Survive (2020) s01e09 Episode Script

Exit Strategy

[Paul shivering]
[sighs] I'm so cold.
Bone cold.
- Just try not to think about it.
Try not to talk about it. Doesn't help us
to complain about the obvious.
- Do we um
we still have the pills?
Is it enough for two?
- Enough for what?
- Our exit strategy.
[wind howling]
- We're alive.
"No drama without drama." Remember?
- You know who used to tell me that?
My mom.
She um
She died
when I was nine, of cancer.
- I'm-I'm sorry. I-I didn't know.
- Nah, you didn't know.
But I like that you're funny
because we're gonna need it.
- I would see her lying there in her bed.
Her body looked like she was 95.
She was 30.
And I tried not to let her see me cry
but it was just really hard not to
because that's my mom.
And she's all I had.
And she would always tell me,
she would say,
"No drama without drama, Paul.
You can cry when I'm gone but just
I don't want you crying while I'm here.
Only smiles while I'm alive. Yup."
And I hated her for it.
I was nine years old
and my mom is dying of cancer
and I wasn't allowed to cry.
- Where was your dad?
- Gone, he was missing, I don't know.
[sniffles] Let's just save that for later.
But I guess Paul's heart's
not so tough after all, huh?
- Yeah, you are sweet.
And alive.
- Jane, nobody's gonna find us
in this snow covered cave.
We shouldn't have left the crash site.
I just this whole time,
I've just been so
confident in myself, I just
I felt invincible, you know?
I would hear horrible things
happening to other people
and I was just so certain that
it just would never happen to me.
Like, something like that
can never happen to me
but even if it did, I would survive
Of course, I was gonna make it,
because that's how I was raised.
That's how my mother raised me,
that's how I was built, but when I
The snow, when it took you like that,
I just
I was scared.
I was scared. I was so fucking scared.
I I can't breathe.
I can't breathe.
- It's OK, look at me, look at me.
- Yeah, I'm trying--
- Look at me and take in one slow breath.
After me.
- One.
- One.
- Good, another one.
[muffled] Two.
- Two.
[Paul sniffles]
- Three.
- Three.
- Four.
- Four.
- Five.
- Five.
I'm sorry.
- No, there's nothing to be sorry about.
- I've never had that happen to me before.
- Yeah, well, it's kind of
a regular occurrence for me.
We're gonna get out of this cave.
Say it with me,
"We're gonna get out of this cave."
- We're gonna get out of this cave.
- We're gonna get out of this cave.
- We're gonna get out of this cave.
- We're gonna get out of this cave.
- We're gonna get out of this cave.
- We're gonna get out of this cave.
- We're gonna get out of this cave.
- We're gonna get out
of this fucking cave!
Oh, God!
Thank you.
- Thank you
for telling me that.
- Keep warm. [laughs]
- Let's go up here.
- Careful.
- Gotta keep moving,
stay ahead of the weather.
- [panting]
- I think
Let's take a little breather.
- Oh, yeah.
- The valley leads to a river.
A river leads to a road.
- Yeah.
- [breathing heavily]
- [Jane grunts]
[sighs] You OK?
- Yeah, yeah, I think so.
you afraid of dying?
- No, not at all!
Are you?
- Yeah.
[clears throat]
[sighs] You don't have to
worry about that, though.
Let's keep going.
[music playing]
I see something over there.
Here, give me a hand.
Just wait here for a second,
I'mma go check it out, OK?
- OK.
- Right.
- What do you see?
- Jane, I see it.
We made it!
I see the river!
- [stones rumbling]
- Paul, Paul!
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