet.
[deep inhale]
Yeah, so what's the reflection, hmm?
I've decided to dedicate
my whole life to you until I die.
So I guess you have to die, then.
Let's take care of that part right now.
[woman 1] Oh, my god! That guys just flew.
[woman 2] Gosh, that's awful.
I just punished an irresponsible husband
who abandoned his wife
and kids for ten years,
then came crawling back.
Our family's issues are not your concern.
[man] Shouldn't we call 911?
-Yeah, I think we need an ambulance here.
-It's fine. I'll take him in.
What the heck?
[crowd murmuring]
[door lock beeps]
[dark music playing]
Nam-in! Nam-in!
Nam-in! Nam-in, it's me!
Hey, it's me! Look at me!
Nam-in! Nam-in!
Please wake up, Nam-in!
[line dials, rings]
I need you to kill someone.
[yawns, grunts]
[gasps] Oh, my god.
So surprises are your thing, apparently?
Unnie, what's your skin care routine?
It's just I mean, you just look so young.
Please, girl.
Dang, this is wild.
"CTR"? "CTG"?
Oh, wait, no.
You're really not allowed to see this.
They're our product codes for exporting.
Unnie, I'm a loyal Doogo Woman too.
And here, we're family.
And that means we should even know
how many pairs of underwear we have.
Look, I need to bring myself
up to speed here.
Pairs of underwear? Really?
That's too much, isn't it?
Are there products we export
that are only Mr. Ryu's accounts?
And that's the reason
our security is so tight?
And "CT", what is that?
All products we export start with CT.
And what's the code number
for the products
that only Mr. Ryu is supposed to manage?
[door slides open]
-I can't tell you that.
-What are you doing?
You finished Invoice 4885?
Yes, Mr. Yang.
It's due now.
Go on.
This is no place
for a newbie to be loitering.
-Go on! Get out!
-I heard you!
I'll leave.
But don't yell though.
[GM Yang sighs]
-[GM Yang] That ice cream good?
[phone rings]
[Si-o] Can I see you in my office, please?
[operator] The person you are trying
to reach is not available. Your call
[deep sigh]
[line dials, rings]
[keyboard clacking]
[operator] The person you are trying
to reach is not available.
[dark music playing]
I'm here, sir.
Could you murder someone?
[dramatic music playing]
[Si-o] You lived in Mongolia.
So surely you could handle that.
What are you really asking me, sir?
Hwang Geum-ju.
Do you think you could kill her,
if I wanted it?
Look at your face.
Don't worry, okay?
She's already dead.
[intense music playing]
[tires screech]
[loud crash]
[closing theme music]
Ms. Hwang, you should
have been more careful.
[Nam-soon] You can't go around
killing people just because you want to.
[Si-o] She really gets on my nerves.
[Nam-soon] How dare you go after my mom?
I'm gonna obliterate you
deliberately and carefully.
Joong-gan, leave everything to me, okay?
[Jun-hee] I really can't let you go.
[Bong-go] Nam-in's been taking
this weight-loss pill.
But something's wrong.
Could you find out what's in it?
[Nam-soon] Isn't that an export product?
[Yu-gwang] What's it to you?
CTA4885 is being dispatched tomorrow.
[Hee-sik] Can you take care
of Agent Gang's escape route?
I'll keep an eye on the truck.
Oppa, help me.
[Si-o] Think hard about what happened
on your way
from the warehouse to the port.
An item has gone missing.
[Young-tak] Our team leader went
to help the Busan Drug Unit
but they're saying he hasn't come.
And he hasn't responded to my message.
I think he knows that Gang Nam-soon
and Tsetseg are the same person.
[Ms. Baek] Mr. Ryu
was desperately looking for you.
[Si-o] Why do you think I called you here?
I thought you were on my side.
[Hee-sik] The hell?
Take your hands off her!
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